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Skanderbeg (1958)

Posted: 11/17/23 19:15
by bunniefuu
The Great Warrior of Albania

Director: Sergej JutkeviƧ

In the Western Balkan Peninsula lies a Mountainous region called Albania, inhabited by brave and bold people that has maintained their love of liberty for centuries.

One the eve of the 15 Century, Turkish hordes have come to conquer.

Let him go! let him go, I said!

In this land of Demons, not even women know how to weep...

In the Castles of and Cities of the Prince who did not surrender to...

the authority of the high sultan, and John of the Castriots,

we command our armies to maintain order, so that in the future,

no harm shall be done to the Castriots.

and that they shall not resist the powerful Turkish authority

Further we command that the sons of John Castriot

to be taken hostage and sent to Adrianople.

Let a handful of 300 Albainan cavalrymen accompany the children,

to the sultan and they shall be his warriors.

This edict bears the seal of our Murad the second

May Allah increase his honor.

Hey, John Costrioti?

Alas, the day has come to be separated, from your children.

Come on! [Cursing in Turkish]

It seems that this pup has spikes for teeth!

He'll be a distinguished soldier for the sultan.

Behold my Son! This is your land, your Fatherland!

Your wife Marash, was my George's nurse

You must be always near him

You must be the eyes and ears for the Father land

Should my children forget the land of the ancestor

you will answer to God and to me.

Do you understand, Marash?

Will call you to account even from the grave, if I must!

Twenty years later.


The Residence of Sultan Murad ''the second''

Our cities on the Albainian coast are significant trading posts

its roads pass through the lands of the Castriots.

The great doge of Venice asked me...

if it's true that you want to give, Scanderbeg all the lands left to him by his father, John Castriot?

[Speaking in Turkish]

A promise made is not a promise kept.

Albania will be a Turkish province,

Nothing more.

What else are you trying to tell me?

The Hungarian and Polish armies of Vladislaus

are preparing to make w*r upon Turkey.

We are informed that the command will be entrusted

to John Hunyadi, Voivode of Transylvania.

He is highly capable and fearless commander.

So the flies want to bite the lion?

Long has Allah's sword been upon thier heads.

The Ottomans will scald the entire world without mercy!

is not fitting to rage in the presence of the freinds, my son!

I don't want the friendship of the "infidels" [Christians & Jews]

Quiet! [Speaks in Turkish]

I didn't ask what you think?

You are still to young to get involved with your fathers affairs.


The hunt is waiting.

Exsuse us my freind, temper of a youth.

I know the plans of the Hungarians.

There is no stronger place than Turkey

No braver warrior than Scanderbeg

Vainglory besieged him strongly

That he forgot the meaning of fatherland

Vainglory besieged him strongly

That he forgot the meaning of fatherland

Who tough you this song? Who! Tell me?

Tell me!

Tanush they call me, from the noble Thopia family.

Clothed in garments of rags, and barefoot, I have followed your caravan to meet with you.

The leaders of the land bite at one another's heads.

Know this, the people long for you.

Mothers do not weep for their sons m*rder*d by Turks!

They are waiting for you.

The blacksmiths of the mountains are forging swords.

They await you, O' George!

Is not the first time people have from Albania to see you,

but now our patience is full and our people are expecting you,

as soon as possible.

Marash, do you think Ballabani is bringing him?

The Hungarians are thr*aten me with w*r...

John Hunyadi leads them.

They say he is a great commander.

You will crush him and become greater than he!

You will be First Sword in the Empire.

I brought you as a child Scanderbeg,

I raised you and made you a warrior.

You lead my janissaries in the battle.

in the beginning they were disappointed,

but I alone believed in you.

As the son of a Prince not from Turkey,

I gave you the name of Scander,

in the Honor of Alexander the Great, of Macedonia.

You may talk to me without any hesitation.

Ask and I might give you the lands of your father!

could become crafty, but I am only a soldier.

If I were a grand vizier, listening to us, here behind this cage, I, too...

could become crafty,

but I am only a soldier,

who honors the goodness of the great Sultan.


You write about the history of the Ottamans

and there you describe my triumphs.

but we have never talked together.

I have come to learn how my battle will end.

I am not prophet, nor an astrologer,

but you will defeat Hunyadi.

Hunyadi, is a skilled commander,

perhaps I might lose the battle tomorrow?

then another will win.

And you think that no one can break the ottomans army?


The warriors do not care at all about knowledge.

you are the first to come an talk to me

So..fine, will explain.

The progress of all the history happens like this,

just like a circle that has neither beginning nor end

We once had the circle of Greeks and it was shattered,

Then, the Great Roman Empire was born as you know... vanished.

Today I describe the history of the rise of the Ottomans ...

and tomorrow?

Wich means you will prophesy which side fate fall upon!

Don't interfere, Hamza.

I do not see here a reason, old man.

Man cannot know the meaning of the events.

He does not live forever.

A man is born once but dies,

as do the people.

Nations come and go,

and vanish, oh Great Scanderbeg.

so, you teach us to submit to force and to wait...

yes, it is easier that way

but I do not believe you!

if the love of the liberty lives, then the people will never vanish.

you are a liar old man!

Give me your sword,

your Greatness!



..and you are the son of an Albanian Prince,

but you have conquered peoples for the glory of the Ottomans empire.

Shut up, old man!

You grow angry?

but the truth is still the truth.

One cannot fight against fate,

oh Great Scanderbeg.

Very well. time will tell, Laonicus.

Lets go, Hamza.

The day I have dreamed for years,

has finally come

Whats in you mind Goerge?

No one must hear us Hamza.


The moment has come, you are trustworthy.

I can confide in you.

Take this, is for Hunyadi, understand?

He will always find a friend in Scanderbeg.

so, take it to him, dead or live!

The others, must return in Albania and must wait.

by my honor Tanush, soon will be dancing in our Mountains of Albania.

One night before the battle against Hungarians, Scanderbeg ,deserted the Turkish army.

Turkish army, broke.

Scanderbeg, returns to he's fatherland with his soldiers.

Sighting - [The fatherland]


Why are you looking me this way, Paul?

you know, I always, like to look at you.

You look at me, and always in silent, at least say something?

You are the Prince's daughter. Scanderbeg's Sister,

and you plow the fields like a true villager.

You've told me that before.

I have always considered you as a younger sister.

But now...

What? '

'But now when i wake up I feel blessed.


I know, you wake from the sleep and go to bathe at the spring

When you wash your hair, they give this sparkle and shine through the sun.

but when you bring me fresh spring water from the pine bottle...

ah, it taste better than wine.

When you were young,... I would told tug your hair braids,

but now,

now, I'm afraid just to approach you.

Why is this happening Mamica?

why are you silent? Say at least a word?


Your enemies of the tribe of the Gjakos have k*lled your brother!

What's happen?


What has happen?

oh my Son!

oh my Son!

my Son!

why oh Son, is your mouth silent?

Open your eyes , boy.

Take a look at your father.

Get up Son, get up

Give your father a hug

for twenty years we have waited together with you.


What are you waiting for Marash?

The blood of your Son must be avenged, according to the tradition.

The Gjokas, must mourn once more.

Lets go! Paul.


Today, the honor of the tribe, calls us, George!

Stop there.

I did not return to the Motherland, to see Albanian spilling Albanian blood!

Blood is cleansed only with blood. Today!

Leave me alone with her and wait!


Forgive the blood of the Gjokaj's!

Who are you? You do not seem anymore like Goerge

you are Turk! ...

you have become a Turk!

Why did my breast not run dry when I was breastfeeding you.

Go way!...Go way

No no, I was not born a Turk, o precious mother.

You have breastfeed me, too.

From the cradle, you taught me never to forget my fatherland.


Hear your Son,

Know this, when highlanders k*ll each other, the enemies of Albania rejoice.

When all Tribes are quarrelling, the enemies of Albania rejoice.

Remember Albania and your children.

Remember mother, our happiness.

Therefore forgive the Gjokas.

Where you going Dafine? where you going?

She will bring the man of Gjokaj's Tribe.

May the Mother's heart be a shield.

..and he who wants to spill blood

will be my enemy, too.

So, let both become brothers today.

From now on...

the sword of Albanians, shall only pierce the enemies.

Long Live Scanderbeu.

Sit down and write, pries.

The elders are writing today in the army. The man of the Shpend's and Gjokas.

Gjeto Gjokaj


Do you have a strong arm boy? Can you wield a sword while riding on horseback?

Sit down there!

Go on!

Rider!...let another one come.

Archer! one?



Who is next?

Ehj you, brave one?

...or are you afraid that, you might break my arm?

Sit down!


Very well, lad.

This strong hands, deserves a sword.

Take it, my gift to you!

You don't like the gift?

Where are you from?

I come from the fields.

What is your name?

Gjin , is my name.

Who is your Prince?

Balshas are our Prince's - [Tribes]

I have been a c*ptive!

You fled? Yes,...No

Do you want to fight the Turks?


So, young man Gjin, you belong to Albania

I, will answer to your Prince now.

Now then, Turks, watch out!...defend yourself!

Truly this day, will be remembered as a holy day

For twenty years, I have ever only seen dogs.

I have heard only of pain

whereas today...I feel myself.

Among real people.

[ Rips off - its Turkish army

Hurray! ...Victory!

Play the drums then, with songs and dances.

Let our soldiers to rejoice.

The Sultans Vassal, Hasan Beu, unaware of the recent insurrection...

Welcomes Scanderbeg with the great honor.

Hey you, come here quick!

Araniti, Lek Dukagjini, Tanush Topia, Lek Zaharia,

These people will bring you great trouble. Be advised.

I will keep that in mind, Hasan!

Thank you very much.

Take it from me.


What is this?

k*ll them all!


My brothers, among them your father too,

were all m*rder*d by Sultan.

Now, only two, two Castriots are left in this World today, Hamza.

You will become like a Son for me.

There is no one precious to me than you , Hamza.

you are weeping.

Do not weep

My heart laments, but is not fitting to mourn.


George!...People are calling for you, outside.

Turks will come and we must be ready!

Albanian Brothers!

I did not bring you the liberty...

I did find the liberty right here amongst you.

The freedom of the fatherland, was alive in your hearts.

Brothers, lift hight the flag of our Albania.

Show your bravery as men, just like our ancestry's have done in the past.

Better to fall in the battle then to live as c*ptive, sl*ve.

Do tell me, why did he gather the Tribes in Lezha.

in the lands that we own?

Castriots, are not a famous Tribes.

The Prince's would never had gone to Kruja.

They are proud, and Skanderbeg is wise.

Who is that man?

Theodore Muzaka, The Prince of Berat.

He has a dubious face? ...

it looks like, he would have betrayed Jesus,

for half of the Judas's price.

And those over there?

it seems like they are even now ready to clash, eh?

They are the Tribes of Balsha Clan, and the Clan's of the Topias.

Aha...I know them, I know them.

These Prince's call their elders ancestry, Kings Of Albania...

but they themself are naked.

Venice has now bought them all, lands, castles, and all they had.

No, I think that Men like this cannot buy us.

Look my son, over there!

That is Lek Zaharia, the rules of Danja.

He is well connected with Venice.

But tomorrow he will be connected with Scanderbeg.

This man, who has the face of a true horse rider?

He also is from Topia Clan Tribes.

Not even the devil understands these Topias.

He is poor, but he cannot be bought!

He is brave and wise.

There near him is Lek Dukagjin.

A Prince from North.

He's people live in the Mountains / Highlands, and do not pay tribute [tax] to the Sultan.

They are free.

The third Prince is Crnojevic of Montenegro.

They all will support Scanderbeg.

The are Animals who do not understand, the value of the money.

Shepherds against the best warriors.

Don't tease me anymore, holy father!

This is Hamza Castrioti.



Aaah, they told me, they told me of your bravery.

He is the Son the Scanderbeg elders brother.

It belongs to him the throne of the Castriots

What are you trying to say holy father?

Nothing more, apart from what I just told you.


Goerge Arianiti, who twice revolted against the Turks

the triumphant one of the Kurvelesh

is coming to join us.

Let us welcome this elder, with all due respect.

yes, yes..

No, my first impression, did not deceive me.

The Balshas Tribes, demand that their Soldiers to be led by a Prince of their own Tribes?

and the Topias of their own Tribe?

Muzaka sits counting the cost of what good a w*r would bring?

Whereas the others are overcome and trembling with fear!

Why are you silent?

Tell me that I am lying.

Tell me that you aren't quarrelling that you aren' consumed

with bitterness for one and another.


I am listening.

I am ashamed!

Albania sheds tears of blood and NO brave men steps forward!

We have found a brave warrior

who launched the w*r for freedom by himself.

and who among of you went to help him?


Give the order to saddle the horses.

Will go!

Pardon me for speaking, O George,

Many men are gathered here.

Men who are not afraid and who have faced the Turks,

Men who have sacrifice their lives.

We think that, the assembly should meet here in Lezha.

We have nothing to hide from Venice.

For me he is wise, as wise as the devil.

Each of us will give all our income to our people, and our lives, for the future.

Lead us, George!

Lead us, George!

All my earnings and lands...are yours George.

All my people who are fit to bear arms are with you, George.

Lead us, George!

ah, I am just an old man, and what kind of soldier can I be?...

when my body ache on horseback?

But this one has shown he knows how to win.

He will lead my people,

my brothers, and the rest of the family Tribe.

Honor, Long live Scanderbeg.

My sword will be faithful to you, George!

My Highland warriors, will be your soldiers.

I don't decide easly, George, but when I decide, I keep my word.

Lead us!

George, Sfetigrad has fallen.

Our army did destroy the Turks.

...Long live Scanderbeg!

Today the castles are conquered by shepherds!

Albania, from this day forward, shall be terrified by no enemy whatsoever!

In the Spring of 1444, for the first time the Unified Albanian Army, clashed with the Turkish Hordes, in the field of Valikard.

Forward men!

O Great Doge and Honorable Senate?

We crushed the unbreakable Turks in the field of Valikard,

under this flag, under Castriot's banner,

so, now Albania is free, but the Turks will come again and again!

and if the bloodthirsty Turks hands are not cut off,

they will then sooner or later will reach you.

How dare you come before the Senate?

I make trade with Turks do not hinder my trade.

I don't want to escalate tensions with them.

just becuase some Albanian Prince's want me to do so.

I do not dispatch caravans as does the honorable Senator.

I am just a Philosopher and poet.

But I ask you, what do the Turks want in the Mountains of Albania?

They want to make the Mountains a bridge to cross into Europe.

I am Honored to shake the hand of the emissary of the Great and mighty Scanderbeg,

who has turned every rock of Albania into a fortress against those who are threating, our own culture.

We value your talent, Filelfo!

But the sentiments of a poet have not place in the State matters.

We have heard of the great courage

of the Scanderbeg.

Let us thank God, then

for the triumphs over Turks.

''Speaking in Italian''

Scanderbeg seeks our help?

We are sending him some fabrie,

so, they may cover their nakedness.

''Speaking in Italian''

Look Mamiza, how this precious stones shine!

I don't want to get married!

Where is your Son, Dafine, where is Paul?

You must forget that, my daughter.

You are the Daughter of a Prince of Castriot's.

but you have been a mother to me!

You must also forget this, Mamiza!

I don't want to forget! I don't want to marry that skinny Muzaka.

And I am not going to Berat.


So, you think that it was easy for me to forgive the bloood of the Gjokas?

They m*rder*d my youngest Son.

Where is Paul, where is Paul?


Yes, Prince?

A Prince does not speak to you but a brother.

We have not talked of this to each other.

but I know that you are in love with Mamiza.

Believe me, Paul.

in my heart, I desire your happiness

But I cannot force Prince's to come to Albania's aid.

Only by marriages I can strengthen the ties.

For the good of Albania, I beg you today to make this sacrifice.

Your father sold textiles on the table stands.

but you have a thin mind.

What do you have to say?

God has blessed and blossomed our Republic.

Trade with the Turks is the foundation of the growth.

Which means that God, has even blessed the commerce.

But the Sultan of the Ottomans, Murad...

might become angry with us, because of our friendship with Scanderbeg.

O great Doge.

and that is why we don't need the famous triumphs of Scanderbeg.

Nether he or Lek Zaharia should not be concerned, since they depend

on our hands, both them and the Albanian Cities.

Lek Zaharia has joined with the League of Lezha.

but Lek Zaharia is ill?

But I do know that he is very healthy.

and what comes of all this?

Today we laugh and play,

and are entertained in this world,

and still God calls us tomorrow.

We cannot know the ways of God!

And you must buy the lands of Lek Zaharia.

I have loved him very much.

Therefore, we must support his widow.

I just fulfilled my obligations.

He is dying now.

ehh...I am dying.

Hear me out priest, my last will.

The lands of the Danja, should go to the Leage Of Prince's

Scanderbeg, will care for my lands.

Hear me!

Hear me!

Oh, hear my last will, O Priest!

Don't worry,

Your will, shall be be done as you wished.

Pray for him. His spirit will go to God's throne.

City of Danja and the lands of his inheritance should be given to Venice.

The City of Danja becomes the possession of the Republic...

and today forward only the citizens of Venice are permitted to have vineyards.

in the lands of the Republic.

The vineyards of foreigners must be destroyed without exception.

The count of Shkodra, Alberto Giovani,

The Vassal of Duge of Venice.

Hey, Boy, save your fury for the Turks...

They are worse than the Turks.

Oh, is that you, Gjin?

Oh my God,

What has befallen us here?

I paid for this piece of land with my blood, whereas these...

I will k*ll this bastard.

stop Gjin!

The, edict of the Republic,

the edict of the Republic.

This Republic of yours is a whore, that sits in every lap

Mount your horse Gjin.

Let Scanderbeg know what , these evil slanderers are.

''Black Scorpions''

Indeed, let Scanderbeg be informed.

Let's go!

Today is the day of rejoicing for us.

Castriots have entered into marriage alliance with the Muzakas,

and the Prince's of Albania are here together as one Great Family.

He has made us a nice bed, but to sleep in it is difficult.

it's been four years since our league was created.

and for four years we have been breaking the Turks.

My glorious friend, the great leader of Hunyadi invites us.

in the name of the ruler of Hungary and Poland

to join together to fight

and crush our common enemy, Turks!

So, that he will forget which road leads to Albania.

Long live our League.

See, this is how he will swallow us up, too.

...and will toss us away, like an empty goblet.

Learn how to hide your feelings, dear Donika!

it is not fitting that the daughter of Arianiti, should look the men that way.

Look! beatiful Berat is!

Then, I must be blind.

Do tell me, what do you see over there. Donika?

Mountains and the Sun.

Plowed fields, hills covered with green forest.

and...anything else?


As for me, I see beyond these hills, many enemy Turks are hiding.

And the Janinssaries attack from the Mountains.

Albanian blood is springled upon every stones of our lofty Mountains.

and hate like lava, covers my heart.

What do you do when you are not thinking about w*r?

do you drink wine and draft laws?


Or do you stay at Kruja alone? a bear in his cave?


Why do you look at me thus, as if you wish to swallow me up.

I am not a Turk, and I am not afraid of you.

Don't be angry.,

Don't be angry.,

I am a young girl and I speak all kinds of nonsense.

If you wish, banish me.

They sing of you, in their songs,

So, I wanted so much to see you.

But, all you saw was a Bear in his cave.


You are so great!

You are so powerful like a ''ROCK''

and just as strange.


Here, keep it.

You know, Donika?...You are smart than an whole army of Turks!

w*r is destroying us!

Soon, we won't even have people to plow the fields.

That is correct!

The people go to the army of Scanderbeg,

and I haven't the power to bring them back.

Soon, our clothes will seem no different than the clothes of simple villagers!

Enough, Zenfina. is not for women to interfere with men affairs.

That's right!

is there a better way than a wedding for the women to speak?!

Now, who is this Castriot, that I have to submit to him?

No one will submit to him.

O Topia! Quiter, my friends, or he will hear us!

I can hear you.

Enough, you!

and remember well that, now you are Muzaka's Wife.

And you, Theodore, should be ashamed.!

You are a Muzaka and you seek the support of the Castriots.!

You are not the one to lecture me about what the mice will eat after dinner!

What are these words, leave me alone.


why are you fighting like this, like bloated Turkeys?

What Tribe is older than the Arianits?

I have defeated my pride, and gave my sword to the Scanderbeg.

And he is bringing glory to Albania.

And you all gave your oath to Scanderbeg, at Lezha Leage.

and I believed you.

Triumph! Triumph!

and what have we gotten from these triumphs?

We don't need a League with Hungary, but a deal the Turks.

He is right.

Silent, Scanderbeg is approaching!


you who crave the crave rice (pilaf) prepared by Turks

A great opportunity to increase your income.

You'll get 10,000 ducats [Gold coins] from the Sultan, whoever kills Scanderbeg.

Come to your senses, George!

Don't offend us. A bad sheep doesn't spoil the flock

My apology, Theodore!

In your house I am faithful friend.

But I cannot stay in a table with untrustworthy men..

who sell the honor of Albanians at the market.

Yes, Yes, you are absolutely right.

but I think that!

Don't trouble yourself Muzaka!

We are leaving!

We are withdrawing from the League.

''A Mice urinated in the sea and the sea became troubled''


What happen , Luke?

Lek Zaharia died!

And Venice conquered all his Lands.

They are burning our Vineyard,

and stealing from our Villages.

Bloodthirsty and Cains! Curses and shame!

While we fight here, Venice in the other hands is trying to make us weak, and take from us.

Let us fight!

Fighting Venice?

God help us?

I did seek a good friendship

Whereas, they seek w*r.

So, let the w*r begin!

On 1448, Scanderbeg defeated the Venetian near Shkodra.

Scanderbeg directed its Army to join with the Hungarians and Polish army.

The road was through, Mountains of Serbia.

Scanderbeg, send few men, to meet with the King of Serbia, BrankoviƧ.

The sword of the Turks is hanging upon Bizantium.

Macedonia and Bulgaria have become Turkish lands.

If we do not line up shoulder to shoulder,

then even Serbia will vanish.

Therefore...George Castriot,

in the name of League of the Albanian Prince's,

invites you to united against the Turks.

Goerge Castriot?

Hi invites me to stop maintaining friendly relations with the powerful Ottomans, and to join with Shepherds of the Albanian Mountains?

You have a friendship with a rabid dog?

How dare you, Shepherd pup, to say these words to the Krajl of Serbia?!

I can just k*ll you, but I am merciful.

Get him out of here?

Even on our own we will crash the Turks,

that way no one will offer a bounty for your head.

Leave us alone.

Why we rage in vain?

Here we are alone and we can speak as friends.

Everyone knows of your courage.

You fought as Lion in Valikar.

You were the first to reach the walls of Shkodra,

but Scanderbeg stole all your glory.

Are you worse than he?


No, George, you should be the King of Albania.

They say that you were born in Turkey?


In Albania someone must reign, who is loyal to the Sultan

The Sultan m*rder*d my Father, without any cause.

He did that because Scanderbeg asked him to.

You lie!

Everyone knows, expect you.

Scanderbeg did not want to share the land with his Brothers.

And if tomorrow, he has a Son?

He has no wife.

What, did he promise that, to never get married?

Arianit has a Daughter...



I know, she is beautiful and you like her?

But, she would rather love George first.

And you will be the babysit the heirs of the Castriots,

the wolfs will laugh at you, amidst the Mountains.

Think about it.

Yes, think about it.

The treason of BrankoviƧ, prevented the Albanian army from join with allies.

Sultan Murad and the entire Turkish army surged forward against Albania, which does NOT wish to submit to Turkish rule.

Quick, Hurry to the castle!

Get inside!

The Turks are coming!...Hurry!

Berat! ...Berat has been conquered by the Turks.

My Husband was k*lled, I left.

The Turks are feasting in Berat, George.

I am sorry, so sorry Mamiza, that I ruin you happiness with Paul

Turks, everywhere Turks!

At the dusk of the sun they will be near Kruja, George.

You have made us happy,

you've brought us good news, Mamiza.

You should know well George, that there is no time and we need to attack!

If you allow them, the enemy will penetrate the heart of Albania, George.

We don't understand you anymore.

There were once thirty thousands soldiers,

Whereas now the whole army goes on the attack.

its head is ever so close to Kruja.

its tail in Petrela.

Its body is very long,

but we shall shorten it!

For many months in a row with great losses, Ottomans kept attacking Kruja, the main Castle of Albania.

Scanderbeg, was looking after he's army, and staying in the Mountains and kept destroying Turkish camps, cutting off their pathways, and capture their caravans.

And you young man?

It seems that I do recognise your face.

Do you recognise the sword you once gave me?

Do you remember it?

Do you remember this?


Today is my turn to give you a gift.

A Turk, who is Pasha.

He is also, a very good friend of the Sultan himself.

You have brought a Turkish Pasha?

Yes, but it is very heavy.

old and heavy.

He's been kicking the whole journey,

Hey, get out now!


Seven times in a row, the Turks have come here, and they have fled with shame.

What did you write in your diary, old man?

You are silent?

That means, you have described the losses as great Victories!

This is deceptive history!

You have said that the people are captives to their fate.

Whereas I say, that people write their own fate,

so, it's immortal.

Your rejoice is in vain, time will speak for itself.

will tell.

Is not time that decides, but the people.


Give the signal!

Quick, Count Vrana, let the ambush begin.

Fire, fire in the Mauntains!

Open the Gates!

Defender of the Kruja! Soon we will hit those Turkish dogs.

We will allow them to enter the Castle and here will stomp them, like the grain on the grindstone.

Death to the Turks!


Your heroes!

Look how they are fleeing

No so fast... Watch!

I told you, I won't stay any longer.

O Father, listen and let me stay here.

The Arnavut's, (Albanians) are very weary now.

Leave the Janissaries and the Albanians with me.

just let me stay one week more.

Let me stay!


You saw everything.

You may return back where you come from!


The Turks are leaving!

The Turks are leaving!

Right after the failure of the siege of Kruja, Sultan Murad dies.

He's Son Sultan Mehmed, conquers Constantinople in 1453.

Byzantine has fallen, but Albania continues its heroic w*r and the people of the Europe follow its w*r with great hope.

To the Lord of Kruja, George Castriot. called ''SCANDERBEG''

To our glorious Brother...


And who has become kin with me?

Francesco Sforca, the count of Milano.

We did seek aid from Count of Milano,

He sent he's warm wishes regarding your marriage with Arianit's Daughter.

a bit to late for this wishes.

All the Princepalities of Italy hopes, are on you alone.

I need soldiers, not hope.

We could help you, with all joy, and it would be our duty, but we don't have fleet and we are far from your land.

And he counsels me to fight courageously all alone?

Who else is there?

To the powerful and most honored Kings Of Albania...

To many titles, but yet, so little help!


It's Donika.

You can't help, George.

Dafina is with her.

She must endure all the difficulties just to give birth to my child.

But a woman gives birth at the appoint time.

What about my fatherland?

When will it become free? and with what struggle?




The gentlemen are waiting again int the court.

They come everyday from foreign lands, to see your George.

The gentlemen of the Napoli are very happy to Albanian today.

Here in Albania, the Turks have been crashed.

And you thought that, Turks are unbreakable?

All us in the West, did think that.

You know, the fear and the dread that fell us when Byzantine was conquered!

Well, how many of you are?

Fifty warriors.

also add, many people and siege weapons that are coming very soon.

Only you are defending our high and holy Christianity from the infidels.

One hundred warriors?...

I need one hundred times more than that.

Great. I thank you



Donika has given you a Soon!

Why are you sitting there?

Come, come quick and see what a good looking boy he is.

Get closer, look!

a boy!

a boy, a boy!


Nothing Donika, nothing.

A boy!

Cry out, cry out!

All the Castriots have loud voices.

Another warrior for Albania!

''And you will babysit the Castriot heirs. The wolfs of Maintains with tease you''

Now, we are three Castriots, Hamza!

You have brought in an entire army. '

' The evil eye might get the boy ''

Don't you worry Dafine.

Something is bothering you Hamza?

No, Nothing really.

I will drink to his health,

a full glass in the Castle of Berat


No one is out alive!

According to you, these have been raised from the tombs

Look there!

I, Hamza Castriot, command you, to surrender your arms rightway.

Sultan Mehmed forgives you and you can return to your homes.

Life is nothing without honor.

You have betrayed your fatherland,

you Turkish dog.

Death to the traitors!

Long live, Scanderbeg!


George, with great care, I complied here the laws of the free Highlanders.

Take it.

Thank you, Lek.

Someday they will be called the Kanun Of Lek Dukagjin.

The land, must have common laws.

Where is your father?

They were dying of starvation.

The Turks in Berat.

Marash planned the final attack for this morning,

but in the evening, Ballaban suprised us with thirty thousand.

They hit us, in the back.

But who have told the Turks, the Mountains paths?




Where is your father?



don't tell me.

I don't want you to tell me.

I'm wondering if your father still alive?




I have held you in my lap when you were a child.

I have taught you, how to use a sword!


you must tell the warriors, take no captives any longer.

The Turks m*rder*d Marash.

His blood will not go in vain and each one of them will pay, with their heads.



But why you?

Why have you betrayed us?

His soul was vexed, when your Son was born?

What did the child do to him?

He shall become the heir of Albania and not Hamza!

Heir? but I am poor.

Everything I leave to my Son, is hatred against the Turks.

The lands and the people do not belong to me, but to Albania.

So why was he jealous of me?

What else Hamza was missing here, Luke?

The Throne.

So, who can I trust now?

You offending us in vain.

It's time to think, and not get angry, George.

Hamza, is a sly

He knows the Mountains of Albania as well as we do.

in the Spring he will come with the Sultan's army.

Let him come!

Hamza, was sure of the victory. He arrives all the way to the shore without encountering any resistance.

Our Holy Republic of St.Mark is ready to make alliance with you.

Because we have always had the right of the caravan passage through all the lands of Albania.

Yes, Yes, I will give you this right.

in the name of the Sultan, I am the ruler of this land.

I am not going to sleep in goatskins, and honor the fatherland like Scanderbeg.

A caravan full of gifts of Venice is in Durres now,

a golden cup for you table and the best wine from Venice. Lakrima Kristi

''The tears of Christ''


Italy, here we come!

You've always been, Paul

as always in silent!

Tell me at least something?

My hair grows gray, Mamica,

But when I see you, I still feel young.

How often have seen you in my dreams?

We are together in a lush field, and the bells of the village ring.

And you kissed me.

Then, I wake up.

The horses were neighing, and the soldiers were climbing,

But you,

you were always near me.

Today, we will crash the Turks and Hamza.

Cursed to his name

And tomorrow, I will throw away the iron clothes, and will become a wife again.


You lay there and drink wine, while your army is leaving. You cursed, dog!

get lost you!

in the name of the Allah I will hang you!

Come back!!!

Hamza, over there, the Albanians are annihilating us!

Are you drunk? How many are they?

Thousands! There are, thousands!!!

They are plundering the camp!

It seems that the fear has destroyed your judgment

There are no miracles here.

I know Scanderbeg's army.

My horse, Quick, Let's go!

Leave this to me. He is mine!

k*ll me now?

All my life I have been jealous and fearful.

and I've hated you.

I've long awaited for this moment, and I lost.

I don't want mercy from you, k*ll me!


The heroic w*r of the Albanian people, continued twenty five years. Twice, Sultan Mehmed II, come to the walls of Kruja with his entire army, and both times he retreated in shame.

In the Spring of 1468 , Turks returned again. Scanderbeg, now ill, awaits news from the b*ttlefield.


do you remember what day is today?



Today is full Seventeen years...

Wait, wait...I'm trying to remember it!

What did happen seventeen years ago?

We crashed Murats near Kruja?


Once, I used to have a good memory.

was it the day we destroyed Mehmed?

No, George, no!

Today is full seventeen years since we got married.

Ah, yes yes.

This day, I could not remember, because every spring, right before this day and after that,

the Turks would come with their armies.

And how many times did you reconcile the Prince's that fought in my absence, and gather bread for the army.

For that, I thank you.

You have had a hard life, with me, Donika.

No, George.

in my heart, you and Albania are one.

And if my feeble hands helped you, it means they've helped the fatherland.

That's my pride and joy, George.

The emissary of Venice.

Any news from Tanush?


and you!..why have you come?

My Lady, your Husband must drink three drops of this rare medicine.

Oh, my lady!

Drink it!

Toss it out, Donika,

Toss it!


Don't behave like that.

Please, drink it.

Look at this fool, Lek.

He is always filling me with medicine and attempts to get me to convene, the league.

Not that long ago, he was sending assassins to k*ll me.

The Venetian Senate, sincerely wishes you a long life.

I'm sure , of that!

Now, Venice is concerned about me, because it has no choice but to fight Ottomans.

The Turks have now taken the islands that once belonged to Venice.

And one day or another, they will come to Italy as friends.

You have requested weapons and cannons for the Castle?

..all these are loaded in the ships, and will soon be here for sure.

This time I truly want to believe you

You can't continue on, with your crafty schemes.


Actually, he has slimmed down a bit, but he annoys me as always.


Victory! Victory!

George, Tanush sends you these flags.

The Turks have been defeated.

Long live, Scanderbeg.

Long live, Scanderbeg.

Braver than the bravest, that George, O Castriot,

God has given him such a great strength

Flame and gunpowder don't burn him

His sword splits the Mountains in two

With one swing he wipes out an army.

I can't hear well.

Call him, in here.

Glory to George, to Scanderbeg, the Dragon. My your arm strengthened each day.

My all your enemies be destroyed

May your glory, throughout the generations be sung.

My all your enemies be destroyed

May your glory, throughout the generations be sung.

Have you ever seen the one of whom you sing, old man?


I only know, that he is here.

Here it is.

In life and in the songs, you are the same.

I thank you, George.

I will tell the people that I have seen you.

George, why did you do that?

Meaby, he and I, we are not one.

Or perhaps people and us we are not one.

Even if I die, or you, or Paul, people will live on.

They will continue the clash with the enemy and they will win.

Anyone can say that I am weak and that my hands can no longer wield the sword?

But they always will say, that my sword splits the Mountains in two.

Translated in English by: Knights Templar

All rights reserved.