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02x23 - Rusty's Elephant Escape/Rusty and the Flying Skunk

Posted: 11/21/23 11:43
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets' lab is a mobile thrill ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits and Botasaur ♪

♪ And friends you've never seen before ♪

♪ So let's go ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Yeah, let's go ♪

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets, let's go ♪

RUSTY: Rusty's Elephant Escape.

[Monkeys chattering]

Hi, Ranger Anna.

Hello, Rusty, Ruby and Elephantbot.


He's excited to meet Elly, the baby elephant.


You have perfect timing. She just woke up.


ALL: Aww!

Hey, Elly. [Trumpeting]


[Trumpeting loudly]

Uh-oh, buddy. I think you scared her.


It's okay. You didn't mean to frighten Elly.

It was an accident.

I know Elephantbot looks

and sounds a little different,

but he's very nice.

[Elephantbot playing rap beat]

He's dancing for you.

[Playing disco music]

[Trumpeting in alarm]

ANNA: Elly, come back!



[Gasping] We have to help the elephants

before they hurt anyone or get hurt.

Don't worry, Ranger Anna.

We'll save them.

RUBY: Let's go, Elephantbot.

[Trumpeting "Charge"]

[Sighing] Thanks

[Loud jingle playing]

[Trumpeting in alarm]

[Loud jingle playing]

RUSTY: Elly, come back!

Oh, no. Rusty, look!

Elly's headed right for that busy street.

RUSTY: She's going to get hurt!


Look out!

Oh, no! We can't stop them in time!


Let's get some Bits on the fix.

Whirly, I need you and Ray.


WHIRLY: Hello!

We need you to stop the traffic in that intersection.

WHIRLY: On it!

[Whirly chattering]

Ray! Ray! Ray!

[Horns honking]

[Horns honking]

Great job.WHIRLY: Thank you.

RAY: Thank you very much.

[Horns honking]Sorry, everyone.

RUBY: It's an elephant emergency.

[Horns honking]

RUSTY: There they go!

[Elly trumpeting]


Hurry, Elephantbot.




Oh, no!

Now, they're trapped in the ravine.





And Elly is getting away.

You stay here and rescue them.

The Bits and I will follow Elly.

Elephantbot, can you reach them with your trunk?

We need something longer.

The winch from the Mobile Rivet Lab.

Time to go mobile.

Elephantbot, grab a tire. I have an idea.


We'll put it on the winch,

so the elephants can grab it with their trunks.

Now, we're rocking and rolling.

Grab ahold, elephants.

Activating winch.

Hold on tight.


They're too heavy, Elephantbot.

[Trumpeting "Charge"]

It's working!

You did it!


Now, let's make sure Elly hasn't gone too far.


RUBY: Rusty, I need your help. Elly's headed towards the lake.

We're coming, Ruby. Let's go get your baby.


Elly, stop!

It's okay, Elly.

You're okay.




Wait! Stop!



Elly, stop!


You're too heavy.






RUSTY: Oh, no! She's floating away!


RUBY: Oh, no!

We have to save baby Elly.

And fast.


RUSTY: We have to save Elly before she drifts away.

We need something that floats.

And is strong enough to pull a baby elephant back to shore.



You want to help Elly, don't you, Elephantbot?


We know that you didn't mean to scare her.

You're strong enough, but you don't float.

Not yet. Let's combine it...

And design it.

We'll start with big, strong Elephantbot.

Then, we'll add pontoons to his sides, so he can float.

And finally, we'll attach a speedboat motor,

to make him go super fast.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.





Elephantbot is now Elephantboat.

[Beatboxing, trumpeting]

Don't worry.

We'll save Elly.

[Elly trumpeting]


Time to set sail, Elephantboat.

[Trumpeting fanfare]

There she is!

RUSTY: Elly, we're coming to save you!


Elly, it's okay.

Yeah, Elephantboat is your friend.

Try some soft music, Elephantboat.

[Playing soft music]

[Playing soft music]

[Playing soft music]



She's gonna hurt herself.

Elephantboat, grab the light post.

Don't worry, Elly.

We're going to take you back to your parents.


[Playing soft music]

[Playing soft music]


Elly, you have to stop moving.

Or you'll fall into the water!

Elephantboat, we need you to move as fast as you can.

Let's get her back to shore.


Turbo mode!

[Jets whirring]

Way to go, Elephantboat. Full trunk speed ahead!


Aww. Elly's not scared of you anymore, big guy.

She knows you saved her.



BOTH: Aww...

Aww. That's so cute.

RUSTY: Now, let's get you all back to the animal park.

Aww. It's so nice to see Elly

and Elephantbot playing together.

Yep. They're all friends now.

Now, we just have to see if we can ever get him out of there.


[All laughing]

RUSTY: Rusty and the Flying Skunk.

[Bits laughing and chattering]


Good job, Whirly.

You're totally rocking the obstacle course.




Wow. Whirly has some rad flight skills.

What amazing thing can you do, Frankfurt?


That's it? Toast? We can do better than that.

After all...

I am the greatest inventor in the world!

Come on, Frankfurt, it's time for you to fly.


The park is perfect for your first flight.

You can use the track as a runway for takeoff.


Get ready to soar like that giant bird!

Let's see, what can I attach to you to make you fly?

An umbrella!

No, no, no. Ooh, a jackhammer!

But that won't help you get off the ground.

A-ha! A propeller!

That's sure to make you fly higher than Whirly.


Prepare for takeoff, Frankfurt.

Fly, my little stinker! Fly!

Now, to take you higher than Whirly.

[Alarm sounding]Uh-oh.

Ahh! He's going too fast!

The propeller Fritzed out. I can't control him!

[Alarm sounding]


[Whirly whooping]



Whoa! Watch out for the flying robotic skunk.

Wait. What?

I didn't know Frankfurt could fly.

He can now,

way better than Whirly.

Except he can't steer or stop,

and I don't know how to get him down.


But aside from that, he's an awesome flyer.

We could help you, Frankie.

I've got it all under control.


But if you really feel like you have to help, I'll let you.

Whirly, grab Frankfurt.

All right!


Whoa! [Straining]


It's blowing Whirly away. Whirly!


[Crashing, cat yowling]

Are you all right?

I'm okay.

It almost hit her, too.

We need another way to grab Frankfurt.

FRANKIE: He's flying away.

I'm gonna lose him! Got another idea yet?


Not quite.

How 'bout now?!

Not yet.

How 'bout now?!

Yes! We can use a suction cup launcher

to pull him down to the ground.

Oh, thank you. I mean, took you long enough.

Let's go get my stinky buddy!

Time to bolt!

[Tires screeching]

FRANKIE: There he is!

we're coming, my little stinky-poo!


Ready, aim, suction cup!


RUBY: Yes! You've got him!

FRANKIE: Yay, Rusty!

I mean, uh, that wasn't terrible.

RUSTY: Whoa!

Oh! Oh!


I have to let go!

We have to catch Frankfurt before he flies away

and I never see him again.

Don't worry, Frankie, we'll save him... somehow.

We have to stop Frankfurt.

He's my best friend!

I promise we'll get Frankfurt back on the ground.

We just need something that can fly super fast.

And is stronger than Frankfurt's propeller.



What do you say, Whirly? Will you help us?


That's a yes!


That's a double yes. Let's combine it.

And design it.

We'll start with Whirly.

Then, we'll add a mega jet to make her even better at flying.

And a turbo engine, so she can fly super fast.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.

Time to go mobile.




The Whirly Jet .

[All cheering]

Hop in, Frankie.

So, we're staying pretty low to the ground, right?

All right, Whirly, prepare for takeoff.


RUSTY: Three, two...

[Gulping] One...

RUBY: Jet!


[Frankie screaming]

BOTH: Woo-hoo!Ahh!

There he is!

RUBY: Uh-oh.


[Alarm sounding]

We're coming, Frankfurt!



Whoa. He's going super fast.

We'll catch him.

[Whistle blowing]

Was that a flying robotic skunk

being chased by a fantastical jet?

Nah, couldn't have been.

RUBY: We're getting closer.

Whoa. We're over the desert, already?

Frankfurt is going fast!


Now we're in the Antarctic? We're going really fast!



We're going really, really, really, really, really fast!

We're so close!

But we still can't reach him.

Let's dive to get some speed, Whirly.

Game on!

RUSTY: Hold on, everyone.

ALL: Whoa!

Now, swoop back up! Let's kick it into high gear!

All right!



RUSTY: Almost there...

[Engine sputtering]

[Alarm sounding]


The propeller broke! He's going to crash!

No, he's not.

ALL: Woo-hoo!


Frankfurt, you're okay!

I never knew I could be so happy to see toast.

I missed you, buddy.



Get your claws off my stinker!

We're coming, Frankfurt.

Oh, no. Our jet is super fast,

but we're too big to move like the bird.

But Whirly can. It's time to launch the Whirly Pod.


All right!


[Whirly chattering] Woo-hoo!

Great flying, Whirly.

FRANKIE: But the bird's not letting go of my little stinker.

Wait, that's it!

Frankfurt, it's power stink time!



Yes! It worked!

Oh, no! It worked!

WHIRLY: All right!

[Laughing] I got him!

We did it!


Nice flying, Whirly.



I'm sorry I put this giant propeller on you.

You're great just the way you are-- nice and stinky.

And toasty.

[All laughing]