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Wege im Zwielicht (1948)

Posted: 11/17/23 19:31
by bunniefuu
Oh, thanks a lot.


Peter, customer.

A whole package?

How much'?

How much ls that?
- Not for sale.

To bad.

Oh, here you are! He ls back
I saw him.

- In church!

Peter! Fleck ls
back! Will you join us'?

Sure, I an': going with you.
Pack your things!

Hey, hey, my... my cigarettes.

There he is. The one with the round hat.

As I said, 1.450.

Could I take a look at the boots'?

That's exactly what I need.

See. Precisely What I an': looking for


But listen, for such a special fitting
I used to pay only...

Not only, 1.450.

Take it, you need it.

The traders in temple...

Good evening.
- Go away, leave.

How much ls lt'? 1.400'?
- Hey man, this is for a clubfoot.

Glve me the boot.
- shall we say:600.

Are you crazy?
- Give it back!

Get out of the church. Come on!

Good evening, Mister Fleck.

We have been waiting for you, for a long time.

For me'? Why for me'?

You think you're very smart
. Where is the Prosthesis?

Rlght,or the money. At least glve me
the money back!

Tell your father, he has to go on,
with one leg, for the time being.

There is no material.

Fleck, I an': warning you! You may cheat the
small one,

but wlth me
you're out of luck.


You'll get your money back.
Come with me, to my place.

- Wrap it up!

Hey, the boot.
- Leave it!

Okay then, I'll get
my hat.

Don't let him leave the church!

Don't be foolish! Leave it!

I'll go get him!

You dirty pig!

Stefan, careful!

Go away!

Hey, Fleck!

He is dead.

m*rder*r! Help!



Police! I'm gone.

Stefan, police!

What's going on here?

They kllled him
they k*lled him with a stone!

That ls not true!
No one threw a stone!

I did not hit hirn
he fell.

It's true, he fell.

It ls the truth

Come up here!

That's him! That is the m*rder*r!

Both of them! They both threw somethmg at him

He was totally mnocent.
- Calm down.

Stop, stand still!

Why'? I haven't done

Let them tell their story!

- Bring the other one.

You cannot...
- Gone!

Dont, Otto, dont sh**t!
We'll get them. We got the others.

Come on!

VVe have nothing to do with it!
Let me go!

We don't know them.
We only met them at the railway station.

Shut up!
You join us.



Well, here we are together again.

What are we runmng away from'?
We haven't done anything

You tell them.

I've been behind barbed wire for two years now.
I have had enough of it.

But Where are we going?
- It doesn't matter, where.

Is he really dead'? I'll
never see the money again.

We must not go back to the raflway stench
that's for sure.

But our belongings, my sheet music?

Let's go to the police station here.
- Okay, come on!

Moping. What do I do now'?

Let's get out of town.
- I'll join you.

You go home, do you hear me'?
You should be glad, that you still have a home.

I can not go back home.
- Why'?

Because of the money! I can not come home
without the money.

Let me go wlth you.
- Okay.

We must get onboard somewhere outsmie,
not at the main station.

Then we'll see.
First: get out of town.

Do you agree?

I'll get you a light. Okay?

Hello! You!

MY Cigarettes!


Watch out! Get down.

Come on, Ervvm, jUFflp down!
- I can't!

Boy, you want to break your neck'?

Come up here, will you!

Damned, he's got him.
- Who is he, anyway'?

Why are we running from him'?

He was after us all night.


What, you pend 7.000 Marks
to these gangsters?

WelLreal Prostheses are
even more expensive today.

Where did you get so much money'?

Vveh ad to sell a lot of things,
mother and me. Even bed linen.

Father doesn't know, that's the problem.
He always said we must'nt.

But a real prosthesis, one you can walk with
and even go upstairs,

he always wanted that.
- I understand.

And Stefan?
- Stefan Kolb is my friend.

And they are always at the station?
- Very often, to sleep.

That's where I met Stefan.

And he ordered the prosthesis
from Fleck .

And then you ran
away, right'?

I'll send a postcard to mother.

Well, you're back? What about
the upper bridge?

Nothing fort he tirne being, Alfers.
Everything goes very slowly these days.

Damned! One hour
detour every day.

Yes,I know. We'll have to handle lt
on our own, that's it.

Well then, get along.
Good bye, mister mayor.

Good bye, Alfers.

Good bye!

Hello, Fréulein Siems.

Well? How was the tnp'?
- Terrible, don't ask.

Here, a present for you.
- Both'?

Ja. This is Ema/in Putzke. The little
midget has no name yet.

For me'?
- If you like him'?

- I am not sure, weather or not it's real.

It's a real one,
you can tell by his ears.

And if it's not a real one,
he must be smart.

Yes, smarty.

Now go to room number one
on the first floor an wait for us, will you'?

May I take the dog upstairs?
- Of course you may take hirn upstairs.

Who is that?

Met him on the train.

Any news from your wlfe'?
- No, I 've been everywhere.

Nobody knows anything.

Excuse me, Fraulem Slems, when ls
Herr Doctor Warnschaffel coming today?

Nine o'clock. Please, you may enter
the waiting room.

From the bottom of my heart I vwshed
your wife was still alive.

If she was still alive, we'd have...

Again, thank you very rnuch, Fréulein Sierras.
- You are welcome.

I rneah, if she was still alive, we would have
found each other, wouldn't we?

After three years?
Don't you think yourself?

Have you left your new address?
- Of course, everywhere.

At all agencies, tracing service, everywhere.
Anym/ay, I an": glad I an": back here.

It was awful.


VVhat are you doing here'? This is
an airfield, get lost!

No, no, there are to many.

Get out of my potatoes!
Damn riffraff!

I'll be on your tracks!

Where ls Peter?
- He ducks out.

Lazy kid!

Hello! Hello! Come to lunch!

Enjoy your meal, gentlemen.
Help yourself, everything is provided.


Milk, bread, butter, Cheese. Everything is here.
- Get up!

Why'? What's the matter?

You too, hurry.

What do you mean?
We are no thieves.

And you'? Don'r you hear'?

What you have to know...

Get out!
- Hey, Schorsch, what is going on'?

One should not get mvolved
with such riffraff.

Where is Stefan?

You llke Stefan very much'?
- I do.

I you knew him...

ljust wonder,
why he s always running.

From the police, and even from me.

That ls only because of
what happened last night.

That's what I mean.

You obviously don't think that he,
is innocent?

I know one thing for sure:
There's something wrong with you.

Now eat!

The thing,
they don't have anything.

No flat, and always wearing
the same old clothes.

And Sepp Lauterjung ls a
grerat guy, too. He is an orphan.

So, and the third one'?
- Peter?

Ah, the beanpoles name ls Peter,
always selling cigarettes.

You are from the police, right?

Calm down.

Hey, we are on a cemetary.

That's good. Where there's a cemetery
there is also a church.

And where there's a church
there's a place.

Hey! Get in here.

Come on.
- Thank god.

Sems to be the bell-tower.
- Be quiet.


The old mechanics.

With the stoneweights.

Really comfortable.

A nice place to sleep.

Ringing bells every 15 minutes.

And it's wet, too

Peter, got a cigarette?

All wet. But I am hungry.

Praymg: Komm, Herr Jesus, sel unser Gast.
Und segne, was du uns bescheret hast.


I an': glad, my dear friend, that you are alive,
and that you are willing to work with us.

Printing nfiachines, even for color
printing, I have everything here.

I hope that in a
few weeks,

when I am able to leave
my mayors post here,

I can supply and surprise you
with more good news.

Your old friend, O.L.

You find the address
on the envelop.

Fréulein Siems'?

What do you think of me'?

Well, you knoe...
- No, I do not know, that's the point.

I would llke to know.
Well? Come up.

Of the few people who crossed my way
after the collapse,

you are the best. By far.

Gosh! I have to
drink to that.

My god, how shall I
put it right?

You have to sign there.
- Yes.

I can not declare
my love to you.

Shall I make a declaration of love to you'?

I was not aware,
that you are able to.

Yes, in fact.

I made my last declarahon
ten years ago.

I an': not disturbing you relationship
to anybody else?

No. Not anymore.

I have been watching you walking around standing alone
just like me for month.

Yes, Fraulem Slems,
there's not much I can offer you.

According to time.

A man at hls best age
although a little bashed-up,

but a great optimist.

And in the future maybe
a little apartment.

Yes. And the most important thing:

I really llke you very, very much,
, Fréulein Siems.

Please, you don't have to answer right now
take your time.

I like you very much, too.

Really Edith?

What's going on over there?

Who is playing there?

Come down here!

Who is that? Do you know him'?

I guess so.

Are you crazy?
In the middle of the night?

Where are the others?

Which others?

You can't fool me.
Stefan Kolb and Peter Wille.

You are Sepp Lauterjung, nght'?
Well, where are the others?

In the tower, asleeep.

No one here. Please, stay down there.

Who broke open the door?

Excuse us, for not knocking.
It was raining.

And Why did you not go over
in the parish hall?

We left our cutavvays
back home, and so we thought,

we better do not disturb.

Anything I can do for you'?

Yes, a nightcap maybe.

Two questions.
- Please.

You were there
last night, to.


Then you must have seen
that it was he mans own fault.

No, I didn't see anything.
And I don't know anything.

I don't want to know anything.

The other queshon'?
- Where is the small one'?

He sleeps over at my place
in the mayors office.

So you are the mayor?
- Yes, temporary.

We just want to stay overmght
you'll be rid of us tomorrow.

Why do you roam the streets?
Why don't you go home?

Home to Breslau'?

Any more questions?

You Want a cigarette?
- No, thank you.

But I do.

How much is it here'?

Do you know what you want at all'?
I mean, a certain aim'?

Iam not asking out of curiosity.

Before the w*r I
went to construction school.

I can not continue my studies now.
- VVhy not?

Everything is overcrowded.
And what's the use?

And you study music'?
- Me? Yes.

And you'? What did you learn?

A little bit of everything. A little sh**ting,
little k*lling,

little burning down, little organizing.

By the way, about your cigarettes,
that was an act of God.

Anythmg else'? I mean do you have any other
practical advice right now'?

It's like in your papers.

What does that mean, "your" and "yours '7

"You"? That means You, the elder ones.
You should better shut up. And think back.

- About what?

Look at the two of us.

You are older. I don't know
how old you are.

But you belong to those,

who saw the catastrophe commg
and still made it happen.

We could not know back then,
we were simple-minded lads.

And now'? Now you
sit in your office chair,

you are the mayor,
you survey the order.

And I, we'? Ready to rot.

No start, no aims, rejected.

Used up from the beginning.

You are seeing all this rnuch to primitive.
- But clear!

Stefan Kolb, one has to pay for mistakes.

So'? for mistakes, which I
did not commit?

What's the use of
breeding out revenge now'?

To figure out who
has the real guilt?

We have to make a new start.

All of us!

Wlthout start,
there is no ending, Kolb.

Watch out.
I know these calendar lines.

Do something, without education,
use ones hands and legs,

shovel and spade and so on. Yes,
a fresh start, let's begin. Rététété!

Construction school you said'?
- Yes, structural and civil engineering.

If you want to
I have something to do for you.

Our upper bridge is
defective since'45 .

You can take a look at lt. You may reach me
at the office daily from 8 to 6.

Good night.

Good night.

Where are you going, Erwin'?

I want to go up there
and stay with Stefan.

Butt hat is impossible, you cannot
leave the child up there.


Okay, go.

Stefan! Sepp!
- Leave him.

Such a bridge is rnuch easier
blown up than build .

How many meters
to get over there?

20, 25.

That's another typical case
of exploitation.

Besides we cannot handle this
alone. l_et's go, password "railway station"!

We'll do it.

What? You don't really want to...
- Of course I want.

Sure, we'll do it.
- You shut up!

You need to do calculations,
golly, drawings...

I'll take care of this.
but they have to provide us with the material.

What about you'?
- Keep your mouth shut!

VVe stay here, we will built the bridge.
- So?

- Morning.

Come in!

Please stay.

Thank you, Porsche, later.
I'll tell you later, okay?

Mister Mayor, there you are.
- Yes, it is alright.

Of course, I recogmze you.
- We will talk about that later, Porsche.

Leave it here.

Mister Mayor.
- Morning.

Please step forward, gentlemen.

We went to see the bridge.

- We want to try it.

Yes,we will.
- Good!

Let's talk about the material
and the workers...

How many, do you think,
you will be needing in addition?

Men'? It depends on how quick the bridge,
shall be finished.

As quick as possible. VVe provide
food and lodging,

and of course I am
always there for you.

Yes, and we have to talk
about the other thing as well.

Here, about the dough.

Yes, of course, you need dough
to built and construct.

Well, I am very glad.

I'll arrange the barracks ln the former
POW-camp for you.

I have time in the evening.

I will help too!
- That is good!

One more thmg.
- What is it'?

About the other night.
I still carry the handcuffs.



I will help you.
Send in Erwin'?

Erwin! Mister Lukas wants to see you.

Vvas it right to start this
without anything written down and sealed?

Please, come wlth me nght away

Looks lovely.
It's dripping, put it down.

Sit down here.
- Ah, that is what you mean.

Fréulein, this is rnore important...
- Yes wait outside.

Fraulem, please, I
have a sepsis.

Walt outsmie.
One after another.

Say, where have we
met before'?


Because you greeted me so

I know you very well, Herr Kolb.
- Very well? Gosh!

Come on, from where.

Later. We'll flx the
bandage now.

No, no, no,
don't do it.

You would be to scared.

I think, you are scared.
I will be very careful.

Fréulein, please give
me at least an Aspirin.

I told you,
to wait outside.

This is a sirnple thing.
- I think so.

These are hardly the right
instruments for this.

You undereshmate us.
- Well?

What mstrument
do you suggest?


Okay, Fraulein, now let
the specialists handle this.

Okay, young. Sepp, hold it!

I organized the saw.
You know where?

I can imagine.
- Great guy, hm?

One moment, please?

One ls vveanng a handcuff.
- I know.

And they are just removing it.
- l-low is he going to get rid of them now?

I send them the saw

I hope you Wont get in
any trouble with them.

I don't think so. I rely on my
feeling for faces.

I have to glve them a chance
, do you understand?

That is he least thing,
that I can do for you.

You have to hold on fight,
then it doesn't hurt the flesh.

Hau ruck! Hau ruck! Hau ruck!

If we go on like this,
we will be over in three weeks.

For eight days now, my office has been
receiving anonymous letters, concerning these four guys.

You are ln charge,
Herr Lukas.

Yes, Mister Unitary director.
I take full responsibility.

VVhat did the district administrator want'?
- Nothing.

He is happy, that you are building the bridge.

Take you lunch break now, good-bye.
- Good-bye, Herr Lukas.

Cor-me on, Peter, I go into the water.
Food is not here yet.

You're commg wlth me'?
- Okay, lets go swim.

Hello, Fréulein Sierras! You have to serve
lunch again today!

That's what you think!

What's the menu?
- Pearl barleys!

VVith milk'?
- No!

Poor Europe.

I brought you cigarettes
from Lukas.


Did Lukas rnention anything
about our papers?

Yes, that's okay. He can
temporary certificate them for you.

Temporary, ahmays temporary.

I can not hear the word anymore.

Enjoy your meal!
- Mahlzeit!

That seems to become a
real bridge.

What did you think?

To be honest, I did not
really believe in it.

That will be a real bridge
just wait and see.

Here, look at thls.
That's what it looks like, when it is ready.

Yes, Fresener format.

You know, I always thought, that there ls somethmg
special about bridges.

When I was a boy and I
crossed a bridge on a train,

the sound of the bridge under my
legs, it's funny,

how somehmes you suddenly know what you want to do.
- Why'?

Is building bridges yourjob'?
- Job? Yes, I wanted, intended to .

Had no time.

But now it starts.
Very nice.

Come wlth me,
I'll show you everything.

But I have no hme!
- Just a couple of minutes.

See, thls ls ,where
my new life starts.

That ls not very fight.
- It is tight

Halt! Halt!
- You have to keep in balance.

It's easy, if everything
is tight and secured.

Don't walk so fast.
- Stay close to me.

It's easier for two.

I an': not going any further.
- It's not going any further.

Now take your cigarette,
and then I have to go back.

Thank you. Do the others have too'?
- Yes, everybody.

Do you have to go to the mayor agam'?
- No, Doktor Warnschaffel.

Whom are you workmg for'?
Doktor Warnschaffel or Lukas?

Why'? From time to time I help I\/lr.Lukas
with his private work, during finishing time.

Someday he wants to
leave from here.

You too'?

Stefan, food gets cold!
- Yes, I'll be right there!

Please , don't leave yet.

Can you imagine, how happy I feel
sitting next to you,

after all the crap'?

Isn't it funny, Sepp. As soon as you get out of bed
and stuffed your stomache,

the treadrnill starts again. Get on
the bridge, Luise...

Shut up! Do you always have to
look at all things in a negative attitude?

Bye the way I must go now.
Help me please.

To bad. Careful!

About tonight?

Wont you come down to see us,
we will play some music.

Sepp is very happy about his

Did he say "thank you"

Of course.
- Well, what do you say'? Are you coming'?

O rare you working with Lukas again?

No. No, but I an': going to bed
early tonight. Good bye.

Good bye.

Enjoy your meal, Fraulem Slems.
- Mahlzeit.

Do not forget your chaperon.
- Thank you.

Lukas, is it you'?
- No, it's just me. Stefan Kolb.

Why dldn't you come'?
- Please, don't be so loud.

Come on!
- This is such a nice evening.

Would be a shame to fall asleep.

Be nice. Get dressed
and come down.

Let's take a walk along the river, okay
I will behave for sure

You are just imagining that.
- No, I an": sure.

I feel like an angel
myself already.

An angel with handcuffs.

That's what I wanted to
talk to you about

You have a totally
wrong image concerning me.

you go home now.

Fréulein Sierras, wait
Just a minute!

For a cigarette length.

Qulet! But you must promlse
that you leave immediately after that.

Yes, okay, I promise.

One feels so god damn lonely.
Do you have a match?

I have a lighter.

Thank you.

Hello! It does not work!
- It is very easy.

See, it does not work.
- Slowly. It always works.

The best thmg would be, I come up
and you show it, okay?

Out of the question!
- To bad.


Went, I come down,
and show you.

She is corning down,
she is coming down...

Here I am.

- Ah, I see. Thank you.

It was very nice of you
to come down here.

Just the cigarette, then
I will be leaving again.

Wont you slt down'?

Let's arrange it now.
- Okay.

Very nice.

The old monastery garden ls really wonderful.
- Oh, yes.

- Thank you.

What are you gomg to do,
when the bridge will be ready built.

Devil knows.

But you seer-med so optimistic
this morning?

Yes, but if you think about it over and over,
you keep staring at misery.

Where hes the future for me
and the others,

if this is over'?
- Not back to the railway station for sure.

L-low this is going to end you could Witness before.
- VVe are no criminals.

If not thls tlme, then next
time. It depends on the details very often.

You still do not believe me, do you'?

We are no villains.

Our only misfortune was
that we stayed alive.

My god, how old are you'?
- 27.

And you haven't done anything for

Then why dont you do something now'?

You can not go on living like this,
awaiting whatever comes or doesn't come.

Till it's too late. Take Lukas
as an example.

Think about, What
life did to him.

But he is really busy, isn't he'?
Always busy?

He's got someone,
he is not alone.

Are you a man,
or a kid'?

A Kid with stubble-beard.

Moment, quiet.

Okay, ready.

In about ten weeks, you will be a
tolerable creature for women.

At least your face.
- Thank God, I need it.

When are you going to re-open your,
what was it, your specialized publishing company?

As soon as possible.
- And Sierns? ls he going with you?

I think so.

Oh my god, then the
search will start again.

Kurt! Do you Want to stay in hicksville

Of course not!

I thought about it a lot.

A life like this, surrounded only by rnen
maybe nice.

But What I Went through since school
was a bunkers life.

Mentally and physically.

And then came the blg march home,
where the real life was happening.

Not a nice one, but life.

But you walk around and feel like a stranger.

You don't know the language.

Because you did not learn it.

It ls a shame, to look at the thmgs
one hast lost, lost forever.

If everyone shares your opinion,
then we will always stay without luck.

You could help me.
- What can I do'?

If you are so desperate and
without bravery yourself.

I need someone by my slde, do you understand?
Gives me back my strength.

I need you! I know, that everythmg may turn
out well, if you stay with me.

I knew it from the first day.

You are really a grownup
little boy, Stefan Kolb.



I am here.


VVhat is it, Edith'?
- Nothing.

I thought, you were ln
your room and...

- No.

- Good evening.

Good evening, Kolb.

I Went to take a look at the bridge, this afternoon.
Advancing very fast.

I tned to come earher, but
Warnschaffel treated me so long.

Can I have the kerchief, please.
- Something wrong?

Am I disturbing...

Honestly yes. Of course I don't want to
banish you, Herr Kolb,

but I have something important to talk
about with Fréulein Sierns .

Good night.

Thank you fort he lighter.

May I use the
lighter too?


Lukas, please, I
want to explain it to you.

But, What for, Edith'?
- No, please!

He came, to pour,
his heart out to me.

Well, and'?


Tramp the streets at night.

Everybody asleep in this
one horse town.


Always keeps his address
a secret.


You scared me to death! Say, what are you
doing out here in the middle of the night?

I an': the night-guard,
to prevent our wood from being stolen.

Bridge under construction.
Do you know a certain VVille?

Peter Wllle'?
- Yes.

Of course I know him. Just a moment.

Where does he live'?

Over there at the barracks.

You want to go there?
- Yes, to see Peter Wille.

Right ahead. At the corner to the right.

That's where they sleep.

Go inside and tell Peter VVille
that someone is here.

- Someone.

Someone, bitteschén.

Lisseken, girl, What
are you doing here?

You wrote you're fine,
everything is gorgeous,

so I thought
let's go to him!

Well, really great. Come on!

Wunderbar! Where shall I sleep?
lam up all night.

You know, at the end of the barracks,
there is a wonderful place, gorgeous. Come!

Oh my god!

We“, Fatty,
great, ha?

You wrote:

Where else shall we go'?


Don't be so sceptic, we will be right there.


Here you are!
- I shall sleep on that?

No, I'll get everything else.

Arent you a little bit glad'?
- Absolutely no!

Help, Peter, come here! Mice!

Not a word to Stefan! Understood?

What's the matter, Usseken'?
Why are you screaming?

I think there are mlce here.
- They wont harm you.

Come down, it's okay.

You can say, whatever you want,
I wont stay here, and neither will you.

I turn on alight now
and then there is no reason for you to be afraid.

Say, what's the thing about
the railway station?

Which station?

Come on. The m*rder*r!
They questioned you too.

They presented a letter to me,
which I had written to you.

You know, the one agned:
"An Ace in your heart".

They found my belongings in the tunnel.

That's nght, my dear. But you don't
keep such letters, anyway.

And what did the police say about me'?

They do not say anything.
They just ask questions.

I can tell you that it was not very
comfortable. I spend two days in there.

Then I came out and
you were not there. And there was no money.

LVlabe has some.
At least for travelling.

Who ls Mabel?
- Well, Mieze Dickmann.


VVe have nothing to do with, What happened
at the railway station. All of us.

Then why are you here, mon cher'?

I know you.
- Oh, really!

Don't make up some nonsense. Come back
to Hamburg with me tomorrow, yes'?

I go to Hannover alone.

Promise me that you come with me.

I can not leave here,
can't leave the boys alone.

- Be quiet.

Stefan Kolb.
- What's his name? Stefan Kolb'?

Why do you want to
stay with them,

although you have
nothing to do with them'?

Peter, I really do not
understand you.

Come with me, yes'? Say yes!


I have been looking for you everywhere.

I was worried about you.

You are packing?

Yes, Lukas. lthmk,
it is better that way.

No. We are gomg together.
I arranged everything.

I just wait
till the bridge will be ready.

You want me to go wlth you'? Before you know,
what became of your wife?

Edith, I love you. Everything else
belongs to the past.

Uniorgotten past.

Stefan, What are they going to do
with the dead soldiers?

They will be buried at the
village cemetery, you know.

My goodness, it Wont VVOFK this way!
VVe need more helping hands!

Where ls Peter?
- I don't know.

Of course, whenever he is needed.

Now come on, Fatty!

What is it'?

It ist he pile driver.
They are using the pile driver.


Just wanted to mention it.

Don't talk, come on!
Or we miss the train.

Where ls he
actually? Tell us!

You can not
rely on the guy.

Hey, wait! I help you!

It is better with four, he'?


Okay, Erwin, now let
the men continue.

Morning, Mister Police-president.
- Morning.

Hau ruck! Hau ruck! Hau ruck!

Well then, good mght'?
- Good night.

Good mght, Fraulem Slems.
- Here, have another cigarette.

Thank you. Good night,
mister mayor.

Good night.

Herr Lukas, may I talk to Fraulem
Edith for a second?

Of course. Why not'?
I leave you alone.

Stefan, I an': asking you,
not to come in the evenings any more.

You tried again last night
But it is no use!

- No, really!

I Wont be corning down,
people would only talk.

As you say.
I dont blame you.

A black sheep like me.
And a distinguished gentleman .

Well, you ought to know.

No start, no ending.

If that is not a perfect line for our
new bridge,

my name shall be Meier from today.

Ladies and gentler-men,
honorable attendents,

Again another new bridge has
been built in Germany,

and I have the honour and the pleasure,
to hand it over to traffic today.

General, please.

Well, well, well,
alright, alright, alright!

This bridge is really great.
This bridge is really wonderful.

Was it built here?

Yes, Herr General.
It was built by me and Stefan Kolb.

So, so, so. Then everything is okay.

Then I can give over the
bridge to traffic.

Kolb, could I talk to
you for a moment'?

Here you are.

Hello Herr Lukas! What do you
think about our bridge? Isn't it fantastic?

Such a crap, just now!

What I tell you now,
has to be kept a secret between the two of us.

This is not loyal,
but I want to give you a hint.

I can imagine.

I need no hmt,
lam going to leave by myself.

The bridge is ready.
- Yes, yes.

It is a beautiful bridge,
I like it.

Yes, we share the same taste.


No, no, that is not what I mean.

I mean something else.

The meaning I guess, is
that I should leave.

I want to. You have the bndge, you
have the girl. What else do you want'?

That is right, I Want you to leave.
But not because of Fréulein Sierhs,

or because I an': afraid of you.
- But?

You should surrender to the
Hannover police. Volontarily.

Because of What happened at the railway station.
- I should do what?

You should surrender to the police.

Otherwise I have to let you and your
friends get arrested.

What did you say'?

Kolb, I am sorry...



I have no idea, how they found out
that you are here.

But, if you are innocent,
you have nothing to worry a...

It is a very convenient situation
for you, right?

You just have to get me arrested,
and I am out of the way.

And totally legal.
- Kolb, dont you understand?

I want to save you
from being arrested!

Does Edith know about this'?
- No, just you and me.

That goes for me, too...
- Yes I know.

Despite all nobleness the
effect is: Stefan Kolb must leave.

If I had wanted that to happen
so desperately,

I would have a rnuoh simpler solution
to make you disappear.

Whlch ls'?
- You can go to Technical University in Essen from October 1st.

Technical University?
- Yes.

Did you do that?
- No.

Dr. Vvarnschaffels friend is
the new director of the Technical University in Essen.

And for your work here
you got a scholarship.

That's a fine plan.

Well, lost again.

The girl choose you, right'?

I do not think
this is the right place.

Let rne finish. The girl
choose you, but not voluntarily.

So'? Nothing and no one forces you.
- But something forces you after all.

Wlch would be'?
- Pity, Herr Lukas.

Yes, pity. Nothing but pity.

She may be right.

You deserve her,
maybe much more than I do.

Who am I anyway'?


If I Wanted to, and if I Went to her
right now and say:

"Edith, don't lie to yourself."

VVhat gives you the right
to talk like that?

As the looser I take
this right, Herr Lukas.

If I told her: "Come wlth me,
girl! It will be a very hard time,

till I stand on my feed again
but I do love you!"

She would come,
she would come for sure.

She is waiting for it,
I know that, I can feel it.

Be quiet!

Yes, it's hard to hear,
but it is he truth!

VVhen you joined us the other night
in the garden, I had told her everything.

I had just kissed her!
And she did not resist!

Shut up!

Some day she will run away from you.
For sure! She wont forget me!

You are an ,
impertinent patron!

I just don't believe this!

What's going on here?


Oh my god! Peter!
- What happened?

Look, there he is! Come!

Stefan! Stefan!
- Yes!

Come here!
Something has happened to Erwin!

Get my jacket!

What ls lt'? What happened
to the little boy'?

He fell.
from the bridge.

It's no use. .

Hear the angels' praise so great.

If I had wings, if I had
wings, I would fly over valleys and hills,

fly off to Zions hills.

Paradise, Paradise, how sweet
your fruits arise!

Under your life-trees
it feels like a dream.

Take us, Lord, to paradise.

Let me go, let me
see, let me see, oh Jesus!

Satisfy my appetite,
let me stay with Jesus,

stand before his throne.


Have the parents of the httle
one been informed?

Yes, Herr Pastor,
we already did that.

- What is it'?

Bye bye, I am gone.

Don't do it!
It's no use any longer!

they wont get me.

Peter Wllle, don't play any games.

Stefan Kolb.
- Aha. And you'?

I am company.
- Sepp Lauterjung'?

- Please gentlemen?

Comnmssar Perkuhn from the
Hannover Police Departement.

I am sorry, for
showing up right now,

but we dent have much time.

If you allow me, I will go wlth you,
I am the mayor, I know the boys.

Of course.
- Lukas, please!

One moment, please.

What's going on'? Where are you taking Stefan?

He is under arrest.

Because of the old thing,
the thing he wore handcuffs for before.

You knew, that
they would get him'?

Yes. But Edith, I have...
- Please, leave me alone!



But you told me,
you where innocent.

I arn. Edith, everything is cleared.
It is, like I told you.

Iam no longer under suspicion.

YesJVhss, you may
calm down. Congratulations.

What was I talkmg
about before'?

Herr Comnmssar was talkmg about
the mysterious Herr Fleck.

Right, right.

When we nohced, that Herr Fleck
was not, what he pretended to be,

we talked to his
colleague once again.

And what do you say, the Guy was
rotten up to his neck.

And then he also admitted, that everything
he testified before,

was a he.
- Oh boy!

Will you go to Essen?



Congratulations to you, too.

Edith, please! I'll see you.

That you took the effort to come here,
how decent of you. Allow me'?

Hey, hey, hey.
- You leave him alone.

No, no, my dear, that ls not the
reason why we came.

I just took the

to take the pressure
from the others chests.

Actually we came here
because of you.

Because of me'?
- Yes.

I suppose you can
imagine why.

L-lerr Confinfiissar, concerning this I have the imagination
of a newborn child.

- Yes.

Stolen car in the US-zone
last year?

Baden-Baden, Freiburg?

The cigarette file'?
- Yes.

Then you got everything.

Okay then. Pack your belongings.

Porsche, you accompany him.
Yes, Herr Commissar.

To bad.

One last question, Herr Commissar.

Do I owe all this to a certain
unmarried Lise-y Stenzel?

Thank you, that is enough.

Well then, let's move.

Iam going with you.



it is nice of you to visit rne
again, before you leave.

But Edith.

You should be happy!
Since your way is clear now.

And everything turned out quiet well,
after all. Yes?

Nothing turned out well.


I wont be able to be happy
because of what I did to you.

I did not Want it myself, but...
- I know.

I know, Echth. But you see,
everything turned out different form e, too.

They found out my
vvifes address.

I received the news today
and I an": just about to leave

for Rostock .

At last'?

At last.
- Lukas, how wonderful for you.

Certainty at last.
- Yes.

Do you know, where she ls'?
- Yes.

Will you be quiet?

See, they are already waiting
for you. Good-by, Edith, .

And grahtude, much grahtude,
yes, yes, very much gratitude.

You know, some thmgs would have been very hard for me
without you, in the past time.

Yes, yes, my dear Peter
Wille, it's too late now.

You are nght, Herr Porsche.
You are so right.

Open the cupboard!

There is nothing in it, Peter.
- Leave it!


Which prison will he come to'?

Where there is room.

Peter, if you behave

it Won't be that long
I an": sure...

He is gone.


You just wait, you pig!