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Absence of Malice (1981)

Posted: 11/24/23 19:27
by bunniefuu
[ Teletype machine tapping ]

[ Typing on keyboard ]

[ Beeping ]

[ Projector motor whirring ]

[ Man coughs ]


- Carlyle.
- He's dead since June, boys.

The man, Santos Malderone.

And here comes our boy,
Michael Colin Gallagher.

Forty-three here,
forty-seven now.

Tommy Gallagher's only kid,
nephew of Santos Malderone.

wholesale liquor.

Bob, what's this got--
Duck, Waddell!

Where were you guys
when I needed you?

[ Typing ]
Hi, Donna.

Oh, hi, Meg.

Did somebody
rob a bank?
Wish somebody would.

Anything new on Diaz?

Oh, sure, lots.
We're just not ready
to discuss it yet.

So where is everybody?
No place
you care about.

They're all up
watching the movies.
What movies?

Surveillance film.
Tommy Gallagher's funeral.

It's pretty funny.
Bob Waddell gets slugged
at the end.

- Who's Tommy Gallagher?
- One of the bad guys.

He got dead before you got here.
All the crooks showed up,
so we took some pictures.

- Why don't you ask Bob
to let you see it sometime?
- Sure.

He's still crazy
about you, Meg.
He's a nice guy.

Hey, Donna, I've
been here three years.

How could he be
so interested in a guy
that's been dead that long?

That stunt got him busted
for as*ault, and that's all
we got on Mr. Michael Gallagher.

For those of you new in town,
his old man, Big Tommy, handled
five states worth of liquor,

Did a little loan-sharking
and kept the longshoremen
out of miami for 15 years.

He played rough. If he'd been
alive when Joey Diaz got hit,
he'd have been suspect #1.

Since he was dead,
he's probably not involved.

Big Tommy had a stroke in '67,
brought his kid Mike down
to run the family store.

Word is, Little Mike's clean.
I don't buy it. I want to find out.

- Meersma, I.R.S. gets his last six years.
- Six? Come on!

Work it like you were
making a net worth case.

I want to know every nickel
he's got, and how he got it;

His mortgage and car payments;
and his 2106s, okay?

Mac, you guys crawl
all over his union stuff.

Bob, bureau gets the rest--
friends, neighbors, all the
way to the butcher shop.

I want to know where he was
when Joey Diaz went away.

I want this guy to know
we're in town, okay?
[ All muttering ]

Hey, Bob, Eddie.
How come the streets
aren't safe?

Disadvantaged youths.

You spent all morning
at the movies, huh?
What movies?

The Gallagher funeral.

- Donna said you
might show it to me.
- What?

Donna's on her way out.

Wait a minute. Take it easy.
She didn't do anything.

What are you doin'
for lunch?

I've got a date.

[ Woman ]
Browsky's under arrest.
[ Man ] what for?

I sent him to a homicide
on south west 8th street.

Do you hear 'em
yellin' at me?
Rosie? Line four.

It's the electric company,
Mrs. Connolly.
Why do they talk in my teeth?

It's the only way they can
reach you, Mrs. Connolly.

[ Man ]
Apalachi cola?

Sue, there's a story in here
on a Michael Gallagher.
I'd like a copy of it.

Make sure this is on
the son, Michael Gallagher,
not Tommy.

Okay, fine.
Thank you.

Bob Waddell's office, please.

[ Boat horn blowing ]

[ Rock, faint ]
[ woman laughs ]

[ Loud ]
[ people chattering ]

Hey, Tom.

Hi. Sorry I'm late.
It's okay.

Got hung up on a rewrite.
I'm glad you called.
What's up?

Cathy, a vodka martini, rocks.

Look, I just wanted
to make sure that Donna
didn't get into any trouble.

She's got to learn
to be more careful.
She didn't tell me anything.

She just said
you guys were looking
at the Gallagher film.

Yeah. Well, let's
forget it, okay?

I'm buying.

No, put it on mine.
Hey, Meg.
How are you?

Did you know he has a son?

Listen, I called you
last night. I thought--
I got in late last night.

How'd you know
he had a son?
I met him once at a party.

Oh, you cut your hair.

It looks terrific.


- He seemed nice.
- Who?


Listen, I'm gonna tell you
something out of school.

You don't want to have anything
to do with Mike Gallagher.
Not ever.

Especially not now.

Why not now?
You're gonna bust him?
He's already been busted.

For what?
For assaulting
a federal officer.

You're getting off
on gangsters now, Megan?
What is the matter with you?

Let's talk about somethin' else.
Hey, can I buy you dinner?

Not tonight.
I'm busy.

I wanted to make sure
you didn't send Donna
off to Siberia.

That's all, huh?
Come on.

You'd let me know if you
wanted me to quit asking,
wouldn't you, Meg?

I don't want
to be a jerk.
You're not a jerk.

Mac, I think the strike force
is onto something.

Must be an accident.

A guy by the name
of Michael Gallagher,
son of a bootlegger,

Tommy Gallagher.
What have they got
on him?

I don't know, but it must
have to do with Diaz because
that's all they're working on.

What else have you got?
he sells liquor.

He's got a warehouse
on the channel.

Makes sense.
I ain't got it yet.

Can you work Quinn?
He wants us to love him.
I'm not sure how much he knows.

He's the D.A., But Rosen
runs the strike force.
How 'bout Rosen?

[ Groans ]
Christ, if he said word one
it'd be the first time.

[ Sighs ]

[ Woman ] Yes, sir?
Grace, there's a reporter
on her way to see me now.

When we come in the office,
give me about a minute,
then buzz me, all right?

Hey, Elliot?
Oh, sh--

Michael Gallagher.

The guy who hit Diaz.
Congratulations. You solved
the crime of the century.

Where'd you hear that?
If I revealed my sources,
you wouldn't talk to me.

That would be terrible.
Elliot, the public has
a right to know a few things.

Where's it say that?
There's a sign
on my desk.

Yeah. Well, it'll be
a dull conversation,
but come on in.

[ Sighs, sniffles ]

You want some coffee?
No, thank you.


What can you tell me
about the Gallagher

I can neither confirm nor deny
any investigation...

Which May or May not
be in progress.

- Not for attribution.
- No confirm, no deny.

- Background.
- Can't help.
- Off the record.

Off the record?

- No comment.
- You're a real sweetie.

I told you it was gonna
be a dull conversation.
[ Intercom buzzes ]


All right.
I'll be there in a minute.

Well, cheer up.
Maybe you'll get lucky.

Gotta go to a meeting.

Oh, take your time.
Have a little coffee.

[ Door closes ]

"Under investigation."

- Can't we say he's a suspect?
- I still don't know what
he's suspected of.

Suspected in the m*rder
of Joey Diaz.
Kidnapped. No m*rder.

There's no body.
Presumed m*rder then.

You're missing six months,
you're dead. Prime suspect?

I don't know he's prime.
Maybe they have somebody


The key.
A key.

Christ, you want
anybody to read this?
You keep watering it down.

"Informed sources."


Mac, if he wanted to leak
the story, why didn't he
tell me off the record?

Instead of talking out of
school, he's got you snooping
through government files.

Smart guy.

"Sources in the
federal building"?

That sounds like the janitor.

Knowledgeable sources.

[ Mac ]
knowledgeable... Sources.

Why did Rosen want it out?
Maybe he's trying
to be a nice guy.

Maybe he wants us
to owe him a favor.
Maybe he likes your legs.

If we try to figure out
why people leak stories,
we'll publish monthly.

- Davidek better read this.
- Oh, he's gonna love it.

Now, madam, you propose
to say that Mr. Michael
Colin Gallagher...

Is the approximate
cause of the demise
of the esteemed Mr. Diaz.

That's not what it says.
It says he is
under investigation.

Mr. Gallagher will think
we make him out a m*rder*r,

As will his friends,
his neighbors.

Let us assume that he is neither
a m*rder*r nor the subject
of investigation for same.

Let us suppose
that your story proves
to be false on its face.

- This story is true.
- Madam, if newspapers
printed nothing but truth,

They need never employ attorneys
and I should be out of work,
which I am not.

- I read the file.
- I'm not a whit interested
in the facts.

I'm concerned with the law,
and the question is not
whether your story is true.

The question is,
what protection do we have
if it proves to be false?

Now then, Mr. Gallagher
is not a public official,
nor is he likely to become one.

Is he a public figure?

He's not going to sue,
for god's sake.

So what does it take
to make him a public figure?

If I knew, I should be a judge.
They never tell us
'til it's too late.

I admit I'd be more comfortable
if he were a movie star
or a football coach.

Football coaches
are very safe, indeed.

Have we spoken
with Mr. Gallagher?

- We don't exactly call
the mafia for comment.
- Please make the attempt.

All right.
If he talks to us,
we'll include his denials,

Which will create
the appearance of fairness.

If he declines to speak, we
can hardly be responsible for
errors he refuses to correct.

- If we fail to reach him,
at least we've tried.
- What are you telling me?

I'm telling you that
as a matter of law, the truth
of your story is irrelevant.

We have no knowledge
the story is false;
therefore we're absent malice.

We've been both
reasonable and prudent;
therefore we're not negligent.

We May say whatever we like
about Mr. Gallagher, and he
is powerless to do us harm.

Democracy is served.

Yes, Mother?

What are you doing?
You've been away from
the office for an hour.

Are you ill?
I'm not feeling well,

Shall I send
for the nurse?
No. No, Mother.

I'll be all right.
If you're coming down with
something, you should go home.

- We don't want
the whole school infected.
- Yes, Mother.

And put out that cigarette.

Yes, Mother.

[ Continues ]
[ door closes ]

I'm Michael Gallagher.

[ Man ]
Marcia, line four.
What do you want?

Where'd this story come from?

[ Clears throat ]

What can I do for you?

I wanna know where
this story came from.

- I can't tell you that.
- Oh, yeah? Who can?

Mr. Gallagher, if you want
the matter clarified,
speak to the government.

I already spoke to it.

It's not talkin'.

Mr. Gallagher, were you
involved in Joey Diaz's

Can you prove that?

I don't have to do that.

If you're not involved,
why do you think you're
being investigated?

- I don't know.
That's why I'm here.
- Have you ever met Mr. Diaz?

You write about everybody
being investigated?
Everybody we find out about.

What do you write about
when the investigation's over
and the guy's innocent?

Well, they never tell us
when the investigation is over.

Mr. Gallagher,
to the best of our knowledge,
our story is true.

Now, we appreciate your
coming in to talk to us,

But I'm not sure there's
anything we can do.

We have an obligation
to report such things.

- You got an obligation
to tell the truth?
- Of course.

If you want to know what's true,
how come you don't talk to me
before you write what they say?

I tried to reach you.
There was no answer.

You should have called back.
I'm around.

I don't think this
is getting us anywhere.

Is there anything else
we can do for you?

- Are we investigating
Mike Gallagher?
- We?

Yes, we. The justice
department, remember?
Oh, yeah, sure.

Where you worked before
you went into politics.
Smart. Real smart.

That's why they move you
so much. You wanna try
for Cleveland?

It says we're investigating
Mike Gallagher.
That's true.

Says he's
a Diaz suspect.
Oh, that's not true.

- What is he suspected of?
- What's the difference?

- Stop screwing around.
- Just for the record,
I run the strike force.

- And I run the D.A.'s office.
- I tell you anything,
it's strictly courtesy.

And I want to know
what the hell you're doing.
[ Intercom buzzes ]

No calls.
[ Woman ] it's Jerry Peters,
committee for a better Miami.


Hi, Jerr.
How's the golf?

Listen, I tried,
but I just can't do both.

It's too far.

Please tell them,
"remarks, no speech."

See if I can
do cocktails at one,
dinner at the other.

Thanks, buddy.

Joey Diaz was an honest guy.
He'd even run a decent local.

Some creeps made him disappear,
and we got no footprints.

Six months, and we're nowhere.
We beat our brains out talkin'
to people, and we got zip.

We're lookin' like dopes.

We got $50,000 on the street,
and we don't get a postcard.
I gotta have help.

- So you're squeezing Gallagher.
- Hey, you got somebody better?

He's Tommy Gallagher's kid.
He's Santos Malderone's nephew.

His old man dealt booze
to every hood
from Atlanta to Miami

Those guys kept the union
out of here for 15 years.

He knows those people.
He can get to 'em
if he wants to.

- Is he clean?
- Oh, that's not the point.

I'm not trying to convict him.
I'm trying to get
some information.

Diaz got dead.
Gallagher's just gettin'
squeezed a little.

I suppose you got him
under surveillance too.

- You think he knows anything?
- He can sure as hell find out
if he wants to.

I'm trying to make him want to.

I still don't like it.

You worried about
the A.C.L.U. Endorsement?

You wanna be a cowboy,
go to New York.

- Think of the credit you'll get
if we nail somebody.
- Elliot, talk to him first.

Give him a chance to cooperate.

Then okay, investigate him
if you have to,
but no harassment.

If he goes along and we nail
the Diaz people, you might
get elected to somethin'.

[ Horn blows ]

[ Chattering, shouting ]

Hey, Mike!

Twelve Bacardi Silver
and sixteen Bittersweets
out to the Lullaby.

[ Woman on loudspeaker ]
Mike to the office.
You got visitors.

Mike to the office.

The fuzz.

- Mike.
- Where's your camera?

This is Eddie Frost.
We'd like to talk to you
for a few minutes.

Am I under investigation?

That's not why we're here, Mike.

- Do you know anything about
Diaz that might help us out?
- Nope.

If you do, we'd make
some special arrangements.

I don't need any
special arrangements.

It might be
in your best interest
to cooperate with us, Mike.

We'd go a long way--
Do you know where
that story came from?

- No.
- Call me when you do.

Where were you May 25, 1980?

- [ Shouting ]
You got a warrant?
- No.

Get the hell out of here.
[ Boat horn blows ]

Come on.

[ Piano, faint ]

[ Piano continues ]

What are you doing here?
I read the paper, Michael.

What's goin' on?
Ah, nothin'.
Don't worry about it.

I called the school today.
They said you were sick.
Oh, no.

I was just worried
about you, that's all.

Come on in. I'll get you
somethin' to eat.

[ Sighs ]
Oh, how's your dad?
What did the doctor say?

He's fine.
He'll outlive us all.

Want a beer?

Michael, tell me
what's goin' on.

I don't know.
Well, is this true?

Are they investigating you?

I don't know
what the hell's goin' on.

I went to the paper.
What did they say?

Ever try to talk to a paper?

What are you gonna do?

You don't need that.

What are you gonna do?

[ Sighs ]
I don't know yet.


How 'bout some spaghetti?
I'll make you some spaghetti.
I don't understand.


Well, the F.B.I.
Came around this afternoon,
so something's goin' on.

God, what does that mean?

What'll they do?
Snoop around,
talk to people.

They might even ask you
some questions.

Oh, my god.
Hey, it's no big deal.

Just answer 'em.

- Hey, shouldn't we call John
and Lena and tell 'em--
- Michael!

Don't you remember
where we were?

When that guy,
that union guy, went away
or got kidnapped or whatever.

No. What?

We were in Atlanta, Michael.

Don't you remember?

You brought up the papers.
The headlines were all about it.

I'm sorry.
I wasn't thinking.

What kind of questions
are they gonna ask me?

Do you know me?
How do you know me?
Stuff like that.

Should I say no?

No, no. Don't say no.
Of course you know me.

Oh, my god, Michael.
Hey, come on.

Take it easy.
Maybe they will,
maybe they won't.

How do you know me, hmm?

How do you know
Michael Gallagher,
Miss Perrone?

I've always known him.

He used to take care of me.

What's your relationship now?

He cooks me spaghetti
and he-- he, uh, nags me
about my smoking.

He's my best friend.

The week that... Joey Diaz
was reported missing,

Did you see Michael
Gallagher that week?

Will they ask me that?
I don't know.

Answer it.

- Yes.
- No.

If they ask you that,
just say "I don't remember."

[ Sighs, inhales ]

I don't remember.

On May 25, 1980,

Uh, did you see
Michael Gallagher
that day?

I don't remember.

Where were you on that day?

[ Phone ringing ]

[ Both speaking spanish ]

[ Bell tolling ]

[ Woman on loudspeaker ]
Mike, line four.
Mike, line four.

[ Spanish continues ]

[ Tolling continues ]

Mr. Gallagher,
this is Megan Carter
from The Standard.

I was thinking
about what you said.

My name is on that story,
and if there's anything wrong
I'd like to know about it.

I would like to hear your side.

Don't expect the truth
unless you're willing
to tell it.

Eat lunch?


Pick you up in 20 minutes
in front of the building.
It's a tan wagon.

I'll put a couple
of stiffs on the hood.

[ Phone ringing ]

Mac, where's that
little tape recorder
you used to have?

What do you want with that?
Seems I'm going out to lunch
with Mr. Gallagher.

How'd you manage that?
Where's that stick pin
with the microphone in it?

Wait a minute.
You didn't tell him that you
were gonna write this?

He didn't ask.
I'd better send
a photographer with you.

I can't do this
with a photographer
sitting on my lap.

- He'll stay in the background.
Who have we got in the pool?
- Walker's available.

Walker. Terrific.
I want somebody
who knows where you are.

This may be the guy
who hit Diaz.

If anything weird
starts to happen,
he can call me.

Are you sure
Walker knows
what "weird" is?

[ Horn honking ]

Hi. Pretty day.

How long have you
got for lunch?
As long as I want.

Good job.

Where are we going, anyway?

Boat club.

All warmed up
and ready to go, Mike.

Where are you going?

We can eat on the water.


- What's the matter?
Are you scared?
- Of what?

[ Motor running ]

How old is this thing, anyway?


Who owns a wood boat anymore?
You must spend all your time
fixing it up.

Does it have a name?
Rum Runner.

Why Rum Runner?

My old man was a bootlegger.

[ Motor stops ]

How far out are we?

Was your father
really a bootlegger?

Yeah, for a while.
He did a lot of things.
What else did he do?

Was he crooked?
Is that what you mean?

I guess you'd say
he was crooked.
Want a beer?

Yes, please.

- People say he ran Miami.
- He just had a lot of friends.

Do you?

Not the kind you mean.
[ Can top pops ]


Yeah, once.

A pretty lady,
but she was no friend.

I thought bootlegging
went out with prohibition.

My old man was stubborn.
He had this import business.

Daytime, bananas;
after midnight, booze.
No tax stamps.

Same boats, same crates,
same warehouse. It used
to work pretty good.

Used to?
I don't like
working nights.

When did you get out?

I don't mean jail. When
did you get out of bootlegging
or whatever you call it?

I never got into
"whatever you call it."
Why not? Sounds lucrative.

It's against the law.

- Aren't you hot in that--
- Oh, no. Thanks a lot.

- So you're tellin' me you
were never in the business?
- That's right. You sorry?

Are you?

Yeah, sometimes,
when business is bad.

Then you were tempted.
I had no choice.

My old man said no.
When he said no,
it was no.

You really look as though
you're uncomfortable.
This is very lightweight.

You have a record.

Yeah. Assaulting
a federal officer.

The F.B.I. came
to my old man's funeral.
They brought cameras.

They came to the church,
they came to the cemetery,
so I slugged one of 'em.



- What else you wanna know?
- As much as you wanna tell me.

- I really do want
to be fair about this.
- One of those up-front ladies.

I try to be.

Who's the guy in the volkswagen?

And who the hell
am I talkin' to?

[ Whispers ]
Oh, shit.

- What do we do now?
- Eat.

[ Motor idling ]

Mm, this is good.
What is it?
It's a bordeaux.


- What do you call this?
- A salad.

[ Puts fork down ]

Gallagher, I'm a reporter.
What'd you expect?

Don't try to
make me feel guilty.

- You really think I had
something to do with Diaz?
- It's a distinct possibility.

If there's nothing there,
why are they picking on you?

I gotta know where
that story came from.

Knowledgeable sources,
you said. Who is that?

Somebody's trying to get to me.

Somebody with no face
and no name.

You're the gofer.

You listen to them,
you write what they say,
then you help 'em hide.

You say you got a right
to do that, and I got no right
to know who they are.

I'm sorry, Gallagher.
I can't help you.

[ Sighs ]

How old are you?

How come you're
not married?
Maybe I am.

How come you don't
wear a ring?
Ever heard of liberation?

- Most of them are ugly.
- Was that supposed to
be a compliment?

- Look, if they clear you,
I'll write about that too.
- What page?

You say somebody's guilty,
everybody believes you.

You say he's innocent,
nobody cares.

That's not the paper's fault.
People believe whatever
they want to believe.

Who puts out the paper-- nobody?

If you knew
I was gonna write about you,
why did you do all of this?

- I'm a publicity hound.
- No, really.

I mean, why the boat,
the picnic and everything?

I didn't want you
running out of a restaurant
before I got some answers.

Did you get any?

Not the ones I wanted, but some.

[ Helicopter approaching ]

[ Man on loudspeaker ]
Are you Megan Carter?

Are you all right?

We better get out of here.

I'll catch a cab.

Take care of yourself.

Broke down again?

[ Quiet chatter ]

[ Man ]
I got 22 stories
on this one.

[ Man speaking spanish ]

[ Spanish ]

You got no authority here.

Those men belong
to the longshoreman's union.
The union says they don't work.

It's your union
he's talkin' about.

You people know Mike.
Make up your own minds.

You wanna keep your cards,
you don't work here today.

We got other work for you,
and tomorrow the same.

Mike, we have a problem.

What's goin' on?
Motormouth from the union,
one of Diaz's guys.

He's trying to shut us down.

What's the beef?
I know you, Gallagher.
I know your sentiments.

You don't like us,
we don't like you,
so now you work without us.

- I had nothing to do with Diaz.
- That's not what we hear.

And we don't work for you.
Joseph Diaz was a saint for us.

Joey was a loudmouth
and a jerk, but there was
nothing bad between us.

I hope you will be
many years in the prison.

That goes for you too.
I don't want you guys
crossing no picket line.

Come on. We may have
had problems, but it
was strictly business.

- I had nothing to do with Diaz.
- It ain't about Diaz, Mike.

They pull our card,
we don't work, nowheres.

You pick up at Gallaghers,
you're handling struck work.

Gallagher's is closed.

[ Men murmuring ]

[ Truck engine starts ]

Jesus christ!

[ Door opens ]

Am I out of work?

- What are they going to do?
- They ain't workin'.

What are we
going to do?
We're goin' huntin', John.

[ Latin jazz ]

[ Loud ]
[ People chattering ]

- The same article as muskie.
- He should say it's muskie.

Were you all there
when contine walked up to me...

And pulls out
a black book and starts
quoting union rules...

About how he must get paid
time and a half?

He keeps going on and on.
McAdam is just sitting there.

Are you just passing through?

It's a nice joint.
Free nuts.

Oh, John Orrega,
Megan Carter.
You've heard of her.

Nice meeting you.
Nice meeting you.

Are you looking for me?

Is that the only thing
you got on for tonight?
You're crazy, man.

[ Man ]
He's gonna be in there
all night.

He would lay on that lawn...

With all the lights off,
so I wouldn't know he was there.

He was trying to catch me.

One night,
I was on my third date.

I opened the door
to shake hands with Ralph
and I turn on the lights.

There was my father
laying on the front lawn.
Spread-eagled, you know?

The guy didn't say anything.

Are you finished
with your dinners?

We just all stared at him,
and nobody said anything
for a long time.

Then Ralph said,
"Good night, Mr. Carter."

And I said, "Good night, Dad,"

And I just shut the door
and locked him out.

[ Laughing ]

Oh. Um.
[ Chuckles ]

Your friend John
doesn't like me very much.

He's kind of scratchy today.
The longshoremen struck us.

I didn't know
those guys could read.

Is your old man still--
Yeah, he's still around.

Does he work?
Oh, yes.

He's an investment banker.
My old man
did that too.

- You're kidding.
- Only it was called

There must be
a difference...

'Cause my old man
did time for it.

Oh, mine just hasn't
been caught yet.

Let's see, I was 15
when they sent him up,

And during this little
extended vacation,

A couple of kids
and me stole a car,
went joyriding.

And when he got out,
he found out about it.

He took me in the woods
to a cabin.

It had a dirt basement.

He locked me in and left.
Three days.

Who was he to preach?
He wasn't preaching.

He said if I wanted to
be a thief, then I oughta
know what the life was like.


This guy Quinn,
this D.A.

What's he like?


I see.

[ Sighs ]

You're hustling me,
and you aren't even
hustling me.

I don't know what
you're talkin' about.
Look, Gallagher.

I'm very sorry you got struck,
but it's not my fault,

And I will not tell you
where that story came from.

It's the truth,
and that's enough.
Okay, quiet down.

"Quiet down"?
Is that the only way you like
your women-- nice and quiet?


Are you getting
a little crocked?

You want me to?

What I want--

I'm not hustling.

Uh, I just need you
to get to know me fast.



Waiter? Check.

Oh, no, no, no.
I'll pay.

Unless you think that
would make you impotent.

You got some mouth.

[ Man ]
We'll be there
about 8:00.

Where's your car?

Back at the pen and pencil.


You're gonna follow me?
Uh, not tonight.

You said you wanted me
to know you, fast.

You're not interested.

- I'd like to think
it was my idea.
- I'd like that too.

Gallagher, I'm 34 years old.
I don't need courting.

I'm from the stone age.
I guess I do.

I'll send you a dozen roses.

I can save you guys
a lot of time.

Tell Santos I'll meet him
Tomorrow at the ball game.

The light's green.

[ People cheering, applauding ]

He's gonna steal.
He's gonna steal.

How are you, Uncle Santos?

[ Man ]
All right, here we go.
[ Child ] come on!

You look good, Michael.

You too.

Everybody asks for you.
They want to know
how you are.

How are you?
I'm okay.
I've been better.

What have you got guys
following me for?

[ All cheering ]

I told you he
was gonna steal!
Wake up!

Tony, don't fall asleep
on me out there, please.

I don't like
to read about you
in the newspapers.

I'm not crazy about it myself.

Is somebody setting me up?

[ Chuckles ]
What are ya talkin'?

Maybe somebody you know.
You got a lot of friends.

What are ya talkin'?
You're my nephew.
[ Laughs ]

You're family.
You're looking
in the wrong place.

[ Man ]
That away to pitch!

[ Cheering, applauding ]

You know what I think?
It's downtown.

They ain't got nobody for Diaz.

They're in trouble.
They're embarrassed.

Maybe they think you'll help 'em
if they push you hard enough.
You know a lot of people.

That's why your guys
are following me?

What are you gonna do?
Are you gonna help 'em?

- It's not my business.
- They can make you think
it's your business.

Don't sell 'em short.
They got ways.


Good. Good.


A lot you
remind me of Tommy.
You're all right.


Buona fortuna, Sonny.
Be well. Take good care.

I'm Teresa Perrone.
I guess you know
I'm Megan Carter.

Thank you for
meeting me like this.

Would you like
a cigarette?
No, I'm trying to quit.

Michael hates it.

I have a story for ya.
Michael Gallagher
is innocent.

You were with him
the night they got Diaz.
You'll swear to it in court.

I'm used to dealing
with girlfriends.

Why do you think
I'm a girlfriend?

Just a hunch.

No, I've never been
Michael's girlfriend.

I've known him
since childhood.
We're friends.

Of course you think
he's innocent.

No, I know
he's innocent.

[ Children shouting ]
Well, because
I was with him...

At the time.

But you--
I don't want you
to say it was me.

I see.
Where were you?

I can't tell you that.

How do you remember this?
It was ten months ago.

Do you remember
where you were the day
Kennedy was shot?

Can you prove it?

I don't know.

Miss Perrone, uh,
you're very loyal,
if that's what it is.

But I can't write a story
that says someone claims to know
Michael Gallagher is innocent...

And won't say how or why
or even give her name.

I am assistant
to the principal
at San Ignacio school,

And the publicity would be--

I just can't.

Suit yourself.
But you printed
that other story.

- That was different.
I knew where it came from.
- You don't believe me?

I've never met you before
in my life.

You want me to write that
Gallagher is innocent, then you
tell me I can't use your name.

You say you were with him,
and you won't tell me where.
What would you do?

If I told you-- just you--

Would it have to be
in the paper?


If it has nothing
to do with Diaz.
I mean, it's private.

I'll speak to my editors
about it, but I can't
promise you anything.

But I don't understand.
Couldn't you say you spoke
to someone who was with him?

I'm a reporter.

You're talking
to a newspaper right now.
Do you understand?

You said you
could keep it out.
I did not say that.

I said I would discuss it
with my editors.

Look, if you have
some information...

About where
Michael Gallagher
was that night...

And you want to help him--

You don't understand.
Th-there was this guy.

Michael hates him.

Maybe he's not so hot,

But, uh, you see, I'm catholic.

[ Sighs ]
Miss Perrone.

I don't want to be rude,
but I don't understand what
you're trying to tell me.

I do have a deadline.
I have to get back
to the paper.

I had an abortion.

I got pregnant,
and I didn't know
what to do.

I-I got a name in Atlanta,

And Michael took me.

It was, uh, three days.

He stayed with me
every day, every hour,

and that's what happened.

That's not such
a terrible thing.

Have you told anybody else this?

Oh, god.

Oh, you're
not catholic.
It's 1981.

People will understand.

Are you crazy?

Not my people.
Not my father.

I don't even understand it.

How old are you?

You believe me,
don't you?
Yes, I do.

Then don't write this.

You're a friend
of Michael Gallagher's.
He's in trouble.

You've told the truth
about something
that will help him.

No one's gonna hate you
for that, really.


Do you have any ticket stubs
or receipts...

That would prove
that what you're--

[ Talking, faint ]

Eight-and-a-half cases
short, and he drops us
after twelve years.

I could redo it
the other way,
so we'd lead with that.

That's fine.

Mac, if it has
no bearing on the case,
then why run it?

What does it mean?

Let the readers decide
what it means.

I'm beginning
to feel funny about
mentioning the abortion.

Isn't being with Gallagher
what's relevant? What
difference does it make--

The only reason
I believe the story
is because of the abortion.

Don't tell me it's not relevant.

Are you sure you're right?

I'm never sure I'm right.

She's the alibi witness
for a key suspect
in a major crime.

People have a right
to know the alibi.

You got something going on
with Gallagher?

Good night, Mac.

[ No audio ]

Mac, about this
construction worker--

Meg, we've had--
um, uh, there's--
there's been an accident.


It's Teresa Perrone.

What happened?

She k*lled herself.
They found her
about an hour ago.


Her father woke up
and found her.

She was living at home.

Did she leave a note?

They don't think so.

- Meg?
- You want me
to do the story?


No, no, I'm gonna do it.


You wanna go home?


[ Typing ]

[ Typing stops ]



Cut her wrists
with a razor blade.

Turns out she was
seeing a psychiatrist.


People get caught up in things.

Remember the woman
in San Francisco
a few years ago...

Took a shot at Ford?

The guy in the crowd
grabbed her arm and saved
the president's life...

And was a hero.

Turned out he was also gay.

That's news, right?

Now the whole country
knows that too.

Did he k*ll himself?

Meg, let me take you home.

It was not your fault.

Why do I have to go home?


You don't wanna come in here.

I'm warning ya.

If I could just talk to you--

Shut up!
I don't wanna hear it.
I don't wanna hear any of it.

What the hell
are you doing here?

Is that what you want?

They found her naked in the tub.

She didn't even want
to make a mess.

No water.
Just naked in the tub.
You interested in that?

You interested
in how she felt?

Okay, she picks up
a newspaper,
for christ's sake,

And there it is
for everybody to see,
everybody to look at.

She must've felt like--
[ groans ]

Don't, Michael!

g*dd*mn it.
She must've felt--

[ Screaming ]
Stop it!

[ Whimpering, quiets ]

You know,
something I didn't know--

When you k*ll yourself
it's a homicide,
so they do an autopsy.

[ Sighs ]
They're gonna get a knife.

[ Groans ]
They start here.

They're gonna split her open.
When they get up here
they use shears.

They use shears, for christ's--

Oh, g*dd*mn you!

Get away from me.

[ Weeping ]

Excuse me, Michael,

but I can't go home like this.

I need something to wear.

I'll have this returned to you.

Couldn't you see
what it was to her?

Couldn't you...

Stop scribbling for a second
and just...

Put down your g*dd*mn
ballpoint pen...

And just see her?

Didn't you like her?

[ Continues weeping ]

It was Rosen.
It was Elliot Rosen.

Runs the strike force.
He's the one that leaked
the story about you.

I don't know why.

[ Sobbing ]
I have to go now, Michael.
I'm very tired.

[ Continues weeping ]

- Were they in Atlanta?
- I got him on the manifest,
but it doesn't mean he's clear.

Doesn't mean anything.

Either he did it,
or he knows who did it,
or he can find out who did it.

he sure isn't easy.

Why don't you see if Meersma's
got anything from I.R.S.

You think we oughta
let this cool down?

No. I'm sorry about Perrone.
I got a job to do.

This thing isn't
just gonna go away.

I still gotta find
who hit Diaz. That's what
they're paying me for.

The hour has come
for the son of man
to be glorified.

I solemnly assure you,

Unless the grain of wheat
falls to the earth and dies,

It remains
just a grain of wheat.

But if it dies,
it produces much fruit.

The man who loves his life
loses it,

While the man
who hates his life
in this world...

Preserves it
through life eternal.

Grant her eternal rest, o lord,

And may your light
shine on her forever.


[ Intercom beeps ]

[ Man on intercom ]
Who is it?

Michael Gallagher.
I need to see my uncle.

Yes, Michael?

I got a job to do, uncle.

I need some information
about this guy Elliot Rosen.

Uh, this is Michael Gallagher.

I'm somewhere else right now.

If you wait for the tone,
leave your name and number,
I'll get back.

[ Sarah ]
How large is
the search area?

[ Typing ]

Can you give me the boundaries?

Are there sharks
in that area,
do you think?

Okay, great.
Thanks, Lieutenant.

No, I think
I'll be working.
Maybe lunch. Bye-bye.

I don't think they're
gonna find those guys.
It's been two days now.

You might wanna go easy
on the sharks.

Don't scare the tourists.

The rule is, it's a shark
if it walks out of the water,
stops traffic and bites a cop.

If they're just
swimming around,
we call 'em fish.

Fish-infested waters.

Want some coffee?

Might keep me up.
It's decaffeinated.

Been thinking
it might be time for you
to come on the desk.

I'm not over the hill yet.

I think you'd make
a damn fine editor.


You ever miss
being on the street?

Too many people out there.

A lot of news
is bad news for somebody.

You stay out there
too long, the "somebodys"
start adding up.

You ever think about
doing anything else?


But you won't.

Mondays are
always different
from Tuesdays.

You don't have to lie a lot.

Once in a while
you nail the bad guy.

I know how to print
what's true...

And I know how
not to hurt people.

I don't know how to do
both at the same time,
and neither do you.

Maybe you're tougher than I am.


That medicaid arraignment
is tomorrow.


You want art?

You betcha.

I think they oughta get
their pictures in the paper.

I want you to think
about the editing.

You're a good
newspaperwoman, Meg.

And if you delete "newspaper"?

I like you all right.

Your meeting, your agenda.

I want a deal.

What you got in mind?

Whatever I find out, you get.

After that, you're on your own.

But none of this
federal witness stuff.

I wanna stay in town,
I don't wanna testify...

And I don't wanna deal
with anybody except you.

- Why with me?
- Maybe I don't trust this guy--
what's his name? Rosen?

What do we do for you?

The investigation
you guys are running on me
is over now.

I want you to make
a statement clearing me,
and I want it in the papers.

What do you think
you can come up with?

[ Chuckles ]
Well, whatever it is,
it's more than you got.

We don't make statements
clearing people.

We don't talk about
an investigation until
somebody's been indicted.

Well, someone sure as hell
talked about this one.

This guy Waddell, does he
go with that newspaper lady?
The one that wrote about me?

Megan Carter?
Yeah, they used to
see each other.

I don't think
they do anymore.

Who knows
you're here?

You know
what'd happen to me
if this leaks.

We can protect you.

[ Laughs ]

Oh, yeah.
Sure. Sure.

Okay, um--

We can call off
the investigation,

But I'm not sure about
a statement in the paper.

Then we got nothing
to talk about.

Here's a number where
you can leave a message.

When I read
in the paper what I want,
you get in touch.

Let me think about it.


[ Stereo: piano ]

[ Doorbell rings ]

Would you like to come in?


Could I fix you
a drink?
Oh, I don't think so.

Work long hours.

I was just writing a letter
to my father.

The loan shark.

You keep in touch,
Yes, we do.

Most people nowadays telephone.

It's not the same.

It's easier to phone,
but then what have you got?

My daughter
used to write letters.

I mean, she'd stick
crayon to paper,
but she phones now.

How old is she?


I was, um,

Trying to explain
to my father...

What happened.

You know, the-- the other day
when I took it all out on you--

Um, it isn't that simple.

That's not an apology.
I just wanted to
set the record straight.

That cost you, didn't it?

Telling me about Rosen.

Well, thanks.

I didn't do it for you.

I know that.


It's a new blouse.


I'll get you your sweater.



What I told you
about the story--
was it of any help?



Maybe see ya one of these days.

I'd like that.

Not against the rules?

I'd like it anyway.


I'd like it to be your idea.

[ All chattering ]

Candidate's coming
out of the closet, huh?

Come on in, Elliot.
Get everybody down
in the courtyard.

See you guys in ten minutes.

You want my endorsement?

I'm flattered.

I'm terminating
the Gallagher investigation.
Like hell you are.

Let's call Washington.

- And say what?
- You say whatever you want.

I'm going to say
that you're running
a bogus investigation...

And that you're trying to
coerce a private citizen into
becoming a federal witness.

You knew what I was doing.

Yeah. I should've
stopped you then.
I'm gonna stop you now.

You wanna join me
in the statement?

No, thanks.
They're your cards.
You play 'em.

I have a very short
statement to read.

"The organized crime
and racketeering
strike force...

Has recently completed
an investigation of
Michael Colin Gallagher...

With regard to
his possible involvement
in the disappearance...

Of joseph Diaz...

And has found no grounds
to proceed against
Mr. Gallagher.

Because this investigation
was inadvertently reported
in the press,

It is the feeling
of this office that
it is only proper...

To acknowledge
its conclusion."

That's it.
[ Waddell ]
I don't get it.

You don't?
Quinn just blew the whistle
on both of us.

You went after the wrong guy;
I wrote about it.

What the hell's going on?

Good question.
You oughta join the F.B.I.

I don't know either.

- I doesn't make any sense.
- Got any ideas?

Early retirement.

I got a couple.
I want 24-hour surveillance
on Gallagher. Not close.

And I want taps on three phones:

Gallagher's warehouse;
Gallagher at home;
Quinn's house.

Wait a minute.

Where are we gonna
find a judge that'll
let us tap Quinn?

I'm not gonna ask a judge.

It's no good in court.
I'm not in court.

Not yet.

You really think
Gallagher bought him?

I don't know.

Do you think he's for sale?

Mr. Gallagher?

Letter from The Standard.

[ Van door opens, closes ]

[ Engine starts ]

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

What are you doing?
Are you leaving?

What time is it?

I gotta go.

What happens at 5:30?

I'll call you.

I'm free every night but Friday.

- How about Friday?
- Okay.

[ Phone rings ]

Uh, this is Michael Gallagher.

I'm somewhere else right now.

If you wait for the tone,
leave your name and number,
I'll get back.

[ Beep ]
[ Man ]
This is--

This is Quinn.
We'd better get together
to talk.

[ Receiver clicks, buzzing ]

Just keep watchin', buddy.

[ Beep ]

[ Man's voice, altered ]
Our boy's getting nervous.
He wants a meeting.

Then there's one that says,

"Our boy is getting nervous.
He wants a meeting."

"Our boy," huh?

[ Beep ]
[ Man ] Matheson Hammock,
day after Tomorrow.

That's thursday,
11:00 a.m.

Nine thousand dollars
in cashier's checks.

Three thousand and six thousand.
Payable to the committee
for a better Miami.

"Committee for
a better miami"?
Wait a minute.

Anonymous contributions...

To a nonprofit organization
with political interests.

Mr. James Quinn.

Absolutely legal.
Very nicely laundered.
Yeah, except we caught him.

All arranged through messages
on a code-a-phone, so we can't
prove he ever got them.

Gallagher's no dummy.

Oh, yeah?
The meeting's arranged.

11:00 a.m. tomorrow,
Matheson Hammock.

Well, it's a professional job.

We know that.

There's talk that it might be
two guys from New Jersey.

We know that too.
The paper said that,
for christ's sake.

[ Sighs ]
Well, maybe they're right.

I got my neck stuck out
for you, Gallagher,

And you'd better deliver.

Now, I held up my end.
You damn well better start
holding up yours.

Hey, you've been
on this job for six months.

I've been on it for a week.

Now, I need something,
and you'd better start
delivering soon.

Soon as I know.

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

Hey, Meg.

Hi, Bob.
Sorry. I'm late.

I think you'll want
to hear this.

Between us.
They can have my job
for this.

What are you talking about?

Gallagher paid off Quinn.

That's why he called off
the investigation.
I don't believe you.

Get in the car.

Those are his checks, Meg.

Political contributions
to Quinn.

Well, he's under surveillance,
so when you're with him

Rosen will bust him if he can.

Get out of it, Meg.

Why are you telling me this?

I don't want you hurt.


You can't use this.

You sure as hell
can't tell Gallagher.

It'll mean my job.
[ Doorbell rings ]

Hi. Come on in.

What'd you bring?

A friendly bordeaux.

Pretty good year.

Want some
right away?

- Smells good.
- What?

The wine.



Is something bothering you?

Quinn clearing you--
did you know he was
gonna do that?

He didn't tell you?

No. It was
a nice surprise, though.

I bet.

I'm taking the boat
down to Bimini on sunday.
You want to come along?


- How far away is that?
- Oh, three, four hours.

What else is around it?

A lot of water.

What happens if we miss it?

You're gone for a long time.

Why do you think he called
that press conference?

Quinn. Why do you think
he called--

- What are you, working?
- They don't usually call
a press conference to--

Yeah, you told me.
I remember.

What do you think you know,

Would you tell me the truth?
I'd like to know the truth.

Tell you or the whole world?

- What's the difference?
The truth is the truth.
- No.

You want to know the truth?
Ask me as a person,
I'll tell ya.

- Ask me as a reporter,
I got no comment.
- That's not fair.

Not fair to who?
Wait a minute!

You don't write the truth.

You write what people say.

You overhear.
You eavesdrop.

You don't come across
truth that easy.

Maybe it's just
what you think,
what you feel.

I don't need
your g*dd*mn newspaper...

To decide what
they're gonna do with me
or who I am.

Then you tell me.
Who are you?

You mean you're not sure yet?



I guess you'll just
have to decide for yourself.

I mean, who I am
and what you are.


Would you just answer me
one question?

Quinn's statement--
did you do anything wrong
to get it?

What's "wrong"?

You know what wrong is.

That's right.
I do.


Tell me.

I'm sorry.
I won't.

[ Sighs ]

I guess you just did.

Things are not what
they seem. Not always.
You oughta know that.

They usually are.


Mac? It's Meg.

Jim, listen,
I'm sorry about this,

But I have a story that says
you're suspected of taking
bribes from Michael Gallagher.

I would like to hear
your comment.

I'd say you've got
your information mixed-up.
Either that, or you're fishing.

- Wait a minute.
That was off the record.
- My question was on the record.

No comment, g*dd*mn it.
Now slow down and tell me
what you're talking about.

- You get to him?
- I need someone for dictating.

Okay, go.

This is insert "a" after
the fifth graph ending "xxx"
clearing Gallagher.

Quinn denied--

What the-- ha-ha!

[ Sighs ]

Elving, go yourself
down the hall there
and collect our friend.

[ Quinn ]
Hello, Jim.
Good morning, fellas.

quickly, please.
What are you doing?

We'll be just a second here,
please, sir.

Have a seat, folks.

Well, now, let the record show
that I am James J. Wells,

Assistant attorney general
for the organized
crime division...

Of the united states
department of justice.

With me here are--

Oh, hell, Angie,
you know who these folks are.
Just write 'em in.

I've had no conversation
with anyone here...

Prior to the beginning
of this record.

At this time I'd like to
inform all present they have
the right to remain silent...

And the right to retain counsel.

I inform them further
that anything they say
during the course of this, uh--

What the hell is this?
This inquiry--

May be taken down
and used against 'em.

Anybody here want a lawyer?


Miss Carter,
you brought your own.

Mr. Gallagher,
do you want a lawyer, sir?

[ Wells ]

Ain't no more room
in here anyway.

Anybody wanna read the paper?

You got a story in here
says strike force
investigating the D.A.

Suspected bribes.

It's the damnedest story
you ever read.

Nobody in this department
ever read a story
quite like that.

Tell you what we're gonna do.

We're gonna sit right here
and talk about it.

Now, if you get tired
of talking here,

Mr. Marshal Elving Patrick will
hand you one of them subpoenas
he's got in his pocket,

We'll go downstairs
and talk in front of
the grand jury.

Now, we'll talk all day,
if you want to.

But come sundown there's
gonna be two things true
that ain't true now.

One is that the united states
department of justice
is going to know...

What in the good christ--
Excuse me, Angie--

Is going on around here.

And the other is,
I'm gonna have somebody's ass
in my briefcase.



Fine. All right, Elving,
hand whichever one of these
fellas you like a subpoena.

We'll go talk
in front of the grand jury.

- Gallagher's
a government witness.
- Wonderful thing, a subpoena.

He's working on Diaz,
reporting to me.

Your arrangements include
campaign contributions?

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about $9,000.
Cashier's checks.
It's all in the file, Jim.

- What file?
- This file.

Rosen's investigation file.

You can't have a investigation
without a file, jim.

Let me see that.
I'll save you

It says
you met with Gallagher,
didn't report it.

Says Gallagher give money
to some committee
thinks you're pretty.

Got phone taps.

Not legal, mind you, but I got
phone taps of you talking on
Gallagher's answering machine.

You son of a bitch.

He don't think much
of your investigation,

Jim, why didn't you
report that meeting?

[ Stammering ]
That was Gallagher.

Those were his rules.
H-he said he wanted to deal
only with me.

We had had a leak--
[ wells ]
You'd had a leak?

You call what's going on
around here a leak?

The last time
there was a leak like this,
Noah built hisself a boat.

Now, look,
I don't know anything
about any cashier's checks.

Now, Gallagher said
he would listen for us
if we quit hassling him.

- He wanted a public statement.
- And he got it.

Robert, where'd you
get the authority
to run those taps?

No place.
I just did it.

You wanna tell me
why you'd go and do
a damn fool thing like that?

You see, we had...
A reason to believe that--

He was acting
on my instructions.

He don't get paid to act
on your instructions.

He gets paid to abide by
and to enforce the law.


How's come you're
investigating the D.A.
without telling the department?

It was preliminary.
We had cause, but no case.

Do you think you have
a case now?

- I think so.
- Make it.

I-in front of them?

Do you know somethin'
that ain't already
all over the newspapers?

Go ahead and make your case.
It'll be good practice for ya.

Mr. Gallagher,
you know Mr. Quinn?

- Yeah.
- How do you know him?

He asked me
if I would help him find out
what happened to Joey Diaz.

I show you photostats
of two cashier's checks,

Drawn on
the flagship national bank,

Made payable
to the committee
for a better Miami.

[ Rosen ]
Have you seen them before?

Yeah. They're mine.

For what purpose
did you make these checks?

To contribute to the committee.

Well, why was that?

Because they do good work.

You aware the committee is
interested in the political
career of Mr., Uh, Quinn?

That's okay with me.

All right, let me point out
that these checks were drawn...

Immediately before...

And immediately after
your meeting with Mr. Quinn.

What do you
make of that?
What do you make of it?

Are you trying to say you
got an urge to contribute
to his committee...

Before you met with him,

And then got another urge
right after?

Yeah. I came into some extra
money a couple days later.

You made
these contributions
anonymously. Why?

I wanted them to be anonymous.

- I'll bet. Tell us why.
- I didn't want other people
asking for contributions.

The reason you made these
contributions anonymously
is that you were paying off.

Prove it.

Mr. Gallagher...

If you, in fact, told Mr. Quinn
you would act as a government
informant, then why--

Wait a minute.
I said that I'd see
what I could find out.

- What are you finding out?
- Nothin'.

Nobody wants to talk about it.

You son of a bitch.
You're trying to frame me.
Now, he set me up.

He arranged the meetings.
He is the one who got me
on his answering machine.

- He's got the canceled checks.
He is trying to frame me!
- What's his motive?

To get even, you dummy.

You two guys oughta get married.

Mr. Gallagher,
are you that smart?

[ Quinn ]
You're damn right he is.

Ms. Carter.

You seem to know a lot
about what's going on
around here.

I'd like to ask you
where these stories came from.

- Objection. My client--
- You save your objections,

This ain't a courtroom.

Now, Ms. Carter, this story
about Mr. Gallagher--
the first one.

I had reason to believe
the strike force...

Was investigating
Mr. Gallagher.

- I confirmed it,
I wrote the story.
- How did you confirm it?

You are asking her--
wait a minute.

I want to answer this.

I read the file.
[ Wells ]
Did you, now?

How did you come
to read the file?

I was talking
with Mr. Rosen.

It was lying on his desk,
and when he left his office
I read it.

Did you ask Mr. Rosen...

What in the name of christ
he was doing leaving the file
on his desk for you to read it?

- He intended me to read it.
- Why, Ms. Carter?

So that I would
write a story that made
Mr. Gallagher look bad.

[ Megan sighs ]

This story.

Mr. Rosen give you
that one too?


Go ahead, Ms. Carter.

I'm sorry.
I can't tell you.

I think I know
where we're headed here.

Before we get there,
I wanna say something to you.

You know we can't tell you
what to print...

Or what not to.

We hope you people
in the press
will act responsibly,

But when you don't
there ain't a lot
anybody can do about it.

But we can't have people
go around leakin' stuff
for their own reasons.

It ain't legal.

And worse than that,
by god, it ain't right.

I can't stop you,
but I can damn well stop them.

I wanna know where
them stories come from.

Under the first amendment,
my client is not required
to reveal her sources--

That's horse pucky, counselor.
The first amendment
don't say that.

The privilege don't exist.

Ms. Carter, do you understand
I can ask you these questions
in front of a grand jury?


And if you don't answer,
you could go to jail?

I know it's possible, yes.

Oh, it's more than
possible, Ms. Carter.
It's damned likely.

Now, I ain't anxious to be
locking up reporters,

But I'm gonna tell you
something-- I don't like
what's goin' on around here.

May I say something, please?


I don't want to go to jail...

But this has got to stop

A lot of damage has been done.

I'm responsible
for a lot of it.
I know that.

[ Sighs ]
I don't--
I don't know, I--

I keep thinking there must
be some rules to tell me
what I'm supposed to do now,

but maybe...


The person who told me about
the investigation of Mr. Quinn,
they were not leaking it.

They did not intend
for it to be printed.
I did that on my own.

I'm scared to death
of going to jail,

But if I tell you
who it was you'll have to
do something about it,

And then someone else
will be hurt.

So it's really very simple--
I can hurt someone
or not hurt someone.

No rules.



I can't tell you.

Mr. Gallagher.

I seem to want to ask
if you set all this up.

If I do, you ain't
gonna tell me, are ya?


I tell you something.
You're a smart fella.

Don't get too smart.

Pretty smart myself.

Everybody in the room is smart.

Everybody's just
doing their job.

And Teresa Perrone's dead.

Who do I see about that?

Ain't nobody to see.

I wish there was.

You're excused now, sir.

[ Door closes ]
Ms. Carter,
you can go too.

Later today I'll have
a statement for the media.

You ain't gonna like it.

It's gonna say Mr. Quinn here
May not be the smartest D.A.
We've ever had around,

but there's no evidence
suspecting him of anything.

And it's gonna say
you were suckered
by Mr. Rosen here,

who has some peculiar ideas
on how to do his job.

It's gonna say it was
premature and real wrong...

That these investigations
ever got reported
in the first place.

You don't have to print it,
of course, but it's gonna
wind up in the paper.

Angeline, you and Elving
go on ahead.

Robert, you can go too.
I'll be along in a minute.

Jim, you're in a bad place, boy.

I could talk myself blue
clearing you, but...

Wouldn't nobody believe me.

You got a hell
of a publicity problem.

I could sue.

You can't win.

Absent malice.
What can you prove?

You sayin' I should resign?

The president appointed you.
I ain't the one to be
kickin' you out.

But I'm suggestin'.

[ Sighs ]
I'll talk to you later.

[ Sighs ]

[ Door opens ]

[ Door closes ]

It's really too bad.
I'm sorry.


He's a nice guy.
He just forgot
about the rules.

what'd you figure you'd do
after government service?

- I'm not quitting.
- You ain't no presidential
appointee, Elliot.

The one that hired you was me.

You got 30 days.

Uh, would you excuse me
for a moment, please?


You got us all,
didn't you, Michael?

You got yourselves.

How'd you know
I'd get the story?

I knew somebody would.
I'm sorry it was you.

How'd you know I'd print it?

It's news, isn't it?

Nothing's going
to be answered.
Just make sure that--

Davidek filled me in on it.

We're not gonna retract
anything, but we've got
a lot of explaining to do.

Sarah's gonna write the story,
and we'll handle it
the best way we can.

I need to know how to
describe your relationship
with Gallagher.

Mac said to quote you directly.

Say whatever you want.

[ Sighs ]


Say we were involved.

That's true, isn't it?


But it's accurate.

Hot, huh?

Not so hot, really.

I went by your house.
There's a "for sale"
sign out.

Yeah. It's sold.
Got a good price.

You got some sun.

I've been sitting on the beach.

We were pretty famous
for a week.
Did you read the story?


You want a beer?


Where you headed?

I don't know.

- I guess I got a couple
of moves left in me.
- But you don't know where.

Not sure.

People are going
south and west, but, uh,

I think I'll go north and east.

You can go clear
to the Hudson River--

I mean, clear to Canada--
On the Inland Waterway.

Northeast. I was raised
in the northeast.

I had my first job there
the summer when I was 16
on the Berkshire Eagle.

I wonder if they'd have me back.

Feelin' sorry for yourself?

I know you think
what I do for a living...

Is nothing.

But it really isn't nothing.

I just did it badly.

Why do I get the feeling your
going northeast has something
to do with your daughter?

You probably are
a hell of a reporter.

Not yet.

Have a good trip.

I get the feeling I wanna say...

"Could I write?"

But I'm afraid
to hear your answer.

Maybe see you one of these days.

I'd like that.

- Be well.
- You too.