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01x07 - Rusty's Ski Trip Blip/Rusty and the Camp Bandit

Posted: 11/19/23 16:47
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go!

♪ Put it together Rusty Rivets

♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets

♪ Rusty rivets' lab is in Sparkton Hills ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits, and Botasaur ♪

♪ Inventions never seen before

♪ So let's go!

♪ Put it together Rusty Rivets

♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets

♪ Yeah, let's go!

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets, Let's go! ♪

RUSTY: "Rusty's Ski Trip Blip."


Wow, for somebody so big,

you sure are ticklish, Botasaur.

Operation Dino Boot Build is complete.


Thanks, buddy. I'm glad you like them.


Hey, Rusty.Ready to go skiing?

Am I ever! Check 'em out!

All new turbo powered high speed dual throttle Incredo-skis.

Whoa! Cool! But aren't they a little big for you?

For me? Way too big. For him, they're perfect.

Go ahead, Botasaur, try 'em on.


[Beeping, powering up]

LIAM: The world's first downhill skiing robot dinosaur?

Rusty, sometimes it's like you're in my head.

Now he just needs some Botasaur-sized ski poles.


Look out!


Note to self: check Botasaur's tail alignment.


Don't worry. We'll just get some Bits on the fix.


[Chattering, laughing]

Guys, tail emergency right away.


[Laughing and cheering]

All right, buddy,

give it a test wag.

Way to pin the tail on the dino, guys.


[Horn honking]

Hey, you guys!

ALL: Sammy!

Who's ready to hit the slopes?

ALL: I am!


Whoa. I should have brought a bigger bus.

All aboard!

LIAM: Yay!

Can't forget Botasaur's skis.


All right, this ski trip is on.

Time to bolt.


[All cheering]

RUBY: Let's go!

♪ The wheels on the bus go round and round ♪

♪ Round and round, round and round ♪

We're almost at Planner's Peak, guys.

Nothing can stop us now.

[Gasping, screaming]

[Tires screeching]

Well, except maybe that.

[Eagle screeching]

Whoa, the road's totally washed out.

Washed out?

That must have been a really big bath.

I've got an idea.

Whirly, let's see if there's another way to Planner's Peak.

Let's go!

RUBY: It doesn't look good. This is the only road for miles.

And just like that, our ski trip is over faster

than two scoops in a pizza oven.


Aw, don't be sad, Botasaur.

We'll figure out a way to get this trip back on track.

We sure will! But how?

Um... [Gasping]

With those!

Your robo dino's mega skis?


Thanks, Jack.

The skis make a perfect bridge across the gap.

All right, everyone, next stop the mountaintop!

Good to go, Sammy!

All right! Buckle up, everyone!


ALL: Whoa!

LIAM: We're gonna make it!


[Roaring happily]

Uh, guys?

Botasaur's shaking the whole mountain!

Step on it, Sammy!

Whoa, that was way too close.

[Rumbling]And so is that!

RUBY: Oh, no! That huge rock is going to fall!

He's got to stop jumping!

Botasaur, down boy!


You can come over here now,

but you're gonna have to be really gentle, okay?


That's it. Good job.

Nice and easy. You're doing it.

Just a little bit further.

You okay, buddy?


Oh, no!





Talk about a rocky road.

So, this might be a little problem.

That thing's not going anywhere.

We're talking tons of pure fun-wrecker.

Come on, you guys, we can't let a massive, huge, ginormous rock

put a wrench in our plans

because we have a massive, huge, ginormous Botasaur.

You think you can move that boulder out of the way?



RUSTY: Go Botasaur!


Nice try, buddy.

I think it's time for a new plan.

Maybe we could pry it away.

With what? We need something super long to lift it.

What if we used Botasaur's skis again?


Is there anything they can't do?

Okay, buddy, make us proud.

Try jumping higher.

Well, that didn't work. I guess we have--



LIAM: He's flying!

RUSTY: Botasaur, watch out!


Are you okay?

[All sighing]

It was worth a try, buddy. Come on down.

I'm sorry, little guys.

There's just no way through.

I think our ski trip's officially cancelled.

[All groaning]

Aw, man!

If only we could fly like Botasaur did,

we'd get over that rock in no time.

Fly? Hold on a second.

You know what would be really, really, really cool?

Ice cream?Skiing?

Skiing on ice cream?

All awesome ideas, but...

We've got an idea to help us get over that rock.

Let's combine it...

And design it!


If we start with our bus...

And we add Botasaur's skis...

And then use his giant detachable tail

to keep things steady,

put it all together and we've got our plan!

[Powering up]

Modified, customized,


The awesome School Bus 'Copter !


We couldn't have done it without you, Botasaur.


It looks like this ski trip is officially back on.

Time to jet.


All right!

Everyone, prepare for takeoff.

[Beeping, powering up]


All right, let's give Botasaur a lift.

Okay, boy, up!

We got him! Punch it, Sammy!

I'm flying! [Laughing]

I'm flying! I feel as free as a bird!

[All yelling]

Maybe I'll just be a bird

that flies in a straight line from now on.

Good plan.

Thank you.

Oh, no! How's that car going to get across?

Don't worry. I've built a little extra surprise

to help clear the road.[Beeping]

You made a grappling hook out of Botasaur's ski pole?

Of course! Every School Bus 'Copter needs one.

[All laughing]

[Horn honking]

Now, let's hit the slopes!

[All cheering]

Yeah! Awesome! [Laughing]

You snowpokes just about ready?

Almost. Just have to get Botasaur back together.

All right.

Race you guys to the bottom! Woo-hoo!

♪ La, la, la [Cheering]

That should just about do it.

Okay, you ready to do this, Botasaur?

[Powering up]


Let's see what these skis can do!


The best ski trip ever!Woo-hoo!


Wow. Now I know what a snow cone feels like.


RUSTY: "Rusty and the Camp Bandit."

Okay, Ruby, let's see, we've got hot dogs,

veggie burgers...

Got 'em!


Double got 'em.

And apples.

All right, that looks like the last of it, Rusty.

Everything's packed for our camping trip.

All right, I'm coming down the elevator.


Of course you can come along, Bits.

You'll be able to help us

get our Sparkton Scouts camping badge.


We're going to spend the whole night in the great outdoors.

[Gasping] Dark!

Yeah, it'll be dark,

but there's nothing to be afraid of, Jack.

We'll all be together.


Okay, everyone, we have to do three things to get our badges.

Set up camp.

Make a line to hang our gear.

And show respect for nature.

But there is another very important thing.

There is?

Yup! Getting there fast! Come on!


[Engine rumbling]

[Engine revving]

[Engine revving]

Time to bolt!

[Tires screeching]

Well, here's the campsite. But where's Ranger Anna?

Anna? Anna?

[Owl hooting]

Whoa!Hiya, kids!

I was just up in the tree, talking to the owls.

Hoot, hoot. You know, same old same old. Whoa.

Is that all the camping gear you brought?

Don't worry, it may not look like much,

but we've got everything we need.

Smart thinking! I packed light too.


Okay, step number one when camping is set up camp.

No problem!

Check this out.







Oh, isn't that spiffy in a jiffy?

Set up camp: check.

Now, it's very important to remember

step number one and a half:



Let's get toasting!

Mmm! Oh! I tell ya, nature's the best part of camping,

but toasted marshmallows are definitely the second best part.

Oh, yeah!

Wha-- wha-- uh-oh!

What's wrong?

The marshmallows are gone! Someone swiped our sweets!

ALL: Oh, no!


Who would have done that?

I'm not sure, but we'd better keep the rest of the food safe

so it doesn't happen again.

Hmm... we need to get the food up high

so it's harder to reach... with the Food Lifter-upper !

It's just a rope and pulley, but we like to name things.

[Rusty straining]

Just a little bit more

and... there. Our food is now safe.

Nice job, Rusty.

Step number two, make a line to hang gear on: check.

Yeah!Woo-hoo! Hey,

our fire's getting a bit low.

We'd better gather some more wood.

Good call, Ruby. Hey, Jack,

can you come help us lift some firewood?

[Groaning, grumbling]

Dark. Oh, dark... oh!

Come on, Jack. There's nothing to be scared of.


Nice work, all you busy little beavers.

[Making munching noises]

Now, I'll just build the fire back up.

I'll start building a lantern path to the tents.

[Stomach grumbling]

And I'm getting hungry. I'll get some snacks.

No way!

What is it, Rusty?

[Gasping] [Gasping]

ANNA: More of our food is gone?!

We have got one seriously hungry thief at our camp.

[Gasping] They must be close.


A trail of crumbs!

We have to follow that trail.

Let's get some Bits on the fix.

Light the way, Ray!

Okay! Ooh!



The thief, it's close.


Whoa! [Yelling]

Phew. That was close. Thanks, Ray.


Whoa! Talk about a steep drop.


And whatever is making that sound is down...

[Gulping] ... there!

Time for night vision mode.


What is it? Do you see anything?

There's definitely something moving down there. Zooming in.

It's some kind of...

Ghost? Bigfoot?

Bigfoot ghost?!

No, it's an animal

and it's in trouble!

Animal in trouble?!


Aw! Look, it's a sweet little possum!

And look at all those crumbs!

He's totally our food thief.

This wall is really steep.

I don't think he'll be able to get out on his own.

We've got to help him.

Okay, but we need to keep our distance too.

Possums are really skittish.

But how do we get him up if we can't get close to him?

[Gasping] I've got it!

Rusty'll think of something to save that little possum.

Maybe a rocket kite,

or an antigravity possum catapult, or...

Camp chairs?

Well, he's too shy to come near

and the walls are too steep for him to get up by himself.

So, he needs a possum friendly, easy to climb ladder!

Ooh, nice!

Okay, little guy, here you go.

[Sniffing, squeaking]

Come on, you can do it!



ANNA: So close!

Okay, so the ladder isn't strong enough.

There must be something else we can make.

Whatever it is, it has to be strong.

And safe.

That's it! That's it!

Let's combine it...

And design it!


First, we use our trailer as a safe little room for the possum.

Then we use the trailer wheels

and rope to make a pulley system.

And the chairs fold shut to make great doors.

Put it all together and we've got our plan!

[Powering up]

Modified, customized,


The Rescue Lift !


[Bits oohing]

With a pickle on top that he won't be able to resist.

Okay, Rusty, we're all set!

Who's up for a rescue ride?

[Engine revving]


Come on, little guy,

there's a sandwich in here just for you.


I think we have to speak to him in a language he understands.

[Squeaking, clicking tongue]

[Squeaking, hissing]

Whoa! Go, Anna!

Going up.

What was that?

The rope, it's about to snap!

What are we going to do?!

Hmm... [Beeping]

Jack, what are you doing? It's super dark down there.

It's okay.

RUBY: Okay, just be careful.



RUSTY: And our furry little food thief is safe and sound.

[All chattering and cheering]

Way to go!Awesome job, buddy.

And on top of that,

step number three on the old badge checklist--

showing respect for nature-- double check!

Well done, campers!

[All cheering]Yeah!

And it is with great pleasure I present

your Sparkton Scouts camping badges!

[All cheering]

And Jack?Me?

For being so brave, you deserve something extra special:

The Night Hiker's Badge.


Congratulations, campers.

Wow! Nothing could top this!


Well, almost nothing.
