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03x12 - Whatever Floats Your Boat/Waterbent

Posted: 11/17/23 15:10
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Two genies in a bottle ♪

♪ Up in the starry sky ♪

♪ It's Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ On a magical ride ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Boom Zahramay ♪

♪ Oh, what a day ♪

♪ Your genies divine ♪

♪ It's Shimmer and Shine, Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ There's magic, there's friendships ♪

♪ Adventures for all ♪

♪ So much to discover ♪

♪ In Zahramay Falls ♪

♪ Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Genies divine ♪

♪ Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ Shimmer and Shine ♪

[mellow music]

♪ ♪

- Thanks again for giving us

this incredible boat, Princess Samira.

- Yeah, we've been having so much fun with it!

- It was my pleasure, girls.

I'm glad you like it.

- Like it?

We love it!

- And you did such a wonderful job with the dance room.

- Yeah, now the floor lights up and plays music.

- And as if that's not Zahra-mazing enough,

there's magic bubbles too!

[bubbles popping]

- [meowing]


- This is all very nice, girls.

- Thanks!

Now come see what else we've done.

In case you couldn't guess,

this is my room.

- [laughs]

I had a feeling it might be, Shimmer.

- Was it the glitter that gave it away?

'Cause glitter is my favorite color.

- Yup. - It really is.

- Now let me show you my room, Samira.

Here it is. What do you think?

- I think it's genie-rific, Shine.

- And the best part is,

I made my bed extra bouncy.

'Cause like I always say,

the bouncier, the better!

- It's true, she says that all the time.

- So, now that you're done decorating the boat,

I think you should take it on an adventure.

- Ooh, I love an adventure!

Where should we go?

- How about Rainbow Zahramay?

To the Frosty Fountain in Zenguin Bay.

- Whoa. - Beautiful!

- You can make a wish there

with this special Genie Wishing Coin!

- Ooh. - That is special!

- Yeah.

Genies almost never get to make wishes.

- How exciting.

I can't wait to see what my genies will wish for.

- Thank you so, so, so much, Samira!

- You're very welcome.

Have fun, my genies-in-training.

- Bye, Princess Samira.

- Thank you.

- Come on!

Time to go to Rainbow Zahramay.

- I'm so excited.

- Let's set course.

Here we go.

[upbeat music]

♪ Here we go through a waterfall ♪

♪ On an exciting ride ♪

♪ Lit up with sparkling lights ♪

♪ It's captivating ♪

♪ This magical transformation ♪

♪ Our colors are shining bright ♪

♪ Yeah, extra bright ♪

♪ Now everything's changing ♪

♪ On our way to Rainbow Zahramay ♪

♪ Away we go ♪

♪ It's Boom Zahra-mazing ♪

♪ On our way to Rainbow Zahramay ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Now everything's changing ♪

♪ On our way to Rainbow Zahramay ♪

- Wow, we've never been to this part

of Rainbow Zahramay before.

- It's so beautiful!

- I wonder where the Frosty Fountain is.

- I don't know.

But we must be getting close.


- You're right.

Samira said the fountain is in Zenguin Bay.

- [chirping] - And there's a Zenguin!

- [chirping]

- Aww!

He's so Zahra-dorable.

- [chirping] - I think he's hungry.

- Aww. I know what to do.

I wish we had a snack to feed him.

- Boom Zahramay!

First wish of the day.

Shimmer and Shine! Wish granted divine!

[chimes tinkling]

- A fish cr*cker.

That's perfect.

Here you go, little fella.

- [excited chirping]

- Nice catch.

- [chirping]

- [giggling]

He sure likes bouncing.

[playful chatter]

- Yeah, it looks like he really wants to play.

- He's cute. - Yeah.

Now let's go find the fountain.

- [gasp] Guys, look!

The Frosty Fountain.

We made it!

- Ooh, the Frosty Fountain is really pretty.

- Let's get over there and make our wish.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

This is gonna be Zahra-mazing!

♪ ♪

Come on!

♪ ♪

- So, what are you gonna wish for?

- I don't know.

Maybe something glittery?

- You already have lots of glittery stuff, Shimmer.

How about a cool cloud board?

- You already have one of those, Shine.

- Oh, yeah.


This wishing thing is a lot harder than it looks.

- [giggle]

Now you know how I feel

when I can't figure out what to wish for.

[wind howling]

[shivering] Ooh.

I hope you can decide soon.

It's beautiful here, but it's also kinda chilly.

- I know what would fix that.

Some hot cocoa.

- Yummy.

But don't forget the marshmallows on top.

- Great idea, sis.

We'll wish for hot cocoa with lots of marshmallows.

- [chirping]

[together] Hey!

- [chirping]

- Aw, you silly Zenguin.

That's not a snack.

- It's a wishing coin.

- And if you don't give it back,

we'll never get to make our wish.

- [low chirp]

Stop that Zenguin!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- ♪ It's getting away gotta catch it, catch it ♪

♪ Startin' up the chase oh no don't wait ♪

♪ Gonna speed up, speed up zoom outta the gate ♪

♪ At the speed of light in a flash on a wild ride ♪

♪ Take off it's time to roll come on, come on, yeah go! ♪

♪ Gotta move quickly, swiftly uh huh, on a chase ♪

♪ Oh, there's no time to waste whoa-uh oh yeah, oh-oh ♪

♪ Boom Zahra faster, faster go, accelerate ♪

♪ This is the exciting chase whoa-uh, oh yeah ♪

♪ Na, na-na na na, na na roll ♪

♪ Come-a come-a come on, come on go! ♪

♪ Na, na-na na na, na na roll ♪

♪ Come-a come-a come on, come on go! ♪

- [chirping] - He's going downstairs.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- [chirping]

[floor dings]

[curious chirping]

[together] Zenguin!

Oh, Zenguin!

- [chirping]

- Oh, there you are.

- Come on, little guy.

You're a lot of fun to play with,

but we need our coin back so we can take it

to the Frosty Fountain and make our wish.

- [chirping] - Whoa!

- Huh? - What?

- [chirping]

- Whoa! All these bubbles

sure are making the dance floor slippery.

- Ah! - Whoa!

[together] Whoa-oh!

- [chirping]

♪ ♪

- Please give us the coin back.

Oh, no! He's getting away!

- [chirping]

♪ ♪

Where'd he go?

- There he is!

♪ ♪

- Come on, he's headed upstairs!

- [chirping]

- You don't wanna play with that.

- That's how we control our boat.

- [chirping]


[together] Whoa!


- [chirping]


[together] Whoa-oa-oa-oa!


- [excited chirping]

- That silly Zenguin doesn't realize

he's steering the boat all over the place!

[together] Whoaaa!

- [confused chirping]

- Don't worry, little guy, I got you.

- Wait, where's the wishing coin?

- It's heading for the edge!

I've got it!

- Nice catch, sis. - [scared chirping]

- There, there. It'll be okay.

- Uh, maybe not.

I can't figure out how to the make the boat stop.

- Here, let me try.


Still going in circles.

- I know!

I wish we had a way to stop the boat.

- Boom Zahramay!

Second wish of the day.

Shimmer and shine, wish granted divine!

[chimes tinkling]

- Anchors?

- Really big, sparkly anchors.

Okay, everyone.



[together] Whoaaa!

- Yeah! - All right!

- Wow, those anchors really worked.

[dizzy chatter]

- Poor little pets.

- Come on, little fella.

Let's get you back home.

[chimes tinkling]

- And let's make our wish.

Then we can head home too.

- [sad chirping]

- Aww, I'm sorry, little Zenguin.

I know you like to play,

but we're just here to make a wish.

You can't play on our boat forever.

- [sniffles]

- Oh. My. Genie!

Do you know what would be Zahra-mazing?

If he had a place of his own to have fun.

- Zahara-zlam!

And I know just how to make it happen.

We can use our Genie Wishing Coin.

- Great idea, Shine.

both: I wish the Zenguin

had some place as fun as our boat to play.

[chimes tinkling]

[water splashing]

[chimes, whistling]

- Whoa! - Whoa!

- Wow. - It's Zahra-mazing.

- [excited chirping]

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- [giggle] I think he likes it.

- Look, now he has lots of friends to play with too.


- That was a great wish, guys.

- The best wishes are when you do something nice

for someone else.

- Yeah. We never got our hot cocoa,

but it was totally worth it.

- Wait, I have one more wish left.

And I wish for some hot cocoa with lots of marshmallows.

- Boom Zahramay!

Third wish of the day.

Shimmer and shine, wish granted divine!

[chimes tinkling]

- Sweet!

- I'll say.


- [chirping]

[mellow music]

♪ ♪


- It's so beautiful here in Rainbow Zahramay.

- Hey, guys, check it out.

- Cool. What do you think it is?

- It looks like a floating ball of rainbow water?

- Hi, girls!

[together] Imma?

- I thought I'd invite you all

to my home for a pool party today.

- We'd love to go.

- You know, Imma,

this floating ball of water is the most Zahra-mazing

party invitation we've ever gotten!

- I'm glad you like it.

And I'm glad you're coming to my party.

Just follow the ball of water, and I'll see you shortly.

- Pool party here we come!

[motorcycle revs]

- Amazing.

- Yeah, genie friends amazing.

- No, Nazboo, not those annoying genies.

That floating ball of rainbow water--that's what's amazing.

- Oh.

- Because that ball means someone has water magic.

And water magic can make me

the most powerful person in Zahramay Falls!

Come on!

[engine roars]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- We're here!

- Where's Imma?

- Hello, girls!

- Hi, Imma!

- We're so excited to be here.

- Welcome to my home.

Do you like it?

- Your home is Zahra-mazing-zing!

- We love it!

- [giggle] Would you like a tour?

'Cause I can give you one.

I know my home pretty well because,

well, I live here.

- A tour would be great, Imma.

- Then, follow me.

♪ ♪

[motorcycle revving]

- There they are, Nazboo.

Whoever lives here must be very powerful.

Let's take a closer look.

- Wow. - Wow!

- This rainbow water is beautiful!

- I can't wait to see how Zahra-mazing the inside is.

- Oh, the water ball.

I guess we won't need that anymore.

- Look, Nazboo. A water genie.

Once I discover the secret of her power,

I will become the most powerful sorceress in all of Zahramay--


Nazboo! I'm all wet.

- [giggling] Wet-wet-wet!

- Nazboo? - Wet! [giggling]

Get wet! Get wet!


Water? Water!


- Stop fooling around, Nazboo.

We need to find something to make me powerful.

Let's sneak inside.

♪ ♪

- Go on in, girls.

[all gasp]

- Zahra-mazing. - No way.

- Wow.

- Your home has even more wow on the inside.

It's Zahra-Zahra-mazing-zing!

- Thanks.

- Ooh, I love the waterfalls.

- And this floor.

You could see right down into the water!

- Well, I do like water.

And this way, all the pretty rainbow Zoi fish can swim

from the river under my home, past the pool,

and over to the great lake behind my house.

- Wow!

- What a great pool!

- Yeah.

- How about a closer look?

[chimes tinkling]

- Wow, a water bridge.

- Did you see that, Nazboo?

That staff she's holding can control water.

[gasp] I must make it mine!

- Mine!

- Ugh! What do you mean, yours?

- My friend.

- Oh, you silly dragon.

You're no help.

- Oh, I've always loved water.

I'm fond of ice and rain too.

- Luckily, this potion will soon get me that water staff.

And then its power will be mine.

- Best... - Pool...

- Ever!

- I thought you might like it.

Would you like to go for a swim?

- Yes! - Sure!

- Great!

But we didn't bring our bathing suits.

- I know!

I wish we had our swimsuits.

- Boom Zahramay!

First wish of the day.

Shimmer and Shine, wish granted divine!

[chimes tinkling]

- Wish magic!

Is there anything it can't do?

- Nope. It's wish-tastic!

- Whoo-hoo!

[upbeat music]

- ♪ Jump in the water yeah , , , oh oh ♪

♪ Have a blast everybody At the pool party ♪

♪ Yeah oh oh ♪

♪ Kick off the flip flops and take a dip ♪

♪ Into the water ♪

♪ Movin' together we're all in sync ♪

♪ Doing this water choreography ♪

♪ Great day for a swim ♪

♪ Water-slide right in ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Jump in it's pool time ♪

♪ Put up your hands take a dive ♪

♪ The water's just right ♪

♪ To have a splashing good time ♪

♪ Water here water there ♪

♪ All around your floaties and everywhere ♪

♪ Cannonball take the plunge ♪

♪ Make a big splash everyone ♪

♪ Make a big splash everyone ♪

♪ Splash! ♪

- [groans] Not again.

I'll just have to get the staff myself.

- Thank you for inviting us to your Zahra-mazing home.

- You're very welcome.

- [muffled] Hi, friends!

- Hey, it's Nazboo! - Hi, Nazboo!

- Pool party!

- Wait a minute.

If Nazboo's here, doesn't that mean

you-know-who must be here too?

- You-know-who who?

- Hah! Got it!

[victorious laugh] - Zeta!

- Oh, no! She took my staff!

- Yes, I did.

Nazboo was the perfect distraction.

- Who? Me?

- Yes, you.

You kept them busy while I snuck right up behind them.

And now the staff is finally mine.

With this, I'll be the most powerful person

on both sides of the Falls.

- Now, you should be careful with that.

- Oh, please.

I know what I'm doing.



- See, Zeta? You really don't know what you're doing.

- You should give Imma back her staff.

- N-no! No.

I took this staff fair and square.

- There's nothing fair and square

about taking someone else's stuff.

- Or staff.

- Well, you'll never stop me

once I trap you behind this giant wall of water.

[water trickling]

Or, uh...

Or trap you in that cage of water,

which was my plan all along.


I'm getting the hang of this already.

- [laughs] Bye, friends.

- Oh, no!

How do we get out of this water cage without my staff?

- Come on, Nazboo, let's ride.

- Whoo-hoo!

- See you later!

Toodles! - Later alligator!

- We need to get outta here fast, but how?

- I got it.

I wish there was a way out of this cage.

- Boom Zahramay!

Second wish of the day.

Shimmer and shine, wish granted divine!

[chimes tinkling]

- Let's go!

- We can catch up to them, come on!

[suspenseful music]

- Hold on.

♪ ♪

- Give back Imma's staff, Zeta!

♪ ♪

- Whoo-hoo!


They won't catch us that easily.


I'll make a huge wave to stop them.

[dolphins chirping]

Dolphins? Whoops.

I mean, dolphins!

I'll make water dolphins to stop them.

Because that was also my plan all along.

- Yay! Dolphins!

- Watch out! - I see 'em!

- Whoo-hoo!

♪ ♪

- They still think they can take back my staff, Nazboo.

- Oh, Imma's staff.

- It's my staff now.

And I'll use it to create a water trap

they'll never get past.

[chiming, tinkling noises]

- Whoa there, Ms. Grabby-Person.

I really wouldn't do that.

- Hah! Nice try.

But if you don't want me to do it,

then I do want to do it because I wanna do

exactly what you don't want me to do.

[chimes tinkling]


- Uh-oh.

- Look out, girls! - Whoa!

[water gurgling]


- Huh? - Huh?

- Zeta, look out!

- Wee! [giggling]

- Whoa. That's some whirlpool!

- Come on, we have to help then!

- Let's go! I'll grab Zeta.

- I'll get Nazboo. - And I'll grab Imma's staff.

- [giggling] Wee! - We're coming!

[water splashing] - Gotcha--whoa!

- Well, what kind of rescue is that?

- We got you, Zeta.

- Well, it's about time-- [screaming]

♪ ♪

- Well, that didn't work out.

- Oh, well, great.

Now that you're stuck in the whirlpool too

how are you gonna save me and Nazboo?

- I...

Actually don't know.

- Me neither.

- If you can get my staff to me,

I can stop the whirlpool!

- Oh fine, take it.

It doesn't work anyway.

Just stop this crazy whirlpool.

♪ ♪

- Oh, thank you.

My staff!

Now that I have you back, I'll never let you go again.

- Uh, Imma?

Can you fix the whirlpool now?

- Hm? Whirlpool?

[gasp] Oh, y-yes, right.

[chimes tinkling]

- Wow! - Whoa!

- Wee!

- Goodbye, whirlpool!

- Thank you.

- Great job, Imma.

- I hope you've learned your lesson, Zeta.

- I'm betting she probably hasn't.

- Nope. Never learn.

- Learned my lesson?

[scoff] Learned my lesson?

Oh, I will tell you what lesson I've learned.

Um, aha!

I've learned that a water staff will never make me

the most powerful person on both sides of the Falls.

- Yeah.

It seems like it'll only make you the wettest person

on both sides of the Falls. - [giggle]

- Just keep that staff away from me.

I am glad to be rid of it.

- Well, if that's settled,

you both might as well join us at our pool party.

- Pool party? [scoffs]

Nazboo and I have no interest

in going to your--

- Pool party! [cheers]

- [yelping]

- Aw, come on, Zeta.

Stay and have some fun.

- After all, Nazboo really wants to.

- [muffled] Yeah, yeah! Splish splash!


- And besides, you're already

so, so, so wet.

- [groans] Fine.

- See?

Now being wet will be fun.

- Let's find out.



[squeals and laughter]

You're right.

I guess that was pretty fun.
