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Romance in Hawaii (2023)

Posted: 11/26/23 13:35
by bunniefuu
Yeah, as long as we have

the bid in by Thursday,

we should be fine. I have a good

feeling about this one.

Alright. You got it, George.

Thank you.

Is that a close

on the Howard Ranch?

Almost. Fingers crossed.

Ah, impressive. You know...

You're practically running

this company singlehandedly.

If I'm running Livvana singlehandedly,

what does that say about you?

That I know how to benefit from

my harder-working colleagues.

You ready to go to this meeting,

Diana said that she wanted us

there at 4 p.m. sharp.

Come on, we gotta go.

And here she is now!

The youngest executive

in Livvana's history

has just hit $100 million

in sales for the year.

- Yeah!

- Congratulations, Leah.

We're so proud to have you

as part of our family.


- That's right.

- Okay. Oh, thank you.

Thank you so much. Thank you.

Oh, don't pick up

your own party.

That's what we have

a cleaning staff for.

You know

I can't do that to them.

I always like to leave a place

better than I found it.

Thank you. You really

didn't have to do all this.

We missed celebrating

the other milestones.

I figured we couldn't let

this one pass us up, too.

Especially not one this big.

Mind if I have

a private word with Leah?

- Oh, yeah, sure.

- Thanks.

Oh, Leah, leave that. Uh,

please, come and have a seat.

- I wanna have a chat.

- What's going on?


The board is very impressed

with you, you know?

I'm so flattered. Thank you.

It's not easy getting

where you are in this business.

I-I won't pretend

it was easy for me either.

Being a woman in what is still

very much a man's world,

you often have to work twice

as hard to only get half as far.

But it's worth it,

we're making a difference

taking the archaic work

of the past

and making it relevant

for the future.

We make vacation homes

and resorts, Diana.

We make futures

and we make money.

I know you've got that little...

Well, more than little nest egg

you've been saving for years.

But I mean it,

the board loves you.

I'd say all it takes is

one more impressive project,

and I'm looking

at my future partner.

Wow. Diana,

I don't know what to say.

You don't have to say anything.

You deserve it.

Just... don't mention anything

to Michael.

I wanna believe

he'll be a good sport,

but I'm not sure

how he'll take the news

that I'm giving you

the promotion over him.

- Huh. Hi, Michael.

- There she is!

- How was your little chat?

- You know Diana.

- She just likes to check in.

- With you, maybe.

Don't you guys have always had

your own little thing going on?

I think she just sees me

as similar to her.

And honestly, she's kind of

the only mentor I've ever had.

- Scoot up.

- Exactly.

Your own little thing going on.

She didn't by chance mention

anything about these, um,

murmurs I've been hearing about

there being an opening

for partner?

Like I said,

she just wanted to check in.

Gotcha. You done for the day?

How about

we grab some celebratory drinks?

Thank you for the invite,

but not tonight.

- I've already got plans. Oh.

- Oh, she got plans.

- Yeah. Okay, Michael, goodnight.

- What kind of plans?

- I'll see you tomorrow.

- Maybe I can call you after t...

- Leah?

- Thank you.

- Hello?

- Rachel. Hi!

- Leah, what's up?

- Yeah.

I got some pretty great news at

work today and was thinking

about going out

for an impromptu celebration.

You free?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I can't tonight.

Yeah, no worries. Next time.

- Okay, congrats, girl.

- Thank you.

You've reached Mary.

Sorry I

can't get to the phone. Leav...

- Oh, my goodness!

- Hey, Kiki!

It really is you!

You know,

I could hardly believe when

I saw your name

come up on my phone.

I know, I'm sorry it's been

so long. I've just been so--

Busy, I know. You know,

the kids have been asking.

- About their Aunty Leah.

- They have not.

Well, they would if they ever

got a chance to meet you.

- How are you doing? Yeah?

- I'm great.

- Yeah. You?

- Uh, same, same.

You know, servant and chauffer

and caterer and everything else

for the little ones.

- Lucky little ones.

- They deserve it.

But, man, those days of staying

up all night in the dorm room

with you and gorging ourselves

on our meal plan at Parkside,

well, it couldn't seem

further away.

Wait, did that happen

or did I just dream it?

You know, I still have the photo

from move-in day

on proud display.

Best random

rooming assignment ever.

So what's new in your world?

Well, I got some pretty big news

at work today.

I found out I might be up

for partner at the company.

Leah, that's a really big deal!

- Hello, congrats! Oh.

- Thank you.

You know, John and I always said

that you would be the...

I'm sorry. I-I-I don't know

why I said that.

No, don't be sorry.

So, are you dating anyone?

- Nice segue.

- Ha-ha-ha...

No, I'm not dating anyone.

You know me.

I do know you, Leah.

John wasn't the only guy

out there, you know?

For me, maybe he was.

And maybe a love like that, I

mean, like you have with Kenny,

only comes around

once a lifetime.

And I already had my go.

Yeah, I can't wait

to rub it in when one day

you tell me that you've fallen

madly in love with someone new

and you're gonna start having

some keiki of your own.

I have accepted

that John was that for me.

He was my one chance,

and I blew it.

If you keep telling yourself

that you're never gonna feel

this way again,

then you never will.

You've got to be open

to the finding, Leah.

Yes, John was your first love.

But that doesn't mean

he's your last.

Yeah, but maybe he was.

And that's okay.

I feel like I've leveled out

and I'm in this great place now.

I just don't feel things so much anymore.

You know I don't remember

the last time I cried?

Maybe this is what

growing up is.

N-now my food delivery

is all I need.

- You sure about that?

- Oh, I'm sure.

As long

as you're actually happy.

Work is great, house is great,

life is great.

- But?

- No, no buts.

Hm. You know, you should come

pay a visit sometime.

All that hard work must mean

you're due for a vacation.

Ah, maybe soon, but right now

when I'm up for partner at

the company, I just gotta tough

it out a little bit longer.

- Mom!

- Uh, just a minute, Kealoha!

The keiki are calling,

so I better go.

But I'm glad you called, sis.

Now go out and celebrate

that promotion

and have an extra drink for me!

You got it, Kiki.

Talk soon.

Okay, thanks.

- Good morning.

- Morning.

Oh, Leah, may I see you

in my office for a moment?

- Sure.

- Michael's already in there.

I love that dress, Diana.

Oh, thank you.

Uh, please, after you.

Big news, guys.

We just caught word

that there is a property

coming up for auction in Hawaii,

one we've had our eyes on

for a while.

Oh. I bet the Prescotts

will be pleased.

Mm-hmm, exactly,

it's precisely the kind of place

where we could develop a resort

they're looking to own.

So I'm sending the two of you

out there to acquire it.

- The two of us?

- Yes.

The board wants you both to go

for this one. Our two best.

I'm sure you've both heard

by now that there is

a partner position

opening up here at Livvana.

Well, they wanna see if you guys

can make this acquisition

happen, and they wanna see

which one of you will do it.

Which one of us?

A-aren't we on the same team?

Not quite.

Uh, this isn't a normal auction.

There're some rules in play here

we haven't dealt with before.

The property currently belongs

to a family that's been there

for generations,

but there's a big tax lien on it

that they are not able to pay.

Companies, however, are not able

to bid on the lien.

Private bidders only.

So you want us to go out there

and bid as private buyers.

Yes. The family also gets a say

in who takes over the lien.

So the board feels it would be

wise to give them options.

That's why they're sending

both of you.

- Right.

- Sounds good to me.

So when do we leave?

The auction is

at the end of the month,

so I'm having your flights

booked for tomorrow.

It's going to take time

to build trust with the family.

The sooner you get started,

the better.

How are we supposed

to build trust

with this family

we've never met?

Well, that's

for two of my best buyers

in front of me to figure out.

Don't you know someone

out there? Your college friend?

Uh, yeah. We talked just last

night, actually. So weird.

Oh, well, maybe not. See, you're

already connected. It's a sign.

So pack your bags,

and let's see

who can secure us

this deal of a lifetime.


ladies and gentlemen.

Let me be the first to welcome

you to beautiful Hawaii.

Sorry about that, George,

we just arrived,

so I haven't gotten online yet,

I'll take a look

as soon as we get to the room.

Yup, I'll call you then, bye.

- Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry.

- Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry, miss.

- Apologies.

- No, it was my fault.

I wasn't looking and I...

Uh, I wasn't either. Apologies.

- Can I help you with those?

- Yes.

Uh, no, I've got it.

Thank you. Um...

I'm sorry. I-I was just looking

on my phone and I...

- Wow.

- Pretty great, huh?

This is what you were missing

because of that thing.

First time here?


- Welcome.

- Thank you.

Your first time, too?

Yes, this is my first time

at this hotel.

We're pleased to have you. I'm

the activities director here.

- Ikaika.

- Leah.


Well, pleasure.

Um, great to meet you guys.

Uh, we have our happy-hour

live entertainment

down in the main lawn

in an hour.

Check it out

if you guys are free.

We'll try and make it.

Thank you.

Are you sure you're okay?

He really slammed into you.

- You could be concussed.

- Yeah, uh, he...

I'm fine. I mean,

look at this incredible view!

Yeah, yeah, I guess

there are worse places

to compete head-to-head

for firm partner.

He said there's

entertainment in an hour? Well.

Wanna go settle in and then

you can meet me for a drink?

Okay. Sure.

Thank you.

May the best man win.

- May we do good work.

- Whatever.

Aloha and e komo mai.

Good evening and welcome,

everyone, my name is Ikaika,

and I'll be your MC

for the evening.

I hope you are all enjoying

your stay here with us.

I would love to introduce to you

our beautiful singer

for the evening, Mahulani. Please.

Let's give her

a round of applause.

And we've got a very special

treat for you all today.

For those of you who don't know,

hula is a dance

unique to Hawaii.

It portrays our prophecy

and history alike

and it connects us

with the tales

and stories of our ancestors.

Visiting us from

the beautiful island of Maui,

my Cousin Kehaulani

will be sharing

a little bit of hula

to all of you.

Mahalo, Kehaulani!

Let's give her another round

of applause, everyone.

That was something I guess

you can call it entertaining.

Should we get another round

of drinks? Tsk, tsk.

Ah, not for me, I don't think.

I'm-I'm feeling a little strange

all of a sudden.

I'm gonna go back to the room

to lie down for a bit.

- You all right?

- Yeah. Um...

Probably just jet lag.

Uh, I'll see you in the morning.

And another round of applause

for Mahulani.

- Morning, sunshine.

- Oh! Good morning.

- You feeling a little better?

- Much. Thank you.

Like I said, it was nothing.

Just needed some sleep.

- Ready to go to the property?

- Born ready.

- Hm. Sure.

- You mind driving?

Okay, huh,

so this is what's got

Diana and the Prescotts

all hot and bothered?

I think it's beautiful.

Maybe when we're done with it.

- W-wait.

- What?

Shouldn't we ask for permission



- Who's there?

- Good morning. Uh...

My name is Leah.

This is Michael.

We're here to see the property

that's going into auction

at the end of the month.

Of course you are.

It's always the haoles.

- Pardon me?

- We're a little busy today.

But you can come back for

the scheduled tour on Wednesday.

Actually, we were hoping

that maybe we could get this

conversation rolling

a little bit before Wednesday.

You wouldn't happen to be

one of the family members

that's responsible

for putting this

beautiful property up for sale?

It's not for sale.

That went well.

This is gonna be fun.

- Kiki!

- Aw, it's really you!

I'm sorry it took so long.

Well, the kids are at school,

but let's sit and talk story.

You could tell me about

your trip and everything else.

Hey, come on, come on, okay.

I don't know, Leah.

That sounds tricky to me.

I know it is, but honestly,

somebody's gonna do it.

It might as well be my company.

We're not as unsporting

as the others.

I mean, at least we actually pay

what properties are worth.

But they're having you go up

against your partner for it too?

- My colleague, yes.

- Some company.

I mean,

that's the nature of business.

At the end of the day,

this family's going to walk away

with a lot of money,

it's gonna change their lives.

Maybe they don't want

their lives to change.

Change is inevitable, Kiki.

Might as well be

comfortable, too.


Forgive me, sis,

but I can't help but remember

all the things that you used

to talk about in school.

About building

sustainable housing

and community resources

and just...

Wow, Kiki.

Yeah, I had so many dreams.

I mean, I would still love to do

those things.

And to be honest, I have been

saving up so that I can one day.

But I have to earn my way there

first, I guess.

That's what I'm trying to do.

Man, it really is everything

you said out here.

Yeah, now you see

why I never came back to LA.

- I can't blame you.

- Where are you staying?

At the Hale Hotel.

Yeah, it's nice.

There was even a hula dancer

last night that, um...

- That what?

- I don't know.

Uh, watching her,

this kinda sounds silly,

I, I felt something.

This coming from the woman

who said just a couple days ago

she couldn't feel anything anymore.

I know, I know, but, yeah,

watching her dance, uh,

the look on her face,

it was just pure joy

or-or longing,

or-or maybe both.

I-I don't know. I wanted

to feel that. Is that crazy?

That must have been

a great dancer.

Well, it sounds like

they're stepping up

the haole entertainment

over there, huh?

What is this word you're saying?

- Haole?

- Yeah. What does it mean?

Uh, it's what you are.

You know, not from here.

Yeah, that's what the woman

called us today.

Oh, well, don't be surprised

when everybody here

calls you that.

- Is it bad?

- No. It, it just is.

Now, let's get your haole okole

up and over here.

I wanna give you a full tour

before you go.

- Okay, okole?

- Yeah.

That's what you've

been sitting on, girl.

Hi, Diana.

Haven't heard

from you yet.

Michael called me first thing

after you guys

left the property.

Well, that surprises me.

There wasn't much to tell.

I mean, the property

is beautiful, I already

have some ideas

as to how to build

things around the natural lay

of the land.

Uh, Michael thinks the whole

thing would need to be leveled

so we can start fresh.

And I'm inclined to agree.

Really? I think

that would be a mistake.

Now is not the time

to be branching out.

Not when you have

this competition going on.

- Competition?

- Why call it anything else?

My hands are tied here, Leah,

I just don't want you making

choices that might jeopardize

your future, you know?

Aloha, everybody. It's time

for our group hula lesson.

Well, I thought you said

the board loves me.

Do I have any volunteers

to come on up and help me...

The board is still

very old-school business.

And the idea of a woman partner

is a bit more new-school.

They have these ideas of what

makes a successful executive,

and they're going to be

watching you closely.

Hey, you on the phone.

This is a no-cell-phone

activity zone.

Put that phone away or I'm going

to make you a volunteer.

- Look, I understand that, but--

- Fine. I'm gonna get you.

Uh, listen, Diana, I have to go,

but I, I will get back to you

very soon, uh, with my thoughts

on the property.

Thanks, bye.

Let that be a lesson

to all of you.

We take our cell-phone rule

very seriously.

Now, the lovely Leah is going

to learn hula and dance with me

one of our most cherished

hapa haole songs.

Now, first we start

with the feet.

All right? Like this, follow me.

- Come on.

- Do I have to?

The sooner you start,

the sooner it'll be over.

I have to call you back.

There you go.

Next is the hips.

Ey, you're a natural. Let's give

Leah a little bit of love!


Now for the fun part.

Hula tells a story.

So follow my hands and arms

and help tell this love story

with me.

Let's give another round

of applause to Leah, everybody.


Thank you so much

for being a good sport.

All right, now let's get

everybody on stage with me.

Let's do it all together!

- Hey, that was great up there.

- Oh, gosh, I...

You're the dancer

from last night.

That was beautiful!

I mean, you made me cry.

- Thank you.

- No, truly.

You made me feel things

I didn't know I could feel.

- It was lovely.

- Mahalo. You know...

Hula has always been special to

me, and it's so great to see new

people connect with it. Have you

ever thought about learning?

Oh, no. I, I mean, I didn't ever

see it until you last night.

I-I think I would remember

seeing something that beautiful.

Well, if it calls to you...

I just wanted to let you know

you did great up there.

Even Ikaika was impressed,

and he's never impressed before.

Well, thank you.

It was a pleasure meeting you.

You, too.

- Wow! That was cool.

- Ah, come on.

You showing all those moves.

That was crazy!

That was crazy, Leah.

I gotta hand it to you, though,

I would've never done

anything like that, I wouldn't

have been caught dead...

- Doing what you did up there.

- Gee, thanks, Michael.

I didn't choose to go up there.

He made me.

Why did you let him

force you to do it?

I would have just kept walking.


I guess I'm not as dismissive

as you are.

Hold that thought. Oh.

Hi, Diana.

No, no, it's a little bit

quieter now.

No, no,

she isn't dancing anymore.

She's actually sitting right

here next to me. Ah, uh-huh.

Yeah, you-you wanna...

I'm sure she would love to.

She wants to talk to you.

Oh. Okay. Diana, hi.

Yeah, it was right when

we were on the phone earlier.

I thought I told you

to take this seriously.

Do you know what the guys

on the board would say

if they saw you making a fool

of yourself like that?

- No one is going to see.

- Michael said he took a video.

He what?

It was just

a silly hotel-tourist thing.

I-I... It was a one-time thing.

We don't need anything

making you look soft, okay?

Or anything

to make the board think that

I'm making a mistake

by backing you, too.

Please, try to focus

on the end goal here.

Yeah, you got it.

I'll check in with you guys

tomorrow, okay?

Bye, Diana.

You told her I was up there?

Yes, she called

while you were up there and she

wanted to know where you were.

- And you took a video?

- I did, yeah. But it was funny.

I mean,

it was, it was fun.

You would, uh...

You wanna see it? I...

You don't wanna see it. Where

you going? I can delete it.

- To get some work done.

- I'll delete it.

It's not a big, um...


That's great, George. Thank you.

Yeah, I'll send an email

to Diana right now.

Have a great night. Bye.

Hey, Diana. Just closed

on the Howard Ranch.

Will send you all the details tomorrow.

Sorry about the...


What are you doing, Leah? Oh.

Good morning.

Good morning, I wanted

to see if you were ready

to head over to the property together.

Maybe we can grab some coffee

on the way?

Um, I actually think I'm gonna

do my own thing today.

Ah. Are you still mad

at me about yesterday?

I just don't think it makes

sense for us to be doing

these visits together when

you're constantly reminding me

that we're competing and are not

actually a team on this.

Uh, okay,

I'll take that as a yes.

Maybe I'll see you there.

Bye, Michael.

Maybe I'll see you...

Yeah, this looks like

a pa'u.


- Ikaika. Good morning.

- Hi.

I almost didn't recognize you

without your cell phone.

I almost didn't recognize you

without your microphone

and audience.


Um, sorry,

but it's a thing we do

out here, calling out the guests

like that.

- How fun for us.

- Oh, so much tension.

We gotta teach you

how to hang loose.

Some of us have too much work

to do to hang loose.

I don't know, you did

pretty great up there yesterday.

Have you ever

danced hula before?

- No.

- Well, you're a natural at it.

- Are you making fun of me?

- This time I'm not, actually.

I mean it. Seriously, you should

put that phone down more often.

A different side of you

comes out.

Oh, what the heck.

At the risk of sounding

totally insane,

you don't teach hula,

per chance?

- I-is this a real question?

- Yes.

Well, sure. Yeah, we do

group lessons here every day.

I don't want group lessons.

I need something more private.

- Do you do that?

- No, not really.

Uh, what about that dancer

you featured the other night?

You said she's your cousin.


- Yeah.

- Uh, does she teach?

Well, she left earlier for Maui

this morning.

- No worries, thank you.

- Well, why do you wanna learn?

I-I don't know...

I felt compelled to ask.

That's all.

Have a good day.

S-so, hey, cuz.

What's up with you

and that wahine?

- Nothing.

- Yeah.

That didn't look

like nothing, brah.

She's a guest here at the hotel.

She was just asking about

taking hula lessons.

Oh. Hello!

Gotta clean the vine

off the tea leaf.

- All that stuff.

- I know. Uh, I know.

What's this? Must be for aunty.

Cuz, you know I grew up with you

my whole life.

- But you know I just realized.

- What's that?

You look like the kind,

you know, that,

that guy from

that brewing company commercial.

- You think so?

- Yeah.

I mean, so identical,

like, chicken-skin identical.

Yeah. Ah, come on.

- Hi, kumu.

- Billy.


Ah, this note

was on the gate for you.

The phone number of another

haole who wants to take over

the place. I saw her leave it.

Aloha, mama. Where do you

want me to put these?

Barely even a hello

for your mother before you get

to business?

Those can go back over there.

Sometimes I think if you didn't

need to borrow things

from the halau

for your silly tourist shows,

I would never

get to see you anymore.

I see you

every couple of days, ma.

And the only reason

why I'm doing

the hotel job is for the halau.

Oh, cuz, you should tell kumu

about that haole

at your hotel that wanted

the private lessons.

- She might have money.

- What is this?

You don't wanna be a kumu,

but you wanna start

teaching private lessons

to tourists?

That's not what's happening

at all.

One of the guests at the hotel

saw Cousin Kehaulani dance,

and she danced at one of

the participation activities,

and she seemed to love it,

because she asked

about taking private lessons

to learn more.

- You're not a kumu.

- Obviously.

Yeah, but, aunty, this woman,

she looked like she could pay.

I told her I didn't teach.

Yeah, but you're not gonna

show her anything real.

Just spend some time showing her

Hukilau and--

She's not gonna be happy

with just Hukilau.

What's going on between you

and this haole?

Nothing. I-I just told you.

For once Billy might be right.

You can teach the haole.

Goodness knows

we need all the money

we can get right now.

But only hapa haole, understand?

Yeah, of course.

Trading the phone

for another device, I see.

I can't be the only person

on the island

trying to get work done.

No, but you might be

the only person doing it

at the bar of what is typically

a vacation resort.

How's it? I didn't think

you were working tonight.

I'm not. Just here to see

this lovely lady.

- Is that so?

- It is, indeed.

I wanted to tell you that,

after careful consideration,

I have decided

that I will teach you hula.

- If you still want to learn.

- You will?

Under a few conditions.

One, no phones.

Two. And this came

from the kumu--

- What's a kumu?

- A teacher.

- A kumu hula is a hula teacher.

- Like you.

No. I'm not a kumu.

Normally if you want to learn

hula, you would have to join

a halau, a hula school,

so to speak.

And the teacher and leader

of the halau is the kumu hula.

But that really means

joining the ohana

and committing for

a long journey, and frankly,

no halau is just gonna let

anyone join on a whim.

Especially not someone just

visiting here for a short time.

And the kumu who taught me,

in particular,

is very discerning

as to who she will accept

as haumana students.

So you're saying

you can't teach me.

Um, I'm explaining that

I'm not a kumu,

though I thought that's what I

was going to be for a long time.

So, two, what we are going

to learn is very informal

and just scraping the surface of

what we can learn

outside of a halau.

Only English songs,

only basic moves,

what we call hapa haole.

If you wanna dive deeper

into the styles

we call 'auana or kahiko,

traditional hula

all in Hawaiian,

then you would have to join

a halau.

Okay. I get it.

When do we start?

This is my haole.

Sorry for the mess.

Are you kidding? It's beautiful!

I know it's not much,

but you wanted private.

Definitely won't be seen

by any of your coworkers here.

Yeah, that's perfect. Thank you.

Now, the thing

about hula

is that its main purpose

is not to entertain.

It's meant to perpetuate

and preserve the stories,

culture, history and traditions

of Hawaii.

Hula is the heartbeat

of the Hawaiian people,

and so it must be protected.

To know hula is to know Hawaii.

- Right.

- Great. Let's get started.

Let's start with the feet.

Take off your shoes.

In hula,

we start with the feet up.

It's our base, our foundation.

This is called kaholo.

One, two, three, four.

One, two, that's it,

three, four.

One, two, three, four.

One, two, three, four. Perfect.

Let's try hala.

Hala, point right.

Two, point left.

To, yeah, right, two, left.

Two, right. Two, left. Two.

Okay. Now let's try the ka'o.

Ka'o is the movement

of the hips from right to left.

Right to left. Right to left.

Right to left.

Think of moving your hips

like a figure eight

or an infinity sign.

Constant flow.

Yeah, right, left.

Right to left. Right, left.

Right, left. Yeah. Right. Yeah.

- Sis!

- Hi!

- Okay, come, come, come.

- Hi!

- Hello!

- Aunty!

This is your Aunty Leah.

Hello, Leilani, Kealoha,

it is so nice

to finally meet you in person.

Hey, Kealoha,

it's Leah, remember?

Okay, look, look, look, look.

You know who I'm talking about.

There is something different

about you today, Leah.

- Is there?

- Yeah.

Maybe the island

is changing you, eh?

Maybe I'm just really happy

to finally be meeting

your beautiful family.

As much as I wanna

take the credit,

I-I noticed it

when you first got here.

- You meet someone?

- No.


- No, spill it.

- It's nothing.

I started taking hula lessons.

- I mean, I mean, not really.

- You what?

It's just beginning stuff

with someone from the hotel.

What kind of someone?

They... Can they even do that?

I guess, to the extent

that we're learning, yes.

Uh, he said he got permission

from his kumu,

even though he's not part

of the halau anymore.

Um, who is he?

- The guy teaching me.

- I see.

And this guy,

does he know what he's doing?

I mean, it seems like it to me.

Ah, imagine that.

My Leah, a little hula girl.

Oh, shh!

But I can't tell anyone because

if my boss found out,

she would k*ll me.

I don't think your boss

would be the only one opposed.

- What do you mean?

- I'm just surprised.

Usually kumu hula

have strict rules

against teaching just anybody

hula, especially tourists.

But every halau is different,

I guess.

Well, he said it's outside of

halau, and he's not even in it,

and he got

his kumu's blessing...

I know,

I know it's unconventional,

but for the first time

in a long time

I'm feeling alive.

I don't know. Hm.

I believe it.

I can see it, too.

- Okay, all right.

- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Ah! Howdy, partner. How has

your, uh, work solo day been?

- It was great. Yours?

- Great, great.

Um, didn't see you

at the property today.

- I must have missed you.

- Oh, I missed you, too.

Well, where, uh,

where else have you been?


Well, would you care to join me?

No, I have some work to do, actually.

So I'm gonna head up. But enjoy

the rest of your night.

It looks like it's gonna be

a beautiful sunset.

And one, two, three, four.

One, two, three, four.

Very good.

Now let's stop and move on

to the next part, hands.

This flowing movement

of the hands is called mili.



Smooth. Soft, but strong.

Delicate, but purposeful.


Um, I don't know

if my hands move that way.

- I have an idea.

- Okay.

- What are we doing here?

- I'm gonna show you.

- You see the waves?

- Yeah.

See how they move in a powerful,

smooth, continual motion?

That's how your hands

need to move.

Let the island and nature

show you.

Try it.

It's not about them. It's about

you and hula and the island.

Come on.


Why'd you do that?

Oh, the trash? It's a habit.

I always like to leave a place

better than I found it.

That's actually a Hawaii rule.

Leave the island

better than you found it.

You're not too bad for a haole.

- You know that?

- I'll take it.

Your boyfriend,

on the other hand--

What? I don't have a boyfriend.

The guy you're always with.

Michael? No.

Michael is not my boyfriend.

Does he know that?

You did good today.

Thank you. But now I'm starving.

Can I take you to dinner?

There's that place by the hotel

I've been meaning to try.

- No. You don't wanna go there.

- I don't?

Let me take you out

for some real kind of grindz.

- This is delicious.

- Fully sustainable, too.

Prawns are raised right here

on the land.

You can see the pools

all around us.

Yeah, that's something

you don't see in LA.

Family has been here

for generations,

as has this business.

Right up the highway they have

this fully-sustainable

fish pond


by generations of volunteers

providing resources

to the community.

Wow! That's wonderful!

We're very connected

to the land here.

Hawaii is more

than beaches and mai tais.

Though, those are

pretty great, too.

You see that tree

right over there?

- Yeah.

- I once knocked myself out.

By running into it.

- What?

- No, no joke.

Me and my Cousin Billy

made a stupid bet

over who can run the fastest,

so I ran so fast,

and when I looked behind me

to see if Billy was catching up,

I ran right into that tree

and knocked myself out.

Right in front

of the whole halau, too.

Come to think of it,

maybe that's when it was decided

that being a kumu

wasn't in my future.

- Mahalo, aunty.

- Aunty?

Oh, everyone's aunty

and uncle here.

Sign of respect and endearment.

We're all one big ohana, family.

I love that.

- Do you ever regret it?

- Regret what?

Not becoming a kumu.


Why would I want such an honored

and respected role

when I can easily teach tourists

the Hukilau at some hotel?

No, but seriously,

I don't regret it.

It was the best decision for me.

What about you?

- What about me?

- Would you change anything?

Oh, I don't know.

I don't even know what that

would look like, you know?

I take that back.

I wish I had told John

how much I actually loved him

before it was too late.

Sorry. I don't know

where that came from.

Don't be sorry. Who's John?

John was my first...

Well, really, my only love.

We met in college

and just clicked.

Right after school I got

this incredible job offer

on the other side of the country

and I left him for it.

I broke his heart.

A couple years of later

I realized how much I missed him

and how much I messed up,

and I went to find him.

But he had gotten married and

was starting a family

with someone new.

- I'm sorry.

- Ah. It was a long time ago.

I dove fully back into work.

And one day,

it stopped hurting so much.

I kind of stopped feeling

or doing anything

outside of my career.

And it's been that way

ever since.

So, really, this is

kind of making a change for me.

I mean, no part of me ever

thought that I would be here

and learning hula.

And hiding it from my work,

no less.

So, thank you for helping me.

Thank you for wanting to learn.


for the unexpected rambling.

No, thank you

for trusting me with it.

- To new horizons.

- And new friends.

And getting to know

the real Hawaii.

Oh, before I forget.

- What's this?

- For the last two lessons.

- Oh, no, I can't.

- What do you mean you can't?

It's been my pleasure, Leah.

Uh, you're reconnecting me

with my home and

letting me experience it

through your eyes.

That's more valuable to me.

Thank you.

Positioned right

on the crystal-blue coast

and offering stunning views

of the magnificent mountains,

this in-demand destination

could host upwards of 200 guests

in its modest 60 rooms.

If we level out the land,

this number could climb

to 300 guests and 100 rooms.

Or it could sustain

generations and generations

of a family and community.

Getting to know you, indeed.

All of our songs

we dance to,

these are all stories

of the island.

But to really dance the mele,

a song,

you must really feel the kaona,

the hidden meaning.

Understanding the island

might help you get there.

This is one of our most historic

fish ponds.

- Breathtaking.

- Yeah.

Volunteers from the community

help maintain it,

and the resources from the pond

in turn

help sustain the community.

I grew up coming here

and working the ponds.

That's amazing.

One of the few places

on the island

as yet untouched by developers.

I wanna build

something like this one day.

I try to come back

every now and then,

but it would be

great to leave the hotel job

and do something like this


- What is it?

- No, nothing.

No. What?

You're just really unexpected, Ikaika.

I mean, listening to you

talk about

all these things

you wanna build,

I'm reminded that I used

to wanna build similar things.

And, I don't know,

life got in the way

and I-I forgot

that I wanted those things.

It's never too late to remember.

No. I guess not.

- Pua.

- Pua.

You're getting so close,

I think just maybe

you're missing the kaona,

the hidden meaning of the song.

It'll come.

It'll just take time.

But you already told me

what it means.

Uh, this hidden meaning

I can't tell you.

You'll have to discover it

for yourself.

Let's head back. I gotta do

hotel activities in an hour.


I think you dropped this, aunty.

- Beautiful.

- Mahalo.

- Everything okay?

- You made an impression.

- With that kupuna.

- Kupuna?

Ah, it's a name

for our respected elders.

How did you know which side

to put the flower on?

Oh, um, it just seemed right.

Or maybe you've been paying more

attention than you've realized.

For tomorrow's lesson,

I wanna give you something.

Let's meet at our regular

beach spot after work?

It's a date.



What was that? It was beautiful.

A chant.

Putting the sun to sleep.

Been a long time

since I felt called to do that.

You've been reminding me.

Well, reminding me a lot lately.

I've made a career

out of creating spaces

all over the world.

I have never met anyone

with as much reverence

for a place as you.

I'm far from being

an example of that,

as my mother loves to remind me.

No, everything that I've seen

since I met you

has shown that you really care.

You really love this island,

and making me

fall in love with it, too.

Which is crazy because I thought

I was perfectly content

back home.

But being here, spending time

with you and with the island...

I think

that I'm maybe seeing that...

I didn't know

that I could feel more again.

And maybe that's why

I'm frustrated when you say

that I still don't get

the hidden meaning,

because, truthfully, I'm feeling

more than I have

in a very long time.

You'll understand the kaona

someday, don't worry.

You know what the kupuna

said to me yesterday?

- The one you gave the pua to?

- What?

She said

she could sense your spirit.

And she responded

very favorably to you.

That's no small praise

coming from a kupuna like her.

You also knew which side

to put the pua on,

and I'd never told you that.

That was a lucky guess.

I-I didn't know it mattered.

But you did. You're wearing

yours on the other side, too.

It's like you know

without knowing. It's natural.

She's right, you know?

There is something about you.

My mother is a kumu hula, and

for the longest time I thought

that's what I was going to be.

But things became

a little strained.

My father... Are you ready

for it? Was a haole.

He also wasn't a good one

at that.

He made some unwise investments,

got in a little

financial trouble.

Then one day he just

up and left. Never came back.

She never really got over that.

Ikaika, that's terrible.

He passed away when I was young.

My mom did her best

to bounce back,

but I think

I reminded her of him.

I'm glad my mother has

the halau.

I'm realizing

that my mother's real love,

her real child was the halau,

and I'll never be

good enough for it.

I'm sure that's not true.

I tried for years.

I even chose the halau

over what I wanted to build.

Invested in that instead

of the ponds I wanted to create.

And I think part of her

wanted to trust me,

but there was always

that part, too, that worried her

that I would turn out

to be like my father.

I'm so sorry.

It's okay,

I've made peace with that.

And now she's in this place

where she might lose the halau,

or at least the property its on.

So she's come back into my life

to ask me to somehow save it.

She made me

fall out of love with hula.

But... here you come,

all of a sudden, out of nowhere,

a haole, no less,

you're the one making me

fall back in love with it again.

I am so sorry.

No, it's okay.

I'm supposed to be your teacher.

I can't--

Ikaika... I understand.

Oh, I almost forgot.

I brought something for you.

I think you're ready

for the next step.

Normally in a halau,

this would be made for you.

But seeing as our situation

is a little unique,

I figured you can borrow

my old one.

It's one of my old pa'u skirts

from when I was a keiki.

Now you can really work on your

dance like a real haumana would.

It's beautiful! Thank you.

Bring it to our next lesson.

You're ready.

- Oh, aloha! Mrs. Ka-Ka-Kama--

- Not today.

- I was just wondering if I cou--

- Aunty, aunty.

I'll talk to Ikaika,

i-it's gonna be okay.

Ikaika isn't gonna do anything.

It's too late.

- Did you say "Ikaika?"

- Oh. Who are you, brah?

Well, well, well. If it isn't...

Wait, I'm sorry,

what is your name again?

It's been so long since

I've seen

you last,

I've completely forgot.

It's been less than a week,

Michael. Calm down.

I, uh, paid a little visit

to the property again yesterday.

You do know you're supposed to

be gaining the family's trust.

- Not bullying them, right?

- And I learned...

Some pretty fascinating information.

- I bet you did.

- I gotta hand it to you, Leah.

I'm impressed

there is a shark in you yet.

- What are you talking about?

- This little hula guy...

That you've been sneaking off

with, at first I thought

you were just getting, you know,

a little friendly

with the locals.

No judgement here. Then I

found out who he really was.

- Can ya make your point already?

- I realized...

That this nice-girl play of

yours is just an act. Well done.

Michael, I don't know

what you're talking--

Oh, I think you do

and I figured out

your little secret.

I'm on to you.

- What? I don't--

- I, uh, uh--

I have a meeting to get

to. I will talk to you later.

Hope it's a good meeting.

Your back was turned, but...

I used air quotes.

Oh, actually,

we are going to put this top.

There you go, now let's see

if it covers your knees.

Hm, just barely. But I think

for our purpose, this will do.

Thank you.

Are you ready for the lessons

to really begin?

What are you doing with that?


This is the haole girl

that you wanna teach?

- We talked about this.

- You gave her your pa'u skirt?

It's just for the lesson--

We said tourist hapa haole only.

You shouldn't give it away.

She has no need for a pa'u!

I didn't give it away.

I thought--

Oh, you thought, did you?

Because it doesn't look like it

to me.

She's not haumana

and you're not a kumu.

- She's a swindling--

- That's enough.

I'm sorry,

but you shouldn't call her that.

Quiet, I want you

and all your villains

to stay away from my son.

- Mom.

- Your son?

Do you know what your kind

is doing to me and my family?

Ikaika, can I talk to you

for a moment?

- No, you cannot.

- But, aunty, I can explain.

- What did you call me?

- I'm sorry.

I am Kumu Kamalani,

and no aunty of yours.

Now take off that skirt,

and don't come back.

I'm so sorry, Kumu Kamalani.

I'm so sorry, Ikaika.

- Back so soon.

- Not now, Michael.

You know what

I was talking about earlier?

About how impressed I was with

your, we'll call it, work?

- Well, Diana agrees with me.

- What did you tell her?

Just the truth. In fact,

she was so impressed that... Ah.

Diana, hello!

- Or should I say aloha?

- Diana?

Is anyone else struggling

to breathe in this humidity?

I didn't know you were coming.

Oh, really?

Michael said he told you.

I did, didn't I?

Oh, I thought I did.

She's been so busy lately, I'm

sure it just slipped her mind.

Michael has been telling

me about your tactics with

the family, and I have to say,

I was starting to worry

about your ability

to pull this off,

especially after Michael told me

about your dancing.

But now that I see

what you're up to,

I'm sorry I ever questioned your

ability to attack like a shark.

That is exactly what I said.

I mean, chumming it up

with that hula guy

so you can get close to him

and the family

and then convince them

to surrender the buyout to you.

- I... Ah. Genius!

- What?

At first I thought, what could

you possibly see in this guy.

Right, and then just yesterday,

and I'm talking to his cousin

and I learned that he is

the heir of the property,

and thus the decision-maker

that we're all here

trying to impress.

- Ikaika, wait.

- Ooh. Is that him?

Oh, maybe you don't have this

as quite in the bag

as you thought.

How could you?

- Ikaika. No, I did--

- You have some nerve.

You know, I thought

something was a little strange.

Why would a rich hotel guest who

keeps such unpleasant company

want to spend any time

learning about the island

and our traditions and why would

she wanna make it a secret?

- It's all coming together now.

- That isn't what happened.

- It isn't?

- No.

Because it looks like

that is exactly what happened.

When my mother told me,

I didn't wanna

believe her,

but your colleagues

really cleared that up for me.

So thank you.

I didn't know that you were

related at all to the property.

- I swear.

- Are you even hearing yourself?

I told you

my mother was the kumu hula

and that her halau is in danger.

But the halau

is on the property site?

Stop with what

you're playing at!

She saw you there.

That is where you met.

Yes, but I-I didn't know

who she was at the time.

And-and I didn't know

the halau--

The land is currently

under my name.

No, the property

is under the name--


My American name is Robert,

like my father.

When he passed, the property

was bequeathed to me.

That is how the halau

is still there.

And now I'm going to lose it.

After all these generations,

I'm the one to lose everything.

My mother was right.

Never trust a haole.

Don't bother putting your name

on the auction tomorrow.

Good job, everyone.

I'll see you all next week.

I wasn't expecting

to see you yet.

- It's the auction.

- I heard.

And I have something

to show you.


- Diana?

- The auction is off.

- What?

- The property!

I just heard the news.

The family's attorney got

a check from an anonymous donor

who paid the lien just in time

to pull it from the auction.

But-but... That's... How-how?

How on earth did they come up

with this kind of money?

I've been trying to get

a hold of Leah, too,

but she's not in her room and...

What's this?

Just a little

goodbye-for-now gift.

Some snacks

for the kiddos and you.

Thank you.

Do you really have to go back?

I do. Yeah.

- But, uh...

- But what?

All I've done is make a mess

of things since I got here.

You were supposed to convert

to an island girl with me.

I ruined that fantasy too badly

for repair, I think.

But maybe one day,

after I have some time

to heal, I...

I'll come back and visit.

Oh, just come on.


- I'm sorry, Leah.

- Don't be.

I learned that I...

Well, I learned

that I can really love.

I can feel exhilarated

and feel butterflies

and all those crazy things

I never thought I'd feel again.

And if the downside of that

is that I also have to feel

the pain of loss,

well, then I have

to deal with that.

At least I can feel.

And that's something

I didn't know I could do again

before I got here.

You sure you can't just

try talking to him?

Thank you for still loving me.

And thank you for always knowing

when to check in.

I real... I don't thank you

enough for that.

Oh, no thanks necessary.

Get in here. Oh!

This came in

from the attorney, too.

Why didn't you

tell me that you had

a business plan for the land?

- How?

- This is wonderful, Ikaika.

And the attorney said

that there's an anonymous

investment check

that will cover the development.

Looks like someone else

out there believes in it, too.


- Why did you do it?

- Do what?

The anonymous check the family

suddenly got to cover the lien.

I know it was you.

You know I'm gonna have to ask

for your resignation letter.

Already submitted.


Please, I just wanna understand.

I just knew in my heart

it was the right thing to do.

But giving up everything you've

worked for this whole time

at Livvana?

Uh, and giving up partner?

You know I have to give it

to Michael now.

And not to mention

however much you paid

to cover that lien.

Well, what I invested is small

compared to what you and

the Prescotts would have made

from displacing the family

that owns that land

and that runs

the community center.

And it's small compared

to what we've made at Livvana

doing that

countless times before.

I hope it was worth it.

I know that it is.

Diana, I-I need you to know

that this has nothing to do

with you.

This is about me, mm,

finally following my heart

that feels something for the

first time in a very long time.

You will always be the greatest

mentor I have ever had.

Thank you for that.

What am I gonna do without you?

Ah, well, I might be penniless

and looking for work soon.

I don't know if you're heard,

but I just blew

my savings on a whim investment.

Well, don't tease me.

Maybe take a little time

while you're here

and experience it.

It might change your life.

Did for me.

- Good luck.

- Thank you.

Hey, haole!

Billy said you needed these.


- I'm sorry, Ikaika.

- For what?

For all the things

that I said to you

and for arguing with you

on your instincts.

Well, you were right

about doubting those.

No, I was very wrong.

And I'm sorry

for making you feel that

I could possibly love

anything more than you.

You're my son,

and I couldn't be more proud

of the man you've become.

You have a good head

and you have a good heart.

And you could see the truth

and the spirit in people

that I was too angry to see.

You honor me, Ikaika,

and I love you.

I better get in there. Class is

about to begin in a few minutes.

And we have a new haumana

joining our ohana.

- Someone new?

- Wanna come welcome 'em with me?

Ikaika, this is our halau's

new haumana.

Like I said, you were right

and I was wrong.

I went to the beach last night

to pray to our kupuna

for guidance.

And while I was there,

so was Leah.

She was dancing all alone,

and she made me feel something.

She danced from her na'au.

You taught her that.

And you taught her well.

Rumor on

the street is she just invested

in a very promising

local business.

Apparently, she did

the development plans, too.

Seems like we can use a partner

like her, don't you think?


- Hey, you did so good out--

- Thank you. I was so nervous.

Oh, don't be.

We'll see you next time.


- Congratulations.

- Thank you.

I was just as surprised

as you probably were.

Kumu said she saw you dance

the mele on the beach.

Must have found the kaona

if it moved her.

Yeah, I, I think I did.

You see, I kind of messed up

with this really great guy.

Ah, we had this whole misunderstanding

and we both said

some hurtful things.

- Yeah, ouch.

- Yeah.

And it's really a bummer because...

I think I might actually

have feelings for this guy.

Is that so?

You know, like,

like, real feelings.

I think I might love him, actually.


What if he feels the same way?

Well, that's the thing, there's

nothing they can do about it

because there is this whole rule

that a teacher

can't get involved

with his haumana.

Oh, but he's not her teacher anymore.

And she's a haumana with a halau

that he's no longer a part of.

Though, there is this business

that he's hoping

she might partner with him on.

I've been waiting a long time

to do that.

- Me, too.

- My haole hula girl.