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Unknown, The (1936)

Posted: 11/17/23 19:38
by bunniefuu

Any news?

A dead woman has been recovered from
the water and has been brought here.


Could not be ascertained.

We were all deeply moved...

And there's no clue about
who she is?


What might she have gone through?



May I come in?

Yes, please.

Hans is waiting for you at the bar.

He says he has to talk with you
very, very urgently.

Our little Hans, what does he want?

I don't know,
but he's very excited for sure.

Then he may enter.

where have you been last night?

Why didn't you come?
Didn't you promise?

Good evening, Hans.

But you promised!

I must have forgotten.

Where have you been, Madeleine?

I've forgotten that too.

- Madeleine!
- Yes?

I can't bear this treatment,
I can't bear to see you

as a dancing girl with sing-song duties.
You're friendly to everyone!

I love you Madeleine,
I will sacrifice everything to you.

I want to have you, all for myself.

I always wanted to tell you that you
finally must learn to make a difference

between a little infatuation and love.

It's love for me!

For me it wasn't.
A charming little flirt.

You are heartless!

Just honest.

Madeleine, I beg you, stay here.

I'm leaving tomorrow, and the day after
you will have forgotten everything.


Madeleine, I think it's time,
you must come!

Yes, I'm coming!

Let me tell you something, my dear boy.

One shouldn't try to convert a woman
like me to love, that's no good.

See you at the bar.

Well, young man.... now, now!

Be happy that the affair
with Madeleine is over tomorrow.

I will marry Madeleine!

Marry her? Congratulations!

With that idea you will raise
a tremendous laugh

among your highly noble family.

Madeleine is from a good family, too.

She was, my friend, she was.

And what lies in between
is highly uncertain.

I'm not interested in that.

I see, you still
haven't understood that...

that it's very dangerous
to love Madeleine.

I will manage to lead her back to...

To what?

To the calm of a good, respectable life!

Madeleine has destroyed too much
for herself, and for others.

May I tell you that you are the
most charming of all women?

With what feelings do you
hear such a statement?

With very mixed feelings, baron.


And if I extend my statement,

offering a bond of friendship?

How would you reply?

That unfortunately it comes too late.
You know, it's my last evening today.

And if grey head and
young heart go as far as

to make a marriage proposal,
what then?

I'd like to answer this
in a more general way, baron.

How can you let go
of this attraction!

I'm sorry about it myself, but
once again Madeleine wants to leave.

All men talk about love,

following a formula.

But I know that it's all just a game,

and nothing but a fling
which passes quickly.

Great love is nothing but
a beautiful fairytale

I don't believe in it,
neither today nor ever.

In my heart the doors are closed,

noone can open them, not even you.

Your love, too, is nothing but
a beautiful fairytale,

I don't believe in it,
neither today nor ever.

Save your breath,
you won't change anything

Don't ask for what I can't give you.

Hello, hello, this is
the current news show!

With our microphone we are
at our city's central station

to give our listeners a short
report about the departure

of the great Inner Africa
research expedition,

led by the famous Thomas Bentick.

The explorer himself
will tell you something

about the purposes and
aims of his expedition.

Please, Mr Bentick.

Yes, the aim of our expedition
is to find exact information

about the headwaters
of the Nile and the Congo River.

These questions are age-old; we want
to try to solve them once and for all.

For this reason the expedition
is planned to take five years.

Five years, that's endlessly long!

Work and adventure will make time fly.

Could you say something about
why of all countries

you chose ours as
your adopted country?

I studied in this country,
formed a large circle of friends,

and find the best conditions
for my scientific work here.

Besides, in this country I
not only found recognition

as scientist and researcher,

but also my private, civil luck with
my assistent who is now my fianc?e.

I hear, Mr. Bentick, that you're not
leaving with them immediately?

That's right! I have to attend some
important meetings at the ministry,

which is why I have to return
to the capital once again.

But I don't need to worry: my fianc?e
will lead the expedition to Ciaro,

and there I will join it in time.

- Stop! You have stolen a handbag!
- Let me go!

Thomas, my handbag!

Don't lie, I've seen it clearly!

I will even tell you where you put it!

An unexpected incident!

Here you are.

I thank you very much,
you've done us a great service.

Don't mention it.

Board the train, please!

- A million thanks.
- You're welcome.

Many, many thanks.

Indispensable documents, licenses
and letters of accreditation are saved

whose loss would have had
incalculable consequences.

Board the train, please!

And if you see that young lady,
give her my best thanks again!

And come soon, come soon!

Well, that could have turned out badly.

Have you seen that young lady again?

No, I'd have liked to get her in front
of the microphone, but she disappeared.

- Too bad... Goodbye!
- Goodbye!

Hello, Director! Yes, this is Madeleine.
Yes, just arrived.

Very nice; I'm very pleased.

Yes, I'm only getting me a room,
and then I'll come.

This evening, then.

You make it difficult
for people to find you.

Why were you looking for me?

I wanted to thank you again.

But that was only normal for me to do.

You saved indispensable
documents for my expedition.

I don't understand a word!

Yes... let's not cause a traffic jam.
Please, get in.

Thomas Bentick you said?

Yes, miss, Thomas Bentick!

Why are you laughing?

I thought you were quite different.

So? And how?

Much sterner and more dignified.

You wouldn't believe how
stern and dignified I can be.

In any case you showed me
your amiable side.

And for a reason.

May I compliment you on your
very good command of our language?

You are very kind, but I know I
could learn much more.

Unfortunately one always
travels in other countries.

Where may I take you?

Well, I don't know yet
where I'll stay.

You're a stranger here?

Then I highly recommend the hotel I
always stay in when I'm on a visit here.

You're in the best hands there.


The lady wishes to have a room.

With pleasure.

Second floor, 227.

A particularly nice room.
If you please?



One moment.

Fashion designer

Farewell, Herr Bentick.

All the best for you, too,
and many thanks again.

You're welcome.

Pardon me, I was thinking...
you are all alone and a stranger here...

May I ask you to spend
the evening with me?

Yes, with pleasure.

Then I'll wait for you
at 8 pm down here.

Please be most kind to the lady,
it's important for me.

Very well, Herr Bentick.

Please bring me the big luggage.

At your service.

Hello, can I talk
to the director, please?

Hello, yes, it's Madeleine again.

Dear director, unfortunately I
have to disappoint you.

I can only start tomorrow., it's not a mood.

Believe me when I tell you that
I can only start tomorrow.

No, I don't want to tell you the reason.
Don't be angry with me.

I'm not supposed to come at all?

I think both of us will
have to reconsider that.

Is that really you?



- This way please, Herr Bentick.
- Thank you.

Fantastic woman!

I hope you enjoy this
improvised evening a little, Miss...


Madeleine, a beautiful name...

May I call you Madeleine?

As you like.

You have a very interesting profession.

I've been a little indiscreet.

Fashion designer.

I see.

What attracts you to this city, then?

You have no chance to
get ahead in your profession here.

Perhaps you're right.
It's not very important to me anyway.

As a fashioner designer, there's only
one place for you: the big city.

It's possible that it's
better for me here.

Are your decisions already final?

Not necessarily.

Then listen. Make a bold decision,

drop your plans for this town,

and come with me tomorrow
when I go to the capital.

I can surely help you there,
or at least make the start for you easier.

I can tell you what you've
been thinking just now, Madeleine.

You certainly can't,
smart and famous Thomas Bentick,

because I trusted you from the first
moment, otherwise I wouldn't sit here.

So then I'm beaten.

Don't you have bigger worries
than my small and unimportant fate?

Such a great service as you have done
me and my expedition today,

is certainly worth
a little service in return.

I thank you for your good intentions.

Shall we dance?

Yes, please.

Great love is nothing but
a beautiful fairytale

I don't believe in it,
neither today nor ever.

In my heart the doors are closed,

noone can open them, not even you.

Listen, Madeleine,
have you come to a decision?

...nothing but
a beautiful fairytale

I don't believe in it,
neither today nor ever.

I'm going with you.

Isn't that annoying?

What do you mean?

I wanted to show you
a fairytale-like old town,

and now it's hiding in mist.

You praise this old town
as if you had discovered it yourself.

Then I would be very proud of it.

Here you see the
wonderful old town gate.

Magnificent old building, wonderful!

My young lady, if you want to make
fun of me it could happen to you

that I abandon you
and leave you to your fate.

Thomas Bentick won't do that.

So much trust shall not be betrayed.

It's no use to drive on in this weather,
we will stay here for the night.

As you command.

Good evening, madam and sir,
good evening.

You can thank the bad weather
for two guests for this night.

I'm very pleased. You will certainly
feel very comfortable in my house.

I can give you my best double room,
the so-called prince's room.

Well, I think we'd better
go for two single rooms.


Does madam command
the big or the small luggage?

- The small one, please.
- Allow me.

- Where's the garage?
- I'll show it to you.

Shall we have a glass of wine together?

As you command.

Thanks, thanks.

As a fatherly friend I must
warn you a little against this wine.


Your long distance call, sir.

- Excuse me, please.
- Yes, please.

We seem to be the only guests here?

Yes, with a weather like this
even our regular guests stay away.

- Already done?
- Done.

- Oh, be careful, you take the
responsibility. - All right.

I drink to a mistfree evening,

which, however, was preceded
by a very beautiful day.

So it was beautiful?

Yes, it was beautiful.

Would you like to tell me more about it?

Hello, hello,
the echo of a beautiful day is speaking.

The famous Thomas Bentick...

A wise researcher...

- An aged researcher.
- Madeleine...

No technical troubles, please.

... has taken a person called Madeleine
on his great voyage

who feels very comfortable in
his fatherly, friendly custody.

Unfortunately I have to
interrupt this broadcast.


Well, I coined the word
'fatherly friend' myself,

but now I don't like it.

What do you prefer then, please?

'Friend', simply 'friend'.

Fine. Friend.

Solemn moment!

To our friendship!



Stop, we forgot something.

What is it?

The kiss which is
a necessary part of it.

And now I want to leave, Thomas.

Why so urgently?

I never liked to be alone with myself,

but now I even yearn for it.

Good night, Thomas.

Good night, Madeleine.


Finally, you long sleeper!

Hurry up now,
today I can show you the marvel.

I'm coming!

- Well?
- Looks fabulous indeed.

It grips you once again,

this accuracy and clarity of the line.

Wonderful, Thomas,
but shall we move on?

Exactly like our convent school where
we had to learn English and French.

A convent girl revels in her memories.

Don't scoff, Thomas.

Non, pardon,
I didn't want to hurt you.

But come, this town
has a wonderful church.

I've been given permission
to play the organ.


Madeleine, hey ...

Oh, Thomas.

What does that mean?

It means were at home, and the
guest room has been reserved for you

yesterday evening by telephone.

Yes, but...

No 'but', Madeleine, of course you
stay with us for a few days

until you find something
suitable in the city.

Then I thank you, Thomas.

So, Madeleine, here we are.

- Good afternoon , Herr Bentick.
- Good afternoon, Frau Quast.

Madeleine, allow me
to introduce Frau Quast.

And this is Buchholz,
the second pillar of this house.

And now, Madeleine,
welcome to the Bentick house!

The sanctuary.

Beautiful, Thomas.

Work is waiting there.

More than enough for me.

I'm truly amazed.

I'm happy to hear that.

Your bride is probably already on
the high seas now with the expedition.

According to the travel
programme that's certain.

But come, I want to show you
your room now.


Really fabulous, Thomas.

This is your realm now.

When shall we have dinner?

Would you give me leave
this evening, Thomas?

But why?

I think, for once I need a
quiet evening alone for myself,

to find myself again a little,

and in your room such a pile
of letters is waiting for you.

As you wish, Madeleine, but then
be reasonable and go to bed soon.

And have Frau Quast
bring you something to eat.

- Sleep well, Madeleine.
- Thank you, Thomas.

And that's why I wish
that the young lady

feels as comfortable
as possible in our place.

She remains our guest until she has
found something suitable in the town.

Everything will be done according to
your wishes. Good night, Herr Bentick.

Good night, Frau Quast.

Look around freely, Madeleine.

You will find one fashion house
next to the other here.

And I will pick you up in this caf?
at three o'clock sharp.

All right, Thomas.

Goodbye and don't forget.

Good morning, Herr Bentick.

Herr von Altendorf already expects you.

If you please?

Come in.

Good morning, Bentick.

Actually we already
expected you back yesterday.

Unfortunately it was impossible.
Will I talk to the minister?

In fifteen minutes, Bentick.
He is very keen to see you.

I'm happy to hear that.

Yes, and there's
a special reason for that.

I may already tell you that he
wants to entrust to you

a little special mission for Cairo.

It will be an honour.

But unfortunately it will have the
disadvantage for the busy man you are

that you already have to fly off
tomorrow morning.


Hello, Madeleine!
Well, what a surprise!

What are you doing? Come, sit down.

Did you quarrel with the queen, eh?

Ran away? Well, say something.

Well, I say!

What are you doing here?

Oh, Wintergarten, Scala, you know.

I have to see some things
for next month. I'm looking for talents.

By the way, are you available?

Yes, I'm available.

Fabulous, wonderful, really fantastic.

Imagine the old man's pleasure
if I bring along you again.

Well, Madeleine, shall we do it?

No, I don't want to.

What do you mean, 'I don't want to',
you're our top artist.

At the Regina bar you live
like a bee in clover.

I don't want to anymore,
I don't want it anymore at all.

Ah, now I see.

A little foray into
the respectable life.

You of all people.

Well, all of them have returned so far.

I don't have time; I must leave.

Now don't be silly.
Madeleine, listen...

Waitress, the bill!

Here you are.

Well, Madeleine, yes or no?


I see... you found a boyfriend.

Move off.

- Alone, mademoiselle?
- Yes.

Excuse me.

Yes, Herr Bentick.

Yes, just arrived.
One moment please.


Yes? Yes, Thomas.

I lost my way... lost my way.

I'm very sorry, Madeleine,
I wanted to get some things done with you,

but imagine,
something terrible has happened.

I already have to fly to Cairo
tomorrow morning.

Tommorow morning?

Fly tomorrow morning?

You're coming home at once.

Please hand me over to Buchholz.

He has to do a thousand things for me.


Yes, Herr Bentick.

As you wish, Herr Bentick.

Yes, Herr Bentick.

Yes, Herr Bentick.

At your command, Herr Bentick.

As you wish, Herr Bentick.

Yes, please.

You probably already heard,

that Herr Bentick has to leave again
tomorrow morning. Isn't it terrible?


And he was looking so much forward

to having you as our guest
for a few more days.

Did he?

Would you please tell Miss Madeleine
that I'm waiting in the garden.

Terrible, Madeleine.

Terrible and absolutely certain.

To think that I haven't done
anything for you yet.

You have different cares now,
and these are just trifles.

For me, these aren't trifles.

Thomas, would you mind if I looked for
an apartment in the town already today?

Out of the question, Madeleine.

Even after I left, you shall stay until
something suitable for you shows up.

Besides, at the last minute

I made an appointment
with a few friends for today.

Today? Strangers?

It has to be. For you, too, Madeleine,

so that I know you won't be
all alone when I'm away.

What have I got to do
with these strangers?

And I was looking so much
forward to this day.

And nothing will be changed.

You only have to stand my friends
for an hour on the water,

and there's no way
the concert will be dropped.

Thank you, Thomas.

Not such a bad idea by Bentick
to invite us

for a farewell drink on his boat.

If only he was already here.
We have an awful heat today.

Say, Dad, wasn't Altendorf
supposed to come with us?

Yes, if he has time,
but it's a rush in his ministry.

I'll leave more calmly if I know that I
need not worry about your existence.

If it puts your mind at rest, Thomas:
I have a small bank account.


Please don't get me wrong, but I'm
the culprit who abducted you here.

Don't these thoughts come a little late?

Everything's decided now.

Golly! There's a lady on board.

Yes, my son, she's presented to you
as a surprise,

so that you take care of her a little
after Bentick has left.

Well, now I'm curious.


- Good afternoon, old chap.
- Please sit down.

Wir sail around Cape Hoorn, full of rum
the helmsman steers straight ahead

We sail towards a town full of girls...

Well, Madeleine, how
do you like my friends?

Very charming, very charming.

You hear that Gerhard is
already venting his feelings.

Only Altendorf is strange.


I always have the feeling

that he says something completely
different from what he really thinks.

Charming woman, very charming.

One should really look after her
a little, don't you think, Altendorf?

Yes, yes, sure.

You know, at the first moment I thought
I knew this woman from somewhere,

but that must be nonsense.

It's hard for me to set out already

tomorrow morning, and at once
to leave everything behind,

very hard.

Duty is the highest authority, Bentick.

Of course.

Besides, my dear Thomas,
a charming woman will be very happy

if you arrive in Cairo
earlier than she expects.

Yes, my dear friend.

Do you remember, Madeleine,

you decided to come with me
when this song was playing.

Why are you running away, mademoiselle?
After all we must make an appointment

for tomorrow or the day after.

What is it, Madeleine?
You look a little weary.

I'm looking forward to the concert.


One of your acquaintances might see us.

There's the minister. I only want to
say hello to him; excuse me.

Go ahead.

Now I finally remember.

I had to think about it for a while.

Two years ago I was the head of a study
commission for young articled clerks.

In some town we descended into a
dancing bar, all of us young fellows.

A cheerful evening ensued.

All of them got home well,
apart from one.

He got caught by a charming,
but superficial and unfaithful woman.

He gave up everything in order to
live only for that woman.

After a quarter of the year
we came to take him away.

He himself had put a limit to his
blighted life, atoning for a mistake.

It was Ernst von Keller.

Was it Ernst von Keller?


I don't want Thomas Bentick
to get into peril.

Thomas Bentick is not in peril.

Forgive me, Thomas.

The day was too tiring.

Don't worry, Thomas,
it'll be over soon.

Our last evening-

It shall be beautiful.

Tomorrow morning we'll see
each other once again.

But I don't want to come along to the
airfield; there are too many people.


- I'll get us some wine from the cellar.
- But I can do that...

The best one in the cellar, right.

I thought, why should
the others drink it?

Do you also like candlelight so much?

Yes, very much.

Only, this evening, when I see candles

I always have to think of a funeral.

What did you say?


We don't want to make
the farewell difficult for us, Thomas.


I love you, Madeleine.

I love you, it's hard
to go away from you.

I love you; what about you?

Thomas, Thomas,
where do your thoughts stray?

To you, with love!

Or with infatuation, in which
these last few days have caught us.

See, Madeleine, these last few days...

... were a beautiful feast of friendship
for you and for me, but, Thomas,

love... they didn't bring love.

They did, Madeleine!

I don't love you!

I don't love you!

Is that the truth?

Yes, that's the truth.

Then I must ask you to forgive me.


See, Thomas, you never asked me,

and in the whirl of these days I didn't
find it important to tell you who I am.

I didn't care; how you are is fine!

How I am.

For you I'm the unknown woman from
a world unknown to you,

who will leave your circle tomorrow
to return to her world.

And I don't want to
tell you a long life story,

only the insight this life has brought,

I'd like to tell you about that.

There has always been very much
love around Madeleine,

and if she liked it, she never said no.

But great love is a fairytale for me.

I don't believe in it.

And that's a good thing,
for I feel fine this way.

Such a credo must very much hurt
the person who loves you.

The fact that I don't love you,

and the wish that we
remain good friends,

and that we part serenely and calmly.

Forgive me that I asked you.

Take me in your arms once again,

we shall not see each other again
tomorrow morning.

Farewell, Thomas.

Farewell, Madeleine.

There has always been
too much love around Madeleine,

too much love.

And I laughed and lied about all of it.

But I never lied as much, Thomas,

as I have lied today.

I love you.

I love you, I love you.

But I made a promise that
you would remain out of peril.

Everyone says you're
on a journey, Thomas,

that you have gone to Egypt.

But it isn't true.

Not true at all.

You haven't gone on a journey.

You are here.

You are here with me.

Should they tell you once

that I went mad because of pain,

you must tell them
that they are lying.

Not because of pain, Thomas.

Because of love.

That's what you have to
tell all who ask you.