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01x09 - Doggy Dino

Posted: 11/19/23 08:46
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

[horn honks]

[dogs bark]

[horn honks]

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay [dogs bark]

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪


- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff

[upbeat music]

[dog barks] [honks horn]

[engine revs]


- Hi, I'm Calvin.

Welcome to Mutt & Stuff.

The only school where the dogs bark "hello."



[playful music]


That's right, Zippy.

Today is a big day.

A big dinosaur day.

I bought dinosaur costumes.

We're gonna stomp around like dinosaurs,

we're gonna dress up like dinosaurs,

and we're gonna have a big dinosaur party.


Zippy doesn't even need a costume.

He's walking like a T-Rex.


Now he's knocking things over like a Stegosaurus.


Hey, Zippy. It's time to start school.

Can you fly through the air like a Pterodactyl?


[claps] Come on.


Let's go! It's dinosaur day!

[alarm sounds]

Thanks, Zippy.

[rings bell]


[upbeat music]

Hey, guys!

all: Hi!


- Stomp your way inside!


- Yep. [chuckles]

That's right.

It's Dinosaur Day at Mutt & Stuff!



[barks] - Cuddles!


Love that Cuddles.

- Hee-- Oh, hi, Calvin!

Hey, did the mailman come with the dinosaur costumes yet?

- Mm.Not yet.

- [sighs] Okay.

Mm. How about now?

- Mm. Still not yet.

- Okay.


- [chuckles]Stuff--

There's a new mailman today.

So I think he's still trying to find his way

to Mutt & Stuff.

- Oh, well I hope he finds his way to our mailbox.

- Let me guess.

You're excited for Dinosaur Day?

- Rawr!

That's dinosaur for, "Yes, I am!"

- [giggles]

Don't worry, Stuff. I'm sure he'll be here soon.

Right now, it's time to start class!

- Yay!

- Morning, everyone! Everyone here?

[all bark]

[laughs] Everyone's here.

And the pup who's almost as big as a dinosaur...


- Rawr!

[both giggle]

That's dinosaur for, "That's me!"

[both giggle]

Ooh, hey, Calvin. Do you think the new mailman

delivered our dinosaur costumes yet?

- Hmm.

Well there's one way to find out!

Let's go check the mailbox!


- Doggy Mailbox! Mailbox, please!

- [giggles] Oh, I'm so excited!


- Let's see if our costumes arrived.

- [gasps]Yeah!

[both sigh]

- Not yet. [dog groans]

- That's okay.

I'm sure our costumes will be here soon.

Thanks, Mailbox!

- [chuckles] Oh, right!

'Cause the new mail-person might need some time

to find our school.

- That's right! And while we wait,

we can do another activity!

Okay, Zippy. Help us out.

[wacky music]

- [chuckles]


[exciting music]

- There are so many activities!

What should we do?

[mysterious music]

[celebratory music]

It's playtime!

[dogs bark] [happy music]

- ♪ It's playtime [dogs bark]

♪ It's playtime

[dogs bark] ♪ It's playtime

- Check out this dino-saucer!

Have fun with it, you guys.

- Hoo-hoo! Oh, it's--



Whoo-hoo! Good catch, Zippy!



What is that?

Uh, hey, Calvin!

There's something you gotta see out here!

- Hmm.

- Huh.

Ooh! - Wow!

- Yeah, look at what we found!

- I wonder who made these footprints.

both: Hmm.

- It definitely doesn't look like dogs.

- Yeah, or a "Stuff." [chuckles]

Ooh! I know! It's Dinosaur Day,

so maybe a real dinosaur came to Mutt & Stuff

and made these footprints.

Come on, guys. Let's go find the dinosaur!

[giggles] [dogs bark]

- I love how Stuff and the dogs

are using their imagination.

- Hey, Davenport.


- [screams] Oh, hey, Zoe.

- Where does a triceratops sit?

- On his tricera-bottom.

[both laugh]

[both scream]

Ha-ha! I'm okay. - Meow too!

[upbeat music]

- Wow, those footprints were huge!

- Yeah. - [giggles]

- Whoa! - What?

- What happened here?

- Ah, I think we had a visitor!


There is a dinosaur!

And he was inside our school!


- Hmm.

We definitely had a big visitor,

but I'm not sure if it was a dinosaur.

- Well, yeah, but... it could be.


- You're right. Hey, let's see

if the costumes arrived!

- [gasps]Yeah!

- Doggy Mailbox! Mail, please!

- [giggles]

Oh, come on!

Come on, costumes. Be in there.

I really want to be a dinosaur on Dinosaur Day!

[playful music]


- Sorry, guys.

Remember, the new mailman probably needs time

to deliver the mail on his first day.

Thanks, Mailbox!

So let's use our imaginations to do an activity

while we wait.

Open the Doggy Everything Closet!

Arts and crafts!

[upbeat music]


Now that's using your dinosaur imagination!

- [giggles]

- We're looking around Mutt & Stuff for a dinosaur.

Do you ever go exploring with your dog?

Let's check it out on the Paw Pad.

[upbeat music]

- Hiya, it's me, Melvin the Fire Hydrant,

and I have a song to help the dogs

find that dinosaur! [clears throat]

♪ Oh, where, oh where has my dinosaur gone ♪

♪ Oh where Huh?

What's that? I hear footsteps.

Tiny footsteps!

Oh, it's a pixie dinosaur! [chuckles]

Ah. Hey there, little dino.


You're cute.[laughs]


I guess dinosaurs like fire hydrants, too!


Good girl!

- The puppies are excited about Dinosaur Day!

Let's go see them in the Puppy Playpen!

- ♪ Puppy playtime

[upbeat music]

♪ Puppy playtime

♪ Puppy playtime


♪ Puppy playtime

- Rawr!

Stomp, stomp, Rawr!

Rawr! Bleh!

- The dogs are all stomping around

looking for the dinosaur,

so let's make some stomping dinosaur music!

It's music time!

Open the Doggy Everything Closet!

[upbeat music]

- [breathes heavily]


[chuckles] [claps]

Thank you!

- [laughs]


Hello, Mr. Shades.


[sighs] I know.

Dinosaur Day isn't the same without dinosaur costumes.

- Hey, Calvin! I have a dinosaur plan!

- We're coming!

[playful music]

- Oh, um, hi, Calvin.

Okay, so, I have an idea how we can find

our Mutt & Stuff dinosaur.

- Okay. How?

- [chuckles] Well, we can leave food out

for him, and then, when he comes to eat,

we can say, "Hi, dinosaur!"

- [giggles]

Well, let's give it a try!

If there really is a dinosaur around Mutt & Stuff,

I'd love to meet him!

- Yeah, me too.

Okay. [exhales]

Here, dinosaur!

Oh, dinosaur! Come get your food!

- Stuff, Stuff! - Hmm?

- Let's go hide just in case he's a shy dinosaur.

- Ooh, yeah! That's a good idea.

I'll hide over...

I'll just-- I'll hide over.


[exciting music]

Um, let's see. Where should I hide?

There's--where-- Ooh! I know!

Here's my favorite hiding place right here!

Oh! The dinosaur will never see me here!

- Shh.

[playful music]

[stomach growls]

Was that the dinosaur?

- Nope. It's my tummy.

I'm hungry. [chuckles]

- Well, then maybe we should eat?

It's snack time!

[upbeat music]

[all bark]

- Oh, boy! Snack time!

- Mr. Shades. Looking cool.

You get to start the Bowwow Chow Snack Machine!

[playful music]

- ♪ Bowwow bowwow ♪

♪ Bowwow bowwow ♪

♪ Bowwow bowwow ♪

- It's almost time to chow down!

♪ Bowwow bowwow chow ♪

♪ Bowwow bowwow chow ♪

- Countdown to chow down

in three, two, one!

- Whoo!

- Bowwow! Time to chow!

[all bark]

[all munch] [classical music]

- Mm.

Mm! So good!

- [snores]

- Davenport.


- [screams]

Oh, hi, Zoe.

- Are you gonna sleep through Dinosaur Day?

- Sure. I'm a regular dino-snore.

[both laugh]

[both scream]

I'm okay. - Meow too!

[upbeat music]

- School's almost over and I really hope

the new mailman brought our dinosaur costumes.

- Oh, me too!

Dinosaur day would be even better

with dinosaur costumes!

- [giggles] I agree.

Doggy Mailbox! Mail, please!

- Come on!





- Thanks, Mailbox.

- Ooh, but, Calvin, what do we do now?

- Hmm.

I know who can help!

Oh, Zippy!

[upbeat music]

[engine revs]

Hey, Zippy, I think the new mailman

might be lost, so can you go around Mutt & Stuff

to find him?



I hope he finds him.

- Or maybe he'll find the dinosaur.

- [giggles] Stuff, I love your imagination.


- [gasps] - Whoa!

What was that?

[loud rumbles]

[suspenseful music]

[epic music]

- [gasps] There it is.

It's a real dinosaur!

- Wow, can you believe it?

We might have a real dinosaur visiting us

on Dinosaur Day!

That's so cool!

I have to tell Zippy!

- [giggles]

- Zippy!

[gentle music]

[horse neighs]

- Guess what?

Zippy found who's been stomping around Mutt & Stuff all day.

- Hmm. Well that's the funniest-looking

dinosaur I've ever seen.

- That's 'cause he's not a dinosaur.

He's our new mailman.

I mean, mail-horse.

- A mail-horse? [chuckles]

That's even better than a dinosaur!

- Yeah! Hello, Mr. Mail-horse!

I'm Calvin. What's your name?

[horse neighs]

- Max the Mail-horse.

Welcome to Mutt & Stuff! [giggles]

It's okay you got lost on your first day.

We're glad you're here!

[Max neighs]

- Oh, well, hi, Max.

My name is Stuff!

Um, do you have any dinosaur costumes

in your mail pouch?

- A mail-horse always delivers.

[all bark]

- [giggles] Wow!

It's been really hard waiting for these costumes.

- Well, I'm proud of how you guys learned to wait

by using your imagination.

- [giggles]

- It's time to put on dinosaur costumes!

- Whoo!

- Hey, Max! Do you want to join us?

[Max neighs]

I'll take that as a yes.

Okay, paws up! Tails out!

I mean, hooves up.

Let's put on some dinosaur costumes!

- Whoo!

- Hey, Melvin!

Our costumes finally arrived!

It's time for our Dinosaur Day party!

- Okay, have fun! Di-know you will!


Di-know you will! It's a joke, right?

Thank you! Thank you! I'll be here all week.


[exotic music]

- Welcome to the big Dinosaur Day party!

Here come the dinosaur doggies!

[epic music]




- Rawr!

Roar, roar-stomp. Stomp, stomp.

Roar, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, roar!


- Presenting the biggest dino of all,

the Bronto-horse-asaurus!

[Max neighs]

- Rawr! [giggles]

- Let's celebrate with a Dino Doggy Dance Party!

Come on! Wag it like you mean it.

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Hey, Calvin What are we learning today ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay [Max neighs]

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

♪ When I say "ready," You say "ruff" ♪

- ♪ M-M-M-M-M-M-Mutt & Stuff

Calvin: Today, we found strange footprints on the playground.

Stuff: Whoa!

Calvin: The dogs spent the day wondering if the footprints

belonged to a real dinosaur.

- So maybe a real dinosaur came to Mutt & Stuff

and made these footprints.

Calvin: And we learned how much fun it is

to use you imagination while you wait

for something to arrive.

- Rawr!

Rawr! Bleh!

- And now we're having an awesome Dinosaur Day

at Mutt & Stuff.

- ♪ Mutt and Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

- ♪ Mutt and Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

♪ When I say "ready," You say "ruff" ♪

♪ M-M-M-M-M-M-Mutt & Stuff

- Thanks for joining us today!

See you back at "Mutt & Stuff."

[upbeat music]

- Hey, Davenport!


- [scream] Oh, hey, Zoe.

- What kind of dinosaur likes to dance?

- Hmm?

A boogie-asaurus.

[boogie music plays]

both: Mm-mm-mm, Mm-mm-mm.

[both laugh] [both scream]

- Good-bye, everyone! - See you next time!

- Mutt & Stuff! Mutt& Stuff!

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

♪ When I say "ready," You say "ruff" ♪

-Mutt & Stuff! Mutt & Stuff!

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

-♪ Mutt & Stuff