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Razor's Edge, The (1984)

Posted: 11/24/23 20:21
by bunniefuu
No one in need
who has ever approached you,

the generous citizens of Lake Forest,
Illinois, has ever been refused.

although the United States

has not yet entered
the w*r in Europe,

we, of the American Ambulance
Service have continued to donate

men, women and equipment

to aid our unfortunate wounded
French and British friends.

Now, I want to thank this year's
graduating class of Lake Forest College

for this badly needed vehicle.

But more important, I want to thank
the two brave members of that class

who have volunteered to accompany
the ambulance overseas as drivers!

Mr. Gray Maturin.

Hey, that's my boy! That's my boy.

Thanks, Pop.

And Mr. Larry Darrell.

Now, in order to raise funds
for this noble cause,

Mr. Maturin is going to give demonstration
rides around the village green

for the small donation
of five cents a person.

The line forms to the right.

You're first, ladies. Go on.

I do wish Mr. Darrell
had made his appearance.

I assure you, Madam,

whatever Mr. Darrell is doing,

he's servicing the needs
of your fine organization.

I'm going to take
this whiskey, okay?

Got it.

Oh, aren't you the cutest
little hat-rack I've ever seen!

And don't scratch
that pretty face.

-Kisses, one dollar?

I sure will, Ma'am.
There you are.

One dollar.

It's amazing, isn't it?

I seem to have left my money
in my other uniform.

You mean your boy scout uniform?

Well, I just take what I want.

Oh, you're getting heavy!

That hurt!

Mm, it's nice working for free.

Go on.

Jump in.

Larry, look, I'm supposed to
be doing my patriotic duty.

Come on, your patriotic
duty on my last night

in town is to leave
me unable to walk!

Come on.
Oh, no, no, no, no.

First, the wedding,
then the honeymoon.

Yeah, do it the other way around

and you end up like
Bob and Sophie

stuck in that dumb,
old apartment.

I like their place.

How do you think they're going
to like it when the baby comes?

-I don't know.
-No charge to boys in uniform.

Oh, well done! Very good.

Our baby's going to have
its own room and a nanny.

Oh, come on, why don't you talk to
Gray about getting married, huh?

He's got a million bucks
to play with.

He'll go for that nanny stuff.

Hey, look, I don't want
a million bucks,

I just want you.

And half a million bucks.

This is the singly most disgusting
concoction in the culinary annals.

Well, that didn't stop you
eating a dozen of them

every 4th July
when you were a boy.

Well, this quaint little village may
have been the place of my birth,

but after 15 years in Paris,

I have come to regard that as a most
unfortunate accident of genetics.

Oh, Elliot, you are the
biggest snob in the world!

I sincerely hope so.

Nice looking dog
you've got there, huh?

Oh, how I envy you, young man,
after Paris, the city of light.

You know, I really ought to provide
you with a few introductions.

I could put you in touch with
some of the most elite members

of the European aristocracy
while you're there.

Sophie! Bob!
Where you guys been?

Oh, Bob had to work.

On a holiday?
Gee, what a shame.

Yeah, I almost missed seeing you
and Gray off, they kept me late.

Well, you're late but not too
late to come with us, Bobby, boy!

Put him down, he's a daddy!
He's not going anywhere!

Well, can Bob go away on the
ambulance with us, then?


Soph, what?

Here, I had these
printed out for you.

Your poems.

Well, this is great.

Now I'll have something to read to
the guys in the trenches at night.

You used to like them.

Well, they're good.

I always liked the poet.

I'm gonna miss you.

You know, when we were kids,

I was always terrified you were the
guy I was going to have to marry.

But you just couldn't
control yourself, could you?

'Oh, Bob, oh, Bob, Bob, don't.

'Oh, Bob,
don't stop whatever you do,

'Bob, don't!'

'Oh, Bob.'

Larry, Sophie, come on, the
fireworks are going to start!

-Oh, can you hold this?


Thanks, Gray.

-Here, buddy.
-Thank you.


Is this Ambulance
Field Headquarters?


I know people in Chicago.

Jeez, you must be the guys
from Chicago.


Fresh meat!

Fit them out, Malcolm.

I'm Piedmont.

I'm your leader.

That's Malcolm.

He's what's left
of my followers.

We put three heaps to a squad.

There'll be you,
some dog meat from Harvard

and our rig when it gets ready.

What the hell's the g*n for?
America's not in the w*r.

Well, yes and no.

We don't get to k*ll anybody,
but they can k*ll us.

There's a big push
on tomorrow at Mons.

We leave the minute
this Harvard heap arrives.

Mr. Piedmont,
I presume?

Doug Van Allen
and Brian Ryan, Harvard, '17.

You must be Chicago.

Lake Forest, actually.

-Doug Van Allen.
-Larry Darrell.

-Gray Maturin.
-Brian Ryan.

-How do you do?
-Larry Darrell.

No trouble clearing this
off the boat train?

None, sir.
Isn't she beautiful?


Hi, meat.

That paint job's
gonna make a great target.

Not the way we drive.
Doug and I did

the six-mile course
at Harvard in six and a half.

Is that right?

Huh, six and a half.

Piedmont and I
did it at Yale in six flat.

Okay, for now, I'll ride with
Darrell, Malcolm, you take Gray meat.

-You two follow in Moby d*ck.
-Let's move!

What is this foul stuff?

Well, this definitely
isn't chicken.

Oh, it's chicken.
Head, skin and feet.

Hey, Chicago, why don't you
finish this potted shrimp.

You betcha.




God, what a car.

Thanks, Piedmont.

g*dd*mn it!
Are you crazy?

You can't have headlights.

The heinies catch a flash
of those headlights,

you guys are dead meat.

g*dd*mn it, you're drunk!


The liquor never even makes
it to my brain, Dougie boy.

You're educated men.
Let's get this over with.

You came over here for a little
fun, a little excitement...

and to help your fellow man.

Well, you won't help anybody.

And you know why?

Because you can't even
help yourselves.

And after the first good
mortar concussion,

you'll be picking that wind shield
right out of your face.

So you might as well
get rid of it right now.

Piedmont, what are you doing?

I am helping my fellow man.

Gray, Darrell, come here!

The hospital
is eight kilometres.

Don't stop for anything. No
matter what happens, don't stop!

Piedmont, there has got
to be something else.

You got a driver's license?


Don't stop, Larry.

What's he saying?

Didn't they teach French
in your college?

I was a baseball major.

-What does he want?
-What does he want?

He says his arm is shattered and it's
pinned under the body of another guy

who won't move,
because he's already dead.

He's sure he's dying
and if you had the decency

of half a human being,
you'd do something for him!

I don't know what he wants!

Don't stop, Larry!

All right, boys, everybody
sing or we aim for the ruts!

Oh, my God, I've been hit!

-What are you doing?
-Doug's been hit!

Hey, Doug Van Allen's
been hit. In his wrist.

Well, Piedmont says not to stop.

Darrell, Doug
and I crewed together!

Doug Van Allen
and Brian Ryan, wasn't it?

Jeez, what a couple of liars,

They loved to lie, those two.

They enjoyed it.

They never did any g*dd*mn
six miles in six and a half.

Maybe you don't,
but I hate liars.

I hated those two when they told
their little lies.

They won't be missed.

Green River at the sweetshop.

The first thing I'm gonna have
when we get home.

Could be any day now too,

now that Uncle Sam's in the w*r.

You okay?

It's getting light.

Come on!

-How are you?
-I'm bad.

We need help.

-What now?
-Now we wait.


Hey, Piedmont.

Fire! Fire!

-What was that?

Horse shit.

Okay, it was some woman's
tee shot.

Darrell, look out!

Nice going, Piedmont.

He was a slob.

Did you ever see him eat?

Starving children
could fill their bellies

on the food that ended up
on his beard and clothes.

Dogs would gather

to watch him eat.

I never understood gluttony.

But I hate it.

I hated that about you.

He enjoyed disgusting people,

being disgusting, the
thrill of offending

people and making
them uncomfortable.

He was despicable.

He will not be missed.

I'm very sorry.
It was my fault.

It was my fault, really.
Now, let's try again.

More champagne! Fine.

Look out, here comes Frankie.

What a generation.

No, no, let them burn off
some steam.

The w*r heroes have earned it.

But come next week,

I'll work the two of those
boys ragged at the office.

Next week?

It's the first I've heard of it.

Larry's been so quiet about
things since he got back.

I think we need to talk.

Larry, this has been going
on for three weeks.

Did it ever occur to you
that I might be in training?

Did it ever occur to you
that you might be avoiding me?

Okay, let's talk.

No, Larry, you come out.

Larry! Damn it!

Okay, let's talk.

Seal talk.

Okay, let's talk.

Thank you.

We all believe in you, Larry.

I mean Mother and myself
and Mr. Maturin.

And we all know that you've
had some kind of a...

well, shock over there,
and that...

Well, that you just
needed time to kind of

loaf around, as you put it.

But, um...

doesn't it
seem that it's about time

to get back on your feet again?




I wanna put off the wedding
for a while.

I wanna put off the job too.

For a while anyway.

I don't understand.

In your letter, all
you talked about was

coming back and getting
married and starting the job.

I lied.

I didn't know I was lying.

But I guess I was.

I see.

I don't think I'm the guy
you wanna marry right now.

This isn't the old
Mr. Sunshine.

I'm not happy.

I can't make myself happy.
I couldn't make you happy.

I just wanna think.

I need to think.

And I don't have much
experience in that field.


Think about what?

I don't know.

Me, you, our lives.

I'll tell you
when I start thinking.

So you want me and

everyone else to
just go on and on

sitting here, waiting for you to
figure out the meaning of life?

Well, sort of, yeah.

Well, that's just great.

-Okay, well,
-Yeah, you wait.

We'll see.


As long as he's on their team,
we're bound to win.


I'm sorry. I'm afraid
we should leave now

if you're gonna
make it for work.

Come on, hon. One more scrum.
We're three goals behind.

You can't take him
from us now, Sophie.

I've got a bet on with Gray.

Oh, yes I can, Tyler.

What are you making
at that sweat box anyway?

I'll buy them out for the night.

Thanks anyway, Tyler,

but I think you can manage
without him.

All right.

We'll just have to play
five on six, then.

See you, Gray.

See you, Bobby.

Is everything all right, dear?

Mom, there's been
a change of plans.

We're going to postpone
the wedding just for a while.

You're what?

Now, don't start
one of your things.

It's just for a while.

He wants to be by
himself right now,

so he's going to Paris.


And if he needs
a little time by himself,

-I'm going to give him that.
-Oh, Isabel, don't be so naive.

It's just an excuse.

It is not an excuse!

He loves me.

You know,
if I may say so, Louisa,

it makes perfect sense to me.

All Americans should
avail themselves

of at least one season in Paris

just prior to marriage.

It curbs the itches
which tend to rise

a year or two
down the connubial pike.

Elliot, don't be vulgar.

You know that's always been
my problem.

People think I'm being vulgar
when I'm being serious

and they think I'm being serious
when I'm being vulgar.

Then you'll take care
of him for me, Uncle Elliot?

Of course I will.

I'll arrange his passage
for him.

You know, the people
you meet on the ship

often set the tone
for the entire tour.

I think the Mauretania
for Larry.

Yes. Yes, the Mauretania.

He'll sit at the Captain's table

and meet all the right people.

Then he'll need a first-class
hotel where he can entertain.

I think a suite at The
Georges V would be perfect.

-Merci, bien.

Don't worry, we'll have your
boyfriend back to you in no time.

Well, hello. Welcome to Paris.

Louisa, my dear, at last.


It's so good to see you.

And here she is.

-Hi, Uncle Elliot.

Welcome to my humble abode.
Come in, my dear.

-Oh, thank you.
-How was your crossing?

I read the journal,
it was a little inclement.

Well, it wasn't too good.

Come along, Cinderella.

Oh, Elliot.

This is a palace.

Why, thank you,
I'm glad you like it.

Oh, my God.

This is my music room.

Oh, isn't that lovely?

Oh, what a beautiful piano.

Well, it's a spinet by Larande,

late 18th century French.

-It must have cost a fortune.
-It did.

My poor dear friend,

the viscount de Corvence
had to part with it

at a slight reduction, but
then, estates are so draining

on one these days,
don't you find?

And are all these things
for sale?

My dear Louisa,
this isn't a shop.

I occasionally allow the odd
piece to be torn from my grasp.

You've got
that lovely picture of Mother.

This room...

I never dreamed anyone
could ever live like this.

Why, it's not difficult
if you know what you want.

This outfit looks really
ridiculous, doesn't it?

Especially over here.

I'm such a mess.

The dress is. We'll
get you a new one.

You yourself, are exquisite.

You belong in a room like this.

It and everything in it
will be yours someday.

I had hoped that you might
grow up in this house.

You're the only family I have.

But your mother
preferred to remain

in the cow pastures of Illinois.

Don't worry, I realize
why you finally

deigned to visit your old uncle.

Larry's stayed here longer than
you expected, hasn't he?

Well, I assure you I did
everything I promised you.

I invited him to parties,

he claimed, he didn't
have a dinner jacket.

I asked him to lunch,
he said he didn't eat lunch.

Elliot Templeton
gets the message.

Nice catch.

Be careful, my dear.

That one plate is worth more,

than your young man
has earned in a whole year.

Hello, Mr. Templeton.


Hello, Mrs. Bradley.

Hello, Larry.

I'm sorry that I'm late,
but I had to pick up the band.

I hope you'll forgive me.

In case you get the chill.

We cross the fingers.

-Who are they?
-They're from Les Halles.

-I work with them in the stalls.


I thought you came
over here to think.

Well, I did.
But I learned too much.

I'd read so many books,

you could smell wood burning.

So I took a job packing fish.

Packing fish?

Yeah, it's a good job.

I like it.

Well, that's great.

I mean, that you like it.

Is that what you're gonna tell

Mr. Maturin when you see him?

That you kept him waiting

for six months because
you like to pack fish?

I'm not going back.

I'm not going to be
a stockbroker.

Marry me.

We can raise a family.

We can travel.

I have $3000. That is more
than most people live on.


we are not most people.

We're special people.

Iz, nobody is special.

I'm special.

And I am not gonna
spend my whole life

tagging along behind you,
making both ends meet.

Come on.

No, Larry, come on,
It's not fair.

I've lived up to my half
of the bargain,

you haven't lived up to yours.

I should just give
this back to you.

Don't give it back.

Wear it on another finger.

It will mean

that there is one man somewhere

who will always love you.

What does that mean?

Look, I got
a second chance at life.

I am not gonna waste
it on a big house,

a new car every year
and a bunch of friends

who want a big house and
a new car every year!

I can't turn back now.

I want you to come with me.

Would you like
a chilled glass of Chablis?


So, what do you do
when it's hot outside?

Drink red.

Did you read all these books?

I skimmed them.

To think I used to help you
with your homework.

Yeah, you got me
through grade school.

It wasn't that hard, really,
you know.

All you had to do was

what they told you to do.

Well, I'm doing my own
thinking now.

I want to speak with Isabel.

But she's not here,
Monsieur Larry.

You're not doing butler stuff
on me, are you?





Isabel has gone.

She and her mother have
taken the boat train.

Joseph, I appear to have been
crashing about again

without my spectacles.

I'm really very, very sorry.

Bob, hurry up, they're coming.

Here, they're coming now.

Goodbye. Thank you.

You're a lucky man.

Thank you.

Shall we? Here.

Be back in the office by Monday.

Let's have a drink.
Hello, Mary, Shirley.

I wonder if we'll ever
see him again.

He'll come back, but he'll
be a little late, won't he?

I wonder if she'll still
let Gray give him that job.

Oh, God, Bob,
Larry doesn't want that job.

That's refreshing.

Who do you think you're saving?

Have a drink with me.
What for?

I owe you my life.

My life's worth one drink.

How about some cards?

Well, I've watched you play.
I think you must cheat.

I've watched you read.

You read funny books
for a coal miner.

Oh, yes, that!

There's a god of light
and a god of darkness.

Heaven for good people
and hell for bad ones.

You believe that?

I believe

that you're saving nines.

What else do you read?

The Apocalypse, Essenes,

Aristotle, Plato?

What about Znachar,
the Russian sorcerer?

The Upanishads?

You've never read
the Upanishads?

You don't know so much.

You really don't know
anything, do you?

Lend me your copy.

I never lend books
to coal miners.

They've got dirty hands.

Have you been to India?

What's in India?

Hundreds of millions of people
that pray three times a day.

There are answers there.

India's a lonely place.

If I'd stayed...

I never would have known
this little one.

Very good.

I'm a good cheater.

Here. The Upanishads.

But you won't find
the answers in a book.

You'll have to go there.

What about her husband
and her son?

They were k*lled instantly.
A drunken driver. Head-on.

Oh, Sophie.



I know.

My baby's gone.

Bob, he's gone.

Oh, my God!

At least, they didn't suffer.

Get out of here.

Izzy, get her out of here!

Please, please.

This is a sad time,
Mrs. MacDonald.

But it is also a day
for rejoicing.

Our Lord has promised to call
us all home to him in heaven.

And today he has called home
your husband and child.

You're like idiots.

They're dead, you freak!

They're dead!

Dead! Get away from me
with that thing!

Are you gonna be here
in a week when I wake up?

In a month? In a year?
For the rest of my life?

Mrs. MacDonald,
I know you're upset.

What do you know?

I had that baby inside of me!

I had that man inside of me!

You? You've never had
anyone inside of you!

-Oh, Izzy! No!

-All right.

You'll have to leave.

-Izzy, don't leave me! Don't go!

-Izzy, don't leave me!
-Oh! Sister!

-Sister, hold her.

No! What happens now?

No, Izzy, don't go!

All right.
All right, it's all right.


You need guide, sahib?

No, my friend.
Thank you. Here.

More rupees.
More rupees.

How are you?

More rupees.
More rupees.

Is this your sister?

More rupees.

-More rupees.
-Here's two rupees.

More rupees.
Give one to your sister now.

More rupees.

Okay, there's five.
Split them up, okay?

Help me out here, pal!

Come on!
Come in here!

Okay, thank you. I like it.
I like it. I'll take it.


No, thank you.

You must find it pleasant
to be rich.

I'm not rich.


I'm often mistaken.

I worked in a coal mine
to come over here.

A coal mine?

What was the intention?

I told you, to make money
to come over here.

That was the reason.

What was the intention?

Because if work has no
intention, it's not work at all.

It's an empty motion.

Well, what would you call
washing dishes?

For me, this is
a religious experience.

Hey, let me try that.

Yeah, I feel it.

Kind of like being in church.

Pass me the soap,
will you, bishop?



I could take you
to a better church.

In the mountains.

I've been there
many times before to work.

It's a difficult place to reach.

It's a difficult place to work.

Who washes the dishes up there?

Could you leave at dawn?

Want me to talk to your boss?


I have no boss.
I own this boat.

And a few more.



Too much?


Smashing, in fact.

What do you think, honey?
Too much? Not enough?

Is this gonna help?

Is this gonna get me anything?

What do you think?


Well, gee, I know
what this one here is.

But, shouldn't this one
be walking by now?

I mean, did you ever think
of giving it a cold shower

or an aspirin or something?

You know, I could do
pretty well up here, I think.

They see few Westerners up here.

They see none
where we are heading.

Ah! Our guides!

That's the church, Larry.

Now, let's hurry.

Must get back to my boats.

I have been waiting
for you. Welcome.

You are welcome.

Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous.


Excuse me.

Are you having a good time?

Well, I thought I told you two
it was time for bed.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Maturin.

It's all right, Barbara.
I'll take them up.

Come on, angel face.

I hear you bond boys are losing
a lot of your clients' money.

Yeah. What does your old man
think of that, Gray?

Well, think what you like
about my old man, Tyler.

Believe me, I know how
difficult he is to live with.

But the fact is, he's a good
man. A damn good man.

Excuse me, sir.

They have their baths?

They did. Yes.

We'll tell a nice story.

Hello. Yes.

I'm telling you, there's 12%
unemployment out there.

Twelve percent.
And we're really feeling it.

I'm beginning to think
Roosevelt's right.

We got a hell of a depression
on our hands.


Did you see that?

It was a nice service
for your dad.

Yeah, short and sweet.


Hey, nice tic
you got there, Gray.

Here. Have a shot.

It'll go faster for a minute,
and then it'll stop.

-No, thanks.

Hey, look at that freak!

Why didn't he jump
in the grave with your dad?

Oh, Sophie, please.

Let's not fall apart, okay?

Gee, Izzy...

to tell you the truth,
I fell apart a while ago.

So, what did the Monsignor say?

I told him that pop always
kept a g*n in his office...

and he kept
large amounts of cash.

And while he was cleaning
the g*n, it...

accidentally went off.


Easy, Gray.

You sound like you're
starting to believe that.

It is time to go.

The lama is waiting for you.

There is a hut in the mountain.

The lama likes you to go there.

I packed your books.

I am sad...

because I am losing my cook.

Yes, I'm leaving.

Isn't it true...

It is easy to be a holy man
on the top of a mountain?

You are closer than you think.

The path to salvation is narrow
and as difficult to walk

as a razor's edge.

Good God, Romulus and Remus.

Now, Joseph, you see,

this is not fit for a gerbil.

That, on the other hand,
minus an outer leaf or two

is positively Rousseauian in its
beauty, and at half the price.

Pay the man
half what he asks you.

Hello, boys.

Good God, Darrell, I was under the
impression that you'd vanished.

You know that Isabel
is here in Paris with me?

This wretched Depression
cleaned them out.

Poor old Gray lost everything.


Gray Maturin and Isabel?

And they have two children.

Gray hasn't worked
for two-and-a-half years.

Yeah, but I can see you're busy.
Don't let me keep you.

I'll give your best to everyone.

Come, Joseph.

Look, why don't you...

take a wash
and drop by sometime.

Thank you.

Would you tell your mother
that Uncle Larry is here?


Mama, Mama, Uncle Larry's here!

Thanks, girls.
You go out and play, all right?

I was hoping
that you might stop by.

Well, I had to make sure the children
didn't look too much like Gray.

-Where is he?
-He's upstairs.



-Good to see you.
-How you doing?

I was downstairs this morning.
Wish you'd caught me then.

Got another one
of my damn headaches.

Sometimes they're so bad, I...

I feel like I'm gonna die.

Sometimes I wish I was dead.

Gray, sometimes all of us
wish you were dead.

-What are you doing here?
-Oh. I thought...

This is guy talk.

We're gonna talk about girls.
We don't want you around. Bye.


How are you doing?

Not bad, for me.

You haven't tried aspirin
for these headaches, have you?

Mm. Yeah.

I've got something
that might work.


Hold it in your hand.

Clasp your fingers
tightly around it.

Hand out, palm down.

No big deal.
I'm gonna count to 10.

And before I get to 10,
you're gonna drop the coin.

One, two...

Three, four...

Five, six...

Seven, eight...

How did you do that?

I didn't do it. You did it.

Here's what
you're gonna do next.

Hold the coin
in your hand again.

Gently, this time.

Let your hand rest on your lap.

Lie back.


Relax your whole body.

Your eyelids
are gonna get heavy.

They're going to close.

You're going to sleep...

for three minutes.

And when you wake up...

your headache will be gone.

Where'd it go?

God, it's good
to see her smile again.

It's good to have you back.

It's good to have you back.

Nice being here.

Okay, now we go here.

Oh, hey, go and tickle
Uncle Larry like crazy.

Oh, children, children,
Monsieur Larry is not ticklish.

Oh, you, traitor.

Oh, mama.

-Your mommy's ticklish.

Mama is very ticklish.

Thank you, Joseph.

There's a lot of energy
in this place. I feel it.

A little less than there was
a minute ago.

Oh, Larry.

This is good.
You're gonna like this.


Well, for chrissake.



God damn.

I thought you were dead
or something worse.

What are you doing in Paris?

You mean our old friends
didn't tell you? Tch.

I guess it must have
slipped their minds.

Been trying to call you lately.

I even came around
to the house the other night.

But I guess it was a little
late for you fun-seekers.

How you've been, Sophie?

Oh, I've been having
a regular riot, Izzy.

My loving in-laws ran me
out of Chicago.

They didn't care
for my behaviour.

Our old friends here don't
care for my behaviour either.

But, uh...

That's okay!

I got lots of new friends.

How's Bob?


Oh, Bob...

Been having a regular riot too.

Isn't he, Gray?

There was an accident.

Bob and Matthew were k*lled.

Sophie's been under
a lot of strain lately.

I've been under a lot of strain?

Have you looked
in a mirror lately?


Will you excuse
my little friend?

Sometimes she smokes too much
of the Chinaman's pipe.

Perhaps you find her amusing?

Would you like
a private room upstairs?

Forty francs. Twenty for her,
twenty for the linen.

How dare you!

-Why don't you just get the hell out of here!
-Excuse me.

You see, we're old
friends of Sophie's.

Then for you, 30 francs.

Okay, deal.
For 30 minutes.

Come on, Larry,
don't kid with Coco.

He doesn't have
much of a sense of humour.

Got a clock, Coco?

In my head, Monsieur.

Doesn't leave room
for much else, does it?

Gee, you're right.

You just can't kid with Coco.

Let's call it an evening.

We'd like to go home, Joseph.

Not so fast,
you're our ride home.

It occurred to me
that I wouldn't have

to pay for the
linen at my place.

Are you sure you both don't
want to come back to our house?

-No, we'll be fine.
-Good night.

Good night.

Come on, let's run.

You got to run.

Where the...

Here, here. Go ahead.

Come on. Come on.

Where the hell
do you live anyway?

This set of steps and one other.

Hey, I didn't tell you about the
incredible view that I have.

You've never seen
anything like it before.

Larry, you don't know
where I've been.

Get up these stairs!

Get up there.

Come on, come on, come on!

It's kind of a bachelor's place,
but I'll go and straighten up.

Are we there?
Are we there yet?

Almost. Bring that up
for me, will you?


Romance, romance, huh?

Would you care to dance?


You know...

It's getting very hard
to find an apartment

that doesn't have hot water but
I've found this fabulous landlord.

That is refreshing, isn't it?

Oh, you bastard!



Oh, thanks.

Big trouble.

Landlord's making me
paint the place.

You're gonna have to help.


Oh, yeah, okay.
I'll be back in about an hour.

Who do you think
you're talking to? Mr. Coco?

'I'll be back in an hour.'
'See you in sixty, Coke', huh?

Larry, God damn it,
I've got to go!

What about last night, princess?

Do you think
that was for free? Phew.

You're on the painting team,
get it?

You don't think I would give you

your freedom if this
painting thing hadn't come up?

What do you think of white?


Pretty good.

Would you like
something to drink, Miss?


No. Merci.

Yes or no?
Yes or no?

You're not gonna
like this either, are you?

You don't like this, do you?
You don't like it, do you?

Now, that I like.

-You like exercise?

You're gonna love our place.

Hey, honey.

I thought I'd whip
you up some lunch.

Aren't I the thoughtful,
domestic type?

You smell nice.

Squaw, fix dinner.

-Nice job on canoe.

Just one thing, chief.

That's wet paint
you're sitting on.

When Bob and the baby died, I...

I went to such a black place.

It was almost like...

Like I felt I deserved it
or something.

I don't know why.

And then I was trying
to justify it somehow.

Like, by proving to myself that
I was a really bad person.

I did deserve it.


You've given me so much, Larry.

It's very easy to love
someone like you.


Bonjour, Monsieur.

Monsieur Templeton.

I think we should have
used the back door.

We'll probably
have to use it to get out.

I think the market's
doing very well.

Darling, your hand
is perspiring.

-You can drink if you want to.

-Hi, Sophie.

Sophie, my dear,
it's been far too long.

Mr. Templeton,
you haven't changed a bit.

Well, you certainly have.

I just mean
that I don't recall you

being such a fibber
about an old man's looks.

Cocktail, Mr. Templeton?

No, thank you, Albert. I fear
my drinking days are over.

Surely, a tear of Zubrowka
could do Monsieur no harm.

Zubrowka! We used to drink
it at the Radziwill's

when I stayed there
for a sh**ting.

I don't suppose a drop
will hurt me.

Oh, we must all try some.

Oh, not for me. Thanks.

Oh, my dear, you must.

No. Thanks anyway.

Ah, the herbs.
It's like newly mown lavender.

Well, what shall we drink to?

We could drink to Sophie's
and my wedding.

That's swell!


Golly! Imagine that!

When is the happy occasion?

We're going to do it Friday.


Oh, I think that's wonderful.

I'd like to...

take you to Molyneux's after
lunch and pick out your dress.

Gray and I would love
to give it to you

as a wedding present,
wouldn't we, darling?

Oh, you don't have to do that.

Oh, don't be silly.

I mean, after all, you two
are our oldest friends.

Well, I really don't think it's
gonna be that kind of wedding

where I'll need
a new dress, right?

-So thanks anyway.
-Don't be stupid, Sophie!

You've got to wear something!
You can't wear that!



Maybe Sophie
doesn't want a new dress.


That'll be nice.


We'll go after lunch.




Uncle Elliot, you were right.

That's the best thing
I've ever tasted.

I don't mind
simply looking at it.

I'll have Albert order up
a bottle for the house.

You can take it with you.

Albert, have them place a bottle of
this ambrosia in my car, please.

It's like listening to music
by moonlight.

Pretty nice place.

Oh, thank you.

Make yourself at home.
I'm gonna check on the kids.

It's really Uncle Elliot.
He's been incredible.

I don't know what we would
have done without him.

Afraid I rearranged
your knick-knacks.

You want to break
anything else, Soph?

Okay. Let's get this
over with, huh?

I know all you really want
is Larry.

That's ridiculous.

I think it's actually
quite fitting that you two

found each other
after all these years.

Isabel, I know you're in love
with him.

You've always been
in love with him.

I wonder who else has always
been in love with him.


And what if I am
in love with him?

And what if I can't see how in
hell you're going to be able

to stand by him
when things get tough?

How would you know?

When he wanted you,

you walked out on him.

I walked out on him?

Oh, no,
I sacrificed myself for him.

Oh, come on, honey.


You sacrificed yourself
for a mink-f*cking-coat,

and a set of monogrammed towels.

I wanted to be a wife
and I wanted children.

Now, maybe that's something
that you can't understand.

That's not true, Isabel.

Larry wanted to give you that.

I was a good wife.

I was a good mother.

I'm gonna be one again.

Bob got you pregnant. You made
the best of the situation.

Do you really think
he was happy?

Oh, Sophie.

What can I say?

I just do not believe that you
will not drag him down eventually.

You're drinking alone.

I haven't...

had a drink in three months.

That's great.

But you've wanted one,
haven't you?

Haven't you?

And you will again and again.

And again.

What about the dr*gs?

And what about everything else?

Larry helps me.

I know Larry helps you.

Hello, oui.

I can see him devoting the rest
of his life to helping you.

And never whispering
one word of regret ever.

Can't you?

Telephone, Mrs. Maturin.

Hello? Oh, yes.

This is Mrs. Maturin. Mm-hmm.

Oh, yes.

Oh, that's wonderful. Mm-hmm.

That was the children's dentist.

There's been a cancellation.

And I've been trying to get
an appointment for weeks.

Wait for me, please.

Joseph will bring you
some tea, and...

And when I get back, we'll go.


Maybe some other time, huh?

No, Sophie.

If you're going
to get married, then...

I'm going to buy you the dress.

Yes, madam?


Come on, Sophie.

Leave me alone.

Can't you see?

I'm listening to music
by moonlight.

Oh, Isabel.

You were so right.

She was right
about everything, you know.

-Let's go, Sophie.

Don't you hear the music?

No, I guess not.

All you ever hear
are choirs of angels.


Coco here is my angel.

Aren't you, Mon cheri?

Don't you want to go home?


This is my home.

I like it here.

Right here in Coco's lap.

It's the biggest...


lap in town.

Want to feel it?

Why don't you just
run along, Larry.

We don't need you here.

Nobody wants you here.

We just...

want to listen to music
by moonlight.


No! Larry!

Monsieur Darrell,
we are the police.

Yeah, I noticed your shoes.

We dragged her body
from the river.

Her throat was cut with a razor.


Her throat was cut with a razor.

It could have been
any one of her friends.

They are the vermin of the city.

What was your relationship
to the deceased?

She was my fiancee.

-Good, Larry's here.
-Thank you, Your Grace.

Elliot's had a stroke.

The bishop just gave him
the last rites. Isabel...

Isabel's in pretty bad shape.

Oh, Larry, he's going fast.

And I don't want him to die sad.

All his friends
have forgotten him.

He waited for weeks for an invitation
to Princess Novemalli's party.

I knew it wouldn't come.

People think him
a silly man, Larry, but...

He's a good man.

And a generous one.



I'm gonna miss him so much.

I wish I'd been
a better friend to him.

Like you were to Sophie?

Is she okay?

When I came back yesterday
afternoon, she'd gone.

What happened to your face?

She's gone for good.


She met up with
some old friends, I guess.

They got her drinking Zubrowka.

One of them slit her throat
and dropped her in the Seine.

Oh, my God!

I don't give a damn
if they catch who k*lled her.

What I want to know is how you
got her to take the first drink.

What'd you do, get her going
on Bob and the baby?

Did you get her down
and keep her there?

I broke this chair once.

Because I couldn't spend
the rest of my life with you.

Sooner or later,
she would have let you down.

I wanted you to see that.

I've never stopped
thinking about you.

I love you.

I just wanted you to be happy.

I didn't want anyone else
to hurt you.

So you k*lled my fiancee for me?

Just like you k*lled my fiancee.

I was in love
with Larry Darrell,

but you had to take him away

to go and find the meaning
of his god damn life.


I'm afraid you'd better come.

How you doing, Unc?

Life is full of ironies,
isn't it, Darrell?

You know...

I spent my whole life...

among the great names of Europe.

Now I'm dying...

And who comes to see me but...

Well, I mean...

An itinerant...

Fish packer?

Fish packer.

Oh, I got some mail for you.


Some old buzzard
came to the door

while I was downstairs
raiding your icebox.

Who's Novemalli?

'Princess Novemalli.'

'Kindly requests the...'

Costume party? Elliot!

You're not gonna get out that old
rabbit outfit of yours, are you?

R.S.V.P. The princess's
palace, I guess, Joe.

Get your pad, Joseph.
We must reply.

Oh, not now, Uncle Elliot.

My dear, I've always been
a man of the world.

And I see no reason to forget my
manners now that I'm leaving it.

Are you ready, Joseph?

Oui, Monsieur.

Monsieur Elliot Templeton,

regrets he is unable

to accept
Princess Novemalli's kind...


Due to a previous engagement
with his...

Blessed Lord.

The old bitch.

The children.

When Piedmont died...

I had to pay him back
for my life.

I found out there's
another debt to pay,

for the privilege
of being alive.

I thought Sophie,

was my reward for trying
to live a good life.

There is no pay-off.

Not now.

Am I ever gonna see you again?


You just don't get it.

It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter.

Is she okay?

She will be
as soon as you go up.

What happened, Larry?

Isabel's gonna tell you.

You know something?

You two are the best friends
I've ever had.

Gray, that's just
the luck of the draw.

Oh, I tell you...

-See you.

Hey, pal, that's my coat.

Don't worry, I'm leaving.

Where are you going now, Larry?

I'm going home.

But where is your home, Larry?
