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02x06 - Fix It 500/Ice Ice Rusty

Posted: 11/21/23 11:29
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets' lab is a mobile thrill ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits and Botasaur ♪

♪ And friends you've never seen before ♪

♪ So let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Yeah, let's go ♪

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets, let's go ♪

So, what do you want to build today, Rusty?

A giant robot?

A giant spaceship?

How about both? A giant robot spaceship!

[Horn honking]

I have arrived!

You may cheer and clap now...

[Recorded applause playing]

..for the greatest inventor in the world!

Thank you, thank you.

Hi, Frankie. What's up?

Just came by to show you my latest amazing invention.

The Fritz Car .

The fastest car in the world!

[Recorded applause playing]

No way it's faster than Rusty's go-kart.

Oh, yes, it is! Way faster!

In fact, Frankfurt and I

would be willing to race Rusty and Ruby.


To see who has the fastest car.

You're on!


We need to make this interesting.

If you win, you get to keep my Fritz Car,

but if I win, I get the Mobile Rivet Lab, hee-hee!


It's a deal!

But -- but --


Race starts in town square after lunch.

Uh, Frankie, hold on.

See you there!

[Horn honking]

Liam, you just told Frankie he can have the Mobile Rivet Lab

if he wins the race.

Yeah, but you can totally beat him, right?

Sure we can... I hope.

I, race judge Sammy Scoops,

welcome you to the Fix-it !

[Crowd cheering]

This race has three parts.

A curvy road, a bumpy road and a straight road.

Before each part, there's a pit stop where you fix up your car

to help with the crazy roads ahead.

The Bits and I will help you do that!

It's the least I can do.

But you can't do anything to anyone else's car or the road.

You can only fix up your own car.

I don't need to touch Rusty's car

when I have the greatest vehicle in the world!


Get ready to race to your first pit stop!

On your marks, get set, go!

[Horn sounding]

See ya at the finish line!


[Crowd cheering]

Go, go, go!

We have to hurry.

We don't want to lose the Mobile Rivet Lab.

And there's the pit stop!

[Horn honking]

[Bits cheering]

Let's get to work, my little stinker.

We need to fix our car up for stage one,

the curvy road around Planner's Peak.

I've got it!

We'll add suction cups to our tires to keep us on the road.

BITS: Yeah, yeah, yeah!

The Bits and I are on it!

[Jack sighing]


FRANKIE: Oh, a grappling hook, perfect!

It will swing us around the corners super fast.

Hurry, hurry, hurry!


First one out of the pit stop wins!

Okay, guys, we're done! Go!

[Frankie laughing]

Suction cups, activate!

[Suctions popping]

[Tires screeching]

[Suctions popping]

[Frankfurt making alarm sound]

Don't worry, Frankfurt.

We're about to zoom way ahead of them.

[Button beeping]

[Tires screeching]

[Alarm sounding]

Ahh! They're on our tail!

But I have some soap to clean up this mess.


[Button beeping]

RUSTY: Hang on, Ruby!

Rusty, look out!

Whoa, whoa!

[Both shouting]


Frankie's cheating by making the road slippery with soap,

and now he's getting away!

There's no soap up there.

Great thinking, Ruby!

[Suctions popping]

[Both cheering]

[Crowd cheering]

[Frankie laughing]

[Bits cheering]

We saw you drive on the side of a cliff!

That was awesome!


Now, we need a way to get through the bumpy road,

and quick.


I know what to do.

Let's take the Mobile Rivet Lab's giant spare tires

and use them on our car.

Great idea!

Tire-changing formations, Bits, on the double!

[Bits shouting]

[Horn honking]

Pillows and bungee cords,

another brilliant idea from Frankie Fritz.

[Engine revving]

S-S-See, F-Frankfurt?

These p-p-pillows are p-p-perfect!

These giant tires are working great.



We're gonna pass Frankie!

Don't worry.

Soap may not have stopped them...

but this will!

[Rocks crashing]

[Gasping] Look out!

[Tires screeching]

Ugh, Frankie!

How are we going to get past those rocks?

RUBY: If we don't find a way past these boulders,

Frankie will get our Mobile Rivet Lab!

Maybe we can drive over them with our giant tires.

[Wheels spinning]



Wow, these giant tires are bouncy!

That's it! We can bounce over the boulders!

Let's bounce!


This is so fun!

RUBY: Whoo-hoo! We made it!

Guys, guys, guys!

We've got to hurry.

Frankfurt just added a big battery to Frankie's car

to make it go faster!


And now, Frankie is going to get way ahead!

He's ahead because he keeps breaking the rules.

We need to go super fast to beat him now,

like as fast as a rocket.

I have rockets.


BOTH: We can put them on our car!

Let's combine it.

And design it!

We'll start with the go-kart and turn it into a real racecar.

My sidecar is slowing us down.

So, we'll lose that and add another seat inside.


Then, we'll add rockets so we can blast right past Frankie

and win the race!

Put it all together and we've got our plan!


[Buttons beeping]


[Bits grunting]




The Rocket Car !


Let's win this race and save the Mobile Rivet Lab!

[Seatbelt clicking]

Time to bolt!

[Tires screeching] You can do it!

[Frankfurt short-circuiting]

What? Not again!


Cool rocket race car, but ahhh!

Good thing I have one last trick in my hood.

[Button beeping]

A glue cannon!

They're in for a sticky situation.

[Button beeping]



Frankfurt, fix it!

Look out, glue!

I've got this.

[Tires screeching]

Don't worry, Frankfurt.

We'll still beat them to the finish line.

Oh, no, the steering wheel is stuck!


And the brakes, too!

RUBY: Yes, we're winning!


I can't stop or turn!

Oh, no!

Frankie's going to crash!

I'm on it.

Don't worry, Frankie.

We'll get you around that corner.

One little bump should do it!

[Tires screeching]


[Tires screeching]


Rusty, stop!

I can't!

[All shouting]

And the racers are in the final stretch.

[Tires screeching]

[Crowd gasping]

They're almost at the finish line!

We might still win!

[Camera flash clicking]

That's Rusty and Ruby's car!

BOTH: Yes! We won!


Rusty, Ruby, you win the Fix-It .

You get to keep the Mobile Rivet Lab!

And Frankie's car, too!

Taking Frankie's car wouldn't be right.

You can keep it, Frankie.

Even though you cheated.

What's a little glue, and soap,

and boulders among friends?

Okay, fine. It was wrong.

Thanks for saving me.

Let's go quick before they change their mind

about the Fritz car.


Welcome to After-School Inventors' Club,

where kids come to invent stuff!

KIDS: Yay!

Today, it's Rusty, Ruby and Frankie's turn...

Meh. present their art-ventions,

which is a word I just art-vented.


[Crickets chirping]

Ahem, anyhoo.

Rusty, Ruby, are you ready?

Sure are, Mr. Higgins!

Fellow inventors, Ruby and I are proud to present

the Paintbot !

KIDS: Wow!

Whatever Ruby draws on her tablet,

Paintbot will paint on this canvas.

Let's show 'em, Ruby!

Hmm, what should we paint?

Me! Me! Me!

Hmm, one Liam likeness coming up!


And... voila!

KIDS: Wow!

Wow! It's like looking in a mirror.

It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!

Meh, it's okay.

Wait till you see mine.

Great work!

You think that's great?

I, Frankie Fritz, the greatest inventor in the world...

[Microphone feedback]

..have turned Frankfurt into an ice art machine.


That will make a perfect ice sculpture from any subject.

And I choose... Liam, you're perfect!

Thanks, I get that a lot.

[Buttons beeping]

Prepare to be immortalized!


Whoa, that's pretty neat, Frankie.

Try Frank-tastically incredible!

Is that what I look like?

[Buttons beeping]


Wait a minute.

Just a little hiccup.

[Clanking, rattling]



[Kids gasping]


My painting!

Other Liam, are you all right in there?

I didn't -- That wasn't supposed to --

Don't worry, we'll find a way to de-ice your painting.

We'll melt it.

Let's get some Bits on the fix!

Whirly, Ray, we need your help.

All right!



Thanks, buddy.



Welcome, Super Shine Ray.


We need you to melt the ice off of the Liam painting.


Okay, Ray, time to melt.

Don't worry, awesome Liam painting.

Rusty, Ruby and Ray will save you!


[Liam sighing]

[Kids cheering]

Amazing de-iceification, Ray! Thanks!

You're welcome!

Big deal.

So, they melted a little ice.

Let's go show them how real art is made.

[Kids shouting excitedly]

Me next! Me, me!

Don't worry, kids.

There'll be enough time for each of you

to get your paintings done.

[Kids cheering]

Rusty and Ruby are stealing our spotlight!

How about a freezing frenzy

that not even their little lamp could melt.


Watch out!

[Kids screaming]

Whoa, cloudy with a chance of ice!

Got him!

BOTH: Whoa!


The whole auditorium's been ice-ified!

I've got you, Liam painting!

Ugh! I'm okay!

I guess my genius ice art worked too well.


Kids, remain in place until I figure out what to do.

Rusty, what do we do?!

We need to find a way to defrost the auditorium.

But how?

It's way too big for Ray to handle.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

We need something to break up the ice.

Something that can move quickly and chop it all up.

I've got it!

My robo-spider legs!

And we can add ice skates for ultimate skateability!

Good idea!

And we can get it all from the recycle yard.

[Legs stomping]


[Bits shouting]

Thanks, Bits.

Never fear, Spider Skater's here!



Let's get cracking.

[Bits shouting]

We'll have this ice cleaned up in no time.

[Kids cheering]

Nice job crushing the ice, Rusty.


Extra Inventors' Club credit for two art-ventions in one day!

Come on, Frankfurt.

Let's scram before we get in trouble!


That's not good.


Not again.

I can fix this!


Frankfurt is out of control!

[Bits shouting]

Everyone, follow me.

We're getting out of here.

Wait for me!


Frankfurt, what are you doing?

Right this way.

I'm gonna get you someplace safe and warm.

Over here!

Whew! That was close.

Wait, where's Frankie?

Frankfurt, stop!



Iced in!

Don't worry, Frankie! We'll get you out!


[Ice crackling]

RUSTY: How are we going to get through all that ice

to get Frankie out?

It's too much to melt, or to pick through.

We need to crush the ice.

Or chomp it!

What we need is a shark sub!

A land shark sub!

Let's combine it!

And design it!

We'll start with the shark sub.

Then, we'll add treads so it can ride on land.

Last but not least, titanium mega-jaws

so it can chomp through all that ice.

Put it all together and we've got our plan!

Let's go mobile!

[Buttons beeping]






The Shark-a-Chomper !

[Bits cheering]

Hang on, Frankie! We're coming in!

No hurry.

Please hurry!

Ready, Ruby?

Do it!

Let's get chomping.

[Shark chomping]

[Buzzing sound]

Bike rack up ahead.

Zig left, zag right.

Zigging, and zagging!



What's the matter?

School bus, we need to go around it.


[Shark chomping]

We're getting super close.

Keep chomping, Shark-a-Chomper.


We made it! Let's go get him!

Frankie, stand back!



You did it!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I mean... it's about time!


Guys, look!

Okay, school's out and so are we.

We'd better hurry before the tunnel shuts completely.

Hold on tight.

It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

[Shark chomping]





Don't tell anyone I said this, but...

[Over microphone]: Thanks for getting me out of there.


Looks like it's Rusty and Ruby to the rescue!


And once the school melts over the weekend,

Inventors' Club should be back in session by Monday.



Looks like Frankie was able to fix Frankfurt.

Don't be sad, my little Frankfurt.

We're still the best.

Hey, Frankie!

I've got something to cheer you guys up.

And... done!

FRANKIE: Whoa, cool!

It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!
