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My Favorite Season (1993)

Posted: 11/24/23 17:04
by bunniefuu
Part 1:
The Departure

She put on her boots.
Papa was driving the car.

We drove through the woods.
The road was empty.

she told him to stop.

She was sure it was there.
I don't know how she did it.

She got out of the car.

She had a cane
and went forward quickly.

We stayed behind her.
Then, she arrived at a tree,

she knelt down,

and under the leaves
found: porcini mushrooms.

She was never wrong.

How did you guess?
I tried to do what you did,

I searched the earth,
but there was nothing.

It's instinctive.
You can't think.

How do you like them?

I shouldn't have put garlic.

They're supposed to have it.

Garlic, parsley, crustless bread.
It's good.

But I'm not used
to eating so late.

Do you mind if I go to bed?

No. You should feel at home.
Do as you please.

Don't get up. Good night.


Me too:
when I go some place new,

I feel unwell,
and I can't sleep.

Then, it passes.

What are you suggesting?
I don't feel unwell.

Since I rest during the day,
I want to walk at night.

I love to walk at night.
I do it at home, too.

- Did you hear me talk?
- I thought I did.

It happens.
Sometimes I talk by myself.

What was I saying?

I don't know. I didn't hear.

Pay no attention to it.

I imagine talking to people
and feel unburdened.

It bothers no one,
and it does me good.

Better than talking to people.

I ask, and I answer.

It may seem strange, but...

it's normal to do that at my age.

It's self-protection.

Turn on the lights.


You don't know the house...

You're afraid I'll break a vase?

Not at all.
I say it so you don't trip.

You worry for no reason.

In this moonlight,
I can see as clear as day.

You're right.

- You want some tea?
- Tea? Oh no!

I wonder why
you bought this house.

This pool makes it pretentious.

But it's not important.

You're getting up early tomorrow.

Please, go to bed.

- Will you stay here?
- Don't worry about me.

I hate that.

"A bit pretentious,” I told her.
So there.

Yes, I'm used to walking at night.

I like it, so...

No one can prevent me from it.

- No kiss?
- Yes, of course.

Let's not stay.
You have time?

- Yes, but...
- No. No "buts".

When I see you, it's visual.

That occurs
in the right hemisphere.

When I call you, it's verbal,
like memory.

That's in the left hemisphere.

We haven't met in years,
and I'm lecturing.

I'm hopeless.

No. It's your only passion.
It's interesting.

Don't talk trifles, please.

Are you here to give me bad news?

I came to talk about Mom.

She fainted.
Nothing serious.

The postman
found her in the barn.

When did it happen?

A month ago.

She didn't want us to tell you.

A fainting spell?
You mean a seizure?


She lives with me now.

She's recovered,
healthy as a horse.

Don't exaggerate.

I understand now.

You had a reason.

I have to go back.

Don't you want to go eat?

- Another time.
- That's it.

In 10 years.
Maybe before,

to bury Mom.
- Don't say that. It's awful.

I'm the awful one.
You're admirable.

You take Mom in.

You take on
the chore of coming to see me.

It clears your conscience,
and I know it.

You haven't changed, Antoine.

It's a shame.

- So we'll part ways like this?
- It's better.

At Dad's burial, you insulted me.

- You always insult me.
- I don't remember.

You called my husband a boor!

I drank.
It was funny.

- Why don't you worry about yourself?
- I'm too fragile.

You think anything goes.

You're a spoiled child,
and you lecture me.

You're right.
We'd rather go to lunch.

Italian or Chinese?

If you promise to be normal.
Or calm.

You're normal every day.
Aren't you tired of it?

Antoine, seriously,
I forbid you to judge my life.

- OK?
- Absolutely.

The Duprés arrived?
The property division.

- It's at 4:30.
- You told me 3:15.

I put it in your notebook.

Oh really?


I was convinced...
I ran like crazy!

Give me the file.

Bruno requested it,
with the small claims court date.

It can't be true!

He's in a meeting.

- You check everything I do!
- What?

- I want my file back.
- Yes.

Whenever it's important,
you butt in.

Well, we work together.

I never blame you
for reading my files.

- I encourage you to do so.
- Your point?

I'm not sure of the evidence.

It's useless, but they want it.
Other advice?

No. Alright.
It's very good.


- Goodbye.
- Till next week.

- You found curtains?
- Which?

The ones in Toulouse.

Oh right!
No, there was nothing good there.

You know who I met?

- Did you two talk?
- Obviously.

It's not obvious.
You never speak to him.

You hate him.

Don't exaggerate.
It's true he's rather annoying.

You're lenient suddenly.

- I invited him for Christmas.
- Him?

Well, he has to see his mother.

Last time,

he fought
over the mantelpiece clock.

He hates antiques.
For him,

it's not how a soul is made.
It's his problem.

He has lots of problems!

Like everyone else.

You told me he wouldn't come back.

I knew you'd make a scene.

No. But he's a pain.

He loves to mess things up.
He's a nut.

He happens to be funny.

I don't think so. He's annoying.
Clowns don't make me laugh.

your parents raised him badly.

You talk as if he were 15.

Yes. He's childish.

Sorry, but the bill of sale
you dictated to me...

I don't understand it.

Part 2:
The Misstep

It must be Antoine.

I'm too late?

I didn't think you'd come.

- You could call.
- Do I dare?

"Do I dare?" You must dare!

You have to be brave.
I spent the day by the phone.

Tell me one day
is less than 3 years.

I wanted you to choose.

You invited me.

You wanted me to come.
You're why I'm here.

- Will you punish me for it?
- No, I'll be good.

Too heavy?

I'm not Bruno,
but I can carry it.

My brain makes up for his brawn.

You go when I arrive.

Hi, Antoine.
Road bad?

No. It was OK.

- Give me that.
- Hi, Antoine.

How's law school going?

Classes are like a factory.
We're 50 students per seminar.

- Coming to church?
- I don't go.

But if I must...

He's visiting Mom. Right?

Of course.

Where's the bathroom?

Oh right! Down there.
See you later. Don't catch cold.

Don't drink or talk too much.

Don't be too quiet.
Don't look bored.

Ask questions about their life.

did you want to be a pianist?

Your father didn't?

No. I mustn't say that.

It's very good, Emilie.

You did a lot.
Your family's charming.

You see, I know it.

Thank you for this evening.
I'm touched. I like it here.

I don't want to go home.
I want to stay here.

Where are you going?

No. I can't
let myself get carried away.

I have to catch myself
and not get caught.

Like Emilie.

Oh, sorry!

- Why the hell are you here?
- I was invited.

- Don't stop.
- Stay. I have to open oysters.

This is Khadi. She's nice.
Thankfully she's here!

I'm looking for my mother's room.
I'm lost.

I heard music...

Don't worry. He won't talk.

Of course.
I don't see what's wrong.

It's charming.

Tonight, everything's charming.

Wonderful, even.
It's wonderful.

I'll look for champagne.

I'm fed up.
I didn't want to. See!

You gotta leave.

I can't leave like that.
It's not done.

It's not done?
It's for the best!

It was nice to invite me.

Eating with them is a promotion.

Everything you do in life
is against them.

Even love.

It excites you to do it
when they're at Mass. It's crap.

You didn't think so.

No respect:
you're mad at your parents.

They're not my parents.

You're mad
because they're proper.

You too.
Even if you screw everywhere.

You're all proper.
Not me: I was born that way.

Your birth is a pain.

OK. Let's drop it.

OK, but for real.

Let's break up.

We can turn on the lights.

Alright, if you prefer the dark,
I do.

It's more intimate.

Light or dark,
it's the same to me.

It's wonderful.

To your health.

It's me.
No use pretending to sleep.

It's you?
What brought you here?

It's not funny.
They're not funny.

Your poor sister tries,

but is a pain.

"Don't you need this, or that?"

If I say no, she insists.
I say yes,

she says
I should have asked sooner.

I don't know what to say.

I don't know what to do.
I stay in my room.

Then Bruno is...

fed up with me.
He'd love me to go.

He's afraid to go against
your sister, so we smile.

Meals are a nightmare.

"Are you OK?"
"Yes, I'm OK." You?"

"Yes. I'm OK."
It ruins my appetite.

Anne is strange.

She pounds the piano all day.

She'll break it.
Mind you, it needs a break.

You remember Julien?

His name's Lucien.

He's a complete idiot.

He'll either end up
in prison or an asylum.

You like the brain:
examine him.

He's seeking his real family.
Nothing else interests him.

So, doctor?
How long do I have left?

Hypertension is normal for your age.
You're cleared

for Christmas dinner.

Tell me, did you lose weight?



No gifts?

I didn't have time.
Is it bad?

Never mind.

To your health.

Antoine, I don't want to bother you,
but you must help me.

I can't stay
in this house.

I want to go home.

It's not their fault.

I exaggerated.
These poor people do what they can,

but I can't feel at ease with them.

- Maybe I'm wrong.
- Don't reproach.

Bad comments
are better for your health.

Get up

and make yourself pretty. OK?



Any trouble getting here?

The dark was fine.
But there was black ice.

- You were careful, I hope.
- Of course.

- On the big turn?
- Yes. That's dangerous.

You know, Bruno,
the turn by the crossroads entrance.

- There was an accident.
- Careful.

He's aiming at me!

Sorry. I'm afraid when it pops.

You're right. Each year,
at Christmas, eyes get put out.

I remember,
when I interned at the hospital...

- No. Don't tell horror stories.
- Yes, do tell.

No hospital stories.

- What do you have against hospitals?
- I just don't like it.

It's nice. It's the place
of births and resurrections.

When I saw you come in,
it revived me.

It's ideal.
You should come more often.

It's good.

We'll talk about what we ate,

what we'll eat.
Only that.

That's family.
It's very charming.

- You're saying that?
- Yes.

Is everyone sleeping here?

You're hoarse.

No. I'm sorry,
but I'm working tomorrow.

- More champagne.
- Khadi?

Don't interfere.

And my name's Khadija.

- He's macho!
- It's to look interesting.

Don't laugh, sluts!

OK, Lulu! Don't get mad.
We're having fun.

Merry Christmas.

- Bruno.
- Mom. Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, my children.

- Does the youth toast?
- It has better things.

- Some piano?
- I love music.

Can I come with you?

It's always the same thing.

Quiet, Lucien.

She plays well. Not bad.
That's good.

Isn't it loud?

It's true.
Anne, dear...

Let's go to my room?

Who's Khadija?
She's charming.

She works at our office.

She's a brave girl.

She studied law here.
She's Moroccan.

I was afraid she'd feel lonely,
so I invited her.

She's courteous.
I'd say she and Lucien...

Absolutely not.
There's nothing between them.

I said it like that.
They do what they want.

Do you have a cold?

Like every year, at Mass.
Those churches are cold.

- Will you have coffee?
- Yes. For the road.

Thankfully, the snow stopped.

'I help.

Are you really working?

But I didn't want to drag on.

See, it went very well.

Finally, they're very nice.

I made a mountain out of a molehill.

Life's like that.
We're wrong all the time.

Give me some champagne.
If I may.

Of course, you may.

You have nothing to tell me?

What do you want me to say?

That you look gloomy?
You didn't say a word.

You don't like my mother or brother.
I know.

I'm forcing them on you. I know.
How's that?

You don't stop telling lies.

And lying to me, too.

What do you mean?

You lied about
where you saw Antoine.

I don't see the problem.
That changes what?

The problem is you lied to me.

I wonder why.

- I want to know.
- It's nothing.

I just said it that way.
Stop torturing me with questions.

You almost like it.


You're too serious.
It's exhausting.

That's why I tell lies.

To breathe a little.

Honestly, it's not very malicious.

I don't get what you're thinking.

Ever since your mom came.

Now, it's my morn's fault.

It's never your fault.

You judge quickly,
like a prosecutor.

Stop now.

I have to know.

You reproach me for lying.
Everyone lies.

And when I'm honest, you stop me.
It's that simple.

You just have to say it.
So I'll do what you want.

You're hypocritical!

No. I'm tired, Bruno.

You can carry it.

I'm jealous.
You have great legs.

If you saw her ass...

You're bad!

I'd be proud of that body.

It's nice. It's a work of art.

I agree.
Come on, a striptease!

Shut up!

Go on, Khadi.
Do it for me.

It's purely aesthetic.
You won't fuss?

I don't fuss.
I drank too much.

We did, too.

- I'll think about it.
- Aren't you easy?

I'm sure you want to.

OK, if it's art.
If not, I won't do it.

- It's art.
- It's not sex mania.

- I don't trust him.
- Don't worry, I'm here.

No touching.

Of course.
Who do you take us for?

I have to go.

It was wonderful.
I had a good evening.

Wait. I have to talk to you.

- Now?
- Yes.

It's about you and your sister.

- I'll leave you.
- No, Bruno.

I'll need you, too. Sit.

I have to arrange things
before I die.

You're doing well, I told you.

It's true. Leave that
for another time. Not now.

Yes, now.
Tomorrow, Antoine will be gone.

It's not worth getting agitated.
It's natural.

Eh, Bruno?

I don't know.

Did you draw something up?

No. I don't know how to read.
I didn't go to school.

That's why I need you.

Frankly, it bothers me.

I can't stand it.
It's awful.

Please. Don't overdo it.

We must talk about it.

But I can skip it.

Why talk about it?

I don't get why.
I don't want to!

Is it clear?
I want to go.

- Don't be a child.
- Who does he think he is?

- Screw you!
- Stop!

You're just a clown.
A clown and a coward.

You're sick!
What are you doing?

- I don't want to see him. Ever!
- Be quiet.

Stay with your family!
I'm going to bed. I'm fed up!

The only thing left now
is to discuss the will.

- Go on. The mood's right.
- You pain!

That's right. I'm a pain.

You're quick.

Oh, son of a bitch!

I never should have come.

I was sure of it.

Last week, I had a dream.

We were all here,
and I broke something.

The clock...
the clock on the mantelpiece.

That one.

You're crazy, Antoine.
Completely crazy. Damn.

I'm ashamed.
I'm not kidding.

Don't say that.
You did well. He insulted you.

He hates you,
and he hates me, too.

You say that after...

What he did for me?

Don't think I'm against you.

You defend your husband.
I defend my son.

This quarrel was silly,
but not serious.

What worries me
is the property division.

I leave you
what your father left me.

- That's enough for tonight.
- It's over fast.

I want nothing, nothing at all.

Leave it all to Emilie:
house, land, and titles.

You'll take what I give.

- I want nothing.
- Antoine, let her speak.

Let's be done with it!

Sorry, Mom, I can't anymore.
See you later.

"See you later?"

I mean,
when you're at your home.

Sooner is better.

Take me.
I'll pack my bag.

Sorry for interrupting.

Anne, can you lower the music?

What's wrong?

- It makes you laugh!
- It's art.

- What do you think I am?
- What you are.

- You need help.
- You only humiliate me.

We were having fun.
Shit, you hurt me!

- I want you to respect me.
- I do. Truce?

- Touch me, and I'll hit you.
- You're "sterical".

You don't speak French.

You know why you want a truce?

You want sex.
But not tonight.

If there's a next time,
you must earn it

and treat me with respect.

I think you're drunk.

Good night, Lucien.

Put that on.
You'll catch cold.

Don't make me feel sorry.

I'll talk to her.

I'll convince her to stay.

No. Take her.

It's better that way.
Leave, both of you.

Don't stand there!
Help her pack.

- Am I hurting you?
- No. I swear it's nothing.

Relax. Let me see your eyelid.

Imagine fighting!
Men are stupid.

Antoine and Lucien are the same.

You can see they're sick.

In other men,
it's harder to recognize.

I know one at school.

A nice, blond guy,
who's been flirting with me.

A hypocrite, you see.

He could be a nice guy.
I don't know.

I don't want to be wrong.

What did you do,
when you liked a girl?

Just ask your mother.

She'd do better here.
She's exaggerating about leaving.

She forgot the chocolate.

Can't you do that tomorrow?
It's after 5 am.

You have to finish what you start.

Or else you always think about it,
and it wastes time.

- It annoys you if I sleep here?
- What's wrong?

Are you serious?

I need to be alone.
I sleep better here.

- It's nothing to do with you.
- No.

- Let's drop it.
- If you want.

You know what you want,

I see clearly.

Oh really? You're lucky
to see clearly. Explain.

Of course.

It's simple. You're sick.

You can't desire
something or someone.

You force yourself to love,
but can't.

With me, you tried,
in the beginning, the 1st year.

Thankfully, Anne arrived.
A child changes things.

It becomes the center;
it busied you.

You have to be busy,
or you're lost.

So you wanted another child.

We adopted Lucien. Now,

they're adults, out of the house,
so it's just us 2.

And you decide to sleep alone.

It's funny you see it like that.

It's like you're reading a file.

When I met you,
I thought you were bright,

strong, comforting.
I was happy.

We played hooky.
We went to make love in the hotel.

We were full of hope.

And now...

when [ look at you,
I see a man cold as a calculator,

who thinks he's better than others

and is old, above all.

You've aged badly, Bruno.

I don't know.
Maybe everyone loses their soul,

maybe I also became old,

unbearable, boring...
I don't know.

In life,
you refuse to see yourself,

and suddenly, it hits you.

I can't stand what we've become.

I can't stand it.
It horrifies me.

What do you want us to do?



I don't know.

I think it'd be better.

Anyway, it would be clearer
than sleeping apart.

I don't know.

It's not true.
It won't start.

- Who is it?
- It's me. Open up?

- It's you, Anne?
- Yes.

Why are you locked in?

You saw me naked,
your father did,

Lucien saw me naked...
I'm paranoid.

- How do you like your room?
- OK.

Not too cramped?

Do you mind if I sleep with you?

I toss and turn in my sleep,

and I snore, too.

It will soothe me.
But one thing I can't stand:

smelly feet.

Perfect. What's wrong?

- You're tickling me.
- Sorry.

What side do you prefer?
It's the same for me.

I don't care, but...

I'm not, well...

I don't sleep with girls.

Me neither.
But I don't trust boys.

You can't confide in them.
It's forced relations.

It scares me.
I dreamt of having a sister: did you?

You're saying that to get sex.

If you don't trust me,
it's a pity.

I didn't say I don't trust you.

But I'm not used to it.



Thanks, Khadija.

Thank you.

I'm fine.

And you?

Me too, I'm fine.

What's wrong?
Why are you crying?

It's nothing.

Tell me seriously.
Do you really want to be my sister?

- We're strangers.
- No matter.

We'll be confidantes.

I'll take you as you are,
with flaws.

And you'll take me as I am.

I don't know.

We can try. Can we?

I'm sure.
If we really want to.

That's all the chocolate?

I'll take these two.
How much do I owe you?

12 francs.

Merry Christmas.

It's not wise for you to live
alone, so far away.

- I'd take you in.
- At Toulouse?

On the 6th floor, with no elevator!
In a city?

With all the people and cars,
I'd have no rest.

Your father and I went to Paris,

to Porte de Versailles,
for the farm machine expo.

Before Emilie was born.

He was happy.
He wanted to stay.

I had diarrhea.
I thought I would die.

When we got home, nothing.

I was fine.

You know your father.

He said I did it on purpose,
then brooded.

Then, we didn't take trips again.

And Capbreton?

That was vacation.
It's not the same; it's not a trip.

Go slower.
We can't see anything with snow.

I fell asleep.

You shouldn't let me.

You needed it.

The snow stopped.
It's better to drive now.

Whenever I come here,
it's the same.

Something strange.

As if nothing had happened.
As if I were the same age.

I have to dress for school,

I have to hurry
to not miss the bus.

As if nothing happened after that.

I have to make an effort

to realize I know other things.

What time is it?

9:15 am.

You're always without a watch!

You could have taken your father's.

It's not waterproof,
and you have to wind it.

Do you have enough logs?

Through tomorrow.
Then, I'll sleep in my room.

I have to go.

Wait. I made you coffee.

You know, something's
worried me for a long time.

Don't get angry.
It's not serious,

but I need to know. I...

I ask you to tell me the truth.
I've always...

I've always felt
you were angry at me.

You must tell me why
you're angry, now.


Before I lose my mind.

I'm not mad at you.

What are you suggesting?

Now I'm the one telling lies.

Sometimes, I talk to you father,
and he reproaches me.

It's strange.
As if I had stopped him from living.

"From living?"

Yes. Simply living.

Maybe I stopped him from
following his pleasures.

His little pleasures of his own.

I didn't on purpose.

He was very happy.
What are you saying?

Did he say that?

- He didn't say it, he showed it.
- He didn't show it.

- Finish your coffee.
- No.

- I must go.
- One day, this will be your house.

Don't start that again.

Should the grocer come?

Not on Christmas Day!

I'll let him know you're here.

Don't worry.
I'm stocked up.

Look at that!

Part 3:
The Next Step

- You drank?
- Yes.

I expect the worst.

Your voice on the phone...
Go on. I'm ready.

It's hard enough like that.

I need you.

You want a drink?

Mom fell.
We can't leave her alone anymore.

Will you take her to your pad?

My pad is Bruno's.

I won't talk about
what happened.

I'm sure if you insist...

- I won't ask Bruno for anything.
- Why?

I won't tell you my life story.

Could you?

- Can you take her?
- What?

Have you seen my place?

One room, no elevator.

I'm never there.
She wouldn't.

Yes, she would.

I spoke to her about it.

I think she was scared.
I've never seen her like that.

For the 1st time,
she really seemed

And she loves you so much...

Where will I put her?

What you're asking is absurd!

It's normal.

We have to find a solution.

- You don't realize...
- I do!

Finally, I thought of...

I brought you that to show you.

It's near her home.

She'd be less lost.
There are people she knows.

You'd dump her in a rest home?

What do you want us to do?

I don't know anymore.

Don't cry. It's useless.
I hate when you cry.

Every problem's the same.

You leave me on my own.
Like when we were kids.

We're adults now.
So let's think

and make a decision.

What decision?

I can't make I,
neither can you...

We'll find one.
Come on, now.

Get your bag.

Come on.

Go on. I'm coming.

I'm sure
you've never been drunk.

This time, I am.

I hope
I don't get sad after drinks.

You down them easily.

Call me a drunkard.
I don't care.

It's true I drink.
Rarely, but it happens.

It's OK.
But I hold it.

You can hold it?
That's a good one!

I love you a lot, Antoine.

It's true I love you a lot.

It's easy to say,
when you're tipsy.

For 3 years,
you didn't show it.

You know what I did once?

I took the car,
I stopped near your home,

and I waited,
just to see you a bit.

- Really?
- Yes.

You were planting something.

I was far.

You must have been far.
We never had a garden.

Mom thought it was too big.

Pretentious, even.
She told me that once.

Why "Mom thought"?
Mom thinks.

You think Bruno would
let her come back?

I don't live with Bruno.

We see each other at work,
but that's all.

I got a room at the Hotel France.


since when?

Since Christmas.

Don't make that face, Antoine.

Everything's fine.

I assure you, everything's fine.

- What's wrong?
- I'll be back.

- What?
- I'll be back. Don't move.

Be calm. You're pleased,

but you mustn't show it.

You mustn't rejoice or delight.

You mustn't laugh or cry.

No excess, especially.

It's not too soon.
I waited for it 20 years.

You dared to leave him.

You broke up with that...
Never mind. It's over.


Back up, please.
Back up. Thanks.

Did you never see someone faint?

Leave us.

Breathe, Emilie.


Breathe deeper.

Go on, breathe.
Open your eyes.

There. Is that better?

Is it OK?

Can you stand?
Give me your arm.


Can you walk a little?

Do you want to?

- My hotel's near the station.
- Don't speak or worry.

I'm not upset.
I have no energy.

By the way, I never had it.

It's my problem.

It's fine. I'm fed up with energy.
It's a pain.

There's only:
energy, performance, action.

All that energy's terrifying.
Where does it come from?

Because we have nothing to do.

I mean, inside of us.

Even outside of us.
What happens nowadays?

You enter a profession
and continue.

In the best case, you advance.
That's all.

Everyone wants the energy to act.
It's simple.

To give meaning to what we do
is another story.

Is that why I regret what I'm doing?

You regret leaving Bruno?

No. But I'm afraid I'll regret it.

I'd say you never regret anything.

With all your jokes,
are you serious?

I don't stop regretting.

But it's OK: it gives you strength
to do something else,

which you wouldn't do without it.

What we do is not decisive:
it's what we do after.

A misstep isn't serious.
What matters is the next step.

For me, the next step is now.

I'm up in the air.
I left the house.

Maybe I was wrong,
maybe I was right.

I wonder at what point

does an act seem
really necessary?

I only say these things to you.

Me too. It reminds me of
when Mom scolded us

when talked all night
instead of sleeping.



Why bother your brother?

So I'm not alone.

I was eager to accompany you.

You shouldn't lose that.
I only have one copy of the key.

Look, I can also give you mine.

Where I'm going, I won't need it.


I'm ready.

It's nothing.

It's excitement.


Why did she k*ll them?


Come, come.

You know who I saw?

Ms. Ridache.
You know, the seamstress.

She's lived there for 5 years.

She says it's nice,
and the staff is kind.

You remember her?

Of course. I'm not senile.

She did my wedding dress.

I wonder why
she remained an old maid.

A good joke!

She's so ugly.
And sad.

She has eyes like a dead goat.

Do you mind
if we go by Saint-Lo Road?

We wanted to swim.

- And never could.
- Remember?

You were afraid we'd get polio.

Papa was afraid
we'd disturb the fish.

It was his favorite spot.

He said carp here
didn't taste like mud.

He didn't catch carp often!

Fishing was a pretext.

Did you see the corn field?

It's where he sold
his first farm machine.

He was very proud.

It was long ago.
You weren't born yet.

We went into debt

to build the warehouse.

It was no longer a workshop.
He worked alone.

What are you doing?

I'm fulfilling an old dream.

This kid's crazy!

- Stop him, Emilie.
- I he wants to.

Put them in your room.

I won't stand out
by arriving with flowers.

You want to pass by Donzac?

You're crazy.
It'd be too long.

- We have time.
- Yes.

You want some music?

You never used to need music.

You used to sing in the car
the whole way.

It's hunting season
All over Alaska

Move your carcasses
You gotta go, boys

Scar-Faced Bill

Devil take it
We must get ready

A crack of the whip
Let's go, please

When the moon shines
When the day fades

The trappers gaily
Disappear into the night

The Eskimo dogs
Dragging their sledge...

And in the dark night
A sweet song of hope rises:

Billy oh, Billy oh
Hey, ho

Defying the wind
The sleigh all white

Slips quietly into the night.

A week ago
They left together

They left the plains
For this damn country

Following the white trail
They march non-stop

The snow falls
Like an avalanche

Give me a good shot of whisky...

When the moon shines
When the day fades

The trappers gaily
Disappear into the night

Hello, Mrs. Dupuy.

I'm Geneviéve Costello.
It's a pleasure.

We'll take your bags.

This is my son, Antoine Dupuy.

He's a brain surgeon.

- I just research.
- He's modest.

You should be proud of your job.

You know my daughter?

Yes. We've met.

She knows files.
She's a lawyer.

She and her husband
have an office in Blagnac.

I have successful children.
I've taken care of them.

Now, they would be
taking care of me,

but in today's world...
They don't have a free minute.

- Hello.
- Here.

Room 11.

Don't stand there. Run along, now.
You've lost enough time.


Why are you waiting?

I'll show you your room.


She won't stand it.

No, you never know.

We'll go see her next week.
We'll see how she adjusts.

Want my chicken?

- Not eating?
- Not hungry.

I asked for a TV in her room.

Stop now.

You spoil your life.

You feel bad about everything.

Even when you do nothing.

You almost look for
ways to punish yourself.

You remember when people
said you're pretty?

It made you sick,
as if it were a flaw.

All the guys were at your feet.

But that frightened you.

I'm not complaining.
I took advantage of it.

Well, yes.
I'm not like you.

I'm not gifted with joy.

Where are you going?

Nowhere. I want to walk.

When we were small...
Do you suddenly

remember a thing,
without thinking?

We talked all the time,
I don't know what.

We said
we'd never leave each other

and we'd manage not to die.

Maybe that's why
I chose to study the brain.

You wanted to be a ballerina.
I have photo of you in a tutu,

doing pointe ballet.

You often look up in the photos.

You want to fly.

It was for the rose ballet.

I had stage fright!
I could never be a dancer.

You always did
what you wanted.

You're strong.

No. I'm not strong,
I'm very simple.

My life is simple:
you and the brain.

- I almost didn't settle down.
- That's strong.

You know what you want.

And secret to not die:
you'll find it?

Why not?
You'll be the 1st I tell.

Not worth it.
I'm not interested.

Everyone wants that.

Don't tell me
death doesn't matter.

I wonder.
You know, sometimes...

I feel too much, like Dad.
I'm sure I get it from him.

I think he was like that.

Mom had her feet
on the ground, like you.

You always said
my head was in the clouds.

Yes, you're dreamers,

but you're grounded:
you know what you want.

Dad was looking...
for his place in life.

I think he never found it.
Didn't you notice?

He hid it:
he was sure of nothing.

He saw himself in nothing.
He fled.

One day,
I visited him at the shop.

He was alone, sitting on a stool.

He seemed so distant,
I didn't dare disturb him.

I left.
I'm sure he always lived like that.

He never had a close relationship
with anyone.

I think I'm a little like him.

- Will you go with me?
- Of course.

Go with me to the hotel.

No. Come by me.
I'll take you.

Like that. Don't argue.

18,19, 20...

Sorry, I have one pair of pajamas.

Can I turn around?

It looks good.

You still wear this old thing?
It's not too small?

After 20,
you don't grow anymore, you know.

Where's your bed?

I'm on call.
I'll come back for breakfast.

- What time do I wake you up?
- My alarm is at 8.

I have a signing at 9:30.
I hope I'll be in form.

You'll be as fresh
as a daisy with that.

What? You'll drug me?

To get rid of dark thoughts.
Just drink up.


Windows open or closed?

Depends on the noise.

With your ears: "closed".

- My ears?
- Sensitive hearing.

You think a normal voice
is shouting.

I'll try to speak softly.

I always did that with you.


Yes. But no need for
an ear-nose-throat doctor.

They're sadists.
It's like seeing an eye-doctor

if your vision's good.

What's the reason?
A brain thing?

- You want me to explain?
- No. Not tonight.

Another time.

Tomorrow then?

We'll meet tomorrow.

We'll see.

You don't spend every night
alone at the hotel?

What do you want me to do?

Don't look like that.
It suits me fine.

You don't have a lover?

No. It's not my thing.

I'm not looking for a lover
or a husband.

I'm looking for nothing.
I swear, nothing.

You won't live like that,
like a vegetable.

Starting now,
we meet every day, OK?

- You'll get bored.
- With you? Never!

I promise.

I've seen you drink
with Anne and Lucien.

When I came to live here,
I thought I could

get close to them,
as a confidante.

Then I realized

that annoyed them.

Actually, they need to forget me.

They don't see me as a person.

They see me
as a mother who...

I don't know,
tries to protect them too much,

who worries for them so much
it stifles their freedom.

That's normal.

Yes. That's why I decided
to leave them alone,

to not burden them.

I hope I didn't lose it.
I lose everything.

Oh no! Here it is.

Look. It's weird.

You look happy.

I learned: life is beautiful.

It's stupid.
Life is shit.

Don't say that, Lucien.
People are great.

Besides, it's spring.

Screw people, especially chicks.
They piss me off.

You remember Khadi?

She comes here with her sister.

That idiot Anne
calls herself Lena.

- They're here?
- Yes. They're here every night.

Even lonely Monday nights.
Just to mock me.

It'll end in blood, I swear.

- We're closing.
- He can't stand us having fun.

I have orders.

The boss is gone.
You're just being pissy.

- Jerk!
- Your mouth, slut!

I'll break his jaw!

Let me go!

I'll k*ll him!
I'll cut your balls!

- Break your jaw!
- Be calm. It's not bad.

- Come. Let's go.
- It's just words.

Come on! Let's go!

"Slut." We don't talk like that.
You're bad.

She started it.

Don't cry.
It's not serious.

He didn't mean it.
That's all.

- You won't mention it?
- To whom?

At the office.

I'll say nothing.
Provided we all go for a drink.

I'd rather die!

It'd be better to leave them.

What's wrong?

He's a college friend
I thought liked me.

I'm sadly mistaken.

You don't have class?

I don't go.
It's all over and done with.

I don't want to be a lawyer.
Too bad.

What do you do?

I sleep, think, find my way.

I work in a music store.

Dad knows?

- Yes.
- He says nothing?

No: since my mother left,
not a word. He's a wall.

At first,
I went to take care of him.

I felt able to, but he refused.

He withdraws,
sees no one.

Doesn't open up.

It doesn't surprise me.

Nothing is worse than pride.

Do you know the blond guy
chatting with your sister?

He must be her ex.
She's had so many!

You're not the 1st.

My brother, Jean-Luc.

Can you help me?

You just work like everyone.

Work's not much.
100 francs.

- I'll pay you back.
- Liar.


- You could say thanks.
- I was going to.


I want to talk to you.

Not now.

Here's my number.
Call me when you want.


I'm listening, Lucien.

Either talk or go away.


I can't stop thinking of you.

I think I love you.

I swear, it's true.

I get a hard-on
just listening to you.

It's not normal.
I think it's love, don't you?

You mix up everything.
That's not love, it's lust.

- It's very different.
- But if it makes me sick,

if it makes my head burst, it's love.
You agree?

It's debatable.

Let me sleep with you.

I don't want to get together.

Do you see your mother?

No. I think she's dangerous.

How so?

Like Grandma and you.

You're a crazy family.
You 3 are all crazy.

Sorry. It's the truth.

- You mean "stark raving mad?"
- Yes.

Aren't you exaggerating?

I don't exaggerate.

Dad did everything
to attract Mom,

but you came back and wrecked it.

With 3 against 1,
he couldn't win.

If she had taken a lover,
he could have fought. But now...

It's a different story.
It's deeper.

We all have our old demons.

Stop. It's unhealthy.
Besides, I'll never be on your side.

Are you growing?

I do la-la-la-la

Time will pass by

It will all fade away

The story will slip by

I'll be gone

But in that time

I'll look at all those things

I'll hear all those things

And I do la-la-la-la

We'll dance on the air

We'll sing la-la-la-la

We'll be gone

Time will pass

It will all fade away

The story will slip by

I'll be gone

But in that time...

- What time is it?
- I don't know.

Part 4:
The Return

This peach:
my occipital lobe sees it.

My temporal lobe says,
"It looks good!"

My parietal lobe concludes,
"I'll eat it."

My frontal lobe says,
"'I munch on it."

My motor cortex does that,

with my somatosensory cortex,
and my brain rejoices.

But it's very simple.

When you look at me,
I think you see me as a peach.

I'm talking food.
It's the only real link

between man and nature.
No other.

You're not food.
You're a person.

I won't eat you.

I get the feeling

people matter little to you.

Depends on whom.

I'll do you a favor.
Look at this apartment.

You have sun, trees, the river...

Everything you love. No?

You prefer to be at the hotel?

No. It's not the problem.

What then? You miss Blagnac?
And your husband?

No, Antoine. It's not that.

I wonder if it's not a bit absurd.

A brother and sister living together.
At 20, it's understandable,

but at our age,
I think it's ridiculous.

Screw "ridiculous."

Still, it's not very normal.

Yes. We're made for each other.
It's biological.

It's 2 brains from the same womb.

It really doesn't matter.

Sometimes you paint these pictures!

I'll explain.

You'll explain nothing.

You have lots of theories,

but living together isn't theory.

You never lived with anyone.

I went to a lot of trouble.

I found a splendid apartment,

so if you don't like it,
you can leave.

- Don't shout.
- I'm not.

I'm not saying I don't want to.

I'm just saying I'm not sure
we have the right...

the right to live like that.

- I don't know if I have the right.
- Idiocy!

You can do everything,
as long as you enjoy it.

That's the only criterion.

You're too proud.
You pass by simple pleasures.

It's disgusting.

I don't get what you're afraid of.

I'm not afraid, Antoine.
That's it.

We were both too close.

We're not kids anymore.

You refuse.
That scares me.

Yes, we're kids.
What does it mean to be an adult?

You left your man.
Is that being an adult?

It's stupid.

Don't try to be an adult.
That's what causes problems.

You need many lives, but no time.

Besides, time doesn't exist.
Many agree on that.

I spent
my first 20 years with you.

We're mistaken.
We distort things.

You think I'm afraid of nothing.
But that's false.

I was always sick.

I got food-poisoning from snails.

You ate more and were fine.

You're stronger.
I was sickly.

You taught me everything.

If you hadn't been there,
maybe I wouldn't love life.

She refuses to go out,
doesn't go to the lunch room.

She says the elevator broke.
She doesn't need it.

Food is prohibited in bedrooms.

I see. We'll talk.

Maybe she's sleeping.

What's are you doing?

I came to see you.

I thought you had an accident.
I saw it on TV.

We saw a wreck and a crowd,

but I still recognized you.

Then they said it.

It doesn't surprise me.
You drive too fast.

You drive like a madman.

I warned you.
So did your father.

But you don't listen,
and see what happens.

They said it was a pity
because you were so young

and you could
do so many things in life.

Don't listen to the TV.
They talk nonsense.

Who's with you?

It's me, Mom.

It's you?
Why are you hiding?

You always hide
behind your brother.

Were you at the accident?
They didn't mention you.

It's normal.
They can't mention everyone.

There was no accident, you see.

You think they can tell me lies?

It's like that: I'm aware of
everything that goes on.

The other night, the house
burned down because of the storm.

Your father forgot
to buy a lighting rod.

He forgets everything.
He'll forget his head one day.

But thank you anyway.

It was nice to visit me.

I can't stay here anymore.

The other day, a gentleman left.

They caught him.

We'll prepare your things.
Help me, Emilie?


We must pay Colette.

She's the hairdresser.

She comes once a week
to do my hair.

Not the coat.

I'll put it on.

In this heat?

I don't care about heat.
I won't look like a beggar.

What's that again?
We can never have peace.

It's nothing.
It's the storm.

Stop. Dress her.

Is that how you examined her?

High blood pressure, that's it?

You're a m*rder*r.
I'll prosecute!


It's easy.
You could've warned me.

I understand your emotion,
but you could have worried...

Screw you!

Don't worry about the payment.
We'll settle it later.

Look. You see it's there.

It didn't catch fire.

Don't be afraid.
I won't hurt you.

Look at this little light.

Go on. Follow the light.

There. Very good.
Now on the left.

Perfect. Now, look up.

There. Very good.


Can you stand?
Can you walk?

Now, take my fingers,
and squeeze them.


Harder, Mom.
Go on. Harder.

That's good.

That's good.
Put your feet together.

Close your eyes.

Very good.
That's good.

- Can I sit?
- Yes.

Lie down.

I'm going to tickle you.

I'm going to tickle you.

There, madam.
It's all done.

You can lie down in your bed.

Don't be afraid.
It's doesn't hurt.

Just get in.

Are you comfortable?

There. Lie down.

Close your eyes, please, ma'am.

It's just for the scan.
Hold perfectly still.

You can open your eyes.
Don't move.

The test is starting.


She had a stroke.

She doesn't recognize
past or present.

An artery is blocked.
It caused damage.

Is it fatal?

It's serious.

I got her a room.
I'll take care of her.

No reason for you to stay.

I'll see you tonight.

- Can I see her?
- No.

It's better if she rests.

I'll call you a taxi, at the desk.

No. It's not worth it.
I'll handle it. Go on.


Your father wants to talk.


What are you waiting for?

Would you like to have a brother?


I don't need one.
I like it like this.

You'd be less lonely.

I'm not lonely.
I have you.



Emilie, you told me
Bruno was on vacation.

I know you're there.
Open up.

Don't make me make a scene.
You know me.

Don't push me.

If you don't talk,
I'll force the door - I can.

I need to be alone.
Go away.

Stay calm.
Don't wake the neighbors.

We were supposed to meet.
You didn't show.

You owe me an explanation.

That's all I ask.
It's natural.

Nothing to say.
I need sleep.

Let's stop making a scene.
Open up.

Stop your show.
Piss off!

Why that tone?

The show's over.
I get your game. Go away.

I'll go to bed.
Be a jerk all night.

I have ear plugs.


The neighbors' dog
doesn't like noise.

He's very mean.

Don't bother breaking things.

What's wrong?

Why lock yourself in?
Take your pulse.

You hit me.

You realize you hit me?

I will again if you touch me.

What got into you?
What did I do?

What did you do?

You want me to tell?

You can't even realize it yourself!

It's no shock.
You hide the truth.

What truth?
What do you mean?

You're a doctor.

You knew she had fainted.
And fainted again.

But you did nothing.
You see?

You could have saved her.
Too late.

You neglected her as
if you wanted to get rid of her.

You accuse me of that?

It's true I refused to think
she could die.

That's why
I wanted to stay ignorant.

But you use it to...

It's not the 1st time
you wanted to humiliate me.

You remember
when I stole your records?

You made me return them publicly.

You love it when I feel shame.

It excites you.

You need it to feel secure.

- You've no right to say it.
- "Right?"

Always the right with you.

You hide behind the right.

There's nothing else in your life.

Your career
and your husband are the right.

Piss off. You're a public menace.
Piss off!

I wish you didn't exist.

That would suit you.

Then, you'd be the favorite.

You only feel hate for her.

Nothing else.

Because she didn't love you enough,
like you wanted.

Despite your efforts
to try to please her.

It's terrible to hate your mother.


I fell very far.

You're a pain, Antoine.
That's all we needed.


You always try to attack me.

That's blackmail.
I won't have it. Let's cross.

It could've k*lled you.

You did it just to spite me.

I'm saying nothing. I'm stoic.

- You're ridiculous.
- And proud of it.

Must we walk to see Mom?

The hospital's far, I'm tired,
and my leg hurts.

We'll take a taxi.

It's weird you don't drive.

No licence -
very revealing.

Screw what it reveals.

- Call it.
- Shut up! Come.

Shit. See!

- Do what you want.
- It's too late.

Minor damage involving
the right thalamic region,

with a ventricular mass.

This hyperdense damage
is most likely

hemorrhagic damage. Period.

No focalized damage
or other anomalies.

You see, I was right.

You had a stroke.
Why didn't you tell me?

Will I stay long?

There are still tests to run.

Routine exams.

If you're tired, don't talk.

Right, Antoine?

At my age,
it's normal to be tired, right?

Where will [ go then?

I don't want to return to
the rest home with the strangers.

You won't return there.

I promise.
Don't think about it.

Don't get upset.

It's all because of your father.

You must only think of resting.

He wanted you to be modern.

was all he could talk about.

He'd say to me...

"They must go to school...


"because they must be better.

"Better than us.
Because we...

"because we didn't have enough
to succeed...

"to succeed in today's world,

"with all the progress.”

I think his dream

was for you to be as you are:

I'm sure he's happy.

But I have one regret, which is

that I didn't have...
didn't have another child.

Because maybe...

he could have taken me to his home

without making a fuss.

You understand?

Excuse me.
I'm renting a house nearby.

You know, by the woods.

I must say
the roof of your mother's home...

There was a storm.
It damaged the roof.


By lightning?

Yes. It's not wise to leave it.

There may be more damage.
You should go there.

If you need repairs,
I know someone.

Thank you.
I'll take care of it.

Are there eggs at home?

That, I...

I don't know
if there's enough for...

How many are we? Seven.

I'll find some.

Wait. I'll go with you.

No, it's OK; I'll take care of it.
Wait for them.

Don't stay there.

Don't shake me.
It'll break my teeth in.

Come on, now.

- I wanna play the piano.
- You're crazy. Not today.

I'm upset.

You didn't know her.
You met once.

She was spiteful.

Don't say that.
She had character.

Maybe it's a generation thing.

We're not very important persons.

I can't speak to you,
so I wrote that.

I should have given it to you before,

but whenever I saw you,
I wanted to remain cold.

I wanted to show you
I was strong, free.

I rewrote it often.
I thought it was bad

and needed things.
It wasn't finalised.

I have a gift for words,
but when it comes to feelings,

I'm illiterate.

OK, I'll set the table.


Maybe we could eat outside.

Yes. I's a good idea.

How long will you wear the cast?

3 weeks. A long time.

Especially in this heat.
Must be awful.

It happened to me while skiing.
Luckily, it was winter.

I didn't know you ski.

You never asked.

I love the mountains,
especially the snow.

That's why I love winter.
It's my favorite season.

You, Dad?
What's your favorite season?


Don't ask me why.

You're so mysterious.
You could open up a little.

Autumn, because it's always
the start of something.

The start of the school year.

When I was a student,
I met your mother. There.

Now, you know why.

And you, Lulu?

Spring, because of chicks.

They wear light clothes.
You see figures, legs.

You don't surprise me.

what's your favorite season?

Really, I don't know.

That why I asked the others.

You're lucky to know.

And you, Antoine?

Like Emilie: summer.

Sorry, I'm exhausted.

It's this damn leg.

I think we all need rest.

Can I take your car
to bring Antoine back?

If you want to sleep here...
we have enough rooms.

No, thanks.
I want to go.

- I'll go with you.
- No, Emilie.

Don't get mixed up.
I need to be alone.

- "I call.
- Don't bother.

I won't be home.

I'll be at the club.
I love to see people dance.

Dancing's beautiful.

Will the youth go?

I have to.
I work there.

Tonight, it might be...


Even so, I'm going.
Khadija will dance. OK?


Can't you stay?
You want me to play piano?

No. I don't really like piano.

Can anyone here sing?

I think not.

Unless Khadija...

I sing badly.

I know a song.

But you don't sing it.
Speaking it's enough.

I learned it at boarding school.

I recited it
when I couldn't sleep,

to feel brave.

Brave enough to do what?

To wait.
And all I did was wait.

I waited my whole life,
like everyone.

I waited for vacation,
I waited to see Antoine.

Go on. We're listening.

Where is the friend
I'm seeking?

Since daybreak,
my desire only grows

And when night fades,
I call in vain

I see his footprints.
I know he's here

I feel he's wherever
strength rises up

Where flowers grow
or wheat bends

I feel him in air
whose breath caresses me

And I breathe with delight

And I hear his voice
blend in the song of summer