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05x20 - Max's Red Rubber Elephant Mystery/Ruby's Toy Drive/Max and Ruby's Big Finish

Posted: 11/19/23 12:35
by bunniefuu
[Whimsical music]

- ♪ Max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

♪ Max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

- ♪ Max and ruby

- ♪ Ruby and her little brother, max ♪

Kids: ♪ max and ruby

- "The end."


Wasn't that the best bunny drew mystery ever, curly shirley?

Okay, max, grab your red rubber elephant

And let's go to grandma's.

You'll never guess how bunny drew

Solved her mystery.

She sat down and played the piano.

That helps bunny drew think.

Isn't that amazing?

[Wistful sigh]

Reading her story makes me wish

I had a really tricky mystery of my own to solve.

[Sad music]

Come on, max.

[Mysterious music]

Where's your red rubber elephant?

- Mystery.

- You mean it's missing?

Wow, a real mystery to solve

Just like bunny drew.

Don't worry, max.

I've read all of bunny drew's mysteries,

So I know exactly what she would do.

Look in all the usual places.

You know, all the places you'd expect

To find your red rubber elephant.

Like in your bed under your pillow.

But before I start, I'll need

My junior detective kit.

[Playful music]

The usual place to find your red rubber elephant

Is in your bed.

That's because you always sleep with it.




Bunny drew says after you've checked the usual places,

You have to check [span] unusual[/span]places.

Like under beds

And inside drawers.

[Mischievous music]

Nope, it's not here.

- Mystery!

- I checked your room from top to bottom

And couldn't find your red rubber elephant anywhere.

This is a bigger mystery than I ever imagined.

Bunny drew says the harder it is to solve a mystery,

The better you'll feel when you finally solve it.

[Phone ringing]


The telephone.

Maybe it's someone calling with information.


Ruby speaking.

- Hello, ruby.

It's grandma.

- Grandma!

- I've just baked some chocolate chip cookies.

Are you coming over soon to help me eat them?

- We'd love to come over to help you

Eat chocolate chip cookies.

Oh, but we can't.

- [Gasps]

- Not until we've solved max's missing

Red rubber elephant mystery.

- [Gasps]

How exciting!

Well, solve it quickly.

- I'm trying, grandma.



Bunny drew would never stop solving a mystery

Just to eat cookies.

- Mystery?

- Don't worry, max.

Bunny drew always says the solution

Is closer than you think.


Your red rubber elephant has to be somewhere

In this house, and I intend to find it.

Even if it takes all day.

- [Sighing]

[Suspenseful music]

- I think I'm getting warmer.

I can feel it.



Not here.


I didn't look in the bathroom.

Maybe you left it there

When you brushed your teeth this morning.

- Mystery.

[Gloomy music]


[Playful music]

- So it has to be somewhere down here.


The crawl space.

Good idea, max.

But it's not in here either.

This mystery gets more delicious by the minute.

Which reminds me, I haven't checked the kitchen.

- [Sighs]

- Don't worry, max.

I'm going to think just like bunny drew thinks,

And that's how I'll solve this mystery.

Be right back.


- Mystery.

[Shimmering tone]

- No sign of your red rubber elephant in the kitchen.


Max, you've just made me think of something.

Maybe playing the piano will help me solve the mystery

Just like it helped bunny drew.


I knew I'd come up with an idea.

[Playing octaves on piano]

Let's see.

I looked for your red rubber elephant in every room.

But is there someplace I haven't looked?

Someplace right under my nose?

[Playing piano]



[Playing piano]



What was that?



It's your red rubber elephant!

Bunny drew was right again.

Playing the piano helped me solve

The red rubber elephant mystery.

Now we can go to grandma's for chocolate chip cookies.

And I can tell her how I solved a baffling mystery

Just like bunny drew.


- I thought you might need some help

Solving your mystery.

- I already solved it.

We found max's red rubber elephant.

- [Gasps]

Ooh, bunny drew would be proud.

Where was it?

- In the piano.


- How extraordinary.

Let's have a chocolate chip cookie to celebrate.

- Thanks, grandma.

There's only one thing I still don't get,

How max's red rubber elephant got into the piano

In the first place.

- Mystery.

- Whoops.

Careful, can't-sit-up slug.

You're going to hurt yourself if you keep

Falling over like that.

I guess I can't give you away.

- Vroom, vroom, vroom!

- Hi, max.

Guess what's happening today.

The bunny scouts are having a toy drive.

- Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom!

- [Giggling] I didn't mean you should drive your toy.

This kind of toy drive is when we give toys

To bunnies who don't have any to play with.

Bunny scout leader is coming by later

To pick up the box.

I've got an idea.

Why don't you choose one of our toys to give away?

[Screeching tires]

I know.

There are lots of toys you still play with,

And you wouldn't want to give them away.

That's why I'm looking for an old toy

That I don't play with anymore.

I'm sure there's a bunny who would love

One of your old toys.

[Toy gears grinding]

- Toy drive.

- [Giggling]


Maybe the best way to decide is to line them all up in a row.

Let's start with you, mr. Quack.

And of course, mrs. Quack,

You'll want to be right beside him.

[Shimmering tone]


[Carefree music]

[Siren playing]

- [Giggling]

- [Bellowing]

- [Sighing]

- Hello, bonjour.


[Claws snapping]

- [Gasps]

[Mischievous music]


Toy drive!

- There.

Max, what are you doing?

- Toy drive.

[Claws snapping]

- Max!

You're not supposed to play with your toys.

You're supposed to pick a toy you don't want anymore.

- [Chuckling]

- Well, I guess I'll have to line up my toys

All over again.

Here you go, curly shirley.

What's this?

Your half-heart pendant fell off.

Grandma gave these to us because when we put

The two halves together, we have one heart.

I could never give you away.

I see what happened.

The clasp is loose.

I'll ask grandma to look at it.

She can fix anything.

[Mischievous music]

[Claws snapping]

- Toy drive.

- Okay.

Now I've got my toys divided into two piles.

This is the "definitely not" pile,

And this is the "maybe" pile.

He likes to read with me at bed time.

Oh, this is harder than I thought.

- Toy drive!

[Suspenseful music]

[Claws snapping]

- [Sighs]

Could you please get your lobster

Out from under my bed?

- I am little miss miracle.

Wah, wah!

- What's that?

- I can talk, and I can sleep.

I can walk, and I can eat.

- Little miss miracle.

I forgot you were under there.

I haven't played with you since I was a little bunny.


If I haven't played with you in years,

It means I won't miss you as much if you're gone.

Another little bunny would love to play with you.


Now you just have to decide what toy

You're going to give away.

[Mischievous music]

[Giggling] max, I wish you'd quit playing around

And choose a toy for the toy drive.

[Claws snapping]

Well, little miss miracle, you're going to make

Some little bunny very happy.

[Gears clicking]

[Suspenseful music]


[Claws snapping]

[Doorbell ringing]

Oh, that's bunny scout leader.

Max, have you chosen your toy for the--

- Toy drive.

- Wow.

I can't believe you're willing to give up

One of your favorite toys.

- Hello, bunny scout ruby.

Have you got some toys for the toy drive?

- Yes, bunny scout leader.

It was very hard to choose, but both max and I

Have donated a toy.

- That's wonderful.

You're making two other bunnies very happy.

Bye, ruby.

Bye, max.

- Bye, bunny scout leader.


It feels so good to do the right thing,

Doesn't it, max?

And now curly shirley and I can--


Oh, no.

Where's your half-heart pendant?

Oh, it must have fallen off again.

But where is it?

[Claws snapping]

Your lobster came back.

But what's that in his claw?


It's a miracle!

Curly shirley's half-heart pendant.

I got it back, max.

Thanks to your--

- Lobster.

[Claws snapping]

- [Laughing]

- And could anything ever taste so nice

As a hot and gooey pizza slice?

- Oh, yum! - Delizioso!

- And so I say, with head held high,

There is no greater food than the pizza pie!

[Cheers and applause]

- Thank you, katie, for your beautiful ode to the pizza pie.

We look forward to your special presentations every year

At the east bunnyhop annual variety show.

- Hello, ruby.

- You did great.

- Yeah!

- Okay, there are just two more acts

Until we do our big finish.

Are we all ready, bunny scouts?

- I am!

- Uh, maybe we should just practice again.

- Good idea, louise.

Now, we just need max.

- Mm.


- I'm glad you have your gumball-spitting spider,

But we want to make sure we all know our parts

For the big finish.

[Playful music]

- Ooh.


We've got time for at least one rehearsal.

Okay, is everybunny ready?

- I am. - Me too.

- What about you, max?


- Gumball?

- No thanks, max.

We're going to rehearse the part where you come in

For the big finish.

You have the last line, remember?

You say, "thank you!"


Once he hears it again, he'll know where to come in.

, , .

All: ♪ here's our salute to the neighborhood ♪

♪ And all the bunnies who make it good ♪

♪ We would thank you all if we could ♪

♪ In fact we think we should

♪ For all you do we'd like to say a big-- ♪

- [Chewing, slurping]


- Max, your part is the big finish of the show.

You get to say thank you to every bunny in east bunnyhop

For making this a great place to live.



[Playful music]



This time let's rehearse it with the steps we practiced,


- Whoo, whoo!

That dance of the giant watermelon

Really takes it out of you.

Maybe next year I'll choose a smaller fruit.


- Okay, , , --

- Hi, ruby.

It's time for our dance number.

- You'll be wonderful, grandma.

And so will you, mr. Piazza.

- As long as I can keep up with grandma.

- [Laughing]

That's why they call me ginger.


- And now here's our favorite dancing duo,

Mr. Piazza and grandma!


[Tap shoes clicking]

[Whimsical music]

- We have time for one more rehearsal.

Ready, max?

Okay, , , .

All: ♪ here's our salute to the neighborhood ♪

♪ And all the bunnies who make it good ♪

♪ We would thank you all if we could ♪

♪ In fact we think we should

♪ For all you do we'd like to say a big-- ♪

- Huh?

Oh, max.


- Thank you, mr. Piazza and grandma.

And now it's time for the bunny scouts

And their salute to the neighborhood.

Come on out, bunny scouts.

[Cheers and applause]

- This is it!

We're on!

Come on, max.

Don't forget.

I'll point to you for your big finish.

- Gumball.

- Hello, everybunny.

As mr. Huffington said, we're doing our salute

To the neighborhood.

So when you see your picture and hear us call your name,

Please stand up and wave, okay?

[Cheers and applause]

, , .

All: ♪ here's our salute to the neighborhood ♪

♪ And all the bunnies who make it good ♪

♪ We would name you all if we could ♪

♪ In fact we think we should

♪ So here we go with the finale of our show ♪

♪ Our salute to then neighborhood ♪

- Who's the one who always has the very best sweet?

All: candi!

- That's me.

- Who's the owner of the dinner where everyone eats?

All: katie!

- That's me.

- Who's the one we go to for the perfect gift?

All: rosalinda!

- Over here.

- Who's the neighbor

Who can always give you a lift?

All: mrs. Huffington!

- You got it.

- Who has the freshest veggies

You'll find in town?

All: the piazzas!

- That's us!

- Uh-huh.

- Who's the one you call when you need a clown?

All: mr. Huffington!

- That's me.


- Who's the one who helps you pass any test?

All: bunny scout leader!

- That's me.

- Who's the one whose cookies are the very best?

All: grandma!

- Oh, my.

[Building piano music]

All: ♪ that's our salute to the neighborhood ♪

♪ And all the bunnies who make it good ♪

♪ We would thank you all if we could ♪

♪ In fact we think we should

♪ For all you do we'd like to say a big ♪

- [Gasps]

Max, no!

[All screaming]


[Cheers and applause]

- Huh?

- Whoo-hoo, bravo!

- Spectacular!

- That's amazing.

- They loved it!

- Max, you and your gumball spitting spider

Gave us just what we wanted.

- A big finish!


[Whimsical music]