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04x01 - Max''s Castle/Bunny Hopscotch/Max''s Grasshopper

Posted: 11/14/23 06:57
by bunniefuu
[Whimsical music]

Man and woman: ♪ max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

♪ Max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

- ♪ Max and ruby

- ♪ Ruby and her little brother, max ♪

Kids: ♪ max and ruby

- [Humming]

- Just a little bit this way.

It takes a special skill

To make the castle fit for a princess.

- More?

- [Gasps]

Max, it's not how many blocks you use.

It's how you use the blocks.

[Doorbell rings]

That must be louise now.

Don't do anything to our castle.

Thanks, max.

- More.

- Hi, ruby.

Look what I brought.

- Ooooh,

Picture-perfect castles.

- It has all kinds of pictures of beautiful castles.

Both: oooooooh!

- Now we can make sure

The castle we build for our princess is perfect.

I've started building the castle in the backyard.

[Blocks crashing]

- [Gasps]

- More!

Both: max.

- Max, what did you do?

- More.

- Remember what I told you, max?

More doesn't mean better.

Louise and I want our castle to be perfect.


Come on, max.

Now, max, I want you to play with your toys here

While louise and I build our castle over there, okay?

Thanks, max.

- More.

[Both sigh]

- Let's get started.

- More?

- [Gasps]

Max, I told you more doesn't mean better.

We want our castle to look just like this picture.

- Picture-perfect.

- Exactly.

Come on, max.

You've got lots of toys to play with

Over on your side of the yard.

There must be something you want to play with here.

Your wagon.

Great choice, max.

You play with that,

And let us make our castle, okay?

Louise, you made a turret.

- I thought it was a tower.

- A turret is what they call a tower

When it's part of a castle.


- Well, I made the turret

Out of all the blocks max dumped there.

What do you think?

- Perfect.

Now, let's see.

What else does our castle need?

- Look, there's something on top of the tower--

Oh, I mean turret.

- A flag,

And I know just where to get one.

Come on, louise.

Remember, max, don't touch the castle.

Thanks, max.

- More.

- What are you looking for, ruby?

- Aha, here it is.

- It'll make a perfect flag for our castle, ruby.

Both: perfect.

- More.

- Max, stop.

- [Giggles]

- Max, I know you think more is better,

But louise and I are trying to finish the stairs

For our castle.

- Uh, ruby, you should see this.

- Just a second, louise.

Come on, max.

Let's go back over to your toys.

Look, max.

Here's your screaming green alien gorilla

And your dump-a-lump dump truck.

Why don't you play with them?

- More.

- Louise,

That's just like the stairway in the picture.

-, Well, the blocks that max dumped here

Looked kind of like a stairway,

So I just fixed it up, and it worked.

Both: perfect.

- There's just one thing it needs.

- What, ruby?

- Decorations.

- You're so right.

- Look, louise, these will make perfect bunting.

- Bunting?

What's that, ruby?

- It's what they used to call streamers

In the olden days of castles and princesses.

- Oh, you're right, ruby.

It's perfect...bunting.


- [Roaring]

- Yay.

[Both gasp]

- [Roaring]

- Max, what did you do?

- Ruby, look.

It's a perfect archway for our castle.

- You're right, louise, and look.

Now that we have the archway, we need a coat of arms.

That's what they call this shield thing.

- You know everything about castles.

- Come on.

And, max, we were lucky that time,

But please don't do anything to our castle, okay?

Thanks, max.

Now, where is that...

Aha, the shield from max's deputy bunny.

How did it get stuck on rapunzel?

- [Gasps] she can be our princess.

- Of course.


Okay, I'll put the coat of arms over the archway,

And you put rapunzel on the stairs

So she can receive her guests for the ball.


- Picture-perfect.

- Hmm, there's just one more thing we need.

Both: a handsome prince.

[Both gasp]

- Max, I don't believe it.

You kept adding more and more and more,

And now our castle is just...

- Perfect!

- Stone.

- How does that look, louise?

- It's perfect, ruby.

Pink is definitely the right color for hopscotch.

- Vroom, vroom, vroom.

- Max, stop.

You nearly smudged our hopscotch lines

With your cement mixer.

Louise and I are going to play hopscotch on the walkway.

You know how to play hopscotch, don't you, max?

- [Coughs]

- You tell him while I draw in the numbers, ruby.

- Good idea, louise.

See, max, each square has a number in it,

And each player has a stone to play with.

- Stones?

- Yes.

First, you have to throw your stone

In the number one square...

- Without touching any of the lines.

- Right.

Then you hop in each of the squares,

Except for the square that your stone is in...

- Without stepping on any of the lines.

- Right.

Then you turn around, and you hop back down.

And when you get back to the square

Where your stone is, you have to pick it up...


Both: without losing your balance.


- And hop home.

If you do the whole thing without falling...

- Or stepping on a line...

- You throw your stone onto the next square.

See, max?

- Stones?

- Yes.

It's very difficult,

And you have to concentrate very hard

Or you'll lose your balance...

- Or step on a line.

- [Giggles] right, louise.

So we need you to take your cement mixer and your...

- Stones.

- Right.

And play over there.

Thanks, max.

Okay, louise, let's play.

- Aren't you forgetting something, ruby?

- What?

- Stones.

- Stones.

- Yes, max, you have lots of stones.

Can we pick out two of your stones

So we can play hopscotch?

- Stones.

- Ohhhh. - Ahhh.

- There's lots to pick from here.

I found mine.

It's small and flat, and look,

It's got a pretty pink stripe right through the middle of it.

- Louise, look at this one.

It's flat, and it's sparkly all over.

Both: beautiful.

- Thanks, max.

Okay, here goes my beautiful sparkly stone

Right into that number one square.


Okay, here I go.


- Way to go, ruby.

You got to ten.

- Stones.

[Gasps] whoa.

Max, we're playing hopscotch here.

You have to play with your cement mixer

Somewhere else.

- [Sighs]

Vroom, vroom, vroom.

- Thanks, max.

- Okay, ruby, you can still do it.

You haven't lost your balance,

And you haven't stepped on a line.

- All right, here goes.

- Don't forget to pick up your stone.

- My stone is gone.



You've got my nice sparkly hopscotch stone.

May I have it back, please?

Here it is.

- Stones.

- Yes, max, you play with your stones.

Every stone but this one.

- [Sighs]

- Your turn, louise.

- Okay, ruby.

[Upbeat music]

- Wow, louise.

You're really good at hopscotch.

- It just takes practice.

Your turn.

- All right, here goes.

- Good throw.

- [Inhales]

- You made it to number ten without stepping on any lines.

- Now I just have to turn around without losing my balance.

[Cement mixer whirring]

- Stones.

- Wh-wh-whoa.


- Uh, I hate to tell you this, but...

- [Groans] you made me step on the line.

Max, can you please pick up all these stones

And take your cement mixer over there?

That's better.

Now I'll have to start all over again.



You've got my stone again.


Thanks, max.

- Try again, ruby.

Max shouldn't bother you this time.

- [Sighs] little brothers.

Here goes.

- It's a good throw.

Now concentrate and hop.

- Whoa.


- See?

You're getting better.

- [Giggles]

Not again.

- Stones.

- Max, how...



Do I have to tell you...

We need...

To keep your stones...

Off of our hopscotch game.

- Ruby, do you realize what you just did?

- I hopped

Through all the hopscotch squares

Without losing my balance.

- Or stepping on the lines.

- And I picked up all of the...

- Stones.

- Higher.

- Anybody home?

- Hi, louise.

You're just in time to see

My bunny scout measuring experiment.

You'll never guess what I've done.

- Higher.

- Max.


- Higher.

- Look, ruby.

Max has a grasshopper friend.

- Hmm, you could call him hoppy.

- That's a cute name.

- Do you like that name, max?

- Hoppy.


- Bye, max.

Bye, hoppy.

Are you ready to see the experiment?

- Where is it?

- Right here in the garden.

- What kind of plants are those?

- They're bean plants.

They grow so fast, you can actually measure

How much they grow from one day to the next.

- Bean plants.

I never would've thought of that.

How does your measuring experiment work?

- Well, I planted six beans in the ground,

And then right beside each of them,

I stuck a measuring stick in the dirt.

Then, every day, I mark how much the bean plants have grown.


- Higher.

- Oh.

- Max, you and hoppy need to have

Your hopping contest someplace else.

Bunny scout leader is coming over

To see my measuring experiment.

- Hop.

- Okay, max.

Why don't you and hoppy hop that way?

- Higher.

- Thanks, max...

- And hoppy.

- We'd better get measuring.

See, louise, this pink mark shows

How tall this bean plant was two days ago,

And this blue mark shows how tall it was yesterday.

- Wow, it grew that much in one day?

- Amazing, isn't it?

Okay, now let's see how much

The bean plant has grown since yesterday.

- What do you want me to do?

- While I hold the bean plant up to the measuring stick,

You can mark how tall it is today,

Okay, louise?

- Okay, ruby.

Wow, look at that, ruby.

It's higher than the blue mark.

That means the bean plant has grown again.

- I know.

Okay, you can mark it now, louise.

Uh... What should I mark it with?

- Oh, silly me.

I forgot my color markers inside.

Come on.


- Hop higher.

Hop higher.

- Whoa.

Max, we're going inside for just a minute.

Make sure nothing happens to my bean plants, okay, max?

Thanks, max.

- Hop.


- I've used a blue marker, and I've used a pink marker.

Which color should I use today?

Both: red!


- Okay, louise,

I'll hold the bean plant up to the measuring stick

And mark how tall the bean plant is today.

- Okay, ruby.


Uh, ruby, where's the measuring stick?

- Higher.


- Max.


- Wow, look at that, ruby.

Hoppy hopped as high as the blue mark

On your measuring stick.

- That's nice,

But I need that measuring stick for my experiment.

Max, can you and hoppy please give me my stick

And go hop someplace else?

Thanks, max.

Come on, louise.

- Let's have a hopping race.


- [Giggles] louise.


Okay, let's measure the first bean plant,

This time with the measuring stick and the marker.

- Right, ruby.

- Okay, louise, ready...mark.

- Wow, look how much it grew in one day.

- Yeah, now let's go to the next bean plant.

All right, I'll hold it up against the plant,

And you mark it again.

- We make a good team, ruby.


- That's strange.

This bean plant is shorter than it was yesterday, not taller.

Let's look at the next one.

It's even shorter than the last one.

- [Munching]

- What's that munching sound?

- I don't know, ruby.

- [Munching]

- Hoppy, what are you doing?

- [Munching]

- Oh, no.

Hoppy's eating my bean plant.

- Wow, did you see that hop?

He hopped right up to here.

- Higher.

- [Gasps]

- Ruby, look at hoppy hop.

- Higher.

- But what about my bean plants?

- It looks like the more bean plants he eats,

The higher he hops.

- Maybe the bean plants gave him more energy.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking, louise?

- I think so.

- [Munching]

- Let's measure how high hoppy hops.

Okay, louise, are you ready to measure?

- Ready, ruby.

- Okay, hoppy, hop.

I got it.

- Hello.

Are you back here, bunny scout ruby?

- Over here, bunny scout leader.

- Hello, bunny scout ruby.

Hello, bunny scout louise.

Both: hello, bunny scout leader.

- Are you ready to show me your measuring experiment?

- Yes, we are.

Our experiment was to show how much higher

A grasshopper can hop if it has more energy.

This is how high hoppy the grasshopper hopped

After he ate one bean plant,

And this is how high he hopped after he ate two bean plants,

And this is how high he hopped

After he ate three and four bean plants.

- Well done, bunny scouts,

And what have you learned from this?

- After eating more bean plants,

Hoppy the grasshopper was able to hop...

- Higher.