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05x09 - Max's Ride/Max on Guard/Ruby's Real Tea Party

Posted: 11/19/23 12:25
by bunniefuu
Not[whimsical music]rs.

- ♪ Max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

♪ Max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

- ♪ Max and ruby

- ♪ Ruby and her little brother, max ♪

Kids: ♪ max and ruby

- Our first full day in bunningham,

And I can't wait to see everything.

Look, grandma.

This double-decker bus will take us to see

The famous clock tower big bun first.

It chimes so loud that you can hear it all over bunningham.

- Oh, my.

- And then the bus goes over the beautiful bunminster bridge,

Past the tower of bunningham,

And it even drives by bunningham palace,

Where the queen lives.

Who knows? [Gasps]

Maybe we'll catch a glimpse of the queen herself.

- Maybe.

[Trumpet fanfare]

- Your majesty.

[All laugh]

[Duck quacks]

- [Gasps]

- [Quacks]

- We catch the bus right over there.

- [Quacks] - [laughs]

But we'd better get going.

It leaves when big bun chimes.

Come on, max.


- Ride?

- That's right.

We're going to ride on the big, red double-decker bus

And see everything.

- Ride!

[Ducks quack]

- Riding those paddleboats does look like fun.

But we can't ride them right now.

We're going on a bus ride

That will take us to see everything.

Now, let's get going before--

[Bells chiming]

- Uh-oh!

Ruby, I think that's the sound of--

- Big bun.

And that means...

Uh, the tour bus is leaving.

- Oh, maybe there will be another one soon.

- Let's see.

[Gasps] you're right, grandma.

Another bus will come when big bun chimes.

- Well then, there's just one thing to do.

- What?

- We've got a paddleboat to ride.

- Ride!


- Wait for me.

[All laugh]

[Ducks quack]

[All laugh]

- What a wonderful idea, max.

That was so much fun.

- It was fun,

But we'd better hurry

If we're going to catch the next tour bus

And see everything.

It should be leaving in--

[Bells chiming]

- Uh-oh, ruby. I think that was the sound of...

- Oh, big bun, and that means...

The bus is leaving.

- Well, do you think we could catch up with the tour bus

At another stop?

- Maybe. Let's see.

- Hmm.

It looks like we could meet up with it if we go...

Both: this way!

[Both laugh]

- But we'll have to hurry.

- Okay then. Off we go.

- Ride!

- Look, grandma. This is how you get to the tube.

- [Gasps]

- The tube is a tunnel that trains go through

Deep underground.

- In other parts of the world, it's called a "subway,"

But in bunningham, they call it "the tube."

Bunnies ride it to get all over the city.

- Ride.

[All laugh]

- I'm sure we'll get a chance,

But now we have to get to the tour bus stop

So we can see everything.

- [Gasps]


- Well, maybe we could ride the tube

To the tour bus stop.

- Maybe. Let's check.

- Mm.

It looks like we could take it for a couple of stops.

- Ride!

- We could take it to here.

- Okay then. Off we go.

[Muffled rock music]

- Ride!

[Both laugh]

- Okay, it looks like we can catch up with the tour bus

Right around--

[Bells ring]

[Both gasp]

Oh, no. Big bun.

That means...

[Horn honks]

We missed the bus again.

- Well, now, I'm sure that there's still a way

For us to see everything,

Or at least almost everything.

- [Sighs]

I'll check the map.

- [Gasps]


- Another ride?

Max, the day's almost over, and we've hardly seen anything.

- Ruby, you might want to have a look at this ride.

- Huh?


I've never seen a ferris wheel so big before.


This must be the bunningham eye.

- Well, you know what's even better than reading about it?

- Since we're here

And this is the most famous ferris wheel in the world,

We may as well...

- Oh. [Laughs]

- Ride.

- Away we go then.

- [Laughs]

Whoa, max.

- Goodness.

We certainly are way up high.

[Bells chiming]

- [Sighs]

There's the sound of big bun again.

I really wish we could have seen it.

- [Gasps]

Ruby, look!

- [Sighs] grandma, it's big bun.

I can see it.

- [Laughs] I know!

And that's not all.

- [Gasps] I can see bunminster bridge.

Oh, and the tower of bunningham.


Grandma, I can even see bunningham palace!

- Isn't it wonderful?

- It is.


Thanks to max's ride,

I'm finally getting to see...

- Everything!

[All laugh]

- Here we are, bunningham palace,

Where the queen lives.

- Oh, grandma, I've wanted to come here all my life.

- Oh, me too.

- Smile.

[Both laugh]

- You're so handy with that camera, max.

- I wonder if she's home.

- Oh, see that flag flying on the flagpole?

That means the queen is at home.

- Grandma, she's here.

- Smile.

- [Laughs] - oh, max.



Look at all those windows.

- Yes, bunningham palace has of them.

- [Gasps] can you believe that?

- I hope she has someone to help her clean them all.

- [Laughs]

Oh, grandma, the queen doesn't do windows.

Her majesty has a royal window cleaner.

- [Laughs] of course she does.

- Smile.

- [Laughs]

I hope it turns out.

- Oh, what a sweetheart.

- [Gasps]

Maybe we'll see the queen looking out her window.

- That would be a pretty rare sight.

- [Laughs]

- [Laughs]

- Smile.

- It says here

That royal bunny guards never smile.

And listen to this.

They aren't even allowed to move,

No matter what.


See? [Laughs]

You have much more chance of spotting the queen

Than seeing a bunny guard smile.


You know what that big, furry hat is called?

A busby.

[Both laugh]

All the bunningham palace guards wear them when they're on duty,

Even on the hottest days of summer.

- Smile?

- You may as well give up, max.

I'd love to see a bunny guard smile too,

But it won't happen,

Not in a million years.

Come help me see if we can spot the queen through a window.

I'm going to look for her in each and every one.


- Oh, that could take the whole day.

- Window one, nope.

Two, nope.

Three, no sign of her there either.

- Smile.

[Patriotic music]

[Music stops]

[Music continues]

- [Laughs]

- Window , no queen.

, Not there either.

Oh, where are you, queen of all bunningham?

It's your loyal subject ruby.

[Loud buzzing sound]


Max, what are you doing?

- Smile.

- According to my guidebook,

The queen likes peace and quiet when she's at home.

That loud honking will disturb her.


Which means he might peek out a window

To see what all the noise is about.

Come on, max. Let's look.

- Smile!

- [Laughs]

- [Gasps]

- Window , uh-uh.

[Gasps] .

No sign of her there.

Come out, come out, wherever you are.


[Pigeon coos]

- Smile.

- Shoo, shoo.

Fly away home.

According to my guidebook,

You aren't supposed to feed the birds in bunningham.

Oh, it's not your fault that you didn't know that.

But what if the queen is watching?

[Gasps] what if the queen is watching?

- [Sighs]

- If she sees us out here,

She might invite us in for tea.

- [Laughs]

- [Sighs]

I told you, max, you can't make a bunny guard smile,

Not now, not ever.

But you can help me look for the queen.

I've got windows left,

And the queen could be behind any one of them.

- [Sighs]




- Uh-oh.

- Window , nope.

. [Sighs]

And-- [gasps]

No, max!

Not red-hot marshmallow squirters!



I--i'm very sorry.


- [Muffled yelling]

- [Gasps]

- [Laughs]

Runaway busby!

[Both laugh]


- [Laughs] look at that.

- [Laughs]

- [Laughs]

- [Laughs]

- [Laughs]

- Smile!

- Now, there's something I thought I'd never see.

- Not in a million years.

- It's picture-perfect.

- We might not have seen the queen

On our visit to bunningham palace,

But thanks to max, we got to see a royal bunny guard...

- Smile!

[Both laugh]

- Oh, grandma,

A real royal tea party at bunningham royal palace gardens.

- We couldn't leave bunningham without going

To a real royal garden tea party, now, could we?

- This is going to be the best day of my whole life.

Isn't this exciting, max?

- Let's go to our table.

- [Gasps]

Grandma, if it's a royal garden tea party,

Do you think we'll see a real princess

Or maybe even the queen?

- Well, you never know, ruby.

After all, bunningham palace is her home.

- Just in case, I'd better practice my curtsy.

Your majesty.

- So lovely to meet you, ruby.

[Both laugh]

And max, if we meet a princess or a duchess,

You have to bow.

Remember how I showed you?

[Frog croaks]

- What was that?

- Froggy.

- You can't play with your toy froggy

At a royal tea party,

Even if he does have a crown.

Just make sure he stays in your pocket, okay?

- Why, thank you.

- Thank you. [Chuckles]

[Frog croaks] - froggy!

- Oh!

- Oh, I never. - Oh!

- Max, you can play with your toy froggy all you want

After the tea party's over.

But for now, try to keep him in your pocket, okay?

- Tea?

- Oh, yes. Please.

- Thank you.

- Do you know if any of the royal family is here today?

- Could be.

I'll let you know if I see one.

- [Gasps] did you hear that, grandma?

We might see a princess, or maybe even the queen.

Wait, max.

We have to use our best tea party manners

In case the queen comes by.

First, one lump or two?

They're sugar lumps, max.

One lump or two?

[Chuckles] I think that's enough.

Wait, max.

Before you taste anything,

You have to make sure your napkin is unfolded in your lap,

Like this.

And this is how we drink tea.

Hold your saucer like this,

And make sure you raise your pinky finger.


Okay, now you can drink it.


- [Slurps]

[Frog creaks]

- Froggy!

- [Gasps] oh, no!

- Oh!

- Pardon me. Excuse me.

- Oh!

- [Chuckles nervously] I beg your pardon.

- Oh, what--

- [Laughs nervously]

- Well, I never.

Oh! - Oh.

- [Gasps]


- Here you go,

But from now on, could you make sure

That froggy stays in your pocket, please?

- [Chuckles] froggy.

- Thanks, max.

Ooh, look!

Real cucumber and watercress sandwiches.

And they even have the crust cut off!

They're just the way I imagined.

- Me too.

- Wait till you try these.

Oh, they're heavenly.

- These are almost as good

As the sandwiches at your tea parties, ruby.

- Oh, grandma, these are way better.

Max, what are you doing?

Just because you finished

Your cucumber and watercress sandwiches

Doesn't mean the tea party's over.

There's still lots more to come.



You're going to love these, max.

Look, you put strawberry jam and whipped cream on them.

Doesn't that sound yummy, max?

- Mm-hmm.

- Grandma, do you say "scones" or "scahns"?

- I've never known for sure, ruby,

So I just call them tea biscuits.

- [Chuckles] I never thought of that.

More tea?


Max, what happened to your scone--

Scahn-- tea biscuit?

- Oh, my. - Oh, dear.

- I've never. - Oh, never.

- Don't worry. We can clean him up.

- You have to be more careful.

What would happen if the queen came by right now

And saw you with jam all over your hands?

- Oh, ruby,

I hope you didn't get your hopes up

About seeing the queen.

She's a very busy person.

- I know, grandma.

This is still the best tea party ever.

[Gasps] max, what's this in your pocket?

Your cucumber and watercress sandwiches.

[Frog croaks]

- Oh!

- Froggy! - Oh, no!

- Oh, my!

[All gasp]

[Frog croaks]

- Pardon me. Excuse me.


[Frog croaks] - oh, no.

- Froggy!

- Oh!

- [Gasps] look out!

- [Laughs]

- So sorry to disturb you,

But could we have my little brother's froggy back?


Your majesty.

- [Laughs]

[Frog croaks]

- Thank you, your majesty!

- Oh! [Laughs]

- [Sighs]


Did you see what just happened?

- I did, ruby.

- I can't believe it.

I actually got to see the queen!

- I'm so happy for you!

- And it never would have happened

If it hadn't been for max's...

[Frog croaks]

- Froggy!

- [Laughs]