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A01x08 - Chloes Puppet Show/Babysitting/My Birthday Party/Daddy Gets Fit/New Shoes

Posted: 11/22/23 07:49
by bunniefuu
- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Male narrator: peppa and her family are visiting uncle pig

And auntie pig and cousin chloe.

- [Snorts] I expect uncle pig will fall asleep after lunch

Like he always does.

- Daddy pig, you shouldn't say such things

About your own brother,

Especially in front of the children.

- But it's true.

Uncle pig always eats too much lunch

And falls asleep, snoring loudly like this...

[Snoring loudly and whistling]

[Both laughing]

- Peppa, george,

Forget what I just said about uncle pig.

- Okay, daddy. [Both laughing]

[Horn honks]

Narrator: peppa and her family have arrived

At uncle pig and auntie pig's house.

- [Snorts] hello, auntie pig and uncle pig.

- [Snorts] hello.

- [Snorts] hello, everyone.

- [Snorts] hello, big brother.

Narrator: uncle pig is daddy pig's brother.

Chloe pig is peppa and george's cousin.

- Hello, chloe. - [Snorts]

- Hello, peppa. Hello, george. [Snorts]

I want to show you something.

- Wait for us!

[All giggling]

- [Snorts] this is my new puppet theater.

[Snorts] my daddy made it for me.

- Wow. - Ooh!

- I've made two puppets already.

This one is called chloe.

"Hello, I'm chloe pig." [Snorts twice]

[Both laughing and clapping]

And this one is my daddy.

- Uncle pig. [Snorts]

- [With deep voice] "hello, peppa.

I am uncle pig." [Strong snort]

[Both giggling]

- [Snorts] chloe, can me and george make puppets too?

- Yes.

Narrator: chloe paints the puppet's eyes.

- Can I do the mouth? - Okay.

- "My name is peppa." [Snorts]

[All giggling]

- George, what puppet would you like to make?

- Dine-saw.

- A dinosaur?

- George always says dinosaur for everything.

- Okay, a scary dinosaur puppet.

Narrator: chloe is making george a dinosaur puppet.

- [Snorts] it needs pointy teeth. There.

A scary dinosaur!

- [Laughing] grr!

[All giggling]

[Bell jingles] - lunchtime, everyone!

- Coming. [Snorts]

After lunch, we'll do a puppet show.

- Hooray!

Narrator: auntie pig has made spaghetti for lunch.

[All slurping]

- This spaghetti is delicious.

- [Slurping] best spaghetti ever.

- [Snorts] you can tell you two are brothers.

- Alike in every way.

- [Slurping] what do you mean?

- [Slurping] we are completely different.

[All laughing]

- [Snorts] peppa, george, and I

Are going to do a puppet show.

- Fantastic! Call us when you're ready.

- See you later.

- A puppet show? That sounds fun.

[Snorts] have I got time for some more spaghetti?

- Could I have some more too?

[Mummy and auntie pig laughing]

Narrator: the puppet show

Is about to begin.

- [Snorts] hello, my name is chloe.

- And I am peppa.

- Grr!

- Aah! It's a dinosaur!

- A scary dinosaur. Eek!

- [Growling]

- Oh, I say, that's very good.

- Bravo!

- I am uncle pig. [Snorts]

- Hello, uncle pig. - Hello, peppa.

Ho, ho, ho.

- [Laughs] he looks just like you.

- I think they made my tummy a bit big.

- Ho, ho. I did enjoy my lunch.

[All giggling]

- Uncle pig, are you going to fall asleep

And snore like you always do?

- What do you mean?

- Daddy says you always fall asleep

And snore loudly like this...

[Snoring loudly and whistling]

[Both gasp]

- Ho, ho, your daddy's right.

I do snore like this...

[Snoring loudly and whistling]

- [Gasps] daddy pig, you shouldn't have said

Those things about uncle pig.

- [Snorts] I don't think daddy pig or uncle pig

Can hear you.

Narrator: daddy pig and uncle pig had fallen asleep.

- You can tell they're brothers.

[Both laughing]

- [Snorts] eh? What happened?

- [Snorts] huh? Has the puppet show started yet?

[All laughing]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: mummy pig and daddy pig

Are going out for the evening.

Granny pig and grandpa pig are going to babysit.

- [Snorts] granny pig! Grandpa pig!

- [Snorts] ganky igg! Papa ig!

- [Snorts] hello, my little ones.

- Hello.

- Peppa, george, into your beds, quick.

[Both giggling]

- Good night, my little piggies.

- Good night. Sleep tight.

- Good night, mummy. Good night, daddy.

- [Snorts twice]

- What little darlings.

- [Snorts] now, go to sleep quickly.

- Yes, mummy.

- So well-behaved.

[Light clicks off]

Narrator: mummy pig and daddy pig are leaving

For their evening out.

[Engine turns over]

- Peppa and george are so good.

They just fell asleep when mummy pig told them to.

- [Snorts] this babysitting is easy.

- George? George? Are you awake?

- [Snorts twice]

- [Giggling]

- [Giggling]

- Shh! [Giggles]

[Both giggling]

[Giggling and banging]

Narrator: what strange noises.

- I wonder if we should check upstairs.

[Both snorting and giggling]

- Peppa, george! Are you awake?

Well, I never.

Fast asleep.

- So it wasn't peppa and george

Making all that noise.

- [Snorts] I can't hear anything.

- I think they really have fallen asleep.

[Snorts] let's watch some television.

- Gardening.

Today we are talking about roses.

- Oh, I love gardening programs.

- The kiftsgate is a particularly thorny rose.

To prune it, start by lopping off the head,

And then snip away the budding sh**t.

- Granny pig. - Peppa, george.

You should be in bed, asleep.

- George and I aren't sleepy at all.

[Snorts] can we watch tv with you?

- Well, I suppose watching a little tv

Might make you sleepy.

- Hooray!

- Icelandic roses are a rare treat

For the discerning horticulturalist.

But they are prone to lobbing in temperate habitats.

- [Yawns] this program is very boring.

- [Yawns]

- Grandpa pig, can you play that game

Where you throw us up and catch us?

- Okay. But just one turn each.

Both: whee!

- Oh, you seem heavier than before.

- [Snorts twice]

- [Chuckles] now it's george's turn.

Both: whee!

- My turn.

Both: whee!

- Higher, higher. Whee!

- Maybe grandpa pig

Is a bit tired.

- I know.

[Snorts] granny pig, let's play catch.

- Uh...

- You're it. Catch us if you can.

- [Laughs]

- You can't catch me.

- I'm going to catch you.

[All giggling]

Narrator: mummy pig and daddy pig are back home.

- [Snorts] I hope our little piggies are asleep.

- Hello? Anyone here?

[All snoring and whistling]

The little piggies are asleep,

And so are the big piggies.

[Both laughing]

Narrator: peppa is playing on the swing.

- [Snorts] mummy, mummy, push me, please.

- Are you ready? - Yes!

I want to go really high.



- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

[Rooster crows]

Narrator: it is peppa's birthday.

It is very early in the morning.

- [Snorts loudly]

It's my birthday.

[Giggling] george, wake up. It's my birthday!

- [Yawns]

- I'm going to have a party.

[Snorts] and daddy is doing a magic show.

- [Snorts twice]

- Quick, george, let's wake mummy and daddy up.

[Both snoring]

Narrator: mummy pig and daddy pig

Are still fast asleep.

- Wake up. It's my birthday.

Wake up!

- Oof!

- [Yawns] what time is it?

- It's very late.

- It's : in the morning.

- Yes, the whole day is going.

- [Laughing]

- Okay. Let's get your birthday started.

- [Snorts] yippee! [Giggling]

[All giggling]

Narrator: mummy pig, daddy pig, and george

Are giving peppa her birthday present.

- [Snorts twice]

Both: happy birthday, peppa!

- Ooh!

What is it?

[Snorts] a doll's dress.

I can put it on teddy.

Thank you, everyone.

- You're welcome, peppa.

[Snorts] I didn't know teddy was a girl teddy.

- Oh, daddy.

Of course teddy is a girl.

[Snorts] "I love my new dress.

Thank you, everyone."

[Snorts] you're welcome, teddy.

Don't get it dirty.

- Do you know what's happening next, peppa?

- Yes! My friends are coming for my birthday party.

And daddy is doing a magic show.

- [Laughs] no one will know the magician is your daddy.

You will introduce me as the amazing mysterio.

- The amazing mystio.

- Yes. The amazing mysterio.

- Daddy's been practicing his magic tricks all week.

[Doorbell rings]

- My friends are here!



Narrator: here are peppa's friends:

Candy cat, suzy sheep, danny dog, rebecca rabbit,

And pedro pony.

- Hello, everyone.

All: happy birthday, peppa.

- Come on, children.

The party is starting.

- Hooray!

Narrator: daddy pig is going to do a magic show.

- [Snorts] peppa, remember what you have to say:

"Ladies and gentlemen,

Introducing the amazing mysterio."

- Okay, daddy. [Snorts]

Ladies and gentlemen,

Uh, it's magic daddy.

All: hooray!


- For my first trick, abracadabra.


[All gasp]

- Wow. It's teddy.


- For my next trick,

I need a helper from the audience.

All: me, me, me, me!

- [Laughs] I just need one.

[Snorts] young lady, you put your hand up first.

Can you tell the audience your name?

- [Bleats] suzy sheep.

- Okay, suzy.

Here are three balls--

A red one, a blue one, and a yellow one.

- Okay.

- You have to secretly choose one

While my back is turned.

- Okay.

- Have you chosen one? - Yes.

- Abracadabra.

You chose...yellow.

- No.

- Uh, abracadabra...


- No.

- Abracadabra...


- Yes. It is red.

All: hooray!


- Silly magic daddy.

You said all three colors.

- Shush, peppa. Don't tell anyone.

[All giggling]

[Laughs] would you like one more trick?

All: yes, please.


- Close your eyes. No looking.

Say the magic words. Abracadabra.

All: abracadabra.

- Open your eyes.

All: ooh.

- Hooray!

- My banana birthday cake.

- Blow the candles out, peppa!

All: hooray!

Happy birthday, peppa.

- Thank you, everyone.

[Snorts] this is my best birthday ever.

[All laughing]

Narrator: peppa loves playing tea parties.

- [Giggling] "where are all the chocolate biscuits, daddy?

We had lots yesterday."

"Oh, I'm sorry, mummy. I must have eaten them all.

Ho, ho, ho."

"Naughty daddy."

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: mummy pig is watching a keep fit program

On television.

- Three and four and--

Come on, now, that's right.

Bend it. Stretch it.

Bend it. Stretch it.

- Ah! I love watching telly.


What's this, mummy pig?

- It's a program about doing exercises to keep fit.

- [Laughs] thank goodness I don't have to exercise.

I'm naturally fit.

- [Snorts] you don't look very fit, daddy.

Your tummy is a bit big.

- I'm very fit. I'll show you.

[Snorts] what shall I do first?

- Touch your toes like this.

- Easy.


- Daddy, stop pretending that you can't touch your toes.

- I'm not pretending, peppa.

Narrator: daddy pig really cannot touch his toes.

- Oh, dear, daddy. That's not very good.

- Mm.

Maybe I should do a bit of exercise.

- Yes, daddy.

- And I will start...tomorrow.


- Daddy pig!

You have to start exercising now.

- Oh.

- Don't worry, daddy. I will help you.

- Oh, all right.

Peppa, you're in charge of getting me fit.

What shall I do first?

- [Snorts] first, you must do some press-ups.

- [Snorts] easy.

- One, two. - There.

- Very good, daddy.

Now I want you to do... .

- ? - Yes.

- Come on, children. Help me make lunch.

- I'll help as well. - No, daddy.

You've got press-ups to do.

- Oh.

One, two, three...

Narrator: mummy pig, peppa, and george

Are in the kitchen making lunch.

Daddy pig is still doing his press-ups.

- Daddy is doing very well. - Ten...

- Yes, I do hope he's not overdoing it.

- I'll go and see.

- ,

, , , .

- Daddy pig! You're cheating!

You should be doing press-ups.

- Oh, there was something interesting on the tv.

- Naughty daddy.

- Maybe daddy will have more success

With my old exercise bike.

- Aha. This looks like fun.

I'll be able to cycle and watch tv at the same time.

[Bike grinding]

It's impossible. This bike is too noisy.

I can't hear the tv.

- [Snorts] you've got to get fit somehow.

- I know.

You can use my bicycle.

- Yes, and then you'll get some fresh air as well.

Narrator: daddy pig is going to ride on peppa's little bicycle.

- Daddy, these are the pedals,

These are the brakes, and this is the bell.

- Yes, yes. Thank you, peppa. I know.

[Snorts] bye-bye.

[Bell ringing]

Easy as pie.

Narrator: getting fit is quite hard work.

- Ah.


Now I can get fit without having to pedal.

Narrator: daddy pig is going very fast.

- Oh, maybe I'd better slow down.

[Brakes screeching]

Ah! The brakes aren't strong enough.

Help! Aah!

[Ducks quacking]



[Ducks quacking]

Narrator: daddy pig has been gone for a long time.

- Mummy, where can daddy be?

- Don't worry, peppa.

Daddy must be really enjoying himself

To be away for so long.

- [Panting]

[Ducks quacking]

[Bell ringing]

- Daddy!

Where have you been?

- I whizzed all the way down the hill.

Then I had to push the bike all the way back up again.

- Oh, poor daddy pig.

- Well, at least I've done my exercise.

- Yes, for today.

- What do you mean?

- You'll have to do some more exercise tomorrow.

- What?

- Daddy,

To get fit, you have to exercise every day.

- Oh, no.

- But don't worry, daddy. I'll make sure you do it.

- Yes, I know you will. [Laughing]

[All laughing]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: peppa and george

Have been playing in the garden.

[Both giggling]

- Peppa? Where are your shoes?

- Oh, I've lost them.

- Well, I'm sure we can find them.

[Snorts] maybe we should try the garden.

- [Snorts] yes!

Narrator: everyone is looking for peppa's shoes.

Mummy pig is looking in the flower bed.

Peppa's shoes are not there.

- Oh.

Narrator: daddy pig is looking in the wheelbarrow.

Peppa's shoes are not there.

- Oh.

Narrator: peppa and george look in the flowerpots.

Peppa's shoes are not there either.

- Oh. - Oh.

- [Snorts] we've looked everywhere,

But we can't find peppa's shoes.

Narrator: peppa's shoes are lost.

- Now I haven't got any shoes to wear. [Snorts]

- Poor peppa.

Your shoes were getting a bit old.

[Snorts] we'll buy you a new pair.

- [Snorts] can my new shoes be red, mummy?

- Of course they can.

- George, I'm going to have new red shoes.

- [Snorts twice]

Narrator: mummy pig and peppa are at miss rabbit's shoe shop.

- Hello, miss rabbit. - Hello, mummy pig.

- [Snorts] we would like to buy some new shoes

For peppa, please.

- [Snorts] red shoes.

- Oh, I'm sure we can find you some lovely new shoes, peppa.

- Red ones. [Snorts] please.

- Of course! Red ones.

- Wow.

[Snorts] new red shoes!


Narrator: george and daddy pig are playing draughts.

- [Snorts twice] - oh.

Well done, george.

- Daddy, daddy!

[Snorts] look at my new shoes.

They're red!

- I say.

They are red.

- [Snorts] mummy, do you like my new shoes?

- Yes, peppa. They make you look very smart.

- [Snorts] george, do you like my new shoes?

- [Snorts twice]

Narrator: everyone likes peppa's new shoes.

- I like my new shoes so much.

I don't want to ever take them off.

[All laughing]

Narrator: it is bath time.

Peppa wants to keep her new shoes on

Even for her bath.

- [Giggling]

Narrator: peppa is in her pajamas.

She still has her new shoes on.

- [Giggling]

Narrator: peppa even wants to wear her new shoes in bed.

- Peppa, are you sure you don't want to take your shoes off?

- I don't want to ever take my new shoes off, mummy.

- Very well.

Good night, peppa and george.

- [Giggles] [snorts twice]

- [Giggles] good night, mummy.

[Snorts] good night, daddy.

- [Snorts] good night, my little piggies.

Narrator: it has been raining all night,

And now the garden is very wet.

Mummy pig is wearing her boots.

Daddy pig is wearing his boots.

George is wearing his boots.

Peppa is still wearing her new red shoes.

- [Giggles] [snorts]

Narrator: george is going to play in the wet grass.

- [Giggling]

Narrator: oh, dear.

Peppa loves playing in the wet grass,

But she doesn't want to get her new shoes wet.

- I can't play in the wet grass, george.

- Oh. [Snorts twice]

Narrator: george loves jumping in muddy puddles.

Peppa loves jumping in puddles,

But she doesn't want to get her new shoes muddy.

- Oh.

Narrator: mummy and daddy love jumping up and down

In muddy puddles.

Everyone likes jumping in muddy puddles.

- [Snorts]

Narrator: where is peppa going?

- [Snorts twice]

Narrator: peppa is putting on her boots.

- [Giggles] [snorts twice]

[All giggling]


If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots.

[All giggling]

- [Giggling and snorting]

♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig

[Snorting and giggling]