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06x01 - Big Rig to the Rescue!

Posted: 11/23/23 19:13
by bunniefuu
- ♪ On your mark ♪

♪ Get ready to race ♪

♪ One, two, three, let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt, we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When Blaze goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, Blaze, Blaze ♪

♪ Gimme, gimme, gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah, let's blaze ♪

[rock music]

- Whoo-hoo! - Yeah-ha!

♪ ♪

- All right!

- Hey, it's me, Blaze.

- And I'm A.J.

- We're just out for a drive and--

[tablet ringing]

- Blaze, look, we're getting a call.

It's Dr. Rashi. - [sneezes]

- Blaze, A.J., I need your help.

- What is it, Dr. Rashi?

- All these trucks have colds,

and I need someone to bring me medicine

to make them stop sneezing.

[coughing and sneezing]

- Don't worry, Dr. Rashi.

A.J. and I can bring you a big box of medicine.

- Yeah, enough to make everyone feel better.

- That would be great.

- [sneezes]

- See you soon!

- Looks like we better hurry and get that medicine

to Dr. Rashi and-- [tablet ringing]

- Hang on, Blaze. We're getting another call.

It's the construction workers.

- Blaze, A.J., we need your help.

- We're building a really important building

out of bricks.

- Only problem is, we don't have any bricks.

- Hang tight, construction crew.

- A.J. and I will bring you all the bricks you need.

We promise!

- Ha, all right! - Yeah!

- Whoa, that's two big deliveries.

I guess we'll just have to hurry and--

[tablet ringing]

- Blaze, A.J.! - It's the firefighters.

- [grunts] We're trying to put out this fire!

- But it's a big one, and we need more water.

- Think you can help us?

- You bet we can, firefighters.

Blaze and I will bring you a new t*nk of water

as fast as we can.

- Yeah! - All right!

- I knew we could count on you.

Good luck.

- Phew, sounds like we're gonna need a special vehicle

to make all those deliveries.

- Yeah, a machine that's strong enough to carry medicine,

bricks, and a water t*nk.

- It's time to become

Big Rig Blaze!

To be a big rig,

first I'll need a trailer to hold all that heavy stuff.

To make the trailer, say "trailer."


Now let's add the dual tires.

They're extra tires that let me pull a heavy trailer

with a lot of mass.

To make the dual tires,

say "dual tires."

Dual tires!

Last, I need a diesel engine

to give our big rig enough power to haul it all.

To make the diesel engine,

say "diesel engine."

Diesel engine!

Oh, yeah!

I'm a Big Rig Monster Machine!

♪ ♪

- All right, loading medicine.

Loading bricks. [beeps]

Loading water t*nk.

Loaded up and ready to go. [horn honks]

both: Big rig, roll!

- ♪ Really big and super strong ♪

♪ Hauling that cargo around ♪

- ♪ A trailer in back that you can pack ♪

♪ Let's put the hammer down ♪

- ♪ Dual tires and mudflaps too ♪

♪ A diesel engine makes it move ♪

♪ Pull the cord, release the horn ♪

♪ Time to boogie ♪

♪ All right, that's a big - ♪

- ♪ That's a big - ♪

♪ Big rig roll ♪

♪ Roll on, roll on, roll on ♪

♪ Hauling ahead ♪

♪ Big rig roll ♪

♪ Roll on, roll on, roll on ♪

♪ They're going down the road ♪

♪ Big rig roll ♪

[horn honks]

- Wow, did you see that, Crusher?

Blaze is a big rig,

and he looks so strong.

- Strong? Ha, yeah right!

There's no way Big Rig Blaze is stronger than me.

[grunts] See?

I bet Blaze couldn't carry a basket of apples.

- Gee, I don't know, Crusher.

He looks pretty powerful.

- Ha, well, then toss me another apple.

- Okay.

- And another one. - Sure.

- And another one. - All right.

- And another one. - Coming up.

Ha! See?

I told you, Pickle.

I'm super stro-- Aah!

See? [laughs]

- Whoo-hoo-hoo! - Yeah!

All right, for our first delivery,

we gotta bring medicine to Dr. Rashi's office,

and to get there, we have to get across that drawbridge.

- Lowering the drawbridge!

[dramatic music]

- Uh-oh. It's not coming down.

The bridge is stuck.

- Don't worry, A.J.

I know how we can make the drawbridge come down.

We can push it down by putting really heavy things on it.

- Yeah, we can put things on the bridge

that have a lot of mass!

Mass is all the stuff that makes something heavy.

Things like rocks have a lot of mass.

That's because they're made of heavy particles

packed together tightly,

but something like a muffin packs lighter particles

that are all spread out, so they don't have much mass.

- Oh, Blaze!

- [gasps] It's Zeg!

- [grunts] Zeg have heavy things to put on bridge.

- Wow, that's great!

Zeg brought steel beams and pool noodles.

- Come on, let's check to see which ones have more mass.

Steel beams have a mass of kilograms

and pool noodles have a mass of kilograms.

Which is more, ten or two?

Ten! Yeah!

The steel beams have more mass.

- [grunts]


- Look, the drawbridge is starting to come down!

- Yeah!

- Aw, but drawbridge

not come all the way down.

- You're right, Zeg.

To push it down, we need even more mass.

- Yeehaw! [honks]

- It's Starla!

[country music]

- Yippee ki-yay!

Hiya, Big Rig Blaze.

Heard you're needing some more mass.

Well, lookie what I have:

Teddy bears and anchors.

- That's great, Starla!

Come on, let's check their mass.

Teddy bears have a mass of kilograms

and anchors have a mass of kilograms.

Which is more, three or nine?

Nine! Right!

That means anchors have more mass.

- Yeehaw!

Anchors away![grunts]


Would you look at that?

The drawbridge came down even more.

- But to make it come all the way down,

we need even more mass.

- Hey, I know.

I'm a big rig now,

and big rigs have a lot of mass.

What if I go on the bridge?

- Yay!

- Whoo-whee! Go for it, Blaze!

- All right, here goes!

♪ ♪

[horn honks]

- Whoo-hoo! - Yeehaw!

- We did it!

And look, Blaze. There's the doctor's office.

- [sneezes]

- Come on, A.J. Time to deliver that medicine.

Thanks for the help, you two.

- Bye! - Good luck!

[coughing and sneezing] [musical car horn honking]

- It's Big Rig Blaze!

- Here you go, Dr. Rashi.

One extra-large box of medicine.

- Get ready to feel better, everyone!

[upbeat music]

- [slurps][gulps]

Yay, I'm not sick anymore!


- Remember, we need to make three deliveries,

and we just got the medicine to the doctor.


So what's the next thing we have to deliver?

Bricks! Yeah!

We need to bring bricks to the construction workers.

- Come on, trucker A.J.,

we've gotta get hauling.

[horn honks]

both: Big rig roll!

- Bye! - Thanks, Big Rig Blaze!

- ♪ Mass, mass, mass ♪

♪ This is mass, mass, mass ♪

♪ It's how much matter's inside everything ♪

♪ If you got a lot, it's a heavy thing ♪

♪ Mass, mass, mass, mass ♪

♪ Mass, mass, mass, mass ♪

♪ You've just a little, and you're feeling light ♪

♪ To lift off the ground, taking flight ♪

♪ That's mass, heavy or light ♪

♪ That's mass, keep up the fight ♪

♪ That's mass, solid and gas ♪

♪ That's mass, get all this mass ♪

♪ That's mass, I've got mass ♪

♪ That's mass ♪

[horn honks]

[horn honks]

- Whoa! Crusher, look!

It's Big Rig Blaze,

the strongest truck I've ever seen.

- Ha, I'm way stronger than Blaze.

- Wow! Really?

- Yeah, of course I am.



You think Big Rig Blaze could carry this tacklebox?

- Yeah, I think he could.

- Pfft, well, then toss me something else, like a bucket.

- Oh, sure.

- And a chair. - Okay.

- And a basketball. - You got it.

- And a bowl of spaghetti. - Order up.

- Aha!

I told you I'm the strongest--



[horn honks]

[rock music]

- Our next delivery,

bringing bricks to the construction workers.

- Roger that, A.J.

We just need to...

[group snoring] - Whoa, hang on, Blaze.

That sounds like...snoring?

- Hubcaps! Look.

Sleeping gorillas.

If we're gonna get past,

we've gotta wake them up.

Hello, gorillas! - Hello, wake up!

It's no use. They're not waking up.

- Hmm, there must something loud enough

to wake sleeping gorillas.

- Wait a second.

I just thought of something that's super loud:

a big rig horn honk!

[horn honks]

- [yawns] - It worked!

Our super loud horn honk woke up one of the gorillas.

- But we still need to wake up four more.

Help me honk our horn four more times.

[gorillas snoring]

Count to four with me.

[horn honks] One.

[horn honks] Two.

[horn honks] Three.

[horn honks] Four.

[gorillas yawning]

- Yeah! - We did it!

- Sorry to wake you, gorillas,

but we have an important delivery to make.

- Thanks, gorillas.

♪ ♪

Look out!

Five more sleeping gorillas. [gorillas snoring]

- To wake them up,

we're gonna need five horn honks.

- Let's do it.

Count to five with me.

[horn honks] One.

[horn honks] Two.

[horn honks] Three.

[horn honks] Four.

[horn honks] Five.

[gorillas yawning]

All right! - We woke them up.

Thanks for letting us pass, gorillas.

[gorillas grunting]

- Good news, Blaze.

We're almost out of this tunnel.

- But to get there,

we'll have to get past the most gorillas yet:

seven sleeping gorillas! [gorillas snoring]

- Help me honk the horn seven times.

Count with me!

[horn honks] One.

[horn honks] Two.

[horn honks] Three.

[horn honks] Four.

[horn honks] Five.

[horn honks] Six.

[horn honks] Seven.

[gorillas yawning]

- Oh, yeah! - We did it!

So long, gorillas!

[gorillas grunting happily]

[musical car horn honking]

Good news, everyone!

We've brought the bricks!

- He did it!

Come on, crew.

Let's get to work!

♪ ♪

- We did it!

We built an ice cream shop!

- Whoo-hoo! - Yeah!

- All right!

- Check it out.

We just got the bricks to the construction workers.

So now there's only one thing left to deliver:

The water t*nk!

Who do we bring the water to?

The firefighters! Right!

- Firefighters, here we come!

Blaze and A.J.: Big rig, roll!

- Let's have some ice cream!

- Oh, oh, I'm gonna have vanilla!

- Yeah!

[horn honks]

- Crusher, did you see who that was?

- [sighs] Yeah, yeah, I know.

both: Big Rig Blaze.

- Gee, I can't imagine pulling all that heavy stuff.

He must be so strong!

- So strong? Ha!

You wanna see what strong looks like?

Watch this!

Ta-da! I'm carrying a barbell.

- Wow, that is strong!

But it's not as strong as Blaze.

- Oh, yeah?

Well, wait till you see me carry a barbell and a shoe.

- You mean this shoe?

- Ha, ha! But that's not all, Pickle.

Toss me couch. - Yes, sir!

- And a pogo stick! - Sure thing!

- And a bath tub! - Right away!

- And a pizza. - All righty!

- Ha, look at me!

No one is stronger than Crusher!



- Gee, thanks, Crusher.

That pizza looks delicious.

Mmm, mmm, mmm!

[musical car horn honking]

- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

[beeping] [static buzzing]

- Firefighters to A.J. Do you read me?

- Loud and clear, firefighters.

- We're gonna need that water soon, A.J.

- Yeah, the fire's getting close to that tree.

- Hang on, firefighters,

Blaze and I will be there with the water as quick as we can.

- Thanks, A.J. Over and out.

- A.J., give me some big rig speed.

♪ ♪

[horn honks]

♪ ♪

- [gasps] Look out!

- Lug nuts!

Those rocks are blocking the path.

- But then how are we gonna get water to those firefighters?

- Looks like the only way we can get past

is to smash our way through

with a lot of force.

- Yeah, and I know how we can get more force.

We just need to make ourselves heavier

so that we have a lot of mass,

a mass of tons!

- Let's check and see how much mass I have now.

Is that the number ?

No, that's only . I need more mass.

- Hey, I've got an idea.

Breaker, breaker, Big Rig Blaze could use some help.

Do you copy?

- Roger that, A.J.!

- It's Dr. Rashi!

- Heard you needed help, Blaze, so I came as fast as I could.

- Thanks, doc. Climb aboard!

- Let's see if Blaze's mass is tons now.

Is that the number ?

No, that's .

Blaze needs even more mass!

[horns honking]

- Look, it's the construction workers.

- Hey, Blaze, heard you could use a hand!

- Yeah!

- Yeah![laughs]

- Thanks, you two.

- Is that the number ?

No, that's .

- That's really heavy, but to smash through the rocks,

I need even more mass.

[gorillas grunting]

- Hang on, Blaze, that sounds like the gorillas.

They're here to help too.

[gorillas grunting]

- Thanks, gorillas!

Let's see what my mass is now.

Is that the number ?

Yes, I'm tons!

- Hang on, everyone. It's smashing time!

[musical car horn honking]

- All right, yeah!

[gorillas grunting]

- Yay! - Did it!

- Way to go, Blaze!

- Thanks for the help, everyone.

- Blaze, look!

It's the smoke from the fire!

- We've gotta get this water to the firefighters fast.

- Activating Big Rig Blazing Speed.

- To give me Blazing Speed,

say, "Let's Blaze!"

both: Let's Blaze!

[cheering] - Go, Blaze!

♪ ♪

- Uh-oh. I'm out of water.

[dramatic music]

- Me too! - So am I.

[musical car horn honks] - [gasps]

But look who's here! It's Big Rig Blaze!

[rock music]

♪ ♪

- Release the water!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

♪ ♪

- He did it! The fire's out!

- Thanks, Blaze and A.J.

We couldn't have stopped that fire without you.

- You're welcome, firefighters.

- Just remember,

whenever you need something important delivered,

you know who to call:

Big Rig Blaze!


- ♪ Big Rig Blaze ♪

♪ Roll on, roll on, roll on ♪ [horn honks]

♪ Hauling away ♪

♪ Big rig roll♪

♪ Roll on, roll on, roll on ♪

♪ They're going down the road ♪

♪ Big rig roll ♪

- ♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll ♪

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go with Blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed ♪

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's time for adventure extreme ♪

♪ Gonna kick it in gear ♪

♪ We'll be catching some air with Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪