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Sabotage (1939)

Posted: 11/19/23 18:47
by bunniefuu

Am I late?

No, just came out.



I've missed seeing you all these years.

You had lunch with me.

Seems like years.


You know something?

I feel like I've got clouds under
my shoes every time I see you.

I've been wearing a pair of clouds too.

Hey, I like you better when you smile.

Your nose wrinkles.

Tommy, the show closed tonight.

I know it.

This is our last night together,
I'll be leaving in the morning.

Ah, that's what you think.

We're testing a new plane
at the plant Tuesday.

They've got a contract
with the government.

Means a raise for me,
enough to get married on.

Look, Tommy.

You've known me four days.

I'm Broadway and you're Midland.

You don't know me really.

I know you're gonna marry me.

You're a machinist
in an airplane factory.

You're settled, you're steady,
you're part of a steady, fixed world.

You've got your roots down in
this little town and you love it.

So will you.

And suppose I didn't?

In a year you'd be miserable
because you couldn't

get along in this world you're used to.

And I'd be miserable too.

Bluey and smash up and divorce.

You know that's all wrong.

Tommy, I know better.

You really mean that.

You won't stay.

I mean it.

And those are the toughest three
words lever had to say in my life.

Hey, Tommy, Tommy.

Oh, morning Dad.

I must have fallen
asleep, what time is it?

It's 7 o'clock.

You been out here all night?

No, I came home late, I
just sat down here to think.

What's the matter?

Oh, nothing much.

You look as though you lost a
horse race to your best girl.

You're a pretty good guesser, Pop.

Come on in the house.

There's nothing that a
pair of listening ears

and a good cup of coffee won't heal.

Come on.

I'm afraid nobody
can do much about this.

Why Tom, where have you been?

Nevermind, Joe.



Tom thinks he has a problem.


Well, all Graysons to the rescue.

Can I help Uncle Tom?

Thanks Matt.

I don't want to cause
anybody any bother though.

Say what do you think
a family's for anyway?

Go on Tommy, tell them the story.

Well, last night I had a talk with Gail.

The show closed, you know.

She doesn't seem to think
she'd fit in here in Midland.

She doesn't think people will like her
because she belongs to showbusiness.


Hello Major Grayson.

Why you're the girl
that Tommy brought home

to dinner Saturday night, aren't you?

You getting ready to leave?

Just waiting for the train.

Well I pass here every
morning on my way home

from work, you see I'm night
watchman down at the plane factory.

You had your coffee yet?

No I haven't.

You know every time I come
down to the station here

and see folks rushing for trains

the more convinced I am
that people are living

way too fast nowadays.

Sometimes you just can't help yourself.


You hear them bells?

They're ringing down at
the First Episcopal Church.

Ellie and I were married
there 47 years ago.

47 years?

Mm hmm.

Ellie died last year.

Oh I'm sorry.

Oh, she ain't gone in a way.

I can't walk anywhere around Midland

without Ellie being
there with me in a way.

I think that's rather wonderful, Major.

Ellie didn't want to come here at first,
you see, she worked with the circus.

A circus?

Yes and she was afraid
people would snub her.

Well I told her they
wouldn't and they didn't.

No siree, they all got to love her.

Yeah, well here comes
the rest of the family.

Hello Dad.

Hello Joe.

Thought we'd drop past on the way
to church and say goodbye, Gail.

I wish you could have come to dinner
tonight instead of last Saturday night.

I've got the best baby
broilers you ever tasted.

That's terribly nice of you.

I wish I could.

I hope if you're ever by here again
that you'll come over for the weekend.

We always have plenty of room.

Thank you.

Well come on, we'll be late.

Goodbye Gail.

Goodbye Joe.

And come and see us, please.

Thank you.

Goodbye Gail, and come back for
the broilers soon, won't you?

I surely will.

The legs are awful good.


See you in church, Dad.


They're so nice, aren't they?

Yeah, they kinda took
a shine to you too.

I didn't think they liked me.

You talk just like Ellie used to
talk until she found out different.

Well, I've got to be getting
now so I'll say goodbye.

I hope you have a nice trip
and if ever you get around

this way don't forget
to drop in and see us

and listen Gail, when you
hear bells ringing like that,

remember they're ringing
out a welcome to you, girly.


Goodbye, Major.

I just thought I'd come and say goodbye.

Oh Tommy, why didn't
you get here sooner?


I'm going to stay.

You're gonna stay?

You mean for no reason at
all you've changed your mind?

Oh don't you want me to?

Don't I want you to?

If you hadn't I was going with
you, I got my ticket already.

Oh Tommy.

Bye Gail.

Goodbye Joe.

So long Dad.

So long.

Have a good time at the airport.

Bye Daddy.

So long, sonny.

Good morning, Mrs. Hopkins.

Good morning Major.

Good morning Mrs. Hopkins.

Well well well, so you're the
girl that's going to marry Tommy.

How very romantic, isn't it?


Why yes, on Wednesday.

You were in the chorus?

No, I did a specialty number.

A specialty number.

A strip tease?

No, a balloon dance.

No, I just sang a song.

Tommy, come on, will ya?

Morning Mrs. Hopkins.

Coming out to the plant t'see the doings?

Well I don't know...

Missing something if you don't.

That new bomber is the
sweetest thing on wings.

The test'll be worth seeing.

We better go.

Well, you mustn't keep to yourself

because this town is just
dying to hear all about you.

Oh, thank you Mrs. Hopkins,
I'm sure you'll take care of that.

Say, was that one of the town pillars
of society I was just talking to?

Yeah, she's no prize but
there aren't many like her.

Look at my shoes.

Clouds still there?

Can't you see 'em?



Why is Gail and Uncle
Tommy always kissing?

Here Tom they're not gonna
hold that plane for us all day.

What time does it start?

20 minutes, I'm late for work now.

And remember we've got to pick
the boys up, don't forget that.

Oh, we're practically there.

Well it's a good thing you came.

We're ready, it's him,
made himself that puzzle,

got his fingers stuck in
it, we can't dress him!

Getting more ornery every day!

You're worse than a girl
getting dressed for a dance.

France, who's going to France?

I said you were worse than a
girl getting dressed for a dance.


Well get this digger off of me
and I'll get 'em on in a minute.

You're always getting in
some kind of trouble, Eli.

Yeah, he's about finished now.

You can finish dressing in the
car, come on, we're in a hurry.

I never seen such a
cantankerous mule headed old fool.

Don't argue with him, we
oughtn't to take him with us

anyway, at his age my goodness
the crowds and excitement.


Excitement's my meat!

By gunny I'm gonna run one of
them things in the next w*r.

That's about as close as
you'll ever be to heaven.



Seven nothing, I'm gonna be an ace!

Yeah, that's a nice ship you got there.

Yes, she looks alright Matt.

That's Ed Johnson there,
head of the factory.

Great friend of mine.

Come out of that bank, climb!

Something's wrong,
sounds like motor trouble!

Oh he's losing too much altitude.

It isn't the crash yesterday
we're so much concerned

with but the fact that it
seems to be planned sabotage.

Now these crises in the
other parts of the country,

six of them in a row, were
due to mechanical faults.

Now that can't be accidental.

Everetts, Parker, and myself
from the Department of Justice

and Colonel Benson and
Major Ames of the Air Corps

left Washington two weeks
ago to circle around

the country, get a complete
picture of the setup

at all plants supplying w*r Department
materials, see what we can find out.

Five of the crashes we investigated
involved motors from your factory.

It's an ugly picture if you
draw the obvious conclusion.

Well now this won't interfere with
your taking delivery on further planes?

That is something to be decided.

Well let's decide it then.

I have payrolls to meet.

I've got to meet them
with government checks.

Let's make this as fast as possible.

We're liable to be at
it right through the night

so the sooner we get started the better.


Yes sir?

Work right with them.

Yes sir.

The same as the others.

I think we've found the
source of the trouble.

Every one of those piston
heads apparently freezes

when the temperature
reaches 350 to 400 degrees.

Quit worrying about it, Tom.

Oh, you don't understand, Joe.

If you worked at the plant
you'd know what I mean.

Pop knows.

Even if you're only the
guy that sprays the paint

on the wings, it's your ship, see?

Gail, tell him to forget it.

You've got more influence
with him than I have.

Do you want me to take
a rolling pin to you?

Now that's against the
rules til after we're hitched.

Which reminds me, we haven't
settled on a hearth and home yet.

Let's look at the places to rent.


Goodnight, Edith.

Goodnight, Joe.

Goodnight, Dad.

Goodnight, Gail.

Goodnight, Major.

Tom, I want to see you a minute.

Got something for you, Tommy.

Every young couple has to have a start

and I've done this for
Joe and this is for you.

Well gee Dad this is swell but
I don't know how to say thanks.

No thanks necessary, I'm the one
getting the fun out of it, ain't I?

It's just a little nest egg for you.

Yeah but this is a lot of
money, I don't know what...

You've got to buy
furniture, haven't you?

And you need all of that.

And there's one thing to remember, boy,

all young couples have arguments,

but never let the day
end without making it up.

That's about the only rule you'll need.

Goodnight, Dad.

Goodnight, boy.

Put up your hands, you two!

Don't move or I'll blow
you to kingdom come!

Don't you move, I've got you covered!

Wait, I didn't want to do it.

You didn't want to do what?

What are you up to?

I've been working with
them but I wanted to get out,

I didn't want to come tonight.

Hey, what are you talking about?

I didn't want any more to do with them.

You gotta, you gotta stop 'em.

Hey, stop that gibbering
and gabbering and talk up.

You gotta stop 'em.

This ain't the only place.

It's organized.

What is?

They're working to...

Hey, what's your name?

Who are you?

My name is Marty Kruger, I...

He couldn't have crawled away.

I tell you the man was shot right there

and when I come back
from phoning he was gone!

You been listening to too
many of those w*r stories

of your buddies out at
the vet's home, Major.

I tell you a man was k*lled
right there a few minutes ago!

Well I guess you won't
be needing me, boys.

Take it easy, Major, don't let
those nerves run away with you.


I tell you I saw it!

Sure you did, Pop.

You just keep on seeing things, Major.

And you won't be able to
hold down a night job.



What is he doing?

He thinks he's making an omelette.

Well if she's gonna marry me she's
got to know how I like things.

Let them cook just so long and
then you fold them over like this.


Oh Tommy, get out of the kitchen.

Not just a prosaic dish,
not just a plain omelette.

No indeed, just a burnt omelette.

Gail, you better get him out of
here before he ruins the coffee too.

You're supposed to pin my ears back.

Sorry, we're all out
of ear pinnings today.


Oh Tommy I'm so happy
I'm afraid to move.

I feel as if I were
balancing champagne glasses

on the backs of my
hands, didn't dare move.

What they been talking
about in there so long?

Something about champagne and
angels, it don't make much sense.

It ain't supposed to.

They're going to be married today.

But I don't see why
they have to talk crazy.

Grandpa, why do I have to
eat mush for breakfast?

Makes little boys grow up
and puts hair on their chest.

I've been looking on my chest for a
month now, nothing's happened yet.

Takes years of it, Matty.

Oh okay then, I'll
try it a while longer.

Grandpa, you ain't eating.

Grandpa, why don't you eat something?

Yeah, what's the matter, Dad?

I've been thinking
and I've thought it out.

I've got her now.

You mean your nightmare last night, Dad?

I mean the sh**ting I saw.

Now I know what that fellow
was trying to tell me.

Yessir, it all hooks up.

I'm going right down to Ed Johnson's
now, they've got to act fast.

Well don't forget you've got a date
at a wedding at 4 this afternoon.

Don't worry honey, I'll be there.

Right now I got business to tend to.

Tom Grayson live here?

Yes sir, I'm his father.

Is he in now?


Oh Tommy.



Come on out here, there's
some gentlemen want to see you.

Are you Thomas Grayson?


We're from the Federal
Bureau of Investigation,

we have a warrant for your arrest.


Wait a minute here,
there must be some mistake.

You better read it.

Willful destruction
of government property,

conspiracy to maliciously
destroy w*r department supplies...


My brother never got mixed
up in anything like that.

You fellows have got the
wrong man or something.

We can't talk about it here.

They're waiting for you downtown.

Tommy, you haven't done anything wrong

even though you didn't
intend to, have you?

No sir, nothing.

Well then there isn't anything to worry
about but you'll have to go with them.

I know what to do.

I'll have you out of this in no time.

Better get your coat, Grayson.

Come in Matt, come in.

Ted, I gotta talk to you.

Sit down.


Been a long time since
we've gotten together.

Yes, it has.

Have a cigar?

No thanks, no thanks.

Ed, I come to talk to you about Tom.

Matt, I can't tell you
how sorry I am about Tom.

Of course I am terribly unhappy
about the whole incident

but doubly so that it's the
son of an old friend of mine.

It's alright, I have
positive proof that Tom

is not guilty and more than
that last night someone

tried to break into the plant but
I caught him, a man named Kruger!

- And he started to confess...
- Confess?

Yes, and he said he
had something to tell me

and just as he started
to, bam he was shot.

Well I went to call the police and when
I got back someone had taken him away.

Can't you see what it means?

It means that someone is
trying to destroy the planes.

And more than that it means that Tom
had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Now look Matt.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Go on, get busy and push
some of these gadgets

and let's you and me get into action!

I don't blame you Matt, but...

Blame me?

Ed, you don't think I'm lying?

You're making it awfully hard for me.

Oh, I see.

You don't believe me.

You think I'm making up this
story on account of my son.

I only know that if I could
do anything about it I would.

But I can't.

I have no power in the case at all

and I'm sorry, sorrier
than you'll ever know.

Well then I can't
work for you any longer.

I'm quitting Saturday and
I'm giving you my notice now

so you can get another man.

Oh now, there's no need to do that.

Well you wouldn't believe any report
I turned in from now on anyway.

Is it alright?

Will he help Tommy?

He wouldn't believe me.

The big paluka, I'll
make him believe you.

You can't possibly go in there now.

It's no use Gail, he
thinks I made up the story

to protect Tommy and everybody
else'll think the same way.

We've got to get
somebody they will believe.

Look, who's the best lawyer in the state?

Pete Moore, but he's
up the state capital.

Well can't we get him down here?

We'll wire him.

We'll send you up if we have to.

We'll get him somehow.

Maybe we get him on the phone.

Long distance.

This phone is not for public use.

Take care of this bozo,
Major, he bothers me.

Now see here you both get out of here!

This sort of conduct is not
permitted in this office!

Get me Pete Moore the
attorney at Aldington.

Now see here...

Sit down and stay sittin'.

Keep your hands off of
them gadgets or I'll...

Mr. Moore?

He's what?

Oh, I see.

He's tied up, he won't talk on the phone.

Come on.

Who's running this outfit
you're mixed up with?

We wanna know who the head man is.

I don't know a thing.

How can I talk when I don't
know anything about it?

There's no use trying to
kid each other, Grayson.

Every bad piston came out of your machine.

And your locker, full of drawings
that belonged in the safe.

I wanted to make some designs on my
own, I thought I'd get ahead faster.

I only borrowed them!

Where did you get the $500?

I told you before, my
father gave it to me.

Any witness to that?

What are you trying
to do, third degree me?

Third degree you?

No Grayson, we don't do
things like that around here.

You can smoke if you like.

Or if you're tired we'll
have some coffee sent up.

I don't want anything, I
only want you to believe me.

So your father gave you the money?


Let's paint a picture, Tom.

You make a pretty small salary.

You fall in love with a showgirl,
you're trying to impress her.

You know where you can get
the money so you get it.

Could happen to any man
of your age in your spot.

That's not true, I tell you!

Okay, have it your own way.

Take him down and book him.

Come on, Grayson.

Better change your mind and talk,
otherwise you haven't got a chance.

Well, keep your fingers crossed.

Tell Pete Moore we don't
care what his fee is.

We'll get it even if we
have to borrow on the house.

Don't worry, I'll get him.

Well, I better get on the train.

So long Dad.

Lawyer like Moore'll
show 'em up in two minutes,

why that stuff they got ain't evidence.

Goodbye, Gail.

Phone us the minute you get him.

You bet.

And Joe, please make him come.

He's practically here now.

Don't worry.

Oh, I won't.


I certainly appreciate this, Johnny.

All glad to do it, Major,
after all Tom's an old friend of mine.

Well I hope it leads to something.

Oh I think that it will without, shh.

On the air in a couple of seconds.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

This is your radio reporter in our regular
afternoon broadcast of state news.

One special announcement.

Will anyone listening to this network

who knows a man answering
the following description

please communicate with Major
Matt Grayson in Midland?

Name, Marty Kruger.

Description, five feet 10
inches, dark complexioned...

There's 26 Krugers in this directory.

It's a wild chance but
we can't overlook it.

Well we ain't gonna get
her done setting here!

You're too nervous, son,
you got to outgrow that!

We ought to plan first.

That's right.

Let's divide up the addresses.

There's the 4 o'clock call
now, we've got to get started.

4 o'clock.

What's the matter?

The wedding was to take
place at 4 this afternoon.

Don't worry, honey, Joe's
gone to get Pete Moore

and we're not licked yet, are we?

Not in this man's army.

Is this Mrs. Kruger?

My name ain't Kruger and I
don't need any vacuum cleaners

nor brushes nor encyclopedias
and I don't like peddlers anyhow.

And don't tell me you're working
your way through college.

They even supply music here.

The merry go round over in the park.

Yeah, they play late.

I can hear them after I go to
bed in my suite back there.

Plays Swanee River a lot.

They were playing that song on the
radio the first time you kissed me.

I was afraid you'd be mad.

I was afraid you weren't going to.

You had on a blue dress with puffed
sleeves and you had silver shoes on.

How you do remember, Mr. Grayson.

I remember every time
I've ever seen you.

How you looked, what you wore.

Got a whole little gallery
of pictures in my mind.

This guy Grayson must
sound kinda dizzy to you.

I'm kinda dizzy myself
that way, I'm afraid.

Look Gail.

I want to tell you something
and I don't want you to get mad.

I know I didn't do this,
you know it and so does the family.

But maybe a jury won't.


No, let me finish.

Maybe they won't.

There's no use kidding myself,
they got a lot of evidence against me

you can't laugh off.

And they won't listen to anything I say.

So if things can't be helped, they happen,

and I'd be stuck and
it'd be for a long time.

I don't want you messing up your
whole life on account of me.

I'm in love with you,
don't you know that?

There's nothing I could
do even if I wanted to.

And I don't.

Tommy, please don't talk like that.

It's going to be alright, I know it.

They can't keep you here.

Sure, you're right, I'm sorry.

Guess you get kinda low brooding
around a place like this.


Afternoon, Sally.


How's Charlie, Mrs. Hobson?

Just fine, thanks.

Give him my regards.

Yes, I'll do that.

Nose is kinda in the air
since Charlie been promoted, eh?

Looks that way, doesn't it?

How are you, Beulah?

Just fine, thank you.

You don't suppose that...

Yes, I do suppose and
remember there's lots of people

that are willing to give
you a slap on the back

when you're face down in the gutter.

You don't think it
could be on account of me?


Oh Gail, don't be so foolish.

Howdy folks.

How are you, Major?


Tommy's alright, everything is fine.

We sent Joe to the capital.

Oh, is that so?

Why don't you go with
him and stay there?

Now Laura, wait a minute.

Shut up, Henry.

I'm sure we don't
understand you, Mrs. Austin.

I said, why don't you go with him?

That's plain enough, isn't it?

Walking down the street here with
decent people after what's happened?

Shh, Laura, now wait.

You see, the thing...

Keep quiet, you nincompoop!

You expect people to come out and
shake hands and congratulate you?

You Graysons and your chorus girl
there don't have much nerve, do you?

They ought to run people
like you out of town!

You're traitors!

Your son m*rder*d those pilots!

Keep your shirt on a minute, Major,

I don't think you know
what's happened today.

Maybe if you did you
wouldn't talk so snippity then.

Better take a walk out to the
plant and then you'll understand.


All of us out of work on
account of that son of yours.

Read it again, maybe it'll sink in.

Whole town's going broke.

Wasn't for that yellow son of yours
we'd all be working now, the m*rder*r.

Well just a minute, this plant was
not closed on account of my son!

Was closed because it's been poisoned.

The same as our city's being poisoned.

By a lot of alien forces
that are trying to make us

look at each other with suspicion.

They want to stop us from work,
they want us to accuse each other!

Well you can't pass judgment on my son
and my family without knowing the facts!

Without giving us a trial!

It isn't fair, it isn't
right, it isn't justice.

It is not the American way!

There's something evil
and vicious going on here

and in other cities,
people trying to do harm,

trying to commit planned sabotage.

Why, why don't you get
busy and poison these rats

before they poison you,
or are you too lazy?

You want to condemn the first
man that somebody picks out

without going to work against
this movement yourselves!

Well you've got to do something about it.

You've got to get rid of these human
termites before they eat the foundation

from out from under your livelihood!

I'm not talking for
justice for my son now,

I'm talking for your future
independence and safety!

Well, it's up to you.

Come on Edith, come on Gail.

Good evening, Mr. Women.

How are you, Gardner?

You've been doing good work here.

Yes, we feel encouraged.

May I take your hat and coat?

Yes, thanks.

But there's more to be done.

Are the rest of the people here?

Yes, they're waiting inside.

Are you meeting carefully, Gardner?

Very carefully, sir.

Keep your seats, please.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. George
Wolner, head of our movement.

I'll come straight to the point.

The closing of the plant
was only your first step.

How you did it I'm not concerned with.

All that is important is that there
should be delays, troubles, accidents.

Failure to deliver the supplies they wish.

Yes, we understand.

And do not let your
zeal confuse your work.

Espionage, obtaining
information and so forth

is for others, you are volunteers,

and some very fine results
have been achieved.

You have read no doubt about
accidents to submarines at sea,

mysterious explosions on battleships,

and the fire at the
reserve munition dumps.

Well, act accordingly.

I'd like to say something.

What is it?

Well I just thought, maybe we
ought to quiet down for a while.

You'll be told what to do next.


Now then, 20 miles from
here there's a shipyard

and in Somerville there's
a plant that makes

heavy machinery for use in tractors.

As skilled artisans and superior workmen

you should have no difficulty
obtaining jobs in those places.

I leave in the morning.

There are other places I have to contact.

Brooklyn tomorrow, Philadelphia on
Saturday, and next week the Middle West.

If you have to reach me
do so through Gardner.

Major Grayson?

' Yeah.

Can I come in?

I want to talk to you, Maj.

My name is Kruger, Art Kruger.

I'm a boxer.

' Kruger?


The man you saw?

You see I'm fighting up in the next town

and I heard that spiel on
the radio about my brother.

So right away I hops down here.

Come right in and sit down Mr. Kruger
and make yourself comfortable.

So you're Marty Kruger's brother, eh?

Yeah, and he's been a headache to me

ever since the day he
got out of reform school.

Always messed up in
something, that's Marty.

Never had an education,
that's the trouble.

I went through sixth grade myself.

But still he's my brother and
blood is thicker than water.

Well you heard the broadcast
and the description fits him?

Oh yeah, yeah, that's Marty alright.

Got himself shot is all I can figure.

I think there's a little
more to it than that.

Oh, he was mixed up with some bad guys.

He wrote me from here, he was worried
and he wanted to take a powder.

' A POWder?


Well I'm afraid I got
some bad news for you.


You see after he was shot I picked
him up and he died in my arms.

Is that so?

Well let me get a hold of the guy that
did it and I'll tear him limb from limb!

Did your brother mention
any names, Mr. Kruger?

Ah, just call me Champ.

Let me see now, I gotta think.

Well there was a fellow by the name
of Rodman and a fellow named Merrill.

Let me see, oh yeah, and another
guy named Steve Barsht too.

I know Steve pretty well but he
seems like a pretty nice fellow.

He work at the plant?

Yes, in the machine shop.

Can you think of any other names?

No, that's all.

If I could only see my
machines, check the micrometer.

The cutting die.

Well maybe there is a way
for you to see that machinery.

Is there anything more I can do?

I guess not.


If something new comes up, let me know.

You'll know where I am
from the newspapers.

Thanks very much for coming down here.

Ah, forget it.

Keep your chin up, kid.

Okay, I think I'm sunk.

Not yet, son!

The best defense is a good offense.

Especially when you
ain't got no defense.

Now come on boys, it's 7
o'clock, we better get started.

Well, take us 10
minutes to put Eli to bed.

Who says I'm going to bed?

I am not!

Now you can't go out tonight.

Liable to catch your death of cold.

I won't be left behind, I tell ya!

Now look here, Eli...

I guess I know I'm old
enough to know what I can do

and what I can't do.

Shh, do you want everybody to know?

Go, certainly I'm gonna go.

Now you're going to bed and
that's all there is to it!

Take it easy, Eli.

Boys, if you don't
help me unkink my legs

and take me along with you
by the time I count three

by gunny I'll raise such a
row that nobody'll get out

of these barracks tonight!

Eli, this is dangerous.

So am I, son.

I'm gonna start to count right now.



You better grab my knee.

Alright, alright, alright,
if you want to be so cantankerous.

We shouldn't do this.

You're just plumb mean, Eli.

Mean as a mule and tough as a tiger.

I may be an old man but
I still like looking

at a pretty girl and
getting in a good fight.

Come on yearlings, lead me to it!

Better take your coat.

Now's your chance Eli, he's
gone in to answer the phone.

Leave it to me,
youngsters, I'll fix him.

If Eli's knee don't crack up on him.

It's a long chance.

We got to get in there some way.

No no no, it's quiet as a churchyard.

With me here?

Don't make me laugh.

Okay, I'll check in later, bye.

Hello, pop.

Out kinda late, ain't you?


Perky for a guy your age, ain't you?


Waiting up for a date, huh?


Well it's 7:30 already,
way past bedtime, isn't it?


Act like you had something there, pop.

Well, maybe I have and maybe I haven't.

Little gadget I made myself down in
the hobby shop of the veteran's home.

Oh, you're getting too old
to play with toys, pappy.

Well t'ain't such a bad one at that.

What's it for?

Ain't for nothing, just
to see if you can do it.

' Do it?

T'ain't so easy.

Wanna try it?

Why sure.

Well give me your fingers.

Which ones?

That one.

That's right, now fix
that one, this one here.

Alright, now what?

All you got to do is
get your fingers out.

You've got the idea, that's it.

Hey, get me out of this thing.

Ain't so easy to get somebody else out.

I've got to have more light.

Put your hands under that light
where I can see you better.

Make it snappy,
I can't stay in here.

Stay where you are, I got you covered.

Are you gonna put that g*n down?

I certainly ain't.

Son, I been in three wars
and 40 battles in my day.

Seen men die like flies.

k*lled plenty of 'em myself.

Why there was one fella, by
golly, I'll never forget it.

Tried to escape at Gettysburg.

But I shot his head off.

Wait a minute boys, I
think this is the place.


Yep, these are Tommy's.

These are the ones he uses
for his final check up.

Yes sir, a man knew he
was in a fight in them days.

Well I can remember when 40,000 horses

charged down over the hill.

I'm going outside now son, but I warn you,

if you so much as budge
an eyebrow I'll plug you.

Yes sir, I will!

You crazy old fool!


Thanks boys, I'll let you know
what happens in the morning.

Go to it Matt, give 'em heck!

Look, look here.

Tampered with?

Listen Dad, I give the pistons
their final check with this.

If they're a thousandth of an inch
off they go off wrong and crack up.

The gauge is set and sealed with wax.

See there where the wax
covers the set screw?

Yeah well what's that on it?

Well the wax is stamped
with a specially cut

steel marker, it covers the set screw.

Mr. Johnson stamps it himself.

Keeps the marker locked up in his safe.

Well is there anything wrong with this?

I'm not sure but I think so.

Look, see those lines there in the wax?

Well then anybody could
set this gauge wrong

and then restamp the wax
with a counterfeit marker.

Now that'd be pretty hard to
do to make a marker like that.

Be as tough as counterfeiting an
engraving plate that prints money.

Well does anybody in
the factory know anything

about engraving, knows how
to cut steel like this?

Well there's Johnny Barnes
but he's been sick for a month.

Steve Barsht but Steve's a nice guy.

Wait a minute, Barsht,
Barsht, did you say Barsht?

Say, ain't that the name that prizefighting
fellow, that Kruger mentioned?

But I know Steve, I don't believe...

Wait a minute son, in
times like this I'm believing

anything and trusting nobody.

Hey officer, officer!

Give me this here.

I'm going out and doing a
little ferreting myself.

Let me out, will you?

Thanks, so long son.

This ain't gonna be so easy, Gail.


Not very much.

Well all we need is a little luck.

I've got my fingers crossed.

Now don't forget,
give me time to get him

into a conversation before you come in.

I will.

You Steve Barsht?

Why yes.

Well I'm Major Grayson, I used to be
the night watchman down at the plant.

Oh, well I worked in the machine shop.

Yeah, I know, you
were working the daytime

and me at night, that's
the reason we never met.

You wanted to see me about something?

Yes, there was something important come
up that I wanted to talk to you about

and that's the reason
I bothered you so late.

Alright, come on in.

Well that important subject
that I was talking about.

You know, I've been
running it over in my mind

over and over and figuring
it out pro and con,

this way and that, adding and subtracting
and trying to come to some conclusion,

well you've had important
things that go through your mind

that way that you've had to
straighten out, haven't you?

Sure, sure.

Well, it's all about
machinery and I said to myself

I said now who is it that
knows the most about machinery

than anybody else in the plant?

So I snooped around and
asked this fellow and that,

everybody of importance in the plant,
and they all said Steve Barsht.

Well that's fine but
why do you want to see me?

Well sit down, sit down, sit down.

Don't rush me son, you
know I'm not a young man,

takes me a little longer to tell a story

then it would ordinary young fella.

Well I was wondering if
somebody who knowed something

about machinery could take a look at
these gauges, could figure them out.

What's the point of all this, Major?

What do you want?

Well here they are and I
wish you'd take a look at them.

Be glad to.

Yeah you being a friend
of Tommy's I thought sure

you would want to help him out.


Have they been tampered with?

I'm afraid you're up
a blind alley, Major.

.I am?

Sure, there's nothing wrong with these.


I've handled these things all my life.

This gauge is alright,
hasn't been touched.

Isn't out of line at all.

And the stamp hasn't been touched.

I sure am disappointed.

Sorry I can't help you.

Well if you can't you can't,
that's all there is to it.

Now let me see there was something
else I wanted to talk to you about.

Just a minute.


Are you Mr. Barsht?


I came to call for Major
Grayson, he's here isn't he?

Yes, he's here.


' Yeah.

Your driver is here.

Yeah I told her to call for me, hi Gail.

Did you get the groceries?

I certainly did, everything we needed.

Well, thanks son, for
all you've done, thank you.

Sorry I couldn't tell you
what you wanted to know.

Well that's alright, we can't
always get what we want, you know.

Well, goodnight boy, goodnight.


Holy smoke, I'd have
bet my last dime on Steve.

You'd have lost.

And Pop's gone to the
district attorney, huh?

Yes, and you'll be out of here.

You think they'll let me out tonight?

Why not?

Maybe in an hour or two!

They have to now.

I feel so good I
could yell or something.

Oh I knew we'd get a break sometime.

Say, you know if I'd known you were going
up there to take a chance like that,

I wouldn't have let you go.

That's why I waited
until now to tell you.

Well Ed, here's the tampered
gauge from the factory

and here's the counterfeit
stamp found in his house.

Now let's go and get him.

Alright, Major, we'll have the man
in for questioning in the morning.

And give him all night to get away?

It's the only way I can act.

Well if I brought an expert here,
the superintendent of the machine shop

and he was to swear that
this gadget had been

tampered with and that this stamp was
counterfeit, would you pull him in then?

Yes, I rather think I would.

I'd have a good legal basis then.

Well by golly you're going to have your
legal basis inside of half an hour.

I'm gonna get that superintendent.


Oh yes Steve.

What's the matter?

What are you upset about?


Are you sure?

Oh, I see.

There was a girl with him, huh?

No no no, nothing to get worried about.

Oh that's alright, we got
plenty of time to get out.

Important thing is to keep your wits.

Better get over here.

Yeah, right away.

Something gone wrong?

Keep your mouth shut
and let me think, will ya?

Well, if we must, we must.

Finish up the plant tonight
and get out of here.

It's funny in a way.

Come on, come on, what's the joke?

The kid they got in jail.

It's very convenient having a goat.

Now it's turned into a boomerang.

Why, what'd Steve say?

The kid's father came
over to his house tonight,

got away with the steel marker
we stamped the gauges with.

What difference does that make?

No difference if we hurry.

10 minutes to get to the
plant, an hour to arrange

things there and we're on our way.

I'll answer it.

Put this thing out of sight.

Hello Louis, I hate to
bother you this time of night.

Oh, that's alright Major.

Not at all, not at all.

Well I've got the evidence and the man
responsible for closing the factory.

Oh, that's wonderful.

Come in, come in.

We gotta work, fast.

You see this?

Oh yes, Major, that ought to be in
the safe in Ed Johnson's office.

Well, the real one is in the
safe in Ed Johnson's office.

This is a counterfeit
one we picked up tonight

in the home of one of your
mechanics, Steve Barsht.


Yes, I just saw the
district attorney and he said

if I could get expert evidence to
prove that this marker was counterfeit

he'd arrest Steve Barsht right away.

It's counterfeit alright, Major.

Yeah well that's why I
want you to come with me.

It'll get Tommy out and
prove he's innocent.

I see what you mean.

There's more behind this
than what you think.

Well of course there is!

Come on, let's you and I go and get busy!

We can straighten this
thing out in two minutes!

Answer that.

Well, hurry up, let's go!

This is important!

I'm not going, Major.

Afraid you're not going either.

Furthermore you're not going to
talk to anybody about this marker.

Hello, Steve.

Friend of yours, here.

You know Major, Steve's
a friend of mine too

so I couldn't be a party to
making any trouble for him.

Well if I didn't have the brains of
a jackass I could have seen this.

So you're at the head of all this, eh?

Quite a deduction to make, Major.

Take him to the next room, boys.

Take it easy, pop.

Let go of me you dirty crooks.

Come on, come on.

Bring the case.

Be ready to leave as soon as we get back.

How about the old man?

We'll take him
along and dump him on the road.

He'll talk.

No, he won't talk.

Sit down over there and keep quiet.

You mind if I smoke?


Oh, don't worry.

See it doesn't matter much
son what you are going

to do with me, see I'm an old man.

I've been everywhere, seen
everything, and done everything.

And I certainly feel sorry for you.

You don't need to worry about me.

A boy of your age, his
whole life in front of him

and throwing it away for what?

No, at my age it doesn't
make any difference.

But I certainly would be pretty
mad at whoever was responsible.

I got nothing to worry about.


We'll be out of here
and you won't be talking.

That's right son, I won't be talking.

Stop that rocking.


As I was saying, I won't be
talking but there was a girl

that was with me tonight
who will be talking.

She knows where I was going and why.


They'll be coming after
you and they'll be coming

after you pretty soon and
they'll get you in the end.

Where is that girl?

What difference does
it make where she is?

It's where you'll be.

You won't be looking so
pretty when they sit you down.

Sit me down where?

In the electric chair.

Shut up, will you?

Thinking of dying,
son, doesn't bother me.

In fact I'm rather interested
in just how it feels.

You see, I've tried everything else.

But at your age.

Listen Major, I didn't want
to do this, you know that.


I wanted them to quit long
ago, I wanted to get out.

I asked them but they wouldn't let me go.

You don't know them, they're cold as ice!

Well, why don't you quit?

What good would it do me?

Nobody would believe me, they'd
give me the chair anyway.

Oh, there might be a chance.

What do you mean?

You think they might let me off easier?

Well, if I was to go to them and tell
them and tell them that you helped me,

helped me get away, that
you were willing to confess.

You promise?

You'll tell them, you'll help me?

On my word of honor.

Come on.

We can get out that way.

Mel, I need your help!

You've got to get the boys together.

Won't believe you, eh?

Won't do nothing, eh?

Who won't do what?

Oh, my sister, she's sick.

The doctors won't believe it's
the same thing she always gets.

Won't use a mustard poultice.

You say she's awful sick?


What are you crazy?

I'm trying to tell you
that this bunch of...

Worse, eh?

Pains in the back?

Oh, that's bad, yes sir, mighty bad.

I couldn't talk to you
Major, the sergeant was here.

Yes, yes he's gone, he's gone.



Don't you worry, we'll be waiting for you.


What's the matter Mel, something wrong?

Don't ask me no questions.

It's the Major, he says we got
to act and by gum he's right.


Who said fight?

Fight's my middle name!

Let me go!

Say, what's the idea, you crazy?

You can't get away with this,
who do you think you are?

In the army, buddy, in the army.

Take it easy son, we won't be long.

What's back of us?

Who's issuing orders around here?

Bring him up here, boys.

Ah, so it's you, Major.

I'll have you arrested for kidnapping!

Is that so?

I don't know what that
old fool's been telling you

but you better let me go or you're
gonna find yourself in a lot of trouble!

Are you men out of your heads?

You can't get away with
mob rule in this country!

What is this, a frame up?

Louis Gardner, you
are charged with crimes

which in w*r times are
punishable by death.

You are charged with conspiring
to violate the Espionage Act.

You and these other two men.

You are charged with leading a
conspiracy to commit sabotage and m*rder.

What are you trying
to do, put me on trial?

You are on trial.

Put him in front of
the firing squad I say.

That's what they did at Bull Run.

You can't get away with this.

Where do they think this is?

We're in America!

This is illegal, I'm getting out!

Bring him back!

Alright, we'll go over the evidence

and consider the sentence.

I don't like this,
I'm getting out of here.

Do you all want to be k*lled?

No you don't.

Get that thing out of here, you fools!

Get it out of here!

Quiet down, Gardner.

Tell him, tell him!

Go ahead, tell him!

There's enough expl*sive in here to
blow this plant into the next county.

It's timed for 12 o'clock!

You're losing your mind, boy.

Don't you hear it?



Do you?

No, I don't hear anything.

Listen, listen, can't
you hear a ticking?

I don't hear nothing.

You got a good imagination, Gardner.

But you can't get out of this.

He's telling the truth!

We'll all be blown up!

Boy, your conscience is k*lling you.

Tell 'em where it is, tell 'em!

Look in that lathe, it's there.

Alright boys, go ahead.

Ain't nothing here.

Can't find a thing.

If we don't get out of here in two
minutes we'll all be blown to pieces!

It's there, we put it there!

I know where it is, I can find it!

You better start talking, Gardner.

Who made that counterfeit marker?

Tell 'em, Gardner.

Barsht did.

By whose order?

Gardner talk, you've got to.

By my order.

Now will you let us out of here?

Who paid you to commit sabotage?

Tell him.

What are you waiting for?

There are 20 of us in it.

I'm the local leader.

There's a book in my pocket
with the names and addresses.

Get that book.

Man name Wolner's the head of the group.

Headquarters are in New York.


He can be found at the Worth Hotel
in Philadelphia until Monday.

Are they all there?

Yeah they're all here alright,
addresses, dates, and names.

Then you admit in front of
witnesses that you three

and the others in this
book deliberately conspired

to destroy government property?

Sure, sure we did!

Now let's get out of here!

Take us down to jail, take us anyplace!

Yes, it's true.

Let me go I tell you.

I can disconnect it, I can turn it off.

I'll tell you everything, let me go!

It's going off, I tell you!


Bring that gadget over here.

There was really no occasion
for you to worry, Gardner.

Your toy is set for 12 o'clock alright

but we always like to be a little ahead
so we set that clock 15 minutes fast.

Besides, this couldn't explode,
you see, we detached the wires.

All set.

Thank you very much, Mr. Johnson.

Any time you two are ready.

Certainly nice of you Mr. Johnson

to let us use your private
plane for our honeymoon.

I'm just making up for my mistake
in being suspicious of you, Tommy.

Just a minute, look, look who's coming!

Here's a little...

Here's a little present for you.

Oh, thank you.

Why it's a picture of the four of you!

Oh, thanks so much.

Thanks, fellas.

Anytime an argument comes up
or you have a little quarrel,

just look at that picture of us four old
soldiers who've been friends for years

and stuck together through
thick and through thin

and never had a cross word between us.

We'll remember and thanks again.

