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A06x07 - Lots of Muddy Puddles

Posted: 11/23/23 07:55
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- I'm Peppa Pig. [oinks]

This is my little brother George.

- GEORGE: [oinking]

- This is Mummy Pig. - MUMMY: [oinks]

- And his is Daddy Pig. - DADDY: [huge oink]

- ALL: [laughing]

- Peppa Pig.[oinks]

- MALE NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends are jumping up and down

in muddy puddles.

- ♪ Jumping up and down in muddy puddles ♪

♪ Splish, splash, splosh, splish, splash ♪

♪ With a big splash here

♪ And a big splash there

♪ Here a splash, there a splash ♪

♪ Everywhere a splish splash

♪ Jumping up and down in muddy puddles ♪

♪ Splish, splash, splosh, splish, splash ♪♪

- [laughter]

- [oinks]

- Ho, ho.

[oinks] Somebody's having fun.

- [laughs] We love jumping in muddy puddles.


- [laughs] [oinking]

- And of course, later today, it's the big puddle jumping


- [in unison] Ooh!

- The winner of the competition is the best puddle jumper

in the whole world.

- And my daddy always wins.

- Ho, ho.

[oinks] I do tend to win, yes.

- Mr. Pig?

How do you always win?

- A lot of hard training.

And I follow a few simple rules.

Who knows the first rule of puddle jumping?

- [oinks] If you jump in muddy puddles,

you must wear your boots.

- That's right, Peppa.

- And my boots are very special,

because they are made of gold.

- [bleats] They're not gold.

They're yellow.

- [oinks] They are not yellow.

They are are real plastic gold.

- They're yellow.

- [singing] My golden boot is sparkling glitter.

My lovely golden boots.

- They're yellow!

- [singing] My lovely golden boots!

- Yellow!

- [singing] Gold, gold, gold, gold, gold!

- Yellow!

- Gold!

- Anyone like some orange juice?

- [in unison] Yes, please!


- MRS. DUCK: Quack, quack.

- NARRATOR: Oh, it is Mrs. Duck.

She has come to take a look at the boots.

- Quack.

Quack, quack.

- NARRATOR: Oh no!

Cheeky Mrs. Duck is walking off with Peppa's boots.

- Quack, quack.

- [laughter]

- Oh, where are my boots?

- That's odd.

They were right there.

- But now they've gone.

- [oinks] Without my boots,

I can't do the puddle competition.

- [car horn]

- NARRATOR: It is Mr. Zebra, the postman.

- [whistles] Good morning.

- Quack.

- What a lovely day for the puddle jumping competition.

- [cries]

- Whatever's the matter, Peppa?

- I've lost my boots.

- Oh really?

I've just seen a duck with boots.

- Were they gold boots?

- Uh, no.

- Um, some people might say my boots were sort of

a yellow color.

- That's them.

Yellow boots.

And there's the duck wearing them.

- Quack, quack.

- My golden boots!

- Quack, quack.

- [pants]

Mrs. Duck?

[pants] Can I have my boots back, please?

- Quack.

- NARRATOR: Mrs. Duck does not want to give Peppa's boots back.

- Quack.

- There's no escape, Mrs. Duck.

You can't just walk away from us.

- Quack. - Oh.

- NARRATOR: Ducks can run.

- Mrs. Duck, those are Peppa's boots.

- Mummy, you won't catch Mrs. Duck!

She's too fast!

- [pants]

Peppa, I may not be as fast as I once was,

but I can run faster than a duck.

- Quack, quack.

- Oh.

That duck can run quite fast.

- Quack.

- NARRATOR: Captain Dog is on his boat with Danny Dog.

- There. Woof!

All ready to sail.

- But Daddy, you said you were never going to sail again.

You said you were home for good.

- Aye, yes I did say that, didn't I?

Yes, my sailing days are over.

- MRS. DUCK: Quack, quack.


- DADDY PIG: Stop that duck!

- Huh?

- Mrs. Duck has taken Peppa's boots.

- No need to worry.

Mrs. Duck has nowhere left to run.

- Quack! - Oh.

- NARRATOR: Ducks can swim.

- Quack, quack.

- Daddy, sail after Mrs. Duck.

Woof, woof!

- But I said I'd never sail again.

- Captain Dog, this is an emergency.

- Oh. In that case, let's go!

- Quack, quack.

- Captain Dog?

Will we be able to catch up with Mrs. Duck?

- Ha ho, Mummy Pig.

I think my boat can go faster than a duck.

Oh, that's a fast duck.

- Quack, quack.

- NARRATOR: It is Grampy Rabbit.

He is not happy.

- What rotten luck!

My boat sank.

And now I'm a castaway on this miserable little island.


If only there was something to eat.

- Quack.

- Oh, a duck!

- Quack, quack.

- Ahoy there, Grampy Rabbit!

- Mrs. Duck has my boots,

and she won't give them back.

- What?

Those yellow boots?

- Yes, my golden boots.

- Oh, don't worry, Peppa.

Mrs. Duck has nowhere to go.

She's surrounded.

- Quack. - Oh.

- NARRATOR: Ducks can fly.

- Quack.

- Mrs. Duck is flying higher and higher.

- All the way to the moon.

- The moon?

No we'll never get my boots back.

- Quack, quack.

- Don't worry, Peppa.

Ducks can't really fly to the moon.

- Why ever not?

I've flown to the moon before.

Mind you, I was in a rocket, which helped a bit, I suppose.

- [oinks] Rocket?

- Yup.

That rocket on the next island.

Built it myself, all out of bits and bobs of scrap metal.

- Wow.

A real space rocket.

- Grampy Rabbit, can you fly us to the moon?

- Um, I'm sure Grampy Rabbit has lots of important to--

- Of course we can go, Peppa.

Captain Dog?

Sail us to my rocket.

- Aye aye, Captain Rabbit!

- ♪

- Oink, oink. Wocket! [giggles]

- NARRATOR: George loves space rockets.

- GEORGE: [giggles] [oinking]

- Are you sure it's safe?

- Safe as houses.

Not that houses are made for hurtling through space.

We don't need that bit.

- Uh, I really don't think Peppa's boots will be

on the moon.

- Nonsense!

Mrs. Duck flew to the moon, and that's where we're going.

Five, four, three, two, one.

Blast off!

- ♪

♪ Flying to the moon

♪ In a space rocket

♪ To find my golden boots ♪

- [laughter]

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends have landed on the moon.

- I can jump really high.

[giggles] [oinks]

- Me too!


- Is it magic?

- Not exactly, Peppa.

It's because the moon is much smaller than the Earth.

In simple terms, gravity equals G times m divided radius

times , where G is the gravitational constant.

- So it's magic?

- Yes, it's magic.

- Right.

Let's find that duck.

- ♪ Looking on the moon

♪ Looking everywhere

♪ Looking high, looking low ♪

♪ For the golden boots

♪ Are they in a crater

♪ No

♪ Are they on a mountain

♪ No

♪ Looking on the moon

♪ For the golden boots ♪

- [sighs] How will we ever find my boots?

- [bleats] Let's ask at the shop.

- Shop? Where?

You don't get shops on the moon.

- You do. Look.

- Postcards.

Ice cream.

Buckets and spades.

- NARRATOR: It is Miss Rabbit's gift shop.

- Oh, hello.

Thank goodness someone turns up.

I haven't had a customer on the moon for years and years!

- Miss Rabbit, have you seen a duck in boots?

- A duck? On the moon?

That's a bit unlikely, if you ask me.

- GRAMPY RABBIT: Yes. Ducks flying to the moon?

Complete nonsense!

Why did you tell us to come here, Mummy Pig?

- What? Uh, but I didn't.

- If Mrs. Duck didn't fly to the moon, where can she be?

- GRANDPA PIG: [whistles]

- NARRATOR: Grandpa Pig is in his garden, collecting apples.

- Quack, quack.

- Mrs. Duck.

Wearing boots.

[oinks] Those aren't your boots, are they?

- Quack, quack.

- There's nowhere for you to go, Mrs. Duck.

You're cornered.

- Quack!


These look like Peppa's boots.

- [phone rings]

- Uh, hello?

- Daddy Pig?

H, Has Peppa lost a pair of boots?

- Yes, she has.

Grandpa Pig has found your boots, Peppa.

- [in unison] Hurray!

- All aboard.

Next stop, Grandpa Pig's garden.

- ♪

- My boots.

My golden boots!

[oinks] Thank you, Grandpa Pig.

- One moment, Peppa.

We have to make sure these boots really are yours.

- Oh.

- First, let's see if they fit George.

- [oinking]

- NARRATOR: The boot is too big for George.

- Oh. - Now Suzy Sheep.

- [bleats]

- NARRATOR: The boot is too small for Suzy.

- Oh!

- [giggles] It's just like Cinderella.

- Next, Peppa.

- NARRATOR: The boot is just right for Peppa.

- [giggles] - Good.

These boots belong to Peppa.

- My boots!

[oinks] My golden boots.


- Now we can go to the puddle jumping competition.

- Oh, yes.

We better hurry.

- [horn playing]

- NARRATOR: The puddle jumping competition is about to begin.

Here is Mr. Potato.

- Let the jumping begin!

First up is Daddy Pig.

But where is Daddy Pig?

- DADDY PIG: [pants] Sorry, Mr. Potato.

We got a bit held up.

- Daddy Pig, are you ready to jump?

- I certainly am.

- [horn flourish]

- To jump in a puddle, I must think like a puddle.

I must become one with the puddle.

- [drumroll]

- Wah!

- CROWD: [applauds]

- A big splash.

A very big splash.

Daddy Pig is the winner!

- [in unison] Hurray!

- The competition is over.

- Hey, the competition isn't over until I do my jump.

- Oh. - Of course.

Next to jump, it is Mr. Elephant.

- [drumroll]

- [trumpets]

- A bigger jump.

Yes, Mr. Elephant is the winner!

- [in unison] Hurray!

- Can I have a go too?

- Oh, of course.

Next to jump, it is Peppa Pig.

- Remember, Peppa.

Think like a puddle.

- Think like a puddle.

Think like a puddle.


I just made a little splash.

- So Mr. Elephant is the winner! - CROWD: Yay!

- Um, can I have another go, please?

- Er, yes, you can.

- Wait a minute. But, but--

- And this time, can all my friends help?

- Of course. - Hang on.

I don't think that's really --

- It sounds perfectly fair to me.

- Think like puddles.

- [in unison] Think like puddles.

Five, four, three, two, one.



- NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends have made

the biggest splash ever.

- [laughter] - [oinks]

- Peppa and her friends are the winners!

- Uh, I still think--

- [in unison] Hip hip, hooray!

- It's so nice to have my golden boots again.

- I still say they're yellow.

- Oh, they are my very own magic golden boots.

- Okay.

Then my very own boots are ruby red.

- [giggling]

- And my boots are emerald green.

- [laughter]

- NARRATOR: Suzy loves her ruby red boots.

Wendy loves her emerald green boots.

Peppa loves her golden boots.

Everyone loves their boots!

- [laughter]

♪ Jumping up and down in muddy puddles ♪

♪ Splish, splash, splosh, splish, splash ♪

♪ With a big splash here

♪ And a big splash there

♪ Here a splash, there a splash ♪

♪ Everywhere a splish splash

♪ Jumping up and down in muddy puddles ♪

♪ Splish, splash, splosh, splish, splash ♪♪

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her family are having a day out.

- We're going to see a pond where there's little fish

swimming in it.

- Oooh.

- [oinks]

- I used to go there when I was a boy.

We're here.

- Where's the fish pond?

- It's in the middle of the woods.

We have to walk to it.

- Will we get lost like we always do?

- Ho, ho, no.

Remember, I came here when I was a little piggy.

- But that's a long time ago, Daddy Pig.

- In the olden days.

- Thank you, Peppa.

Well, in the olden days, we started the walk

by going along a path.

Ah, this is the one.

- How do you know?

- There are little flowers growing here,

just like I remember.

- Things might have changed, Daddy Pig.

- Ho, ho, nothing changes that much.

Now, we walk past some little trees

until we come to a big tree.

- I think the little trees have grown.

- Oh yes.

They do all seem big, don't they?

- How are we going to find the right big tree?


- [laughs]

- Oh, it's usually me that walks into trees.

- NARRATOR: Mommy Pig has found the big tree.

- Clever mommy.

- [laughs] I knew it would still be here.

This way, everybody.

- [owl hoots]

- Are we nearly at the fish pond yet?

- Almost there.

- But I'm getting a bit hungry.

- Don't worry.

There's a café on the way.

- Oh, lovely.

I could do with a nice cup of coffee.

- Can George and I have ice creams, please?

- [oinks]

- Of course.

Ice creams for everyone.

[oinks] The café should be just about here.


- Where's the café?

Is it behind that rotten pile of wood?

- I think that rotten pile of wood is the café.

- ALL: Oh.

- There's not going to be any ice creams

coming out of that today.

- Hello.

What can I get you?

- Oh.

- A cup of coffee and three ice creams, please.

- Of course.

- Thank you.

- [slurps]

- Mm, delicious.

- Next stop, the fish pond.

This way.

- Oh, you don't want to go that way.

That goes straight into a blackberry bush.

- Ah-ah, it's the shortcut.

It's the way I went when I was a boy.

- No.

If you want to go to the fish pond,

you need to go up that path.

- Well, I'm taking the shortcut.

- All right.

Who wants to go through a blackberry bush?

- Me.

- And who wants to go on the path?


-[laughs] Race you, daddy.

- [laughs] I'll get there first.

- Bye.

- I hope the fish pond is still here.

- Yes.

Everything seems a bit different to what daddy remembers.

- What's that?

- It's the fish pond.

- George, let's see the little fish.

- [oinks]

- [splash]

- Oh.

Daddy said that the fish were tiny.

But they're ginormous!

- It's been a long time since daddy was here.

The fish have got a lot bigger.

- Like daddy's tummy.

- ALL: [laughing]

- Oh, where is daddy?

- Oh, he might be lost.

I better ring him.

- [phone dialing]

- [phone ringing]

- There's a phone ringing in that bush.

- DADDY PIG: Hello, Mr. Pig speaking.

- It's daddy!

- DADDY PIG: Oh, hello.

I'm stuck.

- Hello, daddy.

- Hang on, we'll pull you out.

One, two, three.


- Daddy is a blackberry bush.

- ALL: [laughing]

- Ah, the fish pond.

Let's see the little fish.

- [splash]

- DADDY PIG: Whoa, that's a big fish.

- PEPPA: Oh, look, there's something glittering.

- They're coins.

When I was little, we used to throw a coin in the pond

and make a wish.

- Can we throw coins in?

- [oinks]

- Of course.

- I wish the fish pond stays here forever.

- [laughs] That's what I wished for when I was a little piggy.

- And your wish came true, daddy.

- ALL: [laughing]

- CHILDREN: [giggling]

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends

are playing in the sand pit.

- This sand pit is our desert island.

[oinks] We will live here forever.

- Baaa! If we're going to live here forever,

I want it to be nice.

- It just needs some houses.

- And roads.

- And shops.

- Dinosaur.

- BOTH: Grrr!

- Yes, George. [oinks]

The desert island can have dinosaurs, too.

- What are you doing?

- We're making a desert island.

- It's got houses and roads and shops.

- Has it got trees? - No.

- It would be nicer if it had trees.

- Where are we going to get trees from?

- We have to drive big trucks around the world

and look for trees.

- Dinosaurs, you look after the island,

while we go and look for some trees.

- OTHERS: Brrrmmm! Brrrmmm! Brrrmmm!

- NARRATOR: Peppa, Susy, Danny and Emily

are pretending to drive around the world

looking for trees.

- Hello, Mummy Rabbit.

Have you got any spare trees? - Uh...

- We need trees for our desert island.

- Oh, I see. How many trees would you like?

- Enough to make a forest.

- There you go.

- CHILDREN: Thank you!

Brrrmmm! Brrrmmm! Brrrmmm!

- Grrr! - Grrr!

- NARRATOR: The dinosaurs are having fun

jumping up and down on the desert island.

- The dinosaurs have broken everything.

- Naughty dinosaurs.

- Now we'll have to make it all again.

- Meow. What are you making?

- This is our desert island.

- With roads and houses. - And shops.

- And trees.

- There. We will live here forever--again!

- It would be really good if we had a lake.

- Yes, a lake! - [barking, digging]

One lake!

- But it needs water to be a proper lake.

- Oh.

- Where are we going to get water from?

- We must fly around the world in airplanes.

Zoom! - OTHERS: Zoom! Zoom!

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends are pretending

to fly around the world looking for water.

Pedro Pony is playing on the roundabout.

- Hello, everyone. - Hello, Pedro.

We've got a desert island with houses.

- And roads. - Shops.

- Trees. - And a lake.

- But we need water for the lake.

Have you got some, please?

- I don't know what you're talking about.

- It's just pretend.

We're playing a game.

- Oh, I see.

You want pretend water. - Yes.

- Hm, I know where there's pretend snow.

We can melt it to get pretend water.

- Where?

- PEDRO: On the mountain top.

- That's a slide.

- It's a pretend mountain.

- ALL: [giggling]

- Oh. - What's the matter, Pedro?

- Because it is a hot day, the snow has melted.

- Can't we pretend it hasn't melted?

- No, it's melted good and proper.


- But, look, over there-- real water.

- NARRATOR: Daddy Pig is drinking

from the water fountain. - CHILDREN: Water!


- Daddy, can we have some water in our bucket, please?

- We're making a lake.

- Oh, ho, of course.

- CHILDREN: [giggling]

- We've got water!

- Nice water.

- [horn honking]

- NARRATOR: It is Freddy Fox.

- Hello, everyone. What's this?

- It's a desert island.

We are going to live here forever.

- If only it had a flag.

- I've got a flag in my van, if you'd like it.

- NARRATOR: Mr. Fox has got everything in his van.

- Uh, we only need a pretend one, Mr. Fox.

- Okay, how about these?

- [oinks] Thank you, Mr. Fox.

- CHILDREN: [giggling]

- Now our desert island is perfect!

- We will live here forever--again.

- [oinks] - ALL: [laughing, giggling]

- ♪ With an oink, oink here, and a woof, woof there ♪

♪ Here a moo, there a quack ♪

♪ Oink, woof, moo, quack ♪

♪ Jumping up and down in muddy puddles ♪

♪ Splish, splash, splosh, splish, splash ♪♪