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Last Supper, The (1995)

Posted: 11/24/23 17:25
by bunniefuu
I'm your boogie man
That's what I am

I'm here to do whatever I can

Be it early morning
Late afternoon

Or at midnight
It's never too soon

To wanna please you
To wanna keep you

To wanna do it all
All for you

I wanna be your
Be your rubber ball

I wanna be the boy
you love most of all

Oh, yeah

I'm your boogie man
I'm your boogie man

Turn me on

I'm your boogie man
I'm your boogie man

Do what you want

I'm your boogie man
I'm your boogie man

Turn me on

I'm your boogie man
I'm your boogie man

Do what you want

I'm your boogieman
That's what I am

I'm here to do whatever I can

Be it early mornin',
late afternoon

Or at midnight,
it's never too soon

To wanna take you
To wanna hold you

I wanna give me all
All to you

And I want you
to completely understand

Just where I'm at
and where I am

Oh, yeah

I'm your boogie man
I'm your boogie man

Turn me on

I'm your boogie man
I'm your boogie man

Do what you want

I'm your boogie man
I'm your boogie man

Turn me on

I'm your boogie man
I'm your boogie man

Do what you want

I'm your boogie man

I'm your boogie man


File this under
amazing stories, my friends.

It seems that the National
Organization for Women,

otherwise known as NOW,

otherwise known
as lesbians fond of plaid,

have chosen, once again,
to take issue with yours truly.

These angry feminists,

and I say angry feminists
like there's some other kind...

Should we be helping her?
We should be helping her.

So start helping her.

You don't need us to help her.
You can help her.

Why don't you help her?

Why don't I carry
your slippers in my mouth?

That's an answer?

You don't help her, you don't help us.
You're a big cow.

I guess we'll have the appetizers while
we wait for Pete and what's-her-name.

I didn't have tomatoes for salsa
so we have to dip in hummus.

- Sorry.
- I don't care.

Thank you, Paulie.

What we need in this country,
my friends, is leadership.

Someone who can stand up
to the liberals.

We need a return, God darn it,
of the promise of the Reagan-Bush years.

A time of unequaled growth
in this county.

We need Norman!

Well, careful folks,
you just might get me.

Please. Can we get this idiot
out of our living room?

Who, Norman?

- He's a moron!
- Honey, he's a genius.

Here's a guy who can take any issue,
no matter how trivial,

and turn it into a national debate.

He tells lies better
than most people tell the truth.


It's always good to keep track
of what the enemy is doing.

A storm is brewing, my friends.
Someone has to stop it.

Well, it's my TV.

That was truly puerile.

- Okay, so who's Pete bringing?
- Jenny Tyler.

Not funny.

- The kidnapped girl, that's funny.
- It's very funny, it's just tasteless.

That's them.

Is it me, or does someone around here
need to get laid more often?

Yeah, me.

- I'm available.
- Talk to her.

What happened?

Don't ask. Cindy stood me up again.
Then my f*cking Benz...

- No guest?
- Not exactly.

Zack? Zack, this is Marc.
Marc, this is Zack.

How are you doing?

Zack, he picked me up
in his pickup truck.

What was wrong with my Mercedes again?

Cracked manifold.

No sh*t?

- I said, "Can I?" My wallet...
- Oh, yeah.

- What do you need, like a...
- A two.

That's good. Thank you, Zack.

Thanks, I don't usually take charity.
Well, I'll be seeing you guys.

No, no, wait. Come on. Stay for dinner.

Why don't you stay for dinner?

Because we're expecting a guest anyway,
we got a place set.

- I don't want to be any trouble.
- No, no, no. Please, it's horrible out.

- You helped us out, so please.
- Come on. All right?

What are you having?



- I can eat that.
- Cool.

Pete, why don't you
just get a new car?

But I love my car.

Yeah, maybe your folks can give you
another hand-me-down Mercedes.

No, Jude, it would have to be a new car.

Hey, you know what, Twitchy was
looking for you in the quad today.

- No.
- Yes, way.


He had that big booty butt, you know?

No, he was looking for me?

Excuse me,
aren't you all forgetting something?

Oh, we eat our salad after
the main course, European-style.

- No, I mean grace.
- We don't say grace.

You don't want to thank somebody for
putting this nice food on your table?

I hope you put in a good word
for us heathens.

I did, but I don't think he heard.

Well, all right.

So, Zack, do you live around here?

Why do you want to know where I live?

Just making conversation.

You see, every Sunday
for about a year now

we've been inviting a guest
over for dinner and discussion.

What do you talk about?

Everything. Life. Current events.

- The environment.
- The law.

Well, I don't live anywhere around here.
I drive a truck.

Yeah, Zack was telling me
on the way over here

that he's actually driven through

- all 48 conterminous states.
- Mmm, wow.


So, you all college students
or something?

- We're grad students.
- What's that?

It means we've graduated.
We're earning our Master's degrees.

I'm going to be a master painter.

- Master lawyer.
- Masturbator.

Just plain master.

I'm studying social work.

Jude is actually
continuing studies in, um...

What is it this week?

Psychology. Thank you.

You paint those pictures there?


Marc wants to be a time traveler.

Time traveler?

You know,
go back in time to change history.

What if the Confederacy
had a liquid metal guy?

Or what if Eisenhower was a girl?

And what do you do again?

Don't you know?
I am a professional basketball player.

- Are you making fun of me?
- No.

Of course not.

I'm getting my Ph.D.
in political science.

That means I'm going to be a doctor.

Zack, have you always driven a truck?

No, I was in the Marines.

I was in the w*r.

w*r? What w*r?

Desert Storm.

Was that really a w*r?

I just thought that was
a Republican commercial campaign.

You got a problem with patriotism?

As a concept? No.

Well, I love my country,

and I will fight anyone
who says different.

"Who was Joey Goebbels, 1933?"

But wait. Seriously, I don't think
the Germans were actually patriotic.

I think it was
a hysterical wave of nationalism.

- Patriotism leads to nationalism.
- No, not true.

Wait. Which one had
the designated-hitter rule?

- The American League.
- Okay, I just wanted to know.

h*tler had the right idea.

Excuse me?

That was
an extraordinary statement, Zack.

I'm not saying
that k*lling Jews was right.


If he really did.
I mean, there's no real proof, you know.

Um, he k*lled six million Jews.

And millions of Gypsies and Catholics.

All numbers, really.

Nobody can prove it. Funny, ain't it?

When it comes to buying sh*t, the Jews
are always bringing the numbers down.

"$2,000 for this old car?
I'll give you $1,200, tops," right?

When it comes to WWII,
they're always pushing the numbers up.

First it's six million,
then it's seven million.

- Why don't we change the subject?
- Yeah, do you like the lasagne?

No, I want to hear this. Wait a minute.

What do you think,
in your vastly finite wisdom

that h*tler had the right idea about?

Well, it's common knowledge
that the Jews, no offense,

were stealing money
from the German people,

just like they do here now.


- Oh, yeah, it's a fact.
- Okay.

- First of all, the Jews were Germans.
- Come on, Jews ain't like that.

No, come on. Jews ain't like that.
It's always being a Jew first.

Oh, I see.

That's why everybody hates them.

Everybody does not hate the Jews.

You're thinking about people
who can read.

Marc, you're a Jew, right?

- Right.
- All right.

If the U.S. was to go
to w*r against Israel,

who would you fight for?

Well, I guess that would be the side

that paid me the most.

How about you, Luke?
If the U.S. was to fight Africa?

Africa is a continent, Zack.

Yeah, I know that.
Which side would you take?

Well, what if the U.S. went to w*r
against whatever Louisiana swamp

you come from?

How's that for heavy?

Calling people names, that ain't polite.

Of course, that's always been
the trouble with colored people.

Quick temper.

Excuse me?

You know, my grandfather used to say,
if he knew you boys

were going to be so much trouble,

we'd just pick
the damn cotton ourselves.

Is that so?

Am I conscious?


- Why don't we just eat?
- Fine with me.

Am I here?

Grad students, sh*t.

You all don't know nothing
about anything anyway.

Yeah, Zack, I'm sure you're much smarter
than we are.

Christ, I know what you all are.
You're a bunch of damn liberals.

- What are you, a n*zi?
- Or is that too far to the left?

You all think
you're so smart, don't you?


You all just sit back and you whine
and you complain like you always do,

but you don't do nothing.

A w*r comes up, do you fight?
Hell no, you protest.

- Protest can be a powerful thing.
- Protest is for pussies.

Try fighting for something,
putting your life on the line,

before you start talking to me
about powerful things.

You left-wingers make me want to puke.

You never take a real stand.

- A stand that you'd be willing to...
- Die for?

No, boy, dying's easy.

Ain't nothing heroic about dying.

But if you can take a stand
for something you'd k*ll for,

that's something. Something special.

Okay. All right,

I think maybe
you should leave now, Zack.

Oh, I'm fixing to. Don't worry.

One of these days,
all you bleeding hearts

are going to learn that we're right.

Us people with jobs, I'm talking about.
Real people.

We do all the fighting and working
and dying, and you do all the bitching.

Grad students,
I'm glad you all don't join up.

You wouldn't even know what to do,
would you?

Guess not.

What the f*ck are you doing, Zack?

I ain't gonna hurt him. I'm gonna show
you all something. A little experiment.

- Okay, Zack, we get your point.
- f*ck you all.

I fought for my country.
I k*lled for my country.

All the while,
you guys were laughing back here,

hoping we'd fall on our faces.

- Please, stop it!
- Calm down, Zack!

f*ck you!
Look at your buddy here, scared white.

Well, blue eyes, a guy's holding a Kn*fe
to your throat

telling you he's going to k*ll you.
Oh, yeah, he's going to k*ll you.

Then I'm going to r*pe
your pretty girlfriend there

before I k*ll her, too.

What are you gonna do,
kike, bargain with me?


Get this boy some balls!

That shut you up, huh? Huh, w*r hero?

You think you can come in here
and bully us?

Huh? You thr*aten women?

Some w*r,
us against some Third World country!

Pushing buttons and smart-bombing

So, tough guy,
What did you train on, huh? Nintendo?

I bet you didn't even get off the boat,
you ignorant f*ck!

You finished, rich boy?

You have soft hands.

Stop it! You're hurting him!

He's a tough guy. He can take it.

I didn't mean to break...

- Is he really dead?
- Yes, Paulie, he's really dead!

It's a side effect of
a Kn*fe in the back!

Oh, Christ! Oh, Christ!

- Now you find religion.
- Shut up! Look at all this blood!

- That was self-defense!
- No, he wasn't hurting you!

Oh, my f*cking arm,
he broke my arm!

Wait. Am I an accomplice?

Let's just get ourselves
together here now.

A little late to be getting rational,
buddy, don't you think?

Well, I had to do something.
The rest of you just sat there!

- He broke my f*cking arm!
- He broke his f*cking arm!

He was a right-wing assh*le.

That's still no excuse to k*ll a person!

It's a pretty good reason.

Well, I'm a m*rder*r.

We have to tell the police
what happened. They'll understand.

Of course they'll understand.
"College kid kills farm-boy w*r hero."

You'll probably just get a ticket.

Marc could plead insanity.
We'll cover for you, Marc.

Van Gogh did some of his best work
in an asylum.

- Thanks.
- I can't believe this.

I mean, this man is dead.
He's not breathing.

He's never getting up again.

And all you can think about is Marc's
future employment opportunities!

Well, we could discuss Zack's
future opportunities, but at this point,

I think they're limited.

Oh, my God!

Calm down, Paulie.
Somebody give her a drink!

I need a drink!

I will not calm down!
Nobody should calm down!

You all act like this is something
we do every Sunday!

Invite a guest over
and if we don't agree with his politics,

then k*ll him!

Paulie, he pulled a Kn*fe, honey.
He threatened to r*pe you.

We're all in shock, Paulie.

We're just dealing
with it in our different ways.

You got that right.

I say we just bury the cr*cker
and eat dessert.

This is terrible!

It's not that bad, Paulie.
People get k*lled every day.

People a lot nicer
and more innocent than Zack.

If you want to feel bad,
feel bad about one of them.

He was carrying a hunting Kn*fe.
What is up with that?

Maybe he was a hunter!

People shouldn't go
around carrying big knives.

Hey, it's not illegal
to carry a big Kn*fe!

Well, it should be. Look what happened.

It is, however, illegal to s*ab someone!
Especially in the back!

Christ, Pete.
Why don't you just give him your card?

We have to tell the police!

- Yes!
- I'm not going to be an accomplice.

I really admire how you consistently put
your feelings first before anybody else.

Me? You're the one that's sending
your boyfriend to the pokey.

Okay, listen!
Let's just tell them the truth.

Zack got drunk. Marc got drunk.
Marc stabbed him.

At worst, you're gonna get
involuntary manslaughter.

- I didn't get drunk.
- Better start now.

- I smoked dope.
- Yeah, tell them that.

Listen, I am being serious.
It was an accident. They'll understand.

Oh, yeah, "Officer, um,
to make a long story short,

"we had this guy over for dinner.

"He was rude,
so Marc stabbed him in the back!

"Do you have a problem with that?"
Wake up, Pete!


All right, do I need a coat?

- I'll go with you.
- Hold on, hold on.

- Come on.
- The police are an option.

- They're the only option.
- No, no. There is another option.

Yes! Take me to a hospital!

Hear me out.

What if we just forget about it?

Are you out of your mind?

Listen. Say we just bury this guy
in the backyard or something.

- People disappear all the time.
- Especially in Iowa.

I mean, we probably saved him
from an alien abduction.

We don't report anything.
We don't tell anyone.

We just let this pass.

No! We don't just let this pass.


You want to go to jail
for this fascist f*ck?

He's dead, Luke!


And nothing is going to change that.

Luke is right.
We all know it was an accident.

If we let this pass,
we can go on with the rest of our lives.

If we don't let this pass,
things will never be the same.

Things already will never be the same.

Have I mentioned
that my f*cking arm is f*cking broken!


- Pete, where's Zack's truck?
- It's out front.

Good, this is what we're going to do.
Paulie, Jude, take Pete to the hospital.


Marc? Marc!


- I want you to help me bury the body.
- Okay.

Then I'll drive the truck somewhere,
somewhere far.

Then... Marc!

- Marc?
- What?

I want you to follow me in your car
and bring me back.

You're serious,
just pretend that this never happened?

What never happened?


Oh, Lord.

Is that the license plate
from the Mercedes last night?

- Yeah.
- Was it important?

Probably not. What are those?

Leads on the kidnapping.

You go on TV talking about Jenny Tyler,
everybody wants to talk to Alice.

Three guys have proposed already.

Everywhere is freaks and hairies

Dykes and fairies

Tell me where is sanity

Nothing in the Times.

We're all clear in the Tribune.
Did you check the USA Today?

- Let's not flatter ourselves.
- I'm not talking about the front page.

How about those Hawkeyes, huh?

I'm talking
about the back page.

They have that little section
on each state.

Just do it.

"Iowa, Ames. City Council approves
expansion of the Iowa State

"athletic facility
at a budget of $2 million"

I think we're in the clear.

And would you take off those glasses
and that homeboy hat?

- You got a problem?
- assh*le.

That's a guy that we should
have over for dinner.


Here's a hypothetical...

If you try and trivialize
this horrific situation

with one of your stupid hypotheticals,
Marc, I'll scream.

Just hear me out.

You're a time traveler...


It's 1909 in Austria. Okay?

You're in a pub having a schnapps
with a stranger,

a young art student with one testicle.
Let's say his name is Adolf.

Now, Adolf at this point in his life
has done no wrong.

He's not bitter. He's not angry.
He's committed no crime.

He does not bring knives
to the dinner table.

He has not k*lled anybody.

He certainly hasn't started a world w*r.

Your point being?

Do you k*ll him?

Do you poison his schnapps

to save all those millions
of innocent people?

Would h*tler drink schnapps?

Look, this is ridiculous.
Zack was not h*tler.

How do you know?
You can't look into the future, can you?

Well, I would k*ll the bastard slowly.

You know where I stand. Pete?

No comment.

I would use something blunt
like a m*therf*cking chair.

Paulie, it's not like
we're k*lling Mozart here.

We k*lled a guy that I am sure
was an evil force on this planet.

An evil force on this planet?

You have to start reading books
without pictures, Marc.

Yeah, you're not God.

You can't decide who's good and evil,
who lives or who dies.

But what if you k*ll somebody whose
death makes the world a better place?

But that's bullshit.

We have no idea that Zack's death
makes this world any better.

My world feels better.

- Well, maybe he was right.
- Who?

Zack. Maybe he was right
about how we do nothing but talk.

We sit back and let the conservatives
do whatever the hell they want.

You know, they put aside
their differences

and they achieve their common goals.

We always seem to get stuck arguing
about the stupidest,

tiniest, little things.

What, like m*rder?
Conservatives are simple.

No, they're effective.
So, we buy animal-friendly mascara,

or we stop buying grapes,
but we don't do anything.

- All we do is fight.
- We do not fight.

- Yes, we do.
- No, we don't.

We do.

Look, we're liberals.
We do the right thing.

Then how come the world is so f*cked up?

- Because we don't run the world.
- Exactly, we don't.

- You see, we finally do some good.
- Do some good?

Think about all the right-wing assholes

the world would've
been better off without

if someone had wasted them
before they did any damage.

Anyone who ever k*lled
an abortion doctor.

Pol Pot. Idi Amin.

- Josef Mengele.
- Joseph McCarthy.

Joey Terrio.

From Dance Fever?

No, it was the kid from sixth grade.
Broke my glasses eight times.

Little m*therf*cker.

And if they're such big assholes,
we can't convince them.

Well, you're sitting across from h*tler.

Still no comment?

Well, I mean, if it was h*tler,
I would k*ll him.

- Paulie?
- No.

No. I would thank him for his schnapps,

get back into the time machine,
set it for home and go to bed.

Which is where I'm going right now.
Good night.

Good night.

I wouldn't want to s*ab him though,
because that was too weird.

I would club them.

Obviously, we'd poison them.


I wouldn't want them to know
that they were being poisoned.

I mean,
it's bad enough they have to die.

I wouldn't want
their last thoughts to be,

"Hey, I'm being k*lled
by these liberals."

No, maybe we could just scream and act
like it's some horrible accident.

That way their last thoughts
on Earth wouldn't be horrible ones.

That's nice.

Jude already knows.

The blue bottle is bad.
The green bottle is good.

What is that stuff anyway?


None of us are going to do this.

Probably not. But,

just in case the guy pulls a Kn*fe.

Everyone, this is
Reverend Gerald Hutchens.

- This is Luke.
- Luke, a pleasure.

- Paulie.
- Paulie, a pleasure.

- That's Marc there. And Pete.
- Marc.

- Oh, Pete.
- Sorry.

- Nice to meet all of you.
- Nice to meet you.

I had no idea
this meal was going to be so formal.

Well, we like to take
care of our guests, Reverend.

So, Reverend, where's your parish?

Oh, we have a little parish outside
of Maple Falls.

- Oh, really, that's where I'm from.
- You must have seen our manger.

We have the biggest
baby Jesus in the county.

I hope you're hungry.

I am famished.

And it all looks so delicious.

- Is that apple pie?
- It's homemade.

Uh-huh. Really?

Would you like to say grace?

I would love it.

I had no idea
that you younger people were into that.

That's very charming.

Shall we bow our heads?

Bless us, Oh Lord, for this bounty
for which we are about to receive.

A f*cking reverend?

For this blessing of youth
and kindness...

- of youth and kindness...
- Wait. have chosen to bestow upon me.
God bless us all.

So, Reverend,
how do you and Jude know one another?

I interviewed the good Reverend
for a research paper I was doing.

Yes, uh, on the vileness.

The vileness?

The gay plague, of course.

On the use of secular therapy
in comforting families of AIDS patients.

The good Reverend here was kind enough
to let me use his view

as a counterpoint position.


So, you don't believe
in comforting the families?

No, I do not believe in comforting the
families of irredeemable mortal sinners.

Are those biscuits made from scratch?



They're lovely.


Of course, AIDS is not a sin,
it's a terrible disease.

Not quite.

h*m* is the terrible disease
and AIDS is the cure.

Is there butter?

Come again?

- Butter?
- Butter, yeah.

Thank you.

No, when you violate the moral,
health, and hygiene laws,

you reap the whirlwind.

You can not shake your fist
in God's face and get by with it.

- Ready for more wine?
- No, wait!

I mean, it's white wine
and we're having meat.

I think we should wait for dessert.


Surely, being a reverend
you must have some compassion?

Yes, Jesus himself would be one of
the most compassionate men in history.

Why, yes, certainly. But Jesus would
never touch a h*m*.

But we're all God's children.

We are all God's children,

but like children,
we can get into trouble.

And when we do, we must be punished.

- Gerald is the leader of God's Way.
- God's Way?

h*m* are the living, breathing
cesspool of pathogens.

We simply propose to put them out
on a desert island with

enough foodstuffs to last them
for their limited lifetimes.

And what would that be?

Say, two years tops?

That way, for a nominal cost to us

they would all die.

- Is this radicchio?
- Yes.

Has anyone close
to you ever d*ed of AIDS?

- Really?
- Really.


I think it's time for dessert.


Thank you.

I'd like to propose a toast.

To God's soldiers.

I like that.

This pie is delicious.

- Is anything wrong?
- We're dieting.

- Can I make a confession?
- Do you want more white wine?

No. Uh...

I think this pie might be

a little too rich.

Excuse me.

Is he dead?

- He's real dead.
- Oh, God.

Maybe we should say
the last rites or something.

- No, you do that before.
- Oh.

We should just finish dinner
before it gets cold.

How can you guys eat
with a dead man at the table?

What is your problem?

You're the one that gave him
his death sentence.

"I think it's time for dessert."
What was that, Anne Rice?

I think Paulie behaved,
performed, beautifully.

Yes, so do I.
We gave him every chance possible.

I want to propose a toast.

To us, for making a difference,

for putting aside our differences

and for making the world a better place.


Please pass the radicchio. Butter?

- Don't choke.
- Hit him on the back. He's choking.

Not funny.

Are you okay?

Jesus Christ,
he switched the glasses.

- Marc, he switched the glasses!
- Oh, my God!

- Get up, Marc. The Heimlich!
- Marc! Marc!

Call 911!


Marc! Oh, sh*t!



- You jerk.
- Jerk!

- Let's get him out of here, huh?
- Oh, yeah.

This was in the paper today.

They want to do another

gay pride parade.

I mean, do you really think that
a bunch of gays and lesbians

strutting through town
constitutes a parade?

Does anybody remember
what it was like when we were kids

and we had parades that meant something,

that were about real,
wonderfully festive events

with people dressed
in wonderfully inventive costumes,

like kings and queens.

You know, actually,
now that I think about it,

that does sound a little bit
like a gay pride march.

How often does a woman say "no"

but she really means "yes"?

She says "stop,"
but she means "keep going."

You can't bring the law into someone's
bedroom, it's constitutionally wrong.

Isn't violating a woman's body
constitutionally wrong?

Isn't leading a man on wrong?

If a woman accepts a date with a man,
especially in this day and age,

she knows what he's after
and she accepts.

So you think that all dates lead to sex?

I don't.

Man is the dominant species.
Women are the dominated.

They are the weaker sex
and they always will be.

We're not talking about species.

A man does not have
the right to r*pe a woman.

No, of course he doesn't, Paulie.
r*pe is a terrible thing.

But it is also much rarer
than people think.

When a woman cries r*pe,

it's usually because she's already
consented to sex.

- Really?
- Yeah, really.

And if she doesn't allow herself
to enjoy it, then she feels used.

So women,
vindictive by nature, cry r*pe.

And force the man to suffer
the feelings of inadequacy

that they themselves have created.

The world stops and you destroy the man.

It's quite self-defeating, really.

Keep them in the kitchen,
barefoot and pregnant.

No, I think that's a little sexist.

So, this is what
your parade is all about?

We're stealing a chapter
from the civil rights movement.


You got to fight
for what you believe in, right?


Absolutely, I think we can
all drink to that.


Contaminated minds play
judge and jury, too

Oh, no

But contaminated minds
are blind to the truth

Oh, yeah



But not everybody
has the luxury of choice

Oh, no

Some people search for the holy grail

Good evening, sorry to bother you.
I'm Sheriff Stanley.

I'm going door-to-door and asking people
for information regarding Jenny Tyler,

the missing girl.

I'm wondering if you could just take
a look at a few pictures.

If I don't use everything
in my power to block that entrance,

innocent unborn children will die.

And if I have to k*ll someone
to stop that, well,

that is what the Right to Life Movement
is all about.

Contaminated minds
play judge and jury, too

Oh, no

But contaminated minds
are blind to truth

Oh, yeah

These hippies want our...

Native American, heaven forbid,
I almost called them Indian children,

to blame our forefathers for all
of their trouble instead of their own.

Now, I'm the first to admit
we took this country from the Indians.

But what in the world
were they doing with it anyway?

sh**ting off bows and arrows
and using seashells for money.

Baby, let's get together

And do the things

Ah, do the things

That we like to do

Oh, do a little dance

Make a little love

Get down tonight

Get down tonight

Do a little dance

Make a little love

Get down tonight

Get down tonight



Get down, get...

You bastard!

Brother, have you lost your mind,
serving me this filthy swine!

I can't eat this.
This is why the first thing we must do

is eliminate the traitors among us.

Then we can concentrate on
the true enemy.

Alice! When the rain finally stopped,
the water went down to its normal level

and it just popped up.
Jack Mayr, with the leg brace, found it.

Have you searched it?

We're getting ready to go. I think
there's some blood under the mat.

See that, right there.

Yeah, okay. Bring it up.
I want to run a search on the plates.

Watch your step, it's slippery.

Hang on, Jenny. I'm getting closer.

You know, I never really
thought of it that way.

Maybe you all are right.
Maybe they are just all people.

They got feelings. They got family.



You are entitled to your own opinion,
of course.

Yeah! It's true!
You got to b*at them homeless senseless.

Make sure they know their place.

We don't want lives of steel

We don't want hearts that feel

We want to live above it all

I feel you closing in

A target on my skin

I think you'll be there when I fall

When I fall, when I fall

When I fall

When I fall

When I fall

Are you okay?

Yeah, it's just my stomach has been
k*lling me for about three weeks.


Maybe it's all these tomatoes.

We might get out of time

We might connect our mind

We might land beyond the wall

When I fall, when I fall

When I fall, when I fall

When I fall


Yeah, real nice work.

I couldn't sleep.

I see.

I might give love to you

Where have you been?

I got to take a shower.

Can I join you?

I climb so high to see you

But the ground just teases me

I think you'll be there when I fall

When I fall, when I fall

When I fall, when I fall

When I fall

When I fall, when I fall

When I fall

I'm burning when I fall

I fall

When I fall

I'm amazed by it all

I've never met anyone who's anti-Earth.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

I'm not anti-Earth. I'm pro-earthling.

It's just kind of hard

to care about the greenhouse effect
if you don't have a house.

You see, I think it all comes down
to evolution anyway.

Survival of the fittest.

I mean, if the spotted owl's time is up,

hasta la vista, baby, I guess.

See now, your damn liberals,
on the other hand,

they'd be protecting the rights
of the dinosaurs if they could.

You know, I would defend them, too,
if they weren't already extinct.


A little wine. All right.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.


I sh**t skeet.
I have a license.

Well, you should never leave
an unsecured g*n in a car.

I know that.
I'm sorry. My car, it was dead.

- And a guy picked me up in a truck.
- A truck?

Yeah, and I didn't want to stop him
with the r*fle in my hands.

- What kind of a truck?
- A pickup truck.

Did it look like this truck?

Maybe, it was very dark that night.

But it's possible. Was it this color?

Yes, it's a possibility. Yeah, sure.

Did you get a look at the driver?

Honestly, I don't remember.

- White man, black man?
- No.

White. How do you say? Medium build.

Well, that truck belonged
to a known felon.

We found it dumped next
to the Missouri River.

I want to show you a couple of pictures.
Maybe you could identify the man.


Ooh. No, sorry.

We found traces of blood
inside the truck.

We're waiting for tests to see
if it matches Jenny Tyler's.

That little girl?

That would be horrible.

I want you to think about
this really hard.

And if you can remember anything
or you see this man again,

I want you to call me immediately.

- Understand that?
- Oh, of course.

You should consider yourself
very lucky, Mr. Van Doren.

You might've been
this close to a m*rder*r.


- We've been thinking.
- About us.

- You have?
- Yes.

We don't feel that we're giving people
enough of a chance.

Remember the original plan?

We said we wouldn't k*ll anyone
unless we couldn't change their minds.

So we haven't changed anyone's mind.
Maybe we're not as smart as we thought.

Luke, the guy with the swastika sat down
and you told him it was happy hour.

I figured, "Why waste the food?"

What food? Man, we're not even
giving people a decent meal anymore.

The f*g-basher had Chinese.

Chung King is not Chinese.

We had soy sauce.

Let's remember why we started this
in the first place.

Yes, sir, master.

Catcher in the Rye
is supposed to be art?

Thumbelina is art.

Catcher in the Rye
is just mean-spirited garbage

littered with the F-word.

I've heard enough. How about a toast?

Come on, this is pathetic.

Oh, come on. A toast.

I'll get it.

Well, thank you.


Good evening, sir. I'm sorry
to bother you at the dinner hour,

but I'm going house-to-house
to see if anyone has information

regarding Jenny Tyler.

- The kidnapped girl?
- Right.

I wonder if you'd look at some pictures?

Uh, sure. You know,
I've got some company...

It won't take a minute.

All right.

Have you seen any of these men?

What is it, hon?

- Good evening.
- Hi.

I'm sorry, this is, um...
I forgot your name.

Don't worry, Officer. He's not driving.

I trust you. Sheriff Alice Stanley.

Paulie Layton.

My grandfather was chief of police
in Maple Falls, way back.


Maybe you'd like to look through
this stack and see if you

recognize any of the men
in the pictures.



He was chief of police for over
32 years. They called him "Big Smokey."

He drank, too.

I'm sorry, Sheriff, but none of them
look like anyone I would want to know.

Pretty scary-looking bunch, actually.

I don't know any of them.

You stopped on this picture.
Have you seen this man before?

Yeah, no. I mean, just...

What was that?

I don't know. Honey, why don't you
go see if our guests are all right?


Jude's okay,
but I think the dessert's about had it.

- Good evening, Mr. Van Doren.
- Oh, hi, Sheriff Stanley.

Is this the house
where you were dropped off that night?

We're roommates.

Well, maybe that's why
this picture is familiar to you.

Have you seen this man before?

No, they haven't.

Remember when he dropped me off
that night,

you guys were all inside, remember?

- Mmm.
- Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Inside... He was like, dripping wet.
It was like wet.

It was pouring out.

You went through
the stack pretty quickly.

Would you like to take another look?

No. I told you,
they're very scary-looking.

I've never seen criminals like that.

Your grandfather never had
any mug sh*ts laying around?

No. I d*ed long before, I mean, he d*ed

long before I was born.

Well, okay.

- Thank you.
- Sure.

Oh, um...

By the way, Mr. Van Doren,
for your information,

that blood we found did check out.


Thank you.

Good night.

- Good night.
- Good night.

What the hell happened?

- Barbara doesn't drink wine.
- So this fucker stabbed her!

you were saying about the sheriff?

- Let me explain.
- What sheriff, Pete?

The other day
I got called in for questioning.

- Oh, f*ck!
- What?

It's got nothing to do with us,
believe me.

- Look, remember that night with Zack?
- Yeah.

I left my car
on the side of the road, remember?

Well, I also left my r*fle in the car,
because I didn't want to scare Zack.

Well, the sheriff found the car,
she also found the r*fle.

She called me in.

- It's no big deal.
- Not a big deal? She had Zack's picture.

I was getting to that.
They found Zack's truck.

Oh, f*ck!

When were you
going to mention this, Pete?

It's got nothing to do with us.

Listen, I got called in
because of the r*fle.

Completely separate from that,
they found Zack's truck

with some of Jenny Tyler's blood
in the back seat.

Now, the sheriff,
she doesn't know Zack's dead,

so she's looking everywhere for him

because he probably k*lled
that poor little girl.

Oh, f*ck!

- See, we did some good there.
- Of course we did.

You were right, Luke.

- Hey! Hooray for us!
- Whoo!

What if they trace Zack back to here?

No, that's not going to happen, Jude.

They found the truck
and that was not supposed to happen.

She's right.

Maybe this is just a sign
that we should just slow down.

- Paranoia, paranoia!
- f*ck you, guys.

- What are you talking about?
- We got rid of a child m*rder*r

and now you're acting
like we've done something wrong.

Yeah, what if Zack had lived?

I mean, we stopped him before
he k*lled anyone else.

Isn't that why we started this
in the first place?

- Yes.
- But look at her.

She was just an illiterate.
I mean, we're getting out of hand.

We've been careful, Marc.
No one's going to touch us.

We have to slow down. Slow down.

- We have k*lled nine people.
- Ten people.

- Nine! I was an accounting major once.
- It's only nine.

- It's 10.
- It's nine!


- You're not gonna count Zack.
- He was the first one.

He was an accident.

If he's in the garden, it counts.
That's the rule.

You are f*cking crazy.

There are no rules, okay?
We're k*lling people, for God's sakes!

They're not people.
They're people who hate.

What are you talking about?
Give me a break. She just had bad taste.

I didn't k*ll you for that haircut.

Oh, that's a good one
coming from a fashion

victim like you, you f*cking moron.

All I'm saying is we have to think more.
Think! Hooray for us, come on, wake up!

All right, all right!

Let's just get rid of Miss Mensa here.

Just go to sleep, okay?

You might recognize Heather
from the newspaper.

She's the one who's suing
her high school.

Oh, that's right. The condom thing.

Well, that's how the press
has simplified it.

Actually, I'm suing the school because

they're violating my constitutional
right to privacy

by making sexual education mandatory
for graduation.

I'm sure that's going to get you
a lot of publicity, Heather.

But in legal terms,
your case is what we call bullshit.

Why? That's the way things ought to be.

Number one, the court understands that
especially in this day and age of AIDS,

sexual education must be mandatory
to insure the public safety.

- No, that's not so.
- Oh, no?

No. I don't go to those classes

and I'm perfectly safe.

Sexual education and free
condoms sends a message to kids my age

that they should
be having premarital sex!

But, Heather,
you're a high school senior.

When I was in high school,
I was curious.

- I'm sure you were.
- Shut up.

Don't you ever
have any of those feelings?

I mean, they can be really nice.

No offense, ma'am,
but that curiosity isn't human nature.

But rather your generation's lower
standard of morality

that has put my generation at risk.

Heather, you're not hearing me.

No, I see a great danger in the world
and I want to stop it.

We have to get back to family values
in this country.

Heather, have you ever had sex?


That's a very inappropriate question
for the dinner table.

- How can you sit there, all of 17...
- Seventeen and a half.

And preach to me about family values
and sexual education?

You don't even know what it's like
to have sex.

I knew girls like you in high school,
so pretty and so stuck up

that all the guys
were afraid to ask you out.

- Luke.
- You know what you need, Heather?

You know what you really need?

You need a good stiff d*ck
that'll shut that mouth.

- Luke!
- Oh, sh*t!

- Shut up, Luke!
- All right, I'm sorry.

How about a glass of wine, Heather,
to loosen you up? Come on.

- Hey!
- I don't drink!

One little sip
ain't gonna k*ll you, baby.

What's the matter with you?

Hey, nothing. Let's just drink
and get this over with!

- I don't think so.
- Why is he so mean?

Let's not let Luke's little outburst
cloud the issue here.

That's exactly it.

Hey, will you just cool it for a minute?
Can't you see that we've upset her?

You'd better shut your mouth, man.

- I'm going to walk Heather out now.
- That would be a bad idea, Jude.

No, I want to go.

I don't think so.

- She's a child.
- h*tler was a child once, too.

We're getting too emotional.

- That's funny, coming from you.
- What the hell is that supposed to mean?

You'd better shut your f*cking mouth,

or I'll break your other f*cking arm,
you know?

Shut up!

Oh, that's new, actually attacking
someone when you're facing them.

Stop it. Stop it!

Stop it.


- Thank you.
- We need a vacation.

- Come on, Heather, let me take you home.
- Figure this sh*t out after the break.

What the hell do you think you're doing?
Those are mine.

Getting rid of your lovely
little borders here.

Why don't you just put up a sign saying,
"Cemetery, bodies buried here"?

Why don't you mind
your own f*cking business?

I am minding my own f*cking business.
And you need to get your sh*t together.

I've got my sh*t together fine,
don't worry about that.

The travel agent's on the phone for you.
Going to Guyana over the break?

Yes, spring break in Guyana.

You enjoy yourself.

- After you.
- Oh, no, after you.


Can I help you?

Hi, I'm Sheriff Stanley.

Are you trespassing
or just interested in olericulture?


Olericulture, the growing of vegetables.

Yes, olericulture.

- I've never tasted tomatoes this sweet.
- Thank you.

- Is it something you put in the soil?
- No, just good topsoil.

Got to keep the earth moving,
my grandmother always said.

Is that why everything looks so dug up?


It's a secret.

Don't let it out or everyone
will start growing these things.

Don't worry, your secret's safe with me.

My business is almost done here.

Your business?

The Jenny Tyler case.
Haven't your roommates told you?

Oh, yes, that girl.

I think she's dead.

There's always hope, isn't there?

Have a good day.

Rain, rain, rain

A wicked rain falling from the sky

Down, down, down

Pouring down upon the night

Well, there's just one chance
in a million

That someday we'll make it out alive

Rain, rain, rain

An evil rain falling all the time


Sun don't ever want to shine

Well, there'll be
no light in the morning

Till some peace at last we find

Like travelers in the darkness

Can't see our way

Trying hard to make it through
another day

Fa, fa, father

Why do you let your sons go astray

Bruh, bruh, brother

Why must we go on this way

There's a storm off in the distance

And it looks like it's here to stay

Thank you.

We don't have a book.

Oh. Well, I'll have to call my publisher

and have them send more
down here immediately.

That's the price of greatness.

I think it's more the boredom of travel,

- but thanks anyway for the compliment.
- No, no. You are a great man.

Well, I'm a loud man. But thanks again.

Say, uh, you fellas wouldn't know

where a guy could get a decent meal
around here, would you?


Can you believe that Norman
Arbuthnot was at the airport?

I'm sure it's a real bitch flying
your own private jet.

- How many drops does Luke put in?
- I think just a few.

Well, f*ck that.

Mr. Arbuthnot?

Would you like to say grace?

I didn't know people said grace anymore.

We don't usually,

but we just thought
you might be used to it.

Oh, for God's sake, no. No.

If anything, we ought to bow our heads

and thank Paulie
for such an incredible spread.

Bon Appetit.

Bon Appetit.

You know, I'm forever amused
by these people from the Christian Right

who thank God for everything that's good

and blame humankind
for everything's that bad.

Mmm. Mmm.

May I?


But isn't the Christian Right
your strongest supporter?

Those people always need
somebody to follow,

they can never do anything on their own.

Of course,

the moral majority makes up a huge
contingent of the Republican Right.

They do.
But they have very little power.

I mean, they make most of the noise,
but the centrists do all the work.

The extremes of both parties grab
all the headlines.

But all the decisions are made
by the moderates.

Well, that seems to go
against most people's perceptions.

Only naive people.

Listen, I can rant and rave
with the best of them.

But how else am I going to get heard?

I'm not an elected representative
of this republic.

I'm a concerned citizen that sees

certain things wrong
and wants to change them.

- That's what's great about this county.
- But your views are extreme.

And extreme views incite people
to extreme measures.

I can't be held responsible
for every nut case who thinks

I mean something
when I mean something else.

Look, I admit to sometimes throwing
in some pretty outrageous arguments

to support my positions, but, hey, man,
it's the ratings thing, you know.

Besides, the average citizen knows
what I'm doing.

What are you doing?

Dissent. Being the voice of dissent.

Jefferson, Monroe, Paine.
They were all critics.

Pundits, if you will,
before they were the power.

This is excellent wine, by the way.
Willow Crest, Merlot?

Is that what you want, Norman?

Power? To be president?

Luke, I already have power.

The president?

He doesn't have any power.

He's got to answer to Congress,
to special interests, to the Court.

- To the people?
- To a lesser degree to the people,

but I got power, one voice, one vote.

But your followers, they hate anyone who
disagrees with you and your opinions.

Well, the followers of Nelson Mandela
commit m*rder.

Followers of Gandhi k*lled people.

You compare yourself
to Mandela and Gandhi?

No, those are great men.

Paulie's the one that suggested
I have followers

as if I could control what people do.

- People do what they want to do.
- Like hate.

Well, it's true. You have some
harmful people on both the extreme left

and the extreme right.

But I suggest that the more extreme
those opposites get,

the more moderate this society becomes.

Because when you average out
all those extremes

you come up with a society that is
pretty well anchored in the middle

and that's what we all want, isn't it?
A society where all of us can live.

All races, all religions,
all views, living together,

forging ahead as one.

Look, in any society, no matter how big
or small, you're going to have dissent.

I mean, look at the five of you.

Can you honestly
say you agree on everything?

So how is any good supposed to get done?

My friend, I do not presume
to know the answer to that one.

All I know is you got
to do the best you can do.

You have to be the best individual
selves you can be.

Otherwise, why bother, right?

Anything else turns the world
to pure manure.


I don't think you should drink that one.

It's been out for a little while.
It's probably gone bad.

I think the wine is fine.

Well, I would never be rude enough
to ignore the suggestion of a lady.

Thank you, Jude.

It's 1909. You're in Austria.

And you're alone with a young artist
named Adolf h*tler.


Do you k*ll him?

Do you m*rder him there,
even though he hasn't done anything yet?

Because you know you'll save
all those millions of people.

Absolutely not.

You'd let all those people die,
knowing you could do something about it?

I didn't say that. What I said was...

You don't say anything. You just talk
and talk and say nothing so many times

that people think
you're saying something.

What I would do, Luke,

if you would let me finish,
is talk to the man.

Try to show him the error of his ways
to the best of my ability.

Challenge his ideas. Exchange thoughts.

Provoke change by intelligent debate.

I'll be right back.

Uh, I've got to get some dessert.

I'll help.

I have to get something for somebody.

- We are not going to do this, right?
- We got the king in our grasp.

Haven't you heard a word the man said?
Don't you see, he's right, we're wrong?

Don't tell me you're falling
for this sh*t.

He's Satan, for Christ's sake!

- I don't know, he's making some sense.
- You blow like the f*cking wind.

He's giving us a prepared speech.

He's so used to defending himself,

he's got a pat answer
for everything we throw at him.

He is an iceman.

I don't know,
maybe we're wrong about him.

Maybe he does
just do this for money and publicity.

You f*cking imbecile, like that's
a better reason? That's even worse.

Creating all this hate for the money,
for the f*cking dollar. Come on!

We have Norman Arbuthnot
in the palm of our hands.

Can you hear yourself?
You sound like a f*cking crazy man.

Is it crazy to make a difference?

Is it crazy putting these assholes
in their places?

Can't you see through his sh*t?

Being full of sh*t is not
a good enough reason to k*ll him.

It isn't the right thing to do.

You guys are all turning
into the f*cking Stepford wives.

Well, this is getting us nowhere.

I'm sorry, Luke,
but you have to have unanimous consent.

It's four to one that he lives.

I'm sorry, too, Marc,
because he's not going to f*cking live.

And nobody is going to stop me.

What the f*ck are you doing?

Oh, my God!

He's h*tler.

What are you doing with a g*n?

He's h*tler and your deaths
won't make the world a better place

but his will, so just get out of my way.

- Where did you get that g*n?
- The sheriff.

- What sheriff?
- Oh, my God, the sheriff!

- The sheriff's missing.
- Not anymore.

Oh, Jesus.

What did you do?

She was on to us. She was sneaking
around back in the family plot.

You k*lled a cop!

You'd rather I didn't?

You'd rather be in jail right now,
getting corn-holed, rich boy?

I thought we were all together on this.

Serious that what we were doing
was something great.

Now, I'm sorry she had to die,

but she was in our way.

What are you doing?

Since you've completely lost it,
I'm calling the cops.



So sh**t me.

No! Luke!

You have reached
the Iowa Police Emergency Hotline.

All our officers are busy right now.
Please stay on the line.

Your call will be answered
in the order it was received.


How gentle is the rain

That falls softly on the meadow

Birds, high up in the trees

Serenade the flowers
with their melodies

Oh, see, there beyond the hill

The bright colors of the rainbow

Marc, Marc, Marc.

Come on.

- Luke.
- It's okay.

Oh, God! Come on.

Are you guys okay?


Just a little
nonnuclear-family-values problem.


God, life gets more and more complicated
every day.



The weather's breaking, uh,

and I just wanted to drink a toast
to all of you guys.



Oh, no, don't worry.
I didn't pour the bad wine.

Actually, I think we could
all use a drink.

- Aren't you going to join us?
- No, please.

I've had more than enough.

Besides, I don't want you guys waking up
to the headline,

"Old windbag, forced to have last drink,
crashes private plane." You know?

Isn't it bad luck to toast without wine?

Not in China.

Anyway, to your health.

You know, wherever I travel
in this bountiful land of ours

the question on everybody's mind
seems to be

will I make a run
for this country's highest office?

Well, my friends,
some people would say I already have.

At any rate, all I would like to say
to you well-wishers out there

is that I shall do
whatever the people want me to do

because I am your humble,
humble servant.

Such a feeling coming over me

There is wonder in the things I see

Not a cloud in the sky,
got the sun in my eyes

And I won't be surprised if it's a dream

Everything I want the world to be

Is coming true especially for me

And the reason is clear,
it's because you are here

You're the nearest thing
to heaven that I've seen

On the top of the world
looking down on creation

And the only explanation I can find

Is the love that I've found
ever since you've been around

Your love put me on the top of the world

Top of the world

Top of the world

Top of the world

Something in the wind
has learned my name

Telling me that things are not the same

In the leaves on the trees
and the touch of the breeze

There's a pleasant sense
of happiness for me

There is only one wish on my mind

When this day is through
I hope I'll find

Tomorrow will be the same for you and me

All I need will be mine if you are here

On the top of the world
looking down on creation

And the only explanation I can find

Is the love that I've found
ever since you've been around

Your love put me on the top of the world

Top of the world

Top of the world

Top of the world

Top of the world

Top of the world

Top of the world

Top of the world

Such a feeling coming over me now

Top of the world

Everything I want the world to be now

Top of the world

Top of the world

Top of the world

I'm on the top now
I'm on the top now

Top of the world

I'm on the top, top, top, top, top

Top of the world