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02x12 - Now You See Her/Untamed Talent

Posted: 11/16/23 10:52
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Two genies in a bottle

♪ Up in the starry sky

♪ It'’s Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ On a magical ride

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Boom Zahramay

♪ Oh, what a day

♪ Your genies divine

♪ It'’s Shimmer and Shine, Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ There'’s magic, there'’s friendships ♪

♪ Adventures for all

♪ So much to discover

♪ In Zahramay Falls

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Genies divine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

[cheerful music]

- Look, Nazboo. - Ooh.

- There'’s the entrance to Nura Valley.

- Yeah! Beautiful.

- We'’re getting close to the lair of the Zahramay Fox.

[clunk] - Yeah.

[engine spluttering] Huh?

- Oh, no. - Uh-oh.

[engine clunks]

both: [screaming] Whoa!

[grunting, clanking]

- [groans] - It'’s all right, Nazboo.

- Huh? We'’ll walk the rest of the way.

- Okay.

- And just be glad there'’s no rain.

[thunder cracks]

- Ooh!

Splish, splash, splish, you did it!

- Hmph, please, my saying "rain" did not make it rain.

At least it isn'’t-- Oof!

Snowing. - Snow ball!

- [groans] - Snow, snow, snow, snow!

- Come on, Nazboo.

Brr, it'’s getting worse.

- Yay!

- Hurry, Nazboo, we'’re almost to the top.

[sighs] I am freezing.

Well, that was horrible, but it'’ll all be worth it

when we find--Shimmer and Shine?

Hide! - Whoa!

- Wow, Shimmer, it was a great idea to have our picnic up here.

- Now, remember the plan, Nazboo.

First, we catch the rare Zahramay Fox,

then we use it to make a potion that will turn us invisible.

Since those genies are here, we can use the invisibility

potion to go back to their palace and take their gems.

- Yeah.

- Now, the fox is very hard to find...

- Uh-huh. - So keep your eyes open.

- [laughs] Eyes open.

- This mountain'’s one of Tala'’s favorite places.

- Nahal'’s, too. - [purrs]

- Aww!

You guys are so cute.

You four keep cuddling. I'’m gonna pick

some flowers for our picnic. Be back soon.

both: Okay, Leah!

- Oh, here are some pretty ones.

- [panting]

- Well, hello there. My name'’s Leah.

Who are you?

- [barks]

- You'’re awfully cute.

- [yips] - Whoa, and friendly, too.

And so soft and silky. - [barks]

- You'’re some kind of fox, aren'’t you?

- [yips and pants]

- [laughs] Would you like to play?

- [barks] - about hide-and-seek?

- [barks] - Okay, I'’ll go first.

Close your eyes, and I'’ll hide. - [barks]

- ♪ It'’s so exciting to have a friend ♪

♪ That special sidekick, that hidden gem ♪

♪ My bestie, my buddy, my pal, my best friend ♪

♪ I get you, you get me

♪ We'’re good as it gets ♪

♪ Now that I'’ve found you, found you ♪

♪ You really get me

♪ Now that I'’ve found you, we'’ll stick together ♪

♪ Whenever I'’m around you, '’round you ♪

♪ I'’m really happy ♪

♪ Now that I'’ve found you, we'’ll stick together ♪

♪ Friends forever

- [barks]

- [laughs]

- It'’s your turn to hide now. - [barks]

- But first, what should I call you?

- [barks]

- Hmm...well, I'’ve always liked the name Parisa.

Do you like it? - [barks]

- All right, Parisa, go ahead and hide,

I won'’t peek.

Ready or not, here I come!

Oh, you'’re good at this, but I'’ll find you!

- [barks] - Hello!

- [whines] - There you are.

We found the Zahramay Fox. - [whines]

- Now that we'’ve found the Zahramay Fox,

we'’ll use it to make the potion that will help us

take all the magic gems that those girls have collected.

And best of all, Leah, Shimmer, and Shine

won'’t be able to stop me.

- [barks]

- Now, a little essence of Shrinking Violet,

plus a sprinkle of shadow dust, and then

the final ingredient,

a dip of the paw of a Zahramay Fox.

There, Nazboo. [laughs]

It'’s ready.

- Ooh, where'’d I go?

- Nazboo...

- Hmm, where'’d you go? - We'’re camouflaged.

- Camouflaged? - Practically invisible!

- Invisible.

- But we don'’t need this fox anymore.

- Shoo-shoo! - [barks]

- Bye-bye!

- Now that we'’re invisible, we'’ll go to Shimmer and Shine'’s

palace and take the gems.

Follow me.

- Okay. Wait, where'’d you go? Zeta!

- Just follow the sound of my voice.

- Oh, oh, oh, okay.

- [whimpers]

- Hi, Leah.

What are you doing?

- Have you guys seen the cutest little fox ever?

We'’re playing hide-and-seek.

- And she'’s hiding?

- Really well.

- Well, we'’ll help you, Leah.

It'’s like I always say: five seekers are better than one!

- I'’ve never heard you say that before.

- That'’s '’cause we weren'’t playing the game before.

Come on!

[meowing and chattering]

- We can take the carpet now. - Oof, oof.


- Parisa, where are you?

- Hey, look-- - Our carpet.

But where'’s it going without us?

- Do carpets usually take off on their own like that?

- We'’d better catch it.

Come on, Leah, we'’ll take your carpet.

- What about Parisa?

Parisa? I have to go now,

but I'’ll come back and see you again soon.

- [laughs]

The plan is working perfectly, Nazboo.

- Yep. Ooh, genie friends!

- [gasps] We can'’t let them follow us.

Hah! Try to follow us now.

- Wow, that carpet'’s better at hide-and-seek

than your fox, Leah.

- Well, this just gets weirder and weirder.

- But we could still follow the carpet'’s glitter trail.

- There, Nazboo, Shimmer and Shine'’s palace.

- Ahh. - Now I'’ll be able to grab

all their magic gems, and they'’ll never know it was me!

- Okay. - [whimpers]

- Hey, Zeta, I see you!

- You can see me? - Uh-huh.

- Well, I can see you, too, so there.

Oh, wait.

That means the potion has worn off.

But a little drip here and a little drip there,

and no one can see us.

Keep on the lookout while I grab the gems.

- Okay. Where'’d you go?


- Look! - [barks]

- It'’s our carpet.

- Well, that'’s nice.

It came straight home.

- And why did it leave in the first place?

- [barks] - Parisa!

Shimmer, Shine, it'’s Parisa, the fox I told you about.

- Oh, now I understand. Leah, that'’s a Zahramay Fox.

They can camouflage.

It'’s almost like turning invisible.

- Oh. - [barks]

- What is it, Parisa?

- [laughs] Hello up there!

- [barks]

- That sounds like Nazboo.

- [giggles] - Feels like Nazboo, too.

- That tickle.

- But dragons can'’t camouflage.

- No, but if Nazboo'’s here, then Zeta must be here, too.

- [gasps] I bet Zeta used Parisa

to make a camouflage potion.

- She must be up to something. all: Hmm...

[together] - The gems!

- Parisa, is Zeta trying to steal the gems?

- [barks]

- But how do we stop her when we can'’t see her?

- I think I have an idea.

I wish Zeta was covered in glitter.

- Boom Zahramay! First wish of the day.

Shimmer and Shine, glitterfy Zeta divine!

- I have them. [poof]

Every one of Shimmer and Shine'’s magic gems.

Now I'’ll be the most powerful sorceress in Zahramay Falls.

- It worked--there she is.

- [gasps] They'’re back.

Well, no matter.

I'’ll just sneak away on their carpet.

- [growling]

- Hey--oof! - [barking]

- Hey, give that back.

- Did you hear that?

- I could have sworn it sounded like Zeta.

- It can'’t be Zeta--if she were here, we'’d see her, right?

- Yeah, that'’s true. - Good point.

- Can'’t let them realize I have this power.

I better slip out and come back for the gems another time.

Now if I could only find Nazboo.


- Hey, Zeta! - Oh, there'’s Nazboo.

- Zeta, Zeta! - Shh!

Do you want them to know we'’re here?

Wait--you can see me? - Yep.

- What is this, glitter?

Hold on.

If I can see me, and Nazboo can see me, then...

[together] Hi, Zeta.

- Um, I'’ll be going now. Come on, Nazboo,

wherever you are. - Okay.

- We know where we'’re not wanted.

- Yeah. Bye-bye!

Oh, there I am! - Nazboo!

- [giggles] Thank you, Parisa!

You really saved the day. And it sure has been fun

getting to know you. [sighs]

But I guess I better take you home now.

- [barks] - [laughs]

- I don'’t think she wants to leave you, Leah.

Parisa, would you like to be Leah'’s best pet forever?

- [barks]

- Looks like Leah has a Zahramay Fox as a new pet.

- Parisa'’s gonna need a safe place to call her own.

- That sounds great.

I wish Parisa had her own special place right here.

- Boom Zahramay! Second wish of the day.

Shimmer and Shine, Parisa'’s place divine.


- There it is. - [barks]

- Wait till you see the inside. - [barks]

- Wow, it'’s bigger on the inside.

- Now Parisa can come and go as she pleases.

- [barks] - It'’s perfecter than perfect!

Thank you so much!

- You still have one wish left.

- Honestly, I can'’t think of anything more to wish for.

[upbeat music]

- I can'’t wait for the pet talent show to start.

Soon, everyone will see how amazing my little Tala is.

- [chattering]

- I know. Nahal is super excited, too.

- [yawns]


- What? She sleeps when she'’s excited.

Isn'’t that right, my precious little tiger?

- [snores]

- Princess Samira is gonna grant a wish to the winning pet.

What do you think, Parisa? Wanna make a wish?

- [yips] - [laughs]

I'’ll take that as a "yes."

all: [laughing]

- All right, Nazboo. - Yeah.

- Let'’s practice your talent again.

- Okay. - And a one, and a two,

and a one, two, three.

- Hu bi da do, do do do do, do do do.


- [claps] Very good, Nazboo!

- [purrs] - [laughs]

I always knew my pet would be the most talented.

You take after me.

And when we win, you'’re going to wish

for a gem that will make me the most powerful person

in Zahramay Falls.

Isn'’t that right?

- [claps] Yeah, yeah, yeah!

[gong] both: [gasp]

- Did you hear that? - Yes.

- The talent show is starting. - Ooh!

[cheers and applause]

- Ladies and gentlemen, genies and gerbils,

welcome to the Zahramay Falls pet talent show!

[cheers and applause]

This show is going to be as awesome as doughnut cereal.

If you haven'’t tried doughnut cereal,

trust me, it'’s incredible.

And now, a message from our judge, Princess Samira!

[cheers and applause] - Thank you, Zac.

I'’m so excited to see all of our talented pets perform.

After we see all the acts, the winning pet will receive a wish.

[cheers and applause]

- And now it'’s time for our first performance.

Leah and her pet fox, Parisa, are here to kick things off.

[cheers and applause]

- Presenting the Picture Painting Parisa!

- [barks]




[cheers and applause]


- I don'’t know about you, but that fox knocked my socks off.

See? Told ya.


- Yay! Yay, yay, hooray!

Whoa-- - Don'’t clap for them, Nazboo.

They'’re the competition. - Oh.

- That act was better than I thought it was gonna be.

- Yeah. - It looks like we'’ll have to

take matters into our own hands.

- Hmm... Tummy rub?

- Okay, fine, one tummy rub. - Ahh.

- Goochie, goochie, goo! [laughter]

Now come on, let'’s go cheat. - Whoa!

- Next up, it'’s Shine and her pet tiger, Nahal.

[cheers and applause] - [snores]

- Whoa, that'’s incredible! Let'’s hear it for Nahal!

[cheers and applause] - Nahal is a great snorer,

but that'’s not what she'’s doing for the talent show.

She'’s going to play a song on her keyboard.

[cheers and applause] [poof]

Go get '’em, tiger.

♪ - [meows]

- Who ever heard of a tiger playing piano?

- [meows] [cheers and applause]

[playing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"]

- Oh, this act is good, too. - [giggles]

- There must be something I can do to ruin their act.

Good idea, Nazboo. I can use a magic feather

to distract Nahal. [laughs]

- Uh-uh. No magic.

- I know I'’m not allowed to use magic, but,

if I'’m extra sneaky, no one will know.

[laughs] - Ooh.

- Shoo, little feather, go flying along,

and distract that tiger from her song.



[dramatic chord]

- [laughs] It'’s working.

[intricate melody]

- Wait, that sounds better.

[trilling notes]

- I'’ve never heard her play so well.


- What is happening?

[cheers and applause]

- [meows]

- Whoo-hoo! Go, Nahal!

- Not bad, huh? I think her nap helped.

- Yay! Huh?

[groans] - [groans]

I can'’t believe my plan backfired.

The feather made Nahal'’s act better, not worse.

- Yeah. - If we wanna win this contest,

we have to make sure the next act is terrible.

- Terrible. - Terrible!

- Terrible! - Next up,

is Shimmer and her monkey, Tala!

[cheers and applause] - [chattering]

- [laughing] Is tickling part of Tala'’s act?

Because she'’s really good at it. [laughs]

- [laughs] Sorry about that.

She'’s a little excited.

Tala is going to perform a super, super, super cute dance.

[cheers and applause] - Super!

- [gasps] They'’re doing a dance.

- Yep. - But we'’re doing a dance!

Oh, that is it. Those genies have gone too far.

Let'’s see if that monkey can dance on slippery ice.

Slide and slip, fall and spin.

Turn to ice so we can win.

- [chatters]


- Did you know she could skate?

- Uh-uh.

- Ooh!



[cheers and applause]

- I don'’t know how Samira'’s gonna choose the winner.

All the pets have been so good.

- I can'’t believe my plan backfired again.

- Oof! - Uh-oh.

- Nazboo, focus! - Okay, sorry.

- Next up, it'’s Zeta

and her pet dragon, Nazboo! [cheers and applause]

- Who that? - Oh, no, it'’s our turn.

But those other acts were so good.

- Oh, yeah. - What if you don'’t win?

I'’ll never get my wish. - No.

- No. We need something bigger.

- Bigger.

- I know just the thing. - Huh?

Props and decorations, lift up off the ground.

Make Nazboo'’s dance look better by moving all around.

[poof] - Ooh!

Whoa, uh-oh!

Whoa! Hey!

- Here'’s Nazboo! - Look out!

Whoa! - Whoa!

- Uh-oh. Whoa!

Whoops. Huh?

[all gasp]

- Ahh!

- Parisa, look out! - Ahh!


- [gasps]

- Uh-oh.

[meowing and chattering]

- Wa-hoo!

Gotcha. Ha-ha!

- Calm down, Roya. It'’s okay.

- Here you go. [panting]


Watch out!


Uh-oh! Whoa!



Huh? Ahh.

Da dit do da do do, da da di do do do.


- Sorry for the mess... [nervous laugh]

We'’re still working on Nazboo'’s talent.

- Yeah. - Gotta go now.

- Bye.

- Hold on, Zeta, I still have to announce the winner.

- Huh? - Huh?

- Roya and I thought those acts were Zahramazing.

But there was one pet who was not only talented,

but very, very brave.

The winner of the pet talent show is...


- Huh? Nazboo win?

- Yay! [cheers and applause]

- Nazboo? Why, of course.

I knew Nazboo would win all along.

And for his prize, he would like to wish for a gem.

- Is that true, Nazboo? - Yeah, yeah.

- And what gem would you like?

- Go on, tell her.

- Uh, hmm...

[indistinct whispering]

- Wish granted! [poof]

- Ahh!

- Nazboo, you'’ve done it!

This gem will make me the most powerful person

in Zahramay Falls!

[laughs] [squeak]


Nazboo, did you wish for a squeaky toy gem?

- Squeaky.

- [groans] All that work

for a squeaky toy. - Yeah, yeah!




- And so the pet talent show ends with a bang and a squeak.

Good night, everybody! - Squeaky!