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A06x06 - The Children's Fete/Fruit/The Aquarium/The Fish Pond/Pedro is Late

Posted: 11/23/23 07:54
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- I'm Peppa Pig. [oinks]

This is my little brother George.

- GEORGE: [oinking]

- This is Mummy Pig. - MUMMY: [oinks]

- And his is Daddy Pig. - DADDY: [huge oink]

- ALL: [laughing]

- Peppa Pig.[oinks]

- MALE NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends are at play group.

Mr. Bull is checking the school roof.

- Moo!

Who put this roof on for you?

- Uh, you did, Mr. Bull.

- Lovely job.

It will last you a lifetime.

- But it is leaking water.

- [water dripping]

- Look, it is going drippity drip.

- You need a new roof.

- Oh dear, where are we going to get the money

for a new school roof?

- We can do a school fete to get the money.

- Good idea, Danny, but who would run it?

- [oinks] We can!

- Yes!

The children can do it.

- [neighs] I can do the face painting.

- I can do the microphone.

- [yaps] We can have a Mommies and Daddies Race.

- And I could sell balloons.

- Yes!

We will have a children's fete.

- KIDS: Hooray!

- ♪

- NARRATOR: It is the day of the children's fete.

All the grownups are here.

- Hello, grownups!

- NARRATOR: Danny Dog is in charge of the microphone.

- Get your money out for the new school roof!

- NARRATOR: Emily Elephant is in charge

of the bric-a-brac store.

- Roll up, roll up!

All sorts of bits and bops.

- What a lot of bric-a-brac, Emily.

You will be busy all day selling it.

- NARRATOR: Here is Mr. Fox.

- Mm, this all looks very interesting.

- Balloons!

Lovely balloons!

Would you like a balloon, Madame Gazelle?

- May I have a red one?

How much is it?

- How much have you got?

- Ooh, of course.

We are raising money for the school roof.

- Look, Madame Gazelle, I've got rid of everything.

- Wonderful, Emily.

How much money have you raised?

- Money?

- Did you not get some money for the bits and bops?

- I didn't need to.

Mr. Fox took it away for nothing.

- ♪

- [baas] Get your face painted here!

- NARRATOR: Susie Sheep is in charge

of the face painting store.

- Hello, Susie.

Can I be a mountain leopard, please?

- No.

I can only do fruit.

- Okay, can I be--

- A plum! There!

- [applause]

- NARRATOR: Peppa is in charge of the Lucky Dip.

- Roll up, roll up for your Lucky Dip!

- Moo! Hello, Peppa!

- Hello, Mr. Bull.

You've got a green face.

- I'm an apple.

- Oooh.

Would you like to try the Lucky Dip?

- Okay.

What do I do?

- Just pull a prize out of the barrel.

Everyone a winner.

- NARRATOR: Mr. Bull has won a dolly.

- [meows] Can I have a go?

- NARRATOR: Mrs. Cat has won a digger.

- Ooh, do you want to swap?

- BOTH: No, thank you.

- NARRATOR: Mr. Bull and Mrs. Cat

like their Lucky Dip prizes.

- ALL: [laughs]

- Roll up, roll up!

- NARRATOR: Freddy Fox is in charge

of the Mommies and Daddies Race.

- Thank you.

It's all to raise money for a new school roof.

- I'm quite good at running.

- [laughs] It's not running, daddy.

It's a sack race.

- Oh.

- You have to get in the bag and jump over there--[oink]--

as fast as you can.

- Right.

- On your marks.

Get set.


- [cheering] Oh!

- FREDDY: And they've fallen down.

- ALL: Oh!

- FREDDY: And they're back up again.

- KIDS: Hooray!

- [grunting] - [cheering]

- Keep going, daddy!

- Oh!

- And my mommy is the winner.


- ALL: Hooray!


- That was fun, wasn't it?

- PARENTS: Yes, lots of fun.

- But, really, we must thank the children

for all their hard work.

- PARENTS: Thank you, children.

- And we have raised enough money to buy

a new school roof...again.

- ALL: Hooray!


- NARRATOR: It is Fruit Day at the supermarket.

- Look, it's Mr. Potato.

- Mrs. Carrot.

- Sweet Cranberry and Little Sprout.

- [squeaks]

- ALL: [laughing]

- ♪ Apple, orange, banana, pear and pineapple too ♪

♪ Eat five pieces of fruit a day because they're good for you ♪♪

- [laughing]

- Welcome to Fruit Day, where the magic of fruit never ends.

- ♪

- Wow, so much fruit.

- ALL: Hello, Peppa.

- Hello.

- We are choosing our favorite fruit.

What's your favorite?

- Um...I like apples.

- I like oranges.

- I like bananas.

- I like carrots.

- Carrots are not a fruit.

- Oh.

- Carrots are a vegetable.


- NARRATOR: Edmond is a bit of a clever clogs.

- What's your favorite fruit, George?

Is it bananas?

Or oranges?

- George likes strawberries the best.

- Strawberry!

- NARRATOR: George loves strawberries.

- Smoothies!

Get your fruit smoothies here.

- [laughing]

- Hello, Ms. Rabbit.

What's a fruit smoothie?

- It's a drink made from fruit.

Would you like one?

- Yes, please.

Can I have a smoothie with apples?

- Okay.

But smoothies can have lots of different fruits in them.

- Okay.

Apples, raspberries, bananas and more apples.

- [blender whirls]

- An apple, raspberry, banana and more apples smoothie.

- [slurps]

Mm, delicious.

- Can I have a smoothie, please?

- Me, too.

- And me. - And me.

- Of course.

What fruit would you like in your smoothies?

- Uh, I don't know.

- It can be anything, Pedro.

- Okay, cheese, please.

- Pedro, cheese isn't a fruit.

- It has to be fruit or vegetables.

- Okay.

- Raspberries and blueberries and blackberries

and gooseberries.

- That's more like.

Raspberry and blueberry and blackberry and gooseberry

smoothies for everyone.

- [blender whirls]

- [slurps]

- ALL: Mmmm, lovely.

- What do you want in your smoothie, George?

- Strawberry.

- George, a smoothie must have lots of fruit in it.

- How about strawberries and pineapple, George?

- No.

- Maybe George would like some dinosaur juice.

- Dinosaur juice?

- Oh yes.

All dinosaurs like dinosaur juice.

- [laughs] Dinosaur.

- Let's see.

A bit of this.

One of those.

A few of these.

Oh, some of that.

- [blender whirls]

- One dinosaur juice just for dinosaurs

and their little friends.

- [laughs] Dinosaur.

- Can I have some dinosaur juice, please, Ms. Rabbit?

- Me, too. - And me.

- And me.

- Okay, dinosaur juice for everyone.

Oh bother.

- What's wrong, Ms. Rabbit?

- I've forgotten what I put in the dinosaur juice.

- ALL: Oh.

- I can tell you what was in it.

- Really? How?

- By smelling it.

- NARRATOR: Freddy Fox has a very good sense of smell.

- [sniffs]

Mm, there's one banana.

- One banana.

- Three--[sniffs]--no, four strawberries.

Five cherries.

- Strawberries, cherries.

- FREDDY: One peach, half a pineapple, a slice of melon

and something else.

What is it?

- A carrot?

- Yes, a carrot.

- ALL: Hooray!

- [blender whirls]

- Dinosaur juice for everyone.

- ALL: [slurps]

Mmm. Brrr.

- Are you all enjoying Fruit Day?

- Yes.

We love fruit.

- And carrots.

- [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Everyone loves fruit and carrots.

- [laughing]


[oinks] Now these books.

[laughing] Lovely.

- [laughing]


- NARRATOR: Peppa is feeding Goldy the fish.

- Dinnertime, Goldy.

Oh, Goldy isn't eating.

- MOMMY: She looks a bit sad.

- I think she's lonely.

She hasn't got any fish friends.

- Maybe Goldy could visit the aquarium.

- What's the aquar-ari-um?

- The aquarium is a place where there are lots of fish.

- Shall we go to the aquarium, Goldy?

- [bubbles pop]

- [laughs] That means yes.

- NARRATOR: The family have brought Goldy the fish

to the aquarium.

- I hope we can find Goldy a friend.

- I'm sure we will, Peppa.

The aquarium has every type of fish.

- Hello, Ms. Rabbit.

- Hello.

How many tickets, please?

- Two grownups and two children.

- [register dings]

- And one fish, please.

- The fish goes free.

- Does the aquarium have every type of fish?

- Oh yes, probably.

- Good, we're looking for a friend for Goldy.

- Well, I hope you find one.

Enjoy the aquarium.

- ALL: Thank you.

- NARRATOR: The first room has a t*nk full of little fish.

- Fishy.

- PEPPA: Wow!

There are millions of teeny fish.

♪ Fishy, fishy fish fish swimming in the sea ♪

♪ Who will be a fishy friend

♪ For my fish Goldy? ♪

- ALL: [laughing]

- Ho, ho, ho.

Could any of these be Goldy's friend?


They are too small.

- Let's see what fish are in the next room.

- Okay.

- NARRATOR: Here is Candy Cat and her family.

- Hello, Candy.

- Hello, Peppa.


- What are you doing here?

- We come here all the time.

- It's better than watching TV.

- We like fish.

- ALL: [laughing]

- We've come to find a friend for Goldy the fish.

- CATS: Ooh.

- What's in this t*nk?

- I can't see anything.

- DADDY CAT: [laughs]

Daddy Pig, there's a fish right in front of you.

- Where?


- NARRATOR: It is a very big fish.

- ALL: Wow!


- Do you think this fish could be a friend for Goldy?

- No.

It is too big.

- Never mind.

Let's go to the next room.

- What's in this t*nk?

- Dinosaur.


- NARRATOR: George thinks he has seen a dinosaur.

- It's not a dinosaur, George.

It's a funny kind of fish called a seahorse.

- You know lots about fish.

- Yes, I like fish.


- Can the seahorse be Goldy's friend?

- Uh, no.

It's too dinosaury.

- One more room to go.

- ♪

- Oh, what's in this t*nk?

- Nothing.

It's just green slime.


- That green slime is algae.

- There must be some sort of fish in here--whoa!

There's a fish with big, long ears.

It's a rabbit fish.

- NARRATOR: It is Ms. Rabbit wearing a diving costume.

- ALL: Ooh.

- NARRATOR: She is cleaning the fish t*nk.

- [gurgling]

- NARRATOR: Ms. Rabbit is saying hello.

- [gurgling]

- NARRATOR: It is difficult to talk underwater.

- [gurgling]

- [laughs] Hello, Ms. Rabbit.

- That was the last fish t*nk.

- Oh.

We haven't found a friend for Goldy.

- What's in the next room?

- NARRATOR: This is the aquarium café.

- Oh goody, my favorite room.

- Hello, Peppa.

Did you find a friend for Goldy?

- No.

Oh, who's that?

- That's just Ginger, my pet goldfish.

He loves the aquarium.

- [bubbles popping]

- DADDY PIG: Ho, ho, it looks like Goldy's

found a friend after all.

- PEPPA: Goldy isn't lonely anymore.

- ALL: Hooray.

- And Goldy can visit Ginger anytime she wants.

- ALL: [laughing]

- Why is he so slow?

- He has to carry his house on his back.

- Uh, Dr. Hamster, I think Tiddles is escaping.

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her family are having a day out.

- We're going to see a pond where there's little fish

swimming in it.

- Oooh.

- [oinks]

- I used to go there when I was a boy.

We're here.

- Where's the fish pond?

- It's in the middle of the woods.

We have to walk to it.

- Will we get lost like we always do?

- Ho, ho, no.

Remember, I came here when I was a little piggy.

- But that's a long time ago, Daddy Pig.

- In the olden days.

- Thank you, Peppa.

Well, in the olden days, we started the walk

by going along a path.

Ah, this is the one.

- How do you know?

- There are little flowers growing here,

just like I remember.

- Things might have changed, Daddy Pig.

- Ho, ho, nothing changes that much.

Now, we walk past some little trees

until we come to a big tree.

- I think the little trees have grown.

- Oh yes.

They do all seem big, don't they?

- How are we going to find the right big tree?


- [laughs]

- Oh, it's usually me that walks into trees.

- NARRATOR: Mommy Pig has found the big tree.

- Clever mommy.

- [laughs] I knew it would still be here.

This way, everybody.

- [owl hoots]

- Are we nearly at the fish pond yet?

- Almost there.

- But I'm getting a bit hungry.

- Don't worry.

There's a café on the way.

- Oh, lovely.

I could do with a nice cup of coffee.

- Can George and I have ice creams, please?

- [oinks]

- Of course.

Ice creams for everyone.

[oinks] The café should be just about here.


- Where's the café?

Is it behind that rotten pile of wood?

- I think that rotten pile of wood is the café.

- ALL: Oh.

- There's not going to be any ice creams

coming out of that today.

- Hello.

What can I get you?

- Oh.

- A cup of coffee and three ice creams, please.

- Of course.

- Thank you.

- [slurps]

- Mm, delicious.

- Next stop, the fish pond.

This way.

- Oh, you don't want to go that way.

That goes straight into a blackberry bush.

- Ah-ah, it's the shortcut.

It's the way I went when I was a boy.

- No.

If you want to go to the fish pond,

you need to go up that path.

- Well, I'm taking the shortcut.

- All right.

Who wants to go through a blackberry bush?

- Me.

- And who wants to go on the path?


-[laughs] Race you, daddy.

- [laughs] I'll get there first.

- Bye.

- I hope the fish pond is still here.

- Yes.

Everything seems a bit different to what daddy remembers.

- What's that?

- It's the fish pond.

- George, let's see the little fish.

- [oinks]

- [splash]

- Oh.

Daddy said that the fish were tiny.

But they're ginormous!

- It's been a long time since daddy was here.

The fish have got a lot bigger.

- Like daddy's tummy.

- ALL: [laughing]

- Oh, where is daddy?

- Oh, he might be lost.

I better ring him.

- [phone dialing]

- [phone ringing]

- There's a phone ringing in that bush.

- DADDY PIG: Hello, Mr. Pig speaking.

- It's daddy!

- DADDY PIG: Oh, hello.

I'm stuck.

- Hello, daddy.

- Hang on, we'll pull you out.

One, two, three.


- Daddy is a blackberry bush.

- ALL: [laughing]

- Ah, the fish pond.

Let's see the little fish.

- [splash]

- DADDY PIG: Whoa, that's a big fish.

- PEPPA: Oh, look, there's something glittering.

- They're coins.

When I was little, we used to throw a coin in the pond

and make a wish.

- Can we throw coins in?

- [oinks]

- Of course.

- I wish the fish pond stays here forever.

- [laughs] That's what I wished for when I was a little piggy.

- And your wish came true, daddy.

- ALL: [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Peppa's play group are going on a trip

to the museum.

- Oh dear, Pedro Pony is not here.

- I bet he's still in his pajamas.

- [snoring]

- NARRATOR: Pedro is asleep in his little bed.

Pedro likes sleeping.

- Pedro! Wake up!

You'll be late for the school trip.

- [yawns] Okay, mommy.

- Come on, Pedro, we don't want to miss the bus.

- [yawns]

- ♪

- NARRATOR: The bus is still waiting for Pedro Pony.

- We can't wait any longer.

The museum will be closed.

- Okay, let's go.

- ♪

- [tires screech]

- Oh, there's no one here.

- Maybe we're early.

- No, Pedro, we've missed the bus.

- Oh.

- Come on, let's catch them up.

- ♪

- ALL: [laughing]

- [oinks] Pedro is always late.

- [horn honking] - Look!

There's a car chasing us.

- [horn honking]

- Oh, hello, Mrs. Pony.

- Stop the bus!

Pedro is here!

- Sorry, Madame Gazelle.

I overslept.

- Oh, Pedro.

You do like sleeping.

- [yawns]

Yes, Madame Gazelle.

- To the museum.

Nothing can stop us now.

- Um, Madame Gazelle?

I need the toilet.

- And me. - And me.

- Me, too.

- NARRATOR: This is Granddad Dog's garage.

- [barks] What will it be?

Petrol or diesel?

- Toilet, please.

- Are you sure you wouldn't like any petrol?

- No, we haven't gone anywhere yet.

- KIDS: [laughing]

- Right, next stop the museum.

- Um, where is Pedro?

- Petrol pumps, interesting.

- Oh, come on along, Pedro.

- Bye.

- I hope we get to the museum before it closes.

- NARRATOR: Here is the museum.

Mr. Rabbit is locking up for the day.

- Hello, Mr. Rabbit, we would like to see the museum, please.

- Hmm, we were just closing, but I can give you a quick tour.

This is the king and queen's room, full of old stuff.

- ALL: Oooh.

- Hmm, interesting.

- Here are the giant dinosaurs.

All very nice.

- ALL: Aah.

- Amazing!

- Space, rockets and all that.

- ALL: Wow.

- And through this door is the most amazing place of all.

It's the fantastic world you live in.

- ALL: Oh.

- Thank you, Mr. Rabbit.

- My pleasure.


- Right, time to go, children.

- Where is Pedro?

- Oh, Pedro!

- A mollusk.

Very interesting.

- Come on, Pedro, we'll miss the bus.

- Where is everybody?

- NARRATOR: The bus has gone.

- Ah, don't worry,

Ms. Rabbit will realize she's left us behind.

- ♪ Bong, bing, boom, bing, bong, bing ♪

♪ Bing, bong bingly boom boo

- All together now!

- ♪ Bong bing

- NARRATOR: Nobody has noticed Madame Gazelle and Pedro

are missing.

- ♪ Bing, bong, bingly bong boom ♪

- Oh, have you missed the bus?

- Mr. Rabbit, I am a teacher.

I need your car.

- [tires squeal]

- Come on, Pedro, we'll take a shortcut.

- [tires squeal]

- Hello, ducks.

- [ducks quack]

- NARRATOR: Madame Gazelle and Pedro

have arrived back at the play group.

- Where is the bus?

- Maybe we're early.

- Yes, Pedro, for once, you are early.

- [tires screech]

- Wow. Pedro is early.

- Yes.

And you're late.

You slow poaches.

- [laughs]

- NARRATOR: Pedro likes being early.

Everybody likes being early.

- ALL: [laughing]

- ♪

♪ Peppa Pig




♪ Peppa Pig



♪ Peppa Pig ♪
