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A04x05 - Blackberry Bush/Pottery/Paper Aeroplanes/Edmond Elephant's Birthday/The Biggest Muddy Puddle

Posted: 11/23/23 07:06
by bunniefuu
- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Male narrator: peppa and her family

Are at granny and grandpa pig's house.

- [Snorts]

Today I'm going to make apple and blackberry crumble.

All: yummy!

- I need you brave explorers to go and get the fruit.

All: aye, aye, granny pig!

- We've got baskets for the apples--

- And buckets for the blackberries.

- [Snorts]

First, the easy bit:

Picking apples.

On the count of three,

Shake the tree.

All: one, two, three.


[Both giggling]

- Now for the blackberries.

- Why don't we just have apple crumble?

- Because blackberries are tasty too, grandpa.

- Okay.

Now the hard bit.

- [Snorts]

Now that's what I call a blackberry bush.

- This bush has been here since I was a little piggy.

- [Snorts] it's an overgrown weed.

I should have cut it down years ago.

- Grandpa, why don't you like it?

- I don't like the way it looks at me.

- Silly grandpa.

It's just a harmless bush.

- And it's covered in lovely blackberries.

Narrator: george has seen

Some really big, juicy blackberries.

- [Groans]

- Careful, george, or you might get tangled.

- [Giggles]

- I have a stick for picking hard-to-reach blackberries.

[Both giggle]

- Clever grandpa.

- But the best blackberries are right at the very top.


That's why I brought the ladder.

- Um, don't lean too far over, mummy pig.

- Don't worry.

I've been climbing this blackberry bush

Since I was a little girl.

- Yes, but you're not a little girl now.

- I know what I'm doing.

[Screams] thud!

Narrator: oh, dear.

Mummy pig has fallen into the blackberry bush.

- Mummy, can you get out?

- Uh, no, I'm stuck.

- You're stuck in a thorny bush like sleeping beauty.

- What?

- Once upon a time,

There was a princess called sleeping beauty.

One day, she fell asleep in a thorny bush.

And she stayed there for years.

- Yes, that's a nice story, peppa.

[Bell dings] narrator: it is suzy sheep.

- [Bleats] hello, peppa.

- [Snorts] hello, suzy.

My mummy is in the blackberry bush.

And she'll be there for years.

- Like sleeping beauty.


And she'll be rescued by a handsome prince

Who will give her a kiss. [Smooches]

- [Giggles]

My mummy is having an adventure.

- I wish my mummy would have adventures like that.

- Um, can someone think of a way to get me out of here?

- Don't worry, mummy.

In years,

A handsome prince will rescue you.

- [Snorts] I'll be that handsome prince.

Grandpa pig,

May I borrow your pruning shears, please?

- Of course, you may,

Brave sir daddy pig.

- Stand back, everyone.

Take that, you thorny bush, you.

All: hooray!

- Oh, my prince.

- My princess.

- You were meant to stay in there for years.

- That was quite long enough, thank you.

- [Snorts] mummy is a blackberry bush.

[All laugh]

- I thought this sort of thing only happened to me.

- [Snorts] stand still while we pick you.

[Kids giggle]

Let's take all this fruit back to granny pig.

- Granny! Granny!

Mummy had an adventure.

And then mummy fell in the bush.

She looked quite silly.

And she was going, "ahh!

Help me! Help me!"

And then daddy came and rescued her.

The end.

- Thank you, peppa.

I think we've all heard that story enough times now.

- But it's funny.

- I never want to see another blackberry in my life.

- So you don't want any apple and blackberry crumble then?

- Well...



Narrator: mummy pig loves apple and blackberry crumble.

Everyone loves apple and blackberry crumble.

[All laugh]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: peppa and george

Are playing at zoe zebra's house.

Little zuzu and zsa zsa

Are making a jungle with play clay.

- [Giggles]

Narrator: george has made a dinosaur out of play clay.

- Grr!

Narrator: peppa and zoe are having a doll's picnic.

- Hello, mr. Monkey.

Would you like a cup of tea?

- Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

Monkey says yes.

- What's the magic word, mr. Monkey?

- Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

That means "please."

- Oh, we haven't got a tea set.

- We could make a tea set out of play clay.

- Yes.

George, can we use the play clay, please?

- No. Grr!

- Zuzu, zsa zsa,

We need to make a tea set for our tea party.

Both: no.

- You can help us make it.

[All giggle]

- I'll make the teapot.

- And we'll make the cups.

[All giggling]

- There.

Now monkey can have tea.

Splat! Oh!

This teapot is too soft.

- Real tea sets aren't soft. [Snorts]

- My mummy makes real pots.

She does pottery.

- Ooh!

- Mummy!

Can you help us make a tea set, please?

- With tea cups and a teapot

That we can put real water in.

- Okay, come with me.

Narrator: this is where mrs. Zebra makes her pottery.

- Let's make this tea set.

- [Snorts] what's that?

- Clay.

All pottery starts off like that.

- But it's soft like play clay.

- We need it to be soft so we can shape it.

But later, it won't be soft.

- Ooh!

Narrator: mummy zebra is making a little cup

On the potter's wheel.

- There.

One cup.

All: wow.

- [Snorts] that looks easy.

- Would you like to try?

- Yes, please.


It's all slimy.



It's all gone wrong!

Narrator: making a cup on a potter's wheel

Is not easy.

- There is an easier way to make a cup.

First, we roll the clay into a long worm like this.

- [Snorts] it's a wiggly worm.

♪ I'm a wiggly worm

♪ I'm a wiggly worm

♪ I'm made of clay

♪ What shall I make today?

♪ I'm a wiggly worm

[Snorts] [all giggle]

- We wrap it round and round like this.

- It's a bit bumpy.

- Now I smooth it out with my hands.

And I add a handle.

- [Giggles] it's a cup!

- Now we have two cups.

- Yes, but a tea set needs more than two cups.

- We'll all make cups.

- Yes. [Giggles]

[All giggling]

- Dine-saw.

- George has made a dinosaur.

George always makes dinosaurs.

- Grr!

- Oh, what a scary dinosaur.

- [Giggles]

- Now we need to bake the tea set in a kiln.

Narrator: a kiln is an oven that cooks the clay

And makes it hard.


- The tea set should be ready.

All: hooray!

- Now we paint them.

Narrator: the children are painting the tea set

Lovely bright colors.

The tea set is finished.

- Now we can have our tea party.

- There's a cup for everyone.

- Oh, we forgot to make a teapot.

- I know!

George's dinosaur can be the teapot.

- Yes, let's fill it with water.

- [Giggles]

- This is the best tea set in the world.

- Everybody knows that all the finest tea sets

Have a dinosaur in them.

- Teapot. Grr!

[All laugh]

- Hello, peppa! Hello, george!

- Hello, cousin chloe!

- Hello, everyone.

- Hello, uncle pig.

- Hello. - Hello, auntie pig.

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: daddy pig is getting ready to go to work.

- Good. That's all the papers I need.


Both: bye-bye, daddy.

- Mummy, can we make something?

- Yes, what would you like to make?

- Dine-saw.

- Oh, george,

You always say dinosaur for everything.

- Let's make an aeroplane.

- [Snorts]

Narrator: george likes aeroplanes.

- Can we make an aeroplane that flies?

- Yes.

All we need is some paper.

- We know where there's paper.

[Both giggle]

Narrator: there is lots of old paper in the workroom.

- Here's some paper.

- Perfect.

Narrator: mummy pig is going to make a paper aeroplane.

- Fold the paper down the middle.

[Both giggle]

Now fold the corners in at one end.

Fold those corners in again to make a point.

Then fold the sides back like this.

- [Snorts] paper aeroplanes.

- [Mimics plane engine]

- [Giggles]

- Let's see if they can fly.

[Both snort]

Ready, steady, go.

Both: ooh!

Narrator: mummy pig's aeroplane has flown into a tree.

- My turn!


Narrator: peppa's aeroplane has landed in a flowerpot.

- Your turn, george.

- Whee!

Narrator: george's aeroplane is doing a loop the loop...


And has landed in the duck pond.

[Ducks quack]

- [Giggles]

- Let's make a big aeroplane.

- We'll need a really big piece of paper.

[Both giggle]

- [Snorts] here's a big piece of blue paper.

[Both giggle]

Narrator: peppa and george have made a big blue aeroplane.

[Horn honks]

All: daddy pig!

- [Snorts] hello, everyone.

- Shouldn't you be at work?

- Yes, but I've forgotten some important papers.

- Daddy, we're making aeroplanes.

[Snorts] we made a really big one.

- Wow! Fantastic.

You need someone big and strong to throw it.

Ready, steady...

All: go!

Narrator: the big blue aeroplane

Is flying very high and very far.

- It just keeps on going.

- Bye-bye, aeroplane.

- Oh-ho! Bye-bye!

Now, I need to find my important work papers.

Has anyone seen any pieces of paper?

- Um... - Uh...

Maybe you should follow me.

Is this one of your important papers?

- Yes. That's one of them.

- Is this one of your important papers, daddy?

- Yes, thank you, peppa.

[Ducks quacking]

Uh, why are we at the duck pond?

[Duck quacks]

Oh, I see.

Thank you, mrs. Duck. [Duck quacks]

The only paper I'm missing now is a big blueprint.

- Hmm.

Is it big and blue?

- Like the aeroplane you flew a long way away, daddy?

- Oh.


- The one that we said bye-bye to?

- Yes.

Maybe I should ring the office.

[Phone ringing]

Narrator: this is daddy pig's office.

[Phone continues ringing]

- Hello, daddy pig.

Did you find the papers?

- I found some of them.

- The only one we need is the big blueprint.

- That might be a problem.

- Daddy threw it away.

- Threw it away?

- And it flew and flew forever.

- [Yelps] it's here!

It just landed on my desk.

- Eh?

- What a great idea

To make it into a paper aeroplane

And throw it to us.

- Oh, yes,

Well, I am a bit of an expert at throwing things.

- Thank you, daddy pig.

Narrator: now the blueprint is delivered,

Daddy pig can take the rest of the day off work.

- [Sighs]

That's nice.

- Daddy, we need your newspaper.

- [Snorts] what for?

- Making paper aeroplanes.

- [Laughs]

[Snorting and laughing]

[All snorting and laughing]

- It can go straight up.

[Kids giggling]

- [Whimpers]

- It can go straight down.

Kids: whee!

- [Groans]

- It can even loop the loop.

All: whoa!


- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

[Festive horn honks]

Narrator: mr. Zebra the postman

Is delivering a letter to peppa's house.

- Oh, look.

Someone's got a party invitation.

- [Snorts] it must be for me.

- It says, "to george pig from edmond elephant.

Please come to my party."

- Doesn't it say "george and peppa"?

- No, just george.

- Hmm.

I didn't want to go to a silly baby party anyway.

[Phone ringing]

- Hello?

Oh, it's for you, peppa.

It's emily elephant.

- Hello.

- Hello, peppa.

Do you want to come to edmond's party as my friend?

- Oh, yes, please.

- My mummy wants us to help with the little ones.

- Help? Yes, I can help.

- Danny and suzy are helpers too.

- Oh, goodie.

[All laughing]

Narrator: everyone is here for edmond elephant's party.

[Kids giggling]

- Ooh, the helpers are here.

All: hello, mrs. Elephant.

- Let's get this party started.

Who wants to play musical statues?

All: yay!

- This is what you do.

Dance when the music is playing.

And when it stops,

Freeze like a statue.

- Ready, steady, go!

- ♪ Head, shoulders, knees and toes ♪

- Just dance already.

- ♪ Head, shoulders, knees and toes ♪

[Music stops abruptly]

- This one is still blinking.

You're out.

- [Sobs]

- ♪ Eyes and ears and mouth [music stops]

- You're moving, george. You're out.

- [Sobs]

- [Squeaks] - richard and edmond are out.

[Both sob]

- So zsa zsa is the winner.

- Hooray!

- You've got a medal.

- It's made of real plastic gold.

- [Giggles]

[All sobbing]

- Mummy,

Musical statues is over.

- Lovely.

[All sobbing]

Now it's time for pass the parcel.

All: yay!

- When the music plays, pass the parcel round.

- When the music stops, take some paper off.

- Ready, steady, go!

[Lively rock music]

- George!

Pass the parcel.

[Music stops abruptly]


Narrator: edmond has got a medal.

[Lively rock music resumes]

[Music stops abruptly]

- [Snorts] hurry up, richard.

- Just take the paper off.


Narrator: richard has got a medal.

- [Giggles]

[Rock music resumes]

[Music stops abruptly, rustling]

Narrator: george has got a medal.

- [Snorts, giggles]

[Music resumes]

[Both grunting]

- Pass the parcel.

[Grunting continues]

Narrator: oh, dear.

George isn't passing the parcel.

[Music stops abruptly]


- [Snorts, giggles] - [sobs]

- No, george. That's zsa zsa's medal.

- [Sobs]

[Lively rock music resumes]

[Music stops abruptly]

[Rustling] - [giggles]

- It's a giant teddy!

Narrator: edmond has won.

[Kids sob]

- Mummy,

Pass the parcel is finished.

- Um, lovely.

Now it's time for food.

All: hooray!

[All giggle]

Narrator: oh.

The helpers have taken all the seats.

[Kids sob]

- This is edmond's party, remember?

The helpers can eat after the little ones.

All: oh, yes.

- We're the helpers.

[All giggling]

- Juice, please.

- Juice, please.

- Juice, please.

- Jelly, please.

- Jelly! Jelly!

- More, please.

- Happy birthday, edmond.

All: happy birthday, edmond.

- [Exhales, trumpets, and giggles]


Narrator: it is the end of the party.

- Thank you to the helpers.

You all worked really hard.

- [Snorts] yes.

It's not easy looking after little children.

- [Sighs] I need to lie down.

- I need a holiday.

[All giggling]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: it is bedtime for peppa and george.

- [Snorts] there's so much rain.

- That means there will be puddles to jump in tomorrow.

- Ooh, goodie.

- You can never have too much rain.

[Thunder crashes, rain gushes]

[Rooster crows]

Narrator: it is morning.

- Hooray!

[Both giggle]

Muddy puddles!

[Duck quacks]

Oh. Hello, mrs. Duck.

What are you doing here?

[Snorts] both: wow.

Narrator: the rain has made a flood.

- Our house is a desert island.

- Muddy puddles,

Here I come!




[Duck quacks]

Who put all this water here?

- How will we get our food?

- Daddy will have to swim to the shops.

- Uh...

[Bell clanging]

Narrator: grandpa pig has arrived on his boat.

- Ahoy, there.

Wonderful boating weather.

- Um, yes.

- We're sailing to the shops.

Do you need anything?

- Yes, please.

Can you get us some tomatoes and spaghetti?

- Tomatoes and spaghetti.

Narrator: polly parrot copies everything that is said.

- Polly can be our shopping list.

Who's a clever parrot?

- Rah! Who's a clever parrot?

- Can we come too, please? - [Snorts]

- Hop aboard. [Both giggle]

- Look. There's suzy sheep's house.

- [Bleats]

- We're going to the shops.

Do you need anything?

- Mummy, do we need anything from the shops?

- Yes, we need food for dinner.

- Chocolate, please.

- Rah! Chocolate.

- [Snorts] hello, danny.

- [Barks] hello, peppa.

I'm helping my granddad.

- We're rescuing people.

- Great weather for it.

- Do you need anything from the shops?

- Uh, maybe a newspaper. - And a comic.

- Newspaper. Comic.

- Grandpa,

What's that stick thing in the water?

- Ahh! Submarine!

Action stations!

[Bell clanging]

[Mechanical whirring]

- Ahoy there, me hearties!

Narrator: it's grampy rabbit in his submarine.

- Lovely day to go sailing

With just the sea and the sky.

The stories I could tell--

- Do you need any shopping?

- Oh, yes, cheese, please.

- Cheese?

Narrator: grandpa pig's boat has arrived at the supermarket.

- Hello.

It's very quiet today.

You're my first customers.

- [Snorts] maybe it's because of the flood.

- Silly, isn't it?

A little bit of rain, and everyone stays at home.

What can I get you?

- Polly has a list.

- Who's a clever parrot?

Who's a clever parrot?

Narrator: oh, dear.

Polly has forgotten the list.

- Luckily, I remember what everyone wants.


- Thank you, peppa.

You're a good one.

- Newspaper and comic.

Both: thanks, peppa!

- It was lucky peppa was going to the shops

Or we'd have nothing for dinner.

- Here's your chocolates.

- Now we can have our dinner, mummy.

[Crickets chirping]

Narrator: peppa and george have arrived back home.

It is their bedtime.

It is morning.

- Oh.

Narrator: the water has gone

But left a big muddy puddle.

- Muddy puddle!

[Both giggling]

[Splashing and laughing]

This is the biggest muddy puddle in the world ever!

[All laughing and splashing]

- [Giggling and snorting]

♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig

[Snorting and giggling]