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Chinese Den, The (1940)

Posted: 11/19/23 20:01
by bunniefuu
So this is the great wild life of Singapore

What's this place called?

"Tanga Tanga", Sir,a very lively spot,Sir

So they tell me

Stubbins hasn't been out
with me for three years

and finding it by the way by Singapore

Have you sampled it yourself?

-What? Me,Sir?

Certainly not,Sir

I'm a family man

I don't go to such places

-Stubbins,where have you been so long?
-Beautiful moonshine

Later on,can't you see I'm busy,get off

You did say this was your
first visit,didn't you?

Yes,Sir,a case of mistaken identity,Sir

They thought they'd
met me at the Mission

- A table for two, gentlemen?
-Thank you

I don't think much of this table

Very full tonight

Everybody in Singapore comes
to Tanga Tanga.

What about one of the alcoves?

This is what all we have

- Aren't they empty?
- No, no,it's occupied

-No,look,the curtains are drawn
-No,sorry,Excellency,it's occupied

Excuse please

Sit down,forget it

Are they all like that?

Good evening Dr Cameron

- Hello,Mr Lum.How are you?
- Very well,thank you

You like a nice table?

No, no.Don't bother,I'm
just having a look around


Hello, young fellow,my lad

Never seen you among the
bright lights before

Made it to my brother's party

Harold,it's Dr Cameroon.

-How do you do-How do you do
- New out here?

Yes,three days.Leaving tomorrow morning
for Suruh rubber plantations

- Suruh?
- Yes what's the matter with Suruh

No,there's nothing that matters with Suruh

-It's a great place... for rubber
-Go easy with him,will you?

Don't pay any attention to
me,I'm just an old blither

You'll get there all right ,
a wee bit lonely maybe

But I'll give you a bit of advice.

Did you ever heard the moral of
the crocodile and Chinaman's wife?

I can't say I have


If you ever should be attempted

No,I won't spoil your fun,later perhaps

For all I've seen of Malaya
so far,I like very much

But you haven't seen Suruh

Well,goodbye,I'll look
in and see you some day

- Good night.
-Good night,Doc

She is an English girl!

How much have ever been read of love

Too much have ever been said of love

And few of said hearts have been broken.

-What's she doing here?
-Earning a living I expect

A callous remark

a yes means no

a callous remark

that keeps tormenting your soul

so smaller things can bore deep

in the one of you desire.

And I'm dying grief

that love has to end

the hopeless belief that
any heartache will mend

until you hear a voice that comes through

there's no smoke without fire

When it began would you have thought a man

could ever mean so much to you then?

She's lovely

Well,I wouldn't get too
worked up about it

Only book for Hong Kong next week
and Shanghai the week after

And I leave for up river in the morning

What heartless mistake

and then from regret

a faultless mistake that
you can never forget

because you are afraid
that comes to haunt you

and no smoke without fire

Just my luck as soon as
I need a real stunner

But you haven't met her yet.

But I'm going to

Always a little up to it

But he is a very nice gentleman,
he wants very much to meet you

But I don't want very much to meet him

-Good night, Mr. Lum
-Please, Miss Sadie.

Wait just one,just one little minute.


-The young lady who has just been singing

Sorry she's gone home already

Don't be silly she hadn't
have time to change.

I'm commander Marquess,
this is my brother.

Will you take her a message?
We should very much like to meet her

I tell you,please, she's very busy.

- Do you like very much to see her?
- Yes, of course,we would

You come again tomorrow night

I thought you were up against the
famous Chinese wall,you don't know it

Come on

- Stubbins
- Sir,aye

-Don't let us break up the party,Stubbins
-Stubbins,your Tanga tanga is a flop

Where do we go from here?

Follow me,Sir,I'll show you
around the mission

You make a big mistake.

He's a really nice gentleman

- He owns plenty cars,plenty,plenty house
- I don't care if he owns the bank.

He does own the bank

now please sit down just one minute
and make a little talk with him

Now listen, Mr. Lum.We
made a contract,haven't we?


And it's a very nice contract.

But there is nothing in it about sitting
down making talk with nice gentlemen.

And if there is

I'm not not going to do it,not even
with nice gentlemen who own banks

May I express my entire
sympathy,Miss Merivale

I couldn't help help
overhearing your natural protest

Let me offer my apologies for the
annoyance my request has called you

-Your request?
-This is my friend,Honourable Yuan Sing.

- And then. yes..
- I'm afraid so.

I wouldn't have to take the step

but for the impression that you might
be leaving for England very soon

Well,yes I am

Then I'm very glad my selfish wish to
meet you has outweighed my courtesies

You make me feel that
something has outweigh mine

- Am I forgiven?
- I think we're quit

I'm sorry I was rude to you

I would like to stay a little while

You are very kind, Miss Merivale.

After (pour?) three
things are expecting us :

food,a little wine and
a little conversation.

Isn't that Omar Khayyam?


Ming Chen who lived two thousand years
before him,but still true.

It is,it's began to work already

I was so worried

you may misunderstood my motives in
seeking to meet you tonight,Miss Merivale

- Well, I know,I...
- Will you drink?

Thank you.

I will be frank with you.

I've been interested in you from
the moment when I first saw you


- How very kind
- Is it?

- Well... yes. For someone who...
- Who is not a Westerner?

There are a quiet a lot of ordinary
human instincts in the East,Miss Merivale

In fact, my ancestors
believed that barbarism

- was an occidental claim
- How extraordinary

But of course we've learned since

the right to be called civilized must
rest on high expl*sives bombs.

So we are sadly out of date

- That's true they are laughing..
- No, no, no.I assure you know

I just love the east.

You see, Miss Merivale

I have some other interests besides banks

Tell me about them


My bungalow up the river

It contains my best loved treasuries

I'm sure you would appreciate it

Why me?

Because I believe there is an
affinity between lovely things.

I wish I could believe that

Perhaps you allow me to convince you.

But there isn't very much time,
you see, I'm leaving on Saturday

Then I must demonstrate
the fuse of it by Saturday.

Wish me good luck with it,Miss Merivale


Do you like it?

It's like an enchanted castle.

I only hope I can live up to it

How far is the nearest house from here?

The Suruh plantation is
5 miles across the river.

Otherwise there is no
house for thirty miles.

And now I will show you your new home.

What a darling baby. What's her name?


He's welcoming the new Mistress
of the Chinese Bungalow

Thank you very much.

What shall I call you?

Unfortunately he doesn't understand English

But you'll be so soon be
learning to speak Chinese.

I call this the lacquer room

I've combed both the east and
the west to make it perfect.

Up here it is cooler

Will you enlarge the little dream of mine?

At last my ambition is fulfilled.

To see the chair occupied.

Is this where we sit when people come?


Yes. When we entertain

The young partner from Suruh
is the only man within a day's journey

And I have not the pleasure
of his acquaintance

This is Ayah.

Perhaps she would like to
show you to your room.

Yes thank you,I should like to tidy up

The Madame is happy with her room?

-Oh,you speak English.

Oh what a beautiful coat

It is a present for the
Madame from his Excellency

It's exquisite

It was once worn by the empress of China
at the imperial palace of Beijing

Oh,a weeping sleeve,we can weep into

Those the Madame will never need

It is the gamelan

The Malay honours the
Madame's arrival,singing and dancing


That music is so thrilling

- Take me to see them dancing
-There's no need

I've conveyed your thanks to them already

But there's music and dancing

- Can't we go and look at them?
- No, they don't expect it.

They might not even appreciate it.

-You mean they might..?

We leave them to amuse themselves
in their own primitive way

Come,come relax.

What perfect here

Cool night air

scent of flowers


I'm going to be happy here.

I know I'm going to be happy

Hello there!


This is grand.What are you doing up river?

I'm on my way to Baya
Morgan is in with a fever.

- You stop and have some food?
-No,no time for anything

But a drink,ha ha

Doc,this is grand

You know,I'm not going to let you rush off

-I need your advice professionally too
-What's wrong with you?

Here an unadulterated boredom.

You know how I'm going to stick
it out until I get my Singapore leave

I felt the same way myself
twenty years ago.

But I learned one thing.

And that is

that you can face anything

viewed through the right end of a glass

You know this place is share hell.

I don't see a white man once in a blue moon

and it's just my luck

that my only neighbour should be a Chinese.

Oh that's reminds me

You'd better have a look at this

So you see,your district is
becoming quite fashionable

Good Lord

I've seen her in Singapore.

She's marvellous

- I say,this is a really lucky break
- Don't be a damned fool

Married woman never ever

Well, goodbye

I look back again on my way back from Baya.

Good,remember me to Morgan and
don't drink all his whiskey

And you remember:

if it is a choice between a
crocodile and a Chinaman's wife

Pick the crocodile.

- It's safer.
- Goodbye.


No,no give me something else

His Excellency would like it.

Take it away.

Good morning,my cherry blossom.
Did you sleep well?

Yes,thank you

But how is it that you never wear
that coat I gave you the other day?

Well,it's too hot.

Oh,yes you look pale.

Shadows under your eyes

It's the heat.What's that?

Oh,you're not going away again

Well,unfortunately, I must go
to Singapore on business.


Well,then I can come with you.

Oh,that's impossible.

And besides, if you've no colour in
your cheeks in this cool bungalow

what would happen to you
in the heat of Singapore?

But I don't like being left here alone

Do you realize that since we've being
married I haven't seen a single fresh face?

You are not content with your husband?

Yes but...

You go away on business for weeks at
a time and leave me with nothing to do.

There's no one to talk to

And without people to
talk to you are lonely

Well, it's only natural to
want to see people.

Don't you understand?

Please, Sing,please take me with you.

It is because you are lonely
that I'm going away

No,don't talk in riddles

This is no riddle,I've seen
that you are lonely

So I'm going to Singapore to
bring you back a present

which will cure your loneliness.

Come with me to the
landing station and see me off


Oh, hello

Been a luck catching you like this what
are you doing outside the prison walls?

Well,I've just been seeing my
husband off for Singapore.

Oh,then I come in

I've always wanted to see around your place

Oh no I'm afraid you can't possibly

Are you afraid I might pinch the silver?

- No,but

That's Shakespeare,I think

Goodbye, Mr. Marquess

What's the rush?

What are you planning to do today?


Neither am I so we might
as well do it together

No,really, I can't

Oh come along,we'll have a lot of fun

Besides it's a criminal offence
to leave you all alone

All right.

- I'll come
- That's grand

Now come along,careful how you get in there

That's right

Come in

You can take the big trunk

Miss Charlotte Merivale?


Did Mr. Sing send you to meet me?

I am Yuan Sing


But... I expected...

You expected a very impressive
figure in mandarin robes

with the conventional pig tail?

No,of course not

I apologize if I disappointed you.

But I'm most happy to welcome
my sister-in-law.

Is Sadie here?

No. As I told you in my letter, I wanted
your visit to be a complete surprise to her

-Is she well?
-Oh,very well.

But very lonely.

That's why I decided to ask
you to come out and join us

It was very kind of you

I was worried to death about her

Until I had your letter I hadn't
heard anything for months.

And was the news in my letter a shock?

Yes,frankly I suppose it was

And yet you accepted my invitation

I believe in seeing for myself

Do you realize that you may be condemned
by public opinion for coming to my house?

I never listen to what other people say

Come in,you can take the bags

-Then I suggest we leave immediately
-Oh yes

Your sister finds life in
the bungalow very lonely

Well,we backed all the winners of
Ascot so we are rich.

Let's go down Piccadilly.

What a lovely smell of buses and taxis.

We'll drop in to Berkley's
for a nice long..

-Iced cool

Gin fling

That's was good

-What about the other half?
-Still we are on go to another place

-You know,where should we go...
- I don't know.

-Savoy no?I think that's too crowded.

Yes it is a bit,yes

I know the very spot

A tiny little place in Jermyn
street with the lights are low

And you look so lovely it won't be true

-Now you've spoilt it all

Because it isn't true.

It's beautiful

You like it?

I love it

Where's your mistress?

She's in her room,Yuan

Tell her I'd like to see her

This is my favourite room.

This is one of the oldest
copies in existence

of the word of the master Confucius.

Princeliest of man,truly
benevolent,truly wise

who neither anticipates deceive
nor suspect bad faith in others,

will promptly detect
them when they appear

-Have you read Confucius?
-At London University

I thought I heard the gong
did my husband come back?

Oh,yes,he's awaits you
in the lacquer room

And this is the knife of the
ancient emperor Hu Zhou.

It looks like solid gold.

Baser metals would have been
unworthy of its purpose

What was its purpose?

On a certain historic occasion

One side of the blade was
coated with a deadly poison

But only one side.

So a pinch divided between
the emperor and his guest


I hope you forgot which side is which


- Sadie,darling
- Oh, Charlotte.

I can't believe it's true

- And how did you get here?
- Ask that husband of yours.

This is the present from
Singapore which I promised you.

Oh,if you knew when you left

Why didn't you tell me?

I know it was foolish,perhaps,
but I wanted to surprise you

Wait a minute

Come please,come Sadie

Sit down here for a moment.


The Mistress of the Chinese bungalow.

Worth waiting for

Sing,I do wish you wouldn't treat me
as I was a part of your art collection

Come on, Charlotte,
I'll show you to your room

All right, Ayah, you can go.

Do you like it?

Very pretty

My room is just across the corridor
so I should be quite near you.

What's the matter,Sadie?

- Aren't you glad to see me?
- Of course I am.

Why didn't you let me know you were coming?

Sing insisted I shouldn't

Why I wonder?

Listen I'm the one ought to be upset

I've been desperately worried about you

Why didn't you write and
tell me everything?

Well no one likes admitting failure

You did pick up a rather row when I
went on that tour and...

crashed I knew you were broke

Then I met Sing and you know the rest

Don't you love him?

-Yes of course I do
-God bless, he adores you

But sometimes I wonder if I'm
not just an addition to his art collection.

He seems to be one of the
gentlest and kindest people I'd ever met

I know he is

But I feel he'd be very different
if anything happens to upset him

Surely nothing has?

No,no of course not.

Just rather a frightening
thought that's all

BTW I brought you a wedding
present as I came through Singapore.

-You're sweet. What is its?
- And if you like them

-Charlotte,they are lovely
-They are very old.

Time to dress for dinner,we are
very quite westernized here

Gently sit,Sibilla gently

Remember your manners.

Or our heart of jade will
be ashamed of you.

What was it you called me?

Oh,it's just a foolish habit of mine

Finding special names for those
who are near and dear to me.

Sing, please.

I've asked you before not to feed
that animal in this room.

- But poor Sibilla must have her supper
- Yes, but I told you

Gives me the shivers

Just like that music in this
room gives me the shivers

Come on, let's dance.

Come along,Sibilla

- Go inside and wait for me
-Sing,it's horrible

Go inside, both of you please

Tungo has k*lled them both

Who has Tungo k*lled?

His wife and Abdul who was
my mother's cousin.

Why did he do it?

Abdul was her lover.

Tungo discovered them tonight.

I warned Abdul it was dangers
with the Chinese woman.

He wasn't listening

This is horrible

So was the crime it avenged

But it's m*rder.

I prefer to call it retribution

But surely you arrested the man

Yes,it was necessary he should be arrested

He was a fool

I believe in your heart you
sympathize with him.

I understand him

But you can't k*ll people
for that sort of thing.

In our race marriage is a
complete possession

And they do not tolerate thieves

Sing,please,I feel tired
I'm going to bed

- Yes
- Come on Charlotte.

Good night, cherry blossom.

Good night heart of jade, sleep well.

-Our next Suruh will be in four hours
-Yes,I think so,Sir.-Good

-Once there looking at his plantation.


What's that?

Sounds like a woman's voice to me,Sir

It is a woman.

A white woman.

Looks a bit all right for me too,Sir

Begging me pardon

- See what's she is up to,Stubbins.

Hello,there,what's happened?

Lost my paddle I've
been drifting for about an hour.

Who? What are you?

River patrol,we're always
knocking around here

That's right,Miss,always on
the spot up on the cox

- You are on your way up streams?
- Yes,Suruh

Then you pass where I come from

You'd be very kind to drop me?

Of course,if you tell me
where you've come from

It's the Chinese bungalow.

-What do you mean this..
- I'm Charlotte Merivale.

Good Lord

- Why? Do you know me?
- Yes,of course and the sister

I gather we are quite well known in Malaya

That's inevitable. Yuan Sing is
always news around here

Let me rather be put on shore
I can find my own way back

Heavens know,I didn't mean
anything,I'm terribly sorry

I'm sorry too

I'm Richard Marquess.

Are you a relation to Harold Marquess?

Yes,he is my brother.Why?
Do you know Harold?

My sister and I have seen something
of him recently,usually on the river

Oh,then we are all well
friends around here.

-Would you like a drink?
-I'd love one

Well,come on,let's go below,
we've got a lot of time








Who's there?


I've been looking for you everywhere.

Come here.

Where's my sister?

In her room.

No,she isn't,you're lying.
Did she clear you to say that?

You're wearing her beads

She allowed me,she loves me

I see,so you hold your tongue

Where is she?

I not know.

Yes you do,and you're going to take
me to her straight away

But she tell me to watch
so they don't see them

See them?

Ayah,take me to her at once,
at once do you hear me?

I'm afraid

Only an owl.

The owl is the devil.

-He bring misfortune and death
-You're talking nonsense.

Go on, Ayah,go on.

I really must go darling,
Charlotte will miss me

Go and make sure all the servants
are in their quarters

Then watch by the main gate

When am I going to see you again?

Sing will be probably be back tomorrow.

Darling, I'm so frightened,I don't
know how to face him now

I'll never let you go

I love you,darling

I love you


- What are you doing here?
- Looking for you.

- What did you hear?
- What no one else should ever hear

-Now,listen, Charlotte,you mustn't.
-No use to try to fool me,Harold

Very well then I'll tell you

We love each other,what are
you going to do about it?

Not what I am going to do about it
the question is what your husband will do.

Charlotte,he mustn't know.

If you are in earnest about it,
he's got every right to know

-All right,let him,I'm not afraid of him
-Do be sensible.

You are both very childish
and irresponsible.

Charlotte,I've been so lonely and miserable

You can't realize how lonely I've been

Then I met Harold and...

I understand you, Sadie.
But you're Sing's wife

I don't love him,he frightens me

Poor kid she had an awful time

And I'm going to see to it
that she doesn't stand it any more

He's not one of your kulis in
your plantation you know

Anyway, you must get away
from here quickly,come along

Wait here while I'll make sure
everything is safe

It's all right. Open the gate.

This is very charming to be
welcomed on the threshold

by my wife,my sister in law and

This is Mr. Marquess of the
Suruh plantation across the river

- Mr Marquess, it's a great honour.
-How do you do

And a neighbourly thought to anticipating
my homecoming and arrive to greet me

We didn't expect you...

So it was not me that
Mr Marquess came to visit?


No, Mr. Sing,actually I

Sing, you arrived at a
rather thrilling moment

We hadn't intended to tell anyone,yet,but

Well,naturally you're anxious to know
why Mr Marquess is here.

The fact of the matter is

We are engaged to be married

Is he your lover?

He's my fiance

We've just got engaged tonight.

Well,isn't anyone going
to congratulate us?

I do hope you forgive butting
in so late in the evening

I was looking for my brother.


Perhaps I better introduce myself.

Everyone on the river knows
Commander Marquess.

It is for me to do the introducing

First my wife.

How do you do

Her sister,Miss Merivale.

We met this afternoon.

I hope you are none the
worse for your adventure

Your adventure,heart of jade?

I was on the river this
afternoon my paddle broke

I was gallantly rescued
by the patrol launch

Mr Marquess,your brother
is usurping your privileges.

It's you who should have done the rescuing

Yes I should

I called at your bungalow,and gathered from
your servants that you'd come over here

Oh,yes of course

The your brother is not
aware of the thrilling news?

No,I suppose not

I'll tell him then,shall I?

Please do

We are celebrating the betrothal of your
brother with my sister in law,Miss Merivale


Accept my congratulations.

Thank you.

You too


Well,I think I'd better be going

Perhaps you take me across on the launch?

Oh,but we can't let such an occasion go
by without toasting the happy couple

Oh,don't bother about us

-Beside it's getting rather late
- No, no.

What would my cherry blossom think of me

if I didn't celebrate her
sister's happiness?

Of course


-Come along then
-Thank you


Hello,Snow White.

I don't suppose they are thinking sending
us a couple of bottles out here

To the happy couple.

To the happy couple.

- Death is hovering here
- Yeah.


I smell terror and sorrow

Shut up

That's Chinese cooking

And I don't want to be rude
but I think I must be going

I'm on duty, you know.

You'll take me across,won't you,Richard?

But the bottle is still half full
and you got your own boat

Yes I know, but...I'm sure you must
be tired after your long journey

If you are not I am,
been an exciting day for me

Of course it has

I'll see Commander Marquess off
and rejoin with you later

Thank you.

-Good night Mrs Sing
-Good night

- Good night Miss Merivale
- Good night.

I can only wish you every happiness.

You'll look me up on your
way down river?

Yes,of course, if I have time.

Many congratulations

Wait until they are through the gate.

Before you go,Commander Marquess

Tell me, were you aware that your
brother was attached to Miss Merivale?

No,I knew nothing about it

But then I haven't seen him for some time

I somehow feel that you are surprised.

Well, it was a bit of shock

- Do you think he suspect?
-Of course he doesn't

- I wonder
- Please don't leave me alone with him.

- I can't be left alone with him
- Be careful.

- We will find a way out later
- Later? You don't understand.

Good night Mr.Sing,and again thank you

Good night Commander Marquess,it's
been a great pleasure to have met you

Richard will help us,when he comes back...

- Take me away,you said you love me.
- You know I do

Pull yourselves together,here's Sing

What the devil?


Look, Sing.Sibilla has
taken a sort of fancy to Harold.

Yes,Sibilla is a woman.

And what woman is not flattered
by masculine attention?

I'm afraid all this excitement has been
rather too much for my cherry blossom.

She looks pale and drawn

I'm tired, it's getting late.

Then I suggest you leave the lovers to say
their farewell and come indoors with me

They are well provided for

They have each other and the moon.

That guides and misguide lovers

Good night.

- Sing,I'm going straight to bed now
- Oh,spare me a few moments next

It's so much I want to talk
about,come sit down

First of all,do you approve of
your sister's lover?

What's that got to do with me?

Perhaps you didn't want Charlotte with so..

- So...
- Clever?

Well,fastidious would be nearer my meaning

Do you not want her to be
satisfied with this young man?

How should I know,I'm not like Charlotte

No,you're not like Charlotte

But he belongs to the flip
and (?) of Singapore

Now if it had been his brother

She only met him today.


But tell me,my cherry blossom.

Do you consider Harold Marquess
a desirable guest in my house?

Why do you ask me?

Why don't you find out all
these things from Charlotte?

I'm finding out a quite of
number of things from you

What have I said?Why are you torturing
me with all these questions?


You must have a touch of fever.

You know I would never hurt you,my cherry
blossom unless you deserve it

And of course you don't

I brought Sibilla back to you

-I had a job to get her away from Harold
-Has he gone?

Yes,I'm afraid we were rather a long time

Parting is a sweet sorrow

You see,I know my Shakespeare.

Oh Charlotte.

- Sing is rather angry about Harold.
- Me,angry?

Am I a barbarian?

How could I be angry at
my heart of jade heart

I am only rather overwhelmed
with admiration

- For her courage.
- Courage?

To take the love of another upon yourself

That is a great adventure.

Ah ,I see

Well,I've had enough adventures for one
day.I'm tired out. Are you coming,Sadie?

- Goodnight Sing.
- Goodnight heart of jade

Goodnight, cherry blossom.

Faithless Sibilla


A bit of luck you turning up

Hello,Doc,what are you doing here?
Nothing wrong with Harold is it?

I'm afraid it is. Blood poisoning.

-Oh God,can I see him?
-You can

- Is he bad?
- He is

I'm very worried.

How the devil did he get it?

You never can tell in this country.



- Hello.
- Listen.

What's the matter?

I thought I heard a boat.

Why doesn't Harold come over?

- I think it is very wise not to
- Charlotte.

You don't think anything
happened to him,do you?

Of course not,how could it

- You mustn't talk like that.
- I don't trust Sing either

- Why did he send Harold that cat?
- I guess it's a little unfair

That's what you think but
you don't know Sing.

He never does anything without a notice

- I'm sure he suspects
- You imagine that

- He has no right to interfere.
-You married Sing.

He has every right for you
to expect to live up to it

Then he shouldn't have brought me here.

Perhaps he shouldn't

I think he hoped to make your
marriage happy and successful

- That's all very well but it doesn't help
- Not unless you try to help too

I'll aim to ask Sing to take
you downstream.

You both need some good fresh air.

Charlotte,you think that will
patch up things,don't you?

But it won't,it's gone much too far

Don't you want to go?

I'd go anywhere and do anything
rather than stay in this place

Darling why it is so tragically
easy to get married?

Some of us poor spinsters
find it tragically hard

That's better the first smile
I've seen for a week.

I am so glad you are here.

Come in

Yuan says will the dames
be pleased to join him?

Oh,Charlotte,you go,say I'm lying
down I've got a headache

Oh,come along darling

Just to please me

Oh my two gentle souls

Sadie had a headache,
she's feeling better now

Oh I am so glad

Because I thought you'd like to
help me welcoming a visitor

Who are you expecting?


Commander Marquess, come on in.
It is a great pleasure.

But surely that is not Sibilla
you're bringing back to me?

Can I speak privately,Mr Sing?

Now don't tell me your brother feels
embarrassed of her attachment?

I have resigned myself
to her deserting me

Mr Sing.

- I should prefer to speak to you alone
- Has anything happened to Harold?

Please,tell my wife what she
wants to know,Commander Marquess

Very well

I am sorry that I have to tell you

that my brother died this morning.


But how?

Blood poisoning

Have you no words of comfort for your
sister,cherry blossom?

It is she who is bereaved

Is it not?

Charlotte, I

She's fainted

- The shock has been too much for her
- I must get her to her room.

- I will take her
- I'll call Ayah.

- I'd prefer to look after her myself
- I'll come with you.

No,my heart of jade

You have sorrow enough on your own

I want to thank you for everything you did

- Then you know
-Yes,Harold told me just before he died

He said you've been splendid.

It was all I could think
of to save the situation.

I hope it did

Harold really thought that Sing
might have guessed

You don't think he has?

Sadie thinks so, but I'm not sure

I was hoping that Sadie and Sing

could get away from here
they might come together again

- But now...
- Now you don't think so

- You saw Sadie's face just now
- Yes,I did and so did he

What can he do?

I don't know I have a
horrible pre-sensitize

-Look here,if you are really scared
-Of course I'm not

Leave it to me I'll talk to Sing.

Anyway whatever happens, if you need
any help, you can always count on me.

We can't drag you into this

I'm in it now through Harold and I'm
going to stay in it,you understand?


I'm glad you're here.

It's funny,Sadie said that to me just now

It isn't funny at all,it's very sound

I'm glad I'm here too.

You know,I may seem to be an
odd time and place to say it but

I'd rather be here than
anywhere in the world,really

Sing or no Sing

I'm going to get you out
of this place right away

I can't leave Sadie.

- We can take her too.
- We can't,she is his wife.

We mustn't let Sing find out about about us

At least not until we got
things straightened out for Sadie

You must go now, please.

Come back tomorrow.

Suppose if things go wrong?

We must have some way
for you to let me know

Guard,he's coming.

I'll leave Stubbins beside the river

All you have to do is to get in touch with
him,he know where to find me

You are leaving,Commander?

Yes,I'm afraid I must

Then I'm just in time to say goodbye.

Goodbye,Miss Merivale.

Don't forget that if there is anything
I can do ,you only just let me know

I assure you,you have no need to
be anxious about Miss Merivale

I will do everything in my power
to help and comfort her

Thank you.


I want to talk to you

I'm always at your command

Shall we go in?

This was how I first brought
you into my house

Will you indulge a little
and agree with my mind?

Of course

It needs a Manchu lady to
grace this chair properly



Do you wish to speak to me?

It's about Sadie.

I want you to let me take her
down streams for a little while

She is unhappy, Sing.

Terribly unhappy.

I've been unhappy too

I'm sorry.

It is not necessary for you to pretend
ignorance of the cause

But I respect your loyalty to your sister.

- I don't understand.
- I know you do understand

And I've made my decision

The rest depends on you.

On me?

Now we are free to speak about things

neither you nor I could
put into words before

- Sing.
- Can you deny it?


Why did you leave your room?

Because I wasn't going to stay
there alone thinking

Now at least I have
something to think about

Sadie, come away.

Ever since you came I've
seen him look at you

He can hide most things
but he can't hide that

- How dare you speak to me like that
- Sing,I don't care what he does to me

So life is so empty for you now
that your young Englishman.

Be quiet both of you.You don't know
what you are saying

When did you meet him first?
While I was away,wasn't it?

If you know then,why do you ask

-Did you meet him often?

-How often?
-I don't remember


- No, of course not.
- Trifle three times a week?

- Perhaps
- Where?

- I don't remember.
- In his bungalow?

- No.
- Now was it in my own house,wasn't it?

No,well anyway what does it matter?

It matters a great deal to me.

He was your lover, wasn't he?

I won't answer you.You're driving
me mad with your questions

Sing, what are you going to do?

Wait for her to tell me the truth.

There is nothing to tell!

Charlotte,don't let them take me away!

You heard what she said,
there is nothing to tell

How do you respond?

Oh no, Charlotte.

All right,Sing.I'll tell you

It wasn't Charlotte Harold came to see

He was your lover.


And I loved him and if I had a chance,
I'd gone away with him

So now what are you going to do about it?

That depends on your sister.

You wouldn't dare harm her

You understand me very little
if you believed that.

I made the mistake of believing that you
were as beautiful as you appear

But now I've find that I married
a woman without worth

Without decency

Without morals.

You've been horrible for
me from the beginning.

I've been lonely and miserable
and you didn't care.

Poor little cherry blossom

So you sought your consolation
in the arms of the Englishman

Sing, let me talk to you.

Talk to him,Charlotte,you're mad,
don't you realize

Or do you?

You had better go now

You think you can get Charlotte, don't you?

You think you can get anybody
you want but you won't this time

There is someone else


It's Richard.

He loves her. And she wants him

So you'll never get her

Is this true?



The guard isn't there.You know what to do.

Hello,(?).A cup of tea?

A cup of tea before a
walk along the towpath?

Quiet I have a message for the Mr

Oh,what is it?

Best you try quickly,at once

- Yes,is there anything I can do?
- No,no best for you to run

It is as good as done

- He go quickly
- I'm going to my room.

Let me know directly when Marquess comes.

Ayah, is that you?

Why am I summoned here like this?

- These servants...
- They haven't exceeded my orders,I hope.

Why didn't you send Ayah of your message?

I don't trust the Ayah for messages.

Heart of jade

You have nothing to fear from me.

I'm not afraid.

Then why did you send for Richard Marquees?

Did you stop my message?


I shall be very glad to see him

- What harm has he ever done to you?
- None

But there is a danger of his
becoming an annoyance

An annoyance?

So I would regard it,if it became
between you and me.

That I will never permit

You will never permit?

Who is this English man who appreciate the
highest excellence of a woman with..

I've found in you all I ever hoped to find
in this misguided woman who was my wife


Oh,heart of jade

If only I'd met you first


Do you realize what you're saying?

Do you realize what I said?

But... It's an insult!


Aren't we man and woman?

- But my sister...
- You know what your sister has done

And there is only one punishment.

- Sing,you can't...
- You love your sister.

You risked your own name to save her.

Now I give you a chance to do more

You can save her life.

Do you hear the sound?

It's the pantoum.The love
song of the Malaysians.

Heart of jade,there is still time.

The gates are shut and they can remain so

with Richard Marquess and
his whole world outside

Can't you understand?

Richard and I love each other.

Your gates can't keep him from me

Or me from him

You love him?

That is all you have to say?


The servants will take you to your sister

- Sadie.
- Charlotte.

I wish to see Miss Merivale.

- You look heated, Commander Marquess
- Where is Miss Merivale?

Is it not strange that neither
you nor your lamented brother

ever called to see the
master of the house?

I came here to see Miss Merivale

And I am not leaving until I do

First it's essential that you
and I should have a little talk

Would you be seated?

Please do


And since you've hurried so,a drink?

Charlotte, look.

I see you appreciate fine things,
Commander Marquess.

These goblets were last used
at the imperial court in Peking

I'm very flattered,Mr Sing

They look like solid gold.

I assure you baser metal

would be unworthy of an
occasion of such importance

A baser metal would be unworthy

Sadie,that's what he said about the
emperor's golden knife,the poison knife

He wouldn't dare...

I thought that once

I'll give you an English toast.

May the best man win.

Very well

I'm afraid I don't quite understand you

And now Mr. Sing.

Commander Marquess.

Your brother made love to my wife

I can only say that I'm very sorry

I hope you will not find it
very difficult to understand

that a Chinese has a point of honour

According to the creed of my ancestors

A matter of that kind can
be wiped out only in blood

And whose blood do you want Mr Sing? Mine?

That duty to my ancestors
has already been fulfilled.

How so?

- Do you mean my brother Harold
- Your brother is dead, Commander Marquess.

Yes,I know. I was with him when
he died of blood poisoning.


My God. What are you suggesting?

Your brother ran so many risks.

So many quite unnecessary risks.

For example, even a cat can be a risk.

It can carry venom in its claws

danger even to those who's handling her

Siamese cat

You m*rder*d him.

My dear Commander,just
revenge is never m*rder

And also

I have admitted nothing

We'll see about that

I'm afraid that is unlikely

When those sands have run out

one of us will be dead


It is a pity you are not familiar
with our classics,Commander Marquess

Or you would have recognized the method
I have chosen to decide our destiny

Don't mind about the classics,
what have you done?

To speak simply

One of those cups was coated
with a very ancient poison

You are bluffing,Sing

Why should you want me to die?

Because, my friend, I do not intend
to be interrupted a second time

It's a mistake, I haven't tried
to steal your wife.

We are not speaking about my wife.

Then it's Charlotte

You poisoned me,the same way as my brother

But you won't get away with it!
Open that door.

The door is barred on the outside.

And you're misjudging me,
Commander Marquess

I don't fight unfairly

I offered you the choice of cups

So it's a duel with equal chances


You don't know which of those
drinks was poisoned?

I have no idea.

It's mad,Sing

Surely you don't think you
can get away with this

You can't shut out the Law even here

I respect it far too much to try

But I assure you that if I win

No blame will be attached to me

This poison leaves no trace.

And I shall report your
death with deep regret.

If it should be seen a little premature

You will not be the
first in these latitudes

to die from an undiscovered cause

We must get out of here.

We must do something.

- You're growing restless,Commander.
- I'm all right

Are you afraid of death?

I'm not afraid of anything
you can stand up to

I believe it.

Soon one of us will strike this
gong and the door will open

Strange,is it not?

When you came in here I hated you

Now all that is changed

In a few short minutes,
our ways will lie apart

Maybe we should just say farewell

Why not?

Smooth sailing,Sing.

For you too.

Happy journey

I can't stand it.I can't stand it

- Let me out!
- Sadie!

Sadie, calm down.


Keep calm.
