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05x10 - Ruby's Earth Day Party / Ruby's Earth Day Checklist / Max's Ducky Day

Posted: 11/19/23 12:27
by bunniefuu
So you [whimsical music]earth.

- ♪ Max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

♪ Max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

- ♪ Max and ruby

- ♪ Ruby and her little brother, max ♪

Kids: ♪ max and ruby

- Dig.


- Perfect.

Max, look what I made.

It's a papier-mache model of the planet earth.

It's for my earth day party.


Ooh! Careful not to get dirt on it.


Max, you got earth on the earth.


Get it, max?

One word can mean two different things.

The word "earth" can mean

The planet earth that we live on,

But "earth" can also mean dirt,

Like the dirt you've been digging in.

So you got earth on the earth.


- Dig.

- Uh-uh, max. No more digging today.

It's almost time for my earth day party.

And just look at you.

We need to get you cleaned up.

Come on.

It's not just an earth day party.

It's an earth day costume party.

Everyone is going to dress up as something to do with nature.

I love dressing up in costumes.

Don't you, max?

[Bubbles popping]

But I've got so much to do before everyone gets here.

I've got to put out the plates and the food and the drinks

And put on my costume.


Oh, I can't wait to see

What costumes louise and valerie have come up with.

Isn't it exciting?


Come on, max.

It's lucky I found this tablecloth.

It matches my planet earth:

Blue for the water and green for the land.

Isn't it perfect?


- Dig.

- It would be really nice

If you stayed clean for the party.

Besides, I've got so many things to get ready.

Wouldn't you like to help?

- [Sighs]

- Hmm.

If you could pick up your toys, that would be a big help.

We want everything to be nice and tidy

For the earth day party, don't we?

While you're gathering up your toys,

I'll get the table set.

Be right back.


We certainly won't be using disposable plates for earth day.

We'll use real ones and wash them afterward.

Isn't that great, max?

Max? [Gasps]

- Dig. Dig.

- I thought you weren't going to dig anymore.


Come on.


We'll find something else for you to wear for the party.

I don't know why I didn't think of this before.

Your sailor suit is the perfect thing to wear

For my earth day party.

Sailors sail on the ocean,

And most of the earth is covered with oceans...


Except for the part that's covered with earth.



Since I don't have time to make you a proper costume,

This is the next best thing,

And you look so handsome in it.


- [Sighs]

- Thank you, max.

Look what grandma made.

Isn't it gorgeous?

It's a fruit plate in the shape of the sun.

Grandma calls it her "rays of sunshine fruit plate."

Oh, it's almost time for the guests to arrive.

I hope I've remembered everything.

Huh, let's see.

Rays of sunshine fruit plate,

All-green veggie platter,

Earth lover's smoothie.

What else?

Oh! My earth day costume.

I'm just going to put my costume on,

And then I'll be back.

Remember, don't get your sailor suit dirty.

- [Sighs]




- Hello, ruby. We're here.

- I'm a tree.

- Wow, look at all the earth day decorations.

- And the earth day party food.

- Valerie, louise, I love your costumes.

- I'm a sunny sunflower.


- I'm a tree.

- And I'm a dainty little raindrop

Falling gracefully to the earth

To help sunflowers and trees grow big and strong.


Oh, roger, is that your costume?

- Uh-huh. Can you guess what I am?

- I don't know.

- I'm a tree.

- Beats me.

- I'm a compost bin.

- [Chuckling] oh, of course.

Great costume, roger.

- Uh-huh.

- Yoo-hoo!

- Grandma, welcome to my party.

Happy earth day.


What a beautiful sun costume!

- And your outfit is terrific too,

Little ruby raindrop!

- And look at all the other earth day costumes.

- I'm a sunflower.

- I'm a tree.

- I'm a compost bin.

- Hmm.

[Gasps] max!

- Dig.

- Max, I don't believe it.

- That's a perfect costume.

- Ooh... [Laughs]

It certainly is.

- I don't get it.

What costume?

- It's earth day, and he's dressed as--

- Earth.

- Oh.





- Hi, max.

- Look!

- Yes, max. It's a glass of nice cold juice.

I thought you might like it.

And while you're drinking your juice,

I'll start working on my earth day to-do list.

You know what a to-do list is, don't you?

It's a list of things you have to do.

This one is very special,

Because if I do all the things on my list,

I'll get my "friend of the earth"

Bunny scout badge.

- [Gasps] look.

- I'm glad you finished your juice.

Well, now I have to get to work.

The first thing on my to-do list is,

"Plant something green."


I know the perfect thing!

I can plant this maple tree seedling.

It grew from a maple seed that was only this big.

It's hard to believe this little tree

Is going to grow into a great big maple tree.

Now, where should I plant this seedling?

- Look.

- [Giggles]

Nice butterfly.


That's the perfect place to plant it...

Right on the edge of the garden,

Where there's lots of sunlight and not much wind.


- [Laughing]

[Water pattering]

- There you go, little tree.

Happy earth day.

- Look.

- It is a beautiful butterfly, max,

But if I stopped to play with butterflies,

I wouldn't be able to do this.



"Make something useful

Out of something you might throw away."



Instead of throwing this juice carton away,

I'll make it into a beautiful bird feeder.

What could be friendlier

Than making the birds a cheery place

To eat their birdseed?

- [Slurping]

- Ribbit!


- [Giggling] look!

- Ribbit!

- [Giggling]

- Ribbit!


- Hmm, what color should I paint the top,

Blue jay blue or sunshine yellow?

[Bottles clink] ooh!


Oh, no!

- [Laughing] look!

- [Sighs]

I'm glad you're having fun,

But playing with froggy is definitely

Not on my "friend of the earth" to-do list.

Froggy green!

It's the perfect color for the top of my bird feeder.

- Ribbit!

- [Gasps]

- Ribbit!

[Water running]

- Oh. [Giggles]

- What could have been thrown away

Is now a perfectly beautiful bird feeder,

And I get to check another box

On my "friend of the earth" to-do list.

[Water dripping]


- [Giggles]

- Careful, max.

You're getting my to-do list wet.

- [Gasps] look!

- "Turn off things that use up energy or water,

Like lights and taps."

[Knob squeaks]

- [Sighs]

- I bet I'll find more things to turn off inside.

I need to do all my to-dos

Before bunny scout leader gets here.

It's a waste of energy to have max's train running

When he's not even playing with it.

[Motor stops]

And my makeup lights don't have to be on

If I'm not using it.

Another light that doesn't need to be on.

[Water dripping]


Now I get to tick off another box

On my "friend of the earth" to-do list.

Only one more to-do to do.





- Look!

- [Gasps]

Oh, it's so beautiful.

- The perfect end to a beautiful earth day.

- Bunny scout leader!

- Hi, max.

Hello, bunny scout ruby.

How did you get on

With your "friend of the earth" to-do list?

- I planted a seedling,

And I made a bird feeder out of an empty juice carton,

And I turned things off to save energy and water.

- Sounds like someone's been

A good friend of the earth today.

Well done, bunny scout ruby.

Here's your badge.

- But I didn't finish

My "friend of the earth" to-do list.

There's still one more.

- Perhaps you should look at the last thing on the list.

- "Remember to appreciate

The wonder and beauty of the earth."

Like stopping to watch a beautiful sunset?

- Precisely.

Sometimes the best way to be a friend of the earth

Is to slow down and take the time to just--

- Look.

- Come on, max.

We don't want to be late.

It's earth day.

If everyone does just a little bit,

It'll make things better for us and for nature--

You know, all the plants and birds and animals

That live around us.

[Birds chirping]

- Ribbit!


- That's why the bunny scouts are picking up

Any litter we find in the park.

Do you want to play on your train or help?

- Hmm. Help.

- Great!

The more bunnies who help to clean up,

The better things will be for our bird and animal friends.

[Duck quacking]

A mommy duck and her two ducklings.

Oh, they're so cute!

- Ruby, we're over here!

- I'm coming, louise!

- [Quacks]

- [Chirps]

- [Quacking]

- [Chirping]

- [Quacking]


[Both chirping]

- [Quacks] - [chirps]

- [Quacks] - [chirps]

- Come on, max.

- Help.

- [Quacking]

- Happy earth day, bunny scouts.

Today we're going to help nature

By cleaning up litter in the park.

[Cheers and applause]

We'll put all the paper or cardboard that we find

In this recycling bin,

And any bottles or cans we find will go in this recycling bin.

Are you ready?

- Ready! - Yeah!

- Okay!

- All right, bunny scouts, let's clean up this park.

- Help?

- Of course you can help.

Let's see.

Since your favorite place is the playground,

Why don't you clean up here?

I'll be right over there with the other bunny scouts.

- [Gasps]

- [Chirps]

- [Giggles]

- [Chirps]

- [Giggles]


- Max is really getting into this cleanup.

- [Chirping]


- [Quacking]

- [Chirping]

- Help.

- I found paper for the paper bin.

- I found some bottles and cans.

- What did you find, max?

- Help.


- Yes, picking up that paper would be a big help--

And any other litter you see.

- Help.

- It's nice that max is trying to help.

- [Chirping]

- [Giggles]

- [Chirping]


- [Quacking]

- Hmm.


- Huh?


Ruby, what's max doing now?

- Max, I thought you were going to help clean up the playground.

- Help.

- Yes, that piece of paper should go in the bin.

- [Chirping]

- [Laughs]

- [Chirping]


- [Quacks]

- [Chirping] - [quacks]

- Help.

- [Chirping]

- Yahoo! [Laughter]

- The bins are almost full, and this will help.

- Help? - Oh, sure.

You can put the cardboard in the bin if you like.


I thought you were going to help

With our earth day project.


- Help.

- [Chirping]

- [Gasps] it's another little duckling.

Hello, there.

- [Chirps]

- Shouldn't you be with your mommy?

- Help?

- Max, I don't think

The little ducky wants to go for a train ride.

- [Chirping]

- [Giggling] or maybe he does!

- [Chirping]

- I wouldn't have believed that

If I hadn't seen it myself.

- Well done, bunny scouts!

- What's going on, ruby?

- What's max doing with that little ducky?

- [Chirping]

- Come and see!


- [Quacking]

- [Chirping]


- [Quacking]

- [Chirping]

- That must be the ducky's mommy.

All: aw.

- [Quacks]

- [Chirps]

- [Quacking]

- [Chirping]

- [Quacking]

- [Chirping]

- You brought the ducky family back together.

- So it looks like we had two wonderful earth day projects.

- Yes, the park is all clean,

And the duckling is home with its family.

I didn't know max could be such a big--

- Help.

- [Quacking]

- [Chirping]