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Underwater! (1955)

Posted: 11/19/23 18:37
by bunniefuu
It all began with

a sleigh
ride along the Caribbean.

It was just like Dominic,
hooking me in with the sea sled

and now he was hauling me along
in his latest brain wave.

A treasure hunt.

Not that I was worrying much
about treasure right then.

I was just along for the ride.

I must have saltwater
blood, the way I go

for these sunken jungles.

But dom was setting the course
for something he had seen.

The rotting timbers
of an old ship

which just had to be
some ancient Spanish scow

sunk with a million in gold.

I knew better...

Down here, every
island has its sunken ruin.

But you sure eat up the oxygen
tryin' to chase it down.

Sand, for instance.

It drifts and shifts with
every tide and what you think

you saw turns out to be a ghost.

Then I almost fell off the sled.

I'd found dom's ship.

Or what was left of it.

The sleigh ride was over.
I peeled off

and back-tracked
to what I'd seen.

The floors of these waters
are paved with wrecks.

But all wrecks
aren't paved with gold.

Not one out of a hundred turns
out to be worth salvaging.

Any operation has to start
with collecting evidence.

Without it, you might
just waste a lot of time

and equipment pawing through
some old pineapple scow

or an empty hull
that's already been tapped.

Photographs are a big help, too,
when you wanna tag a wreck.

Not that I'd expected much
from this heap of barnacles.

But some of this junk
might lead to finding out

her name and
the date she sailed,

and from that we might find out
what she was carrying.

I was having my kicks
just browsing.

But dom was acting like
he had fallen into a mint.

One thing for sure,
that sh**ting iron

was no .45 a*t*matic.

I was trying hard to keep
my head and not start

climbing up to cloud nine
like old dom.

But it wasn't easy.

Excitement is like
getting drunk.

It hits you before you know it.

And I was being hit.

- I was right, huh, Johnny?
- You were right.

I tell you, there's
a fortune down there.

Gold bullion waiting
for us to scoop it up.

Do I have to convince
you on that, too?

Go on, as well you did,
I'd love to hear it.

- Bullion, huh?
- We are rich.

When we bring it up.

We'll bring it up.

What's the matter?
Don't you speak Spanish?

You were down there a long time.

I watched the bubbles
and I fell asleep.

My name's herrera, rico herrera.

I'm Dominic.

Dominic quesada.
This is my friend.

Johnny Grant.

Miguel vega... deaf.

I never seen you in
these waters before.

Where do you come from?


We work for
the science institute.

Ah, so.

And you? Where do you come from?

Puerto borrego, down the coast.

What do you do
down there that takes so long?

We look for rocks.

A scientific study.

It's a long way from
Havana just for rocks.

Good shot, yes?

An inch either way,
and one of you lies dead.

Does he know?

We were sure talking loud
enough when we came up.

Maybe he was asleep
like he said.

Maybe the other one is deaf.

Shark hunters, huh?

Uh-huh, a tough way
to make a living.

With r*fles?

Oh, sure. They sell
the shark's liver.

I know. I have done it myself.

A tough way to make a living.

Back in Cuba, they
told us at the university

that those hunks of
evidence were real.

We knew they were the McCoy.

But we knew something else.

We needed 5,000 bucks
for a good-sized boat,

supplies and oxygen enough
to stay down day after day.

And all the capital dom
had was the gold in his teeth.

My problem was a lot
bigger than capital.

I had to worry about
telling Theresa.

That would be
the toughest part of all.

How to tell Theresa?

Leave it on the dock, please.

I don't wanna be
left on the dock.


Why didn't you tell me
you were coming?

Well, look at me. I'm a mess.

You're beautiful.

Five whole days.


I ought to cut your ears off for
staying away from us so long.

Much too long, chiquita Linda.

Mi diablo alegre...

Come in here where
I can see you.

You're all right, ah? Good.

- No troubles in your face?
- No trouble.

There is something though.
You are in love.

Some pretty chiquita finally
got to bachelor Dominic, huh?

I swear there's no one.

Come on below,
dom, we'll buy you a drink.

That's funny.

I've never made
this mistake before.

I'm in the home of
Theresa and Johnny.

Of course you see
love in my face.

Never mind.
It'll come to me. Come on!

Oh, Johnny and I
were home on a vacation

about three months ago.

We saw your mama.

She told me and
she sends her love to you.

She said you were in Brazil
doing something big in rover.

I was, until it
snapped in my face.

Oh, you couldn't have
brought me a nicer present.

Ah, Johnny is tough

but you just have to bear it.

Dominic, it's not
maybe for anyone.

The midwife handed her to me.

I held her by the ankles
and I slapped her.

She let out her yell
like a little coyote.

Still does.

Hey, where did you two
run into each other?

Agua paicol?

I never got to agua paicol.


Johnny, you didn't get us a
place for the tourists to camp?


Honey, make us a drink,
will you?

Well, all right, but...

But Johnny, we could have
made a lot of money this season

if we'd have a nice camping
out place for the tourists.

Maybe eight or nine
hundred dollars.

- She calls that money.
- Pitiful, isn't she?

Yeah, but she's a good kid.

I never got to agua paicol.

Uh, he went with me
for a little boat ride.

That's what it was.
That's what I saw in your face.

What did you see?

In love with
some little chiquita...

How stupid can I be?

You're in love, alright.

You two are up to
some crazy plan again.

Oh, Theresa,
believe me. This time...

This time what
is it going to be?

This time, we're gonna
make you rich.

We are still paying the bank
back from the last time

he made us rich.

This time it's a sunken ship...

Full of gold.

I won't listen.
We can't afford it.

Look, it's not only dom who says
there's a treasure down there

and me, but also a man
who studied these things.

A priest. A jesuit.

He should be ashamed of himself.

He's even coming with us.

When we gave him an idea
of what was down there,

he nearly went out of his mind.

And what was down there?


A million dollars.


And all the ships that
sailed before 1640

that didn't carry gold were
ashamed to leave the harbor.

This is the
navigational instrument

that steered that ship right
into the rocks to wait for us.

Theresa, baby, I've
seen it with my own eyes.

Johnny, I think you've
seen it with his eyes.

I invested my last peso.

Now would he have done
that if this was just a bubble?

Sure, he's done it before
and so have you.

What about the time
you were going to corner

the market on avocados?

So what do we do?


Well, I'll tell you.

I took a look at that
wreck down there

and I said to myself, "Johnny,
you are the head of the family.

"I'll go back to Havana
and hock the equity

"that Theresa and
I have in the boat.

"Invest in the
expedition with dom

and bring back all that loot."



All that was down there.

Back here, I take
a look at my wife...

My boat, think of
my responsibilities.

And I say, "Johnny, you're
doing just fine as it is."

Dom, we can't go.

I understand.

I just wanted to give you and
Theresa a chance to get rich.

That's all.

We can't afford it.

I know you're counting
on using this boat.

Ah, the harbor is full of boats.

I mean to raise the money.

Money, that's
the least of my worries.

I attract it like a magnet.

Hey, Johnny, you buy
dinner for me tonight

at the three seagulls
by the waterfront, huh?

Well, goodbye, chiquita bonita.

I'll see you later.

- Dominic?
- Huh?

Aren't you forgetting something?

Oh, I forgot.

Here, Johnny. You help me.

Ah, don't worry, Johnny.

We had fun for a few days.

We dived together
for the first time

since we were in the frogs.

Now forget it.

We never went.

There is no wreck.

There is no treasure.

There is no gold.

There is nothing.

Wipe everything away
from your mind, huh?

I'll see you later.

You sorry, Johnny?

No. Nobody said this
rainbow was for real.

I know but you really
want to go, don't you?

I don't know.

Forget it.

Don't you think we
ought to talk about it?


You know, I think I'll
make you a nice Collins.

I'll put three times
as much gin in it.



And just because I love you,

I'm gonna spike it
with a Mickey.

Like that too, huh?


It's gonna make you sick
as a dog, you know.

That's okay, huh?


All right, here it is.

What did you do that for?

I ought to throw you overboard!

Well, then go ahead.

Now we'll have a big fight
and we'll separate.

And divorce and
never see each other again.

Oh, what are you talking about?

I'd honestly like to know.

You want to go, don't you?

You got no idea.

Well, then why do
you pretend you don't?

Well, I want to stay here, too.

Split right down the middle.


Johnny, how long did we go
together before we were married?

Two weeks.

Two and a half.

We've only been married a year.

It's not a very long time.

You see, Johnny...

In some ways
we're still strangers.

And if you don't
let me know you,

I can't be any more interested
in you than any other stranger.


You remember when
you gave me this?


You said that down there,
the natives

wear them all the time.

That's right.

They were afraid if
they show their real faces,

they might get hurt.

And they only take them off...

When they're alone...

Or with someone
they love and trust, huh?

And that's how
it has to be with us.

Yes, Johnny.

That's why we have to talk.

All right.

We'll talk about it.

Hello, miss Warner?

Miss Warner.


How dare you snoop
around this boat?

Get out! Get out!

I told you I didn't
have any money.

Get out! Get out!

- How dare you?
- Ow!

Take it easy.
Don't you remember me?

It's Dominic.

Dominic quesada, remember?

Oh, hello.


Please don't be nice to me.

It makes me wanna cry.


What happened to
your boss, old j.P.?

Oh, I don't know.
He just vanished.

Everybody expects me to know.

I was only his secretary.

Oh, oh, darlin',
that's enough now.

That's enough.

He didn't leave
any address, huh?

No, he didn't.

They all ask me that.

The government?

Yes, and half the
other men in Cuba.

They all ask me
where Mr. Robinson is.

And they get angry
and yell at me

and shake their fingers at me
and thr*aten me.


I really don't blame them.

He owes them all money.

He doesn't owe me anything.

I just have a little proposition

I thought he might
be interested in.

Uh, you have no idea
where I can find him, huh?

He didn't leave anything,
Mr. quesada.

Not even any money
to pay the captain and crew.

They all quit a week ago.

But they yelled at me, too.


They think I have access
to Mr. Robinson's money.

But I haven't.
Honest, I haven't.

I believe you.

He didn't leave a penny.

I've been living
on peanut butter.

Peanut butter, huh?

Why don't you stay at
the club and charge it?

His credit's no good.

All 1 have to my name
is this yacht.


All 1 have to my name
is this yacht.

What do you mean?

Mr. Robinson keeps it
in my name.

A business precaution.

Legally, I'm the owner.

You have the papers?

Of course.

- Hola, Perez.
- Hola.

- He's Perez prado.
- Hi.


Gloria, these are my two best
friends, Theresa and Johnny.

- Gloria.
- Hi.

Sit down, chiquita bonita.

Hey, Johnny.

Johnny, I got a boat.

She owns it.

She has the papers.

And she's going to
join the expedition.

She's going to have full
share of the treasure.

- It's nice.
- Wow.

- Right?
- Right.

That is, I think it's right.

I mean, I hope it's right.

Ah, don't worry, gringuita.

You can trust me.

Oh, absolutely.

During his five years
in the Navy,

he was known as
dependable Dominic.

The honest sailor.

Well, he never even
went to a battleship.

I'm impressed.

Wait until you see this boat.

Ay, mamacita.

It's a beauty.

A 50 foot, two-masted schooner.

Room for six.

135 horsepower.

Well, I guess he can
use our money anyway, huh?

Gasoline, groceries, supplies...

What money?

The money we got for
Hawking the Theresa.

The $4,800 dollars.

You knew we'd get the money,
didn't you, Dominic?

After you left, I kept
looking at the astrolabe.

That's why you left
the astrolabe, huh?

- Oh, did I leave it?
- Oh, did I leave it!

Anyway, we're going.

- We are?
- Yes.

- We're going?
- Sure.

Forty eight hundred dollars
and a 50 foot schooner,

how could we resist?

Ah, Johnny.


You, you son of a g*n,

I should have never
left you out of my sight.

- Okay, Johnny?
- Sure.

Why did you keep
the girl a secret, huh?

No secret.

I never said more than
hello and goodbye to her

until this afternoon
on the boat.


Wait till you see the boat.

Ay, chihuahua, she's beautiful.

So is the girl.

And speaking of such madness...

- I know, I know.
- I know.

Why don't I settle down
and get married?

- Si.
- That's all I hear from mama.

I say to her, "mama, let's
plant some chili peppers

in the garden, huh?"

And she says, "that's
a very good idea, my son.

"And speaking of chili peppers,

when are you going
to get married?"

- Having fun?
- I love it.

Even if it turns out like one of
those depressing stories where

no one finds the treasure,
but they all find their souls.

Me, too.

Hey, Johnny!

Let's send a telegram
to the padre, huh?

Padre? Already have.

Hi, stranger.

You know how a kid
feels getting up before dawn

to go fishing?
That's how dom and I felt.

"Graciously hear our
prayers, o lord, and

"with thy holy hand,
bless this boat

"and all who sail thereon
as thou didst deign

"to bless Noah's ark in
its course during the deluge.

"Send thy holy angel from
heaven to guard this boat

"and ever keep it safe
from every peril

"together with all on board.

"And when threat and
dangers have been removed,

"comfort thy servants

"with a calm voyage
in the desired harbor.

"And, having successfully
transacted their business,

"recall them again
when the time comes

"to happiness
of country and home.

Thou who livest and reignest
forever. Amen."

The sea owed us a living,

for all the time we've put
in combing her reefs

and scratching around
those sharp coral badlands.

Sometimes you dive for pennies.

Sometimes for pink shells.

But this time...

I was a mercenary.

And this time she was
going to pay off.

For father Cannon, this search
meant something different.

He received permission
to leave the university

to look for a lost page
out of the past

and us, we were
chasing the future.

Our future.

Every man has to go after
his own holy grail.

I guess that Gulf wind
in your face

can build you up pretty high.

And when evening tossed out
the stars like shining dice,

I could only see
the high-priced bangles

that hang around
Theresa's throat.

Ay, ay, ay, Dominic.

I have heard music
with more alegria.

No alegria tonight, little one.

You're sad tonight. Why?

I have been drinking sad wine.

Mi diablo alegre, huh?


Those are my pajamas.

What happened to
your night gown?

Well, I couldn't have you so...


Johnny, tie the wheel off.


Let the boat go.

She'll take care of herself.

Let the boat go.

All right for you.

Such gloom.

Tomorrow we get to the wreck.

Suppose there's nothing
down there

but a lot of fish and shells.

It's a fine time
to be thinking of that.

Don't make fun.

Whose making fun?

What happens to dreams
when hot luck turns cold

and fires burn low?

Chasing rainbows.

Sometimes I wonder if I can go
on forever chasing them.

Each time it takes a little more

A little more energy to keep up
the hope and the enthusiasm.

What happened to faith?

I've been cashing a lot
of checks on mine, chiquita.

Dominic, do me a favor, huh?

Go find some happy wine?

Dominic. This is a photograph of
the wreck you and Johnny found?

Yes it is. I took it myself.

Why didn't you
show it to me before?

It wasn't developed.

And this astrolabe,
you found that in this wreck?

Johnny and I found it.

- That's impossible.
- Why, father?

For the same reason that you
wouldn't use the steering gear

of the queen Elizabeth
on a harbor cutter.

Why, a navigational device
like this

was never used on
such a small vessel.

We found it near the wreck.

You salted that wreck, huh, dom?


Yes, you found the wreck
and then you

decorated it with some
of these, huh?

Uh-huh, I did.

- Johnny?
- Yeah?

You better come down here.

And leave the boat go?

We're not going anywhere.

What did you say, honey?

Your friend Dominic. He's been
doing a little window dressing.

What do you mean?

You know, those
relics of yours...


He just sprinkled them
over the wreck.

Oh, just this one.

Where did you get it, Dominic?

- It's a fake, huh, dom?
- No, no, its real.

I got it from a fisherman
in Santa Maria.

It came up in his net.

He didn't know what it was.

I bought it from him, Johnny.

He told me where he got it.

Same place where I took you.

I took this thing and I threw it
overboard near the wreck.

- Just like that.
- Uh-huh.

You did, huh?

You conned your old pal.

I didn't make this thing.

I didn't put that
ship down there.

Did 1? It sank.

In 16407?

You just put candles
in the birthday cake.

Sure. Take away the candle...

I know, I know,
it's still a cake.

Don't worry, Dominic, you've
got lots of faith.

Yes I have.

So have I.

Not because of the window

but I did see that wreck.

And I came out here to
dive down into that wreck.

That's what I'm going to do.

You say the fisherman found this
atop of poante.

Yes he did, father.

In the cathedral of Panama...

There once stood
a statue of the virgin.

Life size, that was made
by the Indians.

The Madonna held the Christ
child in her arms.

The Christ child held the
terrestrial globe,

surmounted by a cross.

Now, in January of 1671,
the good people of Panama

got word that
the english pirate Morgan

was coming to raid their city.

Well, the good fathers got the
word in time to get the church

treasure out of the city
and over the isthmus.

Though, how they ever managed

with that statue,
I'll never know.

Why, it must have weighed
several tons.

Now, when they arrived
at nombre de dios,

they found a galleon they were
able to charter.

So they put all the treasure.
Oh, candlesticks tall as a man,

and this statue, and they put it
all aboard the galleon.

And they were fortunate enough
to find a small pilot vessel

that could lead them to Europe,

and a man-o'-w*r
to stand by as an escort.

Well, when the flames of the
city were still raging

in the sky, the little convoy
took off for Europe.

But before they got out of the
Caribbean there was a hurricane,

and they were never
heard from again.

You think that our wreck,

the small ship, was the pilot
ship of the convoy?

That I do.

Because the name of the galleon
that carried the treasure

was "the santo bello".

And look, l-l-0o.

Father, the statue of the
Madonna, on the galleon?

Yes. Life-size, pounded
out of nuggets by the Indians.

Solid gold and encrusted
with precious gems.

Solid gold?

Oh, its monetary value was
several millions of dollars,

but its historical value to the
church... it's incalculable.

You think we have stumbled on
the convoy?

I'll walk out
on a limb and say yes.

Johnny, we hit the jackpot.

We'll start the search with the
sled, huh, dom boy?

- Good.
- We could find another one.

How big was it, father?

- Sixteen g*ns.
- Good, good.

Okay, we'll begin in the west
here and move through the area

at intervals of, what,
a hundred yards now?

Fifty yards.

- Fifty, right.
- Good.

Theresa wasn't
letting me go under alone.

Wanted or not, I had company.

And so at fifty yard intervals,
the search pattern

for the rest of the convoy

Day after day it was like this.

Gliding through these
submarine canyons

like a pair of happy marlin,

Searching... searching...

Around every coral corner.

'Til all of a sudden
something was there.

We were on our own now,

with a few minutes breathing
time left on our backs.

Skin diving toward
the tomb of that ship

like a couple of grave robbers.

Now, even Theresa knew...

This time was no pipe dream.

- There are g*ns.
- g*ns, huh?

Ships g*ns.

When the ropes that tied them
down rotted, they elevated.


It's the man-o'-w*r, Johnny.

The convoy was heading
for the beach here.

They tried to come about
in that heavy sea.

It sank here. =- hmm.

Pilot ship, man-o-w*r.

They're in the
wrong order, though.

The pilot ship would be first.

No, no, no, with
the hurricane raging,

the first concern would be
for the treasure ship.

They'd have sent that in first.

The treasure ship should be
somewhere... around here, Johnny.

Well, then, we search
along the cliff, huh?


Well, what if it's out
in 800 fathoms?

Then we go home fast.

Those poor fish.

You'll dazzle them.

Fancy, eh?

Well, it's deep down there
and it's dark.

We have to see each other.

Which one is mine, dear?

Oh, cut it out.

- Ah, you're back.
- Yeah.

We come back.

You didn't get enough
rocks the last time, huh?

That's right. Not enough rocks.

That science institute, it
has a love for rocks, yes?

A real passion.

So they send you back
with a ship

big enough to hold
tons of rocks, huh?

That's right.

- Buenos dias, buenos dias.
- Morning.

And a padre comes, too.

And ladies.

They are our assistants.

What an operation.

What an enthusiasm for rocks!

Education is a remarkable thing.

In every way.

How's the hunting?

Had I an education,
I, too, might have an

interest in such studies.

How's the hunting?

Oh, this area very good,

but there's so little
demand these days.

Oh, por favor,
gentlemen and ladies...

Could you let me
have some garbage?

We have no garbage.

What a shame.

Ah. An inquiring mind.

I suppose without it,
you would not be scientists.

They scatter the garbage in the
water to attract the sharks.

Sharks are scavengers.

Si, senorita. I hope my hunting
in these waters will not

interfere with your
collection of rocks, huh?

Not if you're far enough away.

I'll take care.

I have a vast respect
for science.

Good luck.

Please save the garbage for me.

It will help you while you
search for the rocks.

Men who live by
sharks get to live like them.

You could almost smell the way
that guy was thinking.

We looked fat,
and he was hungry.

Who are your friends?

Couple of shark hunters we met
the last time we were out here.

He sure asked
a lot of questions.

Yeah, he sure did.

Just the official greeter
in these parts, huh?


Come on, Johnny,
let's go to work.

Are they under us still?

No, they're out
in that direction, now.

You can hardly see the bubbles.

When you don't see the bubbles,
that is the time to worry, little one.

Tic-tac-toe. There she was.

Sleeping out the centuries
on that coral mountain.

The sea had washed off
her makeup

and the worms
had eaten her skin.

But to us, at that moment,
this hulk was a living doll.

The currents had started
to uncover her deck.

Exposing the stump of a main
mast, hatch and pieces of rail.

She had torn her belly out
trying to climb this reef

and had become stuck in the
edge of a 300-foot cliff.

Our job was laid out for us.

This hatchway should lead
to the captain's quarters

and, from there,
to the strong room.

It's the santo bello,
beyond any doubt.

- I knew it.
- Me, too.

As soon as I looked at it,
I felt it in here.

It was as though I had
swallowed a balloon.

And this, this long shadow,
that the edge of the cliff?

That's right. She's hanging
halfway over that chasm.

Very deep?

About 200 fathoms.

They almost made it.

I will shed tears for them
some other time.

All 1 want to do right now
is to go down and look for it.

Mmm. It'll be a long wait
until morning.

Let's, uh, let's do something.

The statue of
the Madonna, life-sized...

Solid gold.

Encrusted with precious gems.

Well, it's about time.
What kept you?

You're being grouchy, honey.

Ah, it's this boat.
It's shrinking.

There are people all over it.

Well let's dig around.

Yeah, very funny.

Hey, how long has
that been there?

- What, the island?
- Yeah.

As long as we've been here.

And about a million years
before that.

Well, this is the first time
I've really seen it.

You've been busy, honey.

That's a beautiful island.

- You want to go ashore?
- Yeah.

All right.

Oh, we don't have to, uh...

We should ask.

Nobody down there wants to go
ashore, do they?

Ashore? What for?

Oh, just to look around.

Hey, how about a picnic?


Johnny we'll have a picnic!

- Get the radio, gringuita.
- All right.

I'll start the outboard.

Being this near-rich
can make a man scared.

Scared his luck won't hold out.

It can almost make him forget
what he's got already.

Johnny, Johnny,
Johnny, no, no, no!

Oh, oh-oh. Mmm-mm.


No more jitters, huh?

What jitters?

Hey, remember me.

Well, maybe a little bug fever.

With all that loot down there.


Let me dive with you
and Dominic tomorrow.


'Cause I want to see it.


Little different from
cornering the avocado mar...

Don't be smart!

I could be wrong once.

Oh, no. That could never happen.

No, but you would
let me go with you, won't you?

You know,
"whither thou goest...".






You and I.

With all the money.

All right.

- We'll go to south America?
- Uh-huh.

Marrakesh, Morocco...


It's nice there.


Even during the w*r. Beautiful.

Lots of pretty girls?

Oh, I wouldn't know.

Like most of us
fellas in the service...

I thought only of duty.

Don't give me that,
Johnny Grant.

I was a clean-cut,
high-type fellow in those days.

Well, I like you better
as you are now.


The salvage job takes Patience.

You have to pry and pry
until a wreck gets to know you.

And tells you her secrets.

And here was
the door that didn't open.

And I wasn't wasting any
time looking for a key.

There were slower, safer ways
to pull this galleon apart,

but the chips were down
and every trip was stacking

the cards against us.

So it had to be dynamite.

Those sand shrimp weren't
used to entertaining visitors.

Must have been
thousands of them.

Chattering like old ladies on
the porch of a summer hotel.

And where there was
that many sand shrimp...

There was plenty of sand.




"The bends”, we used to call it.

There's a lot of fancy
medical names for what hit dom.

Sometimes it's from nitrogen
getting into the blood

and lousing up the metabolic
balance of the system.

Sometimes it's just
from being too old.

And going too deep.

That one extra time.

Whatever the cause...

Dom was depth drunk.

And once it begins to hit you...

Your diving days are numbered.

I should have been worrying a
lot more about dom that night.

I should have been
remembering the way

that drowned hulk
shook and sank.

Or the way Theresa hadn't
been looking at me,

all through supper.

But all I could hear
going off in my brain

was that shark hunter's .30-.30.

That crazy rico out there
sh**ting at moonbeams

just to let me
know he was there.

Hanging around in the dark
like bad luck.

Never too near, never too far.

Just waiting to move
in on a jackpot.

I had to figure
some way to dry dock her.

Hello, lovey.


We stopped being alone
together for a while, huh?


It's better than being rich.

Still got a lot to do.

You know, Johnny, I've dived
for pennies in my time.

And I love the idea
of being rich, but...

But what?

Well, I don't like the idea
of you wriggling around

in that rotten ol' hulk for one.

It's as solid as a rock.

It's held together with rust
and we all know it.

I can swim.

Si, Juanito, you can swim.

One can sink, too.

I won't sink as
long as dom's there.

That's not what I mean.

It's what I mean.

What're you going to do?

Now, tomorrow, I'm gonna
punch a hole in that wreck.

We're gonna hook a line...

From the wall
of the strong room.

Make it fast.

Turn on the power.

And pull it out like a tooth.


Buenos noches.

A lousy fortune
sitting under our keel

and I wasn't losing
any part of it.

Not to woman, sand,
devil or deep water.

- Are you all right?
- What happened?

All right.

Cave in.

Look... look.

Hey, Johnny...


Look, honey.
He had a death grip on it.

And that's not all, amigo.

I felt the rest of the
statue with my hands.

I did, father.

That's fine now. Now, we'll
get you down to the cabin.

- I'm all right.
- Yeah, sure, sure.

Come on, now we'll
get you below.

All right.

- Gold, huh?
- Absolutely.

- Solid?
- Heft it.

See where it was
broken away from the statue,

where the fingertips were?

Look, honey.

Look, look where
the fingers were.

The whole statue is
down there, father.

I felt it with my hands.

Next thing to do
is to bring it up.

You bet, Johnny. Right away.

Wait a minute, Dominic,
not so fast.

- How do you feel?
- How do I feel?

Holding this, this
would revive the dead.

How goes it with the rocks?

Well, it goes well
with the rocks.


We still have no garbage
for you, my friend.

We're very busy with
our scientific studies,

you understand?

Why don't you come
back some other time?

Manana, maybe...

My business would
take but a few minutes.

Some other time.

But I wish to make confession.


- Pasa.
- Gracias.

Do you understand, father?

Out here a priest is rare,

yet there's always danger
and one would

not like to die un-shriven.

I understand.

Where do you find the
opportunity to sin out here?

There are always evil thoughts.

- Gracias.
- Sehor, cafe?

Ah, si, por favor, senorita.


- Oh, father?
- No, thank you.

You're too kind.

Well, it is so seldom one
has guests in these waters.

I suppose you, uh...

We won't be seeing
you anymore, huh?

Uh-huh, quien sabe?

You'll probably be moving
on down the coast?

I follow the sharks and
there's no telling

where a shark goes
or what he does.

You know, what
a shark is, senora?

A shark is a wandering
bottomless stomach.

People call 'em bad names.

k*ller, m*rder*r, cannibal.

He only hungry.

Always on the prowl
for something to eat.

And for him, anything is food.

Even rocks?

Si, padre.

I have known a shark
to swallow even rocks.

Adios, padre.

- Adios, senora.
- Adios.

- Gracias.
- De nada. Uh, senor herrera.


You got fish on your boat?

I got some bonito, 40 pounds.


You have fish, we have wine.

You have dinner with
us tonight, huh?

A little party.

You would not find it dull?

I'm only a simple fisherman.

Oh, not at all.

I accept your invitation,

- Him, too?
- Yeah, him, too.

And him, too?

Yeah. Him, too.

What time?

- About sundown.
- Good.

Perhaps, it will not
be too dull for you.

Hasta luego.

- Adios.
- Adios.

Hasta luego.

- Salut.
- Salut.


When prohibition came to an end

in the United States
of north America...

I wept, gentleman, I wept.

No one believes more ardently
in prohibition than I.

- Salut.
- Salut.


And I wish the United States
of north America

had never repealed
the prohibition law.

I was making a fortune smuggling
rum into Florida.

- Salut.
- Salut.

- Ah, you are too kind.
- That's nothing.

- Most hospitable.
- Pleasure.

Excuse me please, huh?

They're very nice,
but uncomfortable.

And I find you both sympaticos.

But first I found
you antipatico.

But now, sympatico.

I'm glad.

I have an early morning
in the mornin',

if you gentlemen will excuse me.

Buenos noches, father.

- Good night, father.
- Good night, father.

Ah, si...

Muy sympatico.

Now when you and senor quesada
get me and Miguel

and Jesus drunk...

What're you gonna do with us?

What are you talking
about, amigo?

I don't get your
meaning, friend.

Why have we been invited here
to eat and drink with you?

Because you enjoy
his conversation...

Or his appearance?

Out of long friendship for me?

You are both very subtle,
like two elephants

thrashing around
in a circus ring.

I was right, yes?

Arrivo, senores.



Don't worry, father.

Nobody's gonna get hurt.

What precautions to safeguard
rocks, my friends?

I hope you don't mind
us using your tow rig.

Oh, not at all.

Por favor, tell me something.

Under the circumstances,
it can do no harm.

How much gold have you found?

- You're imagining things.
- Gold?

Oh, that much? Gracias.

No, we didn't
intend to hurt them.

But on the way in,
our motor got nervous

and the tide pulled us
inside the breaker line.

I don't know who got
at us first.

The waves or our dinner guests.

Hey, you gonna go over
there and sit on that rock

and watch us,
while we get in the skiff

start the motor and
get it out through the surf.

Is that clear?

Crystal clear, senor.

And no swimming out.

You understand?

Si, senor, no-no swimming out.

Okay, get goin'.


A shark on
the beach can't hurt anyone.

And a little beachcombing
might help cure

some of rico's evil thoughts.

Well... we got 'em on the beach.

- Peaceably?
- Yes and no. They jumped us.

Are they all right?

Oh, sure. We'll just put him
on ice until this is over.

We'll take him some supplies
in the morning.

Speaking of
the morning, Dominic,

are you going down there?

Sure, chiquita.

I never felt better in my life.

Knock it off, dom.

What are you talking
about, "knock it off"?

She knows.

Besides, you're not
diving tomorrow.

It's too big a risk.

Well... we'll see.

Goodnight, chiquita,
goodnight, gringuita.


- Good night.
- Good night, father.

Six o' clock.

Well, good night.

And you are going under, huh?

- Yeah.
- Alone?


It's not too risky for you
to go under alone, huh?

Oh, no.

I thought Dominic was
your insurance policy.

Well, the insurance lapsed.

Nobody ever got k*lled for that.

What you want me to do?

Take what we have and go home.

Oh, what do we have?

Each other, for one thing.

And if that isn't enough,
50 thousand dollars in gold.

50 thousand dollars is nothing.


What's so funny?

Two weeks ago you
were walking on air

because we were going to break
even at the end of the season.

Well, I don't get the joke.

You're not getting very many
jokes these days, Johnny.

Well, you just listen to me.

I put in a lot
of time in the Navy

during the w*r doing
underwater demolition.

I dived in mine fields with
half an army sh**t' at me.

Now with a million
bucks at stake,

just because I'm gonna dive
alone and might skin my knee,

and do you think
that's gonna stop me?

I want that jackpot.
Don't you understand?

Yes, I understand, Johnny.

But how much do you bet?

- A nickel? A hand? An arm...
- Whatever...

- Your life?
- Whatever it takes.

- Somebody else's life?
- I said whatever it takes.

You think I'm gonna quit
now, you don't know me.

Then that must be it.

I don't know you.

I guess I never did.

Remember the signals, father.

One tug, hold her steady.

Two tugs, more power.

Three tugs, slack off.

Don't go down there, Johnny.

Don't worry, father.
I know what I'm doing.

- Just watch for the signals.
- I know the signals.


Theresa's caught down there.
What's the matter?

Winch is stalled.

We'll get it started.

Drop down another lug.

If that thing gets started,
give me two.


You-you okay, honey?


? You okay - pom,

how are you, chiquita?


How'd you get here?

We prayed and that little angel
came and fetched us.

I'm sorry, Johnny.

I thought they could help.

But they locked
father Cannon below.

They said he'd be safe.

That's alright, Gloria.
It's okay.

Theresa, honey...


Johnny, they're
taking your gold.

Let 'em.

Don't worry, gringuita.
It's all right.

Rico, Mira, Mira!

Whoa! A cross.


From a Madonna and child
we found in the wreck.


It belonged
to the cathedral in Panama.

It belonged to the church, huh?

No, rico, no!

What are we gonna do now?

You can get in your boat
and leave peacefully.

Decisions, decisions.

What to do?

I could k*ll you.

Try it.
See what you get from him.

Go ahead, amigo.

Try it.

You would risk your lives?

Make a move and see.

You like gold that much?

This is a matter of principle.

You are very generous.


You'll never know.

I still find you very, very...


Si, senor, si, si.

- Ay, senor herrera?
- Si?

We still have no garbage.

Adios, senor herrera.

Adios, padre.

Adios, senora.

Adios. Muchas gracias.


The statue
of the Madonna is gone.


But the gold cross is just down
here in the sand, father.

- I'll get it for you.
- Well, thank you, Johnny.

I'll be back.

Will you wait for me?

I have news for you, Juanito.

You are back.

Hey! Hey!