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06x07 - Max's Skateboard/Super Butterfly

Posted: 11/22/23 16:28
by bunniefuu
CHILDREN: Max and Ruby!

♪ Max and Ruby!

♪ Ruby and Max

♪ Max and Ruby

♪ Ruby and Max

♪ Max and Ruby

♪ Ruby and her little brother Max ♪

♪ Max and Ruby

I'm so excited, Ruby.

We're going to earn our entertainment badges!

Me too, Louise.

We'll turn today's bunny scout meeting

into a great party for our troop.

What is Max going to do?

Oh he's doing something really special, right Max?



Do you need some help?

Yes, please.


It's sooo heavy.

What do you have in there?


I said I'd pull your wagon, not you!

BOTH: Hi Roger!


BOTH: Ooooooh.

You're good, Roger.

Thanks, Ruby.

Hi Max.

Did you bring all your stuff?

Yup. I'm ready to skateboard.


See you out there, buddy.

(Sighing dreamily)

Come on, Louise.

We have to set up our Bunny Scout meeting

before the others get here.

Oh right.

See you, Roger!

Skateboarding's easy.

You just step on the board and push off,

like this!



Now push off.



That's it.

Stay loose.

Great first try, Max!


This is the perfect spot for our meeting.


Getting things just right is half the fun

of earning an entertainment badge.

That is so true.

Okay. I brought everything we need to decorate.

What do you wanna do first?

Maybe balloons?

They're my favourite.

Oh, but streamers are my favourite, too.


Ruby, look!


Oops! Gotcha.

Now, where was I?

Oh yes. Streamers first or balloons first?

It's happening again.


The grass is too uneven for a bunny scout meeting.

If our table and chairs tip over,

we won't earn our entertainment badges.

We need to set up somewhere flat.

And I know the perfect spot.


Hi Max!

Hi Lily.

Are you gonna skateboard?

In a minute.

Come on, slow poke!


Crash cushions!

Are you ready now, Max?


Then let's go.


Comin' through!

What? Me too!

Be careful!

Look out, Ruby!




Are you all right?

I'm okay. Crash cushions.

Awesome ride, Max.

Yeah, you were really going.


Going right into our table and chairs!


I'm sorry we got in your way.

We can't set up over there.

It's much too bumpy.

Is it all right if we set up here on the basketball court

where it's flat?


We can share the court.

You can use that side and we'll skateboard on this side.

Thanks, Roger! Thanks, Roger!

Let's roll.

Next thing to do is decorate,

and I have just the thing.

(Clearing throat) Louise?





What do you think of these streamers?

Ooh, I love them!

Streamers will make our meeting extra festive.




Uh oh.

MAX: Ahh! Oof.


I know! Let's play follow the leader.

Cool! I'll lead.

Woohoo! Woohoo!

Where should we hang our streamers?

From tree to tree?

Mmm, no. That's too high for us to reach.

Maybe from that basketball hoop

to this basketball hoop?

And that's too far for the streamers to reach.

Hmmm. Where can we hang these?


Oh! Here they come.

I can't turn!


Oh no! Oh no!


Thanks, Ruby.

You're getting better, Max.

But I think it's time to learn how to turn.

I second that idea.


Roger will help me!


Here, Louise.

You hold the streamers while I put on the table cloth.

Oh, that looks nice.

But what do we do with these streamers?

We'll figure out something.

Just put them on the table.

Right now we'd better get hopping.

I'll blow up balloons while you decorate the chairs.

The other bunny scouts will be here soon.

Good plan!

Lots and lots of balloons means lots and lots of fun.

(Wind whooshing)


Nice turning, Max.

Next lesson: jumping.

Just bend your knees and jump!

Cool! Cool!

My turn!



Now me!



You'll get it.

Now let's try it when we're rolling.


Crash balloons!


One, two, three, four, five.

Huh. I thought I blew up way more balloons than that.


Crash balloons!

I think you did.



(Crashing and popping)

My crash balloons worked!

I guess they did.

And now I better blow up a bunch more.

Awesome jump, Max!


And best fall ever! Pop, pop, pop!


Let's do it again!

(Lily giggling)


What do you think?

These chairs aren't very comfy.

Hmm. Max is getting better at skateboarding.

Maybe he doesn't need his crash cushions anymore.

Max, can I borrow these for my meeting?



Hurry, Ruby. Look!

Oh no!

The bunny scouts are here and we haven't finished decorating

or changed into our uniforms.

Now we won't get our entertainment badges.

I know!

Everyone, follow me.

MAX: Okay! LILY: Cool!

Please put these on the chairs.


Got it!

ROGER: Nice.

Did it!

All done!


Thanks, guys!

You can stay if you want.

We have snacks!


Awesome! Yay!

What about the balloons and the torn streamers?

We're too late.

Welcome, Bunny Scouts,

to our extra-special meeting!

Ha! Ha!



Here I come!

Uh oh.

Look out!



Whoa, whoa!


(Music playing)


All I can say is, wow!

Ruby and Louise,

you definitely earned your entertainment badges today.

Thank you! Thank you!


I guess we did, thanks to Max and his--


(School bell ringing)

Sip, sip, sip!

See, Max?

I told you butterflies drink from their noses.

Whoa! Like a straw!

I love our butterflies.

I've named them all!

That's Juanita, and Keiko, and Derek.

Or, is that Derek?

Who's that one?

I don't know.

He's not a butterfly yet.

I wonder what's taking him so long.

He'll miss the Big Butterfly Party tomorrow.

He wants to stay a caterpillar.

A hungry caterpillar!

Chomp! Chomp! Chomp!


MS. BUNTY: Okay class, circle time!

Circle time! Circle time!

Who's ready to sing the butterfly song?

I am! Me! Me!

Me! I love this song!

♪ Hello little caterpillars

♪ Crawling on a leaf

♪ Spin a cosy chrysalis

♪ And quickly fall asleep

♪ Wake up little caterpillars

♪ What a big surprise

♪ Spread your wings, fly away ♪

♪ Now you're butterflies


Well done, everyone!

What's your favourite part?

The caterpillar!

Chomp! Chomp! Chomp!

Hey! Caterpillars don't eat feet.

That's true, but they are known to be eating machines.

Super eating machines!

Chomp! Chomp! Chomp!

Caterpillars need to eat a lot

to build up enough energy to become--


Very good.


Okay, butterflies.

Let's fly over to the craft table and finish our wings.

Hungry, hungry! Chomp! Chomp!

Look at all the lovely wings you're making!

They'll be perfect for our Big Butterfly Party tomorrow.

A butterfly party?

I can't wait!

Will we get to eat cake?

No, Morris.

We'll be outside so our butterflies can fly in the sky.

And we get to fly with them.

See? My wings are almost done.

Nice job, Winston.

What are you making, Max?

A green butterfly?

Nope, a leaf.

Caterpillars eat green leaves.

Chomp, chomp, chomp.

Well, Ms. Bunty says butterflies love bright colours.

So my butterfly is going to drink from a red flower.

Sip, sip, mmm.

(School bell ringing)

MS. BUNTY: Okay, everyone.

Time to go.

And if you haven't finished your wings,

you can take them home and finish them there.

Or Max's house.

That's where I'm going. Right, Max?


Bye, Ms. Bunty!

See you tomorrow!


Meet you outside, Max!


Bye, bye!

I remember when I was a butterfly

for my butterfly party.

I had the most beautiful orange and gold

sparkle wings.

I love polka dots.

They look really nice, Lily.

What about your wings, Max?



Something's under the table.

Chomp! Chomp! Chomp!



That's not Max! That's a caterpillar.

Super Caterpillar! Chomp, chomp!

A caterpillar? Ugh.

Caterpillars are way too creepy crawly.

Butterflies are much prettier.

So come on, Max.

Let's finish your wings.

MAX: Nope.

Super Caterpillar is hungry.

Super hungry!


Oh, I'm super hungry too!


Finished! Do you like them?

Lily, they're polka dot perfect!

Ooh, I want to flutter now.

In a bit.

First we need to attach some ribbon

so you can wear your wings.

And I know just where to find some- in my room.


Max, why are your t-shirt and stickers on the floor?

Super Caterpillar is growing!


Oh, oh, I know!

Ms. Bunty says when a caterpillar gets too big,

he loses his old skin.

Here comes Super Big Caterpillar!

Max-- I mean, Mr. Super Big Caterpillar,

where are you going?

Up the tree.

Super Caterpillar loves to climb.

I like to climb! Can I come?

Hang on, Lily.

We need to get the ribbon for your wings, remember?

So you can flutter.

Right, I like to flutter too.


You do that, and I'll just flutter up the--

Um, tree, to get the ribbon.


There. Your wings are done.

What do you think?

Yay! I can fly now!

Look at me! I'm a butterfly!

♪ Spread your wings, fly away ♪

♪ Now you're butterflies

Max, don't you think Lily's wings are wonderful?

I can help you make yours now.

No thanks!

Super Caterpillar is super thirsty.


I hope Super Caterpillar won't be super disappointed

when his friends are wearing their wings.

Hooray! Butterfly party!

♪ Wake up little caterpillars

♪ What a big surprise

♪ Spread your wings, fly away ♪

♪ Now you're butterflies!

Morris, come back.

Let me fix your wings.

Winston, your wings are looking at me.

I know!

Some butterflies have wings that look just like eyes,

to scare away a hungry bird.

Chomp, chomp!

Hungry, hungry!


No hungry birds here.

Just hungry caterpillars.



Looks like your chrysalis friend

is coming out to join the party, Max.


Although he may not be ready to fly

when we set our butterflies free.

His wings need to dry first.


Don't worry.

We'll have a special party for him when he's ready.


♪ Strawberry, blueberry, lemon-lime pie ♪

♪ Put them on the table and give them a try! ♪

Good one, Ruby. My turn!

Wait! Look.

Ms. Bunty's Big Butterfly Party.

♪ Hello little caterpillars, crawling on a leaf ♪

♪ Spin a cosy chrysalis

♪ And quickly fall asleep

♪ Wake up little caterpillars

♪ What a big surprise

♪ Spread your wings, fly away ♪

♪ Now you're butterflies!

♪ Spread your wings, fly away ♪

♪ Now you're butterflies!


Aww! So cute!

They're adorable.


There's Morris!

Hi, Morris!

Doesn't he look amazing?

I helped draw his racing stripes.

Nice job, Louise.

He looks really good.

Hey! I see Max!

Chomp, chomp, chomp!

Chomp, chomp, chomp!

Uh, how come he's not wearing any wings?


He'd rather be a creepy crawly caterpillar.


You know, the fuzzy wuzzy ones are kinda cute.


Morris! Your wings!




She'll have to run fast to catch up with that butterfly.



Okay, everyone.

Time to set our butterflies free.


Go, butterflies!



Now, on the count of three, I'll open the lid.


ALL: One, two, three!

Fly, fly, fly butterflies!

Amazing! Wow!

Look at that! Awesome!

Come on, Max.

Flap your arms and fly with me!

I'm not ready.




Ready for what, Max?

(Rustling in bush)



Max, butterflies don't wear capes.


I do! I'm Super Butterfly!

Super Butterfly?

Oh, oh!

Super Caterpillar changed into Super Butterfly!

Wait for me! Wait for me!



♪ Wake up, little caterpillars

♪ What a big surprise

♪ Spread your wings, fly away ♪

♪ Now you're butterflies


Max was pretending to change into a butterfly all along.


But butterfly wings would've been prettier.

(Chuckling) Are you sure about that, Ruby?

RUBY: The butterflies!


They're attracted to his bright red cape!


The butterflies love Max!

Super Butterfly!
