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A05x03 - Pedro the Cowboy/Peppa & George's Garden/The Flying Vet/International Day/Potato City

Posted: 11/23/23 07:09
by bunniefuu
- I'm peppa pig. [Snorts]

This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Male narrator: it is a lovely, sunny day.

Pedro has a new play tent.


Here are peppa, george, danny dog, suzy sheep,

And wendy wolf.

[Together] hello, pedro!

- Howdy, everyone.

Welcome to my cowboy camp.


- It's a tent.

- It's a cowboy camp,

Where cowboys sleep at nighttime.

- Are you going to sleep here in the night?


- Um, no.

That might be a bit scary,

But we can pretend it's nighttime.

- But it's not nighttime.

- Just pretend the sun is the moon.

[Together] okay.

- Pedro, can we be cowboys too?

- Yes, you can be my partners.


- Is my little cowboy hungry?

- I sure am, ma!

[Whispering] that's how cowboys speak.

- Would you cowboys and cowgirls

Like something to eat too?

[Together] yes, please, ma.

- Do the cowboys always camp

Next to their mummy's kitchen?

- No.

You have to pretend

The house is not here.

This is the wild west.

- What's that?

- The wild west is the land where cowboys live.

- What do cowboys do?

- They tell stories, sing songs, and eat beans.

- Beans on toast for everyone.

All: hooray!

Narrator: cowboys love beans on toast.

Everybody loves beans on toast.

Twang! - Who wants a cowboy song?

- Do you know a real cowboy song?

- Yes, I made it up, and it goes like this:

♪ I'm a brave cowboy and I'm eating my beans ♪

♪ With a bing and a boom and a boo ♪

♪ Baked beans bang baked beans boo ♪

♪ Baked beans bingerly bongerly bang ♪


- Let's have a story in the tent.


- I could tell a story.

- Make it scary. [Laughs]

- It was a wet and windy night

In the wild west...

[Together] ooh!

- And wild animals

Were out looking for food.

- Looking for food?

At night?

- Some animals eat at night, suzy.

- Wild animals.

- [Growls]

- And the brave cowboy pedro

Was alone in his tent.

- But he couldn't sleep

Because something was outside the tent.


- Was it a wild animal?

[Rustling outside the tent]

- What's that? [More rustling]

- It's a wild animal!

Zip! [All yelling]

Tweet! All: oh.

Narrator: it is a tiny little bird

Come to look at pedro's tent.

[Bird tweeting]

[Wings flapping]

- I think it was an eagle.

Eagles live in the wild west.

- Is everybody all right?

- Yes, mummy.

- It's nearly home time.

- But we haven't done the pretend sleeping yet.

- Everybody, back in the tent.

[Laughter] zip!

- Good night, partners.

[Together] good night, cowboy pedro.

[All snoring]

- I'm glad there aren't any wild animals out there.

- [Howls]

- Wild animals!

[All scream]

- It's a wolf!

- Yes, it's my daddy.

- [Howls]

Narrator: mr. Wolf has come to take wendy wolf home.

All the parents are here to pick up the children.

[Together] bye-bye, cowboy pedro!

- Bye-bye, everyone!

- Are you coming in, pedro?

- I want to pretend sleeping a bit more.

- Okay.

Zip! [Crickets chirping]

[Wings flapping]


Zip! - Mummy, can I come in now?

- Yes, my brave little cowboy.

Narrator: even brave little cowboys

Like to sleep indoors sometimes.

- Night, pedro.

- Good night, ma.

- I'm peppa pig. [Snorts]

This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Male narrator: daddy pig is sitting

In his favorite sunny spot.

- Ahh.

What a perfect day for doing nothing.

Narrator: daddy pig loves doing nothing.

- How could this be better?

I know! A cup of tea!

[Bicycle bell rings]

Narrator: grandpa pig has come

To see peppa and george.

- Grandpa pig! - Papa 'ig!

- Hello, peppa and george!

You're going to have

Your very own flower garden.

- Ooh! A garden for george and me!

- I've got a packet of flower seeds for each of you.


Now we need a nice sunny spot to plant your seeds.

Here we are.

Narrator: grandpa pig

Is digging peppa and george's garden.

- Oh! - Ah, tea for the workers.

Thank you, daddy pig. Slurp!

- Uh, what's going on?

- We're making a flower garden.

- Do we need a flower garden?

[Together] yes!

- But that's where I sit in my chair.

- There are more important things

Than chairs, daddy pig.

- But I always read my newspaper here.

- There are more important things

Than newspapers, daddy pig.

- Yes, like flowers.

- Look, daddy.


Narrator: peppa has lots of flower seeds.

George only has one flower seed.

- Oh.

Narrator: but it is quite a big seed.

- [Snorts] [giggles]

- Could you fetch us some water, daddy pig?

- Hmm. Okay.

- Seeds need water to grow.

They get very thirsty.

[Bird chirping]

Narrator: some little birds have come to watch.

- Don't let the birds eat the seeds, peppa.

- Shoo! Shoo! Fly away, birdies!

- Here's the water.

[Birds chirping] [wings flapping]

- Daddy scared the birds away.

- [Chuckles]

Daddy pig looks like a scarecrow.


- Peppa! George! Bath time!

- Oh, but what if the birdies come back?

- Don't worry, peppa.

I'll make sure the birds don't eat the seeds.

- Thank you, daddy.

- Good luck, daddy pig. See you tomorrow.

- Bye!

Ahh! This is nice.

Chirp! Chirp!

- Daddy, you have to be the scarecrow.

- What? Oh.

Shoo! Shoo! Naughty birds!

[Chirping] [wings flapping]

- Now stay there until the birdies go to bed.

- [Chuckles] okay, peppa.

Narrator: all the birdies have gone to bed.

Daddy pig can go inside now.

[Rooster crows]

It is morning.

- [Snorts]

George, let's look at our flower garden.

[Both giggle]

- Ooh! Baby plants!

- Morning!

Ah, your plants have started to grow.

Soon they'll have flowers on them.

Narrator: a little snail has come to take a look.

- Oh, dear. Snails like eating plants.

- Grandpa pig, can you take barbara to your garden?

- Um, okay. I'll take care of barbara.

Narrator: it is one week later.

- Peppa! George! Come and look!

- My flowers! They're so pretty!

- And look at george's plant. - [Snorts twice]

- It's a beanstalk,

And it goes all the way up to a giant's castle.

- [Chuckles] no, peppa.

But it does go quite high.

- George's flower is taller than our house.

- Oh-ho! George has grown a sunflower.

Well done, george. - [Snorts twice]

- I love our flower garden.

- Now let's make you a vegetable garden.

- But that's where I sit in my chair!

- There are more important things

Than chairs, daddy pig.

- Like tomatoes, carrots, and potatoes.

- I do like a nice potato.

Narrator: daddy pig loves potatoes.

- [Chuckles]

Narrator: everyone loves potatoes.


- We must all exercise and eat fruit and vegetables.

- Which ones should we eat, mr. Potato?

- Apples, oranges, carrots, tomatoes...

- Potatoes? - Um...

- I'm peppa pig. [Snorts]

This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Male narrator: peppa has brought goldie the fish

To the vet's for a checkup.

- You've got a healthy, happy fish.

She's lovely.

- Thank you, dr. Hamster.

[Telephone rings]

- Hello.

- Hello, dr. Hamster. This is mr. Elephant.

Narrator: mr. Elephant and his family

Are out for a walk in the mountains.

- We found a sick lizard. - It's a gecko.

Narrator: edmond knows all about lizards.

He is a clever clogs.

- I'll be straight there.

- Ooh! Can we come too?

- Of course. Let's go.

- Are we going in an ambulance?

- No. The mountains are too far away.

We'll go in my airplane. Both: ooh!

- Airplane! [Imitates airplane engine]

Narrator: george loves airplanes.

- All aboard.

[Revs engine] up, up, and away!

- I didn't know you had an airplane, dr. Hamster.

- Oh, yes. I'm the flying vet.

- Thank goodness. The vet's here.

[Tires screech] [motor stops]

- Stand aside. Vet coming through.

Where is the sick lizard? - Here it is.

- Oh, poor little pickle.

- What is wrong with the lizard?

- It seems to be upside down. I'll just flip it over.


Narrator: dr. Hamster has made the lizard better.

[Together] hooray!

[Cell phone ringing]

- Oh, another emergency!

Beep! Hello?

- Hello. Grandpa pig here.

Narrator: grandpa pig is out sailing his boat.

- It's polly. She's a sick parrot.

- Awk! Sick parrot.

- I'll be right there.

- Look, polly. It's the flying vet.

- Where are we going to land?

- This is a seaplane, peppa.

We can land on the water.

Splash! Splash!

- Wow!

- Hello. - [Snorts]

[Laughter] - peppa! George!

- [Snorts twice] - hello, grandpa.

We've come to make polly better.

- How long has polly been sick?

- Since we came out on our boat trip.

- Aha!

I know what's wrong with polly.

She's seasick.

[Together] oh.

- Get polly to dry land, the sooner, the better.

- There's an island.

[Boat motor idling] - there we go.

Better, polly?

- Awk! Better, polly?

[Together] hooray!

Narrator: polly is not a sick parrot anymore.

[Cell phone ringing] - oh, another emergency.

Beep! Hello?

- Hello. Daddy pig here.

Narrator: daddy pig is in his office.

- There are some ducklings stuck on our roof.

- I'll be right there.

[Tires screech] [motor stops]

- Thank goodness you're here.

[Elevator bell dings]

- Stand aside.

Dr. Hamster here.

- Mrs. Duck laid her eggs on our roof.

- And now the ducklings have hatched.

[Ducklings quacking]

- Who can make a quacking noise?

- Me! I'm very good at quacking!

- Peppa, start quacking,

And the ducklings will follow you.

- Quack! Quack! Quack!

[Ducklings quacking]

- Quack! Quack! Quack!

[Ducklings quacking]

- Lead them to the duck pond, please, peppa.

- Okay. I'm mummy duck.

Quack! Quack! Quack!

[Ducklings quacking]

Quack! Quack! Quack!

[Ducklings quacking]

- The ducklings are back with their mummy and daddy.

- All because of me. [All laugh]

[Cell phone rings]

- Hello?

- Is it another emergency?

- Yes, it's mr. Hamster.

I'm late for me tea.

Bye! - Bye, dr. Hamster.

All: thank you.

- No problem.

Narrator: it's all in a day's work for the flying vet.


All: ♪ clickety clack clickety clack ♪

♪ The train runs on the track ♪

♪ Huff and puff huff and puff ♪

♪ The train runs on the track [train whistle toots]

- I'm peppa pig. [Snorts]

This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]


Narrator: peppa and her friends are at playgroup.

They are dressed up in costumes from different countries.

- Today is international day,

When we celebrate all the countries of the world.

[Together] hooray!

Narrator: peppa is dressed as france.

- [Snorts] I'm france.

Narrator: george is russia.

- [Laughs]

Narrator: pedro is america.

- Yee-haw.

Narrator: zoe is japan.

- [Span]konnichiwa.[/Span]

Narrator: suzy is holland.

- [Span]hallo.[/Span]

That's dutch for "hello."


Madame gazelle,

What do all the countries of the world do?

- They sing the song of harmony together.

[Together] hooray!

- I like singing.

- So do i.

- Does everyone remember the words?

[Together] yes, madame gazelle.

All: ♪ peace and harmony in all the world ♪

♪ Peace and harmony in all the world ♪

♪ Peace and harmony in all the world ♪

♪ Peace and harmony


- Lovely.

And later, we will sing that for your mummies and daddies.

Narrator: it is playtime.


- Enjoy yourselves.

Play nicely together.

Narrator: all the countries are playing in the playground.

The united kingdom is on the slide.

- Whee!

Narrator: france and switzerland are on the swings.

[Both laugh]

Narrator: germany is playing hopscotch.

- One, two, three.

Narrator: america, russia, spain, and greece

Are in the sandpit.


- I'm building a big sand castle.


[Clog footsteps tapping]

Narrator: here are holland and japan.

- [Clears throat]

Now it's our turn in the sandpit.

- Why?

- Because you've had your turn.

You can play on the slide now.

- But we want to play here.

[All crying]

Narrator: oh, dear.

There is not enough room in the sandpit

For more than four countries.

- What's going on?

- It's our turn in the sandpit.

- But we were here first.

- Is suzy being a bit bossy?

- George started it.

- Leave george alone.

He's only little.

[Whistle blows]

- Hello, hello, hello.

What's all this noise about then?

- [Neighs]

They're trying to push us out of the sandpit.

- No, we're not.

- Yes, you are.

- George started it.

[All talking at same time]

Narrator: oh, dear.

The countries of the world are not playing nicely together.

- ♪ Peace and harmony in all the-- ♪

Wh--what's that noise?

Oh, no.

The countries are fighting.

- You can't play in the sandpit.

- Yes, we can.

- It's not fair.

[All talking at once]

- Stop arguing.

- [Snorts]

Suzy, you're always telling people what to do.

- No, I am not.

[All talking at same time]

- Children, children.

What is happening?

- [Bleats]

America, russia, spain, and greece

Won't share the sandpit.

- [Snorts]

Holland is being bossy.

- You're the bossy one.

- That is enough.

Is this how you think the countries of the world behave?

- Um, don't they?

- Of course not.

[Together] sorry, madame gazelle.

[Snorting and bleating]

All: hello.

Narrator: all the parents have arrived.

- How is international day going?

- Eh, not too bad.

- Excellent. [Snorts]

- Lovely.

- We will now sing, for you, the song of harmony.

All: ♪ peace and harmony in all the world ♪

♪ Peace and harmony in all the world ♪

♪ Peace and harmony in all the world ♪

♪ Peace and harmony

[Cheers and applause]

- What a wonderful display of togetherness.

Narrator: peppa and her friends

Love singing together in harmony.

All the countries of the world

Love singing together in harmony.

- I'm peppa pig. [Snorts]

This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Male narrator: peppa and her family

Are going to potato city.

- What is potato city, mummy?

- It's a theme park, peppa,

"Where the magic of vegetables never ends."

- It sounds a bit boring. - It will be fun.

Potato city, here we come!

[Horn honks]

Here we are.

Narrator: the family have arrived

At a field of potatoes.

- Is this potato city? - It must be.

And it looks like we picked the right day to visit.

There are no crowds.

- Are you sure this is the right place, daddy pig?

It just looks like a farmer's field to me.

- Excuse me, is this potato city?

- No. That's potato city.

[Carnival music]

- [Snorts]

It isn't quite what I was expecting.

- It's fantastic!

- How many tickets?

- Two adults and two children, please, miss rabbit.

- Busy, isn't it?

- Busy? No.

This is quiet for potato city.

Have a lovely day.

Narrator: peppa's friends have come to potato city too.

- Hello, everyone. [Together] hello, peppa.

Narrator: and this is mr. Potato himself.

- Welcome to potato city,

Where the magic of vegetables never ends!

All: ooh!

- See how vegetables grow,

Learn how they keep us fit and healthy,

And get sh*t into space by the potato rocket!

[All cheering]

Narrator: peppa and her friends

Are going to ride on the potato rocket.

George wants to ride on the potato rocket too.

- [Snorts twice]

- Are you sure, george? It looks a bit high.

Narrator: daddy pig doesn't like heights.

- [Gruffly] moo! Hurry up, daddy pig!

- [Chuckles] oh, I'm not getting on.

- George is too small to go on his own.

- Oh. Okay. Thunk!

Make it quick. - Oh, it's very quick.

- [Crying]

Narrator: george has changed his mind.

- [Crying] - oh, dear, george.

[Snorts] come to mummy.

- Maybe I'll just get off too.

- Chops away!

- Have fun, daddy pig!

- Oh...

Oh. It stopped.

Well, I'm glad that's all over.

Children: whee! - [Yelling]

[Laughter] - this is brilliant!

Children: whee!

[Laughter] - everybody off!

- That was fun, wasn't it, daddy?

- [Groans] yes. Lots of fun.

- Mummy, what's that?

- Go round and put your head through that hole.

- Now what happens?

[All laugh]

- Suzy, you're a tomato!

- Look. I'm a carrot.

- Oh, yes.

- And I'm a pumpkin. [Barks]


- Welcome to the dinosaur garden.

All: ooh!

- Say hello to my dinosaur friends,

But don't be frightened.

They are not real,

But this is exactly how they would have looked

Walking the earth together.

- No, it's not. - What?

- Triceratops lived in the cretaceous period.

The stegosaurus was jurassic.

They would not have walked together.

- How do you know that? - I'm a clever clogs.


- Anyway, who wants to ride one?

- Me. - Me.

- Why have you got dinosaurs in potato city?

- Uh, because dinosaurs ate potatoes?

- No.

- Anyway, children like dinosaurs.

- Dinosaur! - Dine-saw.

[Both growl]

[Trumpet fanfare]

- Roll up, roll up

For the vegetable roundabout swing thing.

- A vegetable roundabout swing thing!


I like potato city

Because it teaches you about vegetables

And swings you round and round.

Narrator: potato city,

Where the magic of vegetables never ends.

- [Giggling and snorting]

♪ Peppa pig



- [Snorts twice]

- ♪ Peppa pig

- [Snorts twice]

[Both giggle]

- ♪ Peppa pig

[Snorting and giggling]