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05x15 - The Big Balloon Rescue

Posted: 11/23/23 19:08
by bunniefuu
- ♪ On your mark ♪

♪ Get ready to race ♪

♪ One, two, three, let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt, we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When Blaze goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, Blaze, Blaze ♪

♪ Gimme, gimme, gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

- ♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

- ♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

- ♪ Go, go ♪ - ♪ Let's blaze! ♪

♪ ♪

- "The Big Balloon Rescue."

[both cheering]

- [laughing] - Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

- [laughing]

- Hey, so glad you're here. - Yeah.

Today's the day of the biggest balloon celebration

in the whole world.


both: The balloon fair!

- You can ride balloon rides...

- Get balloon animals...

- It's a doggie!

- And see a real hot air balloon.

[exciting music]

- Blaze, A.J.,

can you help me get a balloon?

- Sure, little guy.

- Hey, maybe we can win you a balloon

from that balloon game.

- Yeah!

To win the game,

we have to wait till we see a red balloon

and then grab it.

- Look carefully.

When you see a red balloon,

say, "red balloon."

[calm music]

♪ ♪

Red balloon!

- I got it!

- Yay! Thanks, Blaze!

- Aww, you're welcome.

- Whoo-hoo!

[all cheering]

- Come on, Blaze.

Let's go ride the balloon Ferris Wheel.

- Yeah. Wait for me.


- [laughing]

Oh, oh, there's a balloon!

And there's another one, and another one.


So many balloons.

- [laughs] Pickle, look what I got.

My very own balloon. [laughs]


- Wow, it's blue.

Just like you, Crusher. - That's right.

♪ My balloon is the best balloon ♪

♪ It's the greatest balloon in the world ♪

♪ I'm never gonna lose you, blue balloon ♪


My balloon!

[quirky music]

Oh, now I have to get it down from all the way up there.

- Aww, sorry Crusher,

but I don't think

there's anything that can get you all the way up there.

- [blows raspberry] Of course there is.


I'll just use that hot air balloon.

♪ ♪

[grunting] Pickle, give me a boost.

- Uh, gee, Crusher.

Are you sure you're allowed to ride in that?

- Oh, yeah. It'll be fine.

I'll just go up, get my blue balloon--

- Crusher, you're stepping on my--that's my--

[both shouting] [clattering]

- [cheering]

Here we go!

♪ ♪


Got it! [laughing] - Yay!

And now we can go back to solid ground.

- That's right, Pickle.

Take us down.

- But Crusher,

I don't know how to make a hot air balloon go down.

I thought you did.

- Uh-uh. Well, I thought you did.

- Huh, well, if you don't know how to make it go down

and I don't know how to make it go down,

then that means...

both: We can't get down!

[both shouting]

both: Help!

- Uh-oh! Someone's calling for help.

both: [distantly] Get us down from here!

- [gasps] And it sounds like Crusher and Pickle!


They're floating away in that hot air balloon!

- We'd better figure out where it's going.

Switching to visor view.

[both shouting]

The way the wind is blowing them,

it looks like they're floating toward a big mountain

full of ooey, gooey slime!

- Hubcaps! It's a slime volcano!

- A slime volcano?

[both shouting]

- Poor Crusher and Pickle.

They're gonna get covered in slime.

- Not if we get to them first.

Hop in, A.J.

We're gonna stop that hot air balloon

before it gets to the slime volcano.

- Team Blaze to the rescue!

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- ♪ Burn rubber, burn, burn rubber ♪

♪ Let's go, let's go, let's go ♪

♪ Burn rubber, burn, burn rubber ♪

♪ Let's go, let's go, let's go ♪

♪ We're on our way, accelerate ♪

♪ We're gaining speed ♪

♪ Burn rubber, burn, burn rubber ♪

♪ Let's go, let's go, let's go ♪

♪ Burn rubber ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

[tires squealing]

[both shouting]

[exciting music]

- Look,

Crusher and Pickle are floating over that huge canyon.

- Hubcaps!

If we're gonna save them,

we've gotta get to the other side.

- Hey, I see a way.

We can drive across on those bridges.

- Yeah! Let's go for it.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Uh-oh. That doesn't sound good.

- The bridge! It's breaking behind us!

- If we're gonna make it across,

we've gotta go faster.

- Quick, let's check our speedometer.

[exciting music]

A speedometer's a tool

that measures how fast a vehicle is moving.

In a truck,

the speedometer measures

the speed your wheels are spinning,

and the faster your wheels are spinning,

the faster the speedometer says you're going.

♪ ♪

- Activating speedometer view!

To get across this bridge in time,

we need to go a speed of five, and right now,

the arrow is pointing to this number.

What number is the arrow pointing to?

Three. Yeah! - Uh-oh.

That's not fast enough!

[bridge rumbling]

We've gotta speed up.

[engine revving]

♪ ♪

- Look.

The arrow on our speedometer is going up.

Now what number is it pointing to?

Five. Yeah!

That's the speed we need.

♪ ♪

Whoo-hoo! - All right!

We did it!

- Now let's keep going.

♪ ♪

- Oh, man.

This next bridge isn't very strong, either.

It's breaking apart!

- To make it to the other side,

we need to go a speed of seven.

Our speedometer says we're going this speed.

What number is this?

Seven. Yeah!

We've got the speed!

♪ ♪

Whoo-hoo-hoo! - All right!

Just one more bridge to cross.

♪ ♪

- Whoa!

To get across this last bridge,

we need to go our fastest speed yet.

A speed of ten!

The speedometer says we're going this speed.

What number is this?

Eight. Yeah!

That's not fast enough!

[bridge rumbling]

- Hang on, Blaze.

I'll speed us up.

[engine revving]

♪ ♪

- Now what speed are we going?

Ten! Right!

♪ ♪

Oh, yeah!

♪ ♪

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

- We made it,

and just in time.

- But we can't stop now.

We've gotta rescue Crusher and Pickle.

- Yeah, before that hot air balloon

gets to the slime volcano!

- A.J., give me some speed!

[car engine revving]

♪ ♪

[both shouting]

[quirky music]

♪ ♪

- [whining] I don't wanna crash into a slime volcano

and get covered in-- yuck--slime!

- Crusher, I've got an idea.

Instead of worrying about that slime volcano,

let's try to enjoy our ride through the clouds.


- [shouting]

Pickle, we've got clouds on our heads,

and they look like silly hairdos.

- Oh, handsome.

- [coughing]

Wait a second.

Now we've got cloud mustaches?

- [laughs] Mustaches tickle!

- [coughing]

Hang on.

Are those cloud bunny ears?

- [laughs] Look at us, Crusher!

We're cloud bunnies!

Boingy, boingy, boingy,

boingy, boingy, boingy. Boingy, boingy...

- [crying] Somebody get me down from here!

[rock music]

- Look, there's the hot air balloon.

- Come on!

We can follow them if we go through that tunnel.

[tires squealing]

- Whoo-hoo-hoo! - Yeah!

♪ ♪

[goats bleating]

Hang on, A.J.

Did you hear that?

- Hmm, that's strange.

It kind of sounds like...

[horns honk loudly]

both: Bighorns!

[both shouting]

[comedic music]

♪ ♪

- Oh, man!

How are we gonna get past all those bumping Bighorns?

- [bleating] - Hey, maybe these could help.

It's a box full of stuffed animals.

- Yeah!

These must be what the Bighorns use

to fall asleep at bedtime.

- [bleating]

- Quick, let's see if this teddy bear

makes that Bighorn feel sleepy.

Hey, Bighorn!

- [bleating]

- [grunts]

- [bleating]



- All right!

- It worked! He fell asleep!

- Now come on.

If we used these stuffed animals,

we can get past all the Bighorns.

♪ ♪

- [bleating]

- Listen!

That sounds like another Bighorn.

- He must be hiding. Look carefully.

When you see the Bighorn, say, "Bighorn."

[quiet music]

♪ ♪

Bighorn! - [laughing]

- Here you go, big fella.

♪ ♪

- [bleating]



- He's sleeping!

- Yeah!

[engine revving]

- [bleating]

- It sounds like there's another Bighorn hiding nearby.

Help us look.

When you see the Bighorn, say, "Bighorn."

[quiet music]

♪ ♪

Bighorn by those toasters!

- [laughing]


- Nighty-night!


- [yawns]


- All right!

[engine revving]

[exciting music]

Now we just have to get past one last Bighorn.

[distant bleating]

- And it sounds like he's somewhere over there.

When you see the Bighorn, say, "Bighorn."

[quiet music]


- [laughing]

- Sweet dreams, Bighorn!


- [bleating]


- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

[musical car horn honking]

Nice work betting past all those bumping Bighorns.

- Now let's hurry and rescue Crusher and Pickle

before they get to the slime volcano.

- A.J., give me some speed.

♪ ♪

- ♪ Speedometer ♪ - ♪ Hey! ♪

- ♪ It measures how fast you're going ♪

- ♪ Speedometer ♪ - ♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ In trucks and trains, boats and planes ♪

♪ Speed is measured ♪

♪ With a speedometer ♪

♪ See how fast you're going ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ That's your speed ♪

♪ Check the speedometer ♪

♪ See how fast you're going ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ What's it read? ♪

♪ Check the speedometer ♪

♪ See how fast you're going ♪

♪ Whoa, that's your speed ♪

♪ Speedometer ♪

♪ ♪

[engine revving]

- [sobbing whiningly]

Aww, I don't wanna crash into a slime volcano.

It's gonna be so slimy.

- Aww, look on the bright side, Crusher.

At least we get to fly through all these beautiful clouds.


- [groans]

Pickle, we look like we're wearing cloud crowns.

- Indeed we do, Your Majesty.

- [gasps]

Wait, now we have cloud beards?

- Oh! We're just like Santa.

- [yelps]

Now we look like cloud elephants?

- Yay!

♪ Stompy, stompy, stomp ♪

♪ Stompy, stompy, stomp ♪

Come on, Crusher. Be an elephant with me.

♪ Stompy, stompy, stomp ♪

- I wanna get down!

- ♪ Stompy, stompy, stomp ♪

♪ ♪

- Look, there goes the hot air balloon.

- Uh-oh. But it's flying over the water.

- We've gotta find some way to follow it across the water,

and fast.

- I know what we need:

the fastest boat in the whole world,

a thunder boat!

- Yeah!

Help build the parts to turn me into a thunder boat.

First, I need the planing hull.

It keeps the thunder boat

floating high on top of the water.

To make the planing hull, say, "Planing hull."

Planing hull!

Next, I'll need a propeller.

When the propeller spins,

it pushes the boat forward.

To make the propeller, say, "Propeller."


♪ ♪

Last, I'll need two powerful engines

to make our thunder boat go really fast.

To make the engines, say, "Engines."


♪ ♪

Oh, yeah!

I'm a thunder boat monster machine.

- Whoa!

- Hop in, A.J.,

and give me some thunder boat speed.

- All right!

♪ ♪

- Yoo-hoo! - Whoo-hoo!

- [laughs] Yeah!

[both laughing and cheering]

♪ ♪

[cannonball whooshing]

- Look out! - [shouts]

- Oh, man.

Where do you think these cannonballs are coming from?

[distant evil cackling]

- I think I know where.

It's those pirates!

- Yo-ho, yo-ho! - [cackling]

- Yar! Fire the cannonball!

♪ ♪

- [shouting]

♪ ♪

- Whew.

Those pirates sure love sinking ships.

- Well, they're not gonna sink us, 'cause I've got an idea.


See that rock in the water?

It's shaped like a ramp.

- Yeah.

If we drive our thunder boat fast enough off a ramp,

we can jump over the pirate ships.

- Come on. Let's go for it.

Activating speedometer view.

To jump over the red pirate ship,

we need to go a speed of .

Let's count by tens to .

Repeat after me:


both: Ten!

- . both: !

- .

both: !

♪ ♪

[A.J. and Blaze cheering] - Hey!

- All right!

- We made it past the red pirate.

- [groaning] Yar!

- ♪ Yo-ho, yo-ho ♪

- Look out, Blaze. It's the yellow pirate.

And his ship is even bigger.

- Whoa!

To jump over the yellow pirate ship,

we need to be going a speed of .

Let's count by tens to .

Repeat after me:


both: Ten!

- . both: !

- .

both: !

- ! both: !

♪ ♪

[both cheering]

- Huh?


- Nice one, Thunder Boat Blaze.

Now there's just one pirate left:

the blue pirate.

- [cackles]

- And he's got the biggest ship of all.

- [laughing] Yar!

You'll never get past the likes of me.


- [yelps]

- To jump over the blue pirate ship,

we need to go our fastest speed yet:

a speed of !

- Repeat after me:


both: Ten!

- . both: !

- . both: !

- ! both: !

- !

both: .

- ! both: !

♪ ♪

[musical car horn honking]

- [laughing] All right!

♪ ♪

- Yargh!

[both cheering and laughing]

[triumphant rock music]

♪ ♪

[both whooping]

♪ ♪

[Pickle and Crusher shouting] - Blaze, look.

There's Crusher and Pickle's hot air balloon.

- We've gotta hurry and save them

before they get to the slime volcano.

Come on!

♪ ♪

[Crusher whining] - Whee!

- [groans] Pickle, I look like I'm wearing a cloud cowboy hat.

- Yeehaw!

- [groans] Wait.

Now we look like we've got cloud unicorn horns!

- [whinnies]

So magical!

- [groans]

Now we have cloud glasses?

- Good thing too.

If I didn't have these glasses,

I might not be able to see the giant slime volcano.

- Giant slime volcano?

[terrifying music]

[both screaming]

[musical car horn honking]

- Oh, no.

Crusher and Pickle are about to crash into the slime volcano.

- Gaskets.

If we're gonna save them in time, we've gotta go faster.

Let's increase our speed all the way to .

- ? Whoa.

We've never gone that fast before.

- But we can do it, 'cause we've got blazing speed.

♪ ♪

To give us blazing speed, say, "Let's blaze!"

Let's blaze!

[both cheering]

- All right!

- Let's check our speedometer to see if we're going .

Is the arrow pointing to ?


- Whoo-hoo-hoo! - [laughing] Yeah!

- We're coming, Crusher and Pickle!

♪ ♪

[both shouting]

- [cheers and giggles]

[both cheering and laughing]

- Hooray! You saved us.

- You're welcome, you two. Now hang on.

- Balloon fair, here we come!

[Crusher and Pickle cheering]

♪ ♪

[musical car horn honking]

- Whoo-hoo-hoo! - Hooray!

- All right! - They saved 'em!

- Yay! - Whee!

- They did it! - Yippee!

We made it.

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.

- Aw. [laughs] You're welcome, Pickle.

♪ ♪

- Blaze! [laughs] I'm feeling so happy.

I--I think I'm gonna...

give you a truck hug!

- [laughs] You're welcome, Crusher.

- And now that we're all back and safe,

what do you say we have some fun at the balloon fair?

[all cheering and laughing]

- ♪ Let's blaze! ♪

- ♪ Spinning round together now, we'll rock it out ♪

- ♪ Let's race! ♪

- ♪ Catchin' air, my friends are there ♪

♪ Yeah, everywhere ♪ - ♪ Come on, let's blaze!

[peppy whistling music]

♪ Let's shout hooray ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Come on, let's blaze!

♪ ♪

- ♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll ♪

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go ♪

♪ With Blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed ♪

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's time for adventure extreme ♪

♪ Gonna kick it in gear ♪

♪ We'll be catching some air with Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪