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Cider House Rules, The (1999)

Posted: 11/24/23 18:25
by bunniefuu
In other parts of the world,

young men leave home and
travel far and wide...

in search of a promising future.

Their journeys are often fuelled
by dreams of triumphing over evil,

finding a great love...

or the hope of
fortunes easily made.

Here in St. Cloud's, not even the decision
to get off the train is easily made,

for it requires an earlier,
more difficult decision...

add a child to your life
or leave one behind.

The only reason people journey
here is for the orphanage.

- Good morning.
- We have an appointment.

Yes. Come in. Welcome to St.

We're going right
upstairs to see Dr Larch.

I came as a physician to
the abandoned children...

and unhappily pregnant women.

I had hoped to become a hero.

But in St. Cloud's, there
was no such position.

In the lonely, sordid
world of lost children,

there were no
heroes to be found.

And so I became the
caretaker of many,

father of none.

Well, in a way, there was one.

Here he is.

His name was Homer Wells.

I named him after
the Greek writer.

You know, Homer, of course?

And I made his name Wells
because I could tell he was...

very deep.

In truth, Nurse
Angela named him.

Her father drilled wells, and she
once owned a cat named Homer.

Bye-bye, Homer.

- Good night, you Princes of Maine,
- Can we see the doctor?

You Kings of New England.

- Good night.
- Doctor?

Doctor? There's something
wrong with him.

- He never makes a sound.
- He didn't cry.

Orphan babies learn
there's no point in it.

Do you think we could have a look
at someone a little different?

Thus was Homer Wells returned.
He was too happy a baby.

Bye, Homer.

The second family to adopt him had a
gift for getting sounds out of Homer.

They beat him.

He couldn't stop crying.

Shh, shh. Shh, shh, shh.

It's okay now.

Nobody's gonna hurt you any more

Here in St. Cloud's, I try to consider
with each rule I make or break...

that my first priority
is an orphan's future.

Twice adopted, twice returned.

It didn't bode well.

And yet it was always clear to
me that he was a special boy.

Near the angle of the rib.

- It was with Homer's future in mind...
- Homer?

- That I began his tutorials.
- If you're going to stay at St. Cloud's,

I expect you to be of use.

I admit that our
lessons were, in part,

- the simple expression of a father's love.
- Homer.

But in failing to
withhold love...

and making the
orphanage his home,

had I created a true and
everlasting orphan?

- No!
- Keep breathing. You're gonna be okay.

And so my excellent pupil learned
to look after abandoned children...

- and to deliver unwanted babies.
- Relax!

Long ago, I had decided
that sometimes...

it was the women who
needed to be delivered.

I chose my own path.

No one would ever
choose for Homer Wells.

I saw the splendour
of the moonlight

On Honolulu Bay

There's something
tender in the moonlight

On Honolulu Bay

And all the beaches
are full of peaches

Who bring their youth along

And in the glimmer
of the moonlight

They love to sing this song

If you like the Ukulele Lady

- Ukulele Lady like you
- Dr Larch!

Dr Larch!

Dr Larch?

We have two new patients.

- One to deliver.
- Coming.

- First pregnancy?
- Yes, for both.

I presume you'd prefer
handling the delivery?

All I said was, I don't
wanna perform abortions.

I have no argument with
you performing them.

You know how to help these women.
How can you not feel obligated...

to help them when they can't
get help anywhere else?

One: It's illegal. Two: I didn't ask
how to do it. You just showed me.

What else could I have shown you, Homer? The
only thing I can teach you is what I know.

In any life, you
have to be of use.

Of use? Of use.

That was good, Carla. That was perfect.
Everything's gonna be fine.

- I don't wanna see it.
- You don't have to see it, dear. Don't worry.

I don't even wanna know what
sex it is, so don't tell me!

- We won't tell you. You're gonna be okay.
- Your baby's gonna be okay too.

- I don't wanna know!
- That's a big boy.

Let me see him.

I wanna see him.

- Would you mind joining me in the nursery?
- Okay.

Wilbur, the adopting couple
is waiting in your office.

Life is waiting. Let 'em wait.

Where's the name sheet?

Uh, nobody's named this one yet.

Oh, it's my turn. Henceforth,
you shall be Little Dorrit.


No, you don't like that, do you?

He's a boy, that's why.

Can't a boy be a Dorrit?

- I don't think so.
- You do it.


Henceforth, you shall
be Little Wilbur.

I'm not crazy about
the "Little."

Okay, just Wilbur then.

We haven't had a Wilbur in a year or
so, have we? We used to have dozens.

He sniffs that ether.
I've seen him do it.

It's because he's too tired to sleep.
He has to.

He smells like he could
put you to sleep.

He's a doctor, Buster.
Doctors smell like ether.

- You're a doctor, Homer. You don't smell like ether.
- I'm not a doctor.

I haven't been to medical school. I
haven't even been to high school.

- But you've studied with the old man for years.
- I'm not a doctor.

I'm sorry, Homer.

I saw the splendour
of the moonlight

On Honolulu Bay

Fuzzy is not uncommon.

There's something about the premature
babies of alcoholic mothers.

They seem to be susceptible to
every damn thing that comes along.

I haven't read that.

I haven't either, but you will.

Those morons who write the books
ought to do some research here.

Isn't Fuzzy just underdeveloped?

When doesn't he have bronchitis?

I wouldn't call his bronchial
infection underdeveloped, would you?

Come on, Fuzz.

Here we go. Feet up.

There you are.

- What's going on here?
- Sit up straight.

Wilbur? Wilbur, can you
come out here, please?

There you go.

- Hi, Homer.
- Hey. What is it, Mary Agnes?

Now calm down.

- What is it?
- Look.

Oh. Uh, did you bite it?

- Did you bite your tongue?
- I don't remember.

Uh, yeah. That looks like you bit it.
You'll be fine.

Well, maybe I was kissing
someone and he bit me.

Oh, I think you bit it. Maybe in
your sleep. Story time, Fuzzy.

O Lord, support us
all the day long...

until the shadows lengthen
and the evening comes...

and the busy world is hushed and
the fever of life is over...

and our work is done.

Then in Thy mercy,

grant us a safe lodging
and a holy rest...

And peace at the last.

- Amen.
- Amen.

"A dog, which had lain
concealed till now...

"ran backwards and
forwards on the parapet...

"with a dismal howl.

"And collecting
himself for a spring,

"jumped for the dead
man's shoulders.

"Missing his aim, he
fell into a ditch...

"turning completely
over as he went...

"and striking his head
against the stone,

dashed out his brains."

And that...

Is the end of the chapter.

That's it till tomorrow.

Good night, you
Princes of Maine,

you Kings of New England.

Good night, Princes of
Maine, Kings of New England.


John, you all right?

Why does Dr Larch say
that every night?

- Maybe to scare us.
- No, you jerk.

Dr Larch loves us.

But why does he do that?

- Does it because we like it.
- Do you like it, Curly?


I like it too.

Watch the door.

You two get Copperfield and Curly.
Buster's mine.

- And remember, nobody touches Fuzzy.
- Attack!


- Ow!
- Ouch.

What do you think you're doing?

Children, stop it. No fighting.
Share the snowballs.

Fuzzy. Fuzzy.

Listen to you.
You've been running.

Hey, over here! Look! Pick me!

I know the type. They'll
take one of the babies.

Mary Agnes.

Come here. Don't run.






They wanted a girl, Curly.

Nobody ever wants me.

Oh, hey. Hey, come on.

Come here.

You know, you're one
of the best, Curly.

And we wouldn't let
just anyone take you.

Dr Larch wouldn't let just
anyone take any of us.

Well, that's true.

- Nobody's asked for me, have they?
- Nobody special enough, Curly.

You mean somebody has?

Only the right
people can have you.

Now what do you say we
go unpack your suitcase?

- It's movie night tonight, Curly.
- Okay.

Look. Kong thinks
she's his mother.

- His mother?
- He thinks she's his mother.

- He doesn't think she's his mother, Fuzzy.
- He does so. He loves her.

- That's why he holds her.
- Shh, Fuzzy.

Fuzzy, how can she
be his mother?

He just thinks she is.

They want to replace me.

The board of trustees
wants to replace me.

They just want you to
hire some new help.

We don't need any more help.
Some new things would be useful.


Aw, come on.

- Homer, I need you.
- Happens every time.

Kong, Kong, Kong,
Kong, Kong, Kong!

Thought you'd taken care of this.
Always breaks in the same place.

- It's your splice, isn't it?
- No, it is your splice. You blame me for everything.

Angela, we need a new movie, a
new projector, a new typewriter.

That's what needs
replacing around here.

- Wilbur, we have a delivery.
- Homer, would you get this one?

She's a patient, right?
She should see a doctor.

Homer, you are a skilled
and gifted surgeon...

with near perfect obstetrical
and gynaecological procedure.

I just mean that I'd rather
fix the movie tonight.

Okay, sure.

You splice, I'll deliver.

Come on, Fuzz. Let's go.
Let go. Come on.

Homer, doesn't King Kong think
the woman is his mother?

- That's right, Fuzz. That's what Kong thinks.
- That's why Kong loves her.

It's your turn. I'll get this.

Okay. Story time!

The Personal History
of David Copperfield.

Chapter one. "I am born."

"Whether I shall turn out to
be the hero of my own life...

"or whether that station will be held
by anybody else, these pages must show.

"I was a posthumous child.

"My father's eyes had closed
upon the light of this world...

Six months when
mine opened on it."

His father's dead, right?

That's right, Fuzz.

Is your father dead?

Cirrhosis. It's a
disease of the liver.

What, a liver k*lled him?

No, alcohol k*lled him. He
drank himself to death.

- But did you know him?
- Barely.

But it hardly mattered
that I knew him.

- Did you know your mother better?
- Mm-hmm.

She's dead now too.
She was a nanny.

What's a nanny do?

She looks after other
people's children.

- Did she grow up around here?
- No.

- She was an immigrant.
- What's an immigrant?

Someone not from Maine.

Let us be happy for Hazel.

Hazel has found a family.
Good night, Hazel.

Good night, Hazel.

I was dreaming about you.
How beautiful you were.

- Ah, you weren't.
- I was.

- And I was beautiful?
- You were.

You are.

It was fantastic.

It was just the ether, Wilbur.

- Hi.
- Hey, Eddie, look at this.

- Homer, do you ever think about trying to find your parents?
- Not really.

Why not?

Well, they never did the things
parents are supposed to do.

Dr Larch did those things and
Nurse Edna and Nurse Angela.

Well, I wish I could meet
mine anyway, sometimes.

What for?

Well, I'd like to show 'em
that I could cook a little.

- Mm-hmm.
- And...

that I could drive a truck.


Sometimes I wanna meet them so I can
k*ll them. Just sort of k*ll them.

You know I'd never
k*ll anyone, right?

- Mm-hmm. I know.
- Get away!

Get the hell off of me!

I think Mary Agnes
could k*ll someone.

- What the hell do you think you're doing?
- I don't think so.

No, she's... she's just
an emotional girl.

What's she so emotional about?

She got left here like the
rest of us, didn't she?

Throw it to Copperfield.

I go first.

I'll be on Buster's team.


Her temperature is 104.

Scoot down.

Come on. Good girl. That's a girl.
Little more.

Dear child, it won't hurt when I look.
I'm just gonna look.

All right.

Dear child, did you, uh,
do something to yourself?

It wasn't me. It wasn't me.

- Did you go to someone else?
- He said he was a doctor.

- I would never have stuck that inside of me. It wasn't me.
- Listen, you've been very brave.

- I'm going to put you to sleep.
- It wasn't me.

Homer, I want you to see this.

You won't feel it any more.

You've been very brave.
We'll make it deep.

- You sure?
- You bet.

The fetus is unexpelled.
Her uterus is punctured.

She has acute peritonitis, and
there's a foreign object.

I think it's a crochet hook.

Take this.

If she had come to you four months
ago and asked for a simple D&C,

what would you have done?

Nothing! This is what
doing nothing gets you.

It means that somebody else is gonna do
the job, some moron who doesn't know how.

I wish you'd have come
to me, dear child.

What did she die of?

She died of secrecy.

- She died of ignorance.
- Oh.

Homer, if you expect people to be
responsible for their children,

you have to give them the right to
decide whether or not to have children.

- Wouldn't you agree?
- How about expecting people to be responsible enough...

to control themselves
to begin with?

How about this child? You
expect her to be responsible?

I'm not talking about her.

I'm talking about adults.

You know who I mean.

- What?
- It's just... It's just a marvel to me...

that you still have such
high expectations of people.

- I'm happy I amuse you.
- Look at it this way.

What choice does Buster have?
What are his options?

- Nobody will ever adopt him.
- Look at it this way.

Buster and I are sitting here right beside you.
We could have ended up in the incinerator.

Happy to be alive under any circumstances.
Is that your point?

Happy to be alive?
Yeah, I guess so.

- You're it.
- Pass it over here.

- So many children. Are they all orphans?
- Well, it is an orphanage.

- Who wants chocolate?
- I want some chocolate.

Hi. Okay.

They're getting in the car.
Watch your fingers.


- Hi.
- Hi.

- I'm the best.
- You are?

Wow! The best? The best at what?

- I'm the best one.
- The best one, huh?

- I'm the best one of all the kids.
- You are?

He seems like the best one.

Well, let's see if we can take
care of that. Can you blow?

I really am the best.
I just have a cold.

Sorry. They're not used to
seeing a car like this.

Ah, it's okay. I don't mind.

Come on.

Come on. Let's get out.
Come on now.

- Oh, sure you can. Come on.
- Good morning.

- Morning.
- Dr Larch.

- Candy.
- Hi, I'm Wally. I brought some chocolates for the kids.

Chocolates? How thoughtful.
Come on, Curly.

- So, Mrs...
- Candy.

Candy Kendall.

Wally. Wally Worthington.

How many months are you?

- Uh, two.
- Two.


Are you... Are you the...
Are you doing the...

Oh, no. Dr Larch will be
performing the procedure.

- Oh, good.
- Okay.

I was... I was just curious.

Excuse me.

The woman you delivered last
night, she's complaining of pain.

Okay. I'll take a look.
Couple of minutes. Thank you.

Are you okay?

Yeah. I think it was the ether.

Oh, the... That smell
must've got to me.

Oh, God, this is all my fault.

Homer, Steerforth got into the pantry.
He's eaten all the pie dough.

- He wasn't sharing it either.
- He's down the hall throwing up.

- He's such a pig.
- Don't call him a pig. It's not nice to call people names.

But he is a pig.

What kind of planes
do you fly in?

AB-24 Liberator.

Oh. Liberator.

You enlisted?

They wouldn't take me. I'm Class 4.
I have a heart defect.

- Yeah? Is it serious?
- No.

No, it's not serious. I'm just
not supposed to get excited.

You know, no strain, no stress. I
try to keep calm all the time.

I can't imagine there's any
strain or stress around here.


- How she's doing?
- Just fine.


Boy or a girl?

- It's all over, dear.
- Yeah, it's all over, honey.

I would really like to
have a baby one day.

- I really would.
- Why, of course.

You can have as many
children as you want.

- I'm sure you'll have very beautiful children.
- Oh, yes, I'm sure. I'm sure.

You'll have Princes of Maine.
You'll have Kings of New England.

Lieutenant, I think you should
find yourself some fresh air.

- I still don't feel so good.
- Cut it out, children.

Homer, what's a runt?
Copperfield called me a runt.

He was just kidding, Fuzz.

- Here.
- Orange is my favourite colour.

Should I keep the teeth orange?

Homer, look.

Homer, look, look.

Homer, when is Halloween?

- It's at the end of October.
- Is that soon?

That's a few months away, Fuzz.

Oh, it's the best time. Homer?

- What is Honolulu?
- Honolulu?

Hmm. It's a city.

Oh. What's the moonlight like?

Well, I've never been there,

- but I think that it would probably be very bright.
- Oh.

Why do we get pumpkins
only once a year?

Don't get too excited, Fuzzy.

Eeew, that's disgusting!
He does this all the time.

Stop it right now.

- Hey.
- Hey. How's she doin'?

- Oh, she's fine.
- Good.


I... I was wondering if
you could give me a ride?


I'd be glad to.
Uh, a ride where?

Where you goin'?

We're headin' back
to Cape Kenneth.

Cape Kenneth? That sounds fine.


Doubtless you will let me know
what immensely worthwhile...

or at least useful thing
that it is you find to do.

I wasn't intending to leave
here to be entirely useless.

I expect I'll find some
other way to be of use.

- In other parts of the world, I suppose there are other ways.
- Of course.

Are you so stupid you imagine you're
going to find a more gratifying life?

What you will find is people like
the poor people who get left here.

Only nobody takes care of them half as well.
You won't be able to take care of them either.

There's no taking care of
anybody, not out there.

You know I'm grateful for
everything that you've done for me.

- I don't need your gratitude.
- I don't need this. I know all about my condition.

It's your heart. You ought
to take it with you.

Going where? Does he have
a plan of some kind?

- Will he be back soon?
- I don't know. He's just leaving.

You were the one who says
he needs to see the world.

- That's what he'll do, is see the world.
- He's leaving.

- He'll need clothes. He'll need some money.
- Let him try to make some money.

That's part of seeing
the world, isn't it?

Oh, Wilbur, stop it. You knew this was
going to happen. He's a young man.

He's still a boy.

Out in the world,

he's still a boy.

Just find him some
clothes, Wilbur.

He could use some clothes.


Copperfield. It'll be all right.

Children, up on the porch.
Up, up.

Say goodbye. Wave from here.

- Bye. Bye.
- Bye, Homer.

Bye, Homer.

Come on.

- I can walk. Put me down.
- Nope. I wanna carry you.

- No, it's okay.
- Here, let me get this.

Wally, put me down.

Okay. Okay.


Coming with us? That's good.

You never know when you're
gonna need a doctor.

- Do you want me to put the top up?
- No.

- You might get cold.
- I want some fresh air.

She'll be just fine.

Is he gonna come out?

- Bye, Homer.
- Bye, Curly.

Sorry I have to go.

It's not fair. You're too old.

I couldn't find Buster. Maybe
you could tell him that l...

- Bye, Homer!
- Don't go too far!

Homer, bye!

Hey, Homer!

Let us be happy for Homer Wells.

Homer has found a family.

Aren't we all happy for Homer?

- Yes.
- Good night, Homer.

Good night, Homer.

Good night, Homer.

Actually, the army's
given me leave twice.

First, when my father died. And now I'm
on leave to help my mom with the harvest.

She's no farmer. Apples
were my dad's business,

but with the w*r on
she's short of pickers.

- Wally thinks apples are boring.
- I never said they were boring.

Yes, you did. You said apples
weren't exactly flying.

- They aren't.
- I think I would like the apple business.

- You're a little overqualified, aren't you?
- No.

- No, not really. I need a job.
- Where are you headed?

- I don't know.
- What are you gonna do?

I don't know.

Is your family in the apple
business too, Candy?

No. But I work there. I like it.

My dad's a lobster man.

- Oh, wow.
- Mm-hmm.

I've never actually
seen a lobster.

Are you serious?

I've never seen
the ocean either.

You... You've never
seen the ocean?

That's not funny.
That's serious.

It's beautiful.


Do you have cramps?

They'll ease up soon.

As long as the bleeding
isn't heavy, it's normal,

it should taper off tomorrow.


All right.

- Throw it back.
- Okay.

All right!

Put your fingers on the laces.

Here's China. Here's India.

- Mm-hmm.
- Seven-hour round trip flight. It's called the "Burma run."

And this part's called "Flying over
the hump." These are the Himalayas.

How high do you fly there?

Well, I have to fly 15,000 feet
within the first 35 minutes.

Otherwise we won't make it
over the first mountain.

- They got the worst air currents in the world.
- Dangerous, huh?

Yeah. Actually, I volunteered.

Did you really?

Hey, look. If you're serious about wanting
a job, picking apples isn't that boring.

Yeah? Oh, I would
love that, Wally.

- See you around, Homer.
- Oh, yeah.

- Thank you, for everything.
- Mm-hmm.

Hi, Sam.

Hi, Dad!

Come on. You're
gonna meet my mom.

By the way, I've been at
a wedding, all right?

If it comes up, that's where
I met you, at the wedding.

Wally? Wally, is that you?

Mom, this is Homer Wells.

- How do you do, Homer?
- Oh, good. How do you do?

He's the most overqualified apple picker
you'll ever meet, but he's dying to learn.

Really? Were you a friend
of the groom's, Homer?

Homer's a friend of the groom's,
the bride's, everyone. Come on.

In that case, maybe you'd like
to stay to dinner, Homer?

- Another time, Mom.
- You gotta meet Mr Rose.

You used up all the hot water!

- You're usin' my soap, ain't you?
- I ain't usin' no soap.

They're migrants.

They pick the fruit. All kinds.

They travel up and down the
coast with the seasons.

The trick to Mr Rose is you
have to let him be boss.

Oh, excuse me.

- The sink's backed up again, Wally.
- Not again.

- Thought you said you was gonna get us a plumber.
- Rose, this is Homer.

- Homer, this is Mr Rose's daughter, Rose.
- You a plumber?

Homer's the new picker. He's
gonna stay here with you.

- He's stayin' here?
- Yeah.


This daughter of mine, she's just
Miss Hospitality, ain't she, Wally?

New picker? You got lots
of experience, I expect.

Homer's got no
experience, Arthur,

but he's smarter than I am
and he's a fast learner.

Mr Rose is gonna teach
you the apple business.

Well, I believe this is history.

We're makin' history,
Wally, ain't we?

We're makin' history havin'
this young man stay with us.

Why don't you show him around?

Your name is Rose Rose?

- Pretty, ain't it?
- Very.

- You like to read?
- I really can't read that good.

Homer, what does this say? Here.

"I looked at the stars
and considered...

"how awful it would be for a man
to turn his face to them...

"and he froze to death and
see no help or pity...

in all the glittering


Since you the one...

who's smart enough to read,

what's this here?

- It's a list of rules it seems.
- Whose rules?

I imagine they're
for us, I suppose.

Go on then. Read 'em, Homer.

"One: Please don't
smoke in bed."

It's too late for that one.
Keep reading, Homer.

"Two: Please don't operate the grinder
or press if you've been drinking."

You know, they ain't
our rules, Homer.

We didn't write 'em. I don't
see no need to read 'em.


Good night, you
Princes of Maine,

you Kings of New England.

Hoo! Remember this.

In the morning when the grass
is wet, you can make it slide.

- Feel it?
- Yeah.

It's almost like flying.

Watch out for the trees.

Trees are flak,
antiaircraft fire...

from the geeks on the ground.

- Hey, Homer.
- Hi.

I was just showin'
Homer the orchard.

- Kind of a geography lesson.
- Really?

- Yeah.
- What's that?

- What?
- This, here. Looks like you've been giving him flying lessons.

Ah, he loved it. Didn't you?

Wally here thinks people like
being whacked by branches.

- Oh, I liked it.
- Really?


- You're unbelievable.
- Well, thank you very much.

Hey! What's wrong with you?


That's Vernon. You better stay away from
him till he gets to know you better.

- Then you best stay away from him even more.
- - Homer.

Lieutenant's calling you. You
better watch your ass, Homer.

Hey, Wally.

- You gettin' along okay?
- Yeah.

- Guess what.
- What?

I'm shippin' out today.

It's a little sooner
than I expected, but...

I wanted to make sure that you're
settled and happy enough considering...

Are you bored stiff or do you
think you can stick it out a bit?

Yeah, of course. I'm
grateful for the job, Wally.

I'm grateful too. It gives me peace of mind
knowin' you're here keepin' an eye on things.

- Well, that's good.
- You about ready, Homer?


- Uh, look, Wally, thanks. I'm lucky I met you.
- I'm the lucky one.

- No, really, I'm lucky.
- Do you wanna fight about it?

- Kidding.
- Oh, okay.

- Take care of yourself.
- Okay.


Okay, Mr Rose.

Turn. That's right.
Turn and pull.

Turn and pull. Just like that.
Good. Good.

Okay, that's good. Right now you're
pickin' mostly cider apples.

All these drops here,
they good only for cider.

And you're picking apples with
the stem only half the time.

Golden rule, Homer. You wanna
pick the apple with the stem.

Now, see that there? The
spur right above the stem?

That's the bud for next year's apple.
That's called the "spur."

Pick the spur, you're
pickin' two years in one.

You're pickin' next year's apple before it have
a chance to grow. So you wanna leave that.

- Okay.
- All right, let me see you work.

Yeah. That's good.

Yeah, that's much better.
That's better.

I can see you got
yourself some education.

Them good hands you got.

Them hands you got, they know what
they're doin'. Ain't that right?

- I guess so.
- All right.

- You keep on workin', Homer. I'll be right back.
- Okay.

Wilbur? Wilbur?

Wilbur? You should read this.

It's from the board.
Another letter.

"Merely suggesting that some new
blood might benefit you all.

Someone with new ideas in the
obstetrical and paediatric fields."

I think they're just testing
some ideas for our next meeting.

Dr Holtz seems nice. I think
he only wants to help.

He's a goddam psychiatrist!
Of course he wants to help.

He'd be happy to
help to commit me.

It's this Mrs Goodhall you
have to be careful of, Wilbur.

We have to be more than
careful of Mrs Goodhall.

She has enough Christian zeal
to start her own country.

I'd like to give her
a little ether.

- So, what are you going to do?
- Take this.

Homer Wells, born Portland,
Maine, March 2, 1915.

But Homer was born here.

- In what was it? 1922?
- Mm-hmm.

Graduated Bowdoin College, 1935.

Harvard School of
Medicine, 1939.

- That's you, Wilbur. You went there.
- An internship,

and two years of training at the
Boston Lying-In, South End Branch,

he was judged an accomplished

- and obstetrical surgeon...
- That's not him.

With experience in
paediatric care.

Wilbur, you're making this up.

Angela, the board is
going to replace me.

That is what the
new blood is for.

You mean they're going to replace you with
someone who doesn't perform abortions.

Well, we can only guess at that.
They are against the law.

These credentials are
against the law.

We all know I trained Homer, so his
credentials are as good as mine.

And don't be holy to
me about the law.

What has the law ever
done for anyone here?

So, what do you think
about my candidate?

What about school records? Homer
doesn't have any diplomas.

Come here, Edna, please.
Come here.

He will have them.


I don't know...

All of these on there, okay.

- Gotta pack 'em tight now, y'all.
- I got it.

What do you think we do?

- All aboard, Mrs Worthington.
- Thank you, Arthur.

How's this crew this year?
Got any rotten apples?

- It's a good crew, ma'am.
- Hey, Rose Rose.

- You tryin' to break my finger? Damn!
- Just an accident.

Excuse me.

Well, maybe we got one bad apple,
but it's nothing we can't handle.

I see.

How's young Homer working out?

- Good. He's a smart young man.
- Hey, Homer.

- Wally was right about him. Real hard worker.
- Good.

Mornin', Miss Worthington.

Why don't you come up and visit me at the house?
I know I've got clothes that will fit you.

- Okay.
- I'm sure I can find a ton of things to fit you.

Rose don't really need any
more pickin' clothes, ma'am.

- Uh-huh.
- Now don't be a party-pooper, Arthur.

I have a beautiful blouse...

- Hey, Rose Rose.
- Homer.

- Hey.
- Hi.

How you feelin'?

When I'm not thinking
of Wally, I'm fine.

I'm not really good
at being alone.


Feeling much better. Thanks.

Hey, listen.

Maybe if you're free, you'd like to
come and have dinner at my dad's place?

- Okay.
- You haven't seen a lobster yet, have you?

- No.
- Oh, good.

You're hungry, right?

- What is that?
- - It's a drive-in movie theatre.

- It's a movie outside?
- Yeah.

- Oh, can we see it?
- Okay.

- It's closed now because of the blackouts.
- Oh.

It's so big.

You smoke? You want a cigarette?


Wally would k*ll me if
he saw me doin' this.

- There you go.
- Thanks.

So, you like movies?

Yes. Seen only one, though.

You've seen only one? Which one?

Uh, King Kong. It's really good.

Mmm. Oh.

Wilbur, it's a pie apple. Here, look.
See? Try one of those.

So he's an apple
expert now, is he?

Oh, my, yes. That's a
far superior taste.

And crisp too.

So many apples are
disappointingly mealy.

Wilbur, he picked
these for us himself.

You don't find it depressing that
Homer Wells is picking apples?

Or that he can't be bothered
to write us a proper letter?

Wilbur, it's a gift.

I'll show him a gift.

I'll send him a gift he can use.

There goes Jimmy Stewart
on his way to enlist.

One of the most popular
stars on the screen.

Today he's Lieutenant
Stewart, U.S.A.

Crossing the equator, there's a lighter
side, as novices are introduced...

to the traditional
realm of King Neptune.

Boxing matches, helping relieve the
monotony of long, weary days at sea.

Well, it looked
like you liked it.

I did like it. All I said
was, it's no King Kong.

I mean, first she loved him, then she
didn't. Then no one else could have him.

No, but she did love him. How
many women have you known?

And what did she die of exactly?

She was torn apart. She
died of a broken heart.

Oh. Well, I just...

I need a better
medical explanation.

Torn apart. At least King
Kong, he knew what he wanted.

Hey, what you doin'
with that Candy, Homer?

Makin' history, I suppose.

- You ain't gettin' in no trouble, I hope.
- No trouble.

That Candy, she's the
nicest girl I know.

She's about the most beautiful girl I've ever
seen, but I don't know if she's the nicest.

She's the nicest and most
beautiful girl I've ever known.

See, that sounds like you
in trouble already, Homer.

Sounds like big
trouble to me, Homer.

- I'm not in trouble.
- Yeah, you is.

I know when people
are in trouble.

You is.

His name is Homer Wells,

and his pathetic resume
is the best I've seen.

I find it hard to believe that the board
would be interested in this character.

But he looks like an
excellent young man.

A first-rate candidate.
Don't you think?

He looks like a bleeding heart
missionary moron to me.

But that would be the problem with any
doctor interested in coming here.

- Do you know him?
- No, and I don't want to.

He's doing missionary
work in India.

I wrote to him weeks ago, but either
he's too holy or too busy to answer.


Sorry. Okay. Come on.

I fail to see how someone
courageous enough...

to make a commitment to a foreign mission
is automatically to be dismissed.

That part of the world requires precisely
the kind of dedication that is needed here.

Does it snow in Bombay?

One winter here and we'll be
shipping him south in a coffin!

But Dr Larch, he seems
exceptionally qualified.

I'm not talking about his
medical qualifications.

It's the Christian thing that bothers me. I just
don't see it as being much use around here.

I fail to see how a little
Christianity could hurt anyone here.

Anyway, I was just showing you
this guy as an example...

of what's available.

- I didn't think you'd be interested.
- We're very interested.

- Oh, yes, very.
- You wouldn't be opposed to meeting with him?

Well, it wouldn't
hurt to meet him.

- What's his name again?
- Dr Homer Wells.

- It's a nice name. Very New England.
- Very Maine.

A very local sounding name.


I told you. If I
appear to want it,

they don't want it.

If I appear to hate it,
they just gotta have it.

- Excuse me. I just wanna ask you something.
- Edna, come dance with me.

Let's be foolish tonight.
Come on.

Does he know he's supposed to be in India?
Does he even want to come back?

He's a field hand!

What could possibly
hold him there?

Homer! It's time to go!

- Oh, I gotta go.
- Okay.

Right now, we're usin' them
early Macs and Gravensteins.

Cider is way too watery, man. We
ain't gonna get no good cider...

till we start pickin' them Golden
Delicious and Winter Bananas...

and Russets and
Baldwins, you know.

What about worms? Don't
the drops have worms?

Well, yeah, they got worms, Homer.
That ain't nothin' but protein, man.


What the hell is you doin', man?

Don't you know that cigarette's gonna ruin
this whole batch of cider? I can't have that.

You gonna have to get that out of there.
You're gonna have to go fishin', boy.

- You mean swimmin'?
- Swimmin' or fishin'.

I ain't goin' in that vat
to fish out no cigarette.

Now, Jack...

Come on down here, man

What business are you in, Jack?

Just tell me what
business you're in.

Just say you're in the apple business 'cause
that's the only business you wanna be in.

Hey, Jack! Listen, Jack! You don't wanna go
in the knife business with Mr Rose, man.

- What you wanna do?
- Just tell him you're in the apple business!

- What you wanna do? What you want, man?
- Jack!

- Tell him you in the apple business, boy!
- - It ain't worth it.

- Shut up, Peaches!
- What you want?

Now, I'm in the knife
business, Jack.

I'm in the knife business!

Let me tell ya, you don't wanna be in
no kind of knife business with me.

Now I think it's time
for you to go fishin'.

He kind of fast, ain't he, Jack?

Well, the good news is, you're
already half undressed for swimmin'.

sh**t, that Jack too
slow to get me.

I was so fast I cut my own self.

You really showed him, huh?

You just about cut
your hand off.

And all you cut off
him was his clothes.

Now you know and I know you don't go to
nobody's jail for cuttin' a guy's clothes off.

Ain't that right? Rose
Rose, ain't that right?

- Oooh.
- Ain't that right, Homer?

Easy, easy. Okay. Jus...

Aaah! God...

Not too much gas. There you go.

You wanna go right in here.
Okay, okay, okay!

Slow on the gas. You
really have to be gentle.

That's the one. That's the one.

We wanna stay right there.
Got it?

Slowly, slowly, slowly.
Okay, okay, okay!

You're a natural. You were
born to drive a car like this.

- You think so?
- Yeah. So this is a speaker.

This is where the sound
for the movie comes out.

Oh. I love this place.

This is, uh... Have you
seen a lot of movies here?

Yes and no.

When you come here, you don't
really care about the movie.

You don't care about the movie?

What are you so crazy
about movies for?

Ah... That was my favourite night
at the orphanage. Movie night.

We'd all... We'd all race
into the dining hall,

and, of course, everyone
wanted to sit in front.

So we'd be packed in so tight you could
feel the kid next to you breathing.

You don't miss it?

I miss things. I miss people.

I miss reading to the boys.

You had so much
responsibility, huh?

I didn't ask for any

Just a little privacy.

Well, you're in luck.
Let me show you.

Because privacy is what
drive-in movies are all about.

So, scrunch down like this.

Come on. Scrunch down.

All the way.

And then give me your arm.

Put your arm around me.

You just cuddle and
hug and, you know.

You don't really
watch the movie.

I would watch the movie.

Sorry, Fuzzy. It's
Homer's splice again.



If the little ones want
to know what happened,

tell them that
Fuzzy was adopted.

- Okay.
- So, what happened to Fuzzy?

- He was adopted.
- Good.

- Will they believe that, you think?
- They'll believe it...

because they want to believe it.

- Shouldn't we tell Homer?
- If Homer wanted to know what was happening here,

he could pick up the
telephone and call us.

I think it was a nurse or a nanny
who, uh, who adopted Fuzzy.

Someone who could
take care of him.

Because they had a better
breathing machine...

than the one that Dr
Larch built for him.

So I think we should be
happy for Fuzzy, okay?

He found a family.
Good night, Fuzzy.

Good night, Fuzzy.

Homer. Morning, everybody.

Mornin', Miss Olive.

- Look. There's mail for you, Homer.
- Oh, thank you.

Rose, I brought those clothes for you.
Come on. Let's go see if they fit.

What's that?

- Oh, ain't you gonna open it, Homer?
- No.

Mind your business,
now, Peaches.

- Sorry 'bout that, Homer.
- It's okay.

- Okay, okay, okay.
- Oh, look. Right here.

It's glass. Look at that.

- Isn't that beautiful?
- Mm-hmm.

Give me your hand. Feel that.

- Feel that?
- Mm-hmm.

The ocean rubs it
against the sand.

That's how it gets that smooth.

Takes a year for it to
get like that, though.

Come on.

Ah! You're too fast!

He volunteered.

Jesus. Nobody volunteers for the Burma run.
He said so himself.

He just leaves me here. What does he want?
He wants me to wait for him?

Oh, God, he knows me.

He knows I'm not
good at being alone.

This was right. I
know this was right.

- You're right. This was right.
- Yeah.

Just tell me. Do you want me to stay?
Do you want me to go?

I don't know. I
really don't know.

I just...

think we should
just wait and see.


- Are we all set?
- Yeah, that's it.

Goodbye, Arthur. Thank you
again for all your hard work.

- My pleasure, ma'am.
- Have a safe trip, Rose. God bless.

- Take care now.
- Homer, you take care of yourself.

- Okay. You too. Okay.
- We'll see you next year.

- Homer, see you later.
- Bye, everyone. - Bye.

- Don't freeze to death, Homer.
- Don't get yourself in no trouble, Homer.

- Go on and freeze to death if you want to, Homer.
- Shut up, Jack.

Take care of yourself, Homer.

So you're staying.

Olive told me.

You know, you could
have told me yourself.

I'm just waiting and
seeing, like you said.

Dear Dr Larch, Thank you
for your doctor's bag,

although it seems that I will not
have the occasion to use it,

barring some
emergency, of course.

I'm not a doctor.

With all due respect to your
profession, I'm enjoying my life here.

I'm enjoying being a
lobsterman and an orchardman.

In fact, I've never
enjoyed myself as much.

The truth is, I want to stay here.
I believe I'm being of some use.

I've looked at so many women,

and I've never...

I've never felt a
thing, you know.

I mean, I've seen everything.

Just felt nothing.

With you, it, uh...

To look at you, it hurts.

Come here.

My dear Homer:

I thought you were over
your adolescence...

the first time in our lives
when we imagine we have...

something terrible to hide
from those who love us.

- Homer?
- Do you think it's not obvious to us what's happened to you?

You've fallen in
love, haven't you?

By the way, whatever you're up to
can't be too good for your heart.

Then again, it's the sort of condition that
could be made worse by worrying about it,

so don't worry about it.

Dear Dr Larch:

What I'm learning here may not be as
important as what I learned from you,

but everything is new to me.

Yesterday, I learned
how to poison mice.

Field mice girdle an apple tree,
pine mice k*ll the roots.

You use poison oats
and poison corn.

I know what you have to do.
You have to play God.

Well, k*lling mice is as close as
I want to come to playing God.

Homer, here in St. Cloud's,

I have been given the
opportunity of playing God...

or leaving practically
everything up to chance.

Men and women of conscience
should seize those moments...

when it's possible to play God.

There won't be many.

Do I interfere when
absolutely helpless women...

tell me they simply can't
have an abortion...

that they simply must go through with
having another and yet another orphan?

I do not. I do not
even recommend.

I just give them what they want.

You are my work of art, Homer.

Everything else has
been just a job.

I don't know if you've got
a work of art in you,

but I know what your job
is: You're a doctor.

I'm not a doctor.

You're going to replace me.

The board of trustees is
looking for my replacement.

I can't replace you. I'm sorry.

"Sorry"? I'm not sorry.

Not for anything I've done.

I'm not even sorry
that I love you.

I think we may have
lost him to the world.

Come on, come on.
Just read the label.

- Come on. Come on.
- Okay.

Okay. You can have the book.

You can have the book, but
please don't tickle me.


Who is it?

Don't know.

It's Mr Rose.


- Hey, Homer.
- Hero. How ya doin'?

Good. Miss Candy.

- Hey, Homer.
- Good to see you again.

- Thank you.
- Welcome back.

- Hey, Muddy.
- Hi, Miss Candy.

- We put in new sheets for you.
- I see you ain't freezed your ass off.

- It's fine. I'm sure.
- I was just finishing.

- Hey, Mr Rose.
- Peaches, how are you?

- Good to see you again.
- Good to see you.

- Leave it. It's good.
- You sure? - Candy.

Mr Rose. Welcome back.

Thank you.

Don't this place
feel just like home?

- Nicer than home.
- What you all been doin' make it feel so nice?

- Hey, Rose.
- Rose, Rose.

Good to see you again.
How are you?

Where's Jack?

He, uh, he just wasn't up
for the trip this season.

Jack didn't know what
his business was.

- Ain't that right, Muddy?
- Mm-hmm.

Muddy, Muddy, half
these is bruised.

This one ain't got no stem.
What is this, now?

That's a spur, ain't it?

You're in too much of a hurry.
What is wrong with you?

You shakin' the tree to
get these apples down?

You're bruisin' all
of these apples.

Ain't you gonna eat
with us, Rose?

- She used to eat with us.
- Maybe she ain't hungry this mornin'.

She ain't hungry every mornin',

'cause she's sick every mornin'.

Hey, Rose. How you feelin'?

Guess you must like
watchin' people be sick.

No, I don't like
watchin' anyone be sick.

Rose, how many months are you?

Do you know?

Do you know? Rose?

What do you know about it?

Well, I know more than I'd
like to know about it.

Well, then, don't trouble
yourself none, Homer.

This ain't your business.


What am I gonna do with a baby?

I can't have a baby.

What am I gonna do with a baby?

- Huh?
- Whatever you want to do, Rose, I can help.

I just mean that if you don't wanna
keep the baby, I know where you can go.

You think Daddy's gonna
let me go anywhere? Huh?

I ain't goin' nowhere.

Why don't you just, uh, go
back to your pickin', Homer.

I can take care of it
by myself, all right?

What do you mean?

I mean I could take care
of it by myself. Okay?

Don't do anything, Rose.

Don't do anything
to yourself, okay?

Rose? Do you hear me?

- Rose, do you hear me?
- Go on! - Homer?

I think we should take her to St. Cloud's
and let her decide when she gets there.

I told her. She doesn't
feel she can do that.

Well, we have to
help her, right?

We need to do
something, don't we?


- Hey.
- Hey.

I have some more clothes for you. I just
keep forgetting to bring them with me.

I don't need no more clothes.

I know what's goin' on, Rose.

Homer told me.

You don't know this, but I got
pregnant about a year ago.

Do you want to have this baby?


Who's the father? Does he know?

If you don't want to have this baby, Homer
and I will take you to a place. It's safe.

- He knows this doc...
- I can't go nowhere.


Rose, listen to me.

You can tell me.

It's okay.

- Mornin'.
- Morning, Mr Rose.

I'm gonna be up top, okay?

Mr Rose.

He's the father.

- What?
- He's her baby's father.

Mr Rose is her baby's father.

Her baby. Mr Rose is the father.

- What? Are you sure?
- I can't believe this.

I knew there was something wrong.
What is she gonna do?

God, I can't believe it. We have to
keep her away from that bastard.

- Mr Rose?
- Homer.

I know you ain't ready
for lunch, boy.

- Is it, uh, true?
- What's that?

Uh, are you...

sleeping with your own daughter?

I think you've been staying
up too late at night, Homer.

You're having sex with
your own daughter.

Ain't nobody havin' sex with my daughter!
Let me just tell you that.

You're lying. Aren't you
ashamed of yourself?

What do you care who hears?

I mean, come on. They
know already, don't they?

- They know, Mr Rose.
- And you know what your business is, boy!

I know you don't wanna be in
no kind of business with me!

- That's what I know.
- Yeah? Go on. Cut my clothes. I've got other clothes.

You gonna come here talkin'
to me about lies and shame?

Those people took you in, and
that boy Wally is away at w*r!

- Yeah, well, she's your daughter!
- And I love her!

Ain't never gonna do
nothin' to harm her.

She's pregnant, you know that?
She's pregnant.

No! No!

He was over Burma when
he was shot down.

There were no injuries from
the crash, just disease.

When the plane was hit, the crew chief
and the radioman jumped close together.

The co-pilot jumped third, all
on Captain Worthington's orders.

- Come in.
- The captain was still flying the plane.

None of the men on the ground could see
the sky. That's how thick the jungle was.

They never saw the plane crash.
They never heard it crash.

They never saw Captain
Worthington's parachute either.

But he was missing for 20 days.

He followed the Irrawaddy
River all the way to Rangoon.

He managed to avoid the Japs
but not the mosquitoes.

So it's malaria.

It's, um, encephalitis "B."

What's that?

Captain Worthington is
paralysed from the waist down.

He... He won't walk.

- I'm sorry.
- When is he coming home?

In about a month. By
the end of October.

Just tell me. I'll do
whatever you wanna do.


Isn't that like
waiting and seeing?

No. Nothing's nothing.

I want Wally to come home.

I'm afraid to see him too.

- I know.
- Oh, don't do that, Homer.

I just want to sit
here and do nothing.

To do nothing.

It's a great idea, really.

Maybe if I just wait
and see long enough,

then I won't have to do anything
or decide anything, you know?

I mean, maybe if
I'm lucky enough,

someone else will decide and
choose and do things for me.

What are you talking about?

But then again, maybe I
won't be that lucky.

And it's not my fault.
It's not your fault.

And that's just it. Someone's gonna
get hurt, and it's no one's fault.

- I don't want to talk about this.
- If we just sit here...

and we wait and see a
little while longer,

then maybe you won't have to choose,
and I won't have todo anything!

What do you want from me? Wally's
been shot down. He's paralysed.

What do you want me to do?

Nothing. I'm sorry.

You're not the one who
has to do anything.

Where you think you're goin'?

I got to go, Daddy. You
have to let me go.

Wait, Rose. Just wait. I ain't gonna let
you go nowhere in the middle of the night.

- Hey. Hey.
- I can't stay here no more, Daddy.

Hey, nothin'. You just go in the house.
This ain't none of your concern.

- Just listen to me...
- You are forgettin' yourself now.

This is my daughter!

Now, I believe you got your
own mess you gotta deal with.

- I wanna get...
- Ain't that right, Homer?

Ain't that right, Homer?

My daughter and I done told you.
This ain't your business.

This ain't none
of your business!

Ya even know what your
business is, Homer? Do ya!

- What is your business?
- I'm in the doctor business.

I can help. That's all I'm saying.
I can help.


Cervical stabilizer,
vulval pads.

Set of sims. Set
of reinstadards.

- Dakin's solution.
- She my little girl, Homer.

She's gonna be all right, Mr Rose.
Nothin' to worry about.

You ready, Rose?


Come on, y'all.

I'm staying, Homer.


If you stay, you
make yourself a use.

Watch her breathing.

You better go get some air.


Oh, God!


The heat will help the
cramps ease up a little.

The bleeding is usually a
lot less within two days,

but you just keep
checking the pad, okay?

As long as it's not
heavy, it's normal.

It's that Vernon. He keep askin' where
you, Rose Rose and Homer is at.

Tell that Vernon to mind
his own business, Muddy.

Told him y'all sick.

You tell him whatever you want.

You crew boss today.

- You readin' the rules, Homer?
- Mm-hmm.

What are they?


"Please don't smoke in bed."

We already heard
that one, Homer.

"Two: Please don't operate the grinder
or press if you've been drinking."

"Three: Please don't go up to
the roof to eat your lunch."

That's the best
place to eat lunch.

"Four: Please, even
if you are very hot,

do not go up to the
roof to sleep."

What do they think, go
up to the roof to sleep?

- They must think we're crazy.
- They think we dumb n*gg*r*s,

so we need some dumb
rules, is what they think.

The last one.

"There should be no going
up on the roof at night."

Now, why don't they just say,
"Don't go up on the roof"?

- That's it?
- That's it.

- Hmm.
- It don't mean nothin' at all.

- And all this time I been wonderin' about 'em.
- They outrageous, them rules.

Who live in this cider house?

Who grindin' up those apples,
pressin' that cider,

cleanin' up all this mess?

Who just plain live here, just
breathin' in that vinegar?

Well, someone who don't
live here made those rules.

These rules ain't for us.

We the ones supposed
to make our own rules.

And we do.

Every single day.

Ain't that right, Homer?

That's right.

Then why don't you burn
them rules in the stove?

Go 'head, Homer. Do it.

Nothing is nothing, right?

You know I love you.

You know I do.

You needed me.

Now Wally's gonna need you.


I'm sorry.

At least there's no more
waiting and seeing.

At least I got to see the ocean.

Homer! Rose Rose done run away.

- She took off in the middle of the night.
- She left on the bicycle.


Nobody gonna find her.

She long gone.

I didn't try stop her.

I just want to touch her
hand before she go.

That's all I wanna do.

That's all.

I swear.

Where she get that knife, Muddy?

Look like your knife.

No gal need to be out here
tryin' to hitch-hike...

unless she got a good,
strong knife to hold onto.

Where'd she get you?

Just misunderstood me.

I was tryin' to give her my knife, and
I reach out my hand to touch her.

But see, I understand, Homer,

if she don't see it like that.

It's my fault.

She good with that knife.

She's fast.

She a lot better with that
knife than you is, Muddy.

Who do you suppose taught her?

- You taught her, I suppose.
- That's right.

That's right.

There's more than one cut.

That's 'cause I take my knife
and stick it in the wound.

I stick my own knife in there.

I poked it all around, Homer,

tryin' to find the same
spot that she got.

Now, look here.

When you tell the police
how this happened,

I want you to tell
it like this, hear?

My daughter run off. I was so sad
about that, I stabbed myself.

I was so unhappy that
she left that...

I k*lled my own self.

And that's the truth.

Ain't that right?

I wanna hear you say that.

I was so unhappy that
my daughter run off...


I k*lled my own self.

- Ain't that right, Homer?
- That's right.

- Huh, Muddy?
- Yeah, that's what happened.

You lost your only daughter, so's you
k*lled yourself. That's what we say.

That's right. That's the truth.

I'm just tryin' to
put things straight.

Sometimes you gotta
break some rules,

put things straight.

Ain't that right, Homer?


Do you think Rose will be okay?

She'll be all right. She knows
how to take care of herself.

This is for you. Olive
wanted me to bring it.

Oh, thanks.

I know you don't think much of being
needed, or of me for that matter, but l...

I'm sorry for what I said
about Wally needing you.

It was unnecessary.

You had every right to be angry.

No, you warned me.

You told me you weren't
any good at being alone.

Wally's gonna be okay.

I know he is.


Dear Homer: I am writing you
to tell you about Dr Larch.

Dr Larch?

Dr Larch?


Oh, Wilbur.


And saw the splendour
of the moonlight

On Honolulu Bay

There's something tender in
the moonlight on Honolulu Bay

I can assure you
that the overdose...

was entirely accidental.

Let us be happy for Dr Larch.

Dr Larch has found a family.
Good night, Dr Larch.

Good night, Dr Larch.

- Come on, Muddy.
- Step on it, man!

- Let's get on it.
- Get on it, man. I wanna get to the sunshine.

- Ha-ha-ha!
- Homer!

- Yeah!
- You ever seen a palm tree?

Oh, he ain't never
been outta Maine!

Ain't you sick of
pine trees, Homer?

- Let me tell you something about Florida, Homer.
- - The sun shines!

Man, it's so warm down there,
you can pick grapefruits...

and oranges naked
if you want to.

- Who would want to do that?
- - I'm just sayin' it's warm, Hero.

You used to say it was too hot.

Not me.

I love them peaches.

I love my peaches.

Homer? Hey, what
you think, Homer?

I'd love to go with you guys,

but I have to move on.

- Hey, you hear that, Muddy?
- What?

- Boy said he ain't movin' on with us.
- Oh, Homer!

Come on, Homer. Come
on down with us!

- I can't do it, guys.
- Well, I reckon you gotta do what you gotta do.

O Lord, support us
all the day long...

until the shadows lengthen
and the evening comes...

and the busy world is hushed and the fever
of life is over and our work is done.

Then, in Thy mercy, grant us a
safe lodging and a holy rest...

and peace at the last.



Homer! It's Homer!


Hey, Buster!


- I was in Maine.
- Oh, look! Here comes Jennifer!

Let me see.

You're welcome. You're welcome.
It was my pleasure.

It's gonna be chicken
fricassee tonight.

- What's this?
- That's Homer's.

You have something for me?

Do I have something for you?

Uh, let... You know what?
I have something.

I do. Here.

It's from the ocean.
It's for you.

- What do you think?
- Good.

- I made a room up for you.
- We thought that would be more comfortable.

Oh, thank you. That
would be great.

- You're not staying in here?
- I don't know.

What do you think, Curly?

What else do you have, Homer?

- Do you have something else for me?
- Do you know what this is?

- Oh, that's my heart.
- No, actually, it's Fuzzy's.

There's nothing wrong
with your heart.

Dr Larch wanted to keep you out of the w*r.
That's why he told you it was yours.

I think he was worried
about his own heart.

He said it would never stand up
to Homer Wells going off to w*r.

"Thus I began my new life...

"in a new name and with
everything new about me.

"I felt like one in a dream.

"The remembrance of my old life is
fraught with so much want of hope.

"Whether it lasted for a year
or more or less I do not know.

"I only know that it was...

"and ceased to be.

And there I leave it."

Is that all?

No, there's much
more to come, Curly.

Well, that's tomorrow.

Let's not give the story away.

Good night, you
Princes of Maine,

you Kings of New England.