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A07x10 - Sailing Boat/Molly Mole/Soft Play/The Market/Bedtime Story

Posted: 11/23/23 08:03
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- I'm Peppa Pig. [one short snort]

- This is my little brother, George.

- [snorts twice]

- This is Mummy Pig. - [one loud snort]

- And this is Daddy Pig. - [one deep, loud snort]

- [laughter]

- "Peppa Pig." [snorts]

- MALE NARRATOR: Grandpa Pig is taking Peppa and George sailing.

- Ahoy there, Grandpa Pig.

- NARRATOR: Here are Mr. Stallion and Mrs. Corgi.

They are members of the Sailing Club.

- Hello. We're just going out for a sail.

- [barks] It's a bit early for sailing.

- Yes. You can't go sailing now.

- Thank you for your advice. See you later.

- Grandpa, your friends said that we can't go sailing yet.

- They don't know what they're talking about.

- [thud] - Oh bother!

- NARRATOR: Grandpa's boat is stuck in the mud.

- There's no water, Grandpa.

- Uh, yes. The tide seems to be out.

- So we can't go sailing?

- Don't worry.

The water will come back again soon.

And the boat will rise up.

- The water is coming back. - It certainly is.

- NARRATOR: The water is lifting Grandpa's boat out of the mud.

- [giggles] We're bobbing up and down.

- Let's go sailing!

- Aye aye, Captain Grandpa!

- [snorts twice]

- Off we go!

- [giggles] I love sailing!

- [seagulls squawking]

- Ahoy there, Grandpa Pig! - Are you okay, there?

- Do you need any help or advice, old chap?

- We're doing just fine, thank you.


- Grandpa, they're going quicker than us.

- There's no need to hurry when you're sailing.

- [giggles] We're bobbing up and down.

♪ The boat bobs up

♪ The boat bobs down

♪ The boat bobs up

♪ The boat bobs down

♪ A-bobbing, bobbing, bobbing

♪ Bobbing up and down

♪ The boat bobs up and down

- [laughter]

- Ahoy there, Grandpa Pig!

Time to head back if you don't want to miss the tide.

- If you leave it too late, you'll get stuck in the mud!

- Ha ha! Right you are!

[snorts] Good bye!

I don't listen to them.

I know more about the tides than they ever will.

- [giggles]

♪ The boat bobs up

♪ The boat bobs down

♪ The boat bobs up

♪ The boat bobs down

- [thud] - ♪ The boat bobs up--

Oh, we've stopped bobbing.

- Ah, the tide seems to have gone out.

- Are we stuck in the mud, Grandpa?

- Yes, but only until the tide changes.

Then the water will lift us up again.

- When will the water come back?

- Uh, tomorrow morning.

- Oh.

- We'll just have to spend the night on the boat.

- A sleepover!

- BOTH: Hooray!

- I better give Granny Pig a call.

- [phone rings]

- Hello? - GRANDPA: Hello, Granny Pig.

We've decided to spend the night out on the boat.

- [laughs]

You mean you've got the tides wrong.

- No, no, of course not. I just--

- We're stuck in the mud, Granny!

- [laughs] I knew it!

- It's an adventure, Granny. We'll see you in the morning.

- [beep]

- Where will we sleep, Grandpa?

- Here.

- [giggles] [snorts]

- The boat has two little bunk beds.

- BOTH: Ooh!

- PEPPA: [snorts] - GEORGE: [snorts twice]

- And I will sleep on deck under the stars.

- Night night, Grandpa! - [snorts twice]

- Night night, Peppa and George.

- [snoring]

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George are asleep in the bunks.

Grandpa Pig is asleep on the deck.

The stars are twinkling in the sky above.

- [boat creaks]

- NARRATOR: It is morning.

- [snorts] We're bobbing up and down!

[giggles] - [snorts twice]

- Look, children! The water is back!

- BOTH: Hooray!

- NARRATOR: Grandpa Pig's boat is floating again.

- Time to sail home. - Aye aye, Captain Grandpa!

- [snorts twice]

- ♪ The boat bobs up and down

- NARRATOR: Granny Pig has come to meet Peppa and George.

- Granny Pig! - Granty-ig!

- Hello, my little ones. Did you have a nice time?

- BOTH: Yes!

- We got stuck in the mud and had a sleepover!

- [laughing and snorting]

- NARRATOR: Peppa loves sailing. Everyone loves sailing!

- [bell rings] - PEPPA: "Molly Mole."

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends

are going to playgroup today.

- Oh, good morning, children. - Good morning, Madame Gazelle.

- Today, we have a new pupil.

- Hello. I'm Molly Mole.


- I'm sure you will make her feel very welcome.

- CLASS: Hello, Molly!

- Peppa and Rebecca, will you look after Molly, please?

- BOTH: Yes, Madame Gazelle.

- [bell rings] - [giggling]

- NARRATOR: It is playtime.

- [snorts]

Molly, have you ever played in a sandpit?

- It's good for building sandcastles and digging.

- Do you mean like this?

- BOTH: Wow.

- You're good at digging.

- Yes, I'm a mole. Moles are good at digging.

- [laughter] - [bell rings]

- NARRATOR: The parents have come to pick up the children.

- Home time, Rebecca.

- Molly!

- NARRATOR: Here is Mrs. Mole.

- Hello, Mummy. [squeaks]

Can my new friend, Peppa, come back to our house to play?

- Of course she can.

- Hello, Daddy! [snorts]

Can I go and play with my new friend, Molly Mole?

- [squeaks]

- Why not? [snorts]

I'll pick you up later.

- NARRATOR: Peppa is going to Molly Mole's house.

- [giggling]

- This is my house.

- [snorts] But this is Rebecca's house.

- NARRATOR: Rebecca Rabbit lives inside the hill.

- [laughs] Hello, again!

- Hello, Rebecca!

- Molly is my new neighbor. - But where do you live, Molly?

- We've moved in underneath Rebecca's house.

[squeaks] Come and see!

- [giggling]

- NARRATOR: Moles live deep underground.

- Our house is not finished yet. My daddy is still building it.

- Ah.

- NARRATOR: Here is Mr. Mole. He is very good at digging.

- How do you like your new bedroom, Molly?

- It's lovely and cozy.

[squeaks] This is my new friend, Peppa.

- Hello, Mr. Mole. [snorts]

- Delighted to meet you.

- NARRATOR: Daddy Pig has come to pick up Peppa.

- Hello? Hello?

- Hello, Daddy Pig. How can I help you?

- Do you know where Molly Mole's family live?

- Yes.

They have moved in underneath us.

- Underneath you?

- Yes! It's quite exciting.

- [snorts]

Hello, Daddy! [giggles]

- Hello, Mr. Pig. Come inside!

- DADDY: Oh, oh!

- Please excuse the mess. We're building an extension.

- Ooh.

I'm a bit of an expert on extensions.

Let me know if you need any advice.

- That's very kind of you, but--

- Yes, it takes a lot of skilled people

to build a house--

plumbers, electricians, architects.

- Actually, Mr. Mole and I are just building it ourselves.

- Oh.

- Hello, Mr. Pig. - Hello, Mr. Mole.

Uh... interesting place you've got here.

- Thanks.

There's a little bit more digging to do, but--

- How are you holding the ceiling up?

Is it a steel or a concrete lintel?

- Lintel? What's a lintel?

- Well--

- The good thing about digging a house

is that you do what you want, where you want.

You could put a door here.

- Or a door here.

- Or you could even put one here.

- [rumbling]

- Eh, hello, Mr. Rabbit.

- Oh. Hello.

- Hello, Mr. Mole! [giggles]

- I hope it's okay.

I've just made a doorway in your floor.

- A doorway in the floor! What a good idea.

Would you like a cup of tea?

- Who are you talking to, Mr. Mole?

- I was talking to Mr. Rabbit.

- Hello, Mrs. Mole! - Oh, hello, Mr. Rabbit.

- How's the extension going? - Almost there.

- Oh, very nice, very nice.

- [giggles]

It's great having a hole between our houses

because now you can come and play with me anytime you want.

- [giggles]

Yes, and you can come and play with me anytime you want.

- I like you living here, Molly. - I like living here too.

- [laughter]

- Will you be my best friend?

- [squeaks] Yes, please!


- [laughter]

- NARRATOR: Molly Mole and Rebecca Rabbit are best friends.

- PEPPA: "Soft Play."

- NARRATOR: It is morning.

Peppa and her family are having breakfast.

- Ooh, there's a letter here for George.

- [snorts twice] [giggles]

- It's an invitation to Richard Rabbit's party.

- Sounds fun.

I'll take George to the party,

as long as it's not at that awful soft play center.

- It says "soft play."

- [disappointed groan]

- Daddy doesn't like the soft play center.

Last time, he got stuck and was rescued by a helicopter

and a fire engine and a crane.

- It wasn't exactly like that, Peppa.

It was only a helicopter.

- I think soft play sounds lovely.

I will go with you, George.

- [giggles] [snorts twice]

- NARRATOR: It is time for Richard Rabbit's party.

- [children screaming and laughing]

- All right, I'll be back to pick you up later.

- You're very welcome to stay, if you want.

- It's soft play, isn't it? No thanks!

- [children screaming and laughing]

- Hello.

You're very welcome to stay, if you want.

- See you later. - [car door slams]

- [car starts] - [tires screeching]

- MUMMY: Hello, Mrs. Rabbit. - Hello, Mummy Pig.

- I quite understand if you don't want to stay.

- No, I'll stay.

Us grownups can have a nice quiet chat

while the children play. - Oh, okay.

- [children screaming and laughing]

- NARRATOR: This is the soft play center,

where everything is soft.

The children can bounce, swing,

squash, slide--

- Whee! [snorts twice]

- NARRATOR: --and play!

- This is great!

The children are having so much fun.

- Yes.

I just hope we can get them out at the end.

- NARRATOR: The little children have been playing all day.

- [claps]

Home time, children!

That was a lovely party, wasn't it?


- Have you all had fun? - CHILDREN: Yes!

- Are you ready to go home now? - CHILDREN: No!


- Oh my goodness.

We're never going to get them out.

- There's only one thing for it. I'll have to go in.

- Good luck!

- [grunts] Ow, I'm stuck!


- Don't worry! I'm coming in!

I'm nearly there!

[grunts] Oh, no, I'm stuck too!


- Hello!

- NARRATOR: Mr. Elephant has come to collect Edmund Elephant.

- Mr. Elephant!

- Help! We're stuck!

- [laughs] No problem, ladies.

I'll get you out.

- No, don't! You'll get stuck!

It's a trap!

- [groans] I'm stuck!

- NARRATOR: Daddy Pig, Peppa, and Suzy

have come to collect George.

- [laughter]

- Aw, what good little children you are.

Uh, where are your parents?

- PARENTS: Help! Help! We're stuck!

- Oh, ho! That usually happens to me!

That is going to happen to me, isn't it?

I'm going to go in there and get stuck.

- Me and Suzy can go in. - We're smaller.

- That's kind of you both, but it is my job.

[snorts] As a grownup, I must do this.

- But Daddy! - Don't worry, Peppa.

If I get stuck, I will ring for the rescue services.

- [squeaking] - [grunts]

- Ah, yes. I'm stuck.

Lucky I've got my phone.

- [dials]

- [phone rings]

- Hello? Rescue Service.

- Oh, you're in here too.

- Yes, I'm a bit tied up at the moment.

- So there's no one to rescue us.

- We're here, Daddy!

[snorts] We will rescue the grownups!

- [laughter]

- [groans] Oof!

- Aah!

- [giggles] That tickles!

- [grunts] Wa-hey!

- Thank you, Peppa and Suzy, for rescuing us.

Hip hip-- - ALL: --hooray!

- Now we can all go home.

- CHILDREN: [giggling]

- NARRATOR: The little ones have gone back inside.

- Peppa, can you bring the little ones out now?

- Yes, Daddy.

But we might have to play a bit first.

[snorts] [giggles]

- NARRATOR: Peppa and Suzy loved the soft play center.

Everyone loves the soft play center.

- PEPPA: "The Market."

- NARRATOR: It is a lovely sunny day,

and the market has come to town.

- Apples! Apples! Get your apples here!

- Cheese! Smelly cheese!

- Fish! Nice, fresh fish!

- NARRATOR: Each market stall sells one thing.

- Apples! Cheese! Fish!

- NARRATOR: Mr. Fox's stall sells everything.

- Violins! Glass bowls! Rocket engines!

- [loud, heavy clank]

- [snorts] [giggles]

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her family

have come to the market to do their shopping.

- Fresh apples!

- [snorts] Can we buy some apples, please?

- What kind would you like?

Big or small? Red or green?

- PEPPA: [snorts]

We would like the apples that taste nice.

- Why don't you try one?

- [chomps] Mm, lovely.

- A bag of the lovely apples, please.

- [snorts] Thank you.


- Cheese! Cheese!

- Yum, yum!

- NARRATOR: George loves cheese.

- [snorts twice]

- I've got a very smelly cheese here.

Uh, maybe Daddy Pig, uh, should give it a sniff.

- [sniffs] Whoa!

- [thud]

- NARRATOR: The smell of the cheese

has knocked Daddy Pig off of his feet.

- Wow, that's what I call a strong cheese.

- Good, isn't it?

- Mmm, yum, yum! [sniffs]

- George likes smelly cheese.

- [giggles]

- May we buy that one, please?

- Of course, sir. - Thank you!

- Fish! Nice, fresh fish!

- Can we buy some fish, please? - Okay.

I've got trout, haddock, mackerel, or squid.

What would you like?

- They all look good.

- How about I give you some of each?

Then you could make a lovely fish pie.

- Fish pie! Yummy!

- There ya go! - Thank you very much.

- Fish! Apples! Cheese!

- NARRATOR: Here is Mr. Fox's stall.

- Bananas! Power tools! Handbags!

I'm selling anything, really. What do you want?

- Nothing, thank you. We've bought everything we need.

- [snorts] Apples, cheese, and fish.

- Oh, why didn't you come to me first?

I've got all of that.

- Do you sell apples?

- You've never seen apples like these.

They're made of wood.

- [knocking]

- Wooden apples?

- Brilliant, aren't they? They'll last forever.

What else did you buy?

- Cheese. [snorts]

- Cheese?

I've got all kinds of cheese here.

- [sniffs]

- They don't smell of much. - It's because they are plastic.

- [light knocking]

- Made of plastic?

- Yes, guaranteed to last you a lifetime.

Buy one, get four free. - No, thank you, Mr. Fox.

- MR. FOX: You bought a fish too, didn't you?

I could've sold you a better fish.

- No plastic fish, thank you. - This isn't plastic!

Well, actually, it is.

- [light knocking]

- But this is an amazing toy fish.

Look, it sings.

- [to a rock beat] ♪ Twinkle, twinkle little star

♪ How I wonder what you are

- And it only needs batteries.

- [zapping]

- Ah, it's beautiful, isn't it?

- Uh... - Can we have one, Daddy?

- No. - Please?

We could take it home and it could sing to us all day.

- I'm sorry, Peppa.

But our house doesn't need a singing fish.

- [disappointed] Okay.

- Thanks, Mr. Fox, but we really do have everything we came for.

- There must be something else you need.

How about an antique china vase that will never break?

- [boing]

- Because it's, uh... made of plastic.

- It's really lovely, but we just don't need anything.

- [thunder] - [rain pattering]

- NARRATOR: It is raining.

- PEPPA: Aah! We're getting all wet!

- No worries. I've got just the thing--


- Oh, oh, we'll take them. - Yes, four umbrellas, please.

- NARRATOR: Mr. Fox's stall sells everything.

- You see, it's lucky you came to my stall.

- Yes. Thank you, Mr. Fox.

- And the best thing is, just for today, buy four umbrellas,

and you get a singing fish free!

- Oh, goody!

- ♪ Twinkle, twinkle little star ♪

- NARRATOR: Peppa loves markets. Everyone loves markets.

- PEPPA: "Bedtime Story."

- NARRATOR: It is nighttime.

Daddy Pig is reading Peppa and George a bedtime story.

- "And so the prince, the princess, the budgie,

"and the frog all lived happily ever after.

The end."

- BOTH: [snoring]

- NARRATOR: And the bedtime story

has sent Peppa and George to sleep.

- Goodnight, my little piggies.

- [light switches off]

- [snorts twice] - NARRATOR: George is awake!

- Dinosaur! Grr!

- George, you naughty piggy! Go back to sleep!


- NARRATOR: George is not sleepy.

- [ringing] - [squeaking]

- George!

Nighttime is for sleeping, not playing!

- [cries] - Shh!

I can tell you a bedtime story.

- [snorts twice]

- Once upon a time, there was a little pig.

His name was Georgie Pig.

- [giggles]

- PEPPA: And he was off to make his fortune.

Soon, he came to a forest.

- [birds chirping]

- Do you like the story, George?

- [snorts twice]

- Inside the forest was a little house.

- [knocks]

- [door creaks]

- PEPPA: And inside the house was a bowl of porridge.

- [snorts twice]

- PEPPA: Georgie Pig was very hungry, so he ate it all up.

Yum, yum, yum.

[giggles] But just as he finished,

Baby Bear walked in and said,

"Oy, did you eat my magic porridge?"

Georgie said, "Yes."

Baby Bear said, "That was magic porridge.

It will make you grow very big."

And then Georgie Pig began to grow.

He grew and he grew and he grew,

until he was taller than all of the trees in the forest.

The end.

Are you sleepy, George? - No.

- Not even a little bit? - No.

- [exasperated sigh]

Okay, I'll do a bit more story.

Baby Bear said, "There is a box of golden treasure

"at the end of the world.

But it's too far for me to go, because I'm too little."

Georgie said, "I will carry you there."

So Georgie Pig walked to the end of the world.

He walked, and he walked, and he walked.

Are you sleepy yet? - No.

- He walked through forests, across mountains, across seas,

and are you sleepy yet? - GEORGE: No!

- PEPPA: He walked all the way to the end of the world

and found a big box of golden treasure.

- Ooh. - And a big dragon.

- Grr! - Yes!

A big green dragon with little wings,

and breathing fire.

- Rawr!

- PEPPA: Luckily, it was a very friendly dragon.

And he said, "You can have the treasure."

But then Georgie Pig began to shrink.

He shrank, and he shrinked, and he shrunk

until he was the same little Georgie Pig

as he was before.

"How will we get back home now?" said Baby Bear.

"I can fly you home," said the Dragon.

So Georgie Pig and Baby Bear hopped on the dragon's back

and flew all the way back home

to their little house in the forest.

And then it's the end.

- [snores] - NARRATOR: George is asleep.

- [snores] - NARRATOR: Peppa is asleep.

- Peppa, what are you doing out of bed?

Nighttime is for sleeping, not playing.

Night night, my little piggies. Sweet dreams.

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George are in their little beds,

fast asleep.

- [crickets chirping]

- ♪


♪ Peppa Pig




♪ Peppa Pig



♪ Peppa Pig

