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Veronika Voss (1982)

Posted: 11/24/23 20:04
by bunniefuu
Help me! Help me!

I can't stand this pain!

It's tearing me apart,
devouring me,

destroying me.

I beg you! Have mercy!

I'll give you everything I possess.

Everything I am.

- Everything?
- Everything.

Very well, then. Everything.

Thank you.

Now I belong to you.

Everything I have belongs to you.

All I have left
to give you is my death

All I have left
to give you is my death

Thank you

I can do without
a cheap present like that

Thank you

Insidious Poison,
142, take 5

Tail slate

Bravo Thanks, Veronika

You were marvelous

It's my job to break hearts

I'm so proud of you

And I'm very grateful

You must thank him

I'd be nothing without him

Your screenplay works
very well indeed, Mr Rehbein

Darling, I don't think
you quite understood

It's not just his screenplay

It's his love that gives me strength

His love

Okay, we'll break for lunch.

We continue at 2:00.

Lighting technicians
should go first.

May I offer you my umbrella?

Safe haven in a storm

Call it what you like
Safe haven in a storm, if you wish

Next stop: Grosshesseloh Bridge

Take my coat
or you'll catch cold

Thank you

What's your name?

Robert Krohn

You're very kind, Mr Krohn

Shall we sit down?

There are seats free at the front
- No Let's stay here! Please!

People would recognize me,

They'd stare at me
and talk about me

Some might even want to start
a conversation Do you understand?

Yes, I understand

Thank you

very much

It's the phone

For you

My God

Why don't you drink your beer
instead of spilling it all over?

Hasberg here

To hear at night
things that were never heard:

No He's asleep

the hundredth name of Allah,

the drumbeat not noted down
when Mozart died.

When? Where?

apprehended in the womb.

Yes, I'll tell him

Thanks Good-bye

A woman wants to meet you
for tea this afternoon

5:00 at the Privilege

A Mrs Voss

I don't know her

She obviously
doesn't know you either

She said
what a charming man you were

- Your health, sir
- Thank you

You're a sports reporter
That must be exciting


People who fight
are always exciting

Victories are exciting Defeats -

What do you fight for?
- Me?

Yes Tell me about your triumphs

My life's pretty humdrum, you know

No victories

No defeats anymore

Was that your wife on the phone?

My girlfriend

Do you love her?

Do I love her?

We get along


I may call you Robert?
- Of course

I'm sure you felt bad

- Felt bad?
- For not recognizing me

You didn't recognize me
immediately, did you?

No, not at once

You see! You can't fool me

Let me tell you,

it was a joy for me
that someone should take care of me

without knowing
I'm Veronika Voss,

and how famous I am

I felt like a human being again

A human being

The movies are not reality,
of course

Waiter! The lighting here is terrible


light the candles
and turn that off

Certainly, madam

Thank you

Light and shadow:
The two secrets of motion pictures

Did you know that?

I don't go to the movies much

You can study it on me

Do you think
I'm a beautiful woman?

Yes, very beautiful

I think you're
a very beautiful woman

A woman with both
light and dark sides

Do you have 300 marks?
- 300 marks?

- I saw a brooch
- Yes, I think so

Such a cute little brooch

And when I want something,
I have to have it

- Here you are
- Thank you

You will wait for me?

I want a brooch for 300 marks

My God, hurry up
Any brooch for 300 marks

That can't be so difficult

How about

How about this one, madam?

It costs almost 300 marks
285 to be precise

Guess who it is

Am I a mysterious stranger, or?

Your beer, sir

No, you'd never guess

I'll guess who you are

You're a man
who has ordered a beer,

because over a beer
he can consider

whether he should cheat
on his girlfriend with a mysterious lady

Am I right?

No, don't say anything
You wouldn't tell the truth anyway


No, please
This is on me

The rest is for you

It was marvelous getting
to know you

I must be going now

I have an appointment
with my producer

My movie producer
You know how it is

He made his first million with me
Now he's after his second

I don't really want to make
another picture yet,

but I can't refuse him

It's a pretty brooch,
don't you think?

It's a dream role

What should I do?
And the part's good, too

My husband wrote the screenplay

Obviously, he writes
only good parts for me

You must come
and visit us sometime

But I must run now

Good-bye, Robert

You may call me Veronika

Good-bye, Veronika

Why are you staring at me, you slob?

Veronika, darling! What's wrong?

Aren't you feeling well?


No, I feel fine

The man it was meant to please
didn't like it

The man it was meant to please
didn't like it

What should I do with a brooch

that doesn't serve its purpose?

You see? You can't say

So give me my money back

Maybe you didn't understand me

Veronika Voss

I recognized your voice immediately

I can't tell you
how delighted I am

Of course Miss Voss
can have her money back

You remember?

1944, I think it was In Berlin

Yes, I remember,

but the movie was shot in 1943

The premiere was canceled,

and I had bought
this lovely fur for it

I remember it
as if it were yesterday

Your husband was so nervous
about the air raids

He was proven right in the end

Two months later
I was bombed out of my store

I managed to rescue your picture,

but in the rush,
you forgot to autograph it

Even so,

it was a lovely time

Every time is lovely

I'm making a new picture soon

I'll give you an up-to-date photo
when I have one

I would be very pleased

And I'll buy my jewelry
for the premiere from you

I hope my husband's not so nervous
and we don't forget the autograph

I'll make sure myself

My regards to your husband

Three hundred marks for a cocktail

I think I'll become a con woman, too

What was that?

...fight with all our might...

against the w*r treaties

of the Eisenhower government
and Adenauer's allies.

Is she attractive?


Did you say something?

1951, 1950, 1949

I told you, her best time
was during the w*r, with UFA

She had something going on
with Goebbels, I think


Goebbels barred her from acting
- Nonsense

She was his protegee
She made one movie after another

But after the w*r
she claimed the opposite,

and the culture vultures
believed her

Where did you get that from?

- The culture vultures
- You see They're blind

Actors are stupid,
dishonest and vain

The culture vultures are -

Since when do you talk to them?

I'm interested in the arts

Bull What do you want from Voss?
She's no good at soccer

Maybe I want to go out with her,

for a drink, or-

More like the latter

She hasn't made a movie
in three years

You'd make a good pair

at the bar

You mean she drinks?

All actors drink

And when they don't have any work,
they hit the bottle

It's a law of nature

Her marriage is finished, too

Is that true, or just gossip?

Another law of nature, my boy:

The gossip you hear
about an actor is always true

Because they're stupid,
dishonest and vain


Thanks, Grete

If I can do you a favor anytime

Not likely

Sports are always about the winners,

and I'm interested in the losers

You wouldn't have Voss' address,
by any chance?

She's one of your losers

I'm only interested in them
as long as they're losing,

not after they've lost

Ask her agent

Karla Petrowitsch, 240533
- Thanks

Excuse me
Could you answer a question?

Why should we, young man?

Don't be mean, Jenny

He asked very politely

They are polite nowadays,
that's true

But that's no reason
to forgive them everything

Are you looking for someone?

Yes A Miss Voss

I was given this address, but -

People sometimes change
their addresses, young man,

without informing those
who might be looking for them

Perhaps they don't wish to be found

There are people who try

to make their lives a mystery

Believe me, young man

Oh, I believe you
And thanks for the "young man"

We are old, and you are young,

and old folks know all the secrets
the young have yet to discover

What do you think, Jan?

Should we help him?

I think so
He was so polite

Inquire there

If anyone knows people's secrets

besides us old folks,
it's the doctors

And especially that kind of doctor

Good-bye, young man


By appointment only

The sign downstairs is quite clear

I just wanted to know
if a Miss Voss lives here Get lost


Veronika Voss

- I don't know her
- Okay Thanks

What do you want anyway?
Who are you?

I'm a reporter

Why didn't you say
you weren't a patient?

Please come in
- Thanks

Have a seat

I'll tell the doctor
there's a reporter here

The doctor will see you now
This way, please

It won't take too long?
- I don't think so


Miss Voss is one of my patients

But that's all I can tell you

You understand?

Did you want
to write a story about her?

She owes me 300 marks

I'd like them back, that's all

And how did you happen
to come to me?

That's a professional secret

You make it sound so ominous

No need to fear

It's not really a secret
Just a manner of speaking

More a coincidence really
- That's reassuring

Any famous actress has good reason
to keep her address secret

Yes, and so does a debtor

Artists are different
from us ordinary people

They're wrapped up in themselves,

or simply forgetful

Not as attentive to detail
as you and I

Though in money matters,

Miss Voss is very correct,
to my knowledge

I'm sure you have
nothing to worry about

That's reassuring

Thank you, Dr Katz
You've been very helpful Good-bye

If you need money,

you can ask me, can't you?

Whatever you need,

you must ask me, mustn't you?

We don't want someone
like that coming between us,

do we?

I'm your best friend, aren't I?

Whether Mr. Pratorius
is really in a meeting

orjust told me
to say he's in a meeting

is neither here nor there,
Miss Voss

In the past, I would have
smacked you one for your impertinence

That wouldn't have been necessary

In the past, you'd have
gotten an appointment

Don't take it so personally

He wants a different type
for the role

A completely different type of person

Veronika What a surprise!

Why didn't you call first?

I phoned three times
You weren't here

Of course I was here, but -


I wanted you for the part,
but the director-

You know how directors are today
They do what they like with you

He insisted on his floozy
- Is that her?


Very attractive

And much younger than me

Less talented, too
If it were up to me -

Does she have a mother?
In the movie, I mean

Yes Why?

Let me play her mother
The mother of the floozy Please

Let me

It's a tiny role

Two or three days' sh**ting

I'd never have dared offer you
something like that

That's why I have to ask

What are you doing here?

- Picking you up from work
- You've never picked me up before

You never thought another woman
was more beautiful than me

I said "beautiful,"

not "more beautiful"

Are you writing letters
to each other?

"Drained of memory,

I was five glass spheres,

devoid of foliage or prospect

Yesterday would have been
a good day to die

the devil take the hindmost"

It's a nice poem, Robert

But so sad

How many times have I told you
not to read my poems?

Besides, they're shit!
- Stop it!


"Dear Mr Krohn,

Enclosed is the small sum
you kindly lent me

I'll be away for some weeks,
or I'd have returned it personally

Sincerely yours,

Veronika Voss"

Doesn't sound very intimate

She could have signed it herself,
couldn't she?

If she'd been gracious enough

Was Mr Krohn exaggerating somewhat

in describing his rendezvous?

Did you want me
to pick you up from the office

and invite you to dinner?

Who knows?

Your plan succeeded

But as punishment,

you can invite me to dinner

If they played for 1860 Munich,
I wouldn't have to get up so early

But they don't play for 1860

They play for Kaiserslautern

What I don't understand is

why they're both called Walter,
although they're brothers

Not "although"

Because they're brothers

It's perfectly natural
- You're driving me crazy

If they're brothers,
they should have different names

One would be Fritz
and the other Walter

That's what I said:

Otmar and Fritz

And Walter?

Then you have to do three interviews?

As you say
With Otmar, Fritz and Walter

You're quite right, my dear

This staircase lighting
isn't very flattering for women

Don't you agree,
Miss von Hasberg?


you do have a car?

Yes Why?

I want to spend
this night with you

But my house is in Starnberg
That's why

Men always have to ask why

Don't they?

Isn't your husband here?

Would I have come here
to be alone with you if he were?

It was to have been
our first vacation together in years

Then this telegram arrives
from my producer

But a contract's a contract
There's nothing you can do

So my husband's alone on Capri

I could try to screw in the fuses

No, please don't
Leave the candlelight

He's like that

When we go away, the furniture
has to be covered, the shutters closed,

and the electricity turned off

It's like people
who know they're dying

and have to put
everything in order first

Do you have
idiosyncrasies like that?


I don't think so

And you?


I like to seduce

defenseless men

You are a defenseless man,
aren't you?

Darling, turn that awful radio off!

I'm listening to the news

lf, in the present w*r, the old
balance of power can be retained...

We don't need news here anymore

The w*r can't reach us here

Play some nice music

Just for us


The former is only feasible
and can only function

if Germany does not fight
for itself alone

but wins this struggle
on behalf of all of of Europe.

And turn off the light, please

It's always the same crap

You always have to be doing something,
always setting something up

Can't we just be the way we are?

Why don't you understand me?

When an actress plays a woman

who wants to please a man,

she tries to be all the women
in the world rolled into one

And she needs music and light

And liquor

and pills

Yes, why not?
Liquor and pills, too

Haven't you had anything to drink?

Oh, come on

Sure, I have

But there's a big difference
between my drinking and yours

I drink to turn off

You drink

to give yourself a boost

To make yourself big, beautiful,

seductive, unique

My vase

My vase is smashed

What are you doing in my house?

You smashed my vase!

You want to destroy my house!

You want to destroy my life!

Don't touch me
I don't know you

I'm Robert

You're Veronika

We slept together

I need a doctor I'm sick

You must drive me back to town
Now Quickly, please

We'll leave at once

Can you dress yourself?

I'm in pain That's all

The vase -

You must buy a new one

The same one
No 5 Gabrielstrasse

The man's name is Treibel

But don't tell him
where you got the pieces from

Don't even show them to him

Promise me you won't

When you have it,
take it to my house

and put it in the same place
Here are the keys

You will go now

Maybe she's not there

Or she won't open the door

She will be there

She's been my doctor
for many years I know her

She will let me in

Please go now

I won't go in until you leave

I'll call you

Thank you

for everything

How many pills have you taken?

So tired


You think these pills help you,
don't you?

- Bitter
- Yes, they are bitter

You can remember that
Come on, quickly

Why is that man waiting outside?

What man?
I don't know any man

I'll believe you
because you promised me

Me, your best friend

I am your best friend, aren't I?

Yes, you are my best friend

Help me

In a moment

First you must cough up those pills

Then we'll give you a shot

You must spit up
all those bitter pills first

You don't want to die, do you?

You may die only when I say so

The doctor asks if you'd like
to join her for breakfast

She loves this room

It gives her strength

"My refuge," she calls it

Does she live -

I mean, is she here often?

In emergencies,
when the pain becomes unbearable

Or maybe I should say-
Take a seat

Maybe I should say

when she fears

it will become unbearable

Do you understand?

What kind of pain is it?

Psychosomatic or physical?

With nervous disorders,
it doesn't make much difference

Real or imagined,

the pains simply exist
for the person who feels them

Do you think

this illness is curable?

In Miss Voss' present condition,

it's impossible to say

She told me she plans
to make a new movie soon

Maybe that will help her

But it could also harm her

We just don't know

At least you've seen her now

Otherwise you might think

I was keeping her hidden from you

Or was even going
to bump her off in the end

Taste good?

Thank you

What I've told you is,

of course, not for publication

Of course not
"Off the record," as we say

Very good

I must be going

Thanks a lot

What a shame

Let me ask you a question

Is your interest in Miss Voss

of a purely professional nature,

or are other motives involved?

Believe it or not,

I'm not sure myself

- Good-bye
- Thank you


are you spying on me?

Not on you On her

How did you know?

I've lived with a journalist
long enough

A sports reporter, by the way

Damn it!

Otmar, Fritz and Walter
will be mad at you

- Otmar and Fritz Walter
- Whatever They'll be mad

Did you have a nice night?

I don't know

Are you in love with her?

I don't know

What do we do now?

Buy a vase

Always finish what you start

One way or another
- No

What do you mean, "no"?

I don't understand you

It doesn't exactly look like
a housewares store

Your new lover
has expensive taste

The woman's crazy, I tell you,

and you're headed
down the same path!

Don't shout I know him

Maybe you'll get a discount

I mean, I've seen him before

Outside that house

My God, it's all so complicated

I agree

No, I don't agree at all

I'll go in and buy a vase
for my boyfriend's lover

Should it be the same
or something special?

Like this one
It has to be just like it

But he mustn't find out
where you got the pieces

Say you found them or something

Found them

I just happened to find them
- Or it's for one of your girlfriends

One of my girlfriends

That's good
I must remember that

Heaven sends an angel

to try me

Do we deserve this trial, Jenny?

At least we can
pass it with dignity

Tell our mutual lady friend

that we have carefully counted
the stones of this house,

and that we know
which ones still belong to us

All I wanted was -

Take the vase

and go

It is precious
Handle it with care

Does that frighten you, my angel?

It is more precious
than a human being

And still I shall not ask
for more than

a moment of bliss

Is everything else here
just as cheap?

I beg you

For you, there are
many paths to happiness

But not for me

I have only-


Tell our lady friend

he has kept account of the joy
that is still due him,

and we know there are only
a few pages left in the book

Allow me to open
the door to your world

My world is the world of dreams

Tell our friend

I long for her final benevolent act

Let me show you something

What is it?


Didn't our friend tell you?

I see she keeps
her vow of confidentiality

Do you understand now

why I want nothing to do
with your world?

My angel

What now?

I don't know

What I don't understand is

why he thought
I came from that doctor

when the vase belongs
to that damned Voss woman

Oh, I'm sorry I mean your


I don't know

Did your newspaper fire you?

You don't know

Do me a favor?

Take the vase to her house

Why not?

I've always wanted to see

what a movie star's villa is like

Ex-movie star

What if she's there?

She won't be there

Why don't you go there yourself?
You could smell her undies again

I'm sorry

I must get to the office
Work must go on

And how do things go on with us?

You don't know

I've been chasing a story

But not in Kaiserslautern

We've known each other
a long time, haven't we?

My God

Don't start with that

I just wanted to say

I'm on to a story

and that you can trust me

There's nothing about trust
in your contract

It says you're responsible
for sports, not movies

It also says
that in exceptional cases -

Upon prior consultation
with your editor

That's what I'm doing now
Don't be so uptight!

It's a story about

aging movie stars, once in the
limelight but now in the shadows

You know, UFA and all that

I specifically told you -



For Robert?

I'll have a word
with her myself first

Your story's chasing after you

Hello, ma'am
It's wonderful to hear your voice

My name's Borsoy
I'm the managing editor

I was introduced to you
years ago at a movie gala

You won't remember me

but I certainly remember you

I beg your pardon?

Oh, yes I'll give him to you

But a word of warning:

The man's a lady-k*ller

What's that?

That was very good

My regards, ma'am


Hello, Miss Voss

How are you?

Thanks Me, too

Of course I'd be interested


Bavaria Studios, stage 3

Okay I'll be there

Thanks for your call

Good-bye, Miss Voss

"Good-bye, Miss Voss"

That's no way
to speak to a movie star

Not even a former one

Wouldn't you rather let the people
from the arts page handle it?


Have it your way

Find out what's really behind
this psychiatric clinic

Isn't it because her husband left her?

How do I know

why they put an actress
in a mental institution?

Am I writing the story or you?

I am

Is that the unit manager?

Veronika Voss speaking

I beg your pardon?

Oh, that doesn't matter

I wanted to ask
when the car will be here

The car to pick me up, naturally

Oh, I see No car

Spare me the sermon!

I know I'm not the leading lady
Thanks, you smart-ass!

Where's the key?

- What key?
- Give it to me at once!

Does he have it?

By mistake

He put it in his pocket by mistake

He has the key to my house?

It's not your house Not yet


I'm still alive

And I'm going to work again

Two days' sh**ting
Don't be ridiculous

When are you seeing
your lover again?

During sh**ting

Very well

Afterwards, you'll hand
the key over to me Understand?


And you'll never see him again

Is that clear?

That's my business

Is it?

Then I'll have to inform him myself

about your business

If you do that -

Yes What then?

Robert will stand by me

Of course

Men are just crazy
about women addicts

You need a shot for your comeback?
- Naturally

I thought so

And how do you intend to pay for it?

From my salary

Besides, I still have my jewelry

Your jewelry?

Maybe I don't like your jewelry

I won't need a shot

I'll make it without

Maybe I'll never need another shot,

or you either

I see

It seems all my patients
are deserting me today

Wait here a moment, or there'll be
such a crowd in the waiting room

My God, are you still here?

I told you no


I've done all I could
for your husband

Now it's up to him to do something


She's right, Jenny

When you've read a book to the end,

it's time to close it

It was a lovely book, Dr Katz

Good-bye, then

Okay, folks
Quiet, please We're sh**ting

Okay, folks
Quiet, please We're sh**ting

Blue Skies, 336, take 11


Wait a moment Your tip


Not enough tears, huh?

Shouldn't we use glycerine?

No, no I have my pride

It'll be okay this time

Let's hope so And once more

Quiet, please We're sh**ting

Blue Skies, 336, take 12


I'm sorry
I wasn't concentrating

Doesn't matter We'll do it again

Once more

Quiet, please We're sh**ting

Blue Skies, 336, take 13


Wait a tip Your moment


The tears were right this time

The tears were right,
but the lines were wrong

We'll do it with glycerine
this time, Miss Voss

Believe me, it has the same effect,

and you can concentrate
on the scene

Once more

- Makeup
- Yes?

Glycerine drops

Quiet, please!

Unit manager, see that all those
not involved leave the set


Oh, my God!

- She needs a doctor
- She needs a special doctor

Here's the address
- Who are you?

I'm a screenwriter

And I was her husband once

Do you understand me?

Do you understand me?


How can I understand you?

I love her

Ah, I see

You love her

Then there's nothing one can do


For one night of bliss,

I would give everything

Although -
- What?

I just thought,
if you were to find

another woman, for example

Any woman

It must be possible to find a girl


I already have one

You do?

You already have one?

Then there's nothing one can do

There's nothing one can do


She'll be your downfall

There's nothing you can do about it

She'll destroy you,
because she's a pitiful creature

Because she's

an addict

Maybe she'll be up here,

or down there Who can say?

That stuff costs a fortune

And when she can no longer pay,

she won't get anymore,
and she'll be dead

Dead as a doornail

It's terrible

but it has its logic

You mean this doctor takes her money?

What do you think?

Do you think

her health insurance pays for it?

For morphine?

Where are you going?

Stay here

Stay here

Where are you going?

I'm going to save her

I won't let them destroy her

Good luck, my friend

All the best

Let me see her

or I'll kick the door in!

I'll call the police!

You're holding a woman c*ptive here!


he's drunk!

What you're doing is trespassing

That may be

But what you're doing is m*rder

Your mind's confused, Mr Krohn

Maybe it is

What's that you're going
to give her?



Then it's true!

Do you want me
to let her die in agony?

I thought you loved her

Give me your hand, dearest

You've been drinking beer,
haven't you?

You wanted to help me

Safe haven in a storm

Kiss me

Go now You can't help me

She will help me

Please excuse me

I'll overlook it, Mr Krohn,

because your emotions are confused,

but your mind is, too

You should get informed
about the use of opiates

Surely that's the duty of a journalist:

To be informed

Mr Treibel, may we?

Why are you screaming, miss?

They've both found the peace

they sought for so long

I knew it yesterday evening

when they asked me

to make them
a cup of tea with honey

They often said they wanted
to take the pills with tea and honey

Because the pills are so bitter

They wanted to leave the world
with a sweet taste, they said,

not a bitter one

Did you call a doctor?

Yes, as soon as I found them

Dr Katz?


Not Dr Katz

Dr Katz treated
their nervous disorder

They're not suffering
from nerves anymore, are they?

You should still inform her

that the house and everything here
now belong to her

How do you know?

You didn't know Mr Treibel, did you?


But I know Dr Katz

Now we go to the police

No, not to the police
To the Public Health Department

An extremely tragic affair

Excruciating pain

Ten years of excruciating pain

The attempt to alleviate it,

and then su1c1de

A deliverance, so to speak

And his wife followed him in death,

having for 10 years -

What treatment did he receive?

The medical profession
hasn't much choice, unfortunately


Now and then an alternative painkiller,
usually an opiate,

but mainly morphine

But you'd have to speak
to his doctor to find out more

Just a minute

Dr Katz

I'm responsible solely

for the supervision of dr*gs

Isn't it possible he was addicted?

A morphine addict?

That's what I'm here for

All prescriptions for opiates
land on my desk

Otherwise anyone could set up
his own drug ring

It's the responsibility of the state

to protect people
from themselves, ultimately

You couldn't protect
the Treibels from sleeping pills

You're right
Our scope is limited

But how would you suggest
we do that?

If people hoard medicine
for years to commit su1c1de -

There's nothing wrong
with the monitoring system

It's people who aren't perfect,

I'm afraid

Or should I say fortunately?

Have I answered your questions
to your satisfaction?

Not much of a story,
journalistically speaking, is it?

The Treibels left their doctor
their entire estate, I hear:

Their villa, their art collection,

Really? I didn't know that

- But I did
- Of course You're a reporter

That's not so unusual

For many patients, their doctor is
the one person they trust the most

and to whom they owe the most

Their death, for example?

The person who stood by them

until the hour of death, yes

I think legacies of that kind
are the finest expression

of the relationship of trust
between doctor and patient

Don't you think so?


You two work together?


I'm a photographer

Do you want to put
my picture in the paper?

No, not really

As you said, it's not much of a story,
journalistically speaking

Marianne? It's Achim

You were right
They were here

- Would you really do it?
- Sure.

Tomorrow I'll try to get
an appointment with her.

Act the part of a wealthy lady

Rich, lonely and unhappy

with some undefinable pain

Apart from the rich bit, it's all true

Somehow it's not right
to ask you to do it,

since it involves your rival

And you live all alone in this house?

And you live all alone in this house?

Since my divorce, yes

I have household help, of course

How do you spend your time,
if I may ask?

I have a small circle of friends,

but they were mostly
friends of my husband

You know how it is

I turn things over in my mind a lot

That's not good

No, it's not good

No one forgot that Germany
is becoming a new member

of this community
because Konrad Adenauer wishes it.

It's not good to be so alone

alone in your big house

Yes, I've considered
whether I shouldn't

look for some occupation


I'm very well situated, but -

An occupation

cannot replace feelings

NATO was founded, after all,

when the West
disarmed after the last w*r.

But the East
was not prepared to follow suit.

The pains started after
the separation from your husband?

Yes, immediately afterwards

I shouldn't really
prescribe morphine,

but someone to love you

If the pains recur,
come to see me at once

At the first signs

I certainly will, Dr Katz

- Good-bye
- Good-bye

Robert, I have the prescription

NoJust like that


Morphine! Can you imagine?

No I have it in my purse

I'll pick you up at your place

We'll go to the police
and tell them everything

Afterwards we'll go to our place

and tell each other everything

Everything we know
about each other

I love you

She k*lled her

I beg your pardon?

Why won't you believe me?

Who else would have k*lled her?

Just calm down

It was an accident

No one m*rder*d your girlfriend

Why would anyone want to k*ll her?

Because she was a threat to her

She had proof
that she deals in morphine

Surprises you, doesn't it?

Now I have proof
Give me her purse

There, in black and white

Signed by her personally

Morphine What do you say now?

Radix valerianae.

What's that?
- A light sedative

Valerian, in other words
May I see?

Yes I prescribed it this evening

I know who the deceased is

The man is suffering from shock

Excuse me, please
For the records

It's been a great shock for you,
Mr Krohn

You need some rest

She'll be the next one to be k*lled!

When her money runs out,
she'll be m*rder*d!

She's being kept prisoner here!


please tell them

Who are you, ma'am?

My name is Veronika Voss

Oh, you're Veronika Voss

I'm pleased to meet you, ma'am

Do you know this man?

Not that well

A reporter, I believe

He wanted to interview me

But he confused the situation
with a personal conversation

You understand what I mean?
- Perfectly, ma'am

I had to break off our talk

What's the matter, Marianne?
- Nothing I'll tell you later

Something terrible has happened

I'll tell you about it later

I'm calling the police

Come along, Mr Krohn


Thank you

I thank you

You did what had to be done

Anyone in your position
would have done the same

His girlfriend had an accident

She's dead

Are you afraid?

It must be strange to die


Life itself is strange

What was that? No

What should I be afraid of?

I just feel a little dizzy

She's slowly becoming a danger,

along with this reporter

Do you really think so?

She has become unpredictable,

hasn't she, Josefa?

I've been saying that for months

And she's still quite famous,

in a way

What do you suggest?

We must get rid of her

Once and for all

What's your plan?

She must have a grand exit,
of course

Publicity, glamour, a big party

Then we'll go away for Easter

and she'll be alone
in the apartment

Without any morphine, of course,

but with plenty of pills

I dreamt about our farewell party

It was very nice
- Yes

It was very, very nice

Farewells and arrivals
are the nicest things in life

You've given me
a great deal of happiness

I sold it to you

I have always known
where I stand with you

Now I belong to you

All I have left to give you
is my death

What was that?


Just a line from an old movie
From my old life

You will be all on your own now


I'll sleep

I'm interested
in United Artists most of all

No, with a U
United Artists

Artists united in their work

Don't you think
all artists should unite?

You mean a kind of union?

Good heavens, no

For the freedom of art
Art needs freedom

How should it
liberate people otherwise?

I don't know

And the other film company?


Just write MGM

I'm also negotiating
with 20th Century-Fox

Just say

I'm negotiating with
the three big Hollywood studios,

but I haven't yet decided

What will your decision depend upon?

Your salary?
- Money, money!

Is that all people
think about these days?

Do you know
what it's called over there?

The dream factory

A factory in which dreams are made,

not money

Just imagine

One can make dreams
Make themJust like that


But, Robert,

you're not confusing me
with a lamb?

I simply said
tomorrow is Good Friday

And the cross?

Do you think
I shall bear the cross, too?

You've been bearing it
the whole time

You'll manage the last few yards

What a strange man you are

I never hoped

you'd accept the invitation
to my farewell party

You have to finish what you start

But after all that's happened

Has anything happened?

I didn't feel a thing


Aren't you going to Hollywood, too?


Feeling better now?

Yes Everything's all right now

If you have any more material -
You've done so much research

We could run another article

And you could write it this time


It's not much of a story,
journalistically speaking


The soup!

Josefa makes fantastic soups.

Thank you.

Everything's very pleasant now

Back to Munich
To the 1860 stadium