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04x12 - Super Max''s Cape/Ruby''s Water Lily/Max Says Goodbye

Posted: 11/14/23 07:06
by bunniefuu
[Whimsical music]

Man and woman: ♪ max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

♪ Max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

- ♪ Max and ruby

- ♪ Ruby and her little brother, max ♪

Kids: ♪ max and ruby

[Dramatic music]

- Oh, no!

I'm swinging so high, I don't know if I can stop.

Who's going to save me?

- Super bunny!

[Wind blowing]

- Oh, super bunny.

Thank goodness you're here.

Can you please help me?

Oh, super bunny,

You're my hero.

- Oh!

[Dramatic music]

- Oh, you stopped me from stepping in that puddle.

You really are a hero, max.


I mean, super bunny?

- Super bunny!

- Oh, hello, mrs. And mr. Huffington.

- Ruby, you're just the bunny we're looking for.

Can you watch baby huffington while we get our picnic ready?

- You and max are welcome to join us for lunch

Once we're all set up.

- We'd love to watch baby huffington for you.

- [Laughing] okay, ruby.

Now, he might want a nap.

But if not, just keep him happy till lunchtime.

- Don't worry, mrs. H.

I know how to keep babies happy.

- Thanks, ruby!

[Baby cooing]

- Look up here, baby huffington.

Goo-goo, goo-goo-goo.

- Super bunny.

[Baby yawning]

- What a big yawn.

Do you want a nap?

- Super bunny.

[Baby laughing]

Super bunny!

[Baby laughing]

- Max, please don't bother baby h.

He might want to take a nap.

[Baby laughing]

We don't want him to get too excited, do we?

[Baby crying]

Now, give me your cape, and I'll keep it safe under here.

We can play super bunny again later

When we finish looking after baby h.

Thanks, max.

Why don't you play on the swing?

[Baby fussing]

What's wrong?

Oh, I know.

Babies like to be tucked in when they take a nap.


Snug as a bunny in a rug.

[Baby screaming]

Well, I guess you don't want a nap.

Mrs. H said if you don't want a nap,

I should just keep you happy.

[Baby fussing]

I know what would make you happy.


It's your stuffy bunny.

Hello, baby h!

Do you want to play?

You didn't mean to do that to your cuddly little bunny,

Did you?

I didn't think so.

Now, where did it go?

I'll look over this way first.

- Super bunny.

- Could it be all the way over here?

- [Baby laughing] - I'm right here.

I'll have your bunny back in no time.

[Baby laughing]

- Super bunny.

[Baby crying]

- I'm coming, baby huffington.

Here I am.

[Baby crying]

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find it.


I know.

How about a stroll around the park?

- [Baby laughing] - now you look happy.

I think the stroll is working.

[Baby crying]

Oh, no.

What do you want now?

It looks like it's almost time for lunch.

I just have to keep you happy I little while longer.

[Baby crying]

How about this?

[Making silly sounds]

Oh, you like my funny faces.

How about this?

Ha! Ha!

[Baby crying] did I scare you?

Oh, I know.

How about a game of peekaboo?

Where are you, baby huffington?

Peekaboo, I see you.

[Baby laughing] huh?

Max, how did you get that cape back?

I thought we agreed we wouldn't play super bunny

Until later.

Come on, max. Jump down.

- [Gasps]

- Oh.

Thank you, super bunny.

[Baby laughing]

Look, baby h is happy again.

Yay, super bunny!

- [Laughing]


- After all that excitement,

I think baby huffington

Finally wants a nap.

[Baby yells]


It looks like he needs a little help falling asleep.

- Ahhh.

- Max, I think he wants super bunny's cape.

Can you let him borrow it for his nap?

It's the heroic thing to do.

Thanks, max.

[Baby laughing]

He did it, max.

Baby huffington is taking a nap.

- Okay, ruby.

We'll look after baby huffington now.

- Well, would you look at that?

I've never seen baby huffington sleeping so happily.

- How did you do it?

- It was easy.

Max and I just figured out baby huffington wanted

A special blanket, and he got it.

Thanks to his hero...

- Super bunny!

[Pleasant music]

[Girls laughing]

- Introducing ruby...

- Louise...

- Martha... - And valerie.

All: the all-star synchro bunny swim team

- Hooray!

You go, girls!

- [Laughing]

Ready to watch our synchronized swimming routine, grandma?

- Does my sun hat have flowers?

You bet I am.

- All right, synchro bunnies.

Entry positions.

Everyone ready?

All together,

Let's go--

- Float! - Whoa!


We are showing grandma our synchronized swimming routine.

Do you know what synchronized means?

It means we have to do all our swimming moves together

At the same time.

It's very difficult and takes a lot of concentration.

So you'll have to play on the other side of the pool,


- Max can't play in the pool by himself, ruby.

- He needs a swimming buddy.

- Right.

- Well, he can't stay here.

What are we going to do?

- Hey!

- Hi, roger.

Girls: hi, roger.

- Hey, max.

Cool toys.

Wanna hang out in the pool together?

- Problem solved.

All right, let's get synchronized.

- Hey, max.

Check out how far I can swim underwater.

[Both laughing]

Bet your submarine can't b*at that.

- Float.

[Pleasant music]

- This is called "wheat in the wind."

- Bravo, girls!

You look just like a beautiful prairie landscape.

- We are graceful, aren't we?


What should we try next?

- Let's try the cancan.

- Great idea, louise.

[Cancan music]

I can cancan.

- Can you cancan?

- I sure can cancan. How about you?

[Girls laughing]



- Valerie, what's the matter?

- There's something down there!

- Oh!

Oh, max.

- Float.

- Yes, max, it floated right into the middle

Of our cancan routine.

And it can't.

No submarines on our side of the pool.

- Cool.

Those froggy frogmen are natural-born leapfroggers.

What else can they do?

- Float.

- After the cancan,

It's nice to relax with a gladiola glide.

- Oh, I love gladiolas.

So graceful and strong.

Just like you, girls.

- What else can we do, synchro bunnies?

- How about the dandelion dance?

[Inhaling and blowing]

- Oh, I love that one.

Um, how does it go again?

- [Laughing] like this.

- Now I remember!

- And I have the dandiest music for your dandelion dance.

- Everyone, make a wish.

[Inhaling and blowing]

[Girls laughing]

- I wish we could do the dandelion dance all day.


- Oh.

I wish max would keep his toys over on his side of the pool.

- Float.

- No submarines and no froggy frogmen either.

- What else have you got, max?

- Float!

- Nice.

Just what you need in case of an emergency.

[Triumphant music]

All: ta-da!

- All your practicing has certainly paid off.


- You haven't seen anything yet.

Let's try the water lily.

- Oh, that's a really difficult move, ruby.

- We mess it up every time we try it.

- All the more reason to keep trying.

Right, synchro bunnies?

- Right!

- And a-one, and a-two... [Laughing]

[Soft music playing]

- Steady.


Keep trying.

We've nearly got it.

- I...just...can't reach.


[Motor stops]

- Max.

- Uh-oh.

- Float.

- [Groans] tell you what, max.

Instead of playing with your float toys,

How about you and roger practice swimming with your dino-ring

Over there?

Oh, little brothers.


This time, we are going to do the water lily right,

Without any interruptions from max.


Got it.

- It's no use, ruby.

We can't get our feet to touch.

- Oh, and we can't get our hands to touch either.

- Look out!

- Max! Oh.

What are you doing?

- Sorry we got in your way, ruby.

Max is a really good swimmer.

- Float.

- We can try to do the water lily again next time.

- But you won't need to wait until next time.

That's the most beautiful water lily I've ever seen.

- We did it.

Instead of creating a water lily by touching our feet together,

We created one by joining hands together around max's...

- Float!

- Guess what, max.

I've got some very exciting news.

We've got a playdate.

You and I are going to...

Oh, wait for it...

Louise's house for the whole entire day.

I told you it was exciting.

Why don't you put the toys

You want to play with in your backpack?

Whatever you can't fit in here,

You'll just have to say good-bye to.

I'll go pack my backpack, and then we'll go, okay?

- Oh.



- Those toys should keep you busy over at louise's.

Of course, you can always play with us if you want.

We're going to play dress-up and princesses and--

- [Mechanical laugh]

- Oh, that reminds me.

I didn't pack my carry-on hair salon.

It wouldn't be a playdate without a little hairstyling.

- Good-bye.

- [Mechanical laugh]

- Good-bye.


- Well, that was close.

How are you doing, max?

[Toy laughing]

[Siren wailing]

Oh, I nearly forgot.

I was going to pack my doctor-on-call first aid kit.

Louise and ilove playing emergency room doctors.

[Siren wailing]

- Good-bye.

[Rhythmic music playing]



- Max, what are you doing?

This is no time to play.

You're supposed to be getting ready

To go to louise's house.

Here's your lobster.

- Good-bye.

- You were chasing that lobster all over the room

Just to say good-bye to it?

Look at you.

Your cheeks are all pink.

Oh, that reminds me.

I need to bring

My you're-so-gorgeous makeup kit.

It isn't a playdate without a makeover.

- [Sighs]

Good-bye. Good-bye.



[Siren wailing]

- Good-bye. Au revoir.


Adios. Auf wiedersehen.


- Good-bye. - So long.

Ciao bela.


Au revoir.


- Max, what's going on?

What are you doing?

- Good-bye.

- Oh.

[Laughing] okay, that's enough joking around.

We've got to get going.

- Good-bye.

- You should be ready to go now.

You've said good-bye to everything

But the kitchen sink.


- Good-bye!

[Echoing] good-bye!

- Okay, it's time to go now.

- Good-bye.


[Mechanical whirring] - auf wiedersehen.

[Truck bell ringing]

- Good-bye.

- Avast, ye mateys!


I'm getting ready to sail the seven seas

In search of treasure and adventure.

Are you for it?

- Sorry, grandma.

Max and I are going for a playdate at louise's house.

- Both youand max are going to louise's?

- Yup. See?

We've both got our backpacks full of things to play with.

Right, max?


You're going to stay and play pirates with grandma?

- You can if you want, max.

- What am I going to say to louise?

- Good-bye.