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Halfway House, The (1944)

Posted: 11/17/23 19:32
by bunniefuu
I'm afraid my... my Welsh
has gone a little rusty

since I left here 20 years ago.

But I would like you all to know

how glad I am to be back home.

And thank you.

So you're... still here.

I am. And here I stay
if I make you see reason.

Oh, for heaven's sake.
Not all that again. I...

- I don't feel up to it.
- I'm not surprised.

For the last time, I...

I can't cancel the tour, it's impossible.

Take a look at these plates
and think again.

They wouldn't mean a thing to me.

Really, David, you've got to listen to me.

You must stop work.

You can't carry on like this.

For a man in your state of health,
it's madness.

You're all in.

As for that British Council tour,

however important it may be
from the government's point of view,

the idea of you going to Lisbon
and Madrid...

I said I'd go and that's that.

Alright, David, I'm going to be frank.

How long have I got?

At the rate you're going...

about three months.

David, be sensible.

It needn't be that.

Take things easily now,
you'll last for years.

Let someone else take over the orchestra.

- Get me a drink, George.
- A small one.

And a large one for the doctor.


So that's the verdict.

Only if you choose to make it so.

I can't decide anything
definite tonight. I...

I'm tired.

Terribly tired.


maybe I'll know tomorrow
just what I'm going to do.


Why not go away for a few days
and think it over quietly?



You remember the old Halfway House, sir,
up near Cwmbach?

I'm afraid that's no good.

It was burned down
in an air raid last year.

Pity, I... I liked that place.

There are plenty of quiet country inns
round Cwmbach and Llandudno.

And you must rest.

Alright, I'll see.

Excuse me now, John.
I... I simply must get to bed.

Goodnight, George. Nine o'clock, as usual.

- Goodnight, David.
- Goodnight, Mr Davies.

And that's my last word.

I don't think you should allow
personal differences

to interfere with Joanna's education.

But it's an impossible school,

boyish girls and girlish boys.

Far better than that idiotic place
she was at before.

Turning out nothing but dumb debutantes.

Would you remind my husband
that I went to that idiotic place?

Wouldn't it make
our discussions easier, Jill,

if you were to address Richard directly?

Oh, I'm Joanna French.

Are my mother and father still here?

Well, they are but I...

Mummy said she was going to meet me
for lunch and never turned up.

- I think you'd better wait in here.
- Thank you.

It's past two, you must be very hungry?

Oh, I've had lunch, thank you.

Lobster mayonnaise and strawberry flan.

It cost five shillings, all I had.

So the waiter lent me a shilling
for his tip.

I'm going to send it back, of course.

His name's Mr Patterson
and he lives in Gunnersbury Lane.

Oh, really? Oh, well,
they won't be very long now.

Thank you.

I've fallen too often for his winning
smile and meaningless promises.

"Settle those bills?
Why, of course, darling."

Next thing I know,
there's a dun at the door.

"Your allowance?
Why, certainly, my poppet."

Same night he's out spending it on
that cheap little red-head of his.

Jill, for heaven sake, you know
perfectly well she doesn't mean a thing...

Please, tell my husband
he may not excuse himself

for, what's her name, Sybil Scott.
I'm really most grateful to the lady.

She's given me grounds
to end this impossible marriage.

So you're determined to go through
with this divorce?

Absolutely, Mr Truscott.

If you knew all I'd gone through
in these last few months

you'd see it's the only possible solution.

I hope I never see him again.

That goes for me too.
It's the one thing we do agree upon.

This makes me very sad.

When I suggested
you should meet here today,

I did hope we might be able to arrange
some sort of truce.

No, Mr Truscott, I've had enough.

My wife's not exactly what you'd call
a reasonable sort of woman.

It only remains for us

to settle Joanna's immediate future.

I have a week's leave, I want her with me.

But I only have ten days off
from the Red Cross.

I think, my dear, that as Richard
may not see Joanna again

for some considerable time, you might.

If only I could be sure of him
being sensible with her.

Oh, we just do a round
of nightclubs together

and go on a few ginger beer blinds.

Incidentally, what's her usual bedtime?

- Oh, seven or eight, as it's a holiday.
- Hmm.

And don't let her get overtired, Richard,
she's growing so fast.

Good gracious.
Where can I find a taxi?

I'll get you one,
with the greatest of pleasure.

If you're going away too,
I'd better have your address.

Yes, but please don't give it to anyone.

- I want to be by myself for a bit.
- Quite.

It's The Halfway House,

Cwmbach, near Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire.

Taxi's waiting.

Well, goodbye, Mr Truscott.
And thank you.

Well, that's that.

Darling, what a sensible girl
to come here.

- Yes, wasn't I?
- You must be starving, you poor child.

I am rather hungry, Mummy.

Well, look, we'll go along to my club,
we'll be able to get something cold there.

- Oh, Mummy, I'd adore lobster mayonnaise.
- Alright, come on.

You wished to see Fortescue
before he goes, sir?

- Let him in.
- Fortescue.

Captain Fortescue, if you don't mind.

Morning, Colonel.
You wish to see me, I believe?

I make a point of seeing every prisoner
before he's discharged.

His Majesty's jails
are riddled with red tape.

I've got a taxi waiting.

It's my job to ask about your future.

Isn't it rather my affair?

As long as it doesn't mean
seeing you here again.

- It won't.
- Good.

Jail's no place for a soldier in wartime.

I agree. Surprises me
how you can stick it here.

Being a prison governor's a rabbity
sort of job for a military man.

But it is better than being an inmate.

Come off your high horse, Fortescue,
and make a new start.

A clean start.

Thanks to a lot of lies and stupidity

I was convicted of a crime
I didn't commit.

The army lost a very efficient officer.

Now I'm gonna get my money's worth.

Don't be a fool, Fortescue.

You haven't the brains to be a crook.

The w*r isn't over yet
and there's still plenty of time

to make good as a fighting soldier.

- As a private soldier?
- Well, why not?

Thanks, I'd sooner be
the governor of a jail.

Good morning.

If you ask me the captain will soon
be pining for the sea again.

Oh, no, my husband
has finished with the sea.

18 years he was crossing the Channel.

And then for three years the convoys
all over the world.

He says it's enough, he's satisfied.

- If you ask me I...
- I do no ask you, Mrs Morden.

Please, hand me that dress.

A sailor on a farm, there's daft, it is.

- You want this book too?
- Yes, please.

'You Can Speak With Your Dead'.


So, you do not believe
in life after death?

Of course I do.

Haven't I the promise of Mr Edwards
at the chapel that it is so.

That there's one world for the living
and one for the dead.

And you're meant to take them in turn,
that's what I say.

You're fortunate, perhaps.

You're not in need of the comfort
that books like this can bring.

You haven't suffered in this dreadful w*r.

I haven't suffered?

Didn't I lose my house in Llandaff Road
when they bombed Cardiff?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I also have lost my home.

- Our home in Saint-Malo.
- Oh, indeed.

Then I am sorry for you too.

But you still have your country.

I've lost mine.

You have your daughter, Blodwin.

I've lost my son.

Alice, time we got going.

I'm almost ready.

You get your hair done,
I'll fasten that.

- Just one moment.
- It's alright. Give me his photograph.

Alice, this can't go on.

We've reached the limit
when I'm not even allowed

to touch me own son's picture.

He was my son too, remember!

As if I shall ever forget it.

Yes, he was your son, too.

So when you spoke he listened.

My wishes didn't matter.

I was only his mother.

And a woman should hold her tongue
when the talk is of w*r.

That was what you said, wasn't it?

I, the daughter of a soldier,

the sister of three soldiers,

I knew nothing about w*r!

It would be foolish for my son
to listen to me.

It wasn't only that.

You know how Jim always loved the sea.

Yes, he loved the sea.

He loved to sail his boat on summer days
in Saint-Malo.

Yes, he loved the sea.

So you think it was good
that he should find

how horrible w*r can make it.

Yes, he loved the sea,

so he must go to sea and...

He was never cut out for a soldier.

You made him think that.

You wouldn't let him listen to me.

To my father, to my brothers.
Voilà pourquoi.

Alice, don't keep torturing yourself.

It isn't reasonable, such talk.

Ha! Take your hands off me!

Go away!

Well, come on, the trap's outside.

Move over, I'm driving.


You can drive a "sheep" but not a pony.

"Ship". How many more times, "ship"!

Thank you. Go on, pony!

- Good evening, Mr Oakley.
- Evening.

Evening, Mr Oakley.

- Evening, Oakley.
- Hello.

- Evening, Oakley.
- How are you, Franklin?

Would you do with a spot of whisky?

Sorry, Jude, I never touch the stuff.
Charlie, give me a large whisky.

But I could do with some tea.

- I bet you have a couple of hundredweight.
- I'll have it collected.

I say, Oakley.

How are you off for silk stockings?

- I'm nearly down to my last pair.
- Five gross any use to you?

- I'll send for 'em.
- OK, Wednesday.

- Good evening, Vincent.
- Excuse me, the man I want to see.

- Hello, I want to see you later.
- Yes, right-oh.

- You're late, Vincent!
- Yes, I'm sorry, Mr Oakley.

There was a bit of trouble
about that five tons of sugar...

Steady, steady, steady.

We may be among friends
but there's no need to shout about it.

Sit down.

- Anything on your mind?
- Yes, you.

I'm off for a few days fishing in Wales.

But before leaving I've decided
to end our association.

End it? Why, what have you got against me?

A small matter of a forged cheque.

In 1938, wasn't it?

For which you received a sentence of, er,
what was it?

12 months in the second division?

- I told you about that.
- You did, most convincingly.

And now I find that for 16 years,

right up to 1941,

you were, actually,
a highly respected member

of the Plumford Borough Council.

Not even one single day in prison.

- How did you find out?
- Oh, you admit it then?

It's no good, Vincent.

Had I known the true facts,
I should have never taken you on.

Well, that's what I was afraid of.

A man who could run straight
as long as you did

might be easily tempted
to run straight again.

It's a risk I can't take.

But I assure you, Mr Oakley,
I was never all that you think.

It's just that I, well, I wasn't caught.

Surely you can't hold that against me?

I insist upon absolute confidence
in the integrity of my employees.

- I think it's most unfair.
- It's a matter of principle.

Very well, if I'm out,
you won't get that five tons of sugar.

I shan't be the first man to make
a sacrifice for his principles. Goodnight.

- Freddie Burton.
- Yes?

- Do you take sugar?
- I always take sugar.

- Five tons enough?
- Suits me. What are you going to have?

- Oh, this is first, isn't it?
- Well, the first get on first.

Let's get in here.

- Oh, sit down.
- Engaged, is it, miss?

I... I was keeping it for someone
but he hasn't turned up.

Oh, thank you, miss.

I'm glad we got this train.

- Have a Welsh cake, Mrs Johnson.
- Thank you kindly.

Mr Roberts?

No, thank you, Mrs Wentworth.

I lost my sweet tooth
to the dentist in Llandrindod.

Have one, miss?

Made by my aunty in the Mumbles.

Real butter, it is.

Her whole ration in one baking.

Thank you.

- Friend lost the train?
- Yes.

- Aww.
- There's a pity, isn't it?

Last train to the junction too, mind you.

Oh, dear, is it?

- Margaret!
- Terence!

I think we'd better sit down.

Move over, Mr Roberts, move over!

Thank you, that's very kind of you.

I'm so sorry, darling,
but I only just made the guard's van

and the plane from Lisbon was late.

I was terrified
something happened to you.

- Were you?
- Have a cake?

- Pardon?
- Have a cake?

Well... Thank you.

You going far?

We're going to a place called Cwmbach.

English, aren't you?

No, I come from Éire.

Oh, courting you are, is it?


Yes, courting.

My very best wishes, I'm sure.

Thank you.

Oh, goodness, packed out.

- Let's try further up, shall we?
- Yes.

Darling, it's so wonderful
to see you again.

Yes, and your people
certainly forget each other in two weeks.

And we haven't and it's two years.

I've lots to tell you.

- What?
- I said, I've lots to tell you.

It'll have to keep.

Mavis Jackson says
all rails are 20 yards long.


So if you multiply 17 by 20.

17 by 20.

And then by 60.


You have the speed of the train in yards.

Then divide by 1,706.

I much rather ask the engine driver
when we get there.

Daddy, what's an internal triangle?


Look at that frisky white pony.

See it?

We've got a white pony at school.

Mavis Jackson rides it sitting backwards.

Sounds quite a girl this Mavis Jackson.
Can she...

But really, Daddy,
what is an internal triangle?

Oh, dear, Joanna, first you flunk me
at arithmetic now it's geometry.

Both my worst subjects.

You seem to think
that I'm still about ten.

I know it's something to do
with the family bust up.

And I'm wondering whether
you, Mummy and I are it.

Don't you worry about those things,
my darling.

I want us to both enjoy our holiday.

Oh, I'm going to, Daddy.

It was heavenly of you to let me
choose the place and everything.

The girl who told me about The Halfway
House said it's simply marvellous.

Mavis Jackson, I presume?

No, as a matter of fact, it wasn't.

Ynysgwyn, junction for Cwmbach.

Come on, this is where we change.

Junction for Cwmbach.

Ynysgwyn, junction for Cwmbach.

What time's the connection
to Cwmbach get in?

She does not get in, sir.
She has got out.

Twenty minutes ago. Pity, pity for you.

Lloyd the Farm took the old cow
down to Tawsgeod Saturday.

- Going to the pictures?
- Not Mrs Lloyd!

The old Jersey moo.

- When's the next train to Cwmbach?
- Tomorrow morning, 8:15.


Except on Saturdays when it's 8:14

and on Sundays, of course,
when it doesn't run at all.

Can't we hire a car?

Well, there's only Doctor Thomas
running a car

and he's over the mountain with Mrs Jones
the post office, who's expecting.

Yes, but surely there's something
you could harness a horse to?

Well, sir,
Mr Evans the milk has two horses,

but one is hired to Mr Davies the fish.

And the other to Mr Swelling
the Royal Oak for his auntie's funeral.

Come on, Thomas.

Hey, isn't there a bus?

There's a bus goes down
the main road every hour.

But when in the hour
I wouldn't be knowing.

How far's the main road?

Well, I couldn't be saying exactly.

- Not more than two miles, perhaps.
- That's right.

Through the village,
up the hill and there you are,

I shouldn't be surprised.

Well, I suppose,
we'll have to walk it, Daddy.

I say, may we join forces?

We're heading for Cwmbach too.

- By all means.
- Are you any good at thumbing a lift?

Let's hope it's not too far.



I say, excuse me. I'm trying to find...

By dammit, it's Oakley!


What an extraordinary thing!

What an earth are you doing
in this part of the world?

I'm trying to find a pub
called The Halfway House.

Funny, I'm bound for it myself.

Should have been there an hour ago.

Bloody car conked out.

Well, it's good to see you again
after all these years.

Yes. Apparently, you've broadened
your outlook in the interval?

- Huh?
- I heard about those regimental funds.

The findings of the court martial
were outrageous.

Oh, come off it, old boy.

Nothing to reproach yourself with.

Except getting caught.

You know, it beats me
how they've never caught you.

- Huh?
- By the way, what's the present racket?

We'll talk about my present business
when we get to this pub.

If we can find it.

Should be visible from here.

According to the map.

That's odd.

Try these.

As I remember the place,

curve of the river,

clump of trees on the left

and... Why there it is!

As large as life.


It's astonishing.

I scoured every inch of the valley.

Obviously, your trouble is
bars before the eyes.


When you get to the hotel
you might book me a room.

- Want a lift on the step?
- Oh, thanks.

- You a good rider?
- Don't know, haven't ridden for 20 years.

- Oh, well, I'm used to taking chances.
- You all set?

- Right.
- Hold tight.

Your brakes alright?

I've seen worse. Don't know where.

Phew! I wouldn't go through that again
for all the tea in China.

Yes, I thought that would make
your hair stand on end.

Let's get inside,
I want to get at my nerve tonic.

Urgh, I could do with a dose myself.

Oh, dear. Oh, dear.

Used to come here quite a lot
in the old days.

- What, before the w*r?
- That's right.

Can't get away much now, you know.

- Working hard, eh?
- You bet I am.

This is no time for slacking.


Snug sort of billet. Very snug.


Anyone about? Rhys?

Where's everybody?


Rhys? Rhys?

Where are you?

I say.

Good afternoon, sir.

You weren't there a moment ago, were you?

Or were you?

Sorry if I startled you, sir.

Oh, not at all. Are you the landlord?

And you have arrived with Mr Oakley?

Yes, but how did you know?

You were expected, sir.

Expected? But I...

Quite a lot of people who don't know
where they're going arrive here.

Not a soul in the place.

There you are!

Nearly five years, glad to be back.

I was thinking that, sir.

Huh? You been away too?

- Yes, sir.
- D'you get my wire?

I had a message, sir.

I hope you can find a room
for Captain Fortescue.

Of course, sir.
If you will sign the register over there.

Must do something about my car.
All my fishing tackle's in it.

There's bound to be a garage
in Llandeilo.

The place hasn't changed a bit.

Nor have you, for that matter.

No, sir. Time stands still here
in the valley.

That is what they say.

I say, you have been away a long time.

The last entry's June 20th, 1942.

12 whole months.

Left your daughter in charge, I suppose?

No, sir, Gwyneth has been away too

but she'll be back now, I think.

Bore da, Bobby.

Gwyneth, bach.


- You remember, Mr Oakley?
- Indeed, I do.

You used to come fishing with me
when you ought to have been at school.

I remember the fine stories
you used to tell.

- Like fairy tales they were.
- Hmm?

Will you take Mr Fortescue's bicycle
to the garage?

There's a good girl.

I'll show you to your rooms.

You are not looking too well, sir.


Eating the wrong kind of food perhaps?

Have to take what one can get.

I hear lots of people are getting more
than they should get.

- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon. I...

I... I thought this place
had been burned down.

It has been burned down.

Three times in the last 300 years, sir.

I'm glad it's been rebuilt.

- Can I have a room?
- Yes, indeed.

Well, where should I put the car?

- The garage is over there. I'll show you.
- Oh, thanks.

I'll do it.

You must be tired after
your long motor drive, Mr Davies.

You know me?

Everyone in Wales knows David Lloyd George
and David Davies.

I used to spend my holidays
round here years ago.

Yes, indeed.

Still telling stories, they are,

of how you locked
the Bethesda choir in the chapel

on the day of the outing
till you'd finished all the trifle.

You lived here all your life?

Except for the time
when I went to the Eisteddfod

at Swansea when I was very little.

You won the big orchestral competition.

I remember very well.

There's beautiful it was, the music.

And there's lucky you are
to be able to give the pleasure you do.

Think so?

- Fixed up alright?
- Mustn't grumble.

Nice to be in a place
where you can open the windows, eh?

Oh, I say, steady on, old boy.

By the way, in your last quarters

did you meet a man called Thomson?

- Old pal of mine.
- Thomson? Thomson?

Yes, I remember. Bigamist.

Good heavens, no.

Bloke with 500 ration books.

Oh, that Thomson. Yes, of course,
he used to sing in the choir.

He didn't like it there.
He couldn't get on with, er...

What did he call him? Holy Harry.

Oh, the governor, that pompous ass.

Excuse me, gentlemen.

Not bad, eh?

Not at all bad.

Whoever rebuilt this place after the fire
did a wonderful job.

It's as good as old.

Yes, indeed.

I've forgotten
how beautiful it was up here.

"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills."

Now that's my chapel upbringing
coming out.

Did you know that
your grandfather used to hold

pray meetings on one side
of the Llandough Valley

and mine on the other?

- No, which did the best business?
- It was about equal.

In the end, they amalgamated.



Look who's here.

Well, if it isn't old Morgan Davies's boy.

- Indeed, I'm glad to see you.
- Thank you.

Come in, come in.

You father was very good to me
when I was young.

Used to give me a shilling
on Saint David's day.

I wouldn't remember that.
I was only six when he died.

Grand fellow he was.

Honest as well water
and all the courage in the world.

You're like him.

I wish I were.

- Show David his room, Gwyneth bach.
- Right you are, Dada.

This way.

Then the big barn,
that must have a new roof.

And we'll have to buy another machine
for making the butter.

Sure you think it's worth it?

Just so you can stick yourself away
in that God forsaken hole

with nothing but chickens
and cows for company.

But I don't want company.
Must I tell you that again?

I want to be away from people

who cannot understand how I feel.

Oh, what about? Spiritualism?

Oh, well, you won't find anybody down here
to practise your mumbo-jumbo on.

You sneer because you're stupid.

Because you are afraid.

D'you think so?

Alright, well, you stick to your spirits
and I'll stick to mine!

Anyway, we've got to live somehow.

And I don't care much what we do
or where we do it.

But in six month maybe you'll wish
you were back at sea.

I'm never going back.

Yes, so you talk.

But often I see you still think
about your "sheep".



Good heavens, will you never learn? Ship!

- Are you the owner of this place?
- Yes, sir.

- Have you got a double room?
- Yes.

Two single rooms.

Two single rooms. Certainly.

Where can I put the pony?

I'll see to that, sir,
if you'll go into the house.

What are you trying to do,
make a fool of me in public?

Je préfère être seul.

Alright, alright.

Have it your own way.

I dare say I can put up with it.

- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.

We want two single rooms.

Certainly, sir,
if you will sign the register.

You sign for yourself, I'll do mine later.

Give me some whisky, will you?

I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't serve you.

Why not?
This isn't a temperance hotel, is it?

The bar isn't open yet, sir.

Oh, but I'm a bona fide traveller,
I'm staying here.

I'm sorry.

I suppose there's nothing against me
having a drop of me own stuff, is there?

None, sir.


- Where do I get a glass?
- In the bar, sir, this way.

- I'll take you to your room.
- Thank you.

Come in.

I thought, perhaps,
you'd like a cup of tea, Mrs Meadows.

Oh, that's kind of you.

Yes, I find tea very agreeable.

My son, he used to say,

"At five o'clock every day,
Mother becomes English."

He is a fine boy.

He was a fine boy.

His ship was torpedoed
one year ago this week.

A sad year for you, Mrs Meadows.

Yes, indeed, so sad.

Nothing but sadness.

First my home then my country.

Too many people have learned
what that means.

But their soil will come back
into their keeping.

Yes, I cast so.

And my son too.

Never shall I believe
I've lost him forever.

Faith can be a great comfort.

I'm sure that one day,

perhaps soon,

he'll speak to me again
from where he is now.

That moment is all I live for.

No, you mustn't say that.

Oh, yes.

I've no other interest left now.

Don't you think it might
make your son unhappy knowing that?

He understands.

I'm sure he understands.

Do you believe it wrong of me?

Why are you seeking for evidence,

as if you're in a court of law?

If you are so sure
that your son understands,

that he lives on in another world.

You speak as if...

- As if...
- Will you excuse me, Mrs Meadows?

My other guests will be arriving.

Yes, so they shot me off to Lisbon.

We've known each other
for a very long time.

You'll probably have lots of rows after
you've been married, will you mind that?

You seem to know a lot about it.

Mummy and Daddy are always rowing.

I'm getting quite worried about them.

I liked it a lot.
Had a great time at the legation.

- Irish legation?
- Yes.

But isn't Lisbon lousy with Germans?

It's one of the few
international centres left.


Mind you, they never actually
throw things at one another.

Except once when Mummy...

Well, actually, she poured it over him.

- What?
- The sugar bowl.

- Oh.
- We had to have saccharin in our tea

for a fortnight.

Joanna, that's not the sort of thing
one broadcasts.

But, Daddy, she's getting married herself,
she ought to know what to expect.

I'm afraid my daughter
hasn't been very well brought up.


I... I'm awfully sorry.

I thought this was Mr Oakley's room.

I'm afraid I don't know Mr Oakley.
I've only just arrived.

Oh, well, my name's Fortescue,
Captain Fortescue.

How do you do?

I say, I've just discovered they've still
got some rather good sherry in the bar.

I knew that would appeal to Oakley.
I don't suppose you'd care to join me?

Well, why not?


I'll take you up.

Will you sign the register, please, sir?

Jill French?

Staying here?

Well, it's quite a common name, isn't it?

But it's in your mother's handwriting.

No, it can't be!

But it is.

Yes, must be fate.

Joanna, have you been up to something?

Daddy, how could I?

Mummy wouldn't tell anyone
where she was going.

But did you tell her where we were going?

I didn't breathe a word, honestly.
Can I run down and see the river?

I'd almost forgotten
what the country looks like.

Well, it's about time you had some fun.


What about
having our drinks in the garden?



Oh, excuse me a minute, will you?

Oh, yes, of course. I'll order yours.

So I caught you, eh?

How did you know I was here?
That's immaterial. Jill...

We agreed never to see each other again.
Please, leave me alone.

You have to get out of here,
I've got Joanna with me.

I have no intention of butting in
on you and Joanna.

And I've got no intention of butting in
with you and... Who is the chap?

Well, I don't see that
that need concern you.

I've seldom seen a nastier piece of work.

Oh, Richard,
you don't seriously think...

Excuse me, sir,
would you like to see your room?

Thanks, I would.

Thanks, old man,
that's very considerate of you.

Hey, that's not for you.

Alright, you keep it,
I'll fetch her another one.


Ah, the lovely lady of the corridor.

By the way, what's her name?

She's, erm, Mrs French.

Jill French, from Kensington.

You're certainly a fast worker.
How did you manage it?

Just wait straight up
and gate-crashed her bedroom.

And she wore it, eh?

Welcomed me with open arms,
old boy.


It's wonderful what the w*r does
to some women.

Wonderful's the word.

I remember a little piece of crackling
when I was stationed at Chiselwood.

Hey, do you see what I see?

Do you know where my mother is, please?

I think she's in the house, Miss Joanna.

Thank you.

- What's the matter?
- Well, she's...

She's casting no shadow.

Well, she's out of the sun.

She hadn't got one a moment ago
when she was in the sun.

And the other girl had.

I say, old man, you really ought to do
something about your eyes.

- But I'll swear to it.
- You better give me that sherry.

Now steady, old boy.

No, Joanna, it just won't wash.

Either I was deliberately followed
or you've been up to something.

But, Mummy, how could I have been?

It's the only explanation.

There is another one, Mummy.

- Oh?
- Fate.

That fate never intended
you and Daddy to part.

Now, Joanna...

Oh, run along. I'm going to have a bath.

Excuse me, what time do they open?

Er, 5:30 on Fridays, I think.

Thanks, I'm going to have
a glass of ginger beer.

Would you like one too?

Er, no thanks.

My doctor's ordered me off hard liquor.

Oh, what a shame.

I say, you're David Davies, aren't you?

Yes, I am.

I think you're jolly good.

- Thanks.
- Much better than Harry Roy.

That's very nice of you.

Sure you wouldn't like
a glass of ginger beer?

Quite sure.

Oh, well, I'll be seeing you.

It's a funny sort of atmosphere here.

I know what it is.

Maybe it's the Irish in me.

What do you mean?

Well, it comes with being the seventh son
of a seventh son or something.



Margaret, I've been offered
a secretaryship at our legation in Berlin.


Well, why not?

Ireland's not at w*r with Germany.

Yes, but Berlin, darling?

I know it seems strange to you
at first perhaps, darling,

but my job's my job.


But I've got a job too.

Not for much longer, darling.

When we're married, you'll come with me.


But you'll be Irish
when you've married me.

I'll never be as Irish as that.

I couldn't go to Germany. I'd hate to.

I'd hate to think of you being there.

Aren't you being rather difficult?

But it is difficult.

It's the most difficult problem
I've ever had to face.

Oh, darling. Don't let's squabble.

Because there is one thing
we can agree about.

When to get married.

When you get back from Berlin.


Or on the day that Ireland
declares w*r on Germany.

You'd be alright
if your hand didn't wobble, sir.

I'm afraid I've spend most of my life
in a wobbly element.

Bars are lovely places,
aren't they, Daddy?

You think so? Must be hereditary.

We've got a mistress at school who drinks.

Joanna, that's quite untrue, I'm sure.

No, really, Daddy. She had hiccups once
all through prayers.

- Probably indigestion
- 15.

I'll point her out to you
next time you come down.

- Then you can sniff her breath.
- That'll be very pleasant.

Double seven. I've won.

I say, isn't today Friday, June 21st?

Yes, of course.

That's last year's calendar, look.

- 1942.
- So it is.

Oh, well.

Sling her out, Captain,
if she gets on your nerves.

I'm gonna have a bath, poppet.

What do you want?

You're after something.


you look the sort of person who'd

stretch out a hand
to a shipwrecked mariner.


Who's the shipwrecked mariner, you?


Mummy and Daddy. You see their marriage
has gone on the rocks.

Now, now, that's something
to keep to yourself.

But they've got
their "decree nasty" already.

No, when married people have stopped
getting on with each other

it's no use trying
to bring them together again.

If I were your daughter,
I'm sure you'd help me.


I never had a daughter so I can't say.

Well, son then.

Mmm, any advice I give
might be a grave misjudgement.

I'm as certain as certain that Mummy
and Daddy still love each other.

All they need is something
to make them realise it.

I'm afraid I can't help you there,
little lady.

But you can.

Now, if I was in the position
of mortal peril...


Hey, you in there.

How about letting me have some water?

Wait your turn.

Oh, it's you, is it? I might have known.

Come on, you've had enough!

Stop shouting.

The regulation says five inches.

Or are there two of you in there?

Must you be coarse as well as stupid.

Turn off those taps!

Ahh, go to hell.

Get out of here!

If you will behave like a greedy slut!

Please, remember you're talking to me now,
not your red-headed floozy.

Don't try to pull that line with me.

It doesn't come awfully well
from a cheap little pick-up.

Well, if you really do think
I've sunk to your level.

Oh, shut up! You make me sick.

Richard, how dare you?! Oow!


Ow! Ow!

Ow!! Ow!!

Excuse me.

- Ow! Ow!
- C harmante.

Not bad.

By the way, what actually became
of those regimental funds?

the brutes got every penny back.

Oh, too bad.

I could have easily tripled it for you.

I say, could you really?

You must be wallowing in money.

- w*r's taught me one thing.
- What's that?

Never to miss an opportunity
however small.

Yes, every time.

You know, I like you Fortescue,
I always have.

You've got, er, facade.

Well, you're fairly presentable yourself.

I think I could put you on the map.

Carry on.

I could feel confidence
in a chap like yourself.

A chap who's been through the mill.

Well, tell me, how exactly do you operate?

Are you, er, David Davies by any chance?


Most extraordinary coincidence.

Oh, why?

Been thinking about
your last Albert Hall concert.

Outstanding musical event.

But no publicity, no posters.

Absolutely scandalous.

What did I do with my glasses?

A fellow like you is the finest possible
advertisement for British music.

Show the Germans they're not the only ones
who've got a Beethoven.

I'm a conductor, not a composer.

Now I've got an option on some
of the best poster sites in the country.

What you want to do

is to plaster your name
from Land's End to John o' Groats.

But I thought there was a paper shortage?

Don't you believe it, old boy.

Advertise yourself.
Advertise British culture.

- What could be nicer?
- Precisely.

Besides, think of your income tax.

Rebate for legitimate expenses.

What could be more legitimate
then advertising yourself?

- How very odd.
- Odd nothing!

Stands out a mile.

Make you more popular then Mickey Rooney.

This paper's a year old.

Make your name a household word.

June 21st, 1942.

"Rommel approaching Fort Capuzzo".

Half a minute!

The whole issue's a year behind.


A year behind.

Well, it's only natural.

Rhys told us he'd been away 12 months.

Why, these are leftovers.

If that's the case they should
all be covered in dust.

And how could they be leftovers
if the inn was...


Oh, nothing,
no doubt your explanation's right.

Well, of course I'm right.

I say, there it is again.

There's what again, old boy?

Well, that girl.
She's definitely got no shadow.

By Jove! You're dead right.

Not a sign of one.

Not a sign.

Well, what is it?

That girl Gwyneth casts no shadow.

Perhaps she's lost it like Peter Pan.

Or... or maybe she's a ghost.


They say ghosts cast no shadow.

I haven't seen salmon
since the price was controlled.

Don't know where to look for it perhaps?
Now I might...

Of course you as a fisherman
would know where to go.

It's not only fish you get
in your net, eh, Mr Oakley?

Go on, sit down.
It's getting in the way, you are.

- Any use to you?
- Thank you.

Mr Davies, Captain Meadows,
if you haven't met already.

- Oh, yes.
- How do you do?

You'll know the name David Davies.

You're not Captain Meadows
of The Minerva by any chance?

I was. I'll trouble you for the salt.

Well, it's a far cry from
mid-Atlantic to mid-Wales.

I shall never forget that day.

What happened?
Do tell us about it, Captain Meadows.

I'm not a talking man, young lady.

Oh, then you must, Mr Davies.

Yes, please, do.

Well, I was returning
from a series of broadcasts in the States

and the convoy run into a pack of U-boats.

Our ship was the first to catch it
and we had to take to the boats.

The Minerva was hit too and...

she went up like a blazing furnace.

She was carrying a cargo
of high expl*sives

so Captain Meadows gave orders
to abandon ship. I...

Oh, no. The order was from the commodore.

The order was to abandon ship

if the fire reached amm*nit*on holds.

Abandon ship was all I got.

The signaller was k*lled.

And there are no alibis
for mistakes at sea.

But no man could risk
losing all those lives?

The fire burned itself out.

They boarded my ship next morning.

And brought her back to Cardiff.

In tow.

Well, I suppose you'll be off to sea again
as soon as she's refitted?

My wife will tell you,
we're buying a farm, mister.

I think convoy work's the bravest thing
a man can do.

Well, er, it's certainly dangerous enough.

My husband says if only England

could use the Irish bases.

Oh, pardon me, but...

if England used our bases, Germany
would claim it as a breach of neutrality.

And she'd be justified.

Germany has as much right
to a neutral base as England.


I beg your pardon?

- You're Irish?
- I am.

And I think Ireland's quite right
to be strictly neutral.

Yes, I am French.

Some of my countrymen also decided

that anything is better than w*r.

Now they see.

But real Frenchmen have always known.

That one doesn't get peace
by refusing to fight.

Because there is no peace

for those who are dominated and despised.

What's the use of living
without freedom and dignity?

When they are threatened,
there is only one thing to do.


You can't compare us with France.

She fought and was beaten.

France is still fighting.
She'll never be beaten.

Let's help collect the plates.

Oh, Terence,
how can you say such a thing?

Oh, that's funny.

This room wasn't damaged
in the fire then. The...

paint here is quite faded.

Picture must have been there for years.

Yes, indeed.

What's this about a fire, Rhys?
You never told me.

Didn't I tell you, sir?

But I thought it was impossible
to get a place rebuilt during the w*r?

Nothing's impossible
if you know who to contact.

- What happened? Anybody hurt?
- No.

Only Gwyneth and me is here,

sitting at supper.

Then in the distance we hear g*ns.

When did this happen?

It is the evening we hear on the news
that Tobruk has fallen.

A year ago today.

And then, as though
that wasn't bad enough,

the old sirens start to bay

like the hounds of hell themselves.

Often we had the old sirens
but never any bombs.

And we hear a plane
moaning above the house.

It is coming nearer and nearer,
louder and louder.

It is like the wind
that comes before a storm.

Suddenly, down it swoops,
machine gunning the house.

Breaking two windows upstairs

and a bottle of whisky
standing in the bar.

Then all is quiet.

But it isn't long
before we hear it coming back.

Hovering over the house
like a bird of ill omen.

And then the old b*mb bursts in the road,

just by there in front.

Then the incendiaries begin to fall.

One comes through the ceiling,

in the corner over there.

Another through this window here.

And one on the middle of the carpet.

A great white fire with blue sparks.

Until the whole house is burning
and flaming to the skies.



There's no need to be alarmed.

We often hear g*n practice
from the ranges at Dinas Dee.

If you've all finished, then Gwyneth
will bring you your coffee in the garden.

Anything I can do?

Well, there's the washing-up.

Alright, I'll do the drying.

So we've both been
through the fire, Captain.

Yes, but you came out of it better.

Nobody turned round afterwards
and called you a coward.

You were no coward then, I know that.

A name like that sticks.

Wouldn't they have forgotten it
by now, Captain,

if you'd gone back to sea
and proved it was a lie?

You're a q*eer sort of chap, Rhys.

You're no more like the average publican

- than I'm like...
- The average farmer.

Now you're laughing at me.

The farm was the wife's idea.

Heaven knows what made her pick on that.

Perhaps it was her grief.

Her grief?

Yes, the desire to suffer in solitude.


She's still got me with her.

Has she, Captain?

Action stations, Captain!

- Well, what is it now?
- A plan.

Can't think why
it didn't strike me before,

you being a sailor and everything.

I'm not. I've handed in me ticket.

Rubbish! Course you haven't.

You'll have to get out of the window,
I'm afraid.

- Why?
- Because Mummy and Daddy are on the lawn

and they mustn't see us.

Oh, alright. Well, here goes.

Mr Rhys?

- Not a word. Cross your heart.
- Cross my heart.

Well, it's a long time
since I helped with the chores.

Who taught you to be so useful?

My grandmother over at Court Kenning.

She had a wide sunny kitchen like this
with dark oak beams.

She used to make me Welsh cakes
as a treat of mine.

I'd do the washing-up afterwards.

You're not very good at it, are you?

No, I'm a little out of practice.

- I'll get better as I go on.
- Ooh!


There's no need to be afraid.

Everyone is frightened
that sometime they will have to leave

all they understand and love.

But it's harder for you.

You're counting the days.

You're not surprised that I should
understand about you, are you?


Because you're coming our way.

So don't be afraid, David.

It helps, you know,
to get on with your work.

I can't.

What's the use?

I don't want to.

Death is only a door opening, David.

But it's better, they say,
to walk up and knock bravely

then to be carried through it.

You know, don't you, Gwyneth?

Yes, David.

I know.

Come on, let's get on with the job.

I almost wish you hadn't come back,

All the time that you were away,

I felt we were together.

Now that we are together, well...

Oh, darling, if you loved me,
you wouldn't go to Berlin.

If you understood,
you wouldn't try to stop me.

You've changed so, darling.

You used not to be so...

- So...
- So Irish?


Being away two years has made me
realise what Ireland means to me.

Go on.

It's hard to explain what I feel, but...

but if suddenly I were to lose everything,

everything expect my nationality,

I should still feel happier
than anyone in the world.

Yes, even if you lost me.

Tell me, Rhys,

about the rebuilding of this place.

There has been no rebuilding, sir.

Well, dammit man, you told us
the inn was burnt down a year ago.

So it was, sir.

What are you trying to put over on us?

Some sort of ghost story?

I suppose you might call it that, sir.

Well, it's the first time
I've heard of a ghostly pub.

Useful though,
no nonsense about licensing hours.

In a manner of speaking, sir,

everything is ghosts
at The Halfway House.


- Me a ghost?
- No, sir.

I don't mean the guests.
They're what you call real.

What real guests but ghost hosts, eh?

That's right, sir.

Come on, Fortescue.
Let's leave him to hoe his ghostly garden.

Man's as crazy as a coot.

You know, there's something
funny about Mr Rhys.

Funny? Why?

He doesn't make me laugh.

- Oh, no, I don't really mean...
- Oh, no,

I laugh at the man who is like an egg.

I laugh at his friend who has no brain.

But that Mr Rhys, no.

No, I couldn't laugh.

No, I don't mean funny like that.

I mean, there's something
curious about him.

Oh, yes.

Almost as if he didn't belong
to this world.

Yes, that's it, exactly.

As soon as I came here,

I felt an atmosphere
I've never known before.

It has so encouraged me.

- Encouraged you?
- Yes.

To hope.

Here I can believe wonderful things
are possible.

What sort of things?

Tell me.

Do you believe in spiritualism?

Well, I...
I think it's terribly interesting,

- but I don't know very much about it.
- Oh, nor I.


Where I've been living, the people
there were not sympathetic.

I could only read of it.

And I want so much,

so very much, to guide.

- Seen Joanna?
- No, not since dinner.

Do you mean hold a seance?

Oh, yes, that's what I mean.

I'm sure there is no place more suitable.

You think we can try it?

You'll ask the others?

Well, yes, I'll ask them, if you like.

- Do you think it'll work?
- I hope so.

It's bound to.

The shock of seeing the lifeless form
of their only daughter.

- Lifeless?
- That's what they'll think.

We'll reunite them
and they will face the future side by side

and live happily ever after.

I know it's right. I read it in a book.

Oh, I'm afraid things don't always
work out in real life like storybooks.

This is the place.

Well, it'll have to be,
we can't go much further.

You sure you can swim?

Positive. But Mummy and Daddy don't know.

I can swim like a fish.

You're lucky. I've been at sea
for 40 years and I can't!

- Can't swim?
- Not a stroke!

Well, here goes then.

Help! Mummy, Daddy, help! Mummy!

Mummy, Daddy! Help!


- Richard!
- Mummy, Mummy, Daddy!

- What's the matter?
- Better see if we can help.

Mummy, Daddy, help! Help! Mummy!

Help! Help! Mummy! Daddy! Help!

- I'm drowning.
- What?

- You're drowning.
- Yes.

I'm drowning! Help, Mummy!

Daddy, help!

Help! Mummy, Daddy, help!

I'm drowning! I'm drowning! Help!

Look out. Mind what you're doing.
Look out!

Captain Meadows! Captain Meadows!

Help! Help!




Further down! Between them
and the weir.


Are you alright, darling?

I was frightened, Mummy. Frightened! Oh!

- Oh! Is she alright?
- Yes, I think so.

- Your husband.
- What?

Oh, mon Dieu!


What have you been doing?

- Are you alright?
- Yes, I'm alright.

Thanks, old man,
that was very good of you.

- Ha.
- Nice work.

Let me help you back to the house.

You that can't swim
in a boat with a child.

And after dinner too.

Oh, turn it up, Alice!
I'm alright, I tell you.

All I need's a hot drink.

Drink, of course.

- Oh, look, she's cut her foot.
- Oh, let's see.

Give me your hanky, quick.

- One here.
- Give it to me.

Daddy, if I die of pneumonia,

I want you and Mummy
to share my stamp collection,

to remember me by.

She's delirious! It must be a concussion.

Well, what is it, darling?
Is it your head?

And I want my camera and my hockey stick

to go to Doctor Barnardo's home.

You seem to forget you sold them
to the milkman for three and sixpence.

Joanna, you didn't do this on purpose?

And I forgive you both
for trying to make me half an orphan.

Now look me in the face
and tell me the truth!

I didn't think you were going to be
so beastly ungrateful.

On purpose? What purpose?

Well, to try and bring me
and you together again, of course.

I call that rather touching.

Touching? To nearly
frighten the life out of me?

- At least she gave your gallant captain...
- Oh, will you shut up about that man?

He doesn't mean anymore
more to me than... than you do!


Perhaps compromise is the answer, sir.

- Eh?
- Compromise.


That's fatal.

To the Irish perhaps,

but the English have a genius for it.

You, a Welshman, can say that?

We've kept ourselves alone.

If one small conquered people can do that,
surely another can?

No nation is conquered, sir,

if it keeps its soul and its language,
as we've done.

The English are our friends
and our neighbours.

We live at peace with them.

Their enemies are our enemies

and their w*r is our w*r.

I'm proud of being a Welshmen, sir.

But I wouldn't put the betterment of Wales

before the betterment of humanity.

As we're doing?

Would you help me with the chairs, sir?

You can't come in.

I've brought you some hot milk.

To stop you getting the old chill.

I hope I do have a chill.

A very bad chill.

And die!

Then perhaps they'll be sorry.

Don't talk rubbish, Miss Joanna.

Have the milk.

Just to please me.


Now don't you go worrying
about your mum and dad.

Everything will work out for them,
you'll see.

I thought it would make them
friends again.

Seeing their only child
snatched from the jaws of death.

Jumped in on purpose, you know.

And very brave it was of you too.

I can't think of anything else to do.

Oh, dear.

Isn't life awful?

Do you like this place?

Not any longer.

Pleasant things happen here, you know.

What sort of things?

Wishes come true.

What do you mean?

If you shut your eyes and wish very hard.

- Well?
- You never know.

Wish very hard, Joanna bach.

Before you do that I think
you'd better roll back the carpet.

That we hear the tapping of the table.

Roll back the carpet, old boy.

Furniture removers now.

Tell me when you want me to stop,
Mrs Meadows.

But, surely, you have music all the time
at the best seances, don't you?

Well, to be truthful I...

I think it would help to get us
into the right mood.

Oh, perhaps you're right.

And Mr Davies plays so beautifully.

- Now the chairs.
- Yes.

A lot of damn nonsense.

Like to see how she works it.

What's happening?

We're gonna hold a seance.
Care to join in?


Give us a hand with these chairs, old boy,
will you?

- I will.
- Just like old times, darling.

- Sitting holding hands in the dark.
- Well, if you're going to be flippant.

Flippant? I should be most disappointed

if the spirit doesn't appear and say,
"Make the most of him, Jill French,

it's your last chance."

Oh, no, to hear a voice, that's very rare.

If there is a spirit present,

he'll speak to us
by tapping with the table.

One tap for A, two for B.

I hope his name isn't Zachariah.

There's six chairs.

Oh, the curtains, monsieur.

Oh, madam, here.

And, monsieur, will you come here?

Monsieur, here.

And will you sit over there?

I think it's best that
we take off our rings.

Now, if you will all place
your fingers on the table,


What's going on here?

Oh. I see.

Oh, Harry, I beg of you.

Please, don't interfere.

Go away if you don't like it.

Don't shut that, I want to read.

At least I close it enough
not to shine on the table.

Now again we start.

Mr Davies, please.

The thumbs touching as I do

and the little fingers touching
those of your neighbours.

So we make the psychic circle.

And, remember, whatever happens

there is nothing of which
to be frightened.

If the spirits come, they come to help us.

Is there any visitor
from the spirit world

here with us tonight?

If so, we ask that you speak to us.

Spirit, who are you?

May we know who you are?

Please, tell us your name.











Jim. C'est toi?

J, that's the first letter of his name.

- I made it K.
- No, I'm sure it was J.

I thought it was K.

Something seems to have gone wrong.

Can we ask him again?

Perhaps, yes.

It's so important that we are sure.

Oh, silence, please.


Once more we ask

that you tell us who you are.

Hello, mother darling. I'm dead.

It's grand to be speaking to you again.

It seems so long since I last saw you.

Well, I'm in the most wonderful place
you ever set eyes on.

And feeling fine.
Everyone is so good to us.

Thank you for your postcard, Dad.

Congrats on being made a sergeant
in the Home Guard.

Well, there's lots of other chaps waiting
to speak to their folks at home,

so here's wishing you all the best.

And a big hug, Mum,

from your loving son.

And here is Private J. Smith
of the Green Howards

calling from Cairo to Mr and Mrs Smith

of 13, Prince of Wales Terrace,

What a filthy trick!

Mrs Meadows.

Captain Meadows,
what a beastly thing to do. How could you?

- Pretty low, I must say.
- Certainly a strange idea of fun.

- That's a rotten trick.
- Shut up, the lot of you!

That boy was mine as well as hers.

He went down doing his duty.

Do you think I want him
to come clowning back,

making tables dance about rooms?

He was a man, my boy was.

And a joy to all around him.

Now he lies 50 fathoms deep
at the bottom of the Aegean.

And for the sake of God almighty
let him lie there in peace.

Why not tell your wife
what you've just told us?


Maybe I will.

Wait a minute.

I thought they'd stopped
those Middle East broadcasts?

I wouldn't vouch for anything
that happens in this house.

- Alice.
- Go away.

- Alice, I'm sorry.
- Go away.

I didn't mean to hurt you.

- I never do.
- Don't touch me.

Don't come near me!

Now listen, darling.

Weren't you satisfied?

Hadn't you done enough before?

Taking him away from me when he was...

when he was alive.

Alice, don't say that, please.

Never say that again.

I don't think I could stand it anymore.

My son came back to me

and again you drove him away.

I could never do that.

He's always with me, Jim is.

I know I shouldn't have done
what I did just now but you see...

You see, Jim belongs to you and me.

Still belongs.

And to share him with a bunch of strangers
was more than I could stand.

There, now, now.

Come along, old girl.

He doesn't want to see us scrapping

and blubbering over him.

- I know that.
- Oh, Harry.

Never mind, old sweetheart.

It's all over now.

I have been so miserable.

It made me lose all reason.

I didn't think how much
you also were hurt.

I tried.

Poor, Harry.

I tried to hurt you more.

I dare say I deserved it.

Of course not!

Oh, I've been so weak.


Myself, my own unhappiness.

That was all I could think of.

God knows you've had enough.

And me such a ruddy failure.

Oh, no, no.

I am to blame.

In your great trouble
I wasn't there to help you.

Just when you needed me.

We're a fine couple, aren't we?

No, I'm alright now.

I think...

you'd better go down and have a drink.

No, I'm alright where I am.

Oh, Harry.

You haven't smiled like that

since you left your "sheep".

Ship, darling, ship.

Nine o'clock. I'll turn on the news.

This is the BBC
Home and Forces Programme.

Here is the news
and this is Bruce Belfrage reading it.

Bruce Belfrage,
I thought he was in the navy?

Tonight's bulletin from Cairo

announces the fall of Tobruk
in the early hours of this morning.

Details are not yet to hand.

The Eighth Army is now digging in

on a line running between
Fort Capuzzo and Halfaya Pass.

- Fort Capuzzo?
- The man's drunk.

Halfaya Pass?

The Germans claimed to have
pierced the outer defences of Sevastopol.

- Richard, this is last year's news.
- The United States government...

That's it. To the very day.

What does it mean? the European theatre of w*r.

After the news,
listeners to the Home Service

will hear Mr Hudson,
Minister of Agriculture,

speaking on the harvest prospects

for 1942.


Then it is last year's news.

- That's fantastic!
- What's happening?

- Must be somebody fooling!
- Turn the damn thing off!

- Must be some sort of stunt.
- I'm afraid it isn't.

I believe this inn and everything here

is back a year in time.

Talk sense, Davies.

You know, I believe you're right.

What you think is today,

Friday June 21st, 1943,

is Thursday June 21st, 1942.

Ridiculous. I'm gonna try another station.

We in Toronto
are glad to welcome

to the Eaton Auditorium this evening,

Mr David Davies,

the well-known Welsh conductor,
and his symphony orchestra.

And here comes Mr David Davies himself!

Now in a few seconds,
the concert will begin.

As Davies raises his baton

to conduct the overture

to the 'Magic Flute' by Mozart.

Do you need more convincing proof?

It's an idiotic joke, that's all it is.

Not to me.

To me, it's the most important thing
that's ever happened.

I don't being to understand
how or why, but...

It's given me the courage I needed.

Well, I'm sorry,
I don't believe in miracles.

Yes, but even if you're right,
why should it happen to us?

What does it matter.

Before I got here I was...

floundering about
like a ship without a rudder.

But there's something
about this place that...

seems to make you see straight

and put yourself in order.

- That's good enough for me.
- And for me.

Joanna will need me.
I think I'd better go up.

Don't be afraid.
Nothing bad can happen here.

I know.

Where's Rhys?
We'll get the truth from him.

You haven't much time.

Last year's air raid
will be starting soon.

Oh, rot.

All that Rhys told us at dinner
will happen again.

The siren, the machine gunning,
the b*mb.

- And finally...
- I still don't believe it.


Well, there's one thing
that won't be repeated.

- The smashed whisky bottle in the bar.
- Rhys! Rhys!

It'll be here with me
when I've had a couple.

- Join me, Fortescue?
- No.

No, I don't think I will.

I will.

Does it mean we're going to...
to replay the last 12 months?

- Like a hockey match?
- Something of the kind, my darling.

I hope you and Daddy
will be on the same side this time.

I must go to my wife.

There you are.

Here it is.

And that's fixed that.

What are you doing there?
Your last will and testament?

My old regiment's due for overseas
in a week or two.

I'm writing to ask the Colonel
if he'll take me back in the ranks.

I say, you are taking this seriously.


Look, the bottle.

- You hit?
- You alright?



Darling, are you alright?

Margaret. Darling, what is it?

My eyes...

I thought my eyes...

I'm frightened.

I was alright in the Blitz.

But now I'm frightened.



The filthy swine.


I won't be the first Irishmen to ask

is this a private fight
or can anyone join in?

Jill, for heaven's sake, snap out of it.

Here, this coat will do.

- I thought you didn't believe.
- I don't know what I believe.

But, Daddy, we can't leave
everything behind.

Darling, these things can be replaced,
you two can't.


What's happened to you?

Please, darling, please, I just can't take
any risks with you two.


Richard, I'm not going.

I know we shall be alright here.

I feel somehow we were meant to stay.

Meant to stay, darling,
and be burnt to a cinder?

Oh, no, Daddy, that won't happen.

We can't die last year
because we've been alive this year.

Trying to run away won't help.

You can't run away.

What do you mean, run away?

Breath of fresh air was all I wanted.

I'm not the windy sort.

Air raids don't scare me.

No, you're not frightened of air raids,
you don't need to be.

You will never be struck down
by a machine-g*n b*llet

or blown to pieces by a b*mb.

Insider information, eh? Ha!

Well, it's very nice to know.

But there is another fear
that is constantly with you.

One from which there is no escape
for a man like you.

What the devil do you mean?

While decent men fought
and died for their country, you profited.

Food was the cry.

Food for a people
threatened with starvation.

What did that cry mean to you?

A warehouse in Deptford
stocked with stolen cargoes.

Shut your filthy mouth!

You believe threats and bluster can hide
the fear in your eyes and your heart.

Do you think it's a secret
you share only with yourself?

Shut up and clear out!

Once, fear was a thing you hardly knew.

You didn't shrink from the thought
of a Britain ravaged, conquered, enslaved.

You had made your plans.

I'm warning you, Rhys.

The invader would have need of men
like William Oakley.

The new masters would reward them well
for their services.

It's a lie! You haven't a shred of proof!

No evidence of it exists.

But an evil undiscovered
is not an evil unpunished.

You are beginning to find that out.

Only just beginning.

Fear has to come to you.

It has come to stay, to grow

and to keep on growing.

Fear clings to you now like a shadow.

Fear of the hand
that may fall suddenly on your shoulder.

Fear of the footsteps in the dark.

Fear of retribution
in a hundred other forms.

Fear that is gradually turning
your world into a living hell.

What am I to do?

You are the only one who can answer that.

Look into your own heart.

I have a lot to thank you for, Gwyneth.

Everything to thank you for.

You will conduct better than you've
ever done before when you go away.

I know it.

Some people do shine brightest
at their farewell performance.

Then this is goodbye.


That's a hard thing to have to say to you,

When I was a little girl,

I used to say to Dada
before I went to bed,

"Goodbye, see you in the morning."

Goodbye, Gwyneth bach.

See you in the morning.

What's going to happen?

Why were we brought here?

Perhaps you couldn't see
the way you were going.

Perhaps because you needed
a pause in time.

A pause to stand still

and look at yourselves
and your difficulties.

You have had a few hours
given back to you from life.

A few hours

in which to change your minds and hearts.

When you came into
the grounds of this inn,

you came into a place

which is as it was a year ago today.

You are in your own time,

but the house and garden
and Gwyneth and I

are in the time of last year.

The day the b*mb came.

When you go away

and walk up the road to Cwmbach,

you will have spent a night in an inn.

But if you look back
from the crest of the hill,

The Halfway House will not be here.

Soon it will be as if
you had never come at all.

But if you remember,

it will be

as you remember
a forgotten snatch of song.

It will be a picture before your eyes.

Gone before you realise it is there.

Or an echo

in the hidden places of your mind.

But you have been here

and your lives will prove the reality
of the faded dream.

The world is what you make it.

For your lives make up the world.

And it is a good world, my friends.

You would do well to get ready now.

It is very near.

The three of us together again.

Together for always.

What fun I'll have
telling them at school about this.

Five years...

I reckon I'll get.

Then I'll be squared up.

The army's the only life for me.

I hope the Colonel will have me back.

There is no family
in all Ireland

that hasn't someone fighting in this w*r.

Not going to Berlin.

He's not going.

I must get back where I belong.

Back to the sea.

Later, my son, not yet.

The Lord is my shepherd.

I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down

in green pastures.

He leadeth me beside
the still waters.

He restoreth my soul.

Yea, though I walk

through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil.