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Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985)

Posted: 11/24/23 20:24
by bunniefuu
[ Classical music playing ]

She's, um...

Well, she's...

something a little strange.

That's what you notice,

that she's not a woman
Iike aII the others.

She seems all wrapped up
in herseIf.


in a world she carries
deep inside her...

but surrounded by a world
of luxury.

A sumptuous boudoir.

Her bed all quilted satin.

Chiffon drapes.

From her window,
you can see the Eiffel Tower.

[ Chuckles ]

Suddenly, her maid brings in
a gift-wrapped box.

A token from an admirer.

She's a cabaret star
of the highest rank.

She opens the box.

It's a diamond bracelet.

But she sends it back.

Men are really at her feet.
She's known a few.

But not the one

she's been waiting for
all her life.

A real man.

Her maid has prepared her
a foam bath.

The star takes a toweI
and wraps it around her hair

like a turban.

Her fingernails painted
a rosy peach,

she unfastens
her taffeta nightgown

and lets it slide smoothly
down her thighs

to the tile floor.

Her skin glistens.

Her petite ankle slips
into the perfumed water.

Then her sensuous Iegs,
until finally her whole body

is caressed with foam.

I told you.
No erotic descriptions.

Whatever, but she's
a ravishing woman.

Do you know what I mean?

I mean...

the most ravishing woman
in the world.

Yeah, sure.

She really is.

Perfect figure.

Classical features.

But with these big green...


They're black.

I'm the one
who saw the movie,

but if that's what you want,
big black eyes.

Kind eyes.

Tender eyes.

But beware.
They can see...


There's nothing you can hide
from them.

No matter how lonely
she may be,

she keeps a distance.

She's probably got bad breath
or something.

[ Chuckles ]

If you're going to crack jokes
about a fiIm

that I happen to be fond of,
there's no reason to go on.

All right, all right, go ahead.


we're in Paris.

Troops are marching

right underneath
the Arc de Triomphe.

[ Soldiers marching ]

Really handsome soldiers,

and [chuckles]

the French girls are applauding
as they pass by.

Then we are on this tpical
Parisian back street.

Dead end, sort of --
sort of looking up a hill,

and these really weird-looking
Frenchmen --

not the tpical ones
with the berets --

are unIoading a truck --
It's wartime of course --

and the boxes contain contraband
deIicacies Iike canned meat,

the best cheeses...

mm, peaches in syrup...

Don't talk about food.

Not to mention the hams
and the pates.

I'm serious.

No food and no naked women.

You still feeling dizzy?

It's my back.

You've been bleeding again.
Look at your shirt.

It's all wet.

It's just sweat.
I had another fever break.

[ Zipper unzips ]

Well, what do you think so far?
lsn't it fabuIous?

Helps pass the time.

Does that mean
that you like it?

Doesn't help any great cause,
but l guess it's aII right.

Blessed Mary, is that all
you can taIk about?

You must have studied political
phiIosophies in schooI.

The phrase
is "political science,"

and the answer is no.
l studied journaIism.

Oh, so you can appreciate
a good story.

And easily spot a cheap one.

I know it's nothing
terribly intellectual

like you must be used to.

It's just a...romance,

but it's so beautiful.



this military convoy
rushes forward!

[ Man shouting in German,
footsteps, siren wailing ]

Marvelous German soldiers

catch those weird smugglers
in the act

and arrest them all.

But watching nearby...

is this small truck.

With these two French thugs
from the Resistance...

who are spying on the Germans.

This huIking cIubfoot
and his half-deaf flunky.

Wait a minute.

Those weird guys
the Germans arrested?


What do you mean
they didn't look French?

They didn't look French.
They Iooked...


l'm not sure,
but they had these,

like, these caps on their heads,

like these -- like these, um...

Turkish. Fezzes.

Those caps are yarmulkes.

Can't you see this is
a f*cking anti-Semitic film?

Oh, come on!


This must have been
a German movie, right?

I don't know.
It was from years ago.


I don't explain my movies.
It just ruins the emotion.

This must have been
a n*zi propaganda film

done during the w*r.

I don't know.
That's just the background.

This is where
the important part begins,

the part about the lovers.

It's divine.

[ Mid-tempo music playing ]

Every night, the chic set
flocks to this exclusive club,

with lovers at every table,
spies in every corner,

and the top officers
of the German high command.

One of them is Werner.

Werner --
so distant, so divine --

and the chief of

for all France.

Oh, and MicheIIe,
with her angel face,

the cigarette girl who really
is working for, the --

Well, you'll see.

And then...

The moment
they're all waiting for...

[ Applause ]

Da da!

Stepping into the spotlight
is that legendary star,

that ravishing chanteuse,



[ Speaking French ]

[ Singing in French ]


MAN: Yakov and Naveed
were arrested.

Did you get the map?

No. There was no time.

Just get it.

Nothing else matters.

Vive la France!

[ Click ]

[ Singing in French continues ]

LUIS: Werner's eyes begin
to burn into her soul.

Eyes like the claws of an eagle.


[ Valentin snickering ]

[ Snickering continues ]

What are you laughing at?

[ Snickering continues ]

Well, it must be something.

At you.

And me.

What's going on?


They're bringing someone new.

[ Grunting ]

What time is it anyway?

He's really bleeding.

Is it a political prisoner?

They don't treat you like that
for stealing bananas.

Mm. You know him?

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Come on. Go.

[ Speaking indistinctly ]

Your name?
Hey! You!

And your name?

Luis Molina.

Valentin Arregui.

[ Door slams ]

[ Lock clanks ]

Do you want to shave?

Well, I didn't mean your legs.

What is the matter?

I don't understand why they
stopped my interrogation.

It's been almost a week.

Why couldn't they give me

that handsome leading
bIond man here

to keep me company,
instead of you?

What the heII
are you talking about?

Are you afraid to talk
about sex?

You really want to know, Molina?

I find you boring.

you don't know page one.

You know I'm a f*gg*t.
WeII, congratuIations.

You know I corrupted a minor.

Well, that's even on TV,
film at 1 1 :00.

You really like those
n*zi blonds, don't you?

Well, no, you see,
l detest poIitics,

but I'm mad
about the leading man.

He's so romantic.

Should I be shot for that?

Your Nazis are about as romantic

as the f*cking warden
and his t*rture room.

I can imagine.


You can't.

[ Grunts ]

You can't sleep?

You mind if I tell my picture?

After the show,

Leni changes
into a satin evening gown

that makes her look heavenly.

Firm breasts...

thin waist...

smooth hips...

Is this propaganda or porno?

Just listen.
You'll see.

Excuse me.


What is it, Michelle?


I'm a traitor.
A traitor to France.

What do you mean?

I'm going to have a baby.

But the father,

he's a young lieutenant
of the occupation army.

Is that so?

My poor Michelle.

But he Ioves me
and wants to get married --

as soon as he can get

I really can't understand.

How could you fall in love

with an enemy of our France?

Love has no country, Leni.

But there's something else
you don't know.

Leni, dear...

I'm working for the resist--

-[ Knock on door ]
-[ Both gasp ]

Come in!

For you, madame.

How can you remember
aII this crap?

You must be making it up.

No! I'm not, I sw--

Well, I embroider a little

so that you can see it
the way l do.

God help me.

You atheists never stop
taIking about God.

And you gays never face facts.

Fantasies are no escape.


If you've got the keys
to that door,

I will gladly follow.

Otherwise, I will escape
in my own way.

Thank you.

Then your life is as trivial
as your movies.

I'm going to sleep.

Tell the truth.

Who do you
identify with the most?

The cIubfoot patriot
or the handsome Werner?

Who do you identify with?

Oh, the singer.


She's the star.

I'm always...

...the heroine.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Have some.
It's delicious.

No, thanks.

What's the matter?
You don't like it?

Sure, l Iike it,
but, no, thanks.

Well, then go ahead
and have some.

It's a long time till lunch.

Can't afford to get spoiled.

Do you reaIIy think
that eating this avocado

will make you spoiled and weak?

Enjoy what life offers you.

What life offers me
is the struggle.

When you're dedicated to that,

pleasure becomes secondary.

Does your girlfriend
think the same thing?

How do you know I have a girl?

It's...the normal thing.

Does she avoid pleasure, too?

She knows what really counts.

That the most important thing

is serving a cause
that is noble.

What kind of cause is that,

one that doesn't let you eat
an avocado?

MoIina, you wouId
never understand.

Well, I understand one thing.

l offer you haIf
of my precious avocado

and you throw it back
in my face.

Don't act like that!
You sound just like a --

Like a what?
Say it.

Say it.
Like a woman, you mean.

What's wrong with being
Iike a woman?

Why do only women
get to be sensitive?

Why not a man?

A dog?

Or a f*gg*t?

If more men acted like women,

there wouldn't be so much
vioIence Iike that.

-Maybe you have a point.

A flimsy one,
but still a point.

Oh, nice!
"Maybe I have a point."

[ Door creaking ]

today's your lucky day.

The warden want to talk to you.

[ Door creaking ]

[ Door slams ]

Why did the warden
want to see you?

My lawyer called.

Parole seems
out of the question.

For a while, at least.

How did he treat you,
the warden?

Like a f*gg*t.

Same as always.

-[ Bell rings ]
-Oh, no.


[ Sighs ]

[ Match scratches ]

He told me something else.

My mother's not doing too well.

She has high blood pressure.

And her heart is kind of weak.

[ Sighs ]

People can go on forever
Iike that.

Sure, but not if you upset them.

Can you imagine the shame
of having a son in prison?

And the reason?

Go to sleep.
You'll feel better.


Only one thing can help.

[ Sighs ]

Sure, man, go ahead.

[ Scoffs ]

Is there a man here?
Don't let him go!

Did he get away?

[ Chuckles ]

Okay. Cut the crap
and tell your movie.

And now...

waiting in the moonlight,
behind the cabaret...

is Werner's limousine.

Werner's eyes are locked
on the backstage exit.

"La sortie des artistes."

He signals his chauffeur
to open the door for her.

Maybe because Leni sees a chance
to heIp MicheIIe,

or maybe because
Leni wants to know

what kind of man is hidden
inside this enemy invader,

she decides...

to join him for the evening.

[ Classical music playing ]


[ Music stops ]

[ Soft music playing ]

To a great artiste.

[ Glasses clink ]

LUlS: MicheIIe hurries
to meet her secret love.

But dark forces have already
decided the fate

of this sweet girl,

this girI
from the French Resistance

in love
with a German lieutenant.

Her time is up.


LUIS: Because...


LUlS: is a luxury

a spy cannot afford.

Michelle, look out!

-[ Screams ]
-[ Thud, tires screech ]

How can you leave me
sitting there like that,

chattering to myseIf
like some silly parrot?


When Michelle was k*lled,


It was chilling.

It's just a movie, Valentin,

just one of mother's
many stories.

Yeah, but I keep
thinking about...

someone I know.

Your girIfriend.
Tell me about her!

My lips are sealed.

[ Sighs ]

It's just that I'm...

so heIpIess in here,
with no way to protect her.

So you have a heart after all.


Write to her, tell her
to stop taking chances.

If you think like that,

you'll never change anything
in this world.

Now look who's living
in a fantasy.

You call this fantasy?

I'm so sorry.

Someday the struggle
wiII be won.

Don't worry, Valentin.
You'll have your day.

[ Lock clicking in distance ]

I'm sure.

[ Door slamming in distance ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Humming ]

[ Metal rattles ]

I'm starving.


No. You take this one.
lt has twice as much.

Because those bastards

want us to fight over it.
Take it.

No, you need it
more than I do.

PIease. PIease.
To build your strength.

Don't argue.
Take it!

May I have a spoon?


[ Chuckles ]

What's the matter?
Afraid of getting fat?

No. [ Chuckles ]

This glue is not so bad today.



When I said you should write
your girlfriend,

I also meant you should tell her
that you love her.

lt's so nice to get a Ietter
from someone that you love.

Are you crazy?

A Ietter wouId be Iike
denouncing her to them.

The only reason I'm still alive

is because they want
some information from me.

And if anyone tries to save me,

they'd hide my arrest
by k*lling me on the spot.

VaIentin, pIease.
Just don't say things like that.

The same thing could be
happening to her right now.

You love her very much,
don't you?

Love should always come first.

That's great.
Now I'd like to eat in peace!

Don't worry.
I won't disturb you.

[ Moans ]


[ Groans ]

What is it now?

It's my mother.

She must really be in bad shape,

or she'd come visit me
with groceries.

This happened once before.

Sorry to hear that.

Well, I told you she was sick,

but of course you weren't paying
any attention.

But that's not what
I'm crying about.

So what is it,
for Christ's sake?

Because it's so beautiful...

when lovers are together
for a Iifetime.

Why is it so impossible?

You got to be crazy crying
about something like that.

l wiII cry
about whatever I want to.

Valentin, do you think you're
the only one who's suffered?

You think it's easy
to find a real man?

One who's humbIe
and yet has dignit.

How many years
have I been searching?

How many nights?

How many faces filled with scorn
and deceit?

I mean, you know,

working as a window dresser --

enjoyable as it is --

at the end of the day,

you wonder what it's all about.

You feel kind of...empt inside.

Then one night...


It's something new
she just invented herself,

which she caIIs it
La Chikka-Chakka.

And she goes, "Chikka-chakka,

And it's an overnight sensation!

Next day she's in all newspaper,

and her husband
becomes so jealous

because he thinks she's nuts.

Good evening, gentlemen.

WouId you care
for the daily special,

or wouId you Iike
to order a la carte?

I haven't decided yet.

Okay. Right.

My heart was pounding,

so afraid that I would be hurt
once again.

Are you ready for me, sir?

Um...what do you suggest?

Well, perhaps the lasagna
and antipasto.

Don't you think the lasagna
might be fattening?

Then perhaps the steak
and onion soup.

That sounds wonderful.


-Thank you.

LUIS: His white tunic,
the way he moved,

his sad smile.

Everything seemed so perfect,
Iike in the movies.

You have no idea how much
troubIe l went through,

month after month, just to get
him to go for a walk.

[ Chuckles ]

But little by little, I made him
see that I respected him.

[ Sighs ]

Anyway, after more than a year,
we finaIIy became friends.

Jesus, did it take you
another year

to get him in the sack?

[ Scoffs ]
Are you out of your mind?

Nothing at all happened, ever.

You got to be kidding.

Don't you know anything at all?
He's straight. He's married.

I said to him, "Just once.
Let's do it just once,"

but, uh, he never wanted to.

I don't believe this.

Here l am staying up aII night
thinking about your boyfriend.

Sounds like a real bind, Molina.

All you can do is take it
like a man.

I take it...

like a woman.


That's why I want a husband
who's the boss.

Did you ever meet his wife?


But when they were on the verge
of spIitting up,

God, such illusions I had.

Like what?

That he might come home
and live with me.

With my mother and me.

And I would take care of him...

and help him lose that sadness
of his forever.

Well, that's life, Molina.

No, it's a shame.

With your looks and charm,

you should work
in a chic restaurant

or in a big luxury hotel,

making three times
what you're getting now

in that stinkhole.

[ ChuckIes ]
That's not so easy.

I know someone who works
in a big hotel on the coast.

He could talk to the manager,

and -- presto -- a new life.

And be what,
a busboy in a snob joint?

I would make less money
than now.

I could help you with a loan.

With your poise,
you'd be a waiter in six months.

I don't know.

Of course you do.

ln a year,
a maitre d' in a tuxedo.

You could pay me back
in no time.


Anyway, I appreciate your offer.

I'll think about it.

[ Bus brakes squealing ]

I got to get my bus.
I'm gonna be late.

See you tomorrow.

Bye-bye, Molina.

Good night, Gabriel.

Kiss the children for me.

[ Bus departs ]

LUlS: And then
it's over -- again.

My dreams disappear...

into the darkness...

and I wake up alone...

waiting, as always,

waiting and waiting
and waiting and waiting.

Waiting for what?

A man...

Ha ha.
A real man.

But that can't happen
because a real man,

what he wants is a real woman.

Can I ask you a question?

What is a real man
in your terms?


to be marvelous-looking
and strong,

without making any fuss
about it,

and walking very tall
like my waiter.

He just gives you
that impression,

but inside it's another story.

In this societ,
without power behind you,

no one walks tall.

Don't be jealous.

Don't be stupid.

You see how you react?

There's just no taIking
about a guy with another guy,

without getting into a fuss.

Look, just keep it
at a certain level, okay?

Or let's not talk at all.

Okay, you teII me
what a real man is.

I don't know.

Sure, you do.
Go ahead, tell me.

Well, not taking any crap
from anybody,

not even the powers that be.

That's not the most
important thing.

What really makes a man

has to do with not
humiliating anybody.

It's not letting the people
around you feel degraded.

That sounds like a saint.

Forget it.

[ Grunts ]


What's wrong?

-My stomach.
-Maybe it's your appendix.

No, I had mine out.
God, it hurts.

You feel like throwing up?

No, it's below there.
lt's in my guts.

[ Groans ]

The food didn't do anything
to me.

l don't know.
Maybe it's my ulcer.

I don't like this.
[ Groans ]

Why don't you go on
with your movie?

God! I never felt a pain
Iike this.

Go ahead and tell it.

LUlS: Leni...Iingers at
the window, so sad, so alone,

so afraid
that she will fall in love...

[ Inhales sharply ]

Tonight, the invaders m*rder*d
your friend Michelle.


You must complete her mission
and find the secret map

to the German arsenal.

Their chief
of counterintelligence

is in love with you.

I could never get involved
in such a thing.

[ Chuckles evilly ]

Nothing could be safer.

Do you love France?

Of course I do.

That Kraut can't keep
his hands off you.

Next time he touch you
Iike this...

and like this,
think of your country

and get the map.


Aah! Ohh!

-[ Classical music playing ]
-Stop her, you idiot!

Leni, desperate,

runs along this dark,
empt street,

but, furious, Clubfoot
hobbIes after her.


When suddenly...

[ ExhaIes sharpIy ]
This girl is finished.

What girl?

Me, stupid!
[ Groans ]


Guard! Guard! !

[ Breathing heavily ]


MAN: You're strong enough
to go back to your cell.

Your diarrhea will stop

Till then, no food.

Only water.
Clean water.

If you can find it.

Doctor, I need to see
the warden right away.

That's what they all say.

[ Door closes ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

I don't understand how you can
pass out from an ulcer.

I'm no spring chicken, darling.

I'm getting dizzy even looking
at these pictures.

God, wouldn't it be wonderful

if you told me a movie
for a change?

One that I haven't seen.

I don't remember any.

Don't be like that.

Come on, tell me one.


Don't be such a crybaby.

have you ever loved someone

that you didn't want to love?

What do you mean?

Leni didn't want to fall in love
with Werner,

but what could she do?

She steps through his doorway

like a goddess.

Her slim, graceful figure

trembles at the sight of Werner

descending the marble staircase.

Their eyes meet.

Leni says...

My best friend has been k*lled.

I need a place to stay.

Prepare the guest room.

[ Classical music playing ]

This music is magical.

I feel like...

I'm floating on air.

But her heart is saying,

"Oh, Werner,
you seem like a god,

but your tears...

your tears are proof that you
have the feelings of a man."


[ Door opens in distance ]

I can't hear.

[ Groaning ]


Fascist murderers.


Fascist murderers.

[ Clanking ]


Fascist murderers!

Fascist murderers!


[ Cups clanking ]

Fascist mur--



I'll clean it up.

You son of a bitch.

They're k*lling one of my
brothers, and what am I doing?

Listening to your
f*cking n*zi movie!

Don't you know anything?!

Don't you know what the Nazis
did to people?

Jews! Marxists!


Of course I know.

What do you take me for,
an even dumber broad than I am?

You son of a bitch!

You don't know shit!


You wouIdn't know reaIit
if it was stuck up your ass!

Why should I think about realit
in a stinkhole like this?

Why should I get more depressed
than l aIready am?

You're worse than I thought.

You just use these movies
to jerk yourseIf off.

If you don't stop,
I will never speak to you again!

Stop crying!

You sound just like
an oId woman!

That's what I am.
That's what I am.

What's this between
your legs?! Huh?!

Tell me, lady!

It's an accident.

If I had the courage,
l'd cut it off.

You'd still be a man.
A man!

A man in prison!

Just like the faggots
the Nazis shoved in the ovens!

Don't look at me like that.

[ Gavel taps ]

MAN: [ DistantIy ]
Luis Alberto Molina...

you shall endure the full weight
of the law

and not one day less.

You will be confined
without a chance of parole

for a period of not less
than eight years.

[ Gavel taps ]

Poor Mama.

Her eyes filled with tears
as if someone had died.

A life full of humiliation

and then the humiIiation
of a son steeped in vice,

but she never gave me
that bIack Iook.

Her heart broken
by too much suffering,

too much forgiving.

Because of me she could die.

[ Thunder rumbling, sobbing ]

If he ever says
one unkind word about her,

l'II strangIe
the son of a bitch.

Him and his filthy words

and his piss-ass revolution!

[ Thunder rumbles ]

[ MetaI rattIing,
footsteps approaching ]

[ Siren wailing in distance ]

[ Valentin groaning ]

Get me some water!

It's my stomach.

It's like a b*mb exploding.

It's the same thing
that happened --

I think it's the food.

We got to get to the infirmary
right away.


Wait! Stop!

I'm a political prisoner.

Don't be ridiculous.

This is no time
for your damn discipline.

Get away from the door!

Look at me. They gave me a shot,
and l'm better aIready.

Are you crazy?
That's what they want.

They'll get me hooked
on those sh*ts,

and I'll tell them everything.

What are we going to do?

Just leave me alone.

[ Groaning ]

Oh, God.

[ Classical music playing ]

What about my movie?

It might help you
forget the pain.

Later that night,
on the moonlit veranda,

Leni feels so safe,

so secure in Werner's arms.

Even when the phonograph stops,
they continue dancing.

[ Music stops ]

Dancing and dancing.


To the music
of the evening breezes.

[ Imitates breeze blowing ]


Who are you?

It's okay.

There, now.

Try to rest.

[ Breathes deeply ]


You shouldn't eat this garbage
whiIe you're sick.

I have to get my strength back.

It will only make you worse.

Tastes piss.

My poor little Valentina.

Don't call me "Valentina."
l'm not a woman.

Well, I've never seen proof
to the contrary.

And you never will.

Now, uh, the clubfoot told...

You'll like this part.
Wait and see.

The clubfoot told Leni
that her sweet lover

was ordering the execution
of her countrymen every day.

But she refused to believe it.

She only wanted to live
this Iove,

to feeI his touch,
to hear his voice.

It's a difficult decision.

MAN: Ja, Herr Kommandant.
We captured 1 0 of them.

They are all French,
but their activities prove

that they are enemies
of the people.

They call themselves patriots,

but in fact
they're common criminals.

Jawohl, Herr Kommandant.

Let the execution take place
at dawn.


[ Suspenseful music plays ]

Her fingers trembled
with the agony

of betraying the man
that she loves.

[ Groaning ]

It's like a nail in my gut!

[ Exhales sharply ]

That's better.

Do me a favor
and stop all this crap

about beautiful women in tears?

Leni's heart was beating
so fast,

that her swelling breasts
leapt out of her low-cut gown,

like luscious hors d'oeuvres
on a silver platter.

Oh, don't make me laugh.
It hurts!

Have a nice juicy tit.

[ Laughing ]

Have another.

The best places serve them
in pairs.

[ Laughs ]
The bucket, quick!

Oh, no!


[ Groans ]

[ Sighs ]

Phew. Christ.
What a smell.

I'm sorry.

You don't know how much
it hurts.

Just let it all out.

It can't smell any worse
than it already does.

[ Moans ]

God, I can't stand this.

You've been through worse.

Much worse.

I'm so ashamed.

Aren't you the one
always saying,

"Take it like a man"?

So what's this business
of being embarrassed?

l can't stand this.
I can't stand myself like this.

Take off your pants.

Come on. Come on.

Cover yourself with this.

[ Sighs ]

[ Zipper unzips ]

Why do you always have to...

pick on yourself so much?

That's it. That's it.
This one first.

Now this one.
That's it.

Okay, now...

wipe yourself off.

It'll -- It's yours.

No, it's not.
It's ours.

Wipe yourself.


There's a little more here...
and here...

Aren't you disgusted?

No, it breaks my heart
to see you like this.

There, almost finished.

Now take off your shirt.

No. It's all right.

The shirttails are soiled.

There. That's it.
That's it.

There we go.
Now just a second.

Okay, now, try to stand up.

No, it'll stink.

My weekly shower is tomorrow.

I'll have it all clean by noon.

There we go.
There we go.

There we go.

All wrapped up
like a little papoose.

It doesn't disgust you?

Lie down.

There we go.

We don't want you
to catch a chill.

What a shame
I have no talcum left.

Are you comfortable now?

Yeah, but I'm so cold.

I'll make you a nice hot cup
of tea.

This will work wonders.
lt's hot -- hot, hot.

You'll burn yourself.

You're very kind, honestly.

I don't know what to say.

Don't burn yourself.

[ Sighs ]

Oh, um, this...fell out
of your shirt.

Go ahead, read it.
I know you've been curious.

No, I only read love letters.

I don't want to know anything
about your poIitics.

It's from my girlfriend.
Her name is Lydia.

What about Marta?

How do you know about Marta?

You mumbled her name
in your sIeep.

What else did I mumble?


[ Sighs ]

The letter's from Lydia.

She's my girlfriend
in the movement.

Her handwriting
is Iike a chiId's.

[ Breathes deeply ]

She hasn't had
much of an education.

I'm gonna tell you the truth.

During t*rture, whenever I felt
close to death,

it was Marta
I would think about,

and she would save me.

My whole body ached to hold her.

What's she like?

She's upper class.

Pure bourgeoisie.

She's got everything.

Money, looks, education...

[ Scoffs ]
I'm such a hypocrite.

Just Iike aII those
class-conscious pigs.

I must admit, it was convenient.

A safe place to stay

while I was forced to hide.

Until one day I had to tell her

about my other life.

She just listened in silence
Iike she knew aIready.

Then she asked me to leave
the movement.

But how could I do nothing

when my friends were
disappearing every day?

I sensed that she was right,
but I had no choice.

So once again
I didn't know what to say.

Things are what they are.

I'll be back in a few days.
Same as always.

I can't take it anymore.

AIways waiting,
watching the phone.

Always alone.


if you leave, don't come back.

Don't come back.

VALENTIN: I no longer believed
in vioIence,

but I had to do something.

As a journalist,

I was always hearing
about the illegal arrests

and secret t*rture.

Then leaking
this information abroad.

My assignment was to meet
one of the last

surviving members
of the original movement.

His code name was Dr. Americo.

He needed my passport
to leave the country.

Are you all right?

A little tired.

You should have left a long time
ago, Dr. Americo.

This is where I'm needed.

I keep wondering
if it's all worth it

when nothing really changes.

[ Sighs ]

Well, good luck.
Here's your passport.

Take care of yourself.

Thank you.

He had accomplished
almost nothing,

but I was glad I could help him.

MAN: Freeze!


Here! Open your legs!
Open your legs!


What happened to Marta?

VALENTIN: I don't know anything
for sure except...

I'll never see her again.

Don't say that.

I don't deserve to die
in this cell.

I only confessed some code names
they aIready knew.

I can't stand being a martyr.

It infuriates me.

I don't want to be a martyr.

My whole life, a mistake.


Give me your hand.

I don't want to die, Molina.

I don't want to die.

Don't let me die.

Of course not.

You look thin, Molina.

What's the matter?

It's nothing. I was sick,
but l'm better now.

So stop trembling.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

Arregui doesn't suspect
anything, does he?

No, sir.

What has he told you?

[ Toilet flushes ]


nothing yet.


I feel I should proceed
very cautiousIy.

Molina, you are lying.

What are you hiding?

Nothing. How can you accuse me
when l aImost died for you?

He insisted...that l eat
the bowl with the poison.

You made a mistake there.

One plate had twice as much
as the other one,

so he insisted I eat
the larger portion.

Sir, you told me that the
poison food would be in a --

in a new tin plate.

Well, they loaded it up so much,
I had no choice.

I had to eat it myself

or he wouId have
become suspicious.

Poor MoIina.
I'm sorry for the mix-up.

I commend you.

Sit down, here.


Your mother is feeling
much better

since she learned
you may be paroled.


Of course, so stop crying.

You should be pleased.

It's from happiness, sir.

What did Valentin say
about his cadre?

His what?

His group.

Who they are.
Where they meet.

Nothing, sir.
He -- He is very sick.

lf he has any more poison,
I don't know what will happen.

His girIfriend.
What did he say about her?

He says that personal things...

are secondary to the revolution.

He thinks everything else
is trash, so...

I think he's warming up
to talking about it.

For me?

Thank you.

What did he say
about the new prisoner?

The one across the hall.

The one who's all messed up.

He said no crime justifies
that kind of punishment.

This coffee really hits
the spot.

Did he tell you his name?

Of course, sir.
It's Valentin Arregui.

No, you idiot!

The name of the new prisoner.

Of course not.
He's always wearing a hood.

Who put a hood on him?

It's routine.
He's political.

How do you expect him to talk

if he can't even see
the bastard's face?

It won't happen again.

MoIina, we've got to know
everything they are planning.

As soon as he sees
that new prisoner's face,

he will spill his guts.

Remember every damn word
he says.

Yes, sir.

The quicker he talks,
the quicker you get out.

Now, get back to work.

Uh, warden?
Um, one more thing.

Um, he heard the guards say
that my mother was coming.

And l had toId him
that she always brings me

a bag full of groceries,

and...I don't want him
to get suspicious.

Dictate what she brings.

To you, sir?

Yeah, to me.
And make it quick. I'm busy.

[ Car horn honking ]


Two roast chickens
in butter...


egg salad...

canned peaches...


condensed milk,
two bags of -- of tea --

one regular and one chamomile...

a jar of pickled herring.

Four bars of toilet soap.
What else?


Blessed Mary, my mind's a blank.

What else? Let me think.


Rye bread, sugar, I need.

roast chickens...
canned peaches...

Cheddar cheese. Mmm.

[ Sniffs ] Mmm.

Rye bread.

What happened?

Look at this.
Two roast chickens.

How about that?

Just watch how fast
you get better now.

Your mother came?

Yes. Tea!





[ Laughs ]

That's great.
How is she?

Oh, she's much better.
Much better. Thank you.

And Iook...
at all she brought me.

I mean "us."

Well, really that's all meant
for you.

No, you have to stop eating
that damn prison chow,

and you'll feel better
in no time.

You think so, huh?

You're damn right I do.

Starting today
a new life begins.

Oh, and I took a chance...

and left the sheets out
to dry...

and no one walked away
with them,

so tonight
we both have clean sheets.

Nice going.

Just Iet me get
this started and...


In a few minutes,
you'll be licking your fingers.

I expect you to eat all of
these chickens, both of them.

Well, what about you?

I'm not gonna just let you
sit around and drool.

No, I have to keep an eye
on my girIish figure,

or at least what's left of it.

Not yet.
That's for dessert.


WouId you Iike
some more peaches?

No, thanks, I'm stuffed.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Breathes deeply ]

Good food, good cigarette.

I don't remember
when I felt so good.

There's only one thing missing.


And I thought I was supposed
to be the one

who was the degenerate
around here.

No, no.
I mean a good movie.

Oh, of course!

[ Chuckles ]

Geez, why didn't I
think of that?

Your n*zi movie.
How does it end?

I thought you hated it.

Yeah, but I'm curious to see
how it turns out.

Well, let's see...

[ Classical music playing ]

They are dining
at the majestic table

in Werner's chateau.

As Werner begins to notice

Leni's cold distance...

she, suddenly, impulsively...

hurls her wine glass
across the room and says...

I refuse to love a man

who is the butcher
of my country!

Oh, my love.

Come with me,
and you will understand.

Werner takes her
to this government archive

filled with photos and documents

about famine
throughout the world.

He shows her how the elite

create faIse shortages
to enslave the masses.

Leni is deeply moved

and begins to see things
through Werner's eyes.

From that moment on,

Leni understood
Werner's mission --

to liberate humanit
from injustice

and domination.

As they Ieave
the baroque archive,

Leni feels the anguish
in her heart being transformed

back to her previous admiration,

but this time...

with the depth of a love...


Oh, my love.

How couId l ever
have doubted you?

She begs him to forgive her...

and promises to help ensnare
his enemies.

She arranges this secret meeting

with the head of the Resistance,

by telling him
that she will give the map --

Remember the map?

[ Valentin grunts ]

Only to him.

I believe this...

is what you want.


Well done.

So often, I was tempted to steal
it from him myself,

but some things are best done
by a woman,

a woman who betrays the man
she loves.

And there is something else
l have wanted...

almost as much as the map.


You know very well.


I've prepared a lavish banquet
for two.

I'm not hungry.

I am...

for you.


[ Groans ]

[ Grunts ]

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Gasps ]


Werner hears her sing.

She sings like never before.

She sings of her eternal love
for him

and begs him not to cry,

because her sacrifice was not...

in vain.

The end.

Well, what'd you think?

You toId it weII.
Next time, tell one I like.

Come off it.
The love story was divine.

Forget about the rest.
lt's so perfect.

When Leni...

[ Man groaning ]

What's going on?

What is it?

That guy is Americo.


The man with my passport!


[ Door closes in distance ]

They don't know he's here.

Who doesn't know?

Please, Valentin.
Maybe I can help.

[ Groans ]

[ Grunts ]

Good morning.
Did you sleep well?

Turn the other way, will you?


Because you'll laugh.

At what?

Something on any healthy man,
that's aII.

Whoo. A hard-on.

WeII, that is heaIthy.
Shall I close my eyes, too?

[ Chuckles ]

Hey, l missed breakfast.
Why didn't you wake me?

I told the guard
not to bring us anything

as long as our food holds up.

Damn it, Molina.
Stop running my life for me!

They already took him away.

I didn't want to wake you.

The water's almost hot
if you want some tea.


-Have some cake.
-You eat it.

Oh, come on,
let me spoil you a little.

Back off, Molina.

lt's not my fauIt
they k*lled your friend --

Shut up!
You damn f*gg*t!

[ Indistinct conversations ]

MAN: Look.

Oh! Oh, Luisa.
My favorite friend.

[ Indistinct conversations
continue ]

[ Door closes ] all the wonderful
things Mama brought me.

Here's a special treat!

Assorted bonbons.

What's the matter?
You don't like candy?

About the --

this morning.

Uh, about my temper.
l'm reaIIy sorry.

Oh, nonsense.

It -- It wasn't even you
I was mad at.

l've been thinking
maybe I am mad at you.


Because you're so kind.

I don't --

I don't want to feel obligated
to treat you the same way.

"Unable to take.

Unable to give."

[ Chuckling ]

LUIS: Every day he opens up
more and more with me.

Just give me a few more days.
l'm sure he'II taIk.

If he doesn't,
he'll be interrogated again.

And thoroughly this time.

But he's too weak
to be tortured.

And if he drops dead,
we aII Iose out.

I can't take anybody
being nice to me

without asking
anything in return.

If I'm very nice to you
it's because...

I want your friendship and...

No -- Yeah.


Why not say it?
Your affection.

The same way that l try
to be good to my mother,

who's never harmed anyone

and who accepts me for what I am
and Ioves me.


It's like a gift from heaven...

and the onIy thing
that keeps me going.

The only thing.

And you, too,
are a very good person.

Very selfless and devoted.

Risking your life
for your ideals, ready to die,

even in here,
for what you believe in.

Am I embarrassing you?


Well, sir, there might be a way
to speed this up.

I'm not sure, but I'm...

It's just a hunch.

Say it straight, Molina.

Well, you know
how inmates are, sir.

When --
When a cellmate leaves...

they feel all sentimental
and helpless.

So, um...

WeII, he's gotten
a bit attached to me,

so if he thought
that I was being released,

he's bound to open up and talk,

get a few things off his chest.

What do you think?

So, that's why I respect you
and Iike you...

and hope that you feel
the same way about me.

So I want us always
to be friends.


The reason I...

wanted to get this
in the open is...

because I may be leaving,

since I just heard
from the warden

that I may be paroled soon.


Tell him that you're up
for paroIe,

that we are going to move you
to another ceII in 24 hours.

Yes, sir.

And this is your last chance,
so get going.

You've got 24 hours.

One thing, sir.

You can't catch a fish
without bait.

I, um, I need more food.

This time, sir,
I've prepared a list.

They'll probably move me
to another cell in 24 hours.

My Iawyer says
that's the procedure.

I don't want to get my hopes up
too high.

Do you want an apple?

No, thanks.

I guess I should be happy
for you.

I don't know.

Yes. All I wanted in life
was to get out of here

and take care of my mother.

Nothing eIse mattered,
but now that my wish might be...

Be happy, damn it.
I'd give anything to get out.

But is it fair?


That I always end up
with nothing?

That I don't have anything
truIy my own in Iife?

You've got your mother.

Yes, but Iisten, though,
she's had a life and lived it.

She had a husband and a son.
But l'm stiII waiting.

At least she's still alive.

But so am I.

When is my life
supposed to begin?

When do l strike it Iucky
and have something for my own?

Right now you just got lucky.
Take advantage of it.

You're getting out.

And do what?
Hang out with my friends?

A bunch of silly old queens
like me?

Tell a few jokes till I can't
stand the sight of them,

because they're a bunch
of mirrors

that send me running
for my life.

My life of waiting for nothing?

[ Door slams in distance ]

TeII a movie.
You'll feel better.

[ Bell rings ]

Once upon a time...

in a tropical island far away...

[ Bird chirping ]

...there lived a strange woman.

She wore a long gown

of black lame

that fit her like a glove.

But the poor thing --

she was caught
in a giant spider web

that grew out of her own body.

One day...

a shipwrecked man
drifted onto the beach.

She fed him
and cared for his wounds.

She nourished him with love
and brought him back to life.

When he awoke...

...he gazed up
at the spider woman...

and saw...

...a perfect teardrop

slide from under her mask.

Why is she crying?

I don't know.

Why do you always need

Valentin, I'm so tired.
I'm tired of suffering.

You're not the only one
they've hurt.

You don't know.

I hurt so much inside.

Where does it hurt you?

[ Chuckles ]
In my neck and shoulders.

Why does the sadness always
jam up in the same spot?

Please don't touch me.

Can't a friend
even pat your back?

It only makes it worse.


'Cause I've fallen in love
with you.

I'm sorry, Valentin.
I wish it hadn't happened.

I understand.
Don't be ashamed.

Can I touch you?

If it doesn't disgust you,
I'd like you to.

[ Exhales sharply ]

[ Moans ]

Can I touch your scar?



Do what you want with me
because that's what I want.

If it doesn't disgust you.


[ Moans ]

You are so kind to me.


You're the one who's kind.

LUIS: Wait, I'm squeezed
against the wall.

That's better.

No, wait,
let me lift my legs.

You know, when l woke up,
I put my hand to my eyebrow...

to feel my scar.

You don't have one.

LUIS: Like I wasn't me anymore.
As if somehow...

I was you.

Look, let's not talk about this.

Let's not taIk
about anything at all.

Just for this morning,
I'm asking.

Aren't you going to ask me why?


Because I'm happy.

l'm reaIIy happy,
and I don't want to spoil it.

The nicest thing
about feeling happy...

[ Chuckles ]

is that you think you'll never
feel unhappy again.

You shit-face motherfuck.


Let me handle this.

Look at me, Molina.

What's the matter?

You're afraid this group
wiII kiII you?

Is that it?

No, sir, I want to help.

So what did he say?


WouIdn't it be worse
if I told you something

that was not true?

I'll have to move you
to another cell, Molina.

No, sir, please don't do that.

As long as I'm with him,

there's still a chance
that he might taIk.

You f*gg*t piece of shit!

You fell in love
with that bastard!

Okay, Molina.
You can go.

Get your things ready.
You're leaving today.


The minister approved
your paroIe.

Oh. God.
Thank you, sir.

[ Scoffs ]

Thank you.

And no more hanky-panky
with the little boys.

Oh, no, sir.
l swear.

They would never suspect you.

I mean, really,

there's no risk at all.

I'm sorry.
I can't do it.

I'm --
I'm just too afraid.

All you have to do
is give them a message...

from any public phone.

No. No names.
No phone numbers. Nothing.

I'm terrified of the police.


I guess I shouldn't drag you
into this.

[ Sighs ]

I swear, Valentin.

My only desire is to stay here
with you.

Take care of yourself.

Valentin, I've only ever loved
two peopIe in my Iife.

My mother and you.

I'm gonna miss you, Molina.

At least the movies.

Whenever I go to sleep,

I'll probably be thinking
of you and your...

crazy movies.

[ Chuckles ]

Whenever I see bonbons,
I'll be thinking of you.

Valentin, there's something
l'd Iike to ask you

that you've never done,
although we've done much more.

A kiss.

Okay, but first promise me

l toId you l can't,
and I'm so sorry.

No, no, no, no, no.

Promise me you will never let
anybody humiliate you again.

That you'll make them
respect you.

Promise me you'll never let
anybody expIoit you again.

Nobody has the right to do that
to anybody.

I promise.
Thank you.


What? The kiss?

No. The...

The phone number.

Wait a few days.
Dial two times, then hang up.

The third time...

[ Cell door closing
in distance ]

[ Whispering indistinctly ]

[ Lock rattling ]

Molina. Let's go.


Good luck, Molina.

Come on.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Radio chatter ]

A beer.

[ Typewriter keys clacking ]

MAN: Subject was granted
a speciaI paroIe

by the minister of justice

on orders from the Department
of PoIiticaI SurveiIIance.

The department believes
he will lead our agents

to the cadre
of Valentin Arregui.


[ Gasps ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Mid-tempo music playing ]

[ Scattered laughs ]

Whoo-hoo! Luisa!

Look who's here.

Nice to see you!

The return
of the leopard woman!

[ Laughs ]

Don't pay attention to them.
You look great!

1 0 years younger, darling.
Doesn't she?

Let's watch the show.

[ Scattered laughs ]

[ Wolf whistle ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Oh, shut up,
you bunch of faggots!

Now I would like to welcome home
a very dear friend,

a cherished sister,

who spent Lord knows
how many precious nights

to pay a stupid debt
to this hypocritical societ.

This is for you, lovely Luisa.

[ Whistling,
cheers and applause ]

[ Up-tempo music playing ]

[ Singing in French ]

[ Chuckles ]

[ Singing continues ]

[ Typewriter keys clacking ]

MAN: SurveiIIance reveaIs
subject has not returned to work

and almost never leaves home.

He spends his evenings
staring out the window

for no apparent reason.

You sure you won't eat

Just coffee.

You want to talk, Molina?
Is there something wrong?

No, l'm just not going
to see you for a while.

I'm going away.

With another boy?

That's good.

Don't get arrested again.

You're too old for it.

[ Door cIoses,
door bell jingles ]

[ Man speaking indistinctly
on television ]

[ Bell dings ]

l have a message
from Valentin Arregui.

Yes, a pay phone.

Excuse me,
is that really necessary?

Um, all right.


I'll be wearing a red scarf.

You don't have to close
the account.

There's no penalt
if you maintain --

Yes. Thank you.
Do you have an envelope, please?

Thank you.

Now, this...

is for Mama.

To take care of her
whiIe l'm gone.


All right, I'll handle it.

Wherever you're going,
it's probably for the best.

Mama, you look so beautiful.

Remember, Mama,
when l was IittIe

and you used to come
into my room

and kiss me good night.

I always pretended
to be asIeep,

but I was always waiting
for your kiss.

And though you're sleeping now,

I know you understand me.

lt's time for me
to take care of my own life.

You understand, don't you, Mama?

Don't be sad.

[ Classical music playing ]

[ Radio chatter ]

Go that way.
Move, quick.

[ Accordion playing
in distance ]

[ Accordion playing continues ]

Who are you?

I have a message from Valentin.

Are you Lydia?

Yes. Get in quick.

Get him!

[ g*nsh*t, tires screech ]

[ g*nshots, screaming ]

Molina! Stop!

[ Breathing heavily ]

Stop, Molina!

[ Tires screech ]

[ g*nsh*t ]

Get the car.
Move. Hurry!

Stand up. Move.
Get in the car!

The number.

Tell me the telephone number,

and you go to the hospital.

Talk, you f*cking f*g!

The number!

[ Typewriter keys clacking ]

MAN: Subject was shot to death
by the extremists.

His recent activities,

such as cIosing
his bank account,

suggest that he planned
to escape with them.

Also the way he was shot

seems to indicate
that he had agreed,

if necessary,
to be eliminated by them.

ln any case, it appears that
he was more deeply involved

than we suspected.

[ Gasps ]

This is morphine.

So you can get some rest, okay?

Oh, my God.

The way they worked you over.


Just don't tell anyone
about this, or I'll lose my job.

Just count to 40
and you'll be asleep.


Come, Valentin.
Come with me.

Don't be afraid.
You won't wake up in the cell.

What about Molina?

Come, my love.

Only he knows
if he died happy or sad.

l love you so much.

That's the one thing
l never said to you

because I was afraid
of losing you forever.

That can never happen now.

This dream is short,

but this dream is happy.