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06x15 - Ruby's Party/Max's Super Jet

Posted: 11/22/23 16:37
by bunniefuu
CHILDREN: Max and Ruby!


♪ Max and Ruby

♪ Ruby and Max

♪ Max and Ruby

♪ Ruby and Max

MAN: Max and Ruby.

WOMAN: Ruby and her little brother Max.

♪ Max and Ruby

CHILDREN: Max and Ruby!

MS. BUNTY: Okay, everyone.

Take the sheet of paper on your desk,

and fold down the top corners like this.

Now, let's make the same fold on the other side,

and bring both halves together.

Have fun!

Got it, Ms. Bunty!


Your paper airplane is really coming along, Max.

It's a super jet!

Bravo, Winston!

Thanks, Ms. Bunty!


Well done, Lily!

Practice makes perfect, Morris.


Woosh! Woosh!

[Bell ringing] Time to go home!

Don't forget to take your airplanes with you.

See you tomorrow!

Bye, Ms. Bunty!


MAX: Then Ms. Bunty showed us how to make paper airplanes!

Paper airplanes? Fun!

I love making paper airplanes.

Mine was a super jet.

I bet it was fast!

Uh-huh, super fast! Zoom!

Whoa, careful, Max!

So, did you enjoy your apple pie?

BOTH: Delicious!

Really yummy.

It was wonderful.

Where are all your usual customers, Katie?

I'm not sure, it's been like this the past couple of days.

With apple pie this good,

you should have a line around the block!

I could use a few more customers.

I'm actually a little worried.

I suppose I need to find a better way to advertise.


It's how to get people's attention, with posters

or big signs.

So Katie will have more customers.

I have an idea!

Katie, do you have Bristol board and markers?

I sure do!

I think I know what you're thinking!

Count me in.

This is really nice of you two.

Do you need anything else?

Hmm, I don't think so, Katie.

Now we have everything we need

to make a really great sandwich board.

Wonderful! I really appreciate your help. Thank you!

You're welcome, Katie! And don't worry.

You'll have hungry customers in your diner in no time.

Can we have some paper, too, please?

To make a super jet!

I'm sorry, boys, I don't have any regular paper.

But will these do?

The paper is stronger, might make for better flying.

Thanks, Katie! Let's make airplanes, Morris!

Zoom, zoom!


It's absolutely perfect, Louise!

We're a great team, Ruby.

Our sign will help bring customers

into Katie's diner for sure.

Look at my super jet.

Nice job, Max!

I bet it can fly super far.

And fast!

Want to see it fly, Ruby?

Later, Max. Louise and I have to go outside and set up this sign.

We need to find Katie some customers.

Ruby, Louise, that sign looks amazing!

Thanks, Katie.

One restaurant full of customers coming right up!

Zoom, zoom, zoom!

And the two little pilots, ready to take off!

Have fun, girls.

MAX: Watch this!


That's great, Max!

You mean Captain Max.



Don't worry, Morris. Practice makes perfect.

That's okay, Morris, we can share mine.

You can be my co-pilot.


Co-pilot, cool!

What do you think?

Katie's diner is about to get super busy.

How about you stand on this side of the sidewalk, and I'll stand

on that side!

We can wave customers into the diner.

Great idea, Ruby! We'll double our chances.


Wow, whoa!

Wow, look at that!

Oooh, what fun!

Now that's what I call an airplane, boys!

Oh, my!



Max, people keep looking at your airplane instead of at our sign.

You mean my super jet.

If they don't see our sign, they won't go into Katie's diner.

And she really needs customers.

Oh, right.

Can you and Morris play just a little further

down the sidewalk?





Oh, no! My super jet!

Max, Morris, wait! You can't just--

It's getting away!


I'm Max's co-pilot!

Don't worry, Ruby, I'll watch the sign.

But Katie's customers--

MAX: Ruby, it's getting away!

Oh, be right there, Max!

Hmm, what's this?

Mmm, that pie looks delicious.


MAX: My super jet!

I'm sorry, Ruby.

I didn't realize that paper airplane belonged to Max.

That's okay, Candi. Gotta run! Bye!

Good luck!

Hmm, time for a slice of that apple pie.

Come on in! Yummy food at Katie's diner!

Sorry, not hungry.

No, thanks.

Hi, Candi!

Would you like to try some of Katie's delicious apple pie?

I can't wait.

That's why I'm here!


MAX: Ruby, hurry!

But I need to help Louise before Katie closes for the day.


You know, I'd really love a sandwich.

Oh, that's an excellent idea.

MORRIS: Hey, come back!

Whoa! Hi, kids. Where are you all off to in such a hurry?

Hi, Mr. Huffington. We're tying to get Max's plane back.

Super jet.

Oh, I'm sorry, Max, I didn't realize that was your super jet.

I hope you get it back.


Bye! Good luck!


MAX: My super jet!

Where did it go now?


ALL: Ooof!

Got it!



Oh, do come in! Come in!

Huh? Katie has customers?

Our sandwich board must have worked!

You know, Katie, that airplane was the best advertising

I've seen in years.


Hah-hah-hah, your paper airplane ad!

That picture of your apple pie sure did the trick for me.

Airplane ad?

Oh, you mean Max's paper airplane?

It was brilliant. We decided to come for a meal

when we found the paper airplane outside the department store.

You don't say! Amazing!

Max, that is amazing! Your paper airplane

brought customers right to Katie's diner!

It isn't an airplane, it's a super jet!

It certainly is, Max. You're a great pilot.

Don't forget Morris.

Co-pilot Morris!

How could we forget?

Thank you, Max. Thank you, Morris.

You all worked so hard to help me.

I think that deserves another slice of pie.

BOTH: Delicious!

Before the sheriff could find Robin Hood,

he and Little John made a brave and daring escape.

And in the end, Robin Hood becomes a knight,

making him Sir Robin.

Really? A knight?

Wow! Did he fight dragons?!

No dragons, but Sir Robin marries Maid Marian,

and they live happily ever after.




Let's be Robin Hood and Little John!


Thanks for the story!

You're very welcome. Have fun, Robin Hood and Little John!

Oh, I can hardly wait for the party!

It's going to be so much fun.

Roger is coming!

BOTH: Oh, Roger...


Excuse me, coming through!

I wonder what they're up to.

So, what did you bring for snacks?

Orange pumpkin cupcakes! I put them in your kitchen.

And I brought ghost cookies!

Great! We have blue slime dribblers.

They're Max's favourite.

So, it looks like we're all set for snacks.

Now, we just have to plan our games.


Let's do it!

Robin the fire fighter?


Robin the builder?


Ah-hah! Here they are.

Here you go, Little John.

Thanks, Sir Robin!

You're welcome.

Robin Hood!

And Little John!

BOTH: We'll save the day!

Phew. Here you go.

balloons should be enough for the balloon toss,

don't you think?


Wow! That must have been a lot of work!

But balloon tosses are way more fun when they can go "splat!"



Now we just need to put faces on them.

Jack-o'-lantern faces!

How about something like...



I love it!

Wow, these are great!

Thanks. I'm pretty sure "Stick the Hat on the Witchy"

is going to be a big hit. And...

I even brought a scarf for a blindfold!

I love it! Good thinking, Louise.


Hi, Max! Hi, Morris!

I'm not Max. I'm Robin Hood!

And I'm Little John!

Of course you are.

We're getting ready for the party, so maybe you can play

in another room? Uh, I mean, another part of the castle.

Okay! Come on, Little John!

Let's finish putting faces on the water balloons,

and then we'll set up outside.

And then we'll get into our costumes!

This is going to be the best party ever!

Hey, look at this one!


Oops... sorry.

Max, those balloons are for the party, not target practice!


Can you please take your toy outside into the... uh...

castle courtyard?

How's that?



We were trying to save you from the sheriff.

Sheriff, huh?

How about you protect us from the other side of the yard?

BOTH: Okay!


We'll help you, Maid Marian!

Maid who?

Marian. You're Marian.

Max is Robin Hood. I'm Little John.

Right. Okay! Um, can you put it over there please?


Yes, m'lady!



You'll be safe here, Maid Marian.

The sheriff won't find you.

Max, have you seen Valerie?

We need her help setting up for the balloon race.



We're playing Robin Hood.

Max, you can't steal my friends for your game.

We have to get ready for our party!

Maybe you and Morris can play over there?

Away from our party games?


RUBY: Huh?

Some of our flags are missing.

Where did they go?

I'm not sure.

We need them for our race.

MAX: To the castle, Little John!

Yes, Robin Hood!

Max, you took our flags.

We need them for our castle!

Well, we need them for our balloon race.


Sorry, but we have to set up for the party.

I have to take the flags back.


Maybe you can build another castle by the apple tree?

BOTH: Okay!


Now, let's see.

The "Stick the Hat on the Witchy" game is done.

And the balloon race.

And the bobbing for apples game.


The only thing left to do now is--

ALL: Get dressed for the party!

I can't wait to get this party started!

Valerie, your costume is so beautiful!

Aw, thanks! I like yours too, Ruby!

You look just like a prima ballerina!

Thanks! And Louise, your costume is--


Don't you think?


Robin Hood, get the apple! I mean, treasure!


Your turn, Little John!

Yeah! Watch this!


Wow! We're getting good at this!

Hi, Roger! Would you like a ghost cookie?

Sure, Ruby! Thanks!

Nice pirate costume, Martha!

Oh, a robot! I love it!

I like your hockey costume, James!

Yeah, it's awesome!

Try a blue slime dribbler.

Thanks, Ruby!

Maid Marian, you can't pass.

The sheriff is in the forest, m'lady!


Sherriff? I see a robot and a hockey player!



Here you go!

Would you like a ghost cookie?

Quick, Little John! Hide in the forest!

Behind this tree!


Max, Morris?

Yes! I did it!


You can't pass.

Unless you pay.

We don't have any money.

We don't want money.

We want blue slime dribblers.




Max, I think it's time to put the toy away.

In case our guests think it's raining apples.


I hope you're all having fun!


I am!

Great games!

Who wants to play the best, most fun game ever?

Bobbing for apples!

Come on.


Uh, where are all the apples?

I'm not sure! Valerie?

Oh, no! The apples!

I forgot to bring the apples!


Well, don't look at me!

You need apples?

We'll help you.

Robin Hood--

And Little John--

BOTH: We'll save the day!

VALERIE: Apples!

Where did you get them?

From the castle!

That's the apple tree.

You can have them, Maid Marian.

Why thank you, good sir!

We can play our game!

You really did save the day, Max and Morris!

You mean Robin Hood.

And Little John!

Yes! Hooray for Robin Hood and Little John!

ALL: Yay!

[Children giggling]