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05x23 - Max and Ruby Give Thanks/Max Leaves/Ruby's Fall Pageant

Posted: 11/19/23 12:38
by bunniefuu
[Whimsical music]

- ♪ Max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

♪ Max and ruby

♪ Ruby and max

- ♪ Max and ruby

- ♪ Ruby and her little brother, max ♪

Kids: ♪ max and ruby

- Thanksgiving.

It's one of my favorite holidays.

Don't you love it too, max?

- [Roars]

- [Laughs] it sounds like

Your screaming green alien gorilla loves thanksgiving.

- [Whirring]


- Would you mind moving for a minute, please?

I need to get my craft box out of the cupboard.

Thanks, max.

This thanksgiving, I decided to make special thank-you cards

For all my favorite bunnies.


What better way to say "thank you"

To all the bunnies who make your life wonderful?

Ah, here it is.

These blank cards are perfect.

Now I just have to decide who to send cards to

And a special way to say "thank you" to each one.

Have you ever thought about the things

That you're thankful for, max?

Today's the perfect day to do that.



- [Laughs]

- Oh, little brothers.


- Thank you.

- Louise loves makeup and powder puffs,

So that's what I'll draw on her card...

With some added sparkles, of course.


Aren't you even going to try

To think about what you're thankful for?


- Look, this is the card I made for louise

To say, "thank you for being such a great friend."


It's funny how just saying "thank you"

Can make you feel good.

- [Roaring]

- Hmm, now, who else should I send a thank-you card to?

Ah! My card!

- Thank you.

- Max!

You may be thankful for gooey alien gloop,

But I'm not.


I'll just be thankful

If my beautiful cards don't get any gloop on them.

Now, who should my next card go to?


It's one of your old slime dribblers.

I know you like to hide them all over the house,

But please don't use my craft box anymore.


Oh, no!

[Fanfare plays]


Nice save, max.

Roger sure did a great job teaching you how to catch.



I should make him a thank-you card too.

See, max?

Once you start thinking of things to be thankful for,

It's hard to stop.

- Thank you.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

- Max, do you want to see roger's card?

- [Sighs]

- Roger loves baseball,

So look what I drew on his card.

Perfect, don't you think?


You're covered in slime dribblers.

- Thank you.

- Only you could be thankful

For a fistful of old, icky, sticky slime dribblers.

Those are really, really old, max.

[Melancholy violin music]

I bet grandma will buy you some more very soon.

[Gasps] grandma!

I can't believe I forgot to make a card for her.


Not on my cards, max.

Um, maybe you should go outside

And find a place for those, okay?

Who knows?

You might find something else to be thankful for.


- Okay, now, what does grandma love

That I could draw on her card?


[Lively music]

- [Laughs]

Thank you.

- Roses are grandma's favorite flower

In the whole wide world,

So what could be better for grandma's card

Than beautiful, gorgeous roses?

One card left.


I feel like I'm forgetting somebody.

Who else am I thankful for?


I know who!

Of course.

But what should I put on the card?


- Thank you.

- Yikes!

Don't bring that worm cake near my cards.



That's perfect!

You see, this card is for my most favorite bunny of all:


I couldn't think of what to put on it,

But you fixed that.

Now it's got everything on it that you love:

Alien gloop, slime dribblers, and mud.

Thank you, max.

- You're welcome.

- Leaves!


- [Humming]

Okay, what if these snowflakes go across here

And this one goes here?

Let's see how that looks.



This is harder than I thought.

I'm going to need some help.

[Bird chirping]

Oh, max!

How would you like to come and help me with something?

It'll only take a minute,

And then you can go back outside.

It'll be fun!

- [Sighs]

- We're doing a presentation about the four seasons

For the fall pageant.

You know the four seasons, don't you?

There's winter, spring, summer, and fall.

I've decided I'm going to dress up as winter,

And this is going to be my costume.

But I just need a little bit of help.

You see, I have to decide

Where to put these snowflakes on the dress.

It's so hard to tell when I'm wearing it.

But if I put the dress on you,

Then I'll be able to see exactly where the snowflakes should go.

What do you think, max?

- Leave.

- It'll only take a second, and then you can leave.

- [Sighs]

- Thanks, max.

It'll really be a big help.

Now I can see the whole dress.

- [Grunting] - hold still, max.


That's a good start.

But it needs more.

[Gasps] I know.


- Leave.

- I have some silver ribbons that I can put on the sleeves.

They'll look just like icicles.

Won't that be perfect?

Oh, max!

What do you think you're trying to do?

- Leave?

- You can't leave now.

We're not finished yet.

It's still hard to tell.

Maybe you could hold them in place.

What do you think?

- Leave.

- [Laughs]

The sooner we get this done,

The sooner you can leave.

- [Sighs]

- Okay, put one hand here and the other one there.

Now let's see.

Oh, no.


I guess I have to glue them on.

Now, where did I put the glue?

- Leave.

- I'll be right there, max.

As soon as I get the snowflakes on,

You can go outside again.

There it is.



Hmm, not here.

You can run, but you can't hide.

[Rattling noise]




[Rattling noise]

I told you, max;

You can run, but you can't hide.



- Leave.

- [Laughs] just a few more minutes.

Then you can play outside all you want.

- Hmm.

- If I put the glue on now,

I can stick all my snowflakes on at once,

And it won't take as long.

Is that better?

[Doorbell rings]

[Gasps] that must be louise.

She said she was coming over to see my costume,

But I'm not done yet.

Please don't take the dress off this time, max.

It's all covered in glue.

I'll be right back.

- Leave.

- How's your costume for the fall pageant coming along?

- Well, it's not finished yet, but it's getting close.

- Maybe I can help.

- That would be great.

I tried to get max to help, but he just wants to leave.

Both: little brothers.


- What season did you decide to be?

- You'll see.

- [Laughing]


- So it still needs a lot of work,

But I know just what I want to--

Oh, no, max is gone.


And so is my dress.

He's not here.

- Not here either.

- You can run, but you can't hide.


Not here.


- Ew, there's something sticky on the floor.

- Glue from my dress.

There's more here.


- Looks like he went outside.

- [Sighs]

He has to be out here somewhere.


Max, I told you.

You can run, but you can't hide.


Oh, my dress!


- Wow, ruby.

That's such a beautiful fall costume.

- Fall?

- It must have taken you such a long time

To put all those leaves on so perfectly.

- Actually, it was pretty easy.

I put on the glue,

But max put on the...

- Leaves.


- , , .


One pot for each corner of our stage.


Max, I need that flowerpot.

That's the fourth corner of our stage

For the fall pageant.

Louise and valerie and martha are coming over soon.

We've got one final rehearsal.


What are you doing with all that mud anyway, max?

- Mud monster.

- Thanks, max.

Why don't you use your sand bucket for mud?

We've decided to do our presentation

On all four seasons:

Winter, spring, summer,

And featuring fall!

That's me.

There aren't as many mud puddles in the fall

As there are in the spring.

That's because of all the spring showers.

I know all about the four seasons.


Both: hi, ruby.

- Summer and winter are here.

- I'm summer.

- And I'm winter.

- And I'm fall.

Ooh, your costume is beautiful.

Valerie and louise: so is yours!


- Where's martha?

- You mean spring?

I don't know.

- I thought she'd be here.

- Well, I hope she comes soon.

We can't do our presentation of our four seasons

Without spring.

- Then we'd only be three seasons.


- Why don't we practice our parts

While we wait for martha?

Look, I made a space

That's the same size as the stage.

- Great idea, ruby.

- Yuck!

- What's that?

- Mud monster.

Both: oh!

- You can make your mud monster

As long as you don't get too close to us.

We need to keep our costumes beautiful and clean.

Okay, are we ready to start our rehearsal?

Both: ready.

- Who wants to go first?

- Why don't you go, ruby?

- Yeah, it's the fall pageant,

So we should probably start with fall.

- Okay.

Fall is colors bold and bright:

Orange, gold, and red.

One by one, the leaves fall down

And make a leafy bed.

- [Gasps] - ooh!

- That was beautiful, ruby.

- Thanks.

- Mud monster.

- Spring--i mean martha-- still isn't here.

Can I go next?

- Sure, louise.

Winter always comes after fall.

I'll go back to my last pose.

[Ruby and louise yell]

- Careful, max.

I know you need more muck for your mud monster,

But you're getting pretty mucky.

- Very mucky.

- And we don't want you to get any muck on our costumes, okay?

Thanks, max.

Let's try again.

- Winter!

Winter winds blow icy cold,

And frost nips at our nose.

But what a lovely sight it is

When it snows and it snows and it snows.

- That was great, louise.

- Oh, it made me feel cold, just like winter.

- Thanks.

All: oh!

- Mud monster.

- Max, if we get some of that muck on our costumes,

We'll have a big problem.

- Uh, we have another problem, ruby.

Spring--i mean martha-- still isn't here.

- Well, I guess we'll just have to keep rehearsing

Till she gets here.

- Good plan, ruby.

Your turn, valerie.

- Oh, okay.

- Let's get ready.

- Summer.

The sun is hot.

The leaves are green.

The sky is blue and clear.

It's fun to play outside all day

When summertime is here.

Both: bravo!


Oh, no!

- Mud monster.

- You really have to be careful with your mud-making.

We have to get-- [phone rings]

Ooh, maybe that's martha.

- Was it martha?

- When is she coming?

- She's not.

- What? - Why not?

- She's sick.

And the pageant is this afternoon.

There's no time to find someone else to be spring.

- [Laughing]


[Fast-paced drumming]


- Wasn't that wonderful?

Thank you, mrs. Huffington, for that thrilling performance

Of the dance of the giant pumpkin.

And now it's time for the east bunny hop bunny scouts,

Plus a special guest.

This is their presentation of the four seasons.

- Thank you, mr. Huffington.

All: the four seasons.

- Fall.

Fall is colors bold and bright:

Orange, gold, and red.

One by one, the leaves fall down

And make a leafy bed.

- Winter!

Winter winds blow icy cold,

And frost nips at our nose.

But what a lovely sight it is

When it snows and snows and snows.

- Summer.

The sun is hot. The leaves are green.

The sky is blue and clear.

It's fun to play outside all day when summertime is here.

All: and spring!

- Springtime showers bring may flowers...

- For that, we're very lucky.

- But showers bring mud puddles too.

- Making little brothers...

- Mucky.

[All exclaiming]

- That was so good. - Wonderful.
