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05x15 - Max's Pinata/Ruby's Movie Night/Doctor Ruby

Posted: 11/19/23 12:31
by bunniefuu
[Whimsical music]

- ♪ Max and ruby ♪

♪ Ruby and max ♪

♪ Max and ruby ♪

♪ Ruby and max ♪

- ♪ Max and ruby ♪

- ♪ Ruby and her little brother, max ♪

Kids: ♪ max and ruby ♪

- The east bunnyhop round the world fair

Really is like going around the world,

All in one day.

- It sure is, ruby.

- I want to remember it forever.

- Me too.

That's why I got this polynesian doll.

She's my souvenir from the fair.

- Oh! She's beautiful.


We should get a souvenir too.

Don't you think, max?

- [Munching]


- A souvenir is something you bring home

To help you remember a special place you visited.


Every time louise looks at this beautiful doll,

She'll remember her day at the round the world fair.

- [Munching]

- Now, where should we look for the perfect souvenir?

- Wherever you look,

You'd better hurry.

The fair's almost over,

And there aren't many souvenirs left.

[Mexican-themed music]

♪ ♪

- [Gasps]

- You're right, max.

The mexican booth is a great place

To look for a souvenir.

Bye, louise.

- Good luck, ruby!

- Look at this beautiful doll in her mexican costume.

She's perfect. Isn't she, max?

- Is that blindfold on tight enough, roger?

- Uh-huh.

- Roger's going to try to hit this piñata

With this stick, right, roger?

- Uh-huh.

- A piñata is a very popular mexican tradition

At birthdays and fiestas.

It's full of treats.

If he hits the piñata

And breaks it open by the time the music stops,

He gets all the treats and prizes that fall on the ground.

Right, roger? - Uh-huh.

- Piñata!

Piñata! Piñata!


- [Chuckles]

- Ready, roger? - Uh-huh.

[Mexican-themed music]

- [Grunting]

- Come on, roger!

- [Grunting]

It's harder than it looks.

- You can do it!

- [Grunting]


- Nice try, roger.

You came really close to hitting that piñata, roger.

- Uh-huh.

- Piñata!

- Sure, you can give it a try.

But first, let's buy a souvenir.

- Enjoy your doll!

- Oh, no.

Do you have another mexican doll, rosalinda?

- Sorry, ruby. That was my last one.

- Oh.

Well, there must be other great souvenirs at the fair.

Come on, max.

[Japanese-themed music]

Katie's japanese booth has loads of souvenirs.




What do you think of her?

You're right.

She's not quite as perfect as the mexican doll,

But she does have a pretty dress.

- It's called a kimono, ruby.

And the belt that wraps around it is an obi.

- I think she'd like my other dollies,

Don't you, max?

- Piñata!

- Ah, sorry, katie. Got to go.

- I thought ruby wanted that doll.

But I guess not.

That's called a kimono.

[Mexican-themed music]

♪ ♪

- Whoa! Missed again.

- Piñata!

- You can try it as soon as we buy our souvenir.

We have to hurry before somebunny else buys her.

- [Sighs]

- She's almost as nice as the mexican doll we wanted.

So I'll be just as happy to get--

[Gasps] katie.

Where's that doll in the kimono?

- Oh, ruby. I'm sorry.

I just sold it.

I would have kept it for you if I'd known you'd wanted it.

- That's okay.

Maybe you've got another doll that's just as nice?

- Oh, I don't have any other dolls.

But last time I looked,

Candi had some nice ones at her booth.

- [Gasps]

Thanks, katie.

- Piñata!

[Indian-themed music]

- Look at these pretty dresses.

- This is called a sari.

It's made from one piece of cloth.


You wrap it around your waist

And drape it over your shoulder.

- The colors are so beautiful.

I don't know how we're going to choose just one.

[Mexican-themed music]

♪ ♪


I think the red one.

What do you think, max?

- Piñata!

- [Chuckling] oh, no.

[Mexican-themed music]

- Piñata! - Don't worry.

You'll be able to take a turn in a second.

Candi's got three dolls to choose from.


[All giggling]

[Sighs] there were three to choose from.

- Piñata?

- You know, max, it was such a fun day,

I think we'll remember even without a souvenir.

So let's go see if you can break open that piñata.

- [Giggles]

- Well, roger, you had your chance.

I guess it's time for someone else to give it a try.

- Uh-huh.

- Hi, ruby. Did you find a souvenir?

- No, I guess we'll just have to remember

How much fun the fair was without a souvenir.

- Ready, max?

[Mexican-themed music]

- Come on, max. You can do it!

- Go, max!

- Whoa! Nice moves!

- You got it, max!

[Mexican-themed music]

♪ ♪

- Awesome! - Yay, max!

- [Gasps]


- Looks like you got your souvenir after all, ruby.

- Aw, thanks, max.

She's exactly what I wanted.

I would have found her earlier

If I'd just let max his his...

- Piñata!

- Popcorn.

- Uh-uh, max.

It's for our special movie night.

- Don't worry.

It won't be too long till movie night starts.

- We've never watched a movie outdoors under the stars.

It's going to be a night to remember.

- [Laughs]

I'm sure it will be.

[Both laughing]

- Popcorn!

- [Chuckling] not yet.

No popcorn till movie night.

- Popcorn.

- What else can I do to get ready?

- You could get out the ingredients

For my special lemonade.

You remember what they are?

- Of course.

Lemons, sugar, water, ice.

- And my special ingredient?

Both: mint!




- Popcorn.

- Now, lemons and mint.

Here they are.



The popcorn is for movie night.

We have to wait until the guests have arrived

And the movie starts.

Why don't you come outside

And help grandma and me set things up?

- [Sighs]

- I put out everything for your lemonade in the kitchen.

- Popcorn.

- Thanks, ruby.

And I've just finished getting the projector all set up.

Here, I'll show you how it works.

You see this little knob here? - Uh-huh.

- If you turn it this way,

The light goes on,

Like this.

- [Gasps] [projector whirring]

- Max.

What are you doing?

- Popcorn.

- It's not movie night yet.

We have to wait till louise gets here.

- Well, I better get inside

And finish making my special movie night lemonade.

- Okay, and I'll put the sheet up for the movie screen.

And I don't want to see you getting into that popcorn

Till we're all watching the movie, okay?

- [Sighs]


- This sheet will make a perfect screen

To watch the movie on, don't you think, max?




[Sighs] little brothers.

- Popcorn?

- You can't have the popcorn yet.

Louise hasn't arrived,

And there's still yet lots to do.

Why don't you play in the sandbox

While I finish setting up?

Thanks, max.


- Popcorn.

- There. That's going to be perfect.


It would be perfect if it wasn't so crooked.

There. Much better.

[Hums joyful tune]

- Popcorn.



- Hmm. I thought I fixed that.

Oh, well.



Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!


Max, the popcorn is for later.

- Popcorn.

- Why don't you play over there

Until it's time to watch the movie?

Now I'll get this sheet back up where it's supposed to be.

- [Gasps]


[Projector whirring] - perfect.

Everything is ready.

As soon as louise gets here, movie night can begin.

Oh, be careful, can't-sit-up slug.

You're going to be watching the movie sideways

If we don't straighten you up.


- [Whispers] popcorn.


[Projector clatters]

- What happened?

Oh, no.

The movie is ruined.

- Hello! Am I on time for movie night?

- [Sighs] I'm coming, louise!

- I hope you haven't started the movie yet.

- There were some... Technical difficulties.

And we can't watch the movie I wanted to show.


I wanted this to be a night to remember.

- It will be. - Huh?

- Look, ruby.


Making a shadow play

Is even more fun than watching a movie.

[Chuckles] - a shadow play.

That is a fun idea.

- And then little brother max

Sneaked behind his big sister's back

With his bow and arrow.

- [Chuckles]

Ooh, that's funny.



- But ruby couldn't stop the arrow.

And it broke the film in half.

So ruby and her little brother, max,

Made a shadow play for their grandma instead.

The end!

- Bravo! [Clapping]

- Did you really like it, grandma?

- I loved it!

The only thing that could make it better

Is a nice big bowl of...

- Popcorn!

- Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!

- Don't worry, can't-sit-up slug.

Dr. Ruby will have you sitting up in no time.

There. All better.


And, sally swims-a-lot,

You say you're having trouble hearing?

Here's your problem,

You forgot to take your earplugs out after you went swimming.

Is that better?

- Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!

- Having dollies as patients is fun,

But I know what would be even better,

A real live patient!

Someone like...



He must have gone inside.

- Phew!

- Grandma!

- Hello, ruby!

Or should I say

Dr. Ruby?

- That's right.

And how are you feeling today?

- I'm fit as a fiddle!

- That's too bad.

- [Coughs]

But I do feel a bit of a tickle in my throat.

- You do? That's great!

I mean... [Clears throat]

This could be serious.

It's a good thing you came to dr. Ruby.

Come right this way.

Coughs and sneezes spread diseases.

You're going to need a full checkup.

- Whatever you say, dr. Ruby.

- Say, "ah."

- Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah.

- Hmm.

Pulse, normal.

Heartbeat, like clockwork.

- Ooh, that's good news.

- Hmm.

Dr. Ruby says what you need is

A good dose of milk and cookies

Until you feel all better.

- [Gasps] cookies.


- Sorry, max.

Cookies are only for patients

To help them feel all better.

No measles, no chicken pox, no cookies.

- [Sighs]


[Door squeaks open]

- Here you go, grandma.

Milk and cookies.

- [Chuckles]

Just what the doctor ordered.

- Oh, I didn't write down your symptoms.

How will I know when you get better?


Now, where did I put my clipboard and marker?

There's my clipboard.

But where's my red marker?

- Cookies?

- Aha! Thanks for finding my marker.

Oh, dear, you got red ink all over your hands.

You even have dots on your face.

How did you manage to do that?

It almost looks like you have the measles.

- [Gasps]

- Luckily, dr. Ruby always carries wipes.

And it's washable marker.

Here, you finish cleaning yourself

While I check on my patient.

- Cookies.

- Cookies are only for patients to help them feel all better.

Now, how's that tickle in your throat, grandma?

- Much better, thank you, dr. Ruby.

- Good.

But I think you'd better rest up a little longer

Just to make sure.

- [Chuckles] whatever you say, dr. Ruby.

[Loud crash] [siren blaring]

- Uh-oh.

Sounds like I'm needed in emergency right away.

[Siren blaring]


- Oh, my!

- Ambulance driver max,

This is no time to lie down on the job.

Red rubber elephant has bruised his trunk,

And harry tarantula has broken legs,

All six of them.

I need you to get these patients to the hospital stat.

[Toys squeaking]

- Is there anything I can do?

- Don't worry. Dr. Ruby is in control.

- And it looks like you've got a good assistant there too.

- Luckily, there were no serious injuries.

But I'm going to need more milk and cookies.

- I could go and get those for your other patients, dr. Ruby.

- Thanks, grandma.

- [Chuckles] okay.

[Door squeaks open]

- Cookies? - Uh-uh, max.

Cookies are for patients to help them feel all better.

- Cookies.

[Loud crash] - oh!


You can practice bandaging another time.

Right now, I need all my bandages for my patients.

Six legs is a lot.

- Dr. Ruby, I think you might like to look at max's elbow.

- [Gasps] max, you scraped your elbow.

That needs one of my extra-special bandages.


- Good job, dr. Ruby. Well done.

- My first real patient.

How do you feel?

- [Munching]


All better!

[Whimsical music]

♪ ♪