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A08x08 - Made Up Musical Instruments/Butterflies/The Botanical Gardens/Viking Day/Mr. Potato's Quiz

Posted: 11/23/23 08:16
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- I'm Peppa Pig. [snorts]

This is my little brother, George.

- [snorts twice]

- This is Mummy Pig. - [snorts]

- And this is Daddy Pig. - [snorts loudly]

- ALL: [laughing]

- "Peppa Pig." [snorts]

"Made-Up Musical Instruments."

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends are at playgroup.

- Hello.

Today, children, we will be playing musical instruments.

- CHILDREN: Hurray!


- I'm going to play the tambourine!

- [shakes tambourine]

- I'm going to play the recorder.

- [plays one note]

- I'm going to play the triangle.

- [triangle tinkles] - [laughs]

- We are not playing those musical instruments today.


- We will make our own musical instruments.

- But we can't make musical instruments.

We're children!

- I am not asking you to make a piano or a trumpet, Peppa.

We'll be making musical instruments

from all of these bits and bobs.

- Bottles and rubber bands.

- [snorts] Balloons and yogurt pots?

- Music can be made from anything that makes a sound.


- How do you usually make sound with a musical instrument?

- You hit it with a stick.

- [hits drum]

- You blow into it, like this.

- [plays one note]

- Or you shake it.

- [shakes tambourine] - [laughs]

- Yes.

Now let's see what sounds you can make from these things.

- NARRATOR: The children are going to make music instruments.

- [deep thudding sound]

- This box sounds like a drum.

- [light tapping sound]

- Oh, this is not a very good drum.

- Ah, but what happens if you add rubber bands?

- [light tapping sound]

- No. It's the same.

- Try plucking those rubber bands

instead of hitting the box.

- [twangy notes]

- Oh, it's not a drum at all.

It's a twanger. [giggles]

- Suzy has some bottles.

- These make a sound if you tap them with a pencil.

- [dull clinks]

- Yes.

And if I put different amounts of water into the bottles...

Now try it.

- [high, clear clinks]

- The water makes the bottles sound different.

- That's right, Suzy.

You can also blow across the bottle tops to get a sound.

- [plays "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"]

- [giggles] You're making music!


- NARRATOR: George has a bucket.

- [blows raspberry]


- NARRATOR: Blowing on the bucket does not make music.

- Let's put some water in your bucket, George.

- [snorts twice]

- Here is a straw.

- [gasps] - [blows bubbles]

- [laughs] [gasps]

- NARRATOR: George is making bubbly music.

- I'm going to make music with a shaker,

some beans, and marbles.


- [shaking sound]

- Ooh, wonderful shaking music, Peppa!

It goes very well with George's bubble music.

- PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling]

- NARRATOR: Freddie Fox has a balloon.

- [high-pitched squeak]

- [laughs]

- CHILDREN: [laughing] - Very funny, Freddie.

- [snorts] What instrument will you make, Madame Gazelle?

- This is my favorite made-up musical instrument.

- NARRATOR: Madame Gazelle has a musical instrument

made out of drinking glasses.

- Do you blow them like my bottles?

- [plays one note] - No.

- Do you hit them with a stick?

- [deep thud] - No.

- Do you shake them?

- [shaking sound] - No.

I play them with my fingers.

- [eerie, high-pitched sounds]

- Wow!

- [school bell rings]

- [bleats] - Hello!

- NARRATOR: The parents have arrived to collect the children.

- Ah, you are just in time

to listen to our made-up musical orchestra.

- It's made out of bits and bobs.


- Children, I will start, and then you join in.

- [plays "Muddy Puddles" song]

- [thudding, shaking]

- [air escaping quickly from balloon]

- [cheers and applause]

- NARRATOR: The parents like made-up musical instruments.

Everybody likes made-up musical instruments.

- PEPPA: "Butterflies."

- NARRATOR: Today, Dr. Hamster

is at Peppa and George's playgroup.

- Hello, everybody.

- CHILDREN: Hello, Dr. Hamster!

- Dr. Hamster has brought

an exciting creature to show us all.

- Can you guess what animal it is?

- Is it a whale?

- No. It's smaller than a whale.

- Is it an ant?

- No. It's bigger than an ant.

- Is it a big ant?

- It's a caterpillar.


- PEPPA: Lots of caterpillars!


- ZOE: There's a stripy one!

- DR. HAMSTER: The stripes help it to hide in the grass.

- PEDRO: There's a furry one.

- [giggles] - Can we stroke it?

- Uh, no, Molly.

It might give you an itchy rash.

- PEPPA: The spotty one, is he eating a leaf?


Caterpillars like eating leaves.

- [burps]

- CHILDREN: [giggling]

- Let's color in our very own paper caterpillars.

- CHILDREN: Hurray! [giggling]

- I'm doing a spotty one.

- I'm doing an orange one.

- I think black and white stripes look nice.

- CHILDREN: [giggling]

- Well done, everyone!

Now, who can tell me what this is here?

- PEPPA: It's a leaf!

- It might look like a leaf, but it's not.

It is a chrysalis, which is a shell for a caterpillar

to hide in while it sleeps.


- Is it like a cozy bed?

- DR. HAMSTER: Sort of.

But when you go to sleep and wake up in your cozy bed,

you're still Peppa Pig.

- Yes!

- But when the caterpillar wakes up in its chrysalis,

it has turned into something completely different.

Can you guess what it turns into?

- A whale! - A pirate!

- Has it turned into a super caterpillar?

- No, none of those.

- Look, it's moving!

- NARRATOR: The chrysalis is hatching.

- GIRL: Ooh, what is it?

- GEORGE: Dinosaur.

- PEPPA: It's not a dinosaur, George!

- CHILDREN: It's a butterfly!

- NARRATOR: The caterpillar has turned into

a beautiful butterfly.

- [giggles]

- Who wants to decorate one of these paper butterfly wings?

- CHILDREN: Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!

- NARRATOR: All the children

are making beautiful butterfly wings.

- Oh! Lovely!

- NARRATOR: Can we do a butterfly dance?

- Yes! But we don't start as butterflies, do we, children?


- What was the butterfly before it was a butterfly?

- CHILDREN: A caterpillar!

- That's right.

First, you should do the caterpillar dance.



- You're all caterpillars wiggling around on the ground.

- CHILDREN: [giggling]

- I'm the wiggliest caterpillar.

- Me too! I'm a super caterpillar!

- CHILDREN: [giggling]

- And now it's time to go to sleep.

- Be very still, children.

- CHILDREN: [snoring]

- DR. HAMSTER: Imagine that you're nice and safe

inside a cozy chrysalis.

- And you are changing into something different.

- NARRATOR: Madame Gazelle and Dr. Hamster are secretly putting

the wings on the children.

- Now it's time to wake up.

- And open your eyes.

- CHILDREN: [giggling]

- I've got wings!

- Me too!

- CHILDREN: We are butterflies!


- NARRATOR: Pedro Pony is fast asleep.

- Wakey wakey, Pedro!

- [gasps] What is it, Mummy?

Am I late for school?

- No. You are at school.

- Oh, I'm a butterfly!

[neighs] - Yes!

- CHILDREN: We're all butterflies.

♪ We are little butterflies who like to play ♪

♪ We flap our pretty wings and we play all day ♪

♪ We are little butterflies flying through the sky ♪

♪ And we flap, flap, flap as we flutter by ♪

- NARRATOR: Peppa loves being a butterfly.

Everyone loves being a butterfly.

- PEPPA: "Botanical Gardens."

- NARRATOR: Today, Peppa and George are going to

the botanical gardens.

Miss Rabbit is head gardener.

- Welcome to the botanical gardens,

where we grow plants from all around the world.

- PIGS: Ooh!

- Our first garden is a wildflower meadow.

- It will look nice when you've tidied it up a bit.

- This is what wildflower meadows are meant to look like,

Daddy Pig. - Ah!

- It takes a lot of effort to make it look this messy.

- The butterflies and bees like it.

- That's right.

Wildflower meadows are very good for butterflies and bees.

- PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling]

- Would you like to see the other gardens?

- PIGS: Yes, please!

- This is the hothouse!

- It's very hot in here.

- Yes, Peppa.

It is where we grow plants that come from very hot places.

We have cacti. - PIGS: Ooh.

- Palm trees. - PIGS: Ah!

- And this is a Venus flytrap.

- Why is it called a flytrap?

- Because it traps flies. Watch.

- [fly buzzing]

- NARRATOR: The Venus flytrap has caught a fly.

- [burps] - PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling]

- George! Let's play Venus flytraps.

- [snorts twice]

- I will be the flytrap, and you can be the fly.

- Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

- Caught you, George! [giggles]

Now I'll be the fly, and you be the flytrap.


- [laughs] - George!

Venus flytraps do not run.

- [cries] - NARRATOR: Oh dear!

George is a very sad Venus flytrap.

- Sorry, George.

Let's both be flies.

- [snorts twice]

- PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling] Buzz! Buzz!

- Ho, ho! Calm down, little flies.

It's too hot to buzz about in here.

- Don't worry. The next room is much cooler.

This is our cold house.

- PIGS: Brr!

- Is it the North Pole garden?

- Sort of.

The proper name is arctic tundra garden.

- PEPPA: Ooh, Ice cream!

Does ice cream grow at the North Pole, Miss Rabbit?

- No. Our fridge is broken.

So we're keeping them here to stop them melting.

Would you like one? - Yes, please!

- [snorts twice] - Thank you!

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George love ice cream,

even in the cold!

- PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling]

- Follow me!

This is the rainforest garden.

- PIGS: Wow!

- Miss Rabbit, why is it called a rainforest?

- We call it the rainforest because it's a forest

and it rains a lot.

- PEPPA AND GEORGE: Ahh! - PIGS: [giggling]

- I make it rain every hour, on the hour.

- It's nice.

- NARRATOR: The rain in the rainforest is lovely and warm.

- A room where it rains when you want.

[snorts] We need something like this at home.

- We've got one, Daddy Pig.

It's called a shower.

- Oh, yes!

- PIGS: [laughing]

- And through here is Mr. Rabbit.

- NARRATOR: Mr. Rabbit is in the experiment room.

- Hello, everyone!

My job is to make new plants. - How?

- Well, butterflies and bees do it by taking pollen

from one flower to another.

- The flowers then make seeds that grow into new plants.

- [sniffs] Mm!

This flower smells lovely.

- [sniffs twice]

Oh, this pretty flower doesn't smell of anything.

- When I put the pollen from one onto the other,

the seeds made a new flower that smells lovely and looks pretty.

- Mm. That does smell lovely.

- You can do it with vegetables as well.

- I put this small, tasty carrot together

with this big, not very tasty carrot.

- And made a big, tasty carrot.

- Uh, no, actually.

I made a small, not very tasty carrot.

- PIGS: Oh.

- Would you like to see the children's garden now?

- Yes, please!

- PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling]

- It has a very special water feature.

- A fountain? - No.

- A waterfall? - No.

A great, big, muddy puddle!


- Come on, George! [snorts]


- NARRATOR: Peppa loves all the botanical gardens,

especially the muddy one.

- PEPPA: "Viking Day."

- [car horn honks]

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George are spending the day

with Granny and Grandpa Pig.

- Grandpa Pig! Granny Pig!

- [snorts twice] - GRANDPARENTS: Hello!

- Hello, Mum.

Historical reenactment day, is it?

- Yes. Today, I am a Viking.

- Ooh, what's that?

- Vikings were people who lived a very long time ago.

They had helmets and shields, and ran around shouting,


- Can we be Vikings too, Granny?

- Of course.

Here are some helmets.

- [giggles] I'm a Viking.

[snorts] Rawr!

- Viky, Viky, roooooaaar!

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George love being Vikings.

- See you later!

- ALL: Bye!

- PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling]

- Peppa and George-- [snorts]

--come and see what I've made for Viking Day.

- NARRATOR: Granny Pig has made a great big dragon's head.


- It's to go on the front of our Viking boat.

- Viking boat? - Yes.

Today we're going sailing with the other grannies.

- Ho, ho!

It's just an excuse to have tea and cake.

[snorts] - It's not just tea and cake.

We also have sandwiches and an apple.

- [doorbell rings]

- NARRATOR: Here are the other Viking grannies.

- GRANNIES: Hello, Granny Pig!

- Are you all ready for Viking Day?

- Yes. And these little Vikings are coming too.

- GRANNIE: Hurray!


- PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling] - [snorts] Madame Gazelle,

why hasn't your helmet got horns on?

- In actual fact, Peppa, Vikings had helmets without horns,

like this. See? No horns.

- [giggles] But you have got thorns.

- Have I?

Oh, yes. [giggles]

- Goodbye, Grandpa Pig!

- Goodbye! Have fun on your Viking boat.

- Are we going on a real Viking boat, Granny?

- Not a real Viking boat.

We will be using Grandpa Pig's boat instead.

I'm sure he won't mind.

- NARRATOR: Here is Grandpa Pig's boat.

- All aboard, Vikings!

Lower the sail!

Fix on the dragon head!

And you two need real Viking lifejackets.

- PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling]

- Are we all ready?

- ALL: Rahh!

- Then let's go!

Oh, how do we start the boat?

I'll phone Grandpa Pig.

- [dials phone]

- [phone rings]

- Grandpa Pig speaking.

- Hello, Grandpa.

[snorts] How did you start your boat?

- Just press the green button and off you go.

- [engine starts] Thank you!

- GRANDPA: Bye! - Bye!

- [hums]

They're taking my boat!

Ahhh! My boat!

- Vikings, onward!

- ALL: Rahh!

- NARRATOR: Oh, dear.

The picnic basket has been left behind.

- [pants] My boat!

Ah, Granddad Dog!

Follow that boat!

- Aye aye, Grandpa Pig!

- [blows boat horn]

- ♪ Vikings, Vikings, Vikings

♪ We sail across the sea

♪ We like to shout, we like to sing ♪

♪ We like a cup of tea

Rahh! - PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling]

- All this sea air is making me hungry.

- GRANNIES: Hungry! Hungry!

- Oh, where is the picnic basket?

- [gasps] We've forgotten the food.

- But I'm so hungry!

- And me! - And me!

- GRANNIES: Food! Food! Food!

- NARRATOR: The Vikings are very hungry.

- We need to find food!

- Look. What's that?

- NARRATOR: It is Miss Rabbit's food stall.

- GRANNIES: Food! Food!

- ALL: Rahhh!

- [screams] Vikings!

- Four teas, two juices, and cake, please.

- Oh, okay.

- Ah! There they are!

[pants] Caught you, Granny Pig!

- Grandpa Pig! - [snorts]

You've arrived just in time.

- Have I? - Yes. For tea and cake.

- Tea and cake.

Don't mind if I do.


- NARRATOR: Vikings love tea and cake.

Everybody loves tea and cake.

- PEPPA: "Mr. Potato's Fruit and Vegetable Quiz."

- ♪ Fruit and vegetables keep us alive ♪

♪ Always remember to eat your five ♪

- NARRATOR: It is good to eat

five fruit and vegetables every day.

- Children, Mr. Potato has come to find out how much we all know

about fruit and vegetables.

- We know everything about fruit and vegetables.

- And I know everything about carrots.

- Good, because today we are going to have

a fruit and vegetable quiz!


- What is a quiz?

- A quiz is where I ask you a question,

and if you know the answer, you press the buzzer.

- [buzzer]


- We will need two teams.

- Peppa, Rebecca, and Pedro will be on one team.

Suzy, Danny, and Mandy will be on the other team.

- Let's begin!

- ♪

- [applause]

- Our first question is, which of these is not a vegetable?

Lettuce, radish, celery, or a car?

- [buzzer] - [giggles]

A car is not a vegetable.

- That is right!

- [ding] - TEAM: Hurray!

- Next question.

A chocolate biscuit is a fruit, yes or no?

- [buzzer]

- Yes, it's a fruit.

My daddy eats five chocolate biscuits every day.

- Have another guess, Pedro.

Is a chocolate biscuit a fruit?


- MR. POTATO: That's right!

- TEAM: Hurray!

- And now, the fruit or vegetable questions.

♪ Fruit or vegetable

- I hope he asks about carrots.

- What is a strawberry?

Fruit or vegetable?

- [buzzer]

- A strawberry is a fruit. - Yes!

- [ding] - [applause]

- MR. POTATO: A watermelon, fruit or vegetable?

- [buzzer]

- A watermelon is a fruit. - Yes!

- [ding] - [applause]

- A cabbage, fruit or vegetable?

- [buzzer]

- A cabbage is a vegetable.

- Yes!

- [ding] - [applause]

- A tomato, fruit or vegetable?

- [two buzzers]

- Vegetable! - Fruit!

- A tomato is a vegetable, not a fruit!

- No, a tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable.

- Would you like to call a friend?

- PEPPA AND SUZY: Yes, please!

- ♪ Call a friend

Tell me, which of your friends might know the answer?

- PEPPA AND SUZY: Edmond Elephant.

- Then let's telephone Edmond the Elephant.

- CHILDREN: Hurray!

- [dials phone]

- [phone rings]

- [beep] It's for you.

- Hello? - Hello, Edmond.

Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?

- Some people think a tomato is a fruit because it has seeds.

But in the th century, the Port Authority of New York

classified tomatoes as vegetables,

which were subject to a % import tax.

- So I will say you are both right!

- CHILDREN: Hurray!

- Well done, Edmond the Elephant.

- [trumpets] - [dinging]

- Are you ready for the last question of the quiz?


- I hope it's a question about carrots.

- Rebecca, you always talk about carrots!

- I like carrots! [laughs]

- Name that vegetable!

♪ Name that vegetable

I will describe a vegetable,

and you will tell me what it is.

I am orange and I grow in the ground.

What am I?

- Uh...

- Rebecca, what's your favorite vegetable?

- [buzzer]

- A carrot?

- [dinging]

- That's right!

A carrot!

- TEAM: Hurray!

- [giggles]

- Both teams win the fruit and vegetable quiz!

- TEAMS: We win!

Hurray! [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Everybody wins with fruit and vegetables.

♪ Eat them as part of your five ♪

♪ Wiggle your hips and do a jive ♪

- CHILDREN: ♪ Always remember to eat your five ♪