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01x15 - Rusty Learns to Skate/Rusty's Rustic Adventure

Posted: 11/19/23 17:03
by bunniefuu
♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets

♪ Rusty Rivets' lab is in Sparkton Hills ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits, and Botosaur ♪

♪ Inventions never seen before

♪ So let's go!

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets

♪ Yeah, let's go!

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets, let's go! ♪

I'm so excited to go skating!

The lake looks perfect. That is some nice ice.

I'm going to measure how thick it is.

Just to make sure it's nice to skate on.

Yup, it's thick enough.


Okay, stand back while I fill the hole, guys!

Is that some kind of freeze ray? You're like a super hero!

I'll be your sidekick, Ice Cube Boy!

It's a freeze spray, it sprays water, then freezes it.

Oh, I get it.

Kind of.

Instantly refrozen.

That's amazing, Rusty. We could use it to freeze the lake

and ice skate whenever we want!

Even in the middle of summer.

Well, it only works on one small area at a time.

It can't freeze anything big.

Hey guys, ice to see you!

Hah-hah, see what I did?

I didn't know you liked to ice fish, Sammy!

This is my first time! I enjoy ice, I enjoy fishing.

So, I thought, why not do them together?

Do you mind if we go for a skate?

Go for it!

So far, the only thing I've caught ice fishing is ice.


Let's skate, guys! Come on!





Rusty, you're not woohoo-ing!

Oh, I just came to make sure the ice was thick

enough for you guys. No woohoo-ing for me.

Rusty, you always have an excuse not to skate.

Last time, you said a giant robot was chasing you.

It was! I built it!

It didn't exactly work right.

Okay, fine, the truth is, I never skate because...

I never learned how.


I just don't see the point of practicing

when I know I'm not good at it!

But Rusty, skating is so much fun!

Look at me, I'm flying!

Well, I actually have flown several times.

With jetpacks, and rockets, so--

You'd love ice skating, Rusty, you've got to try it!

Look, even the Bits love it!


You know what? You guys are right.

I should try!

I make giant robotic dinosaurs and spaceships.

So how hard can ice skating be?

That's the spirit.

Liam and I will go get everything you need

to learn how to skate.

Here you go, Rusty. Ice skates.

And a chair to learn on!

Hah, good one! You guys are such teasers.

Seriously, do I get a pair of remote controlled skates?

Or some kind of flying chair?

No, really. This is it.

Really? There's nothing else I can use?

What's wrong with chairs? That's how we all learned.

Come on, Rusty, you've got to start somewhere.


I guess I have to do this the old fashioned way.

Alright, here I go. Whoa!

[Chanting]ALL: Rusty, Rusty!

I'm doing it, I'm--

Not doing it, ow. Okay, no problem.

I'll just try again.

ALL: Rusty, Rusty!


RUSTY: Augh![Thudding]



Okay, third time's the charm.

[Chanting]Rusty! Rusty!

LIAM: You're doing it!

Yeah, but I'm still going really slowly.

And, you know, holding a chair.

It takes lots of time and practice to go fast.

Or, I do this Rusty-style instead.

See, skating is easy and fun,

if you just use a little technology!

But that's not really skating!

Okay, going a little too fast now!

And I can't steer![Screaming]

Are you okay?

RUSTY: You guys were right.

Grappling hooks and ice skating do not mix.

But I have a much better idea!

Please don't be rocket skates, please don't be rocket skates!

I'm back, with rocket skates!

You know, maybe you should just stick with the normal skates,

and practice more.

Don't worry, guys, it's rocket skates!

What could possibly go wrong?

Do you want to answer him, or should I?

Three, two--

Take cover!

One! Blast off!


Ahh, whoa!

I'm not steering them, they're steering me!


We've got you!



[Frantic beeping]

[Screaming] Whoa!



I stopped! The skates ran out of power!

I'm okay, guys!


ALL: Help!

RUBY: Rusty, help!

Everyone but Whirly is trapped on hunks of ice.

You melted the ice with your rocket skates!

Sorry, guys! You were right.

I should have learned to skate the normal way, then this--

Apology accepted! Now let's get to the saving!

Oh, right, on it!

Whirly, do you think you can try pulling them back to shore?


ALL: Help!


[Shouting in dismay]

Whirly's propeller is frozen! Rusty, she can't pull us back!

Hmmm, maybe Whirly's grappling hook won't work.

But we still have mine!

Nice shot, Rusty!

Whoa, I don't think I should move, the ice is wobbly!

Good point. Okay, what else do I have that can help?

My freeze spray! It can freeze the pieces of ice together,

when I get them close enough to me!


Out here, this ice floats fast!

I need a way to pull the ice chunks in,

and freeze them together, at the same time.

I know, I'll combine it and design it!

I can't hold the grappling hook and the freeze spray

at the same time. I need something to mount them on.

Like, my backpack!

Then, I'll attach the grappling hook

to one of my shoulder straps and my freeze spray to the other!

Put it all together, and we've got our plan!

Modified! Customized! Rustified!

The Retriever-Freezer ,

with deluxe backpack,

and remote control operations.

RUBY: Help, over here!

It's getting cold!

[Frantic beeping]

Hey, this is awesome!

I've never tried free- floating fishing before!

Aw, he got away!


Don't worry, I'll save you! Let's do this.

Retrieved and frozen!

Thanks, Rusty!


I did it, everyone's safe! Woo-hoo!


SAMMY: Yeah, awesome, look, guys! I finally caught a fish!

My luck is changing! Woo-hoo!

Oh, except I'm stuck on an ice flow in the middle of the lake.

Never mind!

Don't worry, Sammy! I'll save you.

I'm too far away.

You can get closer, Rusty.

You just have to skate out on the ice!

[Gulping nervously]

Bring me my chair.


Here I come, Sammy!

I'm saving you. Very slowly, and with a chair.

ALL: Rusty, Rusty!

Augh, whoa!

I did it, I skated!


Hold on, Sammy, I'll pull you in!

Woo-hoo! Great job, Rusty!

[Gasping] Oh no!



LIAM: We've got you, Rusty.

Hold Rusty tight, everyone. Here comes Sammy!

Thanks, guys, you saved me! And I caught a fish!

Sweet! Hey, I lost my fish!


Great work, Rusty! Everyone's safe!

And you skated!

Yeah, I did! You guys were right.

With my skates, a chair, and lots of practice,

I could get just as good at skating as you.

[Laughing, beeping]

Okay, well, maybe not all of you.

Okay, what do you think?

I think...

It's awesome!

Yep! The Song-O-Tron will make any celebration better.

Wanna test it out?

Activating fun!

[Horn honking]

Guys, guys, guys!

Liam, what's wrong?

It's awful! [Panting]

Oh, I think he wants us to guess.

First word, one of a kind?

One or the other? Once upon a time?


I've lost Tyrannosaurus Ralph!

Your toy dinosaur? How'd you lose him?

I went hiking this morning with my Sparkton Scouts troop!

And when the bus got home, I couldn't find Ralph anywhere!

I must have dropped him before I got on the bus.

Poor Ralph must be so afraid out there all alone!

I'm sure he's fine, Liam.

RUSTY: Of course he is.

We'll go out first thing tomorrow morning and find him.

That'll be too late! We have to go find him now!

Liam, wait!

I'm coming, Ralph!

We'd better go after him.

Come on, Ruby.

Looks like the fun will have to wait.

Time to bolt!

[Engines roaring]

[Robots beeping]

This is where the bus picked us up.

Hmm, maybe you dropped Ralph behind those plants.

I'll just clear them away with my multi-tool.

Oh no! I think I left my multi-tool back in the yard!

Ralph! Ralph! Ralph!

Liam, you went on a hike with your troop.

Are you sure you had Ralph when you got back here?

Sure, I'm sure! I think! Wait!

Ralph was with us when we stopped

to drink from our canteens.

I remember, because he was super thirsty.

Where was that?

Down that path, over there!

Perfect! We'll just retrace where the troop went,

and find Ralph.

Let's get searching!

Not in here.

Worms, yes. T-Rex, no.


Ralph? [Gasping]

Definitely not Ralph.

[Sighing] Ralph!

RUBY: Not here either!




I sure wish I brought my multi-tool.

If I had it, I could build something to help us--[Distant squawking]

Wait! I heard something!


That's his roar! Ralph!


[Gasping]That way!

[Squawking] That way!

[Squawking]That way!

How does Ralph keep moving like that?



Wait! Walk this way!


Get him!


He's making a run for it!



That was unexpected.

Come back, you!


[Gasping]How do we get him down?!

If I had my multi-tool, I'd have him down in like, two seconds!

I know who can help.

Let's get some Bits on the fix.

Oh, it looks like we're too far into the woods

to signal the bits for help.

So, Ralph's gonna be stuck up there forever?

And we're way out in the forest?

Where nobody will ever, ever find us?

And it's all my fault!

One problem at a time, Liam.

First, let's get Ralph out of that tree.

But you don't have your multi-tool!

We'll just have to use whatever we brought with us!

Okay, everyone. Empty your pockets.

Great! Next, look around for a stick shaped like a Y.

You mean like this?

RUSTY: Good work, Liam!


I've got you, Ralph!


Hooray! Now we can go home!

Except we're still lost, aren't we?

RUSTY: Yep, totally.

Nope, and my goggles aren't helping, either.

Sure wish I had my multi-tool.

Well, Ralph, I guess we'll have to get used to eating twigs,

and tree bark.

Don't give up yet!

I'll reprogram my tablet to boost the signal,

and call the Bits!

[Squeaking, beeping]

RUBY: [Sighing] Didn't work.

So much for getting help, or finding our vehicles.

Then, we'll just have to build a new vehicle!

But Rusty, what about your tools?

I got this, Ruby.

What do you think?

Um, uh...

[Chattering mockingly]

Well, whatever we do, it better be fast.

Cause it will be dark soon, and we don't have a flashlight,

or tents, or s'mores! Or anything!

If Whirly were here, she could fly up,

Use her camera to show us where we parked, and how to get there.

Unfortunately, she's back at the recycling yard, with the others.

And I'll bet she's worried.


♪ Ruby and the Rustettes whoo-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Ruby and--

Wait! What'd you say about Whirly?

That she could show us where we are, and where we have to go.

That's it, she'd fly up!

Um, how are we going to get a Whirly view, without Whirly?

Look, Whirly's like a little helicopter, right?


So that's what we need to make!

Doesn't a helicopter have a motor?

And I don't see any motors around here.

I think I know another way to make our helicopter fly.

Okay, let's combine it--

And design it!

We'll use that hollow log for the body.

And to keep it in the air,

we'll use those branches to build a propeller.

And finally, we'll need something like that slingshot

we built before, only bigger.

Put it all together, and we've got our plan!

Modified! Customized! Rustified!

It's the Slingshot Shutterbug !

Guaranteed to show us the way out of the woods.

Guess you didn't need your tools, after all.

Not when I have my best friends' help!

Now, we just need a volunteer to go up in it.

Oh, oh, pick me! Pick me!

I should do it, I'm the one who got us lost in the first place.

He is the lightest, and we need this to fly as high as possible.

Okay, Liam.

All you have to do is hold Ruby's tablet really steady.

I'll use my glove to make it take pictures by remote control.

And the photos you take will show us where we parked!

You can count on me, and my co-pilot, Ralph!

Ready, Rusty!

One, two, three, and go!


Whoa-oh, hey!

Hold it steady, Liam!

Wheee! Yeah!


Way to go, Liam!

There's our vehicles!

And there's the path that will lead us to them, come on!

RUSTY: Just where we left them!

Yup, now we can finally go home!

[All cheering]

[Music playing]

Uh, is that music?

♪ Ruby and the Rustettes, whoo-ooh-ooh ♪

RUBY: Hey, guys!

[Record scratching]

So much for being worried.

Sorry I got us lost, guys.

RUBY: That's okay, Liam.

We found a way to get home safe and sound.

And we found a way to build something,

even without my tools.

Ah, my multi-tool! Thanks, Whirly!

And best of all, we found Ralph!


You know, I think all of that calls for a celebration!

With a little help from the Song-O-Tron .

Hit it, Botosaur!


♪ Ruby and the Rustettes, whoo-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Ruby and the Rustettes