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02x07 - Darington to the Moon!

Posted: 11/19/23 17:48
by bunniefuu
- ♪ On your mark

♪ Get ready to race

♪ One, two, three, let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt, we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When Blaze goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, Blaze, Blaze

♪ Gimme, gimme, gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go, let's blaze ♪

[upbeat music]

- Darington to the Moon!

- Woo-hoo!

- Yeah.

- Hey, it's me, Blaze,

and that's my driver, A.J.

- We're speeding as fast as we can

to the Monster Dome so we can see our friend...

both: Darington.

- Darington loves to do tricks,

and today he's gonna do the biggest trick

he's ever done.

- Come on, let's go see.

[engine revving]

[tires squealing]

[rock music]

- Whoa, excuse me.

Coming through. - Yeah, woo-hoo.

chanting: Darington! Darington! Darington!

- Whoa, Blaze, I think it's time for Darington's big stunt.

[rock music]

- ♪ Darington!

[cheers and applause]

- Whoo! - Yeah!

- There he is.

both: Whoo-hoo.

- Darington! - Way to go, Darington!

- Thank you. Thank you, everyone.

I hope you're all ready,

because today I, Darington,

will be the first Monster Machine in history

to fly to the moon!

[cheers and applause]

- Wow! Did you hear that, Crusher?

Darington's gonna fly to the moon.

- [blows raspberry] Yeah, right.

A truck can't fly to the moon.

That's impossible.

- Some say flying to the moon is impossible,

but I say nothing's impossible.

Thanks to my super stunt rocket.

- Whoo!

[triumphant music]

Wish me luck, everyone.

I'm off to the moon.


Rocket systems, activate.

[electronic whirring]

Space goggles, on.

Blast-off ramp, engaged.

Starting countdown.

Three, two, one.

Blast off!

Wah ha ha ha! Whoo!

- All right! - Go, Darington.

[triumphant music]

[engine putters]

- Huh, that's weird.

My rocket seems to be running out of power.

Running out of power?


- His rocket's falling.

We've gotta help him.

[dramatic music]


- Aah!

[woozy muttering]

- Whew! Glad you're okay, Darington.

- What happened?

- Well, I don't know.

Something went wrong with my rocket,

and now it's not working.

- Hmm, I think I found the problem, Darington.

Look, your rocket's battery's out of energy.

- Out of energy?

Oh, no!

What will I do now?

- Hey, I know.

Let's take your battery to places

where it can get all the energy it needs.

- Yeah, let's bring it to some power stations.

There's a power station that gets energy from the water.

One that gets energy from the wind.

And one that gets energy from this.

What's this a picture of?

The sun! Right!

- Huh, so if I take my battery to all those places,

then it will be full of energy,

and then I can finally fly to the moon.


- Come on, Darington. Let's go charge that battery.

- Yeah!

- To the power station.

[engines revving]

[rock music]

[tires squealing]

- ♪ Ready for take off ready for take off ♪

♪ Ready for action, let's hit the road ♪

♪ This time we'll show you what we're made of ♪

♪ This time no one's gonna stop us ♪

♪ So heed the speed come on let's go ♪

♪ Ready for take off here we come ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

- Oh, man, I'm so excited.

Once we charge up my battery with energy,

I'm gonna fly to the moon.


- Oh, you know, I've always dreamed

about flying to the moon.

- Darington, watch out.

- Whoa!

Phew! Thanks, Blaze.

- Hey, look down there.

It's the water power station.

Blaze: Check it out. The dam blocks the river

so water has to go through that pipe.

The water moves fast and pushes a turbine

to make it spin.

That spinning turns the water power into energy

we can use for our battery.

- Energy for my battery?


Come on, fellas, let's get that energy.

[tires squealing]

- Huh, I wonder what that rumbling noise is.

- Lug nuts, it sounds like...

a rock slide!

[all yelling]

- Whew! That was close.

Uh-oh, those rocks are falling into the water

and blocking the pipe.

[dramatic music]

- Now the water can't spin the turbine.

It stopped making energy.

- No energy?

This is terrible.

- Hmm, we need a vehicle that can go underwater

and move those rocks away from the pipe.

- Hey, I know!

What if we had an underwater excavator?

An underwater excavator and drive under the water

and scoop up heavy things.

- Yeah! Let's make the parts

and turn me into an underwater excavator.

First we need the bucket to scoop up the rocks.

To make the bucket, say bucket.


Great, now we need the boom arm.

That's what lifts up the bucket.

To make the boom arm, say boom arm.

Boom arm!

And last, we need the treads.

They help the excavator drive under the water.

To make the treads, say treads.


All right!

I'm an underwater excavator Monster Machine.

- Wow! - Incredible.

- Now let's get scooping.

[triumphant music]

[engine revving]

- There it is, Blaze...

the blocked pipe.

- Looks like there are nine rocks blocking the water

from going through.

Help me scoop all nine of them out of the way.

Count down with me.

Start at nine.

both: Nine,









- Yeah, water is going through the pipe again.

- Now it can spin the turbine,

and turn the water power into energy.

- All right!

Time to put some of that energy into my battery.

[electronic whirring]


Wa-hoo! It's got energy.

- Yeah! - That's great, Darington.

- To fly his rocket to the moon, Darington's battery

needs to be charged all the way to the top.

Is it charged all the way to the top?

No, not yet.

- We still need energy from the wind

and energy from the sun.

- Well, fellas, what are we waiting for?

Let's get more energy.

- Whoo-hoo! - Yeah!

crowd: Darington! Darington! Darington!


- Uh, hello?

Is this thing on? [microphone feedback]

Whoa! [laughs nervously]

Um, ladies and gentletrucks,

I know you're all excited to see a Monster Machine

go to the moon.

Well, I have got great news for you.

Crusher thinks he's got something

that will fly him there right now.

- Hee hee hee hee! That's right.

- I'm gonna blast myself to the moon

with my super Crusher cannon.

- Uh, Crusher, I don't think a cannon

is gonna get you all the way to the moon.

- [blow raspberry] Of course it is.

So long, everybody, I'm off to the moon.

[triumphant music]

Hee hee hee hee!

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Oh... oh, no.



[dizzy whirring]

- Whoo-hoo! - Yeah!

[rock music]

- Whoa! Look over there.

It's the wind power station.

- Wow! - Incredible.

- When the wind blows, it pushes the blades

and makes them spin.

And that spinning gets turned into energy

we can use for our battery.

- This way.

[engine revving]

Daringt-- uh, whoa!


[whimsical impact]

Uh, well, that didn't work.

- What do we do, Blaze?

It's too windy to just drive through the tunnel.

- Hmm, we've gotta find something that can help us

push through the wind so we can get

to the power station.

- Ooh, I've got an idea.

Let's hold up this big, flat piece of metal

and try to block the wind

like a shield.

- Do you think this flat piece will help us

get through the windy tunnel?

Well, let's test it and see.


both: Whoa!

- Well, that didn't work.

- The wind pushed really hard on that flat piece.

So maybe we should try a different shape.

- Yeah, let's try bending the metal.

[triumphant music]


- Yeah, now the metal is nice and curved.

- Do you think this curved piece

will help us get through the windy tunnel?

Okay, let's try it and see.

[rock music]


It's working.

The wind is blowing around the curved metal.

[wind gusting]

- All right. - Woo-hoo!

- We made it!

- Now we know.

The more curved something is,

the easier it goes through the wind.

- Okay, battery, time to give you

some more energy.

[electronic whirring]

- It's working.

The wind is spinning the turbine blades,

and the energy is going into Darington's battery.

- Woo-hoo-hoo!

Now it's got even more energy.

Blaze: Is Darington's battery

charged all the way to the top?

No, but it's almost there.

A.J.: Yeah! We just need energy from the sun.

- Ooh, just a little more energy,

and I can finally go to the moon.

- Come on, Darington, let's go get some energy.

[tires squealing]

[rock music]

- ♪ Wind spins turbines round and round ♪

- That gives us energy.

- ♪ Release water from a dam it gushes down ♪

- It gives us energy.

♪ Getting energy from the sun's light and heat ♪

♪ Let's get energy ♪

♪ Charge that battery ♪

♪ Wind - Wind.

- ♪ Water ♪ - Water.

- ♪ Sun - Sun.

♪ They've got the power ♪

♪ Let's get energy ♪

♪ Recharge you and me

♪ Wind - Wind.

- ♪ Water ♪ - Water.

- ♪ Sun - Sun.

- ♪ It's all about energy ♪

crowd: Darington! Darington! Darington!

Darington! Darington!

- Well, folks, he didn't quite make it

to the moon last time, but here to try again,

it is Crusher.

- That's right.

I'm back and ready for take off with this...

my helicopter hat.

- Uh, Crusher, do you really think a helicopter hat

is gonna take you to the moon?

- Oh, Pickle, I don't think it's gonna take me to the moon,

I know it's gonna take me to the moon.

So long, everybody!

[playful music]

Come on, helicopter hat, I've gotta go higher.

Spin faster, faster.




[whimsical impact]

[playful music]

[rock music]

- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! - Yeah!

- Ooh, this is so exciting.

I'm almost ready to fly to the moon.

I just need a little more energy.

- Darington, look over there.

It's the sun power station.

- Whoa!

Blaze: Check it out.

Sunlight shines down onto all those mirrors.

Then the mirrors reflect the sunlight

up into that tower.

That's where heat from the sunlight

gets turned into energy for our battery.

[engines rumbling]

- Oh, boy, here comes the energy.

[electronic whirring] [beeping]

[dismal music]

[electronic whirring]

Hey, something's wrong.

My battery's not charging.

- Gaskets! Those dark clouds are blocking the sunlight.

- And with no sunlight,

the power station can't give energy to your battery.

- Ooh, but look, the cloud's not blocking

all the sunlight.

There's still some shining over there.

- Quick, let's use a mirror to send that beam of sunlight

back to the power station.

[tires squealing]

[uplifting music]

[ray whooshing]

It's working.

We're reflecting the sunlight

back to the power station.

- And now energy is going into my battery.

- Uh-oh, the clouds are moving again.

- And the sunbeam is going away.

- Well, there's gotta be another beam of sunlight

around here somewhere.

- Look, there's more sunlight that way.

- Come on, let's hurry.

- When you see a beam of sunlight,

say sunlight.

[rock music]


[ray whooshing]

- Whoo-hoo.

It's giving out battery more energy.

- Uh-oh, but the sunlight's going away again.

- Come on, let's go look for another beam.

When you see a beam of sunlight, say sunlight.

[rock music]


[ray whooshing]

Look, our battery is almost charged.

- Come on, fellas, we just need a little more sunlight.

- When you see a beam of sunlight,

say sunlight.

[rock music]


[ray whooshing]

[electronic whirring]

Now is Darington's battery

charged all the way to the top?

Yes! Darington: Whoo-hoo!

A.J.: Yeah!

- Ha ha! We did it.

Now I just have to get this battery back to my rocket ship

so I can finally fly... to the moon!

- Come on, let's help Darington

get to his rocket ship super fast.

To give us blazing speed, so we can go super fast,

say "Let's blaze!"

all: Let's blaze!

[rock music]

[all cheering]

[tires squealing]

chanting: Darington! Darington!

- Ladies and gentletrucks,

here to try flying to the moon

one last time-- ahem--

it's Crusher!

- Oh, yeah.

This time I'm definitely gonna fly to the moon

'cause I've got a balloon.

- Psst! Crusher! I gotta tell you,

I really think that balloon is gonna work.

- Of course it's gonna work.

Heh heh heh heh!

Good-bye, everyone. Here I go!

[playful music]

Come on, balloon, I've gotta go higher than this.

[blowing] Higher.


[air whistling]



[playful music]



- Oh, well, looks like no one's going

to the moon today.

[melodic car horn honking]

- Hang on, did anyone else just hear that?

It sounded like--

[engines rumbling]

Blaze and Darington!

[rock music]

- Hello, Monster Machines!

I'm back!

And this time I've got the battery power

to go all the way to the moon.

[cheers and applause]

[tires squealing]

[triumphant music]

- Dude, I really think he's gonna make it

to the moon this time.

- Oh, yeah, he's totally gonna make it, man.

- Well, good luck up there, Darington.

- Yeah, we'll be cheering for you all the way.

- Hey, wait a sec,

I've got room for two more in my rocket.

Do you guys want to fly with me

to the moon?

- Yeah. - You bet we do.

- Come on, then, hop on.

[tires squealing]

- Whoo! - Whoa.

- Space goggles, on.

Lift off ramp, engaged.

Begin countdown to blast off.

- Count down with us.

Start at five.

all: Five,





blast off!

[rocket roaring]

[triumphant music]

- Whoo-hoo-hoo! - Whoa, they're doing it.

- Oh, yeah, go, go.

[all cheering]

[rocket whooshing]

- Whoo-hoo! - Yeah!

- All right! - Look, there it is...

the moon.

[rocket whooshing]

- Whoa! It's amazing!

- You think that's amazing?

Wait till you see this.

[beeping and electronic whirring]

[rock music]

[all cheering]

- Whoa, yeah.

- Ha ha ha! I'm so happy,

I'm over the moon.

[rock music]

- ♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go with Blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed ♪

♪ It's Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's time ♪

♪ For adventure extreme

♪ Gonna kick it in gear

♪ We'll be catching some air with Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines