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A03x01 - Work and Play/Washing/The Camp

Posted: 11/23/23 06:57
by bunniefuu
- I'm peppa pig.


this is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- this is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- and this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [snorts]

male narrator: it is a lovely sunny morning.

- [Snorts] ahh, what a nice day for doing...


Narrator: daddy pig loves doing nothing.

- [Snorts] daddy, aren't you going to work today?

- No, peppa.

It's saturday.

Narrator: daddy pig doesn't work on saturdays.

- [Snorts] daddy pig!

You'll be late for work.

- But it's saturday, mummy pig.

Isn't it?

- No, it's thursday.

- Ahhhhhh!

Narrator: daddy pig works on thursdays.

- See you later!

Peppa and george: bye-bye!

- Poor daddy, having to work.

Lucky mummy, you can play at home all day.

- I'm not playing.

I'm working on my computer.

- Snort, snort!

Narrator: george wants to play the happy mrs. Chicken game.

- George, we can play the happy mrs. Chicken game

after I've finished my work.

- Oh.

[Car horn honks]

narrator: mummy sheep and suzy

have come to pick up peppa for play group.

- [Bleats] hello, peppa!

- [Snorts] hello, suzy!

[Both laugh]

- have a good day at play group.

- Bye-bye, mummy!

Work hard!

Mrs. Sheep, do you work, or do you play?

- I'm going to be working very hard today.


I'm off to the gym.

- What do you do at the gym?

- Running, jumping, and skipping.

- Mummy, that's not work; that's play.


narrator: peppa and suzy have arrived at the play group.

Both: hello, everyone!

All: hello, peppa! Hello, suzy!


- ah ho.

Children, today we will play shops.

All: ooooh!

- Who wants to be shopkeeper?

All: me! Me! Me!

- Peppa and suzy can be shopkeepers.

Everyone else can be customers.

Narrator: peppa and suzy are going to run a pretend shop.

- What do we have to do?

- I will take the money, suzy,

and you can stack the shelves.

- Okay.

Narrator: danny dog is the first customer.

- Hello, shopkeeper.

- Hello, mr. Dog.

- Can I have some biscuits, please?

- Suzy, have we got any biscuits?

- No, but we've got a toy telephone.

- How much will that be?

- That will be £, please.

[Giggles] thank you.

Next, please.

- Neigh!

Hello, shopkeeper.

Can I have a loaf of bread, please?

- No, but you can have a toy house.

- Would you like it in a bag, sir?

- Yes, please.

- That will be one penny, please.


- Oh, I haven't got enough money.

- You can pay us next time you come in.

Gosh, this is hard work.

- Yes.

- Squeak! Hello, shopkeeper.

What can I buy for a million thousand pounds, please?

- Suzy, what have we got for a million thousand pounds?

- Hmm...

A carrot?

- Yes, please.

Narrator: rebecca rabbit likes carrots.

[All giggling]

[bell ringing]

narrator: it is home time.

Daddy pig has come to collect peppa and suzy.

[Horn honks]

- daddy, have you had a busy day?

- Yes, I've been working very hard.

- We've been working very hard too.

- We've been shopkeepers.

- Blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah.

The end.

And "print."

Narrator: mummy pig has finished her work.

- [Laughs and snorts]

- okay, george,

perhaps we can just play one game of happy mrs. Chicken.

We've earned it.

[Happy music playing and chicken clucking]

- naughty mummy!

You're playing happy mrs. Chicken.

- Ah, that's because george and I have finished our work,

haven't we, george?

- Snort! Snort!

- We've all finished our work,

so let's all play!

[Laughter and snorting]

- I'm peppa pig.


this is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- this is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- and this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [snorts]

[peppa and george laughing]

narrator: daddy pig is doing the washing this morning.

- [Snorts] daddy, what's that shirt?

- [Snorts] it's my football shirt.

- Daddy's playing football this afternoon.

Peppa and george: ooh!

- But first I have to go to work.

[Snorts] see you later. Bye.

- [Together] bye-bye.

[Horn honks]

- poor daddy, having to go to work.

- [Sighs] poor daddy.

- [Laughs] come on. Let's play.

- Yes, let's play.

[Children laughing]

narrator: peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

George loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

Mummy pig loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

[All laughing]

oh, dear.

- Mummy, we've splashed daddy's football shirt with mud.

- Oh. - Don't worry.

We'll just wash it.

It'll be washed in no time,

and daddy won't know it was ever muddy.

Let's find some more things to put in the machine.

- Snort, snort!

- Oh, my dress is a bit muddy.

Narrator: mummy pig and george have found more things to wash.

- Very good, george.

We put the clothes in here,

and then we switch it on.

Narrator: the washing machine is filling up

with hot, soapy water.

- [Laughs] splosh, splosh, splosh.

- Splosh, splosh, splosh.

[Children giggling]

narrator: the washing machine is making the whole room shake.

- Oh, peppa, where's your dress?

- [Snorts] I'm washing it.

- What? Oh, no.

- [Laughs]

look, mummy.

My red dress is all nice and clean.

- Yes, peppa, but look what it's done to everything else.

Narrator: oh, dear.

Peppa's red dress has made all the white clothes pink.

- Pink isn't a very good color for a football shirt.

Peppa and george: ooh.

[Car horn honks]

narrator: daddy pig is home from work.

- [Snorts] hello, everyone.

- Hello, daddy.

- Uh, daddy pig,

we've got a bit of a problem, and--

- tell me later, mummy pig.

I've got to get ready for football.

Now, where's my football shirt?

- Here.

- [Laughs] don't be silly, peppa.

That's one of mummy's dresses.

It's pink.

- [Snorts] no, daddy, it's your football shirt.

- It got a bit muddy.

- So we washed it.

- And it all went a bit wrong.

Sorry, daddy.

- But I can't wear a pink football shirt.

- Why not, daddy?

Pink is a lovely color.

- Hmm. What do you think, george?

- Yuck!

Narrator: george does not like pink.

[Doorbell rings]

here are daddy pig's friends

mr. Bull, mr. Rabbit, mr. Pony, and mr. Zebra.

- Moo! Is daddy pig coming out to play?

- He'll just be a moment.

- My team are in white.

I need a white shirt.

- But, daddy, you have a white shirt.

Just take off your jacket.

- See?

- Fantastic!

Thank you, peppa.

- [Snorts] hello, everyone.

All: hello, daddy pig.

- Like your shirt.

- Very smart.

- Thank you.

Come on; let's play football.

Men: yes!


- [Together] hooray!

- Hooray! Men: hooray!

- Daddy, you've made your shirt all muddy.

- [Laughs] of course, peppa.

Football shirts are meant to be muddy.

[Snorts loudly]


narrator: daddy pig loves playing football.

Everyone loves playing football...

Especially when it's muddy.

- We must all exercise

and eat fruit and vegetables.

- Which ones should we eat, mr. Potato?

- Apples, oranges, carrots, tomatoes.

- Potatoes? - Um...

- I'm peppa pig.


this is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- this is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- and this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [snorts]

- narrator: peppa and george are very exited today.

They are going on holiday.

- Oh, where's daddy?

- [Snorts] he's bringing a secret surprise.

[Horn honks]

- what's that?

- [Snorts] it's a camper van.

- We've borrowed it for our holiday.

- Ooh!

- This camper van has everything.

This button works the sink...

Both: wow.

- And this button works the tv.

[Both laugh]

- what does this button do?

- I'm not sure.

Maybe don't press it until we know.

- [Snorts] is everybody ready to go on holiday?

Others: yes, mummy pig.

- Then let's go!

- [Laughs]

♪ we're going on holiday in our camper van ♪

[horn honks]


- hmm, this map is a bit tricky.

- Daddy, we don't want to get lost.

- Don't worry, peppa.

I'm an expert at map-reading.

Oh, that's strange.

- Are we lost?

- Uh, yes.

[Truck horn honks]

narrator: it's granddad dog with danny dog.

- Ruff, ruff! Hello, peppa.

- Hello, danny.

We're lost.

- Ruff! Lost?

Is your sat nav broken?

- Sat nav?

- You're driving a camper van t.

Sat nav comes as standard.

Female sat nav voice: welcome to the car of the future.

- Ah, so that's what that button does.

Sat nav: where are we going today?

- The camper van is talking.

- Clever, isn't it?

The computer voice helps you find your way.

- But how does it know where we want to go?

- You tell it.

- Uh, hello, mrs. Camper van.

Sat nav: hello.

- We're going on holiday.

Can you tell us the way?

Sat nav: proceed on the current road

in a straight line.

- Thanks for your help, granddad dog.

- You're welcome.

Have a lovely holiday.

All: ♪ we're going on holiday in our camper van ♪



sat nav: danger, danger.

Oil is low.

- What's oil?

- Oil helps engines to run smoothly.

- Will the oil run out?

- No.

These warnings always give you plenty of time.

Sat nav: oil is gone.

[Clattering] - oh, dear.

- Luckily, I've got a spare can of oil.

- Well done, daddy pig.

- [Snorts] we simply pour the oil

into the engine and--


- What's wrong?

- There's nothing in here.

The engine's gone.

[Car horn honks]

narrator: it's mummy sheep with suzy sheep.

- [Snorts] hello, suzy.

- Neigh! Hello, peppa.

- We've lost our engine.

- Lost your engine?

- Yes. [Snorts]

it's completely disappeared.

- I'd like to help,

but I don't know a thing about engines.

I'm probably just being silly,

but this looks a bit like an engine.

- Ah, yes.

Well spotted, mummy sheep.

Narrator: the camper van has its engine at the back.

- There.

That should be enough oil.

Thank you, mummy sheep!

- You're welcome!

Have a lovely holiday.

- Are we nearly there yet?

Sat nav: just up the next hill.

You have reached your destination.

All: hooray!

- Time for bed.

- [Snorts] where will we sleep?

- Mummy pig and I will sleep on this bed.

- Ooh.

- And you two will sleep upstairs.

- But there isn't an upstairs.

- [Laughs] ho, ho!

Watch this.

Narrator: the camper van's roof is lifting up.

- The camper van is just like our little house.

- While we're on holiday, it [span]is[/span]our little house.

[Children giggling]

- good night, my little piggies.

- Good night.

- Where's everyone gone?

Others: surprise!

- Ah!


- I'm peppa pig.


this is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- this is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- and this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [snorts]

narrator: it is bedtime.

- Good night, peppa.

Good night, george.

- [Snorts] can I have a story, please?

- Okay, I'll read you the red monkey book.

- But we always have that one.

The red monkey has a bath, cleans his teeth,

and goes to sleep.

- Uh, yes, that is what happens.

- Can we choose another story?

The blue tiger, the green spider,

the orange penguin.

Oh, what's this one?

- [Span]the wonderful world [span] of concrete.[/Span][/span]

- I've been looking for that.

- Is it your book, daddy?

- It's a book I borrowed from the library.

- What's a library?

- It's a place you borrow books from.

And when you've finished reading them,

you take them back.

- But daddy pig has forgotten to take this book back.

- I have had it for rather a long time.

- Never mind; you can take it back tomorrow.

[Snorts] but now it's bedtime.

- After daddy reads this story.

- It's not much of a story, peppa.

- Please read it, daddy.

- Okay.

- [Giggles]

- [span]the wonderful world [span] of concrete.[/Span][/span]

"concrete is a construction material

"composed of sand, water, and chemical admixtures.

Chapter one: sand."

- [Snoring]

narrator: peppa, george, and mummy pig have fallen asleep.

It is morning.

Peppa and her family have come to the library.

[Children giggling]

- wow.

What a lot of books!

- Shh!

Peppa, you must be quiet in the library.

- Why?

- Because people come here to read and to be quiet.

- Next, please!

Narrator: miss rabbit is the librarian.

- Hello, mummy pig.

Are you returning these books?

- Yes, miss rabbit.

- Right you are.


- why is the computer beeping?

- It's checking to see that you haven't been naughty

and borrowed the book for too long.

- Um, I may have borrowed this book for a bit too long.

- Oh, don't worry, daddy pig.

It can't be that bad.

[Alarm beeping]


Daddy pig, you've had this book out for ten years!

- Naughty daddy.

- Sorry, miss rabbit.

- That's all right.

Now you can borrow another book.

- Miss rabbit, can george and I borrow a book, please?

- Yes.

The children's section is over here.

- Ooh, look.

Fairies, flowers, pretty dresses.

- [Barks] hello, peppa.

- Oh, hello, danny.

- I'm borrowing a book about football.

- Neigh! Hello, peppa.

- [Snorts] hello, suzy.

- I've got a book about nurses.

Narrator: george has chosen a book about dinosaurs.

- Dine-saw. Grr!

- [Snorts] look what I've found.

[Span]further adventures [span] in the world of concrete.[/Span][/span]

- here's a red monkey book.

- Not the red monkey book.

It's boring.

- But this is a different story.

It might be more fun.

- I bet it's not.

- "Once upon a time, there was a red monkey."

- Ugh!

He had a bath, cleaned his teeth,

and went to bed.

- No.

He jumped in a space rocket and went to the moon.

Children: ooh!

- He had a picnic with a dinosaur

and swam under the sea

and climbed the highest mountain.

That was a busy day.

The end.

- Wow! Read it again.

- We can borrow it and read it at home, peppa.

- But I was going to choose this book

or this one.

- You can take three books home if you want, peppa.

- Yippee!

- But you must remember to bring them back on time.

- Yes, miss rabbit.

- And you must remember to bring your book back too, daddy pig.

- [Laughs] I'll make sure daddy remembers.

- Yes, peppa, I'm sure you will.

Hoo hoo!

[Laughter and snorting]

- I'm peppa pig.


this is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- this is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- and this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [snorts]

narrator: it is a school day.

Peppa and her friends are having a music lesson.

- ♪ Ooh

♪ miss polly had a dolly

- [coughing]

sorry, madame gazelle.

Narrator: oh, dear, pedro has a cough.

- Not to worry.

I'll ring dr. Brown bear.

[Buttons beeping]


- Dr. Brown bear speaking.

- Hello, doctor?

This is madame gazelle. A child is ill.

- Don't panic.

I'll come straight away.

[Siren wailing]


what seems to be the problem?

- I've got a cough. [Coughs]

- I see.

Is it a tickly cough or a chesty cough?

- Um, I don't know.

But it goes like this.


- hmm. And when did you get this cough?

- When madame gazelle started singing.

- It's nothing serious, but pedro's cough may be catching.

- What do you mean, catching?

- When one person has a cough,

sometimes other people get that cough too.

- Do I need medicine?

- Just a little spoonful.

I'm afraid it doesn't taste very nice.

- Ugh!

It tastes like an old shoe full of jam.

- Thank you, dr. Brown bear.

- Good-bye.

Children: bye!

- [Coughs] - [coughs]

- as I thought; pedro's cough is catching.

Narrator: danny dog and suzy sheep

have caught pedro's cough.

- Open wide.

- Ugh!

It tastes of carpet-flavored yogurt.

- Ugh!

It tastes of flowers.

- Well done for taking your medicine so well.

- Do you ever get ill, dr. Brown bear?

- No, peppa, I'm never ill.

I eat an apple a day.


All: bye!

[Bell ringing]

narrator: it is home time,

and the children's parents are here to pick them up.

- Mummy, daddy.

I've got a cough. [Coughs]

- dr. Brown bear came and looked after us.

- He gave us horrible medicine.

Madame gazelle, can you sing your song now?

- Of course, peppa.

♪ Ooh

♪ miss polly had a dolly who was-- ♪


- [coughing]

[all coughing]

narrator: oh, dear.

All the grown-ups have caught pedro's cough.


- Dr. Brown bear speaking.

- This is peppa pig. [Snorts]

all the grown-ups are ill.

- Not to worry, peppa. I'm on my way.

[Siren wailing]

[all coughing]

hello, everyone.

Caught pedro's cough, have we?

[All coughing]

very well.

Stand in line, and open wide.

- Ugh! - Ugh!

- Ugh! - Ugh!

- Ew! - Ugh!

It tastes like custard and old socks.


- thank you for looking after us, dr. Brown bear.

- Who looks after you when you're ill?

- No one looks after me.

I'm never ill.


- narrator: oh, dear.

Dr. Brown bear has caught pedro's cough.

- Not to worry. [Coughs]


All: good-bye!

- Poor dr. Brown bear.

He's ill, and there's no one to look after him.

All: oh!

- [Coughing]

[doorbell rings]

who can that be?

- Hello. [Snorts]

we've come to look after you.

- [Barks] here's some fruit.

- Neigh! And some cushions.

- And here is your medicine.

- Ugh!

It tastes like jammy yogurt-flavoured custard socks.


- and here's a song to make you feel better.

♪ Ooh

- [giggling and snorting]

♪ peppa pig



♪ peppa pig



♪ peppa pig