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Hopalong Cassidy Returns (1936)

Posted: 11/19/23 19:41
by bunniefuu
(bright orchestral music)

(townspeople chatting)

(g*n firing)

(townspeople shouting)

- Hurry up.

(g*n firing)

(woman screams)

- [Man] Hurry up!

Get up!
- Get out of the way!

- Hurry up.
- Ya-hee!

(g*n fires)


Come on, there!



Come here, get in there.



- Hey, what's all the
celebrating about, Peg Leg?

- Aw, you'd be celebrating too,

if you just found what you
been looking for all your life.

(laughs) Hey, take a look at this.

- [Jim] Hi, Peg, you old buzzard.

What's all the sh**ting about?

(laughs) Hey, take a look
at this ore and you guess.

Hey, that's about the
richest rock I've ever seen.

That's real high grade, look here.

I guess that sh**ting didn't mean much.

Everything seems to be quiet.

(g*n firing)

- Whee!

(g*n fires)

- Ah, Peg Leg, you old buzzard.

I thought it was somebody
looking for trouble.

- Shake, Saunders.

Well, sir, I finally located a claim

that's gonna make me a millionaire.

What do you think of that?


This means that your
days of worry are over.

- Yep, yours, too.

We're partners in this deal, you and me.

Share and share alike.

- I couldn't let you do that

not after you worked so hard for it.

Hey, listen, where would I have been

all this time if you
hadn't have grubstaked me?

No, sir, we're partners in that gold.

- You call that a good ore?

Nah, I've used better rock than
that to throw at my burros.

- Well, if it ain't old Windy Halliday.

Say, how come a top cowhand like you

is riding herd on a printing press?

- Why, you see...

Well, it aren't any of your darn business.

- Windy was unfortunate enough
to have his outfit stolen.

He's just helping me out until
he gets another one together.

- Yeah, Mr. Saunders needs
a bodyguard in this town.

- Where did you locate this claim?

- I ain't telling nobody.

Leastwise not till I go to the county seat

and file on the claim proper.

I don't want the
whereabouts spread around.

You know, claims has been jumped before.

- Are you trying to insinuate
that I'm a claim jumper?

Why, for two cents, I-
- Ah, ah, ah.

Peg Leg wasn't insinuating.

I wouldn't linger in town
too long if I were you.

Better protect your claim right away.

- That's just what I'm aiming to do.

Well, see you in a
couple of days, partner.

Windy, don't let that
printing press throw you.

- If he wasn't a friend of yours,

I'd pin his ears back.

- Windy, you displayed
unusual forbearance.

- Yeah, you're darn tootin'.

(soft whistling)

(crowd chatting)

- No, I ain't going to.

Oh, so you want a drink, huh?

Now that's fine, now ain't it?

Here I am exercising all
my willpower and fortitude,

and what do you do?

Huh, you go and stop right in
front of a place like this.

It disgusting that's what it is.

Fine partner you turned out to be.

Go ahead and drink.

See if I care.

Stick your ears in it.

You can drink all your mind of it,

but you ain't gonna force me to do none.

Oh, excuse me.


(bar patrons chatting)

I'll buy just one more drink.

Then I'm gone.

- Oh, he's said that for
the last three hours.

- Like to have a look
at your claim, Peg Leg.

I might buy in with you.

- Oh, you wanna see it?

- Mm-hmm.

- Well, I ain't telling nobody where it is

until I've filed on it.

Not even my mother.

(lively music)

Fill them up again.

- It's no use, Lilli.

I can't find out a thing.

The old mule's too stubborn to talk.

- Sometimes a mule can be
coaxed when he can't be driven.

Hello, Peg Leg.

- What'd you say?

- I didn't say anything, Peg Leg.

- There goes Lilli going to work.

- Oh, hello, Miss Lilli.

- I'm awfully happy to hear
of your good luck, Peg Leg.

- Uh, huh?

Oh, let's have a drink on it.

- Not unless I can buy you one first.

Sandy, bring out my private bottle.

- Yeah, get that private bottle.

- Well, he might just as well
give up his mine right now,

and get it over with.

- I hope you've been smart enough

to protect your claim
in every way, Peg Leg.

- You bet your life I have.

- Are you sure the location
papers are made out properly?

You know, the description and all?

- Everything is writ out right
and proper all ready to file.

- I always had an idea you
could look out for yourself.

- Yeah, I sure can.

- But you must be careful.

Don't let anyone know where your mine

is located until after you've filed.

- Don't worry, Miss Lilli.

The location papers are staying right here

until after I get to the county seat.

- Here's to your mine, Peg Leg.

- Here's to yours.

(bar patrons chatting)

- He's carrying his location
map in his money belt.

Wouldn't it be too bad
if he had an accident

and lost those papers before
he'd had a chance to file them?

- Yes, wouldn't it?

I'll tell Blackie.

(chain rattles)

- Well, Bob.

There wasn't no sign of his location map

on him when they found the body.

It's my guess he didn't
die accidentally, nuther.

I'm betting he was hit from behind.

- I'm sure it was no accident.

Poor Peg Leg was m*rder*d in cold blood.

I'm going to write an editorial right now

that'll rouse this town to action.

It's time someone did something.

- "Until now the time has
come when the decent citizens

"of the town of Mesa
Grande must band together

"to stamp out the vicious, lawless element

"that's a blot on our community."

So says the editor.

(townspeople cheering)

That ain't all!

That ain't all he says!

- Never mind what else he says, Blackie.

If he's so keen on putting
law and order into effect,

why not elect him town marshal?

You've had the job long enough.

(townspeople laughing)

- You all heard what Lilli said.

Y'all heard what Lilli said!

All those in favor, say aye.

- [Crowd] Aye.

- The election is unanimous.

Let's go and pin a badge
on the new marshal.

(townspeople shouting)

(g*n firing)

- Three cheers for
Saunders, the new marshal.

(townspeople shouting)

- We're for law and order!

- Tom.

- They're worse than rattlers.

(g*n fires)
(townsmen shouting)

- What is it, Windy?

- It's the boys from the Silver Slipper.

They're coming this way.

- They must have objected
to my last editorial.

- Oh, yeah?

Well, if it's gunplay they're looking for,

they're sure gonna get it.

- Put up your g*n, Windy.

You'd better let me handle this situation.

(townspeople shouting)

Gentlemen, what can I do for you?

- Mr. Saunders, since you
appointed yourself chief spokesman

for law and order in our fair community,

we decided to let you be the law, if any.

You are hereby appointed the town marshal.

- This wasn't your
idea, was it, Claiborne?

- And what if it wasn't?

- I thought not.

It's far too subtle for your intelligence.

Very well, since you have
given me the authority,

you can tell your boss-

- Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

You keep Lilli's name out of this.

(men chuckling)

- As I was saying,

you tell your boss that law and order

shall be brought to Mesa Grande.

- If you're figuring on
importing outside help,

you'd better tell them to bring
their own funeral expenses.

We're getting kind of tired of

taking up collections to bury deputies.

(men chuckling)

- I have work to do, gentlemen.

Good day.
- And so have we.

- Good day, Mr. Marshal.
- So have we.

Good day, sir.

(Claiborne laughs)

Good day.

Well, boys, we got a new marshal!

Let's celebrate.

(townsmen cheering)

- You gonna let him bluff you?

Deputize me, and I'll
clean them up for you.

- No, Windy.

We must wait.

We must have help,

someone with brains as well as courage.

- You go bringing in some outsider,

it'll be a plain case of su1c1de.

Why, they wouldn't have a chance.

- I feel sure the man I have in mind

can take care of himself.

- And who might this one-man army be?

- A gentleman by the
name of Hopalong Cassidy.

- Hoppy?

Holy smoke, why didn't
I think of him before?

- What, do you know him?

- Know him?

Why I rode herd with him for years.

Learned him everything he knows.

Ask him he'll tell you.

I'm wondering whether he'd be willing

to leave his home range.

- I think he will, if I ask.

I feel sure,

that I won't have to ask him twice.

- Hoppy.

(Windy laughs)

- You getting tired, Tenderfoot?

- Oh, it's not my feet.

Seems like we've been riding for a week.

I'm beginning to wonder if there is

such a place as Mes Grande.

- Well, I didn't want you
tagging along in the first place.

- Think I'm gonna let
the oldest member of the

Cassidy family have all
the fun and excitement?

- After spending all that money on you,

putting you through a good school,

you wind up acting like
an ordinary cowhand.

- It's not that I don't
appreciate what you've done, Bill.

But before I settle down, I
wanna see a little excitement.

I was told I'd get plenty of
it stringing along with you.

- Nevermind, that soft soap.

Come on.
(Buddy laughs)

- Hey, 10 miles more to go.

My stomach's beginning to wonder

if I haven't got a grudge against it.

I'm gonna stop and rest.

- All right.

(snake rattles)

Are you hurt, ma'am?

- That was a bad one.

I'm all right now, thanks to you, Mister?

- Cassidy's the name.

No thanks necessary.

- I'll try to even things up
some way if I can, Mr. Cassidy.

Are you headed for Mesa Grande?

- I aim to stay there for a spell.

- Look me up.

Just ask for Lilli Marsh
at the Crystal Slipper.

- Thanks.

Think you can handle him
all right now, ma'am?

- I'm sure I can.

- There you are.

- Hope to see a lot of you, Mr. Cassidy.

- Can't tell.

Maybe you will.

- Goodbye.

- Goodbye.

- Trying to hog everything for yourself?

Why didn't you keep her here
long enough to introduce me?

- I figure I'll have enough
trouble looking after you

without you getting mixed up with ladies

that wear diamonds as big as spur buckles.

(Buddy laughs)

- I'm beginning to see where I might

like Mesa Grande after all.

(Buddy and Hopalong laughing)

- Lil back yet?

- Yeah, she's up the ranch.

- Look!

Well, the nerve of that
dirty, thieving rougher.

I'll fill him so full of holes,

you could use him for a gravel screen.

- What in the world's got into you?

- That's my saddle.

That's the one that was stole
the first night I got in town.

- Get away from that horse.

- Not till I get my saddle, I warrant.

It's mine, and I can prove it.

- You ain't gonna prove nothing.

I don't allow nobody fingering my things.


Go on!

- Windy, go on back to the office.

- Well, it's only because you're asking.

But when Cassidy comes,

I'll get that dirty
saddle-stealing polecat.

- So you're bringing in some
sucker from the outside?

Think it'll do any good?

- I'm sure he will.

- Going to clean us out, huh?

Is that what you mean?

- Exactly.

We're going to put a stop to
the robbing and murdering.

We're going to find out why it is

that every prospector
who makes a gold strike

either loses his mine in
a crooked gambling game

or accidentally dies before
he can file on his claim.

Bear that in mind, gentlemen,

and act accordingly.

- I don't like those last remarks.

Sounds like he's getting personal.

- Think I better teach
him a little lesson?

- Yeah.

He's talking altogether too much.

- Mary!


(Mary screams)

- Daddy!

(townspeople muttering)

(Mary sobbing)
(townsmen clamoring)

Daddy! (sobbing)

Daddy. (sobs)


- Control yourself, Mary.

- Why doesn't somebody get a doctor?

- Get the doctor, Jim.

- Yes, right now.
- Get a doctor.

(townspeople clamoring)

- Wonder what's happened, come on.

What's the matter here, what happened?

- Why, Saunders, the
newspaperman got hurt.

- Saunders?
- Yes.

(Mary weeping)

- Cassidy.

Gosh, I'm glad to see you.

I guess you got here just in time.

(Mary weeping)

- Bob.

- I knew you'd come, Hoppy.


- Buddy, get our saddle
blankets we'll carry him home.

- No, use.

I think they've finished me.

(Mary sobs)

- What do you mean?

Who did it?

- I couldn't see.

They came up in back of me.

I don't think I'd be far wrong in saying

it was the same ones who k*lled Peg Leg.

I want you to do one thing for me.

- Anything you ask, Bob.

- I want you to help make
this part of the country

a fit place for people to live.

- I'll do my best, Bob.

- Look after Mary.

(Mary weeps)

- I can't help it, Hoppy. (sobs)

He gave me a lift when
I needed it the most.

- I know how you feel, old-timer.

- [Windy] Yeah.

- He did about the same for me.

Can't you think of anyone
that might have had

a personal grudge against your father?

- Might have been any one of the crowd

at the Crystal Slipper.

They all disliked him.

- Did your father ever make a point of

mentioning names lately?

- Yes, the time he wrote
about Peg Leg Holden's death.

He said it was strange
that Lilli Marsh had

suddenly discovered a rich
gold mine the very next day.

- Who was this Peg Leg Holden?

- An old prospect whom Dad
had grubstaked for years.

- I suppose your father had an interest

in anything that Holden might find.

- I believe, they had some sort of

an agreement to that effect.

- By cracky, Hoppy, I see
what you're driving at.

Peg Leg Holden showed up
at the Crystal Slipper

one night roaring drunk.

He was tossing high-grade ore around

like he had all the gold in the world.

Next day, he was found
dead with his neck broke.

- There you are, Hoppy.

Old Hawkshaw the detective's

got it all figured out for you.

- Ah, sew up your lip, you young squirt,

before I take a couple of
stitches in it for you.

- Aw, calm down you old
windbag before you blow up.

- Buddy, that's enough.

I guess that's all you
can tell us, Miss Mary.

Thanks for coming over.

Buddy, see that Miss Mary gets home safe.

- Glad to.

- Maybe I'd better go
along with him, Hoppy.

See's he don't get lost in the dark.

- Don't worry about me, Father Time.

If I ever need a nursemaid,

I won't go to the old
people's home to find one.

- Come on.

- Brother or no brother, sooner or later,

I'm gonna pin that young
whippersnapper's ears back for him.

- Oh, take it easy, old-timer.

He ain't like you and me.

He's young.

He's got a lot to learn.

Maybe he will if we have a
little patience with him.

Come on I want to go over
to the Crystal Slipper

and have a look at those guys.

(bar patrons chatting)

(lively music)

- Hey!

The new marshal's headed this way.

- Go on with your playing.

Keep up that music.

- [Paton] Eddie, us
another drink, would you?

(patrons chatting)

(lively piano music)

- I smell something.

Do you?
- Yeah.

Must be a polecat.

Or the law.

Give me a drink, Sandy.

Well, Mr. New Town Marshal,

I suppose you're here
for the purpose of making

Mesa Grande a decent
place to live in, huh?

- That's a rough idea
of what I'm here for.

- Gonna make a Sunday
School picnic grounds

out of the place, ain't you?

- Mightn't be a bad idea at that.

Thanks for suggesting it.

- Go ahead and make your speech, Mister,

and get it over with.

- I ain't making no speeches,

but I'm telling you something.

From now on this town ain't
gonna be a healthy spot

for them that don't watch their steps.

Is that clear?

- Say, what's going on here?

Hello, Mr. Cassidy.
- Howdy, ma'am.

- I was hoping you'd show up.

Sandy, bring out a
bottle of your best wine.

This is the man who saved my life today.

Here you are the best in the house.

- I'm sorry to refuse,
ma'am, but I'm not drinking.

- You didn't have that badge
on when I saw you today.

- I didn't own it then.

- You're not gonna let that piece of tin

keep us from being friends, are you?

- That's entirely up to you.

- Then come on and drink with me.

- I said I wasn't drinking.

- If Lilli says you're
drinking, you're drinking.

- All right, Mister.

But so long as I'm drinking,

I'd rather have something I like.

- [Hopalong] Give him
whatever you wants, Sandy.

- Give me a tumbler of straight whiskey.

- You must have a cast iron stomach.

- Here's how.

Folks that get careless with g*ns

ain't got no right carrying them.

Windy, put that in the jail safe.

The next time you or anybody else

starts any gunplay in this town,

you'll find yourself cooling off in jail.

I figure you all know how
I stand on things by now.

Anybody's got any objections,

they can take it up with me personally.

I aim to be around for some time.

Good night, ma'am.

- Good night.

- Say, look at Lilli.

She don't know whether to kiss
the new marshal or k*ll him.

- I wish, I had my choice.

- Put it away.

(bar patrons chatting)

- Hey, what's come over you anyhow?

Why, there used to be a
time when both of your g*ns

would be out talking before
you'd been in a place

like that two minutes.

- I wasn't wearing a badge then.

Now things have got to be done legal like.

I ain't doing no sh**ting
unless I have to.

Hey, where you headed, kid?

- Came to have some fun.

- That's one place you're staying out of.

- Aw, Hoppy, you gonna begrudge
me a little excitement?

- I got an idea you'll find
plenty of it around here

without even looking for it, come on.

(bar patrons chatting)

- So the tough boy's going
out to get the marshal.

Is that the idea?

Since when have you started
doing things without being told?

Better walk softly, Bob.

I couldn't afford to lose
anybody as valuable as you are.

I'll take care of Mr. Cassidy myself.

- I'm not blind.

I know what's happened.

You've gone soft on this Cassidy
because he saved your life.

- My, but you're smart.

Did you figure that out all by yourself?

- Yes, and what's more-

- That's enough out of you!

You were nothing but a cheap tinhorn

till I brought you here from Chicago

and made something out of you.

And remember this.

I'm still boss.

- Yes, I know, Lilli.

But if we don't get this
Cassidy, he'll get us.

It means our necks or his.

And remember, you're in just
as deep as the rest of us.

- Do you have to tell me all that?

Don't you worry.

I've kept us out of hot water so far,

and Mr. Cassidy or no Mr. Cassidy,

I'll go right on doing it.

If he gets in our way.

- We heard about you, Mr. Cassidy,

and we're willing to do anything you ask.

- Thanks.

I just wanted to know if the decent folks

in the neighborhood of Mesa Grande

was willing to back me up.

- Anything you say.

- Say, how about starting right now?

- I'll let you know when we're ready.

Might not be so long coming, at that.

Meanwhile, spread the news around

to the rest of your friends, will you?

- Sure will, Marshal.

- So me and Cassidy's trying to find out

if you decent folks is with
us in cleaning up Mesa Grande.

- Well, I don't know
if we've got any right

mingling in town affairs.

- All right, if you
want to go on tolerating

tinhorn gamblers that carry
six aces in their decks,

that's your business.

- Tell the marshal I'll back him up.

Ain't gonna ring in no codex on me.

Leastwise, not anymore.

- You darn tootin'.

(g*n fires)

- Come on.

Come on, get on your feet.

Leave it alone!

You're under arrest.

- What for?

- You guess.

- I got a right to sh**t anybody

that comes around the
Crystal Slipper Mine.

- And I got a right to arrest anybody

that sh**t from ambush.

- You ain't got no jurisdiction outside

of the city limits of Mesa Grande.

- There ain't nothing to keep me

from hauling you into the city limits

and arresting you there.

Get on your horse.

- Who was he sh**ting at, you or me?

- Looks to me like it was you.

- Dag-nab his ornery hide.

I got half a notion to take
the law in my own hands.

Despite my official position.

- Well, I can't say I'd more
than half blame you, Windy.

We'd better keep him alive.

We might learn about that mine of Lilli's.

- Cassidy's arrested Dugan.

He's got him locked up in the jail.

- What'd he arrest him for?

- For taking a shot at Windy.

The old fool was riding near the mine.

- Dugan's none too bright.

If he were questioned about the mine,

he might accidentally let something drop.

Wouldn't it be too bad if
something happened to him

before he had a chance to talk?

- Yeah, wouldn't it?

I'll tell Blackie.

(g*n fires)

- Gosh, Hoppy, I thought
somebody took a shot at you.

How'd it happen?

- Looks like somebody didn't
want him to do any talking.

- How much longer you gonna
let this drag on, Lilli?

Now Cassidy's getting the
ranchers lined up against us.

- You're just finding that out?

I knew it yesterday.

- Well, what are you gonna do about it?

Sit back and wait until we've

all got ropes around our necks?

- Are you ready to go
out and meet Mr. Cassidy

face-to-face with a g*n in your hand?

- Why, it would be easy if
you just got him up here.

- He's too smart to walk
into anything like that.

But if he ever gets careless.

(soft knock)

Who's there?

- [Hopalong] Me, ma'am, Cassidy.

- Get out I'll take care of this.

(bar patrons chatting)

Come in, Mr. Cassidy.

I'll see you later, Bob.

Won't you sit down?

- Thanks.

Nice place you got here, ma'am.

- I'm glad you like it.

Is this a business call,
Mr. Cassidy, or social?

- Well, it happens to be business.

See, a prisoner of mine
was k*lled yesterday,

and I figured you might be able

to help me find out who did it.

- Now how would I be able
to help you, Mr. Cassidy?

- Well, since he was working for you,

I thought you might know somebody

that held a grudge against him.

- Sorry, Mr. Cassidy.

I don't know any more
about it than you do.

- There's no harm in asking.

- It's all right with me.

- Nice piece of rock.

From your mine?

- That's some of the first ore we took out

of the Crystal Slipper.

There's a lot of gold in
that mine, Mr. Cassidy.

More than enough for one.

- You're lucky.

- If I could find someone I liked,

someone who had brains and
nerve to run that mine for me,

he'd be lucky, too.

I'd make him rich in no time.

- You mean.

- I couldn't have made
it much plainer, could I?

- Sorry, ma'am, I'm not interested.

I kind of like my present job.

- You don't like me, do you?

- Well, I can't say I exactly dislike you.

It's just the business you're in,

and the folks you string along with.

- I suppose you think I
should give everything up,

runaway from it all.

- Never thought of it.

But it mightn't be a bad idea at that.

- And if I don't runaway?

- I don't like making w*r on women,

but I got a job to do.

It seems that you and me are
lined up on opposite sides.

- Then I'm afraid it is w*r
between us, Mr. Cassidy.

- I hope it can be a fair fight.

- Good luck, Mr. Cassidy.

May the best man win.

- Thanks.

I wish you'd think things over, ma'am

just for your own sake.

(bar patrons chatting)

- I was right when I figured
you'd gone soft on him.

- What are you talking about?

- Cassidy I just saw him walking out.

- You see everything, don't you, Bob?

- Well, why didn't you get
him while you had the chance?

- You wouldn't understand if I told you.

- And why not?

- Because you're not a woman.

- Yes, I get it.

You're letting Cassidy make
suckers out of all of us

because you've fallen for him.

- Even if I have, I'm no
more anxious than you are

to spend the rest of my life in jail.

We'll get rid of Mr. Cassidy.

We'll have to.

Somehow I'm fool enough to almost

wish it could be a fair fight.

- Say, Benson.
- Yes, Marshal?

- Here's a piece of ore from
the Crystal Slipper Mine.

I want you to compare it with that ore

of Peg Leg Holden's you got in there.

- I'll check up on it right away.

- Keep it quiet.

Well, hello.

I thought you and Buddy were going riding.

- I'm afraid Buddy feels
there are other things

more important than going riding.

- Why if I was Buddy's age,

I couldn't think of
anything more important

than going riding with you.

Did he say what this business was

that took him away so sudden?

- He didn't have to say.

I've been looking for you, Mr. Cassidy.

Please don't think I'm a tattletale,

but I'm afraid Buddy's
gonna get into trouble.

- Well, where is he, what's he doing?

- Gambling.

- In there?

Now don't you worry about it.

We'll soon put a stop to that.

- Thank you, Mr. Cassidy.

- Lilli or no Lilli,

we're gonna take matters
into our own hands.

You wait for Cassidy,

and the first chance you
get, let him have it.

- Can't happen too soon to suit me.

- All right, you're all set.

That all, all right, sir, they're yours.

(patrons chatting)

- Blow on them for luck, Honey.

(Buddy grunts)
- Here he comes.

- Come on, 7-11.

- That's two and a one you lose.

- How about taking my
IOU for some more chips?

- Nevermind the IOU.

Come on, Buddy, we're going out of here.

- Aw, Hoppy, I'm just getting lucky.

Little while longer, and I'll be even.

- I told you I wanted
you to stay out of here,

and it still goes.

- Watch for your chance, Blackie.

I'm gonna start things moving.

You better run on, son.

Your nursemaid is liable to get mad

and spank you if you don't.

(patrons laughing)

- No one's playing nursemaid to me.

I'm over 21, and you and no one else

is gonna treat me like a baby.

Give me some more chips,
and I'll give you an IOU.

- Come on, get going.

- Keep your hands off me!

- You've got no right coming
in this way starting trouble.

- Don't you start anything
unless you can back it up.

- I'm backing him up, Mr. Marshal.

(g*n fires)

- I'll give you 10 minutes to
get out of town and stay out.

Come on!

(g*n rattles)

Come on, kid.

- You're not gonna get
away with humiliating me

in front of all these people, Mr. Cassidy.

You and I are quits.

- Where you going?
- None of your business.

- Oh, yes it is.

- What are you gonna do about it?

- [Hopalong] I'm gonna let you
cool off in jail for a while.

- Well, I guess there's no
use resisting, Mr. Marshal,

as long as you're wearing that tin badge.

(bar patrons chatting)

- When they get Buddy's things together,

I'm shipping him home.

- Aw, go easy on him, Hoppy.

He ain't like you and me.

He's just a kid.

He'll be all right if we have
a little patience with him.

- I don't know.

Might be pretty hard to handle.

- Well, so was you when you was his age.

Times when I felt like
taking a poke at you myself.

You just leave him to me.

I'll bring him around, all right.

- Kind of like him a little
bit yourself, don't you.

- Oh, I guess so.

He's a Cassidy, ain't he?

(Hopalong chuckles)

- Ah, you'd better leave him in there.

Might do him good.

And if he's hungry, get
him something to eat.

- I've got you right 'twixt the eyes.

- [Mary] Oh, Windy, may I come in?

- Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, come right in.

Come right in.

For me?
- Oh, no, that's for Buddy.

I've just heard he's been locked up.

- Well, too bad, Miss Mary,

but ain't nobody allowed to see prisoners.

But I'll give it to him.

- Thanks, Windy.

- Son, why don't you try
squaring yourself with Hoppy?

- What for, it was he who humiliated me.

- Certainly, he (stammers).

Well, it's your own fault, ain't it?

Brother or no brother you'll
learn that it ain't in the

cards to sh**t off your
lip to Hopalong Cassidy.

- Well, he did it just to show off.

- Why, you dag-nabbed ignorant youngin.

He done it to keep you out of trouble.

Why, if anything had, had happened to you,

he'd never forgive himself.

- He's got a mighty funny
way of showing his affection.

- Well, maybe he has
according to your like.

But if you live long enough,

you'll learn that he thinks more of you

than anything in the whole world.

- Why, I guess maybe I was

a little out of line with him, Windy.

- Yeah.

- I'm beginning to see
things more clearly.

- Huh, maybe that humil...

Well, maybe he done you
some good after all.

(Buddy and Windy laughs)

- [Tim] Oh, Marshal?

- Yeah?

- I checked on these two pieces of ore,

and I say they both
came from the same vein.

- Would you be willing to swear
to that in a court of law?

- Why, of course.

And if need be, I could
find 10 other assayers

that'd back up my statement.

- I expect to be needing
your testimony right soon.


- Good night, Marshal.

- Hey, that reminds me.

How about feeding the horses?

- Forgot all about it.

Take care of it right away, Hoppy.

- Hey, Windy.

Come here, will you?

- What do you want?

- Well, I wanted a drink of
water, but nevermind bothering.

- Get it yourself.

- Windy just told me a couple of things

I never learned in school, Hoppy.

Oh, I'm sorry.

- Oh, forget about it, kid.

- Well, what's the idea?

- Evidence.

Them two little pieces of rock

might turn the trick for us, son.

- Looks like you're gonna
have a wholesale lot

of lynchings on your hands.

- Oh, no we're not.

Any prisoners we get are
gonna be taken right over

to the county seat to get a
fair trial by an honest jury.

Hey, Windy, better get
them g*ns cleaned, too.

(metal clanking)

Hey, Pete, think you can put
some links in these for me?

- Sure can.

Expect to be using them soon, Marshal?

- Before the day's over.

- Fix it right away for you, Marshal.

- Safe and ready, Pete?

- Yeah, that shoe will
stay on this time, I think.

- Thanks.

If you weren't so busy enforcing

law and order here in town, Mr. Cassidy,

I'd invite you to ride
out to my ranch with me.

- So long as you're headed out of town,

it might be wise to keep right on going.

- Are you advising or ordering?

- Advising.

I told you I didn't like the
idea of making w*r on women.

- Help me up, please.

I'm not interested in either
your advice or your orders.

Lilli Marsh never runs away
from anything or anybody.

Besides, if I were to
leave, who'd look after you?

- Buck, I'm taking things over.

- What's the idea?

- Well, since Blackie's run out on us,

it looks like Lilli's getting ready

to double-cross us with the marshal.

Are you going to back me up?

- Never liked the idea of
taking orders from women.

- That's all I wanted to know.

- Leave that money alone.

- Get your hands off those chips!

- I won't, I saw you deal from the bottom!

- What's the matter, you?

Can't you stand losing a little money

without crying about it?

- Yes, but I won't stand
for having it stolen.

- You can't get away with
that kind of talk in here.

- Oh, you cutthroats have
been getting away with.

This town's gonna wake up someday,

and you tinhorns are gonna find yourselves

with ropes around your necks.

- Well, it won't be you who does it.

- Don't draw, Claiborne.

Come here.

(birds chirping)

I told you the next
time a man got careless

handling a firearm,
he'd be thrown in jail.


Come on.

- Cassidy's got Claiborne.

- I've been waiting for
this chance for a long time.

- Me, too.

Charlie, get a rope.

- Boys, this is only the start.

- Boys, let's take this job
off the marshal's hands.

- [Tim] I knew they'd get it
bad if we waited long enough.

(townsmen shouting)

- [Jim] We'll take care of
Claiborne for you, Cassidy.

- What do you aim to do with that?

- [Townsman] Going to string him up.

- [Townsman] The skunk
shot my son in the back.

- You want to file any
charges against him,

he'll be held for trial.

- [Townsman] We ain't
gonna wait for no trial.

We're taking matters into our own hands.

This rat k*lled my buddy.

- Listen, men, you wanted
law and order in this town,

and you're gonna get it.

Now go on about your business.

- [Charlie] We don't like
going against you, Marshal,

but we're taking care
of this little matter.

If you won't give up your
prisoner, we'll have to take him.

- [Townsman] Hanging's too good for him.

Come on, let's take him.

- I'm warning you.

You try to take this prisoner,

you're gonna have to get me first.

- [Townsman] Don't be a fool, Cassidy.

You can't stand out the whole town alone.

- Who says he has to do it alone?

Come on, there open up.

- He said open up, didn't he?

- Hey, Hoppy?
- Yeah?

- Where to you keep the
shells to these g*ns?

- [Hopalong] You mean
you was running a bluff?

- Well, I had to,
couldn't find the shells.

- (laughs) You'll do all right.

- You're just plain yellow.

Cassidy told you to run, and you ran.

- He had the drop on me.

- I can't use anybody who
lets himself be run out.

We're through.

- Oh, no.

No, we're not.

What about my share in the
mine and everything else?

- Looks like the marshal's
gonna keep you from collecting.

- That's what you think.

- What are you gonna do about it?

- I'm coming in tonight.

Cassidy or nobody else is
gonna run me out of town.

- I wish I could believe
you had the nerve.

- Watch and see.

- Too bad they put a window
on the jail like that.

I guess, you'll be safe, though.

I don't reckon they'll try to stop you

from talking like they did Dugan.

- Cassidy, don't leave me here.


- They'll what?

- Nothing.

- You got something to
say, go on and say it.

- I've got nothing to say.

- Too bad Lilli Marsh

didn't feel the same way about things.

- What did that dirty
double-crosser tell you?

- I kind of gathered that
you were in on the k*lling

of Peg Leg Holden and Bob Saunders.

- She's lying, she's just
trying to get rid of me.

- Maybe so, but I hope
the news don't get around.

The town might decide to go
on with that necktie party.

- She's lying, I tell you.

It wasn't me who k*lled
Saunders and Holden.

It was Blackie.

You promise you wouldn't
let them string me up?

Don't let him get me, Cassidy.

- Too bad we don't know where
Big Blackie is hiding out.

If they had him to chase after,

they might forget about you.

- I'll tell you.

I'll tell you where he is.

The hideout's up at the
Crystal Slipper Mine.

- Hey, Windy, you missed all the fun.

- Huh, what happened?

- Well, we're ready to start the roundup.

Windy, you'd better spread the
word around to the ranchers

to head for town.

- You're darn tootin'.

(men laughing)

(suspenseful music)

- Hit the trail to town, men.

Cassidy's ready to smoke out
that Silver Slipper outfit.

Get to town fast as you can, boys.

Cassidy's starting the roundup.

Cassidy's ready for you fellers.

Head for town.

- All right, boys, get your
horses and let's get going.

(suspenseful music)

- Good work, Windy.
- Oh, yeah.

Always depend on me.

- We're ready for your orders, Marshal.

- Thanks, I need four men to
stay here and guard the jail.

- Tex, that's your job.

- Looks like poison to me.

- Me, too.

- Six men ought to be enough
to take care of them rustlers

out at Lilli Marsh's ranch.

I offer to take over that job, Marshal.

Come on, boys.

- Let's head for the mine.

They follow us up there we'll give them

some of their own poison.

- The rest of us will ride
out to Crystal Slipper Mine.

Better get some shells.

- Get going.

Eh, put that g*n up, kid.

You don't belong
in this kind of a ruckus.

You're gonna do just what I tell you.

You're sticking right here.

(Windy laughs)

That's right think we're
gonna have time

to ride herd on a
fatheaded youngin like you?

- Since it's you who's giving orders,

Methuselah, guess I'll have to obey.

- [Hopalong] All right, Davis, let's go.

(suspenseful music)

- Spread out and cover them!

Let them have it!

(g*n fires)

- Take cover, boys.

(g*n fires)

- Just give the word,
Cassidy, and we'll rush them.

- No, there's too many
men to go in head on.

You stay down here.

William and me will do a
little scouting around.

We might be able to get in from the back.

Come on.

(g*ns firing)

(g*ns firing)

(g*n fires)

- My g*n was loaded that time, Hoppy!

- That's Buddy.

(g*ns firing)

- Take him out there and tie him up.

(g*ns firing)

Get the rope.

Get under his arms.

- What do you aim to do with me?

Make that brother of yours
come to time.

Come on, get going.

Get down in there.

- Are you surrendering?

- Surrendering, nothing.

Tell Cassidy to call off his
men and give us 24 hours gone

or he can kiss his baby brother goodbye.

- Tell Hoppy for me that
if he backs off now,

he's no Cassidy.

You better do what Buck says, Hoppy.

I got to do what the kid says.

Even if we pull out now,
I wouldn't press Buck.

You better get back.

I'm going up alone.

- Not long as I can crawl
after you, I warrant.

- We can't let him get away with that.

Tell Cassidy he's got just
two minutes left to decide.

(g*ns firing)

Give me your knife.

Well, there goes one Cassidy
we won't have to worry about.

(g*ns firing)

- Stick them up.

All right, get their g*ns, Windy.

- [Windy] Give me that g*n.

Come on with it.

- Come on, get over here all of you!

Keep them covered, Windy.

- Look, Cassidy's got him.

- You all right, kid?

- Yeah, I guess so.

- All right, Windy, cut him loose.

- Maybe we better keep
the young squirt tied up.

Might keep him out of trouble,

leastwise till we get
back to town. (chuckles)

- Are you sure you don't
want some of the boys

to stand by, Marshal?

- No, thanks.

We can take care of
herding the prisoners over

to the county seat in the morning.

- Yeah, you're darn tootin'.

- Well, good night, Marshal.

- Good night, Davis, and thanks.

- Come on, fellas.

(lively piano music in bar)

(patrons laughing and chuckling in bar)

(glass shatters)

- Give me a whiskey, Sandy.

- Got more nerve than I thought you had.

- Got lots of things you never thought.

- You made a mistake coming back to town.

Looks like we're finished.

Boys at the mine are cleaned out.

Claiborne's in jail.

Cassidy's holding all the aces.

- All of the aces and
the joker, Claiborne.

With Cassidy out of the way,

we won't have to worry
about anybody else, will we?

- No.

No, we never had to before, did we?

- Hey, Jack.

- Hm?

- You tell Cassidy for me
that if he's half the man

he thinks he is, I'll be here waiting.

- I didn't think you had it in you.

(patrons chatting and laughing)

- Well, we kind of saved
each other's necks today,

didn't we, kid?

(door creaking)

- Marshal, I've got a message for you.

- Go ahead.
- Blackie's back in town.

- Where is he?
- Said he'd be

at the Crystal Slipper.

For you to come a gunning
if you feel lucky.

- Well, tell him I feel lucky.

- I'm going with you, Hoppy.

I wanna have a little
talk with Blackie myself,

about my saddle.

- Nobody's going with me.

This business I got with
Blackie Felton is personal.

(bar patrons chatting)

- What's the matter you backing down?

I thought you'd be out in the street

gunning for Cassidy by this time.

- Yeah?

There's more than one
way of skinning a cat.

- Why, you yellow.

I knew you didn't have the
nerve to meet him face to face.

- Keep your mouth shut!

This time it's my play.

- Put up that g*n!

Look out, Cassidy!
(g*n fires)

(glass shatters)

(g*n fires)

(g*n fires)

(g*n fires)

(gentle music)

- You take it easy, ma'am.

I'll get the doctor.

- No, don't leave me.

Doctor can't do any good now.

- Oh, sure he can.

You'll be all right.

- Too late.

I've been wanting to even my
score with you, Mr. Cassidy.

I guess I have, haven't I?

- You've more than evened it.

Somehow you make me wish
I'd met you 10 years sooner.

Just knowing you's made me
want to do so many things

I've forgotten how to do.

- I knew you had a decent
streak in you somewhere.

That's why I wanted to give you a chance.

- I don't suppose I'll have much use

for anything where I'm going,

least of all a gold mine.

See that Mary Saunders
gets the Crystal Slipper.

It's hers by rights, anyway.


Strange, we never do
the right things until,

until it's too late.

There's something I've been
wanting you to do, Mr. Cassidy.

More than anything else in the world.

Would it be asking too much

if I asked you to kiss me?

(gentle music)

- I kind of figured the kid would want

to be trailing back home with us.

I guess it was Mary that
changed his mind, huh?

- [Hopalong] Some womenfolks
have a way of changing

a man's mind without him
even knowing it.

Funny, ain't it?

[Windy] Yeah, ain't it?

(gentle music)

(dramatic music)

(bright music)