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02x10 - Double Trouble/Zany Ziffilon

Posted: 11/16/23 10:50
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Two genies in a bottle

♪ Up in the starry sky

♪ It's Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ On a magical ride

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Boom Zahramay

♪ Oh, what a day

♪ Your genies divine

♪ It's Shimmer and Shine, Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ There's magic, there's friendships ♪

♪ Adventures for all

♪ So much to discover

♪ In Zahramay Falls

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Genies divine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

- We'll find the Doubling Gem, Princess Samira.

- Let's go find that gem!

This is going to be great!

I can't wait to find that Doubling Gem!

- I wonder where it is.

- Samira said to look for the Double Stars.

Single Star.

Single Star.

Where are those Double Stars?

- We can't find the gem anywhere.

- What if I just wished for the Doubling Gem

that Samira sent you to find?

- That would be cheating and so, so, so wrong.

- You're right.

I guess it wouldn't be very fair.

- And it wouldn't be as much fun

as trying to find the gem on our own.

- Guys, there they are.

The Double Stars.

- We must be getting close.

- Ooh, look at that.

- Wow.

- Double wow.

- Double trees.

Double buildings.

Double rainbows.

I think I'm seeing double.

both: You are!

- That's because you're in Double Land.

- And we're...

both: The Doubling Genies.

Jinx! Said the same thing!

Did it again.

Double jinx!

Welcome to Double Land.

- Uh, thanks.

I'm Leah, and this is...

- Shimmer.

- And Shine.

- What brings you to Double Land?

- Double Land. Of course.

This is must be the home of the Doubling Gem.

- Yes, but where do we look for it?

- I had a feeling this gem was going to be hard to find.

- Maybe.

- [humming] - But we won't give up.

- You won't have to.

- Maybe it's in a cave.

- Um, it's not in a cave.

- Let me try.

- Maybe it's up a tree.

- What if it's under a rock?

both: Uh, excuse me.

- Where could the gem be?

both: Right here!

all: Huh?

- There it is! We found it.

What do we have to do to get it from you?

- Solve a riddle?

Win a race?

- Whatever we have to do, we'll do.

- You don't have to do anything.

- You can have it.

After all...

- It is a doubling gem.

both: Double Gem, double!

Let your magic flow!

Turn one into two!

Now, Double Gem, go!

- Now you can have two of anything.

- Come on, Leah.

We'll show you.

both: Double Gem, double!

Let your magic flow!

Turn one into two!

Now, Double Gem, go!

both: [gasp]

- Wow. You look just like me.

- And you look just like me.

- Nazboo, do you see

what I see? - Yeah.

- Those genies-in-training and their friend

have found the Doubling Gem.

- Yeah. - [gasps]

Oh, can you imagine if there were two of me?

- Hmm...nope.

- I'd be twice as powerful.

- Ooh.

- And you would get twice the tickles.

Ooh, who's the little darling-warling dragon?

- [giggling]


- And now I'm off, Nazboo.

You wait here, and I'll be back

with that Doubling Gem.

- Zahramazing!

I can't even tell who the real Leah is.

both: Me either.

- Which one of us is the real Leah?

- And which is the not-so-real Leah?

- You're both real.

You started as one,

and now there are two of you.

- That's what doubling does.

both: That's so confusing. all: [giggling]

both: And amusing. [giggling]

- Yes. It does take some getting used to.

- We agree.

But don't worry.

Thanks to the Doubling Gem...

- You don't have to stay a double.

both: We'll show you.

Double Gem, double!

Your magic is true!

Now, all back to one!

Double Gem, undo!

- Wow! - Amazing!

- And now, we must be going.

both: Good-bye! Jinx!

all: Good-bye!

- Hello.

all: Zeta!

- What are you doing here?

- Why, I've come for the Doubling Gem.

- What? Hey!

- Let's see, how did that magical chant go?

Oh, yes.

Double Gem, double!

Let your magic flow!

Turn one into two!

Now, Double Gem, go!

- Ha-ha! This is amazing!

- I'll take that. - Hey!

That belongs to me.

- Oh, no. Two Zetas?

- Yes, isn't this wonderful?

Now I will be twice as powerful.

- And so will I.

What should we do with them?

- I have an idea.

Now that we are doubles, cast these three in bubbles.

- Ooh, that's just what I would've done.


- Hey! - Whoa!

- Aah!

- We're trapped!

all: [grunting] - [laughing]

See? We're a great team.

- Now, let's be off.

Double Gem, double!

Let your magic flow!

Turn one into two!

Now, Double Gem, go!

- There go the Zetas!

- With our Doubling Gem!

both: [laughing]

- Oh, we've got to stop her!

all: [grunting]

- Ugh, I wish I were out of this bubble.

- Boom Zharamay!

First wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine, free Leah divine!

- Let's go! both: Leah!

- Whoops. I should have said

I wish you were out too.

- Boom Zharamay!

Second wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine, free Shine divine!

Let's go! both: Shine!

- Oops. When you said

I wish you were out,

you meant me and Shimmer.

- Luckily, I have one wish left.

And I wish Shimmer were out of her bubble.

- Boom Zharamay!

Third wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine, free Shimmer divine!

- That's better. Now, let's go find Zeta!

both: Zip-zow! Open now!

- Samira will never stand a chance against the two of us.

- You're right, and once Samira is out of the way,

I will be the most powerful in Zahramay Falls.

- No, I will be.

Because I know how to brew up the best magic potions.

- We'll see about that.

Nazboo. - Aah! Ow! Oof.

- Bring me the blue bottle.

- Okay. Blue.

Bottle. Ah.

Oh. Blue.

- I don't need that. Bring me that red bottle.

- Oh.

Okay. Blue, huh?


- What are you doing, Nazboo? I asked for the blue bottle.

- Huh?

[gasps] Two Zetas?


- Don't just stand there.

- Get the bottle.

- Yeah, oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Why are you handing me that one?

I wanted the red bottle.

- [grunts]

- What are you doing, Nazboo? I asked for the blue bottle.

- Red, Nazboo.

- Blue, Nazboo.

- Red! - Blue!

- Red! - Blue!

- Red! - Blue!

- Aah!

both: Thank you. - Welcome.


- Wait. If you just poured in the blue bottle...

- And you just poured in the red bottle...

both: That means-- - Uh-oh.

both: Whoa! - Aah!

- [sighs]

Now how are we gonna get the Doubling Gem?

- You're out of wishes,

and we don't know where the two Zetas went.

- Aah!

- Oh, I think I know.

- Ow, ow! - Ow!

- Ugh! I can't believe you added the blue bottle.

- Blue bottle?

It was the red bottle

that landed us in this mess.

- It's the blue bottle.

- There's the Doubling Gem.

And the two Zetas.

- So you think you can be the most powerful sorceress

in all of Zahramay Falls, do you?

- Yes, I do.

But then you knew that because we both think alike.

- Correct, which means there's only one thing left to do.

- Exactly, and I know just what you plan to do.

- Hmm? Whoa!

both: Let Nazboo decide.

- Me? Oh!

- Nazboo, who's your favorite sorceress?

- Go on, Nazboo. Tell her.

- I know I just said this,

but now how are we going to get the Doubling Gem?

- Tickle, tickle, tickle! - More Zetas.

both: More Zetas?

- I'll be the most powerful.

- No, I will!

- Hi, Zeta. - Hi, other Zeta.

- Oh, it's you. - What are you doing here?

- We came to help you.

both: Help us? How?

- If you had more Zetas,

you'd be so, so, so much more powerful.

- More Zetas? [gasps]

They could help me become more powerful.

- No, they could help me become more powerful.

- Either way.

both: More Zetas, more power!

- Yes! I did it!

Silly genies, you just showed me

how to become more powerful.

- You? I'm the one who just became more powerful.

- Uh, are you sure this is your plan?

- Uh-huh. Watch.

- I'll show you who's more powerful.

- Not if I show you first.

all: More Zetas, more power!

More Zetas, more power!

[laughter] all: I did it!

- Wait, what do you mean you did it?

- I did it. - Uh, no, I did.

- Huh? - You're all wrong.

- I did it. - What are you talking about?

You did it? I totally did it.

- I did it! - Uh-oh.

- I did it. - Whoa.

- This whole thing was my idea.

- Listen, this whole thing was my idea.

- Give me! - Nazboo!

- Here. It's yours.

- Double Gem, double!

Your magic is true!

Now all back to one...

Double Gem, undo!

- It's a skirt!

- [sighs]

- That's better.

- [giggles] - Come on, Nazboo.

It's just you and me now. - Oh, oh, oh.

[sighs] You. Me.

- Let's get this gem back to Samira.

- On the double! all: [giggling]

- I mean, can you believe how impossible

those other Zetas were? [laughs]

- Yeah, impossible.

[Tala chittering]

- Tala is so, so, so excited

about the jungle gym you wished up for her, Leah.

- And Nahal loves her new scratching post,

don't you, my cute little tiger?

- I used all my wishes today on toys for Tala and Nahal.

- Hey, Kaz, have you ever wanted a pet like Tala and Nahal?

- Well, I've always dreamed of having a pet Ziffilon.

- Cool! But, uh, what's a Ziffilon?

- They're amazing creatures.

They have giant wings.

- And the paws of a lion.

- And the tail of a lion.

- And a big beak.

- Is it hard to take care of a pet like that?

- Well, I've done a lot of research.

And I know what I'd feed him--

Zlam berries.

Because that's their favorite food.

I'd make a special bed for him out of branches in my room

because they like to sleep in trees.

And I'd name him Zain. Because, well, it sounds cool.

- Wow, you've got this pet Ziffilon thing all figured out.

- Except I can't find one here in Zahramay Falls.

They only live on Ziffilon Island.

It's really far away,

and I'm not even sure how to get there.

- Kaz, buddy, I can help you.

- [sighs] Okay, but if we're going to Ziffilon Island,

we have to be prepared for anything.

Let's see, uh, we might need umbrellas.

We definitely need snacks.

Hard hats could come in handy. Maybe some rope.

- Kaz, I think you're forgetting something.

- What? What am I forgetting?

[gasps] Flashlights!

Yes! Flashlights would be good.

- There's a faster way to do this.

I still have one wish left.

I wish Kaz had a Ziffilon for a pet.

- [gasps]

Boom Zahramay!

Third wish of the day!

With flash and pizzazz, a Ziffilon for Kaz!

[Ziffilon chirping]

all: Whoa! [chirping continues]

- I knew Ziffilons were big,

but I didn't realize they were this big.

- [chirping]

- Hello there.

- [squawks]

- Whoa! - Look out!

- Hey!

- [chirping and squawking]

[dramatic music]

- Aww. I think he's just a little nervous.

- And a lot big.

- Um, do you know how to calm him down?

- Of course he does. Go ahead, Kaz, do your thing.

- [chirping]

- Whew. Right. Calm. Very calm.

[breathes deeply]

Calm down! Please!

No, really!


Oh, no! I scared him.

Poor little big guy.

He could get lost. Or hurt.

I have to go after him.

- I'm right with you.

- And so are we. Lead the way, Kaz.

[upbeat music]

- ♪ Got to move really fast

♪ Got to hurry and catch up

♪ Out of the way

♪ We've no time to waste ♪

♪ We're hot on the trail ♪

♪ Goin' faster and faster ♪

♪ We're up and runnin', runnin' ♪

♪ Here comes the chase

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh

♪ Hey! Let's go! ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh

♪ Hey! Let's go! ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh

♪ Hey! Let's go! ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh

♪ Let's go! ♪

- [chirping]

- He's going towards the marketplace.

Let's go.

[fast-paced music]

[Ziffilon squawking]

- [sniffs and chirps]

- He's big, but he's also fast.

- He is pretty incredible in the air.

That's for sure.

- [squawking and chirping]

- Okay, everybody, no sudden moves.

- [chirping]

- Let's try this again.

No need to be scared of me, big guy.

Hi. I'm Kaz.

- [sniffing]

- What's he doing? - I have no idea.

- [chirps] - But he sounds happy about it.

- [chirps]

- Looks like he's heading for that fruit stand.

- Of course! He must be hungry.

I'm coming, big guy!

I'll get you some zlam berries.

I promise.

- Aah! - [squawking]

- Whoa!

all: [grunting]

- Are you okay? - I'm fine.

But where'd he go?

- I think he flew that way.

- Or was it that way? - Oh, no.

He flew away so fast that we lost him.

- We'll have to look everywhere. - Come on!

It'll be faster if we split up.

We can search down by the beach and the water.

- And we'll head up to the mountains.

- Don't worry, Kaz, we'll find him.

- [sighs] - Oh, sorry about the mess.

- Here's your fruit back!

- Oof!

- It's p-pretty c-cold up here.

- [shivering] And we...

we haven't seen the Ziffilon anywhere.

[Ziffilon squawking]

- But I think we just heard him!

- That's the sound they make when they're scared.

There he is!

- [squawking]

Come on!

- [squawking]

- It looks like he's having trouble flying.

- Wait. Look.

He's got ice on his wings.

Maybe it's too cold for him up here.

- If he can't use his wings to fly,

he could fall.

Hold on, Ziffilon.

- Kaz, what are you doing?

- That... was...awesome!

Whoa! But be careful while you're being awesome, okay?

- Whoa, whoa, easy, now.

I know you're scared. I'm scared too.

- [chirps]

- All we need is a little magic

to get this snow off your wings.

There you go.

A little heat magic to keep you nice and warm.

[relaxing music]

- [gasps]

- Whoa!


- You did it, Kaz! You did it!

Whoo-hoo! Yeah-- Whoa!

- [squawks] - It happens!

Happens a lot!

- Ziffilon, dive down! Fast!

- Hey!


- Now back up!

Nice and easy.


- Oof. - Good job.

Really good job. - [chirps]

- Are you okay, Zac?

- Are you kidding? Let's do it again!

- How about we take a little ride instead?

- [chirps]

- Faster! Ha-ha!

Let's go faster! - Let's go, Zain!

- We'll leave no stone unturned until we find that Ziffilon.

- How about under this stone?

- No, not here.

- I hope Zac and Kaz are having better luck than we are.

- [chirping]

- Hey, do you guys see what I see?

- I see Kaz and Zac riding on the back of the Ziffilon!

- Hi, guys! - Down here!

- Time to land.

- [squawking and chirping]

- That was an awesome ride. You've got to try it sometime.

- Good job. Really good job.

- I'm so, so, so glad you found him.

- And the Ziffilon seems pretty happy about it too.

- Really? You think so? Hey!

- Yeah, I don't think he's going anywhere without you now.

- Hey, big guy, will you be my pet?

- [chirping]

- I think that's Ziffilon for "yes."

- And can I call you Zain?

- [chirping]

- Aww. - That is so, so, so sweet.

- He's just a big, beaky bundle of love.

- I think he likes his name.

- I think he likes you.

- Hey, Zain, are you hungry?

- [chirping]

- I know just what you'd like.

One order of zlam berries coming right up.

- [sniffing]

[chomping loudly]


- I'm pretty sure that's Ziffilon

for "more zlam berries, please."

- One refill on the way.

- [squawks]

all: [giggling]