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05x07 - The Bunny Who Cried Lobster / Max and The Three Bears / Little Ruby Hen

Posted: 11/19/23 12:23
by bunniefuu
[Whimsical music]

- ♪ Max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

♪ Max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

- ♪ Max and ruby

- ♪ Ruby and her little brother, max ♪

Kids: ♪ max and ruby

- Vroom!

Vroom, vroom, vroom!

Vroom, vroom!


[Car whistling through air]

- Oh!


Oh, that was close.

I nearly dropped my apple upside down cake.

Then it would have been an upside down upside down cake.


Uh-uh, max.

This is for grandma.

- Ugh!

- [Laughs] don't worry.

I'm sure grandma will let us both have a piece.

But I want her to see how beautiful it is first.

I'm going to get a pretty candle to put on top,

And then we can take it over to grandma.

And, max,

You know you're not supposed to take a piece, right?


I spent a lot of time on this cake,

And I want grandma to see it just the way it is:


And you can help me, okay, max?

I want you to guard my cake for me.

Make sure no one touches it while I'm gone.

Can I count on you?

[Laughs] I knew I could.

Thanks, max.

[Rattling noise]


- [Gasps] lobster!


- I've got the candle.

I'll just put it on top of my--


What happened?

- Lobster.

- Lobster? I don't see any lobster.

- Lobster.

- [Laughs]

You expect me to believe

Your lobster came into the dining room,

Got up on the table,

Took a piece of my apple upside down cake,

And then disappeared?


This reminds me of a bunny tale

About another bunny who made up stories.

It's called [span]the bunny [span] who cried wolf.[/Span][/span]

Do you know that one?


Once upon a time, there was a bunny

Who lived in a village.

One day, the bunny was given the job

Of looking after a flock of chicks.

- Now, listen.

We don't want anything to happen to our chicks.


We know there's a wolf around, so if you see him,

We need you to yell "wolf" really loudly.

I'll be harvesting carrots with the other villagers,

And we'll come running, okay?

[Clears throat]

Thanks, shepherd max.

- So villager ruby went down the hill

To work with the others.

After a while, the bunny got a mischievous idea.

And as the villagers were working,

They suddenly heard...

- Wolf!

- [Gasps]

Did you hear that?

- It sounded like someone shouting, "wolf."

- Oh, no.

[Gasps] come on.

- The villagers ran up the hill

To save the chicks from the wolf.

- [Panting] whoo!

- But when they got there...

- Where's the wolf?

- I don't see a wolf.

- That's because there was no wolf.

The little bunny was playing a trick on them.

- It was a trick?

- [Laughs] yeah.

- It's not funny to say there's a wolf

If there isn't one.

We all have important jobs to do,

And yours is to look after the chicks,

Not to play tricks.


- No more tricks.

Both: hmm!

- But soon after the villagers got back to work...

- Wolf!

- Did you hear that?

He's calling "wolf" again.

- It might be another trick.

- But what if there really is a wolf?

We can't take that chance.

[All panting]

And when they got to the top of the hill...

- Oh, no!

The chicks are gone!

- We're too late.

[Chicks cheeping]

- Huh?

Oh, look!

He saved some.

Wait a second.

- [Laughs]

- The wolf didn't get any of the chicks.

You just hid them.

- Okay, that's the last time we're falling for that.

If you call "wolf" again, we won't come.

Both: hmm!

- But then the little bunny really did see a wolf.

- Uh-huh.


- [Gasps]



- The bunny had made up a story about the wolf so many times,

Now nobody believed him,

Even though there really was a wolf.

- Uh-huh.


- Wolf?

- So, max, if you make up stories,

One day, nobody will believe you when you really need them to.

Do you understand?


I'll just get a cake container, and we can take

My almost perfect apple upside cake to grandma.

- Huh? Lobster!

- Huh?


I should have believed you.

It really was the...

- Lobster.

Mmm, mmm.

- [Laughs]

I've got apple pinwheels.

- And I brought popcorn!

- I brought triple crunch coconut clusters.

- [Clears throat]

Now that we all have our pajamas on

And the snacks are out,

This pajama party is officially started, right?

- Right. - Right.

- Right. - [Both exclaim]

- Max, this is [span]our[/span]pajama party,

And these are [span]our pajama party snacks.[/Span]

You already had your apple snack,

And you should have been asleep a long time ago.

Come on. I'll tuck you in again.

There you go, max.

Now, you're going to stay away from our snacks

And go to sleep, right?

- Right.

- Okay. Sweet dreams.

- We separated all the snacks onto three plates, ruby.

- One for each of us.

- Thanks.

- Cocoa delivery!

- Cocoa! - Oh, boy.

- Mmm.

- It's a little too hot right now,

But by the time you're ready for your snacks,

It will be just right.

- Thank you. - Thanks, grandma.

- Smells delicious.

- [Laughs]

Have fun, girls.

- I brought my bunny scout sleeping bag to sleep in.

- And I've got extra pillows for sleeping

And for...

All: pillow fights!


- [Slurping] - huh?

[Laughs] max?

That's our cocoa.

You promised you wouldn't touch our snacks,

And that includes cocoa, right?

- Right.

- I know something that will help you understand.

Do you want to hear a bunny tale, max?

Okay, let's go.

- [Sighs]

- This is called [span]max [span] and the three bears.[/Span][/span]

Once upon a time, there was a bunny named max

Who went for a walk in the forest.

Along the way, he came upon a house.

- [Sniffing]

- It had the yummiest smells coming from it,

So he knocked on the door.

No one answered, but the door was open,

So he went in to see what smelled so good.

Inside, he found three bowls of porridge.

- [Sniffs]

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

- The first bowl of porridge was too hot.

The next bowl was too cold.

But the third one was...

- Mmm, just right.

- So max ate it all up.

Max's tummy was so full, he wanted to sit down and rest.

There were three chairs,

And he tried to sit in the first one.

But it was too big.

So he tried the next one.

- Whoa.

- It was too big too.

So he tried the smallest chair, and it was...

- Hmm, just right.

- But when max sat down,

It broke into little pieces.

- [Yawns]

- By this time, max was tired,

So he went upstairs to lie down.

There, he found three beds.

The first bed was too hard,

So he tried the next one.

But it was too soft.

Then he tried the smallest bed, and it was...

- [Sighs]

Just right.


- A little while later, the three bears

Who lived in the house came home.

There was a daddy bear, a mommy bear, and a baby bear.

As soon as they came in,

They could see something was wrong.

- Someone's been eating my porridge.

- Someone's been eating [span] my[/span]porridge too.

- Someone's been eating my porridge,

And it's all gone.

- Then they went to sit in their chairs.

- Someone's been sitting in my chair.

- Someone's been sitting in [span]my[/span]chair too.

- [Gasps]

Someone's been sitting in my chair,

And it's broken all to pieces.

Then they heard a noise upstairs.

- Someone's been sleeping in my bed.

- Someone's been sleeping in [span]my[/span]bed too.

- Someone's been sleeping in my bed,

And he's still there.

The three bears were very upset.

Max ran away as fast as he could.

And from that day on,

He never touched things that didn't belong to him.

So now do you see why

You shouldn't touch things that don't belong to you?




- Ow.

- Have you seen max?

- No, we were having too much fun.

Both: cocoa time!

- Hey! Someone's been drinking my cocoa.

- Someone's been drinking my cocoa too.

- [Gasps]

Someone's been drinking my cocoa,

And it's all gone.

- [All gasp]

The snacks!

- Someone's been eating my snacks.

- Someone's been eating [span] my[/span]snacks too.

- Someone's been eating my snacks,

And they're all gone.

Wait a second.


[Laughs] max.

What are you doing in my bed?

- [Sighs]

Just right.


- I can't wait to help you make berry-bottom buns, grandma.

- While I go pick the berries,

Maybe you can mix all the other ingredients.

- Okay.

- Ooh, now, where did I put my sun hat?

- Helicopter.

- Oh, there it is.

Thanks, max.

I'll be back soon with the berries.

- Okay.

We're having grandma's berry-bottom buns.

You love them, don't you?

- Mm-hmm.

- [Laughs]

You can't eat them yet.

We have to make them first.

And you can help.

Grandma's recipe says we have to break two eggs

And beat them till they're fluffy.

- Helicopter.

- I don't think playing with your helicopter will help.

Max, what are you doing?

Well, if you're not going to help,

I'll just have to do it myself.

One egg.

Two eggs.

And beat.


Now I need to sift the flour.

Where's the flour sifter?

It's that round metal thing with a handle.

- Max, look out!

You'll spill the milk.

Oh, there's the flour sifter.


Max, for someone who loves berry-bottom buns,

You're not being very helpful.


You know what this reminds me of?

It reminds me of a bunny tale called [span]little ruby hen.[/Span]

Would you like to hear it?


Once upon a time in bunny tale land,

There was a beautiful hen named little ruby hen.

Bawk, bawk!

One day, she found some seeds on the ground.

- Oh, look! Wheat seeds.

Bawk bawk!

If we plant them, we can grow some wheat,

And then we can make our own bread.

Bawk, bawk.

- So little ruby hen decided to ask her friends for help.

First she went to max the duck.

- Quack! Quack, quack!

- Who wants to help me plant these seeds

So we can grow wheat and make delicious bread?

- Quack. Not i...

- Quacked max the duck.

So little ruby hen went to ask max the cat.

- Meow.



- Bawk, bawk, bawk!

Who wants to help me plant these seeds

So we can make some delicious bread?

- Meow, not i...

- Purred max the cat.

So little ruby hen went to ask max the dog

If he would help her plant the seeds.

- Woof, woof!


- Bawk, bawk, bawk!

Who wants to help me plant these seeds

So we can make some delicious bread?

- Woof! Not i...

- Barked max the dog.

- Woof!

- Oh, bwak bwak.


- So little ruby hen planted the seeds all by herself.

[Light fiddle music]

Then she watered the seeds,

And soon they grew into tall shafts of wheat

Ready to be made into flour.

- Bawk, bawk, bawk-bawk!

Who wants to help me make the flour? Bawk, bawk.

- [Sighs] quack.

Not i.

- Bawk, bawk!

- Meow. Not i.

- Bawk, bawk-bawk.


- Woof! Not i.

- Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk-bawk!

- When the flour was ready for baking,

She asked her friends...

- Bawk, bawk! Who will help me make some bread?

- [Snoring]

- [Sighs]

- So little ruby hen made the bread all by herself.

Soon the bread was ready,

And it smelled really, really yummy.

- Woof!


Mmm, yummy.

- Meow.


Mmm, yummy.

- Quack!


Mmm, yummy.

- Now, who will help me eat my delicious bread?

Bawk, bawk, bawk!

- Quack! I will.

- Meow. I will.

- Woof! I will.

- But little ruby hen didn't think that was fair,

Since she did all the work and they were no help at all.

So she said...

- I'm going to eat it all by myself.

Bawk, bawk, bawk.

And her friends all wished they had helped.

So do you see why you should help out, max?

Okay, now we need to pour in the milk

While we mix with the mixer.

I don't think I can mix [span] and[/span]pour.

How am I going to do this?

I thought you were going to help.



That's perfect.

Now I can pour the milk

And stir the batter.

Then we'll be ready for grandma.

- Helicopter.

- Mmm, mmm!

I think these are the best berry-bottom buns I've ever had.

Thank you for making the mix, ruby.

- Well, I had some help from max.

- Not i.

- Huh?

- Helicopter.
