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A08x03 - Lots of Muddy Puddles/Buttercups, Daisies, and Dandelions/The Marble Run/Mr. Potato Comes to Town/Shake, Rattle

Posted: 11/23/23 08:12
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- I'm Peppa Pig. [snorts]

This is my little brother, George.

- [snorts]

- This is Mummy Pig. - [snorts]

- And this is Daddy Pig. - [snorts loudly]

- [laughing]

- Peppa Pig. [snorts]

- ♪

- [laughing]

- NARRATOR: It is morning.

Peppa and George are playing in the garden.

- Look, George!

A lovely muddy puddle to jump in.

- [snorts] [giggles]

- Peppa! George! Come on, we're going out.

- Oh, but we wanted to jump in muddy puddles.

- Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find lots of puddles today.

- We're going for a lovely walk in the woods. [snorts]

- Oh. Are there puddles in the woods?

- Yes, I should think so. - Is everybody ready?

- Yes, Mummy Pig! - Then let's go!

- [laughing]

- ♪ I love muddy puddles

♪ Splishy-splashy puddles

♪ I love muddy puddles

♪ La-da-dee-da-doo

- [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her family have arrived at the woods.

- [sighs] I adore woodland walks.

The birds singing, the dappled sunlight, the--

- Where are the puddles? - There's one.

- Hooray! [snorts] Muddy puddles!

- [leaves crunching] - Oh. [snorts]

This puddle is not very muddy.

- [leaves crunching]

- That's because it's got leaves and twigs in it.

- Not all puddles are muddy, Peppa.

- Hmm, this puddle is twiggy.

- [twigs crackling] - And it's crackly.

- [leaves crunching]

- So what would you call it?

- A twiggy crackly puddle. - [giggling]

- [leaves crunching] - Hmm, I would have to agree.

- NARRATOR: Woodland puddles are twiggy and crackly.

- Can we find a puddle that's a bit more...sploshy?

- Okay, but we'll need to go somewhere else.

- Why don't we go to the beach?

- Yes! The beach! [snorts]

- ♪ Looking for muddy puddles

♪ Splishy-sploshy puddles

♪ Looking for muddy puddles

♪ La-da-dee-da-doo [laughing]

- NARRATOR: This is the beach.

- [giggling] - Look! Puddles!

- [laughing] - Oh, this puddle isn't muddy.

- That's because it's made of sand and water.

- [snorts] So what should we call it?

- It's not twiggy-crackly... - [sand crunching]

- It is a scrunchy-crunchy puddle.

- [laughs] - [sand crunching]

- It certainly is.

- NARRATOR: Beach puddles are scrunchy-crunchy.

- [giggling] Can we find more sorts of puddles?

- Let's try the playground. - Yes! The playground! [giggles]

- ♪ Looking for muddy puddles

♪ La-da-dee-da-doo [laughing]

- NARRATOR: This is the playground.

- PEPPA: Puddles!

- [water splattering] - [giggling]

- What kind of puddle is this, Peppa?

- It sounds splatty.

So I will call it a splatty puddle. [giggles]

- Excellent description, Peppa. - BOTH: [giggling]

- NARRATOR: Playground puddles are splatty.

- Time to go home.

- What a fantastic day out that was.

- Yes, we've learned about all kinds of puddles.

- First, the twiggy-crackly puddle...

- MUMMY PIG: In the woods with the leaves and twigs.

- [leaves crunching]

- PEPPA: Then, the scrunchy-crunchy puddle.

- DADDY PIG: At the beach, with the sand and water.

- PEPPA: And the splatty puddle. - MUMMY PIG: In the playground.

- [water splattering]

- [laughing]

- It's sad we didn't find any muddy puddles.

- [chuckles] I know where to find the best muddy puddles.

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George have arrived back home.

- [laughing] - Muddy puddles!

- [mud splashing] - So, Peppa,

what do you call this puddle?

- It is splishy. And splashy-sploshy.

- A splish-splash-splosh muddy puddle.

- No, Daddy. [snorts]

It is the bestest puddle in the world!

So I will call it... - [mud splashing]

- A Peppa puddle! - DADDY PIG: [laughs]

- NARRATOR: Peppa loves jumping up and down

in Peppa puddles.

Everyone loves jumping up and down in Peppa puddles.

- ♪

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her family

are visiting Cousin Chloe's house for the day.

- Hello! - [snorts] Hello.

- Hello, Chloe. - [snorts]

- As it's such a sunny day, we thought we'd have a picnic

in the garden.

- Oh, that will be lovely.

- Come on, Peppa and George. [snorts] Race you!

- [giggling]

- This is a good spot for a picnic.

- Hmm, yes.

- [giggling]

- Ooh, look at all the flowers in the grass.

- Yes, let's pick them! [snorts] I will pick the buttercups.

- I will pick the daisies. - [snorts]

- No, George, you need to find your own flower to pick.

- [giggles]


- NARRATOR: George has found some very pretty flowers.

- George, don't pick the flowers in the flowerbed.

- Only pick the flowers in the grass.

- [snorts]

- ♪

- NARRATOR: Chloe is collecting buttercups.

Peppa is collecting daisies.

George is collecting...grass. - [giggles]

- Don't pick grass, George. [snorts] Pick dandelions,

like this one.

- [snorts] [giggles]

- Peppa, George, would you like to see a trick with buttercups?

- Yes, please! - [snorts]

- George, do you like butter?

- NARRATOR: George does not know if he likes butter.

- Let me see. [snorts]

Yes, George, you do like butter.

- [giggles] - How can you tell?

- If I hold a buttercup under George's chin,

and it shines yellow,

that means he likes butter.

- [gasps] Do it to me! Do it to me!

- Peppa, do you like butter?

You do! - [laughs] It's true.

I do like butter. - [giggling]

- I've got a trick I can do with daisies!

- Oh, what's that?

- If I put a daisy under your chin,

and it shines yellow,, then that means

you like cheese!

- Really? - Yes.

George, do you like cheese?

- [giggles] Cheese.

- NARRATOR: Yes, George does like cheese.

- Oh, there's no yellow.

- Are you sure you like cheese, George?

- [snorts] - I think they're the wrong

type of daisies. - Oh.

- Don't worry,

there is something we can do with daisies.

We can make a daisy chain!

- What's a daisy chain? - I'll show you.

First you take a daisy

and make a little hole in the stem.

Take another daisy and thread it through that hole,

then, make a hole in that daisy's stem,

and thread another daisy through that hole.

Look, a daisy chain.

- Wow. - Let me try. [snort]

Make a hole in the stem, thread a daisy through,

this is fun! [giggles]

- We can join them together to make one big

daisy chain necklace.

[snorts] There! Now you are the daisy queen, Peppa.

- Yes! I am the daisy queen. [snort]

Look at me, look at me!

- [snorts] [giggles]

- No, George, I am the daisy queen.

You need to be something else.

- Oh.

- George, you can be a lion. [snorts]

And these dandelions can be your mane.

- [giggles] - George is a dandelion!

- Roar! [laughing]

- NARRATOR: George likes being a lion.

- Rah!

- Children! Come and get your food.

- [giggling]

- Look, everyone, I am the daisy queen,

and this is George, the lion!

- [roars] - Ooh.

- And I know a trick to see if you like butter, Daddy.

- Really? - Yes! You do like butter.

- Oh. [chuckles] I do.

- That's very clever, Peppa. Can I try?

Hmm, yes,

Daddy also likes eggs,

and tomato, cheese and cake.

- Wow! How do you know all that, Mummy?

- Because he's got bits of egg, tomato, cheese and cake

all down his front.

- Oh!

- ALL: [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Daddy Pig loves picnics.

- [duck quacking]

- NARRATOR: Everybody loves picnics.

- ♪

- NARRATOR: It is a lovely, sunny day.

Rebecca and Richard Rabbit have come to play

with Peppa and George.

- Mummy. [snorts] Can we play Happy Mrs. Chicken

on the computer, please.

- Sorry, Peppa, I need to do my work today.

- Oh.

- Why don't you go play in your room instead?

- But we don't know what games to play.

- Oh, there's lots of games you can play.

You could have a tea party, or do a jigsaw puzzle.

- We've already played with those things, Mummy.

- What about your marble run?

You haven't played with that for ages.

- Marble run!

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George love their marble run.

- What does it do? [squeaks]

- You pick a marble and you put it in here,

and it goes timble-tumble all the way down to the bottom.

- Ooh. - I'll show you. [snorts]

Ready. Steady. Go!

- [laughing]

- Again! Again!

- Bye-bye, Mummy,

you can go and do your work now.

- Oh, thank you, Peppa, have fun.

- Can I have a go? - Yes, Rebecca.

You take this marble and you--

- Ready, steady, go!

- ALL: [giggling]

- That was fun!

- And then you can add some more bits to the marble run.

Let's make it the biggest marble run ever!

- Yay! - [giggling]

- Let's add this wiggly bit.

- And a windmill bit.

The marble will make it go round and round.

- ♪

- Do you want to have a go, George?

- [snorts] [giggles] - Ready. Steady...

- Go! [laughing]

- PEPPA: It's going down the windmill bit!

- REBECCA: And the wiggly bit.

- PEPPA: And there.

- ALL: Hooray! - [laughing]

- Let's add more bits. [squeaks]

- Yes. Let's make the biggest marble run ever!

- [giggling]

- ♪

- Wow! - That looks good, Rebecca.

- Now it's Richard's turn.

- [squeaks] Marble run!

- NARRATOR: Richard has lots of marbles.

- [laughing] - Ready, steady...

- Go! [laughing]

- PEPPA: Look at all the marbles going everywhere!

- ALL: [laughing]

- [snorts] I thought I heard your marble run, Peppa.

Can I join in? - Yes, Daddy.

- Oh, goodie, let's make it bigger.

- NARRATOR: Daddy Pig loves building the marble run.

- Oh, there are no more bits of marble run left in the box.

- Oh.

- Never mind, we can use other things.

Like this jigsaw.

And this dolls' house.

- We want it even bigger, Daddy.

- I'll go see if there's anything in the office

we could use.


- [giggling]

- Look, Daddy, we've added some more bits and bobs.

- Very good. [snorts]

And I found these tubes to make a tunnel.

- Wow, the marble will go all around the room!

- This is the biggest marble run ever! [snorts]

- [giggling]

- Let's try it out. - Ooh, could I go first?

- Okay, Daddy, you have to put the marble in there--

- Ready, steady, go!

- ♪

- NARRATOR: The marble is going all around the room!


- PEPPA: It's going all around the world!

- ♪

- There it goes!

- ♪

- Dinosaur!

- ♪

- Where's it going now?

- NARRATOR: The marble has rolled out of the bedroom.

Down the stairs, through the hallway,

and into the front room.

- The whole house is a marble run!

- [giggles] It's bounding everywhere!

- ♪

- Aah! Goldie the fish!

- ♪

- [splash] - Got you.

- Hooray! - ALL: [laughing]

- What was all that noise?

- [snorts] It was the noise of the biggest marble run ever.

- ALL: [laughing]

- [car honking]

- MR. POTATO: Up, down, up, down!

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her family are watching Mr. Potato

on television.

- [snorts] I love watching programs about keeping fit.

- Now, here are some lovely drawings I've been sent.

This is an apple. - Ooh.

- Remember, eating fruit and vegetables

helps you stay fit.

- I'm good at eating fruit and vegetables.

- And exercise is important.

Today you can see me open a new sports center in town!

- ♪

- Mummy, can we go and see Mr. Potato?

- It's a long way to go to see a potato, Peppa.

- It's not any old potato. - [snorts] This is Mr. Potato.

Can we go and see him, Mummy? Please?!

- Oh, alright. - Hooray! [giggling]

- ♪

- NARRATOR: Everyone has come to see Mr. Potato

open the new sports center.

- [car honking]

- Look, it's Mr. Potato!

- Mr. Potato!

- [car honking]

- Oh, it's just Peppa. - ALL: [groan]

- Hello, everyone. - ALL: Hello, Peppa!

- Susie thought you were Mr. Potato.

- [snorts] I don't look like Mr. Potato.

- No, you're much too big.

- Mr. Potato is bigger than me!

- No, he's not, he's a potato.

- And potatoes are this big.

- [car honking] - There's Mr. Potato!

- [car honking]

- NARRATOR: Mr. Potato has come to town!

- Please, welcome your friend and mine,

Mr. Potato!

- [cheering]

- Wow, that's a big potato!

- I declare this sports center open.

- [applause]

- Ah, that's it, we must all exercise

and eat fruit and vegetables.

- Which ones should we eat, Mr. Potato?

- Apples, oranges, carrots, tomatoes.

- Potatoes? - Um...

- Why aren't you small, like a normal potato?

- Er...

- Because he's not a normal potato.

He's got legs.

- Normal potatoes don't have legs.

- He's a super potato!

- [snorts] We watch your show every morning.

- Very good! And remember to send me your drawings.

- We will. [giggling]

- [bell ringing]

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends are at play group.

- Children, today we will do drawings for Mr. Potato.

- ALL: Hooray!

- [barks] I'm drawing a pineapple.

- I'm drawing a carrot.

- Very good.

What are you drawing, Emily?

- A pea!

- Lovely, and Pedro?

- It's a super potato!

- Oh, I see, and George has drawn a wonderful tomato.

- [snorts] [giggles]

- Peppa, what vegetable have you drawn?

- My daddy watching television. - MADAM GAZELLE: Oh, excellent.

Now, we put the drawings in an envelope

and post them to Mr. Potato.

- [rooster crowing]

- NARRATOR: It is morning,

and time for "The Mr. Potato Show."

- Please welcome your friend and mine,

Mr. Potato!

- We posted some drawings to Mr. Potato in an envelope.

- Did you get the envelope? - He can't hear you, Daddy.

He's on television.

- Ooh, yes, of course.

- I received an envelope full of drawings.

This tomato looks very juicy.

- That's George's picture!

- [snorts] [giggles]

- Well done, George.

- But this picture from Peppa Pig is my favorite.

- Wow, that's my picture!

- It shows Daddy Pig watching TV.

Mmm, looks like Daddy Pig needs some exercise.

- Eh? What?!

- Come on, Daddy Pig,

let's do some jumping up and down!

- Oh, alright.

- MR. POTATO: Up, down, up, down.

- NARRATOR: Daddy Pig likes jumping up and down.

Everyone likes jumping up and down.

- ♪

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends are at play group.

- Today, children, we are going to learn about instruments

that you shake, rattle and bang.

- Hooray!

- First, choose an instrument each from the music room.

- [giggling]

- I've got drums.

- They're called bongo drums, Danny,

you bang them with your hands, like this.

- [banging]

- Mehh, I've got a flat bongo drum.

- That is a bodhran. It's Irish.

You beat it with a little stick, like this.

- [drumming]

- I've got a tambourine. - [tambourine jingling]

- Very good, Pedro.

You can also shake it, like this.

- [tambourine jingling] - Ooh.

- [banging] - I've got a big drum.

- Ah, the base drum.

- Meow, I don't know what this is called,

but it's scrapey. - [rattling]

- That, Candy, is called a guiro,

and it comes all the way from South America.

- Wow!

- How did it get here?

- I brought it back from my holiday.

- What are these? - [maracas rattling]

- They are maracas. I brought them back

from my holiday in Spain.

- This is a triangle. - [triangle dinging]

- My dad sells these in boxes of ten.

- Thank you, Freddie, I will remember that.

- You don't need to go on holiday to get them.

- Thank you.

- [trumpeting] What are these?

- These are castanets.

- My dad sells them in boxes of five.

- Thank you, Freddie.

- [castanets clicking]

- Olé! That is how you play the castanets.

Here you are, Emily.

- Do I have to do the dance?

- [chuckles] No, just make the clickety-clack noise.

- [castanets clicking] - [giggles]

- Ah, I see Rebecca has cymbals.

- [squeaks] Yes. - [cymbals bang]

- [giggles] - Now you know

what your instruments sound like,

we can play them all together.

Ready? - Steady, go!

- [mixed banging, clanking]

- Stop, stop, stop.

That is not music, that is just noise,

anybody can bang, bang, bang.

But to make music, you have to listen to each other

and keep in time.

- Madam Gazelle, I can't listen and do music.

- Can you clap?

- [clapping] - Yes.

- If you can clap, you can make music.

- [clapping]

- All the girls, please copy me.

- [clapping in rhythm] - MADAM GAZELLE: Now, boys.

- [clapping in rhythm]

- NARRATOR: Madam Gazelle has made the clapping into music!

- And...stop. - [giggling]

- Now, we will learn how to play our instruments


- [snort]

- Meow. - [baaing]

- NARRATOR: The parents have come to pick up the children.

- Ah, you're just in time, may I present

the Shake, Rattle and Bang Orchestra.

- Hooray! - Children, ready, steady, go!

- ♪

- [applause] - Bravo!

- Perhaps some of my old pupils would like to join, too.

Find your instruments, children.

- Yes, Madam Gazelle.

- NARRATOR: Madam Gazelle used to teach all the mummies

and daddies when they were little.

- It's quite hard, Daddy, but you do it like this.

- [banging]

- Let me see if I've got that right.

- [drumming solo]

- Daddy! You can play the drum!

- I am a bit of an expert at drumming.

- ♪

- That's good shake, rattle and banging.

Now for a tune.

- ♪

- [drumming solo]

- My daddy can shake, rattle and bang.

- [laughing]

- ♪
