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03x06 - Detective Rusty/Rusty's Chilling Rescue

Posted: 11/22/23 12:42
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets' lab is a mobile thrill ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits and Botasaur ♪

♪ And friends you've never seen before ♪

♪ So let's go! ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Yeah, let's go! ♪

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets, let's go! ♪

And that's how Sir Snooperific

solved the mystery of the missing diamond.

RUBY: Wow!

It's awesome how he used clues to find the lost diamond.

Yeah, I love Sir-- huh? Oopsie.

ROBOT: Put stuff away.

Put stuff away.

Whoa, you have a new robot?

Yup, the Cleaner-Upper .

I made it to help my mom clean the house,

and to help me clean up the recycling yard.

Put stuff away, put stuff away.

RUBY: It's putting the comics away for us.

I like this bot.

Hey, since the Cleaner-Upper is doing our cleaner-uppering,

you guys wanna go get ice cream?

Let me think about that. Yes!

Let's go!


Put stuff away. Put stuff away.


[Train whistling]

Put stuff away. Put stuff away.

[Voice distorting]

Put stuff away. Put stuff-- put away--

away stuff-- away s-stuff-- a-away.

Put stuff away. Put--

Put stuff away. Put stuff away.

Put away-- away.

Put stuff away.

Ooh, Rusty, Ruby!

I was just about to call you.

I'm having an ice cream emergency!

There's such a thing?

There is now!

I went in the back of my store for a minute,

and when I came out, my ice cream was gone!


MAN: My gears!

[Gasping] Mr. Higgins is in trouble!

My precious gears, they're missing!

Did you see who took them, Mr. Higgins?


And they took a bucket of shiny new bolts I had out front.

This is a real mystery.

Yeah, it's...the case of the missing ice cream...

and gears...and bolts.

We'll be detectives like Sir Snooperific!

I keep these detective hats handy

just in case there's a case!

Detective Rusty.

Detective Ruby.

And Detective Liam.

ALL: Are on the case!

Now what?

Now we search for clues.


Ooh, a bolt!

It must have dropped out of your missing bolt bucket!

One down, a bucketful to go.

Maybe there's more around here to show us which way to go.


Yes! There's a trail of bolts.

Don't worry, we're on the case!

Let's bolt!

And follow the bolts.


There's another one.

BOT: Away!

I think I saw it! It went around that corner.

Another bolt. We're on its tail!

It's at the playground!

We're too late.

All the playground equipment is gone.

LIAM: Eep!

Not that swirly slide!

No! [Echoing]

Why would someone steal a playground?

Maybe those kids saw who did this.


Let's go ask them some questions, detectives.


Did you see what the person who took everything looked like?

Ooh, I'll draw what they say!

I'm great at drawing, especially dinosaurs,

but a dinosaur probably didn't do it.

Here, Liam, you can use my tablet.

Thanks, Ruby! Okay, what did he look like?

He was tall.He was big!

He was short. No, short.And green hair!

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm...

BOY: He was wearing cowboy boots.


So, whoever took everything looks kinda like this.

He went really fast.

It was kinda hard to tell what he looked like.

Hmm, so whoever's taking things is sneaky and fast.

It's gonna be hard to find him.

So let's make him come to us!

We'll set a trap, then lure him with some kind of bait.

We know it likes ice cream,

so let's use a giant ice cream cone as bait!

Giant ice cream? This is the best plan ever!

But isn't all of Sammy's ice cream missing?

Sammy keeps his favorite - chili pepper kiwi -

in the back of his shop since no one else likes it.

We can even put some bolts on top, like sprinkles!

Good plan, Detective Liam.

You help Sammy make it. Rusty and I will build the trap.

Let's make something great!

[Drill whirring]

Awesome! That'll catch whoever's taking things for sure.


I give you... [Imitating fanfare trumpeting]



Now let's go hide!


Ah-ha, we got him!

Hi. Sorry, I wanted to try the ice cream.


Okay, now let's all go hide.


Liam, not again!

It wasn't me! [Clattering]

No, not Giganticone! How?

Why? [Echoing]

Whoa! It bent the bars of the trap.

So it's not just fast and sneaky; it's strong too!

MAN: Wait! Stop! Help!

[Horns honking]

[Gasping] Officer Carl!

[Whistle blowing]


What's wrong?

Someone took all the traffic lights,

so now no one knows when to stop or go.

[Horns honking]

[Whistle blowing]

[Horns honking]

Whoever's taking stuff is ruining the entire town!

We have to catch him fast, but how?

[Whistle blowing]

Whoever took all that stuff is super sneaky.

Too bad Sir Snooperific isn't real.

He always solves the case.

Oh, we can make our own Sir Snooperific!

Yeah, a super-deluxe detective bot!

Let's combine it...And design it!

We'll start with a super strong robo-detective body...

Then, add a rocket pack to keep up with the speedy thief!

And last but not least,

we'll give him a mega magnifier for super sight,

to help follow its trail.

Put it all together and we've got our plan!

Time to go mobile!







The Detectomatic B.

Nice to meet you, Detectomatic. I'm Rusty.

I know. I detected that.

Whoa, he's good!

Detectomatic can use mega magnifier to spot clues

and send them to Ruby's tablet.

Using mega magnifier.


Whoa, I can see everything!


RUBY: Pebbles, ants, a tiny drop of ice cream.

That's it! The Giganticone is melting!

Detectomatic, follow the ice cream drips!

I detected that too!



Look what Detectomatic found - strange tracks.

Analyzing now.

Hmm, the tracks aren't from a car or a bike.

Maybe a bot?

That'd explain why it's so fast and strong.

BOT: Put stuff away.

Well, I am detecting a culprit straight ahead.

After him!

Culprit located.


LIAM: It's your Cleaner-Upper !

Put stuff away. Put--

It's getting away!

Not on our detective watch!

Put stuff away. Put away-- put stuff away.



He took all the stuff back to the recycle yard.

And put it all away.


I missed you.

Put stuff away. Put stuff away.

Don't let it get out! I'll push its off-switch.

Put stuff away, put-- away.

Hmm?Put stuff away.


Put stuff away, away-- stuff--Stop!

Put-- away. Put stuff a-away.

Put stuff away.

RUBY: Stop!

Put stuff away.

Ah, yeah!

Put stuff away.


Put stuff away. Away-- put stuff away.

S-s-stuff-- a-away--

There's nowhere else to run!

Put stuff away.


Put stuff away-- away-- away-- away-- away...

Put stuff away...

BOTH: Whoo-hoo, yeah!

Victory detected!

Ah, the Cleaner-Upper is damaged.

That explains it.

RUBY: Looks like it short-circuited.


The good news is I can fix it,

and then it'll be a good guy cleaning bot again

and put this stuff back.

Great detecting, Detectomatic.

You're as good as Sir Snooperific.

Yes, Liam. I detected that too.

Put stuff away.

My beautiful gears!

And my yummy ice cream!

How's your ice cream, Liam?

Mega delicious!

I detected he would say that.

[All laughing]

[Jack chattering]

Here you go.

Thanks, Jack.

Just one more bucket of sand and...behold!

I give you Castle Rustalot!

[Fanfare trumpeting]

ALL: Ooh!

All we need now is water for the moat.

Elephantbot, would you do the honors?


Nothing like a nice moat to cool down a castle

on a hot summer day!

[Musical beats playing]


[Chirping] [Music stops playing]


Sounds like your trunk might need a tune-up, Elephantbot.


[Loud trumpeting]



Oh, that sound's coming from the penguin.

That explains it.

Wait, no, it doesn't.

Why is there a penguin in Sparkton Hills?

Aww, the poor little guy looks scared.

[Gasping] And he's getting farther away from shore!

He's gonna float out to sea!

We need a penguin rescue!

[Reeling sound]

The ice floe is too far for my grappling hook to reach.


Good idea, Elephantbot!

I can use your trunk to get closer.

Stretch as far as you can!


Don't be afraid!

We're gonna pull you to shore!


Whoo-hoo, yeah!

Let's reel him in, Elephantbot!


Welcome to shore, little guy.


[Confused trumpeting]


Looks like Elephantbot has a new friend.

A new friend who's far away from his home and family.

[Sad trumpeting]


He must have floated all the way from the snow fields.

We have to get him back home.

Looks like we're going to the Sprocket snow fields!

[Excited trumpeting]Whoo-hoo, yeah!

Elephantbot is all packed and ready to take our new friend

back home to the Sprocket snow fields.


Time to get you back home.

Before we go, we need a name for you.

I think he kind of looks like a...Skippy.


He likes it! Skippy it is.

Everyone on-board the Elephantbot express!

Next stop: Skippy's home!

["Charge" fanfare playing]


Rusty, look! I found Skippy's family.




Aww, he really misses them.

Hang in there, Skippy. It won't be much longer.

RUBY: Or maybe it will!

There's a storm forming in the Sprocket snow fields.

If we don't hurry, it'll cut off our path!

We've gotta beat that storm, Elephantbot.

Full steam ahead!


How are we doing with the storm?

RUBY: It's gonna be close.

BOTH: Whoa!

Is-- is that a...?


BOTH: Cliff!


Nice catch, Elephantbot. Whoa!

There's no way Elephantbot can climb down an ice cliff.

We need to find a way down before that storm stops us

from getting Skippy home.

[Chirping sadly]

Don't worry, Skippy.

No ice cliff or storm's gonna stop us from getting you home!


Wait, what?

That bird gave me an idea.

If we can't climb down the cliff,

then we'll glide to the bottom.

Yeah, e-except one tiny problem.

None of us can fly!

Not yet.


The glider wings are ready.

Time for you to fly, Elephantbot!


Great job, Ruby!

Prepare for elephant take-off!

["Charge" fanfare playing]

Okay, buddy, get ready to glide!


We did it.

Next stop: Skippy's home.

Except we can't go around that ice wall!

Try to glide over it, Elephantbot!

RUSTY: This is gonna be close!

RUBY: We have to get over that ice wall!


We're not gonna make it!

It's too high!

We're gonna crash!

Ejecting wings.

[Scared trumpeting]

Elephantbot, hit the brakes!

[Confused trumpeting]


We're so close!

Skippy's family is just on the other side of the wall.

There's no way to go through the ice wall...

And it's too big to go around before the storm gets here.

So, the only way is to go over it.


What's up, Skippy?


We don't have time to play right now.

We need to figure out a way to get over the ice wall.


I don't think Skippy wants to play.

I think he's trying to tell us we can make an ice slide

and slide over the ice wall.


Great idea, Skippy!

We just need to build something that can blast enough ice

to make a slide.[Tablet alarm wailing]

[Gasping] And we need to do it fast!

The ice storm is really close!

Hmm... we've got everything we need right here.

Hey, buddy, wanna help us out?


Elephantbot saved Skippy before, and he can do it again!

Yeah, let's confine it...

And design it.

We'll start with Elephantbot and make his trunk blast ice.

Then we'll give him skis so we can move around on the ice.

And last but not least -

rockets, so he can turbo sled super fast.

Put it all together, and we've got our plan!







The Iceblasterbot .



I always knew you were cool, Elephantbot!


Okay, we're ready to slide.

Let's go for a ride.



[Motor revving]

Here we go!

BOTH: Whoo-hoo!

And just in time 'cause here comes the storm.

The wall is too high!

We're not gonna make it!


Yes, we will 'cause we're going turbo!


BOTH: Whoo-hoo!


Skippy, look!

It's your family.


[Chirping happily]



I think that's how you say "thank you" in penguin.

[Music beats playing]


And that's how you say "you're welcome" in Elephantbot.

[Musical beats playing]