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06x06 - Grandma's Surprise/Costume Day

Posted: 11/22/23 16:27
by bunniefuu
KIDS: Max and Ruby!


♪ Max and Ruby

♪ Ruby and Max

♪ Max and Ruby

♪ Ruby and Max

MAN: Max and Ruby!

WOMAN: Ruby and her little brother Max.

♪ Max and Ruby

KIDS: Max and Ruby!

RUBY: I finished my breakfast, Mom.

Me too! Good.

(Doorbell ringing)

Oh, I'll get it.

MOM: Goodness, look at that!

What's that?

It's a package from Grandma.

Is it for us?

For Max and Ruby. Yay!

Do not open until I arrive.


It's a surprise. Love, Grandma.


That's right, she's coming home from her trip today.

I love surprises!

Don't you, Max?


Wait, Max.

Grandma loves surprising us,

and we don't want to disappoint her, do we?

No! Good!

Now I'm going to make a thank-you card!

(Humming cheerfully)

Hmm, I wonder what's in the box?

A big doll that Grandma found in some faraway country?

Or maybe a pretty chest to hold necklaces and things.

Whatever it is, I'm sure it's extra special.

So I'll make this card extra special too.


(Humming innocently)

(Grandfather clock ticking)

Or maybe Grandma sent us a new Bunny Drew book.

Ohh, wondering what a surprise is going to be

is so much fun!

(Loud thumping)





Ohh, hi, Ruby.

Hi, Max. What are you doing?

Umm... the paper got ripped!

It sure did.

Don't you want Grandma to have fun seeing us open her surprise?

Why don't you go upstairs and play 'til Grandma gets here?

That will make the time go faster.



A glue stick will fix this.

There. Good as new.

Grandma's present is still a surprise.

Now to finish up her thank-you card.


Let's go, flipping chicks!


It's hard to make a thank-you card

before you know what you're thanking someone for.

But Grandma always loves it when I draw

lots and lots of hearts on her cards.

So maybe... a few more in pink!

Hmm... I have an idea!

Careful, chicks!

(Humming cheerfully)

This way!

Good job, chicks!


Now Grandma will know the card

is from me and Max.

(Loud thumping)

What is Max up to now?

(Ruby gasping in shock) Max!

Grandma wants to see us

open her surprise when she's here.

You don't wanna disappoint her, do you?


Good. I'll get your flipping chicks.


Now you go play while I fix the wrapping paper. Again.


A bit of tape will do the trick.

Much better.

Now to finish Grandma's thank-you card.

Rescue helicopter, emergency takeoff!

All systems go!

(Gasping in shock) Lobster!

Stop, lobster! Stop!

RUBY: Now that's a thank-you card!

And I finished it just in time.

Ohh, I can't wait for her to see it!

And to open her big surprise.

Now, where should I put our card?

I know!

Over here, so Grandma will see it

as soon as she walks in the front door.

(Rotors whirring, gasping)

(Loud thumping, gasping)

Max! Why is your rescue helicopter in the living room?

(Thumping) Huh?

(Gasping) Oh, no...

Stop that! Shoo, helicopter!

Control Tower to Pilot Max,

land your rescue copter immediately.


(Sighing) Prepare for landing.

We can't open the box yet!

(Whirring, clattering)

(Gasping in shock)

Don't you want Grandma to be here,

so she can watch us open our surprise?

That way we can all enjoy it.

You're right!

(Whirring, tearing)


No, lobster!

Can you please take your lobster and rescue helicopter

back to your room?


Be good, lobster.

Thank you.

Hmmm... I'm going to need something stronger

than glue or tape to fix this.

I'll check my craft supplies.

(Humming cheerfully)


RUBY: This'll do the trick.


Max, can you come and help me?

Can we open it now?

No. I just need you to put your finger on the string

while I tie it up.

There. Thank you, Max.

Now I better tidy up my stuff.

Grandma will be here any minute.

Grandma is going to love our thank-you card.



(Doorbell ringing, gasping)

There's Grandma now!

(Gasping) Oh, no!

Coming, Grandma!

Grandma! (Gasping in shock)

Hello, Ruby!



I see you and Max got my surprise present.

Where's Max?

I don't... know.

He was here a moment ago.



(Horn honking)

(Imitating motorcycle engine, giggling)

Now that is a surprise!

Thank you, Grandma!

You're welcome!

The surprise was a scooter?

Wow! I'd never have guessed that.

Why don't you check the box, Ruby?

There's more than one surprise inside.

Now, shall we take your new scooter

for a test ride in the park?

Come on, Max. We'll meet Ruby outside.

(Scooter horn honking)

(Gasping in wonder)


(Laughing, scooter horn honking)

I love my surprise!

RUBY: Whoo-hoo!


I think Ruby loves her surprise too!

New roller skates! Just like yours, Grandma!

Thank you so much!

You're welcome.

I'm so glad you waited to open my--

Surprise! Surprise!

Now, let's roll! Whee!

(Laughing, scooter horn honking)

(Imitating motorcycle engine)

RUBY: Good news, Max!

Tomorrow will be your first ever Costume Day at school!

What's Costume Day?

It's when we all get dressed up as our favorite characters,

like a pirate, or a clown, or an astronaut, or...

The Queen of Bunningham!


I just love Costume Day!

Dressing up is one of my favourite things to do!


As the Queen, I'm going to wear a shiny dress,

and fancy gloves and sparkly shoes.

There's a prize given for best costume,

and I plan to win it.

Good luck!

What are you going to be, Max?

I'll be me, Max!

You love wearing costumes!

I guess so.

So then you really should consider--

Bye! But--


The prize for Costume Day is the Golden Cup Trophy,

full of Blue Slime Dribblers!

Blue Slime Dribblers?

Yes, Blue Slime Dribblers!

As you can see, I have a lovely gown,

sparkly shoes, long gloves, and a very shiny crown.

You look very royal, Ruby!


(Imitating heroic fanfare)

Super Bunny!

Ohh, you're a real superhero, Max!

I like your costume,

but I have an even better idea.

We can go to Costume Day as a team!

You can wear a royal jacket, a tie and a crown!

You'll look just like the King of Bunningham!

I wanna be Super Bunny.

But if we go as a team,

we'll win Best Dressed Pair for sure!

It'll be fun, Max!

Okay! Really? Thank you!

You can be Amazing Bunny!

Oh, Max...

Max, do you see what I see?

Look, Max.

I see Blue Slime Dribblers in there.

Sure you don't wanna dress as the King?

No. I wanna be Super Bunny.


Hi, Max. Hi, Ruby.


I'm just getting the Golden Cup Trophy

ready for Costume Day.

They sure look good, don't they?


Would you give me a hand, Max?

I'll hold the trophy steady while you scoop in the last few.


Candi, don't you think Max and I would look great

if we dressed up as the King and Queen of Bunningham?

You sure would!

See, Max? It's a great idea.

And you don't want to miss the chance to win

those Blue Slime Dribblers.

But I want to be Super Bunny.

That sounds like a great costume too.

Whatever you two decide, I'm sure it'll turn out well.

Thanks, Candi.

Here, Max. Have a couple of Blue Slime Dribblers for helping me.

Thanks! Good luck!


I really think we can win if we go together.

Look at that trophy

full of Blue Slime Dribblers.

RUBY: Oh, Max?

I have a surprise for you!



Your throne, Your Majesty?

Kings and queens have so much fun.

They sip tea, eat cookies and act very dignified.


Dignified means having very good manners.


So, don't you think it would be fun to be a king?

No, I want to be Super Bunny.

Super Bunny saves the day!

But Kings and queens get to wear fancy crowns!

Superheroes wear capes!

Umm... but...

kings and queens go in parades.

And-- and they wave, like this!

Superheroes can fly!

Okay, Max.

I wish you'd be a king and go to Costume Day with me,

but... okay. Be Super Bunny.

Zoom, zoom! Zoom!

(Sighing in disappointment)


(Giggling) Zoom, zoom, zoom!

Super Bunny saves the day! Zoom, zoom!

RUBY: Oh, well, Curly Shirley,

I guess I can still be the Queen by myself.

But it would have been more fun if Max was dressed as the King.

(Imitating heroic fanfare)


Does this mean you changed your mind?

So you'll go as the King of Bunningham?


Did you hear that, Curly Shirley?

Oh, thank you, Max! Thank you!

(Bird singing)

I'm so glad we're going together, Max.

Me too!

Have fun today, Your Majesties.

We will, milady!


ALL: Bye!

Well, don't you two look stunning!

Thanks, Mr. Piazza.

We look...


We're trying to win the trophy for Best Costume.

And lots of Blue Slime Dribblers!

Well, they certainly are delicious.

Okay, good luck!


So, you decided to go together.

Nice costumes! Good luck!

Thanks! Thanks! Bye!



(Students gasping in awe) GIRL: That's cool!

See, Max? Everyone loves our royal costumes.

(Students gasping in awe)

Who are they oohing and aahing for now?

Oh, no!

There are two Kings and Queens of Bunningham?

Wow! We're all dressed the same!

That's so great!

(Giggling) It's funny!

You're right, Louise, it is great.

You look just beautiful.

Why, thank you, Your Royal Highness!


See you at the contest!

Hmm, it is funny that we all dressed the same.

But with two Kings and Queens,

there's no way we'll win the contest.

No Blue Slime Dribblers?!


Wow, there sure are a lot of amazing costumes here.

Welcome to our annual Costume Day!

Everyone just looks fabulous!


Now, let's get to it and begin the costume parade!

(Applause continuing)

(Audience chuckling softly)


Good luck!

Thank you!

Even though we won't win,

Costume Day is about having fun!

And I'm having fun.

Thanks again for being my partner, Max.

You're welcome!


(Crickets chirping)

Max! What are you doing?



(Gasping) Max!

Zoom, zoom, zoom!

I'm being Super Bunny!

You-- wore your Super Bunny costume

under your King outfit?


Wow. I guess they like it.

A big thank you to everyone who participated today.

There were so many fantastic costumes!

So we've added up the scores, and this year,

the prize is going to a very unusual pair:

the royal superheroes Max and Ruby!

(Cheering, applauding)

Whoo-hoo, Max and Ruby!



You were definitely the most surprising pair of the year!

Thanks! Thank you...

Super Bunny.
