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02x65 - Twin Day!

Posted: 11/21/23 08:27
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

[horn honks]

[dogs bark]

[horn honks]

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

♪ When I say ready, you say ruff ♪


- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff

- Ha ha. Hi!

Hello! [giggling]

Hi. I'm Noodles,

and today we're getting a new student at Mutt & Stuff!

He's a show dog with style!


So Teeny, are you excited to join the Mutt & Stuff pack?

[dog barks]

Huh? Eh--

There's two of you?

Pearl, tell me I am not seeing two of the same dog!

- [woof, woof]

- What do you mean, ask Diamond?

Who's Diamond? Uhh--

Wha-- - [woof, woof]

- [woof woof woof woof woof]

- Oh...what is going on?

[doorbell rings]

[dramatic chords]

Giggle and Wiggle?

More twins! [gasps]

[dramatic chords]

Oh! And even more twins!

Ohh...I gotta get my eyes checked.

I'm seeing two of everything!

- ♪ Don't forget us

- Eee! - ♪ We're Razzle and Dazzle

♪ And we're twins too

- Twin overload!

- ♪ And now here's Zippy

[triumphant music]

[exciting music]

- Hi! I'm Calvin. Welcome to Mutt & Stuff.

Zippy and I are super excited

because today's Twin Day!

- [ruff ruff]

- That's right.

We're celebrating everything about twins

in honor of our new students, the Performing Pooches,

Teeny and Tiny!

Show us what you've got.

[dogs barking]

[energetic music]

Bow-wow, bravo!

Come on. Let's start school.

Calling all dogs! Time for school!

- ♪ Doo doo doo doo

- Good morning, Stuff! - Ha ha. Good morning, Calvin!


Uh... Why does everyone have

a lookalike?

- ♪ Because it's Twin Day

- Whoa! Twin Day?

That sounds like so much fun.

- It's two times the fun for everyone!

And later, the twins're gonna put on

a Double Doggy Twin Trick Show!

- Whoa! A Double Doggy Twin Trick Show!

That sounds double awesome!

- Oh, it will be, Stuff.

Come on! Let's go get this Twin Day started!

Here are the twins, Stuff. You already know

Giggle and Wiggle. - Yeah.

- And Pearl's sister Diamond is visiting us for the day.

- [ruff ruff ruff]

- Hiya to you, too, there, Diamond.

- Our singing shrimp twins, Razzle and Dazzle.

[Stuff laughing] - ♪ Hi, Stuff!

- Hiiiii! [giggles]

- And here they are, new to the Mutt & Stuff crew,

Teeny and Tiny!


Or just...Teeny.

Oh, no, a twin is missing!

- Did I hear a doggy is missing?

- It's Annie the animal rescuer!

Hey, Annie, have you seen Tiny?

- That depends. Is the doggy in question

big and cute and big and gray?

And did I happen to mention big?

- Yes, yes, and...yes!

- Then case closed. I found him!

[triumphant chords]

- Tiny!

[light music]

Thanks for finding him, Annie.

Now we can keep the Twin Day celebration going.

- Wait--Today's Twin Day?

Ooh! Can I help out?

I lovetwins.

It's double the dog, double the cuteness!

- Well, you're always welcome here.

- Yay! - [laughs]

- Twins...double yay!

- Ha! Wow. I guess twins are pretty special, huh?

- They sure are, Stuff. But don't take my word for it.

Razzle, Dazzle, take it away!

- ♪ There's no better feelin' than being a twin ♪

♪ A best friend automatically built in ♪

♪ Twins are two peas in a pod ♪

♪ If those peas look just like dogs, ooh ♪

♪ Two heads are better than one ♪

♪ 'Cause double the dog is double the fun ♪

♪ Need a best friend who's got your back? ♪

♪ Be a twin and make your own pack ♪

♪ It's a win-win

♪ To be a twin

[dogs barking]

- Well, that song

makes being a twin sound awesome.

I wish I had a twin.

Then I'd have a best friend.

I bet you feel the same way, right, Zippy?

[dog barks]


What--three Zippys?

Wait, you're triplets? Wow!

I bet you do everything together, huh?

[dogs barking]

Aw...must be fun to do things with your twin.

Or your triplet.

[light notes]


[dogs whining]

- Hey, Davenport.

Davenport! - Aah!

Wha--what? Oh, hi, Zoe.

- Are you enjoying Twin Day?

- Oh, yeah. Me and my twin Darryl

are having a blast.


- Davenport, that's not your twin!

That's your tail! - Oh!

Well, no wonder he looks just like me.

[bass notes]

[both laughing]


- I'm okay! - Meow too!

- Darryl, what're you doing? Get down here!

[cheerful music]

- And now, for the first activity of Twin Day,

Double Dress-up Time!

- Double doggy costumes?


- Open the Doggy Everything Closet!

[cheerful music]

- Arr, arr, arr, arr, arr ♪


[soft music]

- Aw...I wish I had a twin to dress up with.

Then I'd have a best friend who looks just like me.

- [yips] - Oh!

You feel the same way, Junior Shades?

- [yip, yip]

- [sighs] Oh, well, it's too bad

we're not twins with each other then.

- [whines]

- [gasps] That's it!

Junior Shades, we can be twins!

- [yip] - Ha ha! Yeah!

See, if we dress alike and do the same things,

we'll be instant best friends

and we can be in the Double Doggy Twin Trick Show!

[laughing] - [yipping]

- Yeah! Well, come on, let's go become twins!

Whoo! Yeah!

- Ha ha. Welcome to Mutt & Stuff, Teeny.

You're gonna love it here.

Everyone's super friendly and warm and...

Hmm. Speaking of warm, do you feel that?

It's like someone's breathing warm air down my neck--

Eee! Oh! Teeny!

How did you get all the way over there--

Uhh--Wait, you're back?

But you were just--Uhh!

Eee! Uhh--


- Hey, hey, Marty.

- Hmm? - Maybe we're twins too.

- Aw, how do ya figure, Sid?

- Well, I've got leaves, and you've got leaves.

I got branches. You got branches.

I've got bark,

and you've got bark. - Huh...

- [woof] - What--Oh!

Uh, Grumbles has bark too!

Maybe we're all twins. [giggles]

- [growls/groans]

- Oh, brother.

- Bark, bark.

Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark.

- Hey, Calvin, guess what.

I have a twin!

- You do? - Yeah!

Meet...Junior Stuff!

- Aw! - Now that we look the same,

we're best friends.

- That's great, Stuff, and Junior Shades.

I mean... Junior Stuff.

- Everything I do, Junior Stuff does too.

Watch this!

Turn around and wag my tail.

And then Junior Stuff...

Um...hey, Junior Stuff,

you're supposed to wag your tail like I did.

Now let's try this again.

I shake my tail like this,

and now you...

- [yip]

- No, that's not wagging your tail.

Hmm. Okay.

Being twins is a lot harder than I thought!

Okay, Junior Stuff,

we need to practice being twins

so we can do the Double Doggy Twin Trick Show!

Okay. Come on, let's go!

- Good luck practicing!

- Yeah, Thanks.

- Hey, Calvin,

are the puppies celebrating Twin Day too?

- They sure are.

But you know what's better than twins?

- What? - Puppy twins!

Go check 'em out! - I love puppies!

[light music]

- ♪ Puppy playtime!

- These puppies are two times the cuteness!

Grandma, mind if I play with the twinnies?

- [woof, woof]

- Thanks!

First, let's do some double puppy belly rubs.

Then some double puppy toy fun!

- ♪ Puppy playtime

- It's double the cuteness!

Thanks, Grandma - [woof!]

- ♪ Puppy playtime

♪ Puppy playtime

♪ Puppy playtime

♪ Puppy playtime

- Okay, Junior Stuff,

let's talk about this twin thing.

So we have to do everything the same,okay?

- [yipping]

- Okay. I'm gonna raise my paw,

and then you raise your paw. didn't do what I did.

- Hiya! - Wha--Bah--G--

Oh! Ha ha ha ha. - [laughing]

- Hi, Noodles! - Hi there, Stuff.

Oh. Hello, smaller Stuff.


But...there's two Stuffs...

- [giggling] Yeah. - Oh, boy.

Well, lucky for you guys, I brought two ropes to pull.

- What's that?

Whoop--Oh! [laughs]


Now, uh, Junior Shades,

let's pull these ropes at the same time,

because that'swhat twins do, okay?

[Noodles giggling] One...

two, three!


[bass notes]

[both laughing]

Oh, good one, Noodles!

- Yeah, I know!

- Wait a minute, Junior Shades,

you didn't pull the rope with me!

[sighs] - Hey, guys, how's it going?

- Oh, well, we've been practicing all day

for the tricks show,

and let me tell ya, it's a lotta work!

- Whoa. Sounds like you guys need a break.

- Yeah.

- A break? I have just the thing.

Who's ready to go to the Woof Zone?

- The Woof Zone! Everyone loves the Woof Zone.

- Calling all twins, join me outside!

- Yeah!

- ♪ Here we come

♪ Riding with my friends

♪ It's a puppy pedal party

♪ Where the fun never ends

♪ Can I get a woof, woof?

- [woof] - [woof]

♪ Can I get a woof, woof?

- Woof! - [woof]

- ♪ We're wagging tails

♪ All day long

♪ It's a puppy pedal party

♪ And the end of my song

Come on, it's twin time in the Woof Zone.

Welcome to the Woof Zone!

It's trampoline twin time.

Ready, set, jump!

Giggle and Wiggle starting it off

with a double doggy dive!

It'll be hard to follow my favorite gems,

Diamond and Pearl!

Three leaps for these puppy peeps.


That's so awesome!

And now, for something spectacular from Teeny and Tiny.

- [woof, woof]

- Bow-wow, bravo!

- ♪ We're jumpin', oh, yes, we are ♪


- Hey, watch me, Junior Stuff.

I'm gonna flap my arms,

and then you're gonna do the same.

'K. Here goes. Ha ha ha...

Watch. Yeah. Watch this.

Now the same!


Okay, Junior Stuff, you're supposed to jump like me.

- [yip, yip]

- But twins have to do the same thing,

or we can't be best friends.

- Hey, guys. Isn't Twin Day fun?

- Well, it'd be a lot more fun

if my twin was doing exactly what I was doing.

- Uh-oh. Double trouble.

I think we need to head back to Mutt & Stuff

so Calvin can help.

[jazzy music]

- Hey, Davenport.

Davenport! - Ahh! [stammering]

Oh, hi, Zoe. - Let's bounce

on our trampoline! - Yeah, okay!

both: Whaa--

- Ow! - Oh!

- [grunting] - Ha ha!

I forgot.

We do not havea trampoline.

[bass notes]

[both laughing]

[thud] - Ooh!

- I'm okay. - Meow too.

- Looks like everyone's back from the Woof Zone!

Here comes Zippy, Peppy, and Speedy!

Oh! Here come Diamond and Pearl and Teeny and Tiny!

[dogs barking]

Hey, Giggle and Wiggle.

Did you have oodles of fun? [dogs barking]

Poodles of fun? Even better!

How 'bout you, Razzle and Dazzle?

- ♪ We love the Woof Zone

♪ Oh, yes, we do

- Wooftastic!

Welcome back, Junior Stuff and Stuff.

How was your-- - [sighs]

I wish Junior Shades and I never tried to be twins.

- [whines]

- Huh?

- [groans and sighs] Ugh!

- Uh-oh. That didn't sound good.

Hey, Annie, what happened with Stuff and Junior Shades?

- They wanted to do different things.

Now they're not even speaking to each other.

- Hmm. I think it's time for a twin nose-to-nose.

Hey, guys, I heard you were having a rough Twin Day.

- Yeah, worst Twin Day ever!

Twins have to do everything the same.

That's why they're best friends!

- I think I see the problem.

[soft music]

You know... - Hmm?

- You don't have to look and act exactly the same

to be best friends.

- We don't?

- Nope!

Twins can like different games,

wear different clothes,

and do completely different things.

- Well, Calvin, are you sure?

- Yep. Look at Teeny and Tiny.

They don't do anything alike except for look alike.

[mellow music]

- Ho ho! Wow, you're right, Calvin.

Oh, well...

I'm sorry I tried to make you my twin, Junior Shades.

You still wanna be my best friend?

- [yip, yip]

- All right! Me, too!

How 'bout a super paw?

Oh, yeah, right, we don't have to do things alike.

Ha ha ha, good call!

- Aw, best friends forever!

And I think it's time to start

the Double Doggy Twin Trick Show!

- I'm so excited for some double doggy tricks.

Aren't you, Princess Pickles and Grumbles?

[dogs barking]

- Ladies, and gentledogs,

get ready for twintastic tricks!

- Whoo-hoo! - All right!

- Whoo! [dog barking]

- Here are Giggle and Wiggle!

[farting sounds]

- [giggling]

- Brilliant!

And now, here come Diamond and Pearl!

[upbeat music]

- Aw! They're so cute!

- Love that twirl, Diamond and Pearl.

And now, get ready for Zippy, Peppy, and Speedy!

[carnival music]

- Whoa!

Those triplets are talented times three!

- And now, get ready

for the Performing Pooches

to show us what they've got--

Teeny and Tiny!

- [woof, woof]

- That was amazing!

- Bow-wow, bravo! I loved it!

Okay, Razzle and Dazzle, take it away!

both: Hit it, DJ Princess Pickles!

[funky music]

- ♪ We're Razzle - ♪ And Dazzle

- ♪ And we like to dance

- ♪ We live in the ocean

both: ♪ And we don't wear pants ♪

- ♪ Oh, yes, check out my groovy moves ♪

- ♪ I've got a license to

♪ Thrill, y'all

both: Word! - [ruff]

- Shrimp.

[end notes]

And now, last but not least,

here come the best friends, Stuff and Junior Shades!

- Ha ha! Thank you, Calvin.

Thank you!

Okay. Nothing up my cape! Hee hee hee!

Here's a trick with magical powers,

as I produce a bouquet of flowers!

- [woof, woof]

- Ta da!

Hee hee hee!

All right, and now, Junior Shades,

it's your turn!

- [yip]

- Ha ha! Ta-da!

- Yeah, that was perfect!

- Bravo! [dog barking]

- Thank you.

- Terrific tricks, you two.

I loved them all!

- That...was the best...

Double Doggy Twin Trick Show ever!

- I'm so proud of you both.

You did different tricks,

but you did them with your own style.

- Yes, we did!

[giggles] Hey, Junior Shades,

You're small, and I'm big.

We're different, but I still love ya, buddy.

[dog yipping]

- Well, Twin Day's not over yet, you two.

Let's celebrate with a doggy dance party!

Come on, double wag it like you double mean it!

- Yeah! - ♪ Mutt & Stuff

♪ Mutt & Stuff

- ♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay

♪ Our pet pal stuff is set to help ♪

♪ And to play

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

♪ When I say ready, you say ruff ♪

- ♪ Mutt-Mutt-Mutt & Stuff ♪

- Today was Twin Day at Mutt & Stuff,

and we welcomed our new twins Teeny and Tiny.

Stuff and Junior Shades felt left out,

so they decided to dress up like twins

so they could be best friends.

- Meet Junior Stuff!

- Then they learned that you don't have to

look and act like someone to be their best friend.

- You're small, and I'm big.

We're different, but I still love ya, buddy.

- Then we came here for a double doggy dance party!

[dance music continues]

Thanks for joining us today!

See you back at Mutt & Stuff!

- Hey, Davenport.

Davenport! - [stammering]

Oh, hey, there, Zoe. - Can you do a trick?

- Hmm. No.

But I can do a...lick!


[bass notes]

[both laughing]


- Good-bye, everybody. - See you next time!

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school

♪ When I say ready, you say ruff ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff