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Flowers of Shanghai (1998)

Posted: 11/24/23 18:16
by bunniefuu
The most elite pleasure quarters
in late 19th century Shanghai...

...lay hidden in the city's
British Concession

These enclaves were known as
“Flower Houses”

“All Fortunes! 3 Great Fortunes!”

Why do I keep losing today?

If you lose, you have to drink!

I won't accept defeat!

What? Empty your cup!

“All Fortunes! 2 Together! 5 Champions!”

“5 Champions!”

It's a tie!

Neither of you won

Then they should both drain their cups!

It would be fair for both of you all have to drink


Everybody, drink!

This is very enjoyable!

Who's next?

Who's next?


All right, Luo!

Let's use the chicken-pattern cups


“2 Together!"

"8 Immortals!”

“2 Together! 3 Great Fortunes!”

“3 Great Fortunes!”

Drink up!

My young brother Yufu is new here,

but look how many girls will drink for him!


“2 Together!"

“ An easy win! 5 Champions!”

All right. . .“8 Immortals!”

“8 Immortals!”

Pour wine for him

Your brother's rather good at this game

He's learned from experts!

“2 Together!"

4 Joys! 2 Together!”

“3 Great Fortunes! 8 Immortals!”

“4 Joys!”

Pour wine for him

You have to drink!

Please, not too much!

Young people always have a way!

Yufu, who's she?

Crystal's younger sister

Don't you know?

Crystal is always feeling ill
Her sister is here in her place

Thank you, miss

We should let Yufu go

We can go on playing

The women all think he should stop

because Crystal's is waiting for him

Have some more wine!

Come on, drink up!

He and Crystal are really serious
about each other!

I've seen besotted couples in my time...

But none like them!

It's as if they're stuck together like toffee!

Sticking with each other.

They go out together, come in together

If a day goes by without a meeting,
it's the end of the world!

Crystal asks the women to track him everywhere

And if they lose him?

Then she bursts into tears!

I tell you,

I've never seen the like!

That's what love is all about, isn't it?

What happens when they're together?

I'll tell you!

I visited him one morning...

...and found them

gazing into each other's eyes

Just sitting there, gazing at each other!

Not saying anything?

Not a word! Hopelessly lovestruck!

You know what that's called?


Tell us!

“Mental telepathy”! Let's drink!

Fate has brought them together

Luo calls it "fate"...

I believe in it!

Really? I call it 'bad karma'


Notice how pale Yufu is?

He's caught in her trap!

He looks so pale, doesn't he?

One time I suggested a visit to the opera

You know what Crystal said?


“The opera's just a lot of noise.

Why go?”

But the opera is a blast!

So I suggested to go out
in a horse-carriage instead

I thought they'd enjoy looking around

You know what Crystal said?

“Who wants to bump around in a horse-carriage?”

Again, a horse-carriage trip is a blast!

And it didn't even end there!

My next suggestion
was to go and be photographed

Nice idea

For a souvenir!

You know what Crystal said?

“But the camera will capture the beams

from your eyes!"

Next morning I saw her licking his eyes!

Licking his eyes?

With her tongue!

Actually licking his eyes!

This has been going on
for half a month or more!

What a story!

Let's have some more wine!

And the food's getting cold

Your next dish!

What is it?

A delicacy!

Bean-curd soup!

Bean-curd soup in a sand pot

What's wrong with Master Wang?

Master Wang has been calling on Jasmin

And so today Crimson sent her maids

to beat Jasmin at the Ming Garden

I didn't know Crimson was so vicious!

That wasn't vicious!

I think she was
silly to go to so much trouble

If they'd damaged her jewelry,

Master Wang would have paid for it anyway

And if you'd been Crimson?


I'm not inclined to tell you

They're quarrelling!

Why don't you call on Cinnamon
and see how I react?

You think I wouldn't dare?

I'd have Cinnamon come out
to give you a beating!

It sounds nicer than it is.

You're saying this to impress Master Hong?

All of your talk is ridiculous


As a flower girl,

you have many callers

So you must accept that your callers

will see other flower girls!

What do you mean?

It's simple enough

We're in business, so there's no other way

If you buy my exclusive services for
three seasons, then I'll see no-one else

Isn't that right ?

You mean you want to leech off me?

If not you, then who else ?


Drink! Drink!

Master Zhu, I challenge you!

This is what I call a party!


Crimson, of the Huifang Enclave

Master Wang,

it was your mistake

You should be frank with our mistress

It's nothing even you called on ten Jasmin

It's no right to hide from her

When Crimson found out, she wailed...

“Master Wang has abandoned me

for Jasmin!”

Master Wang simply called on Jasmin

for a cup of wine

last night

And now he's here, as usual

Master Hong!

Don't blame our mistress

for being upset!

When Master Wang began calling on her...

...she had many other callers

But they stopped coming...

...when Master Wang became her patron

We invited them back, but Master Wang said...

“Never mind if they come or not,

I'll support you myself!"

Master Wang...

Those were your exact words!

Our mistress has been
very contented with Master Wang

She takes no other gentlemen callers

You also said...

You'd take care of

all our mistress's debts

Master Hong...

How can you blame our mistress

for being upset?

There's nothing more to say about this

Put Jasmin out of your mind

Master Wang is here now

Crimson, you have not lost face

Let's put this behind us

Master Wang will buy you clothes and jewelry

And he'll clear whatever debts you have

That settles everything, doesn't it?

I don't mind him calling on Jasmin

What I mind is the secrecy!

And he's with her almost all the time!

Master Tang, I've been with Master Wang

for four to five years

...and what you see in this room
is all that he's ever given me

He's been calling on Jasmin for only ten days...

...and she has already has an entire new wardrobe

Seeing what's going on,

his friends have rushed to buy furniture for her

Master Tang, you have no idea!

This is nonsense!

Flower girls are recompensed for their services

Their callers have no responsibility
for their other debts

You're asking too much!

No flower girl relies on just one caller

And no gentleman limits
himself to one flower girl

We can go wherever we please!

It's tedious to even discuss this!

You're right, Master Hong

No flower girl relies on just one caller

Our mistress has plenty of other callers

Why should she rely only on Master Wang?

But Master Wang made her

a promise

If he'd kept his promise,

our mistress would have no complaint

As you say, no gentleman has to limit himself

to one flower girl

Our mistress can say nothing

But while he is calling on Jasmin

our debts remain unpaid

Consider, Master Wang...

...which of us is being “tedious”?

You or our mistress?

All right

None of this properly concerns us

Let's go

Are you leaving now, Master Wang?


Master Wang, you can leave if you want to

No-one will detain you

But let's make one thing clear

Jingda and I were up all night
comforting our mistress

We didn't sleep at all

Tonight we will sleep

Women like us are never responsible...

...if our luck turns bad and we are left penniless

Master Wang...

You cannot blame us for this situation

We should leave now

Stay as long as you like

I'm sorry you were troubled

Tomorrow we'll set two
banquet tables to apologize to you

No need for that

You were too scared of us to come alone?

Did you think I will bully you?

You turn up today with two friends

For what reason?

What they said just made me angrier!

Very clever of you!

Master Wang is not at fault

Those friends led him astray

Maybe they were the ones

who led him to call on Jasmin

He needed no help!

His friends didn't push him

He found that little chicken all by himself!

Jasmin is no chicken these days

She even hires opera troupes for entertainment!

Master Wang...

How much have you spent on her? Thousands?



Well, Master Wang needn't
bother his head about it

Smoke some opium

Ginseng soup for you, Master Wang

Azhu, why is Crimson so upset?

What do you mean?

I've promised to pay her debts,

but she still says I'm cheating her

Master Wang understands very well

No, that's why I'm asking

Master Wang, an intelligent man like you

should understand

Our mistress has always treated you well

Why didn't you clear her debts before now?

Now you say you'll clear them

But you sound grudging

How can she accept if you begrudge
her for holding you to your promise?

But she's the one holding a grudge!

Our mistress has nothing to be angry about

Sooner or later,

Master Wang will clear her debts for her

for her

It's all up to you

But should your relationship with Crimson

depend on such trivial details?

Well, should it?

If I don't clear her debts, she calls me bad

And if I clear them, she still calls me bad

What does she really want?

Master Wang, do I really need to explain?

Don't get angry...

Just don't get angry, all right?

I'll follow your advice

All you can say is “Don't get angry”?

If you were me, wouldn't you get angry?

If I were you, I'd be over it by morning

Don't get angry...

Don't cry.

Come on.

Don't cry.

Pearl, of the Gongyang Enclave

Master Hong is here

Where were you last night?

I called on Jasmin,

then went home

Why is your mother hitting Treasure?

It's nothing

Treasure should mind

what she says

She wants more than

she can have

Alongside Jade, she's nothing

There's always trouble

when she tries to compete

What did Treasure say?

Treasure said...

“Jade doesn't have her own hookah,

so Auntie took mine for her”

“She goes out

in my old dresses, too”

Jade overheard this,

and refused to wear the dress again

This morning she stayed in bed,

saying she felt ill.

That's why Mother is scolding Treasure

She's asked me to talk to Jade

What are you supposed to say to her?

It's difficult for me

Just seeing her makes me angry

She gets a few bookings

and she's so full of herself

While Treasure gets beaten,

as if she'd only just entered the house

But Jade is a real asset

If you weren't the daughter of the house,

she might look down on you too

Don't say that, she and I are quite close

She pays more attention to me than to Mother

A booking for Mistress Jade


I just told her...

If she refused to go,

then your mother would
have to send Treasure instead

She rushed off the moment she heard that

Well done!

Eat something.

You should eat before we go out

And you should eat before you go drinking

Not hungry, and I should go now

Then send for me later.

I'll eat,have a wash and join you

All right

Mistress Pearl, food's ready

Ask Jade if she's hungry, we could eat together


Feeling better?


Have some more

Treasure opens her mouth without thinking

without thinking

She says whatever comes into her head

Anyway, you're not like her

You get many bookings, Mother likes you

You needn't be so sensitive

If Treasure upsets you, tell me -

don't tell Mother

Does it seem like I'm taking Treasure's side?

I'm not really

After all, we're just flower girls

All working in this one house

Some years from now, we'll all be married

Even the most popular of flower girls...

...has only a fleeting period

of fame

Try to look at it that way

Sister, you think too much

I'm too ignorant to know what's true and what isn't

I'll never blame you

for setting me right

I just hope you really understand

Let's eat.

Emerald, of the Shangren Enclave

Do you have any money?


Just look at you, at your age!

You still want to keep lovers?

Don't care about face?

Here's some spending money for them

I won't.

I'm tired of reminding you.

Who else can you borrow from?

Don't worry, this is the last time

Thank you, Master Luo,

this is so embarrassing

At least you realize that

Why does she need the money?

She irritates me so much,

look at her...

When she has money, her men take it

When she doesn't, she borrows from me

Scold her about it,

and she pretends not to understand

A few days later she's forgotten all about it

A booking for Mistress Emerald!

What can I do about her?

Where is it?

Houma Street

All right

Who is she seeing?

There are several men

Some new,

as well as the old ones

Carrying on like that at her age!

I saw an old man In the outer room.
Is he one of them?

That's her tailor, Zhang.

How could he be her lover?

That money was

to pay his bill

Where in Houma Street?

The Qian residence again

It's a mahjong party,

they'll want me to play for someone

If no-one else books me,

I'll be stuck there

Sometimes I just sit for two or three hours

it's such a bore

Then why not turn them down?

I can't refuse a booking,

Auntie would be furious

She'd scold you?


If I do nothing wrong,

she never says a word

But one small mistake

and I never hear the end of it

Make yourself comfortable,

I'll be back as soon as I can - All right


What is it?


Your Auntie beat you again

I've told you, learn how to flatter!

If you won't listen to me, you'll get beaten

But my Auntie isn't like yours

She beats me whether I flatter

Or not

One man called on me several times,

and I was accused of flattering him too much

Didn't you follow my advice?

I said exactly what you told me to say

“If you want me to entertain callers,

don't beat me!”

That made her lock me in

and tie me to the bed

She asked me if I dared to refuse a booking

So tell her you do,

and let them beat you

I couldn't stand the pain

I had to give in to her to get away

If you're afraid of pain,

you should be an official's wife or daughter,

not a flower girl

Is there any opium?

There's a vat over there

How can anyone swallow it?

It's so bitter!

Some people take it raw,

it must ruin their stomachs!

So painful!

You're so stupid!

I don't think

she'll ever learn

You know,

last month Master Chen...

...threw a banquet for her

But that was one whole month ago

Then she had a caller

who ordered some food and wine for her

But he turned out to be an
old friend of hers, a freeloader!

The clerk from the foreign goods store

He came after dinner

and stayed past midnight!

You see why Third Sister

beats her?

No tips from serving wine,
and no outside bookings?

That one banquet was the lot!

No more in prospect

So her total earning
for the month was one foreign dollar!

You expect your Auntie
to live on the north-west wind?

Well, do you?

You want to have outside affairs
and treat non-paying callers?

You're wasting your breath

You're useless!

You deserve to be beaten to death!

Otherwise you'll go on losing money!

Stop it

Get her out, she makes me so angry!

Where is all this bad luck coming from?

Jasmin, of the East Hexing Enclave

16 foreign dollars is too much?

Too much. Ten is about right

Give him ten, or 12 at most

The best-value emeralds

are in Temple Market

Then I'll trouble Master Hong
for the emerald jewelry

That's fine with me



Bring hot towels, clear the table


You have some too

I don't want to

It's addictive, I won't be able to work!

It's not addictive

Crimson smokes it, and she's no addict

Crimson has many callers,

why should she care?

Even if she gets addicted,

she'll be fine


she has very few callers now

How do you know?

I saw the books

Aside from me, she's had
only 20 or 30 bookings,

all from old callers

That's enough,

considering that she has you

You don't understand

She supports her whole family, she needs a lot

How much do they need

if the whole family shares one small room?

Unless she spends a lot on herself

She doesn't spend much

Nhe takes a horse carriage every few days

That's not so expensive

So where does the money go?

How should I know?

You suggested she spends a lot!

Tell me what she spends it on

I have no idea

how Crimson spends money

Don't call on her and tell her I said this

If you do,

she'll think I'm talking behind her back

Don't worry, I won't say anything

You and Crimson

have been together for three or four years now

What can I tell you about her

that you don't know?

You're so naive).!

Crimson is always vilifying you

And here you are,
helping to cover up her problems!

When I began calling on Crimson, she told me

“A really good gentleman caller
is every flower girl's dream"

“Now that we have met,

I need no other caller"

I told her she could stop being
a flower girl and marry me if she wanted

And she was quick to agree

But she was just humoring me

She said we could marry if I paid all her debts

So I paid them, and then she said
her parents didn't approve of the match

Master Wang is kind to come when he's asked to

It proves our banquet table still has legs!

Mistress, you have me to thank

It seems she doesn't want to marry me

I can't tell what she's thinking

Master Wang, please smoke

It's such a trial for you to come here!

Not one of our stupid servants

prepares your pipe for you

I don't need anyone to

Have some tea, Master Wang

The jeweler gave you this to look at?

Yes, 16 foreign dollars for a hairpin!

It must be cheaper at Temple Market

You already have hairpins like this

You can buy them for someone else,

why can't I buy a pair for myself?

Of course you can,

but you already have several pairs

You could buy something else

I will buy something else

Frankly, I don't need another hairpin

But I'm angry,

so I want to buy a pair...

just to waste 16 more of your foreign dollars

Then take 16 foreign dollars
and buy something else!

There's nothing special about these hairpins

Nothing special about me either,

so they suit me

You're not serious!

Mistress Crimson is known

throughout Shanghai!

Am I still a mistress?

I'm less than a wild chicken!

I can't be called “Mistress”

Sister, Jade and I must have been
enemies in a previous lifetime!

We've just quarrelled again!

She's still saying bad things about me

I can't stand it

She wasn't talking about you

Of course she was!

That's why Auntie threw me out!

All right, I give in

I'll never say another word
when we're in Auntie's room


What is the matter with you two?

Stop it!

Treasure, go to your room

Jade, sit over here

I've told you many times

not to argue with her

You know she isn't too bright


Master Hong

Luo has set a banquet table
in Emerald's rooms

Let's go there later

All right.

Jade, please leave us

Honest flower girls

are so devious these days!

You all drink together,
you must know what I mean

Which girl are you talking about?

You all sit around a table drinking...

But Young Master Zhu slips an emerald pendant

to Jade under the table

And then Jade asks me not to tell you

So why are you telling me now?

I advised her to tell you!

I said

it would make you

more eager to help...

...if she ever needs a favor

Jade is doing very well now

So maybe it's time she got married

You can be her match-maker

You can do It... I'll help you.

Master Hong, your invitation

Mistress, Master Wang is here


I heard!

Am I wrong to call you?

You have no callers

and you're brimming with jealousy

Don't you want to eat, Mistress?


We haven't eaten either.

Order some dishes, we can eat together

But you've been drinking,

you must have eaten

We really haven't

Mistress, shall I order for you too?

I don't want to eat

Master Wang, if you're hungry, order for yourself

Mistress hasn't even had a sip of tea...

I'll get her some congee later

Liang, bring some tea

Master Hong

I'll leave first

Master Hong, are you going?


What's wrong with you?


I want to talk to you. Come over here

If you want to talk, then talk

I don't want to see you unhappy all day

Every time I come, you're unhappy

You know how upsetting it is

to see you like this?

Don't be like this,

if only for my sake

I'm unhappy, that's a fact!

What do you want me to do?

If you don't like it,

go somewhere that you can be happy!

I'm being patient with you,
and you're so rude to me...

I said nothing

when you came

Not a word to offend you.

And all you say is that I look unhappy

Now you say I'm being rude

I think you're the one who's being insensitive

How can I be happy?

I see, it's always my fault

If I behave like this again,
you might as well beat me

But don't be like this

Come here, I have something
to discuss with you

Thank you.

Ham congee

Don't wait for me

Master Ge, time for a drinking game

Let's play

“2 Together, 2 Together"

“2 Together, “5 Champions”

'4 Joys, 4 Joys'

“2 Together, 4 Joys"

You lost!

Have something to eat!

Let's play again

Come on, now

“2 Together"

"2 Together, 4 Joys!”

"2 Together, 5 Champions!”

"5 Champions!”

Drink up!

Your next dish...


Mistress Pearl and Mistress Jade
from Gongyang Enclave are here

Spring rolls, bring more spring rolls

Master Wang, please eat more!

Jade, Young Master Zhu is asking for you



Who is that?

Shuren - he's Zhu Airen's nephew

I'm taking him here for fun.

Master Hong, have a game with me

All right, come on

You two are well matched

I'm not so sure about that

Here's the wine

“2 Together"

"2 Together, 5 Champions!”

Got you!

I lost

A rare occurrence!


Shuren, let's play

I don't know how.

What is there to know?

Come on...good

“All Fortunes!"

"8 Immortals!”1 Win!"

“ An easy win! 2 Together"

“3 Great Fortunes! 1 Win!"

Lost again! Shuren...

Come on, one more time

“All Fortunes!”

“1 Win! 1 Win!"

'1 WI"!

Drink up

Once again!

“5 Champions! 2 Together"

“5 Champions! 1 Win!”

Lost again!

Master Luo lost two in a row!

Not in form tonight!

Come on, come on...

One more time

He can't bear to lose, play once more

“All Fortunes!"

"3 Big Fortunes! 3 Big Fortunes!”

Let me drink for him

Sorry, I've spilt it

Never mind, wipe it up

What's that?

Take a look, Master Luo...

You know what it shows?

Yes, it's the 'wine rack'
(a scene from Golden Lotus)

Don't discuss it with him! He's immoral!

You're wrong, it's not the 'wine rack'!

What's amusing all of you?

Put that away

or you'll be scolded

Master Luo...

Did Emerald tell you

she wants to buy her freedom?

Yes, but it seems she can't

Not really.

No girl who wants to buy her
freedom announces the fact

She announces it when she has it

I'm okay with it.

Frankly, what I want is the business she brings,

not her person

If I don't let her go,

she'll be in no mood for business

So I may as well let her go

So why did she tell me she can't do it?

I wouldn't want to criticise her, but...

As you know,

Emerald is a mischievous girl

In this business,

I buy in girls when they are seven or eight

And I bring them up until
they're old enough to work

I pay for their food and clothes,

I teach them everything

But not all of them

make the grade as flower girls

Emerald is clever,

and she's helped a lot

And now she wanted her freedom,

She recalls that

I originally paid 100 dollars for her

Now, ten times 100 is only one thousand dollars

Master Luo, really...

There's no comparison between
the original price and her value now!

So she says one thousand. What do you say?

I'm guided by my conscience

Go to the teahouse

and see what other people think about this

Her bookings alone amount to

one thousand dollars per season

Not counting her tips

or the gifts she receives

Master Luo,

even if you paid me three thousand dollars...

. it would balance only one year's earnings

And she could still earn a lot

as a flower girl

Isn't that so, Master Luo?

Look at Silver Phoenix here, for example...

Girl! Where is your mind wandering now?

Just look at her

A girl like Silver Phoenix

gets no business

Should I pay for her meals?

I should pay her 100 dollars and let her go!

A Shanghai flower girl can be worth

three thousand or one thousand

There's no fixed value

If you don't ask for too much,

I'll make it worth your while

We can be partners, and both
of us can do well

Master Luo is quite right!

I'm not demanding three thousand

I'm sure that

we can come to a satisfactory arrangement

You're back!

Think it over, Master Luo

Is Silver Phoenix asleep?

You look dead on your feet!

Not at all, I was listening to Auntie

Did she really drop off?

Auntie hit her... Don't mind her

Leave us alone

Auntie was discussing the fee for your freedom

She wants three thousand

I urged her to reduce it

And I'll help you with some of it

We can sort this out together,

it will be fine

Who asked you to pay?

I have plans of my own,

you needn't be involved

We'll see

All aunties are calculating by nature

My Auntie is a self-made woman

She bought herself a few girls...

We didn't cost her much!

Take me,

I've been working here for five years

She's got nearly twenty thousand, just from me

And my dresses and furniture are worth

at least ten thousand

She'll keep all of it

But, she still demands three thousand!

Fine, three thousand

If she deserves it, she'll get it!

Emerald, Master Luo thinks that

your value is two thousand dollars

He'll pay half of it.

Does that seem fair?

Give me a light

I didn't realize you were so wealthy!

You were so wealthy!

If I'm worth two thousand,

bring me five thousand first

Where do you think I'd find so much money?

Come, this is no time for false modesty

I thought you were serious about this!

If my freedom is bought...

...I'll need three thousand
for clothes and accessories

to start afresh

You think one thousand from you

will be enough?

You want me to starve

once I leave this house?

So you don't want my help?

Of course I welcome your help!

Take care of my clothes and accessories...

and I'll be grateful for
any further help you can give me!



Forget what we discussed.

Her freedom is no concern of mine

Where is your conscience!

Just reflect for a moment

You were orphaned at seven

and came to this flower house

I sympathised,

and treated you like my own child

I combed your hair,

bound your feet, everything

Now you treat me as an enemy!

How did I offend you?

You want your freedom
so that you can rise above us

I wished you success,

so that you could reciprocate my favours

And now you treat me like this!

So young, and yet so cruel

You'll come to a bad end!

Auntie, do stop crying! What does this matter?

I'm in your house,

you can decide whether to free me or not

I don't want to buy my freedom

And if we go on arguing
like this, they'll hear us next door

I can make no sense of this

Ms. Zhao, come and tell me your view.

A flower girl wants to buy her freedom.

Her patron wants to help

If Master Luo had other ideas...

...he could discuss them with me

But now you reject his help

You want all of his money for yourself!

"3 Great Fortunes"

"4 Joys!"

Let's drink!

Let's drink.

Losers drink their own penalties

All right, agreed

That's good

Haven't seen you for a long while, Master Ke

Take a seat

I don't want to see anyone

without a cup in his hand!

Keep the wine coming!

Let me drink with you

Let's drink

Come on, let's empty these cups

Master Zhu is a fine drinker!

Let's play the drinking game

Come on...

Shall we play as a team?

Fine, you two together!

Master Wang, let's play!

Let me beat him first


“All Fortunes!”

"5 Champions! All Fortunes!

"5 Champions! 2 Together!”

"5 Champions!"

"5 Champions!" Drink!

Come on, your turn.

You have to drink!

Let's play.

Your turn... All Fortunes!”

“All Fortunes”

“2 Together!”

“2 Together!” Drink!

He lost!

He lost! Empty the cup!

Master Luo,

you should be drinking too!

Come, have something to eat

The food is getting cold!

This fish is straight from the Huangpu River

Very fresh! Come and eat!

What's going on outside?

What's happening?

I don't know, go and see

What's going on out there?

Something happened!

Let's play another round

“All Fortunes”

“2 Together, 2 Together"

4 Joys!"

"2 Together”

4 Joys!"

I'll drink

It's nothing


What happened?


It's a mess


They're just checking on gambling in the alley

Nothing to worry about

Just checking on gambling

No need to worry

There's been an accident in the alley!


Someone has taken a bad fall, that's all

Someone's had an accident!

What? Fell down?

Go and see!

Someone had a bad fall

We should go and see

Master Wang, please slow down!

You scared me, you could have fallen!

Where's the mistress?

Downstairs, I think

Master Wang, you've drunk too much!

Liang, bring a hot towel

Master Wang!

Master Wang!

Master Wang has dozed off

Master Wang!

Master Wang, what are you doing?

Please calm down!

Master Wang, don't be angry!

Don't be angry, Master Wang!

Master Wang!

Take care of these matters for me

What's it?

Congratulations, Jasmin!

It's good that you marry Jasmin now

But you do still have

some obligations to Crimson

What obligations?

You are Crimson's only caller.

She relies on you completely

If you don't call, she'll have no-one

Bills are served at this time
of year, she'll have many expenses

Her parents, her brother, they all have to eat

What could she do?

If you punish her too much, it may k*ll her

You may now consider Crimson's life worthless...

But we started out calling
on her for pleasure,

and it shouldn't now come to this

Pleasure shouldn't just

turn into vindictiveness

You're on their side, are you?

Don't be silly,

why should I side with them?

Then why should I call on her?

I warned you when you first called on her

that it had no meaning.

You didn't listen,

and you let the relationship grow

Now you're furious with her,

and you accuse me of being on her side!

What can I say?

So why should I call on her?

I'm not asking you to call on her again,

just put in an appearance!


I'm thinking of you!

What if something happens to her?

They'll be relieved if you just show your face

Just to see how they're coping

You've been calling on her
for four or five years,

spending so many foreign dollar

You can't leave them facing
those small seasonal bills now

If you help her settle those bills,

she'll survive

You need never call on her again
if you don't want to

Master Wang and Master Hong are here

We never expected to see you here again!

Our mistress has been so anxious,
she'll be so relieved

Master Hong

The downstairs staff are all worried that

Master Wang has turned against our mistress

I told them not to speak such nonsense

Master Wang was furious,

that's the only reason he's
been blaming our mistress

Deep inside, he knew our mistress
wouldn't have an affair with an actor

I don't care if there was an affair or not,

it's not important


If Master Wang weren't here,
you'd be complaining

Now he is here, and you're silent

Liang, bring hot towels

Azhu, bring hot towel


Mistress, shall I have the table cleared?

Jingda, clear the table!

I've never seen you so angry in all the years

I've known you

A prosperous flower girl
might have an affair

with an opera actor

But am I prosperous?

How could you imagine

I was having an affair?

You could t*rture me to death

with accusations

But I'd die with

a clear conscience

If you say you didn't, then you didn't.

It doesn't matter

My parents gave me this body

But everything else in these rooms
came from your generosity

Even if you broke all of it, it wouldn't matter

If you want to abandon me,

my only option will be death but to hell.

One blue crystal bracelet

One pair of cloud-pattern earrings

One pair of blue Chrysanthemum pearl earrings

One pair of inlaid-gold jade earrings

One jade bat-pattern pendant

One embroidered silk blouse,
maroon, with phoenix pattern

One embroidered silk skirt,
black, with flower pattern

One embroidered silk blouse,
black, with cloud pattern


Woolen items in total:
two large trunks, two medium

and two small Cotton items,

with or without linings:

ten trunks, all accounted for

Emerald, this has been a long day for you

Auntie, please sit down

I'm leaving your house,

but you will always be my Auntie

I'll always be Auntie Huang's girl

Auntie Huang's girl

Our fortunes will always be entwined

We'll both do well

You're right.

You are capable in business,

widely respected

But you should choose better male friends

This is my last word on this subject

Have more respect for yourself,

you're over 50

Don't make a fool of yourself with young men

If you buy a new flower girl for one thousand...

for one thousand... won't need to buy her

clothes or jewelry

Golden Phoenix will be very popular

two years from now

At least as popular as I am

And so you'll prosper

That's right

Silver Phoenix is useless

if anyone wants her, let her go

But Golden Phoenix will be

a great success

Take my advice, Auntie, and you'll do well

Right, that's absolutely true

The other things I said weren't true?

Of course not!

At my age I know...

...good advice when I hear it

I can hear them arriving, I'll go down

Master Luo, don't trouble yourself

This is the last time

I waste words on her!

If she wants to be sad and lonely, so be it!

It's not easy to run a flower house

And you've always criticised her openly

None of the seven flower-house owners

in her group is any good

If I made any mistake,

she'd beat me

Surely not

Look at Golden Flower

I've met three of those flower-house owners

Golden Flower's Auntie is kinder than ours,

she doesn't beat her girls often

The girls in this house beg to be

put out of their misery

Tell me one flower-house owner

who is good!

Good people wouldn't be in this profession!

Madam, I'll read it to you

“This contract of employment
is hereby rendered null and void

by Miss Zhang, known as Emerald”

“She has paid 1,000 taels of silver”

“No voice of objection has been raised”

All right?


“On this day of 6 October, 1884”

October 6th

Please give your fingerprint


I'm next

Here, see?


You too, Madam

Okay. Where?

Here, please

I go to see Emerald, be right back

You eat, take your time

Please come back soon

Eat more - OK


here's the agreement and the receipt

Please check them for any mistake

Master Luo, at your leisure

Please check them for me

Terrible calligraphy!

It's a standard agreement,

no mistakes

It's all right?


'Dragon'? Is that someone's nickname?

He's one of her boyfriends.

Looks kind enough

...but he's always really devious!

He never fooled me

Please check once more


Well sung!

Everybody must drink!

Master Wang is being promoted!

He'll be moving to Guangdong

Let's all drink to Master Wang!

Congratulations, Master Wang!

May you enjoy continued success!

Let's d rin k

Please let me be your host tomorrow evening

tomorrow evening

We'll come!

It'll be in the Qingyun Enclave

Your flower girl is Laurel?

None of us knows her

She's new to me too

A friend of mine introduced us

So you call on her!

Let's play.

No penalty limits when we play tonight!

Master Zhou, let's make a team!

“2 Together! All Fortunes!

All Fortunes!”

“2 Together! 2 Together!”

Drink up

Everybody, drink up!

Now you and me...“2 Together!”

One man, one cup - that's right!

It's going to be

a great night!

Master Wang, happy tonight?


If Master Wang is happy,

so are we all!

Master Luo puts it well!

The best thing is his promotion

It's the most significant!

Where's the wine?

Good dishes, good alcohol, good friends!

Let's all toast to Master Wang again!


Good fortune, Master Wang!

Come back to see your old friends in Shanghai!

Don't forget us!

You must come back!

I'm most grateful to Master Wang

for introducing me to this position

It was nothing

Master Wang,

you need a fresh pipe

Have some tea.

Have some tea.

Liu, bring a hot towel


Master Wang, these will
take away the bitter taste

Clean the pipe

Master Wang, your towel

Master Wang, Crimson's mother is

the only one attending her now?

Jingda left her,

and hasn't been replaced?

And she's moved to a smaller house,

is that true?

I don't know

Please smoke.

Master Wang has left?


Master Hong,

why did Master Wang seem so depressed?

It's not Master Wang's fault!

He's going back to Guangdong,


Why should he be depressed?

Master Wang liked Crimson

When Crimson proved untrue,

he married Jasmin

But Jasmin wasn't true to him either,

and so he went back to Crimson

His heart has been in turmoil

How was Jasmin untrue?

Just take my word that she was

Is it true that

Master Wang beat Jasmin?


he beat her hard and abandoned her

She took raw opium after that,

but we saved her life

Master Wang's nephew was sent away,

the whole affair was hushed up

Jasmin was too audacious!

Crimson would so amused

if she knew about it!

A booking for Mistress Jade!

A booking for Jade, I must get back to work

Please stay, Master Hong

Jasmin was well off with Master Wang!

Why have an affair with his nephew?

If Master Wang weren't leaving,

he could start calling on Jade

That reminds me...

Mother asked me to discuss something with you.

What is it?

Jade started refusing callers

when she returned from Shanjia Gardens

We asked why,

and she said Young Master Zhu
had promised to marry her

We couldn't bear to disillusion her

Can you ask Young Master Zhu

if he really wants
to take her as a second wife?

If not, please tell Jade

so that she can return to work

Jade is such an ambitious girl!

Both of them must be dreaming!

Even if Young Master Zhu
weren't engaged already... could Jade expect to be

his first wife?


What's that about being a first wife?

Why do some many flower girls

want to be first wives?

Crystal thought of nothing else,

and she died

And then there was Celandine,and she failed

And now there's another one!

Have you finished?

You've forgotten the lesson of the hookah

You'll never be a match for Jade

Young Master Zhu, take some rest

I want to talk to you

What about?

In July, at the Shanjia Gardens...

We were talking, just like now


I remember

You remember what we said?

Tell me

We vowed to be man and wife, didn't we?

We said we'd die together

if we couldn't live together

I knew you wouldn't forget!

I've brought something...

What's it?

One cup for you and one for me.

Drink it!

What's in it?

Drink it!

Help! Help!

Somebody! Help!


What's happened?

What's the matter?

Take it easy.

What's wrong?

Jade, what's happened?

Did you argue?

What happened?

Quick! You drank this?

What is it? Opium?

Quick! Qiaonan, come here!

You cruel and terrible man!

You vowed to die with me!

I'm taking you to hell!

What happened?

Did you drink any of it?

Quick, rinse your mouth with water!

You believe what callers tell you?

You're so naive).!

It's always nonsense! Rinse your mouth!

Even if Young Master Zhu weren't engaged,

he'd never take you as his first wife!

First wife?

He vowed to die with me!

My uncle arranged the engagement, not me!

I had no say!

You pig! You're already engaged by your uncle!

Why don't you die?

Which medicine?


Drink this!

Why did you do this?


Quick, drink it!

Put it there, I'll help myself

If he doesn't die, why should I?

I won't die before he does!

Such nonsense!

Take the medicine!

Help her take it


Shuren, sit down.

I told Jade...

...Master Zhu arranged the engagement.

The young master was not to blame

And I told her it doesn't matter

if she's first or second wife

She can marry the young master anyway,

I'll be matchmaker

But she refused! get it right.

What on earth is she thinking?

Who has she been listening to?

Certainly not us!

Our advice would be to work hard,

not create scenes like that one!

I think that what Jade did...

...was half because of Young Master Zhu,

and half aimed at Treasure!

You may be right!


did you once say...

...that you'd give Jade

whatever she wanted?


Then let me help you resolve this problem

It will cost you at least 8,000,

at most 10,000.

Can you agree?



then bear with me a moment

I'll think of a solution

How, Uncle?

Don't ask

If it works, I'll tell you.

Be patient

Pearl, please tell Jade he'll pay

...5,000 for her freedom

and 5,000 for her dowry

Everyone can agree to that. What do you think?

It might not work

I think it Will!

The Zhu family is very rich

Young Master Zhu, please stay for dinner

Azhu, order some dishes.

Young Master and I will dine here


Put it to her, see what she says

All right, I'll try

What did she say?

Everything's settled, as you predicted

5,000 for her freedom,

5,000 for her dowry

Jade is afraid of looking ridiculous

if things don't work out as agreed

Never mind!

I'll take all responsibility in this matter

Then I'm sure all will be well

Reassure her again

Shuren, everything's settled

5,000 to pay for her freedom,

and 5,000 for her dowry

Jade's 'face' stays intact

Your side spends a bit of money,

everyone's happy

Who will she marry, Uncle?

Don't ask,

nothing's harder than arranging a marriage

Anyway, you can leave it to me

Uncle, who will she marry?

I told you,

marriages are hard to arrange!

Be grateful that we've found a solution!

Be patient!